tv Consider This Al Jazeera September 25, 2014 1:00am-2:01am EDT
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"america tonight," log on to good night, we'll have more of "america tonight," tomorrow. >> hundreds of days in detention. >> al jazeera rejects all the charges and demands immediate release. >> thousands calling for their freedom. >> it's a clear violation of their human rights. >> we have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. >> journalism is not a crime. >> president obama talks tough on terror at the u.n. as more bombs target i.s.i.l, but the moderate syrian fighters we're helping are not happy. i'm antonio
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mora, more straight ahead. >> no god condones this terror. no grievance justifies these actions. >> obama highlighting the need for a global action against i.s.i.l. >> the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. >> the air strikes continues. >> it upset even moderate reckless. >> they are -- rebels. >> they say that the united states is helping bashar al-assad. >> there has to be clarity to iran's ability to prove that it is a peaceful nuclear program. >> will this promise help trim americans' growing waste lines? >> there is no basis to charge tony stewart with any crimes. >> kevin ward junior. >> be careful when you sit down. the phones are bending. >> students skipping school to protest changes to curriculum. >> focus on topics that build positive images of america's history.
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>> which is censorship. >> we begin with renewed bombing in syria. the pentagon says that planes have attacked 12 small scale syrian oil refineries controlled by i.s.i.l. meanwhile syrian kurdish fighters continue, in qabani. killed musin al fadli the head of the khorasan group, near the strike that posed a threat. >> no god condones this terror. no grievance justifies these actions . there can be no reasoning no negotiation with this brand of
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evil. the only language understood by killers like the is the language of force. >> the president also chaired a session of the u.n. security council, calling on governments to criminalize, fund or cross borders to aid terrorist groups. for more i'm joined by ambassador james woolsey, served as american ambassador to conventional weapons in europe. jim very glad to have you back on the show, appreciate the time to join us. i want to get a reaction to the speech president obama gave today. he said no god condones the terror we're seeing from i.s.i.l. he asked the world to join the fight. it seemed stronger and mower impassioned than the way he spoke in the past. >> it does and i think that's a positive thing.
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i think he needs at some point to point out that the islamic state is trying to establish a caliphate and to rule a section of the earth, not according to their beliefs , total allegiance to their form of islam, death if you don't sign on to it, et cetera. i think it's really important for people to realize that and to realize it's the establishment of the caliphate that is the really dangerous thing that we absolutely have to stop as we can, we should block all civilized countries terrorist attacks as much as possible. but the caliphate is at the heart of the matter. >> let's talk about the ca caliphate.
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i.s.i.l. created a massive refugee crises over the past week, the u.s. says there will be no combat troops fighting but u.s. joint chiefs general dempsey might suggest forces if he thinks they are needed. would the better strategy be keep our enemies guessing, even if that would force the president to back off of his foreign policy achievement, getting u.s. forces out of iraq? >> they would be better off with silence than anything else. but if they want to use deception, that's fine. they should keep the islamic state confused about what they're going to do. but there really ought to be extremely thorough, in their attacks on the islamic state. i think going slowly, talking about how it's going to take a
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long time, talking about that ultimately we will be able to get rid of it, if that's a guide to their behavior, and not deception, it's a bad guide. because we americans don't do real well in long wars, like vietnam. we do pretty well in short ones like world war ii. and we need to destroy the islamic state, and we need to get busy on it now. >> let's talk about the other side of what you brought up in your first answer, terrorism. the pentagon is said to be checking the social media reports that the u.s. killed this khorasan group, the al qaeda affiliate, that they waited until plotting had reached an advance state to strike. they also referred to these guys as top al qaeda operatives and that they are posing an imminent threat to the united states.
