tv News Al Jazeera September 24, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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inflicts on our society. the arms treaty provides the necessary tools to tackle this growing challenge. however, it is vital that all nations sign the treaty. but more xwovrnth, that they ratify it, all of them. the first conference of the state parties of the arms treaty will be held in mexico next year. this will be a great opportunity for all natal to work together manufactured avoid arms harming children or vulnerable populations around the world. in this sense, we should strengthen the united nations so it can effectively combat terrorism, which las rates our planet. n additionally, we need that the united nations to overhaul its efforts in terms of nuclear
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disarmament. we must have actors have greater capacity manufactured also demand those that already possess this capacity to reduce manufactured eliminate armament. if we want a safer world can, we should warrant that no one threats to use nuclear power that could jeopardize the survival of human carnage now that the state to finally, define sustainable development goals is closer, we need united nations that embraces a more comprehensive approach regarding the world being. post 2015 should acknowledge that poverty cannot be determined solely by insufficient income but by taking into account other basic needs that trump both personal and collective development.
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we should also bear in mind that one of the guiding principles of this agenda should be economic manufactured social inclusion. challenges in the middle east, and becoming increasingly dangerous given the lack of solution for the crisis and continued acts of murder and destruction. the violations of human rights, the suffering, placement of nearly half the palestinian people. this makes it incumbent upon the international community to work to end the bloodshed and the systemic bloodshed, to choose between accepting it's presence or their country. we've already warned that the continuation of the regime of terrorism, genocide and replacement and to provide support of the syrian revolution when demanding dignity. we've also warned international community right from the
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beginning that if action was not taken about the situation in syria, we would be getting to where we are now. when the syrian people defended themselves with weapons weed a co-aggravate the support of the syrian people before the regime destroys their country and before extremist organizations at large. no red lines were drawn for the action of the syrian regime. the world remained silent even when syrian women and children were killed with chemical >> change is never easy when it requires transformation and is dependent on the cooperation of actors each with its priorities and interests. in the specific case of the united nations multiple voices acknowledge the need for change, but at the same time they believe that it is an impossible task because no one is willing to yield.
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mexico experienced a similar situation. but they also warned that it would not be possible to fulfill them. those voices help of the political group and the government of the republic would not be able to reach an agreement, but nonetheless mexico demonstrateds that it is possible to reach agreement against plurality. when there is will for constructive dialogue, diversity can be a source of strength. the found day foundation for mexico and all the essential commitments were made to advance a comprehensive agenda for
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reform. it made the job possible. we also dared to modernize, to cease opportunities for credit and reduce its cost to strengthen, to give way to a new model of energy in the country. we mexicans decided to transform ourselves. these profound changes were decades-long overdue mainly in part because no political party helped majority in congress during the last years. nevertheless, lie doin dialogue and consensus were vital in
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achieving the changes. what was the difference that allowed change in mexico? it was the will of an entire nation who dared to change. mexico dared to transform itself and set itself into motion based on this experience i'm convinced that the united nations can also change. ladies and gentlemen, almost 70 years after it's creation the united nations must evolve as the international arena did. i know it will not be easy to build consensus in the u.n. because the momentum must be broken and paradigms must be changed. but i also know that the talent, the vision and the wisdom to achieve it is here in the united nations, and it is time to build
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a new united nations for a new century. this will require that all countries have the will to listen, tolerate and even so the will to compromise. at the end of this process the world will have a more efficient united nations, one that is able to work successfully in favor of peace. my country is willing to play an active role in this. mexico is willing to work along side the united nations. peacekeeping operations is the privilege of the united nations to assist countries worldwide to end conflict and create conditions for sustainable peace, by providing humanitarian
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aid, security and post conflict reconstruction. this is why mexico supports the values of cooperation. this is why mexico decided to participate in united nations peacekeeping operations, provide humanitarian work benefiting. mexico will continue to participate with the clear united nations security mandate. with such determination mexico is a responsible stakeholder will take a historic step forward to give it's commitment to the united nations. this year this organization will commemorate it's 70th anniversary, and it will offer us the opportunity to make our plurality both an asset and a strength to drive change.
