tv News Al Jazeera September 29, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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>>. >> afghanistan has a new president - ashraf ghani inaugurated as the first democratic transfer of power, in kabul. hello, i'm darren jordan, this is al jazeera live from doha. thousands in hong kong shut down the financial hub and refuse to leave. u.s. targets i.s.i.l. fighters, and u.s. admits they underestimated the threat. and a noisy welcome for india's prime minister in the u.s., a country he was once
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banned from visiting. ashraf ghani has been sworn in as afghanistan's new president, described as an historic day. this is the first democratic transfer of power in the country. >> ashraf ghani will head a unity government following a power-sharing deal with abdullah abdullah. it comes after a bitterly contested election with accusations of fraud and vote recounting. here is an excerpt from ashraf ghani's inauguration speech. >> translation: if we want to have a rule of law, the high lel officials involved in corruption should be removed so that we can have a transparent judicial system. and for all those cases which
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are pending, it should we formed and reveal them. >> talk us through the event this morning. how significant is the transition of power for the country? >> well, it was historic. ashraf ghani was taking over power from hamid karzai. the first time ever that a democratically elected leader has passed power to another democratically elected leader, leading a new-type of government, a unity government and be joined by his political rival abdullah abdullah, and he was sworn in as c.e.o. the first act was to create the job as c.e.o. abdullah abdullah will take over that post. he was speaking and his first words as c.e.o. he promised to make the changes afghanistan needs. >> based on the agreement of national unity government, we are in a government for the sake
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of reforms, in all political and social sectors of the government. afghanistan needs unity, prosperity, economic development and administrative forms, as required by the nation of afghanistan - we are committed. >> one of the ongoing challenges for the new president will be security. reports of major attacks in ghazni and an attack on the airport this morning. >> that's right. there was a bomb near the airport in afghan kabul. a suicide attack impacting the province, 12 were killed. the taliban claimed responsibility on that attack. four of the attackers killed there, four police me, two members, and two civilians, challenges all over afghanistan. the taliban has large-scale attacks in the south, east and north. the afghan security forces have
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been fighting them off. ashraf ghani saying in his inauguration speech, that the afghan security forces are in charge of the country, he recognises that they'll need hep, and expect tomorrow that the government will sign security agreements with united states, allowing american and international trainers to remain in the country past the end of 2014, when the current mandate expires, 12,500 troops supporting the african security forces. security and the economy two of the newest challenges. >> thank you. this year's afghan election was beset with problems. none of the candidates cleared the 50% mark. 8 million afghans went back to the polls choosing between abdullah abdullah and ashraf ghani. the votes were audited under u.n. supervision. it was turned to chaos with both
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sides accusing each other of fraud. after months of wrangling, a power sharing agreement was signed. >> the taliban described the unity deal as a u.s. orchestrated sham. it was explained how the group would explain a role in the evolving political landscape. >> i think the rhetoric is expected. they have to oppose the system in kabul and afghanistan. that justifies their existence. at the same time both men, especially dr ashraf ghani has repeatedlily done his campaign, indicated that he wants to look over the peace process, and come up with more innovative ways to reach a peace agreement with the taliban, and - and all the afghans, they are tired of this,
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and i think there'll be efforts, some new efforts towards extending a hand towards the taliban, but, of course, the issue of the taliban does not depend on the afghan government, it depends on the international community on washington, and most of all on neighbouring pakistan, whether they will continue to support the taliban as a destabilizing factor in afghanistan or not. >> more protesters gathered in hong kong after riot splits fired tear gas. thousands of demonstrators are calling for electoral reforms, and they are camped out in the busy financial distribute. outline in a number of locations. he's calling on activists to pull back. >> i urge the people blocking the roads to leave peacefully as quickly as possible so as not to affect the traffic and every day
