tv News Al Jazeera September 25, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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policy addressing those, and the us doesn't have the important meaningful conversation about how it is going to treat the immigration problem, the conditions are there, the road is open. >> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i'm tony harris with a look at today's top stories. >> i will lead the department of justice. >> after six years in office attorney general eric holder steps down. the fbi finds the man who beheaded two american
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journalists. and we will take you to the border of syria and turkey are the amount of aid is struggling to keep up with the amount of refugees. >> one of the longest serve attorney nerveing attorney he is stepping down. he'll stay until his successor is nominated and confirmed. randall pinkston, and randall, a very emotional goodbye for eric holder. >> yes, both men took the office at a time when america was facing an economic crisis, and dealing with constant terrorism threat. they did not accomplish all they were wanted to do.
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for example, they were not able to close the guantanamo naval base, but they did what they could, and today president obama said it's a bittersweet moment as he prepares to say farewell to his attorney general erik holder. >> i chose him to serve as attorney general because he believes as i do that justice is not just an abstract theory. the a principle. it's how we conduct our daily lives. it's about if we can provide an honest living, provide for our families, feel safe in our communities and welcomed in our own country. the words that founders set to paper years ago apply to every one of us, not just some. that's why i made america's lawyer, the people's lawyer. >> reporter: the president's words about eric holder, his
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kind words were echoed by democrats and some republicans, but there were others who were pleased to see him go, among them darrell issa, who gave him so much grief accusing holder of a cover up of alleged use of a weapon in the death of a federal agent. that resulted in holder being censured as attorney general. but others praised his work and today eric holder said goodbye to his job. >> i have leave the department of justice. i will never, never leave the work. i'll continue to serve and try to find ways to make our nations more true to its founding ideals. >> reporter: holders accomplishments are many.
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he received compliments and letters among the widow of bobby kennedy, the legendary attorney general involved in civil rights movement. mrs. kennedy saying that eric holder upheld the standards set by has office. and in his office is a picture of robert kennedy. >> speaking of civil rights, we both remember his statement to that department when he took the job february 18, 2009, and we have always been and continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of powers and through its work and long as i am here we must leave the nation to rebirth o.
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referring to abraham lincoln there. >> reporter: sorry, tony. i thought there was a sound bite coming up with the president. point of fact. let's talk about the items that eric holder debt wit dealt with. he tried to change the vote. treating same-sex couples the way they treat married couples. advocated voting rights to be served for those who served their time in prison. he most recently was seen in ferguson, missouri, delivered a very, very moving message there about being an african-american man and understanding the anger and the pain that the citizens of that city felt after the death of the unarmed teenager,
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which is now being litigated. eric holder made significant statements and received significant grief from opponen opponents. >> randall pinkston from the white house. earlier i spoke with janie floyd. i asked her how erik holder's he iresignation came about. >> holder met, had a long meeting with president obama over the weekend. that was just to finalize his plans to resign. he said he wanted to resign by the end of the year. to add to what randall said if president obama does not make this replacement by december he'll be the third longest serving attorney general in u.s. history, and there is a chance they won't be able to finalize that because of course congress has to approve a new attorney general. >> that's a tough job for six years. it could wear you out. >> i think it's the hardest job
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in the administration. >> tell me why. >> you're not really working for the president. you're working for the u.s. people. he's the people's attorney general. as randall reported, that comes with a lot of controversy. he has been acclaimed by liberals. he is the most liberal voice in the administration. >> so on race. >> fantastic records. >> talk to me about that. >> fantastic record. he has been courageous on race. he said we as a nation are not courageous. using the word coward. we are cowardly on the issue of race. not only speaking with black audiences but speaking general. >> can i read that? >> oh, yes. >> this was--this was february 18, 2009. >> black history month. >> and things racial we have always been and continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards. through its work and through its example this department of
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justice as long as i am must and will lead the nation to the new birth of freedom so long ago promised by our greatest president. >> this is an attorney general, our greatest president, referring to abraham lincoln, this is an attorney general rooted in his experience as a black man, and who is not afraid to talk about it. and he keeps a picture of robert kennedy-- >> in his office. >> in his office. and he sees that as his vision for leadership wanting to be an attorney general progressive not just liberal, but progressive on issues of race, and has reached across the professional bar even though he is a prosecutor by training and a prosecutor by office, and working with defense attorneys to reform the ways in which we prosecute. >> we'lthat was al jazeera
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legal contributor janie floyd. sparking a national debate over isil's ability to strike u.s. interests. james foley, stephen sotloff were beheaded. this man has been the subject of an extensive international manhunt. >> and an embarrassment in the u.k. as well. they've talked about this aspe aspect. today james comey had a briefing with the reporters with the fbi. they believe they have identified this masked militant who is thought to be appearing thon video. unclear whether he was the one who carried out this gruesome act but appeared on this video, the beheading of those two american journalists, james foley and stephen sotloff.