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with the participation of all of us we have the drive and the wisdom of all member states the united nations can transform itself to further benefit humanity as a whole. thank you very much. [applause] >> he haven't been listening to enrique pena nieto the president of mexico. the war on terror or as is the case in mexico immigration, and drugs. joining us for more is a contributing writer to global voices online in the world policy institute. thank you for booking with us. your impressions of the president's speech? >> well, i have to say that i'm very curious as to why he did not address some of the most pressing issues in the western hemisphere such as the war on drugs. >> and the situation on immigration. a lot of ears and eyes were on him wondering what he would have
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to say. >> he said beforehand that he was going to dedicate this speech to diversity especially given that this is the year of the indigenous communities being held in new york today. but as you pointed out, i think it was--i was more interested in living to what he had to say about unaccompanied children in immigration to the united states as well as his role in the war on drugs. >> there is an a lot said from children immigrating alone. how does the story play in mexico? what is the reaction there? >> well, i think there are a couple of things underlying here. first of all, corruption in mexican authorities. this poses a hurdle in stemming incoming children influx through mexico to the united states.
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that was one of the things i was expecting him to address that during the assembly. we're talking security issues not just involving isis, what we've been hearing throughout the day. it's important to understand what the role of the mexico authorities are in the entire security framework. >> also surprised he did not address the situation concerning hurricane odea. one of the worst hurricanes to hit in decades. he talks about the assistance that mexico gives when it comes it international aid, but did he not talk about the world community did not line up to come to mexico. >> correct. i think it's very important to say that mexico has played a priva profit pivotal role in terms o climate change. hosting meetings in climate
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change and solution. he left a lot of issues unattended this time and decided to address the importance of creating a new united nations, as he pointed out. >> he said it was time now to build a new united nations for a new generation. that seems to be the theme be it the representatives from the arab league, be it the representatives from the united states or whoever has addressed the united nations today during the 69th meeting. why is new u.n.? are there parts of the world that no longer believe that the united nations works? >> well, here's something that we need to understand. i think from the very beginning today even secretary general ban ki-moon addressed that the united nations has to be doing a much better work in terms of addressing issues such as syria, isil, the ebola crisis. but i think another aspect of this speech that we just heard is that mexico is an emerging market. it is part of an emerging market, one of the next 11. >> he said it was part of a new world order.
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>> yes, mexico is one of the largest economies in the world today. it is the tenth largest economy. mexico is looking for another active role becoming what they call the trillion--trillion dollar economy, just like south korea, like france and italy. they want to be an active partner, an active global player. i think that's what president pena nieto was addressing. >> when it comes to north america, there is a different thought towards mexico because of immigration. >> i don't think it's fair. mexico is one of the most important partners in terms of trade partners. >> especially in regards to nafta. >> in regards to nafta. the fact that there is a wall separating both nations it definitely aims at the hearts of mexicans who feel they're not
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welcomed in this community that you mentioned, nafta. >> also we want to talk about some of the other things that happened, the president being the number two speaker before the united nations general assembly, the 69th meeting. he followed brazil's president, i want to play a little bit about what the president said. all ears were on the president, and the issue of isil. take a listen. >> so we reject any suggestion of a clash of civilizations. belief in permanent religious war is a misguided refuge of extremists who did not build or create anything and peddle i fanaticism and hate. along the lines of tribes, race,
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religion. this is not simply a matter of words. collectively we must take concrete steps against fanatics and the trends that fuel their recruitment we've degraded methodically al-qaeda to a sovereign afghan government, extremist ideology has shifted to other places particularly in the middle east and north africa where a quarter of young people have no jobs, where food and water could grow scarce, where corruption is rampant, and sectarian conflicts become increasingly hard to contain. as an international community we must meet this challenge with a
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focus on four areas. first, the terrorist group known as isil must be degraded and ultimately destroyed. >> and that was the president of the united states addressing the u.n. general assembly earlier this morning, going on to say that the only language for a killer like this speaking of isil is the language of force. we're going to take a short break. we'll be right back as our coverage continues of the 69th session of the u.n. >> i strongly reiterate the opinion to the security council to refer to the city. oh, i love pet day. you guys are just two big softies. cut it out... look at these guys. oh, you... [laughter] ohhh!