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should we have tracked them for years before taking them out? >> that's a tactical decision, based often how much you would disclose, that you may disclose where someone else is and not just them. you want to hide the ball from them as much as possible while you go after them. but the key thing is you don't necessarily stop them by just killing one or two or three or even more of their top people. we really have to go at them hammer and tongs. and one or two or three of their top people getting killed by a drone or strike or whatever, is useful and may help avoid the next terrorist attack. but it may well have nothing to do with the one after that, that was being planned. >> and there does seem to be some debate
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over, james clapper saying khorasan may pose as much issue against the united states as i.s.i.l, but any plot that khorasan could launch would be limited and not comparable to 9/11. so what is your sense of the danger posed here? >> well, first of all absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. the fact that we don't have evidence of it yet doesn't mean it's not being planned or won't happen. second i think khorasan is an offshoot of al qaeda and it really very much wants to kill americans. and other westerners. and do it as much as possible, and as soon as possible. but they don't have the strategic position of supporting
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strongly moving toward a caliphate that the islamic state does. so although they may do some terrible things, they are really in a major argument with the islamic state, about whether the emphasis ought to be on killing americans quickly, in the united states or elsewhere, or whether it ought to be a more strategic approach. and i think we have to deal with both. but the long term big problem as i said is the establishment of the caliphate. because that lets the islamic state grow, and prosper, and have ballistic missiles at some point and do all of the things that a state can do. >> and provide -- and terrorist group. >> and provide a safe haven for terrorists. >> right.
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>> turkey has really not wanted to get much involved so far even though it's a nato ally, until recently i.s.i.l. held a whole bunch of turkish diplomats, have now been set free. president erdogan of turkey said he might be more involved, but there needs to be a common frame of agreement. president obama spoke of that. >> we will neither tolerate terrorist safe havens, we will take, building an architecture of counterterrorism. >> is there some regional, some sort of nato for the middle east? >> we always used to say in the intelligence business when somebody didn't know what they ought to do they'd reorganize. i don't think an organizational
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structure is the heart of this. being decisive and clear in going after the terrorists it would come after us, such as khorasan and after those who are building a caliphate such as the islamic state people, those are the key things that need to get done. i think organizational work inside the alliance is not going to help that much. erdogan is going to do what he wants to do and so far he's tilted more or less towards the muslim brotherhood and away from his work with the -- through nato with the west. he has not generally been helpful, and his country is pulling a couple million dollars a day out of black market oil and helping syria out that way. that's -- he's generally not been helpful.
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and at worst he's been friendly to the other side. >> well let's hope that changes. ambassador james woolsey, former director of central intelligence, good to have you. >> good to be with you. moderate syrian rebels considered a linchpin of the long term strategy to defeat i.s.i.l. are worried the strikes could end up benefiting syrian president assad whom they have been fighting for three years. demanding assad be targeted along with i.s.i.l, they went so far as to call the strikes a threat against their position. >> ube it is good to have you on in person. we've had you from around the world. the secretary-general of the u.n. put out a statement, pretty
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much not happy with how the u.s. is targeting i.s.i.l. and not going over assad, the free syrian army. how angry are the moderate syrians are that are the u.s. is going over i.s.i.l. and not after assad? >> hours prior to the commencement of the air strikes a syrian opposition delegation here in new york held an impassioned press conference and pleaded to launch air strikes against i.s.i.s. to stem the advance of i.s.i.s, thousands of syrian receivables were trapped in northern syria in a vicious assault. immediately after -- by i.s.i.s. immediately after the air strikes the syrian opposition put out a statement and made it very clear that this is just a first step. what's really needed is a comprehensive effort and you need to work with the free syrian army on the ground who
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have been fighting i.s.i.s. since january. >> that's one complaint too, that they have not been consulted in selecting the targets. >> i think that's going to change over time. if you look at where i.s.i.s. is fighting, in northern and eastern syria each one of those fronts the free syrian army is on the front lines against i.s.i.s. we have to remember the free syrian army probably at this point has lost more fighting due to i.s.i.s. than from the assad regime. if you speak to free syrian forces on the ground they are the first to tell you that the extension of the i.s.i.l. regime. the coalition of united states and arab allies are now attacking the hearts of i.s.i.s.'s economic strong hold, in the northeast oil provinces, that is a win win because it
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weakens i.s.i.s.'s ability to attack.and weakens i.s.i.s.'s ability to operate regional and internationally because they are so inten dependent on the oil f. >> are they upset with what the united states are doing? because, we have discussed some of the statements that have been put out, a commander with the free syrian army said that we are fighting assad's battles for them, and from their perspective things are going just fine. >> i think what illustrates the best, free syrian army on the ground, a defective colonel who is fighting on the front lines against i.s.i.s. and against the assad regime, he was detained at one point by the assad regime and by i.s.i.s. viewed as an enemy by both. what he said is today we are
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fighting i.s.i.s, we are fighting the regime and now nusra. >> the al qaeda affiliate? >> yes. who i know personally is a true syrian patriot and a friend to the international community, these guys are vulnerable. the assad regime is trying to assassinate them. i.s.i.s. is trying to assassinate them. >> and trying to train the moderate syrians has that begun to happen? >> that process is ongoing. the free syrian army has asked the u.s. and the arab allies to equip the free syrian army. that is a request that has been made on multiple occasions, 48 hours to new york and the world opposition leaders. >> some have said it could take months before things get to where they need to be.