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yes, he spoke with a british accent, and incidentally this issue of foreign fighters an impetus of what we've seen over the last several weeks. they believe 100 americans have gone and come back or remained there as foreign fighters. >> there is an interesting note from iraq. iraq's prime minister saying his government has uncovered a possible terror plot by isil to attack subway systems in france and the united states. >> it's just the sort of random thing that illustrates the heightened anxiety that people in this country and around the world field. the message from haider al abadi, the new prime minister to iraq, he said that his intelligence services in baghdad has uncovered a plan that they plan to attack the
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metros of paris and in the united states. and from the details i've received, yes it looks credible. one problem the u.s. officials say they know of no plot, and when al abadi met with president obama face to face he never said anything. when they first heard about it they beefed up security in new york. and now they're down playing the threat. >> the pentagon has been taking questions since the airstrikes in syria particularly since last week. we were all under the impression it was going to be an iraq-first movement. the question is you're attacking syria now with air forces and iraqi military are having a hard time holding their own inside their country. rear admiral john kirby, this is
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what he had to say. >> the sanctuary they have in syria is the hub, the headquarters, if you will, and so the targets that we've been hitting there have been getting to those commanding control capabilities that they have enjoyed inside syria. so how do you know that you're having an affect. well, it will take a while. we'll know when they have changed their operations. we'll know when we can see they no longer are flowing quite as freely cruise that border. we'll know when we have evidence that it's hard for recruit, train, or just aren't doing as much training and recruiting. >> decode this for me, mike. are the airstrikes in iraq and syria degrading isil? >> well, by the rear admiral's own assessment they can't tell yet. we're four days into this, and it's picked up a great deal. there has been diplomatic success, hard to tell what kind of impact it has had. one thing that the rear admiral
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john kirby did go on to say, to go after the four elements, two-thirds of the isil fighters are within syria. what they're trying to do within syria is hit the command in control, hit the oil refineries, to try to take away that revenue, try to take away their logistic ability to carry that fight across that territory they've taken over. >> mike, appreciate it. mike viqueira. white house correspondent here in new york with the united states. back in washington. syrian kurds say isil fighters are closing in on the city. in less than a week 150 syrians have fled from syria into turkey. they're trying to keep upe up with the wave of refugees.
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>> lining up for a plate of foote food. each is desperate. each is syrian. they arrived four days ago. they brought nothing with them. the boy delicately carries the food back to his family. this one tray has to feed seven people. >> what is your life look like here. >> does this look like enough food? he says angrily. what can we do? >> reporter: he and his family fled isil brutality. isil has taken over their town. picture are too gruesome to show. isil captured 200 villagers across the border. we saw isil, they're killing children. killing young men. there is nothing that they're
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not doing. >> reporter: refugees have flooded this small town, living and sleeping wherever they can whether outside here or inside this room. this is usually a wedding hall. today there are 500 people who are living in here, and they have no privacy, and most of them are sleeping on the floor. >> reporter: this woman brought herself and her five-year-old son hakeem. there are no showers. only mattresses. that is her mother and her aunt with her cousin. >> we left so we can save our children's lives. our men are back home fighting. they're fighting in the face of the enemy. >> reporter: we met one of those fighters. he brought supplies for his family. tomorrow he'll go back to fight. he said it's not near enough to reverse the group's momentum.
