tv News Al Jazeera September 29, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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upcoming elections. the conversation continues on the website we are on facebook and twitter @ajconsiderthis, or tweet me at amoratv. see you next time. >> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. defiance, the show of force. what happens next? white house intruder from the wall of the east room. air control breach, the area in chicago that grounded thousands of flights. what it says about safety and security. the billionaire make her debut on the forbes list.
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just 30 years old she's already changing an entire industry. and we begin in hong kong where the push for democracy has brought thousands to the streets. this remarkable video, drone video, shows the size of the protest and with the call of free elections a show of force from the authorities it's a tense standoff and one that the world is watching. and scott heidler joins us now from hong kong. what have you seen this morning? >> this morning it is interesting, we are getting into the routine, it's tuesday morning here and it's similar to what we saw on monday morning, dissipated, they are kind of behind these bridges that goes over the major artery, still kind of hot here in hong kong,
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also the occupy infrastructure has built, first aid stands, supply areas, water, drinks of other sorts and some snacks and things like that, bananas and umbrellas that has become the icon of this umbrella revolution. those are in different spots through this highway that again goes into the main financial district. also interesting a little bit other things we have heard is makeshift stands. one, just about an hour ago they were encouraging the people here to get on their cell phones and call their friends who support this movement and get them out here. they are worried that if there is a window where the numbers are very, very low lower than the evening hours, the hong kong police might have the opportunity to clean things up and clear people out. that's their concern, they've gotten on the loudspeakers and more people will likely arrive, like we say on monday it started in full force 1:00, 2:00 in the
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afternoon john. >> how is the government expected to respond to all of this? >> it's very interesting. the head of the hong kong government came out on tuesday morning. one he said this occupy movement will probably continue for quite some time. he said there's no need for the people'people's liberation armye in, it's probably going to take some time. but he said the decision of election reform that prompted these people out here that is not going to change. that is the process put in place and moving forward. he said the central government of china is sticking to their plan and that this is an illegal activity and it should stop and the people should dissipate. he admits to some degree this is going to go on for quite some time john. >> looks like they're set for a
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long haul at least for a while. scott heidler, thank you. felan kine, joins us in the studio, welcome. >> thank you. >> give me a reaction to what you've seen over the weekend. >> the last 36, 48 hours have been extraordinary. we have seen tens of thousands of hong kongers, and we have seen the hong kong police who have a reputation for being quite moderate and professional in their interaction with the public to deploy tear gas batons, pepper spray. >> that is unusual. >> this is expensive force against overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrators that we haven't seen in hong kong for decades. >> is this use of tear gas a game changer when it comes to this protest? >> what it's done is the government's worst nightmare. it has galvanized huge portion of the population. the numbers are increasing because they have seen what they
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have seen on television and they want to get involved. >> those shots of the drone going over the protests over the weekend were quite dramatic. just in the size of the protests here. it's quieter today. is that a sign the protests are dying? >> no, this is not going away. you know this is a movement which is building. they have a strategy, they have resources, they have an infrastructure. and they are not going to back down. and that is going to prove to be a serious problem. because the government doesn't show any sign that it's going to back down either. >> on october 1st it's china's national holiday-day. what are you expecting? how is this going to play out? >> for the national government it's a nightmare, the day they celebrate the achievements of the communist party, a day of patriotic glory. and instead in hong kong thousands of proaforts who are e
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essentially thumbing their nose at the chinese government to say we want real democracy. >> are we going to have another tienanmen square? >> i hope we do not. that depends on the hong kong government showing restraint, respecting the protesters legal right to assembly and protest. >> but if they got tear gas in their face as a result what else can the police do? >> you know there are established protocols for how police can and should use force in appropriate situations. >> i mean they've shut down a highway in the middle of hong kong. setting up tents. >> the fact is, is that these people are exercising their legal right of protest and there are protocols that the hong kong government are required to obey. they have experience handling mass protests. everything went wrong because