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>> it's going to take a long time no doubt. i.s.i.s. is a vicious enemy but we have to remember that i.s.i.s. has suffered defeats. i.s.i.s. has been pushed out of two provinces. >> when will you be armed the same way they are armed? as we know they have overrun syrian military facilities and iraqi military facilities, they have got some serious weaponry. >> they have got some weaponry, they have captured weapons from the rake army, they have tanks and vehicles and are using them predominantly against the free syrian army and the towns that are in opposition. you need air strikes to balance the military equation on the field not only against i.s.i.s. but against the assad regime that by the way continues to bombard the syrian people. the assad regime.
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>> you talked about the oil fields, i.s.i.s. is taking over those oil fields and making money off the oil fields. concerned that it is destroying infrastructure if some day if there is a free moderate syrian government in place some needed infrastructure is not going to be there? >> it's a difficult tradeoff to me. you cannot start the reconciliation and rebuilding process if i.s.i.s. controls one meter of land in syria. it is a cancer for syria's future and you not only have to fight i.s.i.s. on the battle front but you have to prevent i.s.i.s. from having the safe haven and resources to reconstitute and regain territory in the long run. >> causing tremendous suffering in syria and iraq and killed many westerners. ub a shabade, thank you for being with us.
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now for more stories around the world. we begin in algeria, where a terrorist group with links to al i.s.i.l, beheaded a french liker. wednesday the terrorists released a video entitled a message of blood to the french people. in his speech before the u.n, french president francois hollande condemned the beheading as a cruel and inhuman act and vowed that military operations would continue as long as necessary. next to ferguson, missouri, protests broke out after a memorial for michael brown caught fire. the cause is under investigation. 200 people once again gathered in the streets. several were injured, shots reportedly fired. a beauty shop was vandalized and
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a custard shop was set on fire. business world, good news on two fronts, 500,000 new homes were sold in august, a full 33% jump ore last year, wall street responded with a big rally after three consecutive down days. surging 154 points. we end in your pocket, if you are one of the people who were able to get their hands on the iphone, you might notice a curvey problem, it bends. complaining that iphone 6s permanently bent, apple has declined to comment on the bending phones. all of this comes as users are experiencing major difficulties with apple's latest operating system. many users who upgraded to ios 8.01 have complained they are unable to access cell service.
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apple responded, saying we are actively investigating support . and we've pulled back the update. iranian president rouhani arrived this year with much less fanfare but possibly even more importance. then who should decide what is and what is not taught in our schools? the growing fight between the right and the left over how to define what's history. our social media producer, hermela aregawi is tracking what's on social media. >> how history should not be taught, more on that coming up. and if you missed an episode of "consider this" check out our social media pages we're on twitter >> oscar winner alex gibney's edge of eighteen.
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>> iran's president hasan rouhani, was dent her public ler public tone, a year later rouhani is back in new york but the atmosphere has changed dramatically. the fight against their common enemy i.s.i.l. has made for an uncomfortable pseudo alliance. for now, we're joined by jim whrach walsh, an al jazeera security contribute. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> you went to a very small one this year only about 15
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people including madeleine albright. the u.s. iranian relationship just hasn't happened. >> i would say yes and no. we do have this interim agreement right that was signed in november. >> about the nuclear. >> and that has worked. both sides have stuck to it, they've fulfilled their commitments. our chief concern a year ago was this 20% enriched uranium. there's no bomb grade uranium, the commission took that off the table. that is a win. but it's certain to say both sides had high expectations. in four or five years, we had
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success, but in a few areas ,. >> we'll talk about the general tone of the relationship, we're certainly seeing mixed messages coming out of iran. rouhani's boss, the yoalt ayatollah khomeini hasn't been conciliatory of the united states. he said we were supporting terrorists by going after i.s.i.l. and helping out the moderate syrian rebels. >> i would say, i've gone to a number of these events, like any politician i would include our own in the u.s. sometimes the conversations are different in private than public because when they're in public you are speaking to a domestic audience. we didn't go through u.n. and that sort of thing but i've gone
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to now two or three events over these past several days with him. the major theme he's offering is the u.s. and iran have areas of mutual cooperation, i.s.i.l. is one of them. >> are we cooperating with iran on i.s.i.l? is there, are there back-channel conversations or are we just doing it through the iraqis? >> here's my view but it's speculative, i have high confidence in it nonetheless. in the back fields, where we're supporting the kurds military and they're supporting the iraqi army, you have to coordinate just to make sure no one gets shot by accident. i draw a line between coordination and cooperation. but on a granular level, when you are fighting the bad guys, yes you are talking to each other so you don't make mistakes. is there broad areas of no.