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>> they struck far away in places where there is a lot of fighting there are no strikes. >> reporter: as we film syria through the barbed wire we hear the distant sound of fighting. the battle of syria continues. the battle for syrians in turkey continues. as the dust storm arrives the group of refugees take shelter underneath blankets. they're facing a future that is anything but clear. al jazeera, along the syrian-turkish border. >> taking advantage of the international community focus on isil. government troops struck a blow to the opposition by retaking the strategic town. some rebels asking whether the u.s.-led strikes against isil are hurting or helping their cause. >> this has been the reality in syria for over three years. government airstrikes hit civilian in rebel positions almost daily.
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there are many front lines in this war. duma northeast of the capitol is one of them. this is not an internationally focused fight against the islamic state in iraq and the levant, and they have been losing ground. they have captured an industrial town. it is strategic territory close to a main highway linking the capitol to another city homs 37. >> the battle now in the northwest is that they're fighting on two fronts 2347 the rebels have been facing offenses from isil and syrian government forces. this has weakened them. and many syrians feel that they will be able to benefit from coalition strikes from the islamic state in iraq and the levant. >> in the end the regime will benefit. the areas where the coalition has hit isil the regime will retake, and in the end we won't get anything out of this. >> we are against any attack on
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syria today. we're waiting for this kind of strike for some time but not against us. we're shocked that our enemies are our friend. >> reporter: the u.s. coalition has been targeting isil's infrastructure as well as one of the group's sources of funding, oil facilities were hit. these attacks are causing anger. many syrians believe the international community should be targeting and degrading the capabilities of the government instead. they feel their voices are not being heard. for years they appealed for international assistance but never got it. >> reporter: protests are becoming more common and they're spreading. some believe the international coalition military campaign is not just about defeating isil. they feel their revolution is just as much of a target as well. al jazeera, beirut. >> in great britain nine men are under arrest accused of being hear part of a banned islamist
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group. we have more now from london. >> reporter: british police stress this is part of an ongoing investigation into terrorism rather than response to a new public security risk. the men we arrested have all been brought to central london police stations on suspicion of being part of a banned group, supporting a banned group, and supporting terrorism. now in recent weeks he has been pushed to criticize or condemn the action of isil and iraq and syria and he has refused to do so even though he has maintained he doesn't support terrorism. just this week when i spoke to authorities at london's biggest mosque in terms of congregation they say they saw him as a marginal figure and not welcomed
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on their premise but he does have followers. a group said young british were encouraged to fight jihad in iraq and syria. >> the department says the move is temporary, and that a majority of workers are staying at the compound in the capitol sanaa. they fear that the situation in yemen is getting worse. it was overrun by rebels over the weekend, and there are fears coming up over the weekend. and ali velshi will explain what is happening and how it effects us. also american astronauts are still hitching rides on russian rockets. the latest launch is next.