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they use an excess of force over the last 48 hours. >> is this just a few thousand students or tens of thousands of students or does it represent something much bigger? >> this is a wide swath of hong kong society, this is grandmothers, school kids, working class parents who bring their kids. it's a cross section of society, again a growing movement, they saw what happened the other night and determined to face it down. >> as we look at live pictures of hong kong as i said they have tents set up in the middle of the highway in the middle of the business district. felan kine thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me on. these clashes go beyond the clashes of the last week, it goes back 20 years. jonathan betz explains. >> for 150 year britain ruled hong kong as a colony independent of china. but in 1997 it went back to
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china, one country, two systems deal. hong kong is not a separate country but it does have its own government, freedom of speech and protest which china does not have. it remains under communist rule. but the biggest promise for hong kong was, it would get universal suffrage, everyone would get to vote. starting in 2017. for the first time the people of hong kong could choose their own leader in a democratic election. something that hong kong does not have right now. a few months ago, china started to backtrack. it released the white paper determining china's central government has comprehensive jurisdiction over all regions. that would mean china would first screen the candidates. hong kong could only vote for candidates approved by beijing. sparking protests, worrying that
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china is chipping away at freedoms they've long enjoyed. >> that's jonathan betz. u.s. has already spent more than $1 billion to fight i.s.i.l. in iraq. this weekend president obama acknowledged that the u.s. underestimated i.s.i.l. mike viqueria reports. >> criticism and accusations, for shifting blame to the intelligence communities, and the military prowess of i.s.i.l. sweeping to the gates of baghdad. the director of intelligence james clapper said essentially that is what happened, the intelligence community did not see this coming. president obama endorsed that view, that unleashed a storm of
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criticism. josh earnest defended the president. >> i don't think those are the words that the president used, the president was pretty clear as he was in august that nobody predicted the speed and pace with which i.s.i.l. would advance across the syrian border with iraq and make dramatic gains across the country side in a way that allowed them to hold large chunks of territory. >> reporter: the president added and again the intelligence community agrees that the ability of the iraqi airm to aro defend itself against the i.s.i.l. group was overestimated. john. >> benjamin netanyahu spoke at the u.n. general assembly and said both groups wanted world domination through terror. he criticized the u.n. for getting it wrong. >> by investigating israel
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rather than hamas for war crimes, the u.n. human rights council has betrayed its noble mission to protect the innocent. in fact what it has done is turned the laws of war upside down. >> he said most arab countries share the same big concerns as israel, the rise of groups like i.s.i.l, hamas responded to the speech. the group said gazans are victims of isolation. the military wants to keep 10,000 troops in kabul for training and support only when the assignment ends in december. the group is settled to sign a bilatter agreement tomorrow. rosalyn jordan has the story.
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>> reporter: getting a continuing u.s. military presence in 2015, something washington says will help keep the afghans safer. >> the partnership we've established to ensure afghanistan maintains the gains of the past decade, that is the plan and we look forward to having that signed. >> reporter: under the terms of the bilateral security agreement or bsa about 9500 u.s. troops will train archtion, as they gather intelligence and preefnt enemy attacks. u.s. will not be allowed to lead combat rations and only be deployed about two years. washington wanted the agreement to be signed in 2013, to allow the pentagon enough time to reassign soldiers and marines before the end of this year. but the former president hamid karzai repeatedly delayed
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signing the bsa and then refused to sign it angering u.s. policy makers, statement about ghaifn ghani's inauguration. officials here at the state department say there is a lot of hard work ahead to help the ghani government improve its military and security. the challenge would be to prevent afghanistan from turning into another iraq where i.s.i.l. fighters chased off the army and claimed large parts of that country. >> even though the cost was harder than it could have been or should have been or needed to be, the global fight against terrorism, given how far it is from nato given how many other challenges were present it will still be a remarkabl remarkable
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accomplishment for all of the countries in the coalition and our afghan partners. >> rosalyn jordan, al jazeera the state department. >> coming up next, new details about the white house intruder and just how far he got inside the residence. we'll hear from a former secret service agent, clint hill. and more flights disrupted because of a fire at a nearby faa facility.