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there are steps by kerry and others that made that difficult. >> certainly the rhetoric has not just been heated on the iranian side. secretary kerry speaking on smol was ver -- on capitol hill was very firm. you say we are stopping iran from the possibility of having a nuclear weapon? >> senator kerry, when he was a state from my state of massachusetts, think pakistan is the biggest nuclear threat in the world and that's the most -- they sell nuclear technology, they are in a rivalry, they support terrorists. but that aside, i think it's better than it looks. the deal here, i'm glad you asked the question, it highlights the fact that there are domestic constituencies in both countries, who have to be convinced that a nuclear deal is a did thing.
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i've heard this from the iranian negotiating team and the other side they could have a deal that would work but the question is can they have a deal they can sell back home. >> really? because there are some reports that the iranians have not been very flexible. >> let's tick through a couple of these things, 20%, gone, our number one issue, they agreed on that threw away. >> but the centrifuges -- >> we'll get to that. but the plutonium -- >> that happened a while pack. >> and on inspection and verification and on the underground facility, seems like we have something there. you're right. what's the main sticking point? it's the centrifuges. people are focused on, are you going to have a thousand? are you going to have 9,000? that is where the gulf is. i don't think that's a technical issue, i think it's a political issue about what both capitals can sell at home. >> that's in the
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end. >> yeah. room. if you can't deal with the hard liners who have to approve a deal you're done. >> that's where political will, political leadership matters and creativity. finding a way where both sides can live with something that they can sell back to their home constituencies. i'm an optimist. they're going to peer offer the edge, the interim deal goes away. the doubling of inspectors in iran that goes away. the 20% ban that goes away if this collapses. so i think i'm hoping they can cross the last, you know 20 yards to the finish line. >> few weeks left to do that. jim walsh, always good to see you. thanks. >> good to see you. >> turning now to education where the proposed changes to the history curriculum in colorado's second largest school district, is pitting the right genetics the left. hundreds of students took to the
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streets to rally in opposition to the conservative school board's new approach to patriotism and the free market system rather than condoning civil disorder and disregard for the law. that's a quote. not just in colorado. history texts and the ap history framework are coming under scrutiny, with some claiming the traditional trained history is being leftist to our past. >> joining us is pedro nogara, new york university, pedro, good to have you with us. what's going on in crstled, students and teachers are protesting what they call censorship. is that fair to call censorship or a discussion what needs to be taught in history classes? >> i think if the school board
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got its way it would be censorship. we've seen other districts in texas, similar action he by appointed boards of education with its attempt to not only kind of imposes a version of patriotism on students but to take evolution out of the curriculum not to discuss or not to teach the effects of global warming. so this kind of ideological team we could deal with in a lot of the country. >> the battle is waged from both sides, just as you said in texas the struggle over whether to teach evolution or creationism. happening elsewhere in the country about history and what kind of american values to teach in schools. so the school board argues, well, the new framework for the ap history courses just don't emphasize american patriotism,
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doesn't emphasize american values and focuses on the negatives in history how do we figure out what the appropriate mediums should be? >> in this area it's hard to be neutral. highly contentious american history. what we want the students to be able to do is understand multiple sides to the issue, how they can read and understand evidence, so we should be focused on the skills. common core calls for students to think critically, to write and do independent research, rather than which history is taught to students. good but again, history facts, you know, there are certain parts of history, there are individuals who are important parts of history. and what the other side is is arguing here is that the new ap framework is ignoring, for example martin luther king isn't mentioned but then the black panthers are.
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thomas jefferson not mentioned, the focusing on white superiority. i understand what you're saying about thinking critically you but you need to look at the time different sides of american history. >> an educated person should have access to american history, basically how things have changed. but to be able to memorize particular facts like what was the platt platt these kinds of things end up being not so important. but what we know about education most of what we learn in school we will forget, when we get older, not because of alzheimer's, if you don't seek information, those are the habits of mind that we should be much more focused on.
