tv News Al Jazeera September 22, 2014 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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. >> after a day of chaos and violence in yemen, rebels and the government sign a new peace deal. hello, you're watching al jazeera, live from doha. also on the programme... >> it's a strong power and energy. >> the u.n. chief and hundreds of thousands of others march in new york and around the globe in the biggest ever climate change protest. after the u.n. meeting on
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i.s.i.l., the secretary of state meets his iranian counterpart again, plus... >> i'm nicole johnson in pakistan where tens of thous onwards homeless interest the flooding are now very ill. hello, after all the chaos and killings in the past few days yemen's government and houthi rebels have come to an agreement. the rebels pushed into the capital and took over government buildings. it will give houthis and other sanctions more say. >> reporter: it's a deal signed. houthis bombed their way through sanaa taking major government buildings and the military command on sunday. by the time the assault was
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completed, a comprehensive peace agreement was signed. the president called it historic. >> with all the parties supported by the international agreement, we have secured this. we commend the efforts of the unspecial envoy. i urge all to work together to implement the agreement. >> reporter: the u.n. brokered agreement tackled major issues, but came short on specificses in crucial aspects, such as security and the houthi takeover of the capital. >> translation: the president holds transparent consultation with all party, to establish a techno accurate government within a month. the current government will run the country until a new government is formed. it must be inclusive of all representatives of society. the duties of the government will be delegated, but also on a central level.
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>> within three days, the president must appoint two advisors, from from the peace movement. a partisan prime minister must be appointed. >> other points include a special community. another special body will be tasked with resolving the security situation in the northern areas. the agreement did not say when the houthi fighters would pull out from the capital, or when they'd put down their arms. the houthis said their campaign to topple the government would come to an end once the deal is implemented. the offensive started from a stronghold in the north. they turned south, taking a string of cities before reaching the capital. in sanaa, supporters demanded a more inclusive government, and cuts to fuel prices. servers say the goal of the
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group is to seize power. the latest violence is the biggest challenge yemen faces in its transmission to democracy. it has, for a long time, turned to a political party. >> several crumbled in the past. sunday was no exception. in view of unique circumstances under which it came to light. >> meanwhile yemen's only nobel peace prize winner accused gunmen of breaking into her resident in sanaa. after a government and rebels signed the peace agreement on sunday evening. she has been critical of houthi fighters in the past. a political analyst and editor-in-chief of yemen post says the crisis is far from
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over. >> the houthis are camping in sanaa, in the areas they have been camping in, for at least a month. and so a new government is forming. the houthis will be here for a while. one flaw that i realised in the deal was that the houthis still have the right to create or have checkpoints, their own checkpoints, other than military checkpoints. i expect tensions to continue, as long as the houthis have gunmen on the streets. if they are allowed to have checkpoints, that means they are allowed to have gunmen. there'll be tension, and i do not expect this deal to end the crisis in yemen, and in the next couple of days yemen will witness a crime not as heavy as they were yesterday or a couple of days ago, but it's very tense here today. >> new york city hosted what organizers say was the largest
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climate change protest in history. 300,000 marched through manhattan, including ban ki-moon, al gore, and leonardo dicaprio. >> reporter: this is more than a march for climate action. organizers say it's a movement, led by those on the front lines of climate change. from coastal communities who are losing their neighbourhoods, to indigenous groups travelling from the south-west of the united states. >> the delegation we brought is impacted. we have a boom of fracking going on. history of uranium mining in the area i work. we felt the negative impact of all of these. we are here to join with our brothers and sisters to push for a just transition. >> plenty of dignitaries on hand, including former u.s. vice
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president and climate activist al gore. and united nations secretary general ban ki-moon. ban convened a climate summit here in new york on tuesday. there are effort under way to reach an agreement by next year. >> if nothing happens this week, the action is on the streets. this is the climate change movement coming of age, demonstrating that it is a profound concern for people. this is the biggest political gathering about anything in the united states in many years. okay. and that is the message above all that we need to get across. >> environmental activists have been down the road before. what is different is the broad coalition that is supporting that. state-becaused groups to labour unions -- state-based groups to labour unions, are hoping to produce a ground swell of support. major unions brought thousands,
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reflecting an evolving issue on how climate change will hurt the economy in the future. >> if we don't combat climate change, our economy will be devastated. >> with strengths in numbers, activists will call for an agreement keeping it under 2 degrees celsius, phasing out carbon solution, switching to clean energy. they say we must act now or pay the price now. a u.s. secretary of state john kerry has been meeting iran's foreign minister amid discussions between iran and six state pours. according to a u.n. state depp official reading that they discussed:
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the threat from i.s.i.l. is bringing together two countries that don't usually agree on much. the group is taking over kurdish villages in northern syria. 70,000 syrian kurds fled across the border into turkey in 24 hours. we have more on that. >> reporter: walking for miles with a few possessions that they could carry. thousands left their homes. they were fleeing an offensive in nearby syria. men, women and children struggled to make the long ju journey to safety. >> we left our homes. we were close to the fighting. the situation was not safe. we feared for our safety. i.s.i.l. seized dozens of villages, and has been pushing into the kurdish town, also