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the fence ten days ago got much further into the white house than the secret service has said so far. his dash to the building was caught on video but the new reports give a clear picture what happened once he got inside. mike viqueria has the story. >> reporter: it turns out the penetration of the white house by omar gonzalez was much worse than we were initially told if that weren't bad enough. it was two fridays ago, the first family had just lifted off on the marine 1, and omar gonzalez jumped the fence, ran the 70 yards towards the north portico, was not brought down by the secret service dogs, they were not released, tackled by gun fire, walked into the north portico and we were told apprehended near the doors of the residence that the president
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and every president resides. we were told it was much worse than that. gonzalez actually penetrated into the white house, he ran into the doors of the north portico which were unlocked at the time, took a left into the east room, the i don'or the ornt inside the green room which was adjacent to the south of the white house, it is another embarrassment to the secret service once thought to be impregnable, above approach. there is a major hearing from the house of representatives oversight committee. major gonzalez according to reports overpowered one officer inside the white house.
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more egg on the face of secret service an embarrassment on top of everything else they had to do recently. john. >> morphone from the warehouse. the secret service mishandled an incident when a gunman, oscar ortega hernandez fired a weapon from his car. it took several days to realize the building had even been hit. doing a good job protecting the president. >> i think security at the white house is very good. this is a historical residence. it is open to the public. with certain restrictions. and it should be, and always will be, we hope. and under those conditions, you are limited as to what you can and cannot do.
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under those circumstances i think that the secret service has been doing a very good job of maintaining a secure environment for the president and members of his family while they're in residence at the white house and also just securing the white house and the 18 acres around it. if you try to make it into a fortress you are going to be making a big mistake. this belongs to the people of the united states not to the person who is occupying at the present time or did occupy it in the past. they're just a temporary resident. this is a residence that belongs to the people, and the people should have access, limited as it might be. but at least have access to the point where they can be photographed, from the exterior, and have that memento to take back to their family that they were there and did see the white house. i was there with president eisenhower and then i was with the kennedys, specifically
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assigned to mrs. kennedy, continued with president johnson, fully aware of exactly what changes have been made and how different it is today than it was then. today there are many more challenges than we had back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. things are very, very different. it's much more difficult and a lot of that is attributed to technology. but technology can work against you as much as it can work for you. so there are just different situations that exist. it's an organization that's widespread, has a multitude of responsibilities, and i think for the most part does an excellent job and i think it's probably the premier law enforcement agency in the world. >> that's former secret service agent clint hill. now to a fire that crippled air travel in and out of chicago in
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and around the weekend. caused delays, cancellations and still causing it tonight. has the faa reviewing emergency plans. paul beban is here. >> key air traffic facility outside of chicago, technicians are working round the clock to get it back to speed but it won't be to full capacity until mid october. the ripples are getting smaller but the effects of friday's incident are still being felt far and wide. >> actually it's affecting the whole world. traffic coming from europe and asia flying to chicago are impacted likewise simply because they have to absorb some of the delay. >> brian howard the man accused of cutting radar cables and then setting them on fire as part of a suicide attempt appeared in court on monday dressed in hospital scrubs with a bandage
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on his neck. his lawyer said howard poses a danger to himself but not to others. >> brian tried to take his life. in fact he did so in a way that inconveniented and more, many, many -- inconvenienced many more, and he deeply regrets it . >> at issue how one person could do so much damage. aurora center outside chicago where howard works is a critical piece of complex air space puzzle. aurora's issues have been shifted to other centers, a sweeping review of air securities and operation protocols. >> the highest issue is we want to deliver an efficient system as well. >> obviously a large chunk of our economy and the american
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traveling public relies on this piece of critical infrastructure. >> transportation analysts say america's air control system is badly in need of an upgrade. >> not only did it cause a complete five hour close of the replied west system, the manual entry of flight plans and so on. that is a bit of stone age where we thought the faa could be in these situations. >> the next generation system, supposed to improve security save fuel and money and cut delays but it's years behind schedule and hundreds of millions of dollars behind budget. next je gen will be far from secure. >> any complex system that has to have human beings operate it in many levels will be vulnerable to someone inside trying to do harm to that system.