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fighting ebola. president obama urged the international community to do more. >> i want us to be clear. we are not moving fast enough. we are not doing enough. right now everybody has the best of intentions, but people are not putting in the kinds of resources that are necessary to put a stop to this epidemic. there is still a significant gap between where we are and where we need to be. that's only possible if everybody chips in. if every nation and every organization takes this seriously. everybody here has to do more. >> the president also said the u.s. is setting up a field hospital at a training facility to help stop the spread of the virus. >> the stock market tumbled with
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the dow jones industrial average closing down 264 points. for more on that let's go to real money's ali velshi. what's going on? >> it was a rough one today. the dow was up 1.5%. the s&p has 1.6%, and the nasdaq, which is loaded with tech stocks, was down almost 2% for the day. look at those numbers. 226 points. this was the fourth day of lower closes in the last five days. today's tumble erased all the gains in yesterday's rally. today's losses, by the way, were led by apple. that stock shed nearly 4% in market value. that's apple's biggest single day drop this year. a whole bunch of issues. the snafus with the iphone 6 and the fact that it's bendable. the updates, that did not help. they generally don't make
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mistakes, apple has been driving some of the market down. there is more than apple. theory 03 stocks on the dow. every single one of them was down. and about 95% of the stocks in s&p 500 were lower as well. >> there is something more going on here. why are investors pulling back? >> there is no single driver to the lower closes, but there is plenty to it. the dollar has gained 7% in the past three months, and remember that a strong dollar hurts american exporters because customers abroad have to pay more. that hurts the bottom line for a lot of businesses who do business abroad. and geopolitical climate in the world isn't helping. the crisis in the middle east, this apple thing did not help all that in. there were rumors earlier today
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that the iraqi government uncovering a plot to bomb subways in the united states, and in paris. you know, general economic malaise. markets riding high. with stock market up 35%. and these level when a bunch of things start to happen you see people selling off. no single clear driver. i would say apple being down 4% and those terror threats probably were the biggest catalysts. >> is a bear market coming? >> probably not. the s&p 500, which mimics investments that people have in their 401ks and iras is up 6% this year. that's not fantastic but it's okay. a far cry from the 29% gains it made last year but still up for the year. bear market is a market lost from its 20% highs. the correction would be below 10%. we're not near that right now.
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investors are fickle and edgy, and it's time to know what your password and user name is for your 401k. >> gotcha. what else are you looking at. >> i don't know if you're familiar with the farm to table movement. it's not paying off for farmers, we want to talk to farmers of how they want to change that. city slickers, who charge up and you know exactly where your food came from. >> an american astronaut and two russian cosmonauts are en route to the space station. they took off from kazakhstan this evening. barry wilmore will go into space and with him the first return woman to go into space in 17
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>> attorney general earthquake holder is resigning. president obama made announcement this afternoon holder is the country's first african-american attorney general. although he's leaving his post holder said there is a lot of work to do. >> i will continue to serve and try to find ways to make our nation more true to its founding ideals. >> holder's tenure has seen
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opposition. >> a program of fast and furious. >> this was all about a gun lobby. >> we've been trying to get to the bottom of fast and furious where people died and a couple hundred mexicans died, and we can't get the information to get to the bottom of that. i don't need lectures to you about contempt. >> i don't want lectures from you either. >> and the same hearing holder seemed to threaten the congressman. >> sir, i've read you what your department promised, and it is inadequate, and i realize that contempt is a not a big deal to our attorney general, but it is important that we have proper oversight. >> you don't want to go there,
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okay. >> i don't want to go there? >> no. >> that's right. holder said to the congressman. you don't want to go there, buddy. another hearing holder tangled with darrell issa. >> i'm sure there was a good reason why the to and from parts were. >> yes, you didn't want us to see the details. >> no, no, that's what we typically do. i'm not going to stop talking now. >> mr. chairman would you inform the witness-- >> those clashes on both sides. the republicans who said this is evidence, the administration has something to hide and holder felt the republicans were on an unfair and shameful witch-hunt. congressman iss a and bomert
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will not be members of any parties for hold pe holder. the white house is mentioning possibilities. the president considers and will likely general donald vvarili. finally there has been talk on capitol hill about minnesota democrati democratic senator. she served as minnesota county prosecutor. officials suggest the president will decide on his nomination within the next few weeks and
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i'm sure people who are not under the radar will be considered. >> you don't want to go there, buddy. epic skirmishes. david shuster. erieric holder made an effort t on the war on drugs. let's bring in jacob ward. >> reporter: that's right, attorney general holder stayed out of the way when colorado and washington state legalized pot yet marijuana is one of the most regulated drug. >> reporter: eric holder seems to be openly challenging the legalization of marijuana. >> it's definitely something that we need to ask yourself if marijuana is as dangerous of a drug. new science has brought us new