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>> consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america right now we're going to breakaway from our colleagues in doha and bring you the address before the u.n. general assembly from sheik tamin bin hamad al thani. this is the 69th u.n. assembly meeting in >> it has been a day of news and newsmakers many of those addressing the crowd, talking about the crisis in the middle east involving isis and isil, the president of the united states saying that the only language for killers like isil is the language of force and calling on the rest of the world to unite against bullies, as he referred to it. but he also talked about another controversy, one that captured the headlines before the dry citizen in the middle east, that is the situation in ukraine. he talked about the downing of
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the ukrainian--the malaysian airliner by he believes russian authorities. he said that russians can't get away with being bullies. >> they develop their democracy and economy. we will reinforce our nato allies and up hold our commitment for collective self defense. we will impose a cost on russia for aggression, and we will counter falsehoods with the truth. we call upon others to join us on the right side of history for while small gains can be one at the barrel of the gun, they will ultimately turned back if enough voices support the freedom of nations and peoples to make their own decisions. >> and it was shortly after that that the president laid down the gauntlet to russia, going on to
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say that russia has a chance to end the violence. >> the recent cease-fire agreement in ukraine offers an opening to achieve those objectives. if russia takes that path, a path that stretches the post cold war era to prosperity, and we welcome russia's role in addressing common challenges. after all, that's what the united states and russia has been able to do in past years. >> that's the kind of cooperation that we're prepared to pursue again if russia changes course. >> that was the president of the united states addressing the u.n. general assembly, the 69th session earlier today just moments ago we heard from mexico's president. i'm joined in studio by robert
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valencia, a journalist who has covered the president for quite a long time. one of the reasons that so many people were listening to what the president had to say is that they wanted to hear something said about the issue of immigration, and the number of migrants crossing the border, many of them from central america. witwas there a sense that he missed an opportunity to speak out? >> well, here's--i'm going to speak my mind--immigration keeps being at the back burner. not just at the international platform but nationally. there has been a tremendous push back from large organizations such as nclr in the united states trying to move the agenda forward, but issues like syria, the government shutdown, all the things that we've seen in the united states move immigration to the back burner. >> think no matter what immigration will be on the back burner. it is the issue of leastry
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citizeleast resistence. >> yes, immigration is always an issue where they're trying to gain hispanic voters. even the president himself said that there would be reform, but it really is not an issue that they take care of at least for the moment. >> curious, does mexico view the united states as a friend or foe? >> i think mexico sees the united states as a friend. it's a main trade partners, but they are still at odds when it comes to immigration and other issues. i think mexico still sees the united states as a potential partner.
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>> i want to discuss ebola, there was a member saying a number of people could die from ebola could top 1 million by the and of this year and the president talked about what america is doing to fight ebola, and he said this is what others need to do. >> as we speak america is depl deploying doctors and scientists supported by our military to help contain the outbreak of ebola and pursue new treatments. but we need a broader effort to stop a disease that could kill hundreds of thousands, inflict horrific suffering, destabilize economies, and move rapidly across borders. it is easy to see this as a distant problem until it is not.