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known as kobani in the far north. the u.n.h.c.r. said stepping up efforts to help turkey cope, escaping the fighting between the kurdish forces and i.s.i.l. in the past 24 hours. tensions rose as authorities closed the border temporarily. a crowd gathered to show support. some refugees remained at the checkpoint waiting to see what would happen back home. others preferred to cross over and join thousands displaced. only a few were lucky enough to find residents in nearby towns. they, too, are anxious about their future. >> even though we managed to escape, we can't stay forever. >> the kurdistan workers party protect the border region. it stated:
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>> reporter: until recently the turkish government and the kurdish minority fought a civil war killing thousands. the show of solidarity could be seen as a sign of how i.s.i.l. is shifting opinions. the pope held mass in albania and urged leader to condemn religious extremism there, and praised them for being a model of harmony between the majority muslim faith and christians. >> reporter: albanians awaited the pope's arrival with enthusiasm - not just the 10% that is catholic, but orthodox christians and muslims, making
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up half the population. they gathered in their thousands for a glimpse of the pontiff. no one seemed unwelcome, and albanians feel they know why they were chosen for the visit. >> it was albanian because of our - because the communities, catholic and others live good together here. we have - we are very tolerant. >> translation: we never had problems. we are a peace-loving people. we love god and believe we don't discriminate against any faith. >> religion was banned under communism. the orthodox church became a gymnasium. when the iron curtain fell, the church baptized adults born under the old regime. >> reporter: the pope conducted mass under dozens of different clerics. perhaps it was this suppression of all religious belief that made the faiths feel equal, and
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albania an ideal place to highlight the value of tolerance. as the international coalition confronts the islamic state of iraq and levant, religious leaders in europe want faith to unit, not divide. >> it is nothing to do with islam, and the valuation promoted to the people. there are a lot of wrong things happening there. everyone has to understand that it is something that forces people's strength, to leave together. in this sense, we have to upped that we are leaving in the same shape, living in the same world. >> reporter: muslims and christians intermarry, whether religiously observant or not, and are welcome in each other's places of worship. albanians know to deny this is to tear families apart. much more ahead on al jazeera. when we come back - on a mission
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capital, taking over government buildings. a u.s. secretary of state john kerry met iranian foreign minister mohammad javad zarif for an hour, and talks included the fight against i.s.i.l. in iraq and syria. on friday john kerry brought together 35 countries together to build support. u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon joined 300,000 protesters in new york to urge world governments to act on climate change. a conference on the issue will take place on tuesday. protests were held all over the world. scientists say that climate change increased the likelihood of extreme weather. it's rarely clearly on an individual basis to what extend. there has been flooding in pakistan. thousand were forced to live in camps where conditions were tough. this report from southern
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punjab. >> reporter: a baby girl born four days ago and named after her mother. sama had to give birth on the banks of the field. the family's home was swept away by the rising tide. >> i was in acute pain, laying on the bed for two days. i couldn't afford to visit a doctor or get medicine. >> the weakest is suffering, especially children, pregnant women and the elderly. >> we count a dozen babies in this camp alone. children are developing soars. >> we need a doctor, money, care for the baby, hygiene, food and clothes. the government has given us nothing. we are exhausted. >> 2.5 million people have been effected in one of the worst floods this region has seen. many can't go back to their village, they are living in camps on the side of the road.
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>> across huge areas floodwaters are starting to recede. it's leaving behind dirty, stagnant water, breeds disease and misery. >> people are using the water to bathe, and wash clothes and dishes. in some areas they are drinking it. many are getting sick. >> they are living next to the homes, not inside. they have beds outside their homes on the roads, and we have all the stagnant water and insects around them. they are around them. that is what makes the decision worse, and these are the conditions they are living in. >> this medical center for flood victims is run by a charity, and is in the middle of a major road. children have skin rashes and infections. this woman tells us she is referring from vomiting and
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stomach cramps. all the women have the same complaint. doctors are treating 2,000 in attends alone. >> there's diarrhoea, skin diseases and more and more people are showing up with water borne diseases. medical staff are pleading for help, saying it's a crisis. at least these victims have somewhere to go for medicine, and to see a doctor. in isolated regions, there's no one. for now, this baby and her mother struggle alone. in afghanistan, there were muted celebrations in the capital kabul, after ashraf ghani was named the president-elected, the power-sharing arrangement with his rival abdullah abdullah resolved three months of political deadlock after
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disputed election results. at least three explosions in china's zinc jang region killed two, injuring others. it followed an attack in july in zinc jang -- zinc jang. muslim separatists have been blamed for the violence. >> thailand has hundreds of thousands of migrant workers looking for better lives in a new country. their children face difficulties, there's a school in the south looking to help the children integrate and provide opportunity. >> free haircuts at school. to most families, saving the $2 wouldn't make a difference. to the migrant families of these children, it could mean an extra meal. this child is lucky, most children don't have access to schools if they are migrants, and many are undocumented. the learning center is for