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information. >> marijuana is in the most restrictive federal gun category along heroin. drugs are put in that category because they're believed to be highly addictive and have no redeeming value. to prove that it has value scientists need to study it, but there's the problem. only one place the university of mississippi to produce marijuana for federally funded studies and it's extremely difficult to get federal permission for research. and it can be professionally toxic for even researchers who do get permission. the first to get permission to study marijuana on veterans with ptsd. >> the word marijuana is so radioactive that university administration are concerned about how do they manage this plus the public relations
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nightmare of trying to persuade our lawmakers that this is not becoming some type of drug den here. >> reporter: 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical use. colorado and washington have legalize it had out right and evidence shows that it is less harmful than cocaine and amphetamine. and it is less restrictive tha is alcohol. >> the number of people drinking is an unacceptable number and we can do better than that. there are zero deaths with marijuana, but marijuana is still illegal. so decriminalizing marijuana and diverse flying the options would help those numbers dramatically 2347 to bring its legal standing in lined with the true status of marijuana, as the attorney general suggests, it needs to be
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widely available to scientists. but while still restrictive real research is impossible. >> any attorney general would mention the need to marijuana into balance. >> how did marijuana become so heavily restricted in the first place. >> it was the 1970's control substance act signed in by president nixon. the short answer here is that it was politics and it certainly wasn't a scientific understanding of it. >> gotcha, jake ward for us here. thank you. at the united nations today talk of iran's nuclear program is meeting with the foreign minister to iron out a permanent deal. james bay from the u.n. >> reporter: one european diplomat told me that they saw the language on the nuclear talks in the speech by president
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rouhani was very positive. what is happening in new york while the u.n. general assembly is taking place across the road have been the latest round of negotiations going on director level among the p-5 plus one. there are these ongoing talks in the interim deal in november. they're trying to come to the final deal by this november. we heard that there is now going to be a meeting in the coming hours between the iranian foreign minister, the u.s. secretary of state john kerry and the e.u. foreign policy chief. i'm told that secretary of state kerry wants to test the waters because they're considering the ideas of having those negotiations the next meeting of the negotiators instead of political directors to have the foreign ministers there so the
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foreign ministers at the table. i'm told that meeting could happen within a matter of hours. >> american matthew miller began his hard labor sentence in north korea for what north korea cause hostile acts. ripped up his tourist visa when he arrived. he said that his life is now very isolated. >> prison life is eight ours of work per day. most days in agriculture. in the dirt. other than that, it's isolation no contact with anyone. >> miller said he was in good health.
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>> on wednesday, ohio's grand jury decided not to indict the officers involved saying their actions were justified. and in florida researchers have identified the remains of two more bodies buried next to a former all-boys reform school. dna analysis identified them as students of the arrest dosias school. buried 80 years ago just a month after he arrived at the school. 12-year-old early wilson was
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killed by four classmates in 1944. hundreds of form students have claimed school officials were chronically abusive. and opening statements began in jacksonville, florida in the retrial of michael dunne. dunne is accused of killing 17-year-old jordan davidson another 2012 after the two got into an argument over loud music. in february he was convicted of attempted second-degree murder but the jury deadlocked on the first-degree murder charge. dunne faces 60 years in prison on its second-degree charge. a disaster area after last month's flooding that clears the way for people to apply for federal funding. aid is available for three counties in michigan. >> look at that flooding. that was a mess. we appreciate it. later in the program. a multi billion dollar highway project in seattle is now a full year behind schedule. the delay has largely been cause by a piece of malfunctioning
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equipment at $80 million drill known as big bertha. now it's not drilling at all. >> this is a huge project, really the essence of a mega project the way people describe it. chris dickson is the man in charge here running the biggest boring machine in the world, which is headed two miles underneath the city of seattle. the machine nicknamed bertha is big all right, 7,000 tons, big enough to have its own control room. it is stopped dead and has not made any forward progress in ten months. >> the tunnel is 9,273 feet long. and we're in about 1,000 feet. >> bertha's massive drilling head, 57 feet in diameter broke down. mega project say it always comes with surprises. >> does it ever go exactly the way you think it's going to go. >> it never goes the way it's
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you think it's going to go. there are always hiccups along the way. >> the drilling head will be lifted out, taken apart. repaired, strengthened and reinstalled. while there is plenty of work to do on other parts of the proje project, bertha won't do any digging until next march. who will pay the repair bill will probably be answered in court. >> there is not enough money for this. >> the u.s. public interest research group said this is one of the biggest construction boondoggles in the country. >> every dollar spent on this is a dollar not making our roads better. it is a loss we can't afford. >> the tunnel will replace the 60-year-old earthquake prone area of seattle.