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we encourage other countries to mobilize to make significant commitments to fight this outbreak and enhance our system of global health security in the long term. >> and the other topic that the president addressed is the issue of religion. going on to tell the delegates those gathered saying that religion has a history of being attacked. >> all religions have been attacked by extremists at and all people have the responsibility to lift up the value at the heart of all religious, do unto thy neighbor as you would have done unto yourself. the ideology of isil, al-qaeda, boko haram will wilt and die if it is consistently exposed, confronted and refuted in the light of day. >> robert valencia, there is a tendency to talk about the issue
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of isil and what is going on overseas as if it is a battle between the united states and that part of the world. what are they saying about what they're seeing in mexico? >> all these issues happening in the middle east are the main reasons why we don't see an active knowledge of what is going on south of the border. there is an increasing issue on the war of drugs. the threat is closer to home than isis is. i'm not undermining what isil can do on u.s. soil. >> there has been criticism for many years that it only sees things through the lens of the united states, and views it this is where the united states is and this is where the rest of the world is. if mexico wants to become that global partner that president
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pena was talking about. >> mexico has a history of not meddling with other countries' aphrase. we've seen this with cuba, iraq, and they did not send mexican troops to baghdad. i think addressing things at a bilateral level. >> the religion under attack. if anybody can identify religion being under attack is a country predominantly catholic. >> right. >> they have been through this, but no reaction from authorities in mexico yet, why? >> i don't think we can couple religion in mexico as fundamentalists. >> when cities were being attacked, there was a human cry
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from the christian community in the u.s. saying something has to be done. that's why i raise it as to whether or not there was a human cry from the mexican community. >> it's interesting that you're raising this. i think they still see isil and isis in this crisis just in the middle east, and there is no geographic proximity for mexico. i think there are more concerned about local local problems like the war on drugs, immigration and the economy. i think there is really--i agree completely with you. i think if mexico wants to be a global player they need to take these issues very seriously. the threat of ebola, isil and alqaida. they need to dress this if they want to be considered a global player but they're more focused on local problems. >> the cdc saying the number of ebola cases could top one million in 2015. could it be a crisis in africa
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become a crisis in south and central america? >> yes. let's remember the swine flew of 2010. and theres is an aggressive form, there is no warning to pandemics that has killed a lot of people. in venezuela there is an aggressive fever that bleeds- bleeds--it's worse. being a global player they need to address these problems. not just ebola in africa, but in south america. >> there needs to be change. we heard in a from president obamaish, anpresident obama,
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and each and every speaker. is there a sense that that change is going to take place? >> well certainly. let's start with venezuela. we're talking about the latin american perspective. venezuela is trying to be part of the temporary seat of the security council which the united states is trying to veto like it did in 2006. now we have the role of brazil being an emerging market, and they're trying to become a permanent member of the security council. they're calling to expand the united nations initiative because they want to be includesive. it wants to b >> i did not here the president of mexico talk about how mexico was going to open up it's checkbook and help fund this changing united nations that we seem to hear so much about. >> well, i guess mexico and
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brazil being the two largest economies in latin america, they have the ability to fund the united nations better, but in the case of brazil they were the main--they led in haiti when cholera took place. i think they have an opportunity to fund the united nations, to have a more active role, i think united states is still one of the mind funders. >> please stand by. i'm del walters. this is our coverage of the 69th session of the united nations. the keynote speaker was president obama. second to speak. among the topi topics he discussed were several, but the number one thing that so many are talking about is terrorism and america's stance on terrorism. >> i have made it clear that america will not form policy
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reacting to terrorism. we waged a campused campaign against al-qaeda and it's associated forces, taking out its leaders, and denying them the safe havens they rely on. at the same time we have he reaffirmed again and again that the united states is not and never will be at war with islam. >> he went on to say how isil thinks. >> the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. the united states will work with this coalition to dismantle this coalition of death. >> that is the statement coming out of this, the united states announcing that airstrikes began not only against isil targets in iraq but also inside syria. mr. valencia, as you watch this, as you watch this world unfold, how big are the concerns in mexico that, to quote the
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president, the world is becoming a dangerous place. >> well, there has been a lot of rumors in the past where you heard the more radical forces in iran had any connections with one of the largest cartels in mexico. but you know, given the fact that mexico has the poorest in mexico, guatemala, there is threat of folks crossing the border, there is always the possibility that rebels, hezbollah, you name it, can enter mexico and also b enter the united states. >> we talked about how mexico needs to change. how does the u.s. need to change to be part of this new world order that we hear to many people talking about?