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but yes, facts matter and we should have a robust debate about what we include and what we don't include but we'll never make everybody happy. >> the lens through which you look at history, the argument is the lens that's being used in these new standards is just too negative. it's a blame america first perspective. some of the defenders say hey this is the country that was based on civil protest, the tea party back in the 1700s, that led to the american revolution and led to our independence. certainly there are good arguments on both sides, but the big question is why can't we get along, why captain we find a proper way to address the concerns of both sides? >> i think it's very hard. because if you saw the ken burns series, that just aired, the roosevelts, you could come away thinking, what a great american
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teddy roosevelt was, he also f expanded the parks service, the banks, but you could say he was an imperialist, he was a racist and took the pan ma canal, both sides were true. that's the kind of approach that makes the most sense, we show the complexity of the issues. american students think there's no civilian version of american streets there are a number of american streets. >> who should making these decisions, should it be local or national? that's the debate. >> the textbook publishers got to decide what was in the textbooks, you learned it through wars through the revolution in the impinge of the year to the vietnam war at the end of the year. clearly there is more the american history than great presidents or wars. you have got to give the
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students a rich sense of the text of american history and i think that will always be contentious. >> but i think that's the important point. it's a rich texture and the whole texture should be shown. us. >> thank you for having me. social media to organize and to discuss how they think historical events might be interpreted, if the board's suggestion is adopted. for more on that let's check in with hermella. >> antonio, opponents are concerned that conflicts in american history will be watered down or lied about. historical events that they think reflect the conservative proposal. the ludlow mack akerr would be referred to as just the ludlow disagreement. another posted this alice in
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wonderland drawing, that makes the tea party look like a real tea party. brown versus board of education was a disagreement about crayons crayons. women's suffrage, 1920, pleadz act like ladies and are allowed the right to vote. about the best way to cross a river? you can read more under the hashtag, jeff coe school board history. let us know what you think about the conversation. back to you. >> very passionate opinions on both sides of this. soft drink companies vowing to fight the obesity epidemic? tony stewart has been cleared of any crime in the death of a fellow driver. is he
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>> many of us consume way too much sugary soda. , the soft drink companies announced doing something about it. >> today we announce a profoundly important commitment by cutting shug awr in america's soft drinks outside of school and between children's children. >> by an average of 20% over the next 11 years.
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they do it by selling smaller soda cans, educating consumers, and boosting the are availability of low calorie and no calorie drinks. i'm joined by abdul al said. always good to see you abdul. you heard former president clinton, famous for his terrible diet changed it. he's now almost a vegan, lost weight, but it's pecular to see him as a pitch person. >> one should always be wary of a salesman who says you product. this is a clever move by the beverage industry, to pivot away towards more of a role that shows them selling a different type of goods, focusing more on
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their low or zero calorie drinks. >> we talked about that last week so that is one of the questions this all raises, if they start pushing people to the artificial sweet managers, the drinks that have artificial sweeteners, these studies show there are a series of issues with these drinks also that could cause obesity. >> one should be wary of artificial things, things that are synthesized in the lab. it's exactly that , you are robbing peter to pay paul here. >> the obesity in the country has gone up since diet drinks were introduced. if that's a big part of this push, how much is it going to help? >> probably not much. if you look between 2000 and 2013, we have already seen a 12% drop in the consumption
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of the sugary drinks they're talking about. they took a loot at the numbers and they realized they could tip the scales a little bit, not lose as much business as they had lost anyway, and say we're against obesity just like you and we can make a set of products that can help the lifestyle. >> are new york times this is a quote that certain manufacturers are just promising to deliver an existing, something that is already delivering on an existing trend and the quote is that what better way to get a public relations boost than to do what's promised anyway. people are already moving away from all of this. >> exactly. it's important to realize that what big soda is trying to do here is capitalize on all the
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hard work that scientists doctors, advocates, trying to reeducate people and reshape their image around what we know is hurting us. >> on the other hand, better than nothing to try and do this? >> well, to me it's promising insofar as what it signals is they are at least done digging in. right? over the past 20 years and particularly the last five years any effort to regulate the soda industry has really come up against tremendous lobbying efforts against it. i think this is soda saying okay we know we can't win this battle. so we might as well just join in and try and repivot our around a new set of messages. >> they already started doing this. they have all sorts of beverages that are low calorie and in many cases end up being more the profitable for them.