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>> chicago o'hare is in the midst of its own upgrade. so far o'hare still ranks near the bottom and still slow-go at o'hare. average delays, cancelled 560 flights alone. howard could face up to 20 years in prison. >> any word on what tomorrow might be like? whether they'll cancel flights tomorrow as well? >> some of the airlines will still cancel some of theirs flights. united will cancel most of their flights but o'hare will be back to nearly 90% of its capacity. >> volcano eruption in japan. the number of those killed climbs to 36 now. i'm not sure about the pronunciation of this mountain, i think it's mount ontake.
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cefnlkevin corriveau is here tol us how it's pronounced. >> that's right, john, mount ontake. a very scalable mountain, 10,000 feet. doable in one or two days. a beautiful day as about 250 people were near or close to the summit. now without warning, this volcano erupted. it was toxic gas as well as a lot of ash in the area. we didn't see any magma with this particular volcanic eruption but as you know we did have over 3 dozen fatalities because of that. take a closer look. this is the mount we are talking about here. it is just towards the west of tokyo. we did see though, an ash cloud make its way towards the west and now the faa, not faa but the
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japanese flight control is calling it a no-fly zone around this particular area, in case we see any more eruptions. now this eruption wa was actualy not expected. there were no telltale signs of this mountain erupting. they're going to be watching it closely, it's a level 3, people are not to be going close to or up the mountain for an indefinite amount of time. >> kevin corriveau, thank you very much. coming up escape from i.s.i.l, we'll introduce you to a former fighter now escaped from the group. and sexual assault, what it means for colleges across the state. >> see the latest research, discoveries and breakthroughs inside some of the worlds most advanced labs. >> how do you scale somethig you
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coming up more protests in hong kong as police change tactics. what is bringing thousands of people out on the streets. yes means yes, california adopts a law relating to sexual assault. and one of the world's richest, a college dropout. we begin this hour with the fight against i.s.i.l. coalition air strikes have been targeting fighters near turkey's border. i.s.i.l. took territory anyway. turkey has not joined the u.s. coalition but it lined up tanks at its border. nick schifrin is reporting from the region and tonight he shares a remarkable story of an i.s.i.l. fighter who defected and is now a refugee.
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>> every time he walks into the mosque he enters a sanctuary and closes the door on a troubled past. this man is what he called his savior. if it weren't for him he would have been a suicide bomber in the islamic state of iraq and the levant. >> i know thought they had the highest understanding of religion based on the koran. >> he became one of 30,000 young men in an i.s.i.l. training camp. the video may be problem began today but he says it's accurate. he learned how to fire an assault rifle, how to fight hand to hand. >> when you thought, what the they offer you? >> i didn't join them because i wanted something from them. i joined them because they
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provided the best religious path. >> like a holy soldier he was organized by a traditional military, led by an officer called imir or pritz. the day he realized he needed to leave i.s.i.l. was the day he killed a man. >> translator: i wouldn't want to kill a chick let alone a human being. i was forced to kill. what could i do? i regret it, i regret it, i was brain washed. >> across town abu hamsa told me was a moderate in the free syrian army. i.s.i.l. offered bonuses for successful missions. as an fsa fighter i would come to a base and there would be no food or money. i.s.i.l. provided all these things as well as protection. >> reporter: but he slowly realized his commanders were
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former lieutenants in saddam hussein's iraqi armer. they lied and claimed they were in the army and corrupt and brutal. he is still scared of them, that's why he won't show his face. >> we saw that the i.s.i.l. were criminals, taking the minds of muslim men for implementing their own goals. >> sheik offered him to flee by offering him a job in the different religious inspiration. he was a moderate syrian commander but today he fights with ideas. he travels to syrian refugee camps to debate i.s.i.l. missionaries to argue their version of islam is brutal and distorted. he hardin argued the same to ab. >> what is better to wait on the battlefield to kill a woman or to kill an intellectual, a man who can bring to the nation his
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thinking? >> he today he totally rejects i.s.i.l. but he still knows the group is incredibly strong so he is applying for asylum in europe. the only way he will feel safe is as far from syria as possible. so much has been made of the external propaganda but internally as well. one defector said anybody who objected to a moderate they said they were israel. but when peter foley and steven sotloff were beheaded, he was told they were beheaded because they were spies, how tightly the information is regarded.