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total projected cost of $3 billion. including nearly $1 billion in federal money. >> project manager said they're not over budget yet and they shrug off the boondoggle label. >> the contractor is committed to completing what they started, and frankly so are we. >> do you still have full faith? >> yes. >> meanwhile, work goes on while bertha stays right where it is. the 90% of that two mile tuning job still ahead. al jazeera, seattle. >> the u.s. has been cracking down on crossing in to the country from mexico. and now migrants are feeling the heat on the other side of the border as well. the fallout is next. plus the chief of police in ferguson, missouri, apologized to the family of a teenager killed by an officer.
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>> the chief of the police is apologizing to the family of michael brown in a video statement published today. tom jackson said he was sorry and apologized to protesters in members of the afric african-american community. jackson said it's clear they have much work to do. >> overnight i went from being an overnight police chief, as chief of police and resident i want to be part of that conversation. i also want to be part of the solution. for mistakes made i take full responsibility. >> the apology comes one day when it was determined that the police should have handled the
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aftermath difficulty. in june more than 10,000 undocumented migrant children were crossing into the united states. now that number is down to just three thousand. that reduction is due in part to the u.s. crackdown on border security. and now so has the government of mexico. >> over the summer there was a surge in unaccompanied minors who were traveling to the mexico u.s. border. now that sparked a huge controversy, and many u.s. legislators said that mexico must do know to slow the amount of illegal migrants that were coming up to their border. and mexican government over the past several weeks has started a crackdown. there is no escaping the sweltering heat to these migrants traveling. the freight train carries tens
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of thousands of people mostly from central america north to the united states every year. but these days fewer and fewer are riding the rail. mexican government is cracking down on migrants. jesus tries to comfort his pregnant wife tired from traveling for to weeks they finally cross the mexican border. now they're worried they might get deported. >> it's getting harder. we had the police raid and arrest dozens of migrants. they filled 24 advance ful 24 vanns full of people. a few hours later saw security forces descend on the very same spot that jesus and other migrants have been waiting to board the train. panic broke out. some migrants tried to jump to the back of the train to escape the police. agents for the migration office
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as well as federal police have all come here and they're doing a raid, and they're looking for migrants. many of those migrants believe have gotten off the train and now are hiding in these bushes. mexico has deported more than 30,000 people in the last few months. it's the first time in nearly a decade that raids are happening. not just here but throughout the entire country. it's all part of a new federal program aimed at illegal migration. the government is putting the migrants at greater risk. >> when you talk to immigration policy, and force migrants to take dangerous routes, and more vulnerable to organized crime. >> every day more migrants are choosing to walk hundreds of kilometers following the train tracks into the open fields into
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an uncertain future. this policy is very controversial because as we pointed out in the report, it's really going to lead to a lot of migrants going deeper into the shadows and being even more vulnerable to organized crime. while this policy seems to be a contributing factor to the number of migrants we're seeing that has gone down on the u.s.-mexico border it still is something that experts say will not solve the problem. the problem is that the countries that niece migrants are coming from in central america there are no jobs, high levels of crime. and until shows problems are solved you won't is stop the migration. >> nfl commissioner roger goodell a liar and then challenges his bosses to punish him. guess what, they did. that's next.