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>> well, they need to get rid of the mentality that they're isolated from the rest of the world. the united states needs to have an active role. if you're talking about security in general, they need to have a better understanding of what's going on in the war on drugs. drug legalization needs to take place in the united states in order to relax what's going on in mexico and south of the border in general because the united states is one of the main drug consumers. >> we have to leave it there. as you can see it is a complex world. mr. valencia, i thank you for being with us this morning. you're watching al jazeera america. i'm del walters in new york. there is more news straight ahead, and you can check us out 24 hours a day by going to >> that a camera? >> at the real issues facing american teens >> whoa...code red.... >> dreaming big... >> i gotta make it happen...
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terrorist suspect. we have reports now from sydney. >> he was, says australia's government, a known terrorist government, a person of interest for the police. but when he arrived at the police station for questionings, he produced a knife and stabbed two police officers. if one had not shot him, he would have killed both. >> obviously this indicates that there are people in our community who are capable of very extreme acts. it also indicates that the police will be constantly vigilant to protect us against people who would do us harm. >> the attack comes at a sensitive time. last week the australian police mounted what they called the biggest ever counter terrorism raid. the government significantly i can tended it's counter terrorism laws, making it illegal t.
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there has been abuse online and in treats the government she thinks is whipping up hysteria. >> a lot of our community are fearful. they're fearful they might be targeted not only by racist people in the community, but also by government officials. >> not all muslims agree. >> within these laws that prevent a potential terror attack on australian soil, it is beneficial to all of us as australians regardless we're muslim or non-muslim. because if something like this happen, australian muslim community would be the first one to bear the brunt. >> but some lawyers think the
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they have rushed the legislati legislation. >> freedom australia's government includes the freedom not to be attacked. >> that melbourne attack if the sum of the needs. >> the international criminal court has opened a former investigation into the atrocit atrocities committed in the c.a.r. the country plunged into conflict after a coup in march of last year. hundreds have been killed in violence between muslim and christian rebels. the "world health organization" said that a vaccine might be available in large enough quantities against
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the ebola outbreak. more than 2,000 people have died since the outbreak was reported two months ago. >> gold miners live along the senegal border, but the government has introduced trade and border restrictions because of the outbreak and stranded miners say they have been pushed out so tax-paying companies can take over. we have reports in southern senegal. >> nearly 2,000 kilometers from home, broke, and stranded in southern senegal. he is from guinea. he shares this small hunt with two others. they all came here to make money digging gold. but the ebola outbreak brought their work to a halt. >> we don't have enough money to live.
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the police don't want us to go down the mine any more. they are arresting some of our friends who went digging. they're making random checks on us. >> the u.n. estimates there are tens of thousands of west african migrants who work in former gold mines. many are now stranded. authorities fear they could bring the ebola virus into the country, so they've closed off the border and apply strict restrictions against the trade. only those who comply with the health standards are allowed to operate. but few meet these standards. >> they believe that the government is intentionally pushing them out of business using the ebola outbreak as an excuse to close the mines down. dozens of foreign companies continue to look for gold. >> really, ebola has had a
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direct hit on the business, not just health issues, but health, safety and management issues. in recent times the government has made concerted effort, and we're working with them. >> last year the government received close to $23 million in revenue from taranga gold but receives no revenue from informal mining. they believe that authorities are using ebola to chase them away. they fear this, too, will sold off to a big country. despite restrictions they continue to dig. there may be just enough gold to buy a ticket out of here. >> hundreds of students have been marching through hong kong's financial district protesting against the political reform. students plan to blockade government buildings if the
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city's leader fail to discuss their demands. thousands of homes are at risk of being destroyed by wildfires in the u.s. state of california. firefighters have been trying to contain the flames for over a week now. more than 2,000 people have been ordered to evacuate their homes. the vatican is preparing to try a former archbishop for alleged sex abuse. if that happens, he would be the first ever pedophilia trial at the holy seat. he has been placed under house arrest inside the vatican. now he's accused of paying for sex with children while a papal ambassador in the dominican republic. >> worried about job cuts and shrinking wages if air france goes ahead with plans to extend its low-cost arm.