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>> nick, you are talking to refugees coming across the border into turkey. talk about the humanitarian situation. >> i think it's important to talk about the i.s.i.l. brutality, i.s.i.l. reach, this is still a humanitarian story, still a humanitarian crisis. the largest refugee crisis since world war ii. 9 million not living in the homes they were living in, they simply do not have the wood food, the water, the shelter they need. >> nick schifrin, thank you. more of nick's reporting from turkey friday. join us for our special report five days of fear. 8:30 eastern 5:30 pacific time. protests have entered their fifth day just after 11:30 tuesday morning the streets are still crowded with people
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demanding democracy. not as crowded as before. scott heidler in hong kong with more of it. scott. >> john, yes, we are seeing something that is now become a pattern. the big day is on monday, between sunday and monday i should say, tear gas being fired, that transitions to what we saw last night, monday night, a lot of protesters, right here, on the other side of victoria bay but this is the center part. and the pattern i'm talking about is how things started during the day. and we're kind of seeing a kickup a little bit more. a lot of people sleeping on the ground under these tebts and they retreat ttents.but the infs starting to build. you've got these tents that have gone up in the last couple of hours, more supplies, iconic
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umbrellas for the umbrella revolution, a couple of first aid stations too. they are really trenching in john if you will, and what we are expecting is more people to come as the day goes on. there are makeshift stages. one was a couple of hours, asking get on your cell phones, tell your friends to come out here. they're worried if the numbers get too low that could provide an opportunity for the police force in hong kong to come in and remove people. that's not the case, more people are definitely coming in. you may see a peak at night hours, but like it did on monday they're starting to come in towards midday john. >> of course hong kong a bustle met rometropolis. how does this affect the city? >> the financial district just down the street from me, again
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this morning we heard that more bank branches, more bank offices have shut their doors for a second day running, almost 40 today. we know that the stock exchange opened low again, went down just over a point, yesterday it went down almost two points. we're looking at a impact of these financial protesters, on the stock market. the government has said please this is an illegal gathering please get off the streets, please provide lanes for emergency vehicles. for public safety this illegal gathering should dissipate but clerl that's not happening. and-d clearly that's not happening. the head of the government says he expects it to go on for some time. but the police force in hong kong are under control, no need to bring in the chinese army. they also said the chinese central deposit is not
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intimidated by what's going on here and not changing the election reform plan that they put into place that prompted these people to come out in the streets. a line drawn in the sand but john you are going to see a lot more people coming out and wednesday even more because it's a national holiday. >> scott is there a sense that these protesters have prepared for the long haul? do they have supplies and that sort of thing? >> yeah, they certainly, preparing for long haul, that's become more evident as these days, as the hours have gone on. now you have kind of like two different protesters if you will, two different groups. you've got the people, a lot of people spent the night, sleep out, we still see people under their tents. the diehards. then people commute in, come in early in the morning and leave late at night. and you have a national holiday
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on wednesday, no one is working and we'll probably see a lot more people coming john. >> scott heidler thank you very much. in virginia police say they have made a break in the missing 18-year-old virginia university the man who has been linked to hannah gram's disappearance, they did not leap, gram is still missing, she vanished earlier this month. another day of protesting in ferguson, missouri, as police search for the person who shot a police officer in the arm. tensions are high following the police shooting of unarmed michael brown. ferguson's police force is under fire, riva martin, an attorney
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from los angeles joins us. welcome. >> hi john. >> well first of all, what's it supposed to cost to get these documents? >> pretty nominal fees. or nothing, john. the reality is, missouri has a sunshine law and that law says that public documents should be made available upon a request. a public records request. very common throughout every sailt in the countrstate in the. and the fees for research should be nominal. and in some cases under the missouri statute those documents can be made, under the public interest, be available for free. these exorbitant fees charged by the ferguson police department, are outrageous, for individuals and civil rights organizations
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as well. >> who determines the price? >> well, the police department. it's sending bills or invoices to the requestors saying if you want these documents this is what we are going to charge you. the statute lays out some parameters as to what those charges should be but it appears the police department is charging some undetermined amounts and not giving figures where they are getting these from. >> the police, using these tactics, as a vindictive move but no one really knows what it is in this case. talk about the sunshine act and how it figures into this. >> the sunshine act says that public records should be made available with a request. it should be fairly simple about government transparency and the public having a right to know what documents and e-mails are maintained by the officials, in
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this case the police department. no one knew that the michael brown shooting was going to take on this international attention that news around the world eyes would be on missouri. we don't know what was being communicated in those early days at that police department and perhaps the police don't want us to know. it sure looks like there's something to hide when a government body like this doesn't freely give the information when it's being requested. >> all right ariva, stay around. california's first to change its approach towards sexual assault victims on college campuses. students no longer have to prove that they said no to sex, to make a case they were assaulted. instead the question will be whether both sides said yes. melissa chan has the story. >> reporter: it's called active consent, better known as yes means yes.