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children like him, whose family left myanmar looking for a better life. they help with documentation and send children to thai-government-run schools. he still has to work the rubber plantation his family lives on. >> cut the rubber, and i sleep for an hour, i shower and come to school to study. during recess and after lunch i play with my friends. >> reporter: his family left myanmar years ago, but he started school in may. his father wanted to wait for a better job before he was enrolled in school, that way he knew he could afford the $10 a semester tuition. it took five years. a recent report from the human rights watch focussed on the conditions for the children. >> i don't think they are trying to get the children locked up,
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but because of disfunctional laws, children end up in detention. >> the military government has made some progress. documenting 1 million migrants. that's one of the biggest issues, says the director. as a former revolutionary he fled the government in myanmar. >> according to eyewitnesss working in thailand, the thai military government tried to provide legal assistance to the undocumented migrant. >> the houthi may be making migrant workers lives better in thailand. there's a lot of work to do in changing entrenched systems in law. documentation is the first step. with the fluid situation, there's a chance effort can be undone by the next government. u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon has expressed concern
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about journalists detained in egypt, in a meeting with egyptian president abdul fatah al-sisi. he arrived in the u.s. on sunday to attend a meeting at the u.n. general assembly. the u.n. chief called for the release of journalists detained solely for exercising their right to freedom of expression. it's his first trip to the u.s. since his election. he's not expected to meet the u.s. president obama. of course, al jazeera continues to demand the release of its journalists imprisoned in egypt. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed have been detained for 268 days. they are falsely accused of aiding the outlawed muslim brotherhood. peter greste and mohamed fadel fahmy received a 7-year sentence. mohammad had an additional three years for having a spent bullet in his pocket, picked up from a protest. >> military commanders in ukraine are accusing pro-russian
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separatists and russian troops from firing on their forces. they say they will not set up a buffer zone until all abide the peace plan. after a journey across 700km, n.a.s.a.'s maven spacecraft is now orbiting mars. it is expected to orbit for a year, as part of a $670 million mission to learn about the red planet and the atmosphere that surrounds it. jacob ward has more. >> reporter: mars is a scary and desolate place, stripped of life by the sun, which roasted away the conditions needed for life on the surface. how desolate is mars - that's what we have sent the maven satellite to measure. there are many complications, not the least the incredible amount of time to get there. what is difficult and risky about this mission is how close the spacecraft needs to come to
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the surface. it's unbelievable. it's like shooting an apple off someone's head but from 700 million kilometres away, a bullet that would take 700 days to get there. the satellite boomerangs out and back from the plan et before re-entering the orbit for 4.5 hours. that's the pattern. it will do it for five weeks, and then will spend a year orbiting mars to grab the data that way. it will do a delicate and dangerous dance around mars. it's no joke. it's entry point is close, but it will get a lot closer to the surface. at the lowest orbit, it will be 125km above the planet. if you were standing on the surface, you'd look up and see it whipping past. we see sunlight glinting off the international space takes, and that's three times as high as
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maven will orbit. being that low will let the satellite take a big deep sniff of the gases and ions, and will take ultra violet images of the ball. it's a lonely ghost lit mission to a lonely, ghostly place, giving us a sense of not only what it would take to live on mars, but what the universe may do to our own planet when we are ghosts here billions of years from now. iraq is in the news for all the wrong reasons. sunday, something special happened. imran khan reports from baghdad. this might be the least likely weapon iraq has deployed against i.s.i.l. [ ♪ music ] this is the rick yoi national sim -- ricky symphony in collaboration with the child youth orchestra. concerts like these are crucial
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in the battle against i.s.i.l., who swear to perform anything that doesn't conform to their ideology, including music. a lot came to watch the concert. some say it's a reflection of a desire for more events like this, despite the fear many have of leaving neighbourhoods. >> for the conductor it's less so. >> for many years we've been marginalized by religious ethics. it's serious art and is a message to our audience, that we can transcend war and give a moment of peace and tranquility. >> the challenges of mounting a concert are many. the electricity cut halts the performance, the heat is stifling. it is, however, crucial for development and the country. >> it's important in difficult
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times because of what the world is going through in so many countries. i hope that it goes through other areas, to be an example that even though we are living in iraq, we are doing concerts and attending. people still care, in music. that's the point, i guess. >> more concerts will require is big effort. in the year since the invasion. the arts scene has declined. a lack of investment means this once grand building is in disrepair. under saddam hussein, events like this were common and well attended. >> despite the challenges, putting the concert on is a moment that they may want to grow into a series of concerts. iraq was called for centuries the cradle of civilisation.
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and a reminder as always, lots more on the website get the latest on all the stories we are covering. plenty of news and analysis. it's all there for you. america might have to fight i.s.i.l. without one of its vital allies in the region. i'm taking a close look at turkey, a big power of the country that plays a pivotal role in the middle east. dark money in the midterm elections, how some non-profits can spend big bucks but keep the real donators a different. groceries to the front - dash they are red hot again. i'll tell you what might be different this time around. i'm ali velsth
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