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and then it is real money with ali velshi. >> coming up on "real money" striking oil in syria. the united states stakes aim at isil's revenue stream. and farm to table is big business for the restaurant industry, but guess what, farmers are not cashing in on the trend. i'll tell you why, all that and more on real money.
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real reporting that brings you the world. >> this is a pretty dangerous trip. >> security in beirut is tight. >> more reporters. >> they don't have the resources to take the fight to al shabaab. >> more bureaus, more stories. >> this is where the typhoon came ashore. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. >> al jazeera, nairobi. >> on the turkey-syria border. >> venezuela. >> beijing. >> kabul. >> hong kong. >> ukraine. >> the artic. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america.
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>> you know your phone and laptop could be fueling conflicts in some of the most dangerous parts of the world, and many are made from conflict minerals. as we have reports several working chains use to make the gadgets. everywhere you go in europe life evolves aroun around the mobile phone. in the netherlands alone there are 14 million hand sets in use. but few know where they are made or how they're made. >> do you know where your phone is made? >> huge number of phones and electronic items are made from melts from places like this, the mines of the congo.
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as many as a million have died in the last five years. in the united states there is a law that says manufacturers have to prove where their materials come from. but here in the european union there is no such thing that can abide by voluntary code of conduct or not. >> the e.u. really is a big, big player. and for us the fact that it's lagging behind it's reputation of its companies. it's about ethical transparent supply chains. >> there is a movement to change this situation. american computer maker is promising a conflict free supply chain by 2016. here in amsterdam the company is working towards the first ethical made phone. fair phone is a lobbying group to make people aware of where
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their gadgets are from. now it makes phones. >> it's something that we use every day, everyone today has a phone in their pocket, sometimes even two or three. what a lot of people don't know is that different kinds of minerals are used to produce that phone that comes from all over the world. most importantly they come from places of high risk conflict. >> reporter: europe is now target for a worldwide movement of campaigners to stop the trade of metals. it let's consumers know how much suffering has gone on to make their gadgets. tim friend, al jazeera, amsterdam. >> how about this, a sports columnist is suspended for three weeks after criticizing the nfl commissioner. bill simmons called roger goodell a liar over the videotape. he dared his employer, espn, to punish him for saying that.
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ines is here with that part of the story. >> reporter: tony, bill simmons has 3 million followers on twitter and his website is owned by espn. during a recent podcast he used some wear words and called the nfl commissioner a liar. >> goodell, if he didn't know what was on that tape. he is a liar. he's lying. if you put him up on a lie detecter test he would fall. i hope someone calls me and e-mails me to say i'm in trouble. if one person says that to me i'm going public. you leave me alone. he's a liar and i get to talk about that in my podcasts. >> espn suspended simmons for three weeks. and #free simmons is asking for simmons to be brought back. some are questioning, tony, the relationship between espn and the nfl.
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what exact journalistic standards did simmons violate speaking ill of the nfl. and another writes, good on you, simmons. not even a pretense of being anything more than a shill for the league now. and another writing, what if this was your daughter. and so much wrong why they suspended simmons longer than the nfl suspended ray rice. >> derek jeter farewell to new york is on track to start in a couple of minutes. the yankees long time captain is
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expected to take the field for his long time career. it's rainy and drizzle, the bronx seems to be taking a break meaning a sell out crowd has a good chance of seeing the captain's bronx finale. what a career. that's a look at the time this news our. "real money with ali velshi" is next. ♪ allied forces are taking the fight against isil to the group's oil revenue stream. i'll tell you why wiping out the illegal oil network won't be easy. and i'll examine eric holder's record on holding the banks accountable
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