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life of the community. i urge the organizers to stop the occupation. >> scott heidler joins us live from hong kong. bring us up to date with what is happening on the streets behind you there. >> they have not heeded the call from the executive director from hong kong. they have done the opposite. when we started 5-6 hours ago, there was a sparse population, a lot of sleepy people, a lot of people spending the night. there is a sea of people in. in of the last 2-3 hours since that statement was made telling people to disperse coming from the government, they have done the opposite. more people have come. a lot of them are wearing black. that is something that was spread throughout social media, sunday into monday, telling people to come out, and if they support the cause, to wear black. a lot of university students - predominantly students here, but
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the occupy central moved is very much part of this. it was interesting to see this morning, we had pretty few numbers, and they scattered a little bit. it was hot. they went to shade. in the last 2-3 hours it blossomed and looks like more people are coming in. 250 meters that way, 250 meters that way, it's packed and looks like more people are coming in. >> has there been a reaction from the government yet? >> well, we heard that, you know, they called on them to disperse 1:00pm local time. to peacefully disperse we need to prevent the traffic jams, that impacts the economy and safety. the opposite happened at the time the announcement was made, that's when more people came out and joined the protesters, a lot were the people here sunday, coming back monday afternoon when it got cooler and they had
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taken care of what they needed to. it's amazing how the numbers mushroomed, so the government trying to get people to disperse, saying that there are 28,000 police on the streets in hong kong dealing with the situation. the riot police seem to have taken a step back, they had rifles that fired the tear gas cannisters. they are nowhere to be seen the the police tactical police. they are not around, and they are taking a step back. it will be difficult to control a crowd this size. scott heidler in hong kong, thank you. victor gow is the director of the beijing based china national association of international studies, and says the protests are counterproductive for hong kong's democratic goals. >> ever since 1997 when hong kong returned to mainland china hong kong kept the
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capitalist system. people there enjoy a democracy and have the right to demonstrate of the the current demonstrations are a reflection. fact that democracy exists in hong kong. on the other hand i urge people in hong kong who go demonstrations and protests to do so according to law. they cannot do such protests and demonstrations by violating freedom of other people who want to go to work, and get along with their life in the normal way. to do such protests by disregarding police warning and refuse to disperse is counterproductive and not a good way to advantages their cause. the fight against i.s.i.l. is raging on. activists say the u.s.-led coalition hit four provinces. aleppo and others. an air base and a gas factory
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were among the targets. their strikes attacked three refineries. the command center was hit. and the u.s. president obama admitted that his security officials underestimated the threat of i.s.i.l., in an interview onst television. obama said he didn't realise how fighters in iraq would regroup from syria. i think our head of the intelligence community jim clapper acknowledged that they underestimated what had been taking place in syria. >> he didn't say that - just say that we underestimated i.s.i.l. he said we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army to fight. >> that's true. that's absolutely true. >> lots more to come on the programme. the gazans had gone missing as they tried to scope the israeli
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blockade. why police and intelligence agencies are uneasy about the iphone 6. more on that. stay with us. we're heading to cutting edge cal tech campus >> here's a look at just a few of the students shaping the future of science >> see the latest research, discoveries and breakthroughs inside some of the worlds most advanced labs. >> how do you scale somethig you learned from a jelly fish? >> techknow every saturday go where science meets humanity. this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see. techknow. we're here in the vortex. only on al jazeera america.