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>> grounded with no indication of when they'll take off. the air france strike has created a backlog at paris' airport. inside the terminal it was for the most part business as usual, but no easy ride for those who have had their flights canceled or conveniently redirected. >> since there is not a direct flight at home we will go through amsterdam. >> i will think twice before choosing air france. >> the pilots say the end of air france as they know it. slashing thousands of jobs has reduced the company's debt accumulated over a decade decade, but heavily investing in its lower branch proved to be
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unpopular. >> the number of people working for air france is decreasing every year, and there is no point building another company. this will cost--this will not only cost pilot jobs, all air france. that will kill air france. there is no point--we can't accept this. >> but not everyone agrees. air france employees gathered at their company's headquarters to protest against what they say is a damaging move by the pilot's union. >> most of the employees here are very unhappy with the ongoing pilot strike, and it's a cost of enormous expense. it's been happening at a cost of $25 million a day. >> i worry about the image of air france, and how--if we're able to get back because they're
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flying other airlines. >> but there is uncertainty around the certainty. if it is not allowed to expand it will come as a cost to air france. >> still to come on the news hour, lego bricks have long been recognized as an educational toy and just play fun, but now he showcasing artistic appeal. in golf, comments about the european team ahead of the ryder cup. rafael will have all those details in just a moment.
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>> welcome back. well, india has become the first country to put a spacecraft in mars on its first attempt. the spacecraft entered the orbit after a 3 hyundai journey. scientists and president narendra modi monitored the mission from bengalore. >> we have reached out to the unknown and have achieved the near impossible. i congratulate all scientists as well as all fellow indians on this historic occasion. [applause]
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>> the report now on how the success of india's space program has inspired the country's next generation to reach for the stars. >> up close and personal with science, helping these children to understand what's going on in outer space. by seeing hydrorockets in action here they're learning about india's mars orbit emission that is unfolding millions of kilometers away. it's the kind of encouragement that is it not exist 20 years ago. >> when i was a kid i wanted to become an astronaut. but nobody told me how to do that. so i wanted to fill in that gap where i could tell a child who wants to become an astronaut what is the right processing to through. >> this is what he wants the next generation of indians to know. he said india not only needs to invest in local innovation but also a workforce to support the
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development with ambitious space program. >> to have this technology, and to have these technologies available we need to have a younger generation who is doing this for us. so in the coming decades we should have those young generations becoming scientists and techologists. >> last year india launched it's very own mars or bitter. they built the spacecraft for a fraction of nasa's mars' mission. for years they lacked the ability to access technologies of others, but they are saying that's not a bad thing bad thing. >> for millions of people the
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homegrown program is a source of pride and demonstrates the country's potential as a major player. it's proof that space exploration does not have to be expensive, and it's progress could encourage other countries to explore the universe without the constraints of astronomical budgets. al jazeera, new delhi. >> time for sports now. >> thank you very much. banned barcelona striker scored twice for his new club. he's currently serving a ban for biting an opponent in the world cup in brazil. he cost $128 million from liverpool scoring twice. he's expected to make his first team debut on october 24th. >> well, his new team is doing
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pretty well without him. winning four out of four games in la liga and. they look to extend their lead to the top with five points. >> we still need to improve in defense. there is still room for improvement. we're working on that to improve individual performances. we can still improve, but our rivals can win and inflict damage on us. >> manchester city are in third round. also in action are premier league leaders chelsea. they're home to bolton. five matches to german