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it may not be as generous on the soda manufacturers part. >> maybe not. as derek jeter says good-bye to his baseball home. >> every saturday, al jazeera america brings you controversial... >> both parties are owned by the corporations. >> ..entertaining >> it's fun to play with ideas. >> ...thought provoking >> get your damn education. >> ...surprising >> oh, absolutely! >> ...exclusive one-on-one interviews with the most interesting people of our time. >> you're listening because you want to see what's going to happen. >> i want to know what works what do you know works? >> conversations you won't find anywhere else. >> talk to al jazeera. >> only on al jazeera america. >> oh my!
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baseball. and tony stewart has not been indicted by a grand jury. dave zyron, good to see you. when the tragic accident happened, it seemed like the entire world was jumping on tony stewart, calling him a murderer. now that he hasn't been indicted how long is the line that should be apologizing to him? >> there's the world of nascar and there's the general sports watching public which ends news media which frankly doesn't pay attention to nascar until there are these kinds of cataclysmic events. as polarizing as tony stewart is, make no mistake, he is polarizing for a lot of his historic violent outbursts, there is a shock a mere suggestion that tony stuart could take it that far to actually hit another driver with his car.
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the response is less people lining up to apologize and more a kind of palpable relief that nascar can put this chapter behind him. he is one of the most polarizing drivers in sport, fans either love him or hate him. but he's, now that he's been vindicated how will this affect his career and how will it affect that's? >> i believe he's 43 years old and right before this happened he made a major for ay into owning, he wants to go back to that. he is also desperate to go back to racing as well because that's all these guys know, that to be a lasting history of tony stewart, he doesn't want this to
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be the end of his legacy and what defines his career. >> a couple of days before this happened, you and i discussed on the show why in the world nascar didn't have a rule that prohibited drivers from leaving their cars until safety crews arrived. the reality is, this was not a that's race but nascar didn't move on that until after you and i spoke about it. is there anything else that nation car nascar can or should do in the wake of a tragedy? >> if there are as many injuries or deaths in the national football league as there are in nascar there would be congressional hearings. nascar operates in its own universe. it is resistant to regulation and frankly that's one of its appeals to fan base, the idea that it is reckless. nascar practically defines the idea that decisions and reforms are made only after it's too late.
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that's the way it's always been with nascar and rules of helmets and seat belts after the death of dale earnhart. nascar is resistant to change because frankly that's part of its appeal. >> lets turn to something more positive, yankee fans, are derek jeter plays his last game in yankee stadium on thursday night. how significant has this guy been for baseball, after baseball has been overwhelmed by scandal after scandal and steroids and who knows what else, this is a guy who didn't do any of the things that some of his own teammates did and really tainted the national pastime. >> derek jeter is the only player in the last 20 years who would be known by the casual fan as not taking steroids.
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that is what the sport will lose. the sort of person who can walk into an element school without a uniform on and get mobbed by kids. the only names that come to mind are people in some way shape or form connected to the steroid era and then there's derek jeter. that is what he means to the sport, the idea that the sport could be clean. played in the 1990s that if you heard that this person would be using some performance enhancing drug, people would actually be surprised. we're so cynical about this sport, he really stands alone as a person who quote unquote played the game the right way. and if you are a fan that feels that baseball, that's part of its charm or allure, then you're playing into that deal. >> he was a yankee his entire career, all the way back to 1995.
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something becoming rarer and rarer, a player staying with one team their whole lives. do you think he is one of the last of a dying breed? >> he will be one of the last. felix hernandez, aka the king, in a seattle uniform, signed to a long term contract he is a folk hero in the city of seattle. it's all about king felix. another person is the los angeles california via the ventura freeway, mike trout, very young, brilliant, they're trying to make him the face of major league baseball, he's so huge the angels want to lock him up for the last two decades. >> and jeter, first ballot, hall of fame? >> easy. >> thanks dave. >> the science of brain hacking. how bathing the brain with low
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doses of electricity could help with disorders like cerebral palsy? and the conversation continues on our website , and you can tweet me >> everyone knows about isil, but what about the other target of america's airstrikes in syria? i'll look at a small band of fighters who could pose a big threat to the west. also the unscene cost of america's war. it's more than a price of tanks and guns. i'll explain how we'll pay here at home for decades to come . robots are coming for your job.
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