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riot police fired tear gas. activists say the u.s.-led coalition hit four syrian provinces in the fight against i.s.i.l. an air base and gas factory among the targets. three refineries were attacked overnight. the command center was also hit. >> india's prime minister has been given a rock star welcome in new york. thousands of americans greeted narendra modi at maddison square garden, a turn around for a man once banned from entering the united states. >> reporter: just a few years ago narendra modi was denied a u.s. visa, the only person to fall fall of the u.s. international freedom that sanctions violations of religious freedom. that was then. now he is feted by 20, 500 members of the indian community and corporate leaders. he basked in their adulation
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from a revolving stage. >> reporter: we should join hands for mother india, do what you can for the land of your birth. long live mother india. . >> the speech was beamed into times square, where those that failed to gather tickets, gathered. >> he's popular in the young indian population. >> local politicians were keen to leave behind allegations that narendra modi did little to stop the murder of 1 thus people in 2002. >> i'm happy today. we have substantive issues to discuss, and deep economic ties when it comes to advancing human rights, women's right. it's a good day for us. it's not all adduration, thousands gathered outside
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maddison square garden and say he shouldn't be treated like a rock star, but a cm. >> reporter: hinned sikhs, professionive grocks were gathered. >> we have basically a strong projustice position and a tape of atrocities, shadows that have been following narendra modi, since he was the chief minister. they are things of great concern. some suggested the adoring crowds were representative of indian, who they say were harmed by deregulation and privatisation. >> they are the ones that come to america. >> from new york narendra modi travels to washington d.c. to meet with political leaders and
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president obama. it's clear that a u.s. establishment is opening its arms to narendra modi. >> and narendra modi also met his israeli counter part binyamin netanyahu in new york. it was the first such meeting in a decade. the two leaders talking about strengthening their ties in defense and tried. israel is a major arms exporter to india. >> 10 in japan have been confirmed dead, two days after a volcano erupted. dozens of others were found in cardiac arrest. the eruption at mt ontake trapped 250 hikers, many made is down. experts warned of further eruptions. wayne hay has this update on the rescue operations. >> this is a local government office in the town of keeso, and where the family members of the
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victims. eruption have been coming to get an update from the officials and rescue officials pt the situation on mt ontake, and the rescue operation. as the victims' families arrive, they are met by a large contingent of japanese media. on sunday rescue officials found the group of 31 climbers near the summit of the vol cane scro, all of them presumed to be dead. four of the bodies were able to be retrieved and brought down the mountain. the operation had to be brought to an end. they were working close to the summit of that volcano, which is very much active and the gas levels were too high, dangerously high. the separation to retrieve the victims had to be brought to an early end. that operation resumed first thing on monday morning. rescuers are trying to find survivors trapped under rubble after an earthquake in the
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remote part of peru. more than 500 people have been left homeless. >> a state of emergency has been declared. the president is expected to fly to the affected area. >> a toxic spill from a copper mine in mexico left thousands of families without actions to clean water. paris has this report from the city of panay meechy. >> reporter: these minors have been on strike for the last seven years. protesting, they say against u.n. safe working conditions and poor safety measures at the copper mine. >> a toxic spiel poured tens of thousands of metals into the river. there are the consequences. we know of several accidents, and this is a direct result.
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>> federal police continued to guard the entrances. residents of the 160km stretch of the river relied on it for drinking water. >> local water commission could be tanks, it could be filled with water trucked in daily. >> it's estimated that 22,000 were affected by the immediate skill. there's little word on what a long-term solution might be to one of the region's important rivers. >> the human rights commission estimate the cost could su pass 150 million. local mare judges say the economic issue needs to be addressed soon. >> we need to generate new jobs and alternate sources of income. if the river is affected, our livelihood is affected. a company that owns the mine set
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up a $150 million trust fund for repatriation and set up a website to provide information on efforts to clean up the mess. few residents received money or information about what comes next. >> human rights organizations say many have gone missing since israel. they are believed to have use people smugglers. charles stratford has more. >> reporter: a shout for help to find their missing family members. some people knew their relatives would risk their lives, to risk taking the smuggling tunnel to rick catching a boat. there's little you could do to stop that. >> i haven't heard anything for
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12 address, i don't know if they drowned at sea or where they are. >> it's believed around 60 drowned trying to get people smuggling votes. mohammed could have been one of them. he wants us to hide his identity. he said he and three others paid smugglers 2,500 each to get to egypt and beyond. >> the situation in gaza is very difficult. the dangers are worth taking. i gave our passport to the smuggler, he told us he'd get the necessary stamp and give us a call. he said he'd get a passage to egypt. >> while he and the other men were blow the egypt gaza border, the earth shook, and they were forced to turn back. >> we heard a massive explosion in a tunnel close by.