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bundesliga are in action and speaks halftime against stuttgart and is still currently goalless. the golf's ryder cup will begin in scotland, and it seems that the gloves have come off after boring and bland press conferences. they went on the u.s. team's inability to gel as an unit. and phil mickelson referred to a legal dispute. >> not only are we able to play together, we also don't litigate against each other which i feel is a real plus heading into this week. >> ouch. phil. >> i couldn't do this, sorry. >> well, the qatar women's
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basketball team say they'll consider withdrawing from the asian games unless officials reverse decision to ban. after players were asked to remove their heads wear. the players insist they were assured before the games that they would be able to wear the head scarfs and said they've warn them previously in national competitions in indonesia and china. but the qatar men's team is still in competition and fully support their women counter parts. >> it's a fabric to cover the hair. it's not something that will hurt the opponent. it's not made of metal or plastic. >> well, the international basketball federation would not provide comment other than to
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highlight their existing regulation which specifies that players shall not wear commitment that may cause injury to other players. this includes headgear and jewelry, but they said they would relax head gear rules on three on three matches. >> taking the single gold found bay hefty margin. she took the applause of the crowd and couldn't contain her emotions when it dawned on her what she achieved. but it's china who sit at the top of the medal table with 118 medal. the host of the next best nation. wigans has won the trial at the world championship in spain. he beat germany's tony martin.
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the 2012 tour de france winner finished the 47. 47.1 kilometer route. it's the first goal in the event since chris bordman won the inaugural event 20 years ago. >> it's been up and down, and i wanted to dedicate this to my family because my wife and children back home were there for me the whole summer, and they put up with me when i was at home in july. >> skin tight gear. that's all the sport for now. >> thank you very much. well, a new exhibition of unique sculptures have gone on display in london. but this is no ordinary event. instead the artist has used more than a million lego blocks to create the exhibition.
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>> when he was ten nathan wanted a dog. his parents said no. so he built one using lego bricks. when he grew up to be become a corporate lawyer. >> i comb home at night and i would need a creative outlet. sometimes drawing, sometimes painting, and sometimes... >> yes, sometimes it was lego. his works have toured the world, and eight-year-old is very, very impressed. >> i think my favorite thing was the t rex. >> have you ever seen anything like this before. >> i've never seen anything like this before at all. >> did you imagine that lego could create things like this? >> no. but, it's amazing that it can, and that you can make so many things out of just rectangular bricks of lego.
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>> when you're three or fou four lego is a thing of endless imaginations. but when you're 40 anything becomes possible. this house that i just made. a house, a window, door and a little lego man. >> is your message here that anybody can do this and should? or is this rarefied art that should stay rarefied art. >> well, i want to inspire. that's my goal, to inspire others. if they want to take on these types of projects i encourage them to do so. >> why it's described as a mash up of surrealist artists as you look at his lego screen, and
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mona lisa. al jazeera, london. >> i think jonah should just stick with the journalism. stay with us. we have more news for you at the top of the hour. >> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their needs are not being met by
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>> transcranial direct stimulation... don't try this at home... >> but some people are... >> it's not too much that we'ed fry any important brain parts... >> before you flip the switch, get the facts... >> to say that passing a low level of current is automatically safe, is not true >> every saturday, go where technology meets humanity... >> sharks like affection >> tech know, only on al jazeera america right now we're going to breakaway from our colleagues in doha and bring you the address before the u.n. general assembly from sheik >> in new york city with mike viqueira, our white house correspondent watching what should be an extraordinary session. i'm really looking forward to this. president obama is said to make history once again at this hour. he will chair a special session of the united nations security council, something that no other president has
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