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we were terrified and realised the dangers we were facing. >> al jazeera filmed this tunnel before the war. the israeli military destroyed many tunnels close to the borders. bombed out buildings line the road to the egyptian border, despite the effort to destroy all the tunnels, people tell us there are many under the farms and villages. behind me is the crossing with egypt. it was close to hear that mohammed climbed into a tunnel risking his life for a better future abroad. the only way for plainians to go to e -- palestinians to go to egypt was with medical needs, dual citizenship or a work visa. >> we noticed a number of people disappearing increased since the end of the war. the smugglers worked as individuals. they are difficult to catch. mohammed says he'll never give up his dream of leaving gaza.
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>> i will keep trying until i die. i am sure of that. >> determined words from a young man desperate for a better life abroad. >> a court in egypt acquitted more than 100 alleged supporters of the muslim brotherhood. they have been accused of violating protest laws. in a separate trial 12 students were sentenced to four years in prison, and convicted of engaging in violent acts and being members. muslim brotherhood. al jazeera demands the release of its three journalists, peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed - they have been detained for 275 days, and are falsely accused of aiding the muslim brotherhood. peter greste was sentenced to seven years, badr got on additional three years. they are appealing against their
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convictions. a former aid of ivory coast's ex president is due to stand trial on monday. charles is charged with committing crimes against humanity. many victims are calling for others to face justice too. >> torn between forgiveness and revenge. aisha was three months pregnant when a group of men gang raped her and killed her family. >> translation: those that did it were my neighbours, the men were incited. he needs to pay for his crimes. >> reporter: known as the general of the street, charles was a former youth leader and an ally of the former president, who was himself facing charms at the international criminal court in the hague. he is charged with murder, rape and other crimes committed
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during the post electoral violence of 2010. 600 bodies have been found in the capital alone, giving families on opportunity to grieve. the government hopes it will give comfort to the victim's family and allow for reconciliation. >> translation: let's not forget 3,000 people died. there needs to be repentance for reconciliation to happen. >> reporter: the opposition denounces the justice, because none of the figures involved in crimes have been arrested or face trial. in a statement the head of the opposition says: >> reporter: the people that commit crimes live side by side with their victims, but there has been no justice. as aysha remembers what happened
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to her, a lot of emotions runs through her mind. she lost everything - her family, unborn baby and trust in society. the new iphone 6 has a powerful encryption setting that should make it harder for security agencies to access user's information, leading to a suggestion that apple is allowing a situation for criminals to evade the law. >> reporter: apple's newest iphone is leaving some bent out of shape. not the queues that waited for hours to get their hands on the code. bit those that could take five years to break the encryption coding. it means the n.s.a. won't be able to access emails, photos and contacts. it's not the first time this
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level of encryption hit the market. >> android offered such enception. the iphone is the first to do so. google said it's lying behind. >> reporter: james kony has voiced criticism of the cutting edge technology. what concerns me is companies marketing something allowing people to hold themselves beyond the law. some say the concerns are cover stated. >> there are so many ways to get information on a phone, and so many other places that that information is stored. to say that this is the thing that will let criminals run free is a misstatement. >> the new technology raises a number of questions, including whether it's legal for a government to take information off a smartphone. >> congress passed a law encouraging their technology to be made accessible to wire taps.
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it hasn't been checked. a quick reminder, you can keep up to date with all the news on the website. is there is the address, >> 13 million filipinos were affected by typhoon haiyan's wrath. today a third of survivors are homeless in the catastrophic aftermath. we're flying to leyte- the hardest hit island where towns were torn up and reduced to rubble -
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