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instead of focusing on when a person says no, making sure both participants agree to sex. this shifts the burden of proof in situations when the person was asleep, incapacitied, drunk or somehow unable to communicate because of a mental or physical condition. all public universities and any private university that receives funding from the state of california will now need to comply to this new law. >> frankly, everyone finds it fearful to talk about rape. rape is scary. we need to treat it more matter of factually, we need to treat it less about crime and more about control of the situation. >> these two women have become activists about sexual violence. >> i'm just happy because it's nice to see statewide attention
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and action about it. a lot of these states have affirmative action policies, you need to codify and make sure you do it. >> necessary but not sufficient part of achieving the kind of cultural change that we've been fighting for. >> reporter: though difficult on such a diverse campus to gauge student response, people we talked to called this progress. >> especially especially as a student it's very important that this is discussed and at berkeley here we're trying to talk about enthusiastic consent. so this is in conjunction perfectly with that. >> reporter: but even some supporters report this law may be difficult to enforce. >> my thought is this enforcement is going to be lax, i don't think the enforcement is going to be did there which is unfortunate but i can't see how they would do it. >> the law would require that colleges and universities provide counselors for sexual assault victims as well as training for incoming freshmen,
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also required to attend classes that teaches them what consent is. melissa chan, san francisco. >> and ariva, how do you enforce this law? >> i think you would have to figure out how it would come into play, john, essentially if a female college student makes a complaint that she has been assaulted, usually there's adjudicatory action. they're not going to be asking the question whether the woman said no but now the question is going to be, was there voluntary continuous consent by both parties involved in the sexual act? so that's a huge shift in the way these cases were thought about and investigated prior to the passage of the yes means yes bill. >> why aren't police investigating this instead of the college?
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>> oftentimes they are. oftentimes there is a dual investigation, someone may be criminally prosecuted by a local jurisdiction and the campus is trying to decide what punishment they're going to hand out, is the person expelled, suspended or punished for this behavior. >> i understand this puts the burden on the assailant, the intention of the people who tried to get this law passed. but does it really change anything? >> i think it's a huge shift, john. i think if nothing else it's going to cause college students around the state of california to engage in a conversation about how serious it is. you know also something has happened with respect to the burden of proof. when these adjudicatory processes occur, the burden of proof will be lower. it will no longer be reasonable doubt, it will be preponderance
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of the evidence. the law might not be perfect but it goes a long way in starting an important dialogue about how people involved in sexual activity should be consenting. we shouldn't put the burden on the woman to prove she resisted but whether or not both parties voluntarily agreed to the sexual act. >> with alcohol involved and with both sides it seems to me you have the same problem trying to prove this case. >> clearly one of the big issues on college campuses is the amount of alcohol and access to alcohol even to people who are not legally able to drink. we know there's a high correlation between alcohol consumption and sexual assault. but again it doesn't fix all the issue but it is an important first step. i think the nfl as they address their domestic violence issue can learn something about what the california governor did in this case. >> what would you suggest, a yes
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means yes policy when it comes to the nfl? >> well what i'm suggesting is consistency. that's what the governor did by enacting this law is a consistent policy that all universities will use college students will know about it and a burden of proof that's not tied to the criminal justice system. >> this law doesn't affect -- does it only affect college students? >> only college students and only in campuses where the colleges are accepting state dollars. so not staff. so you know it doesn't apply if a staff member is accused of sexual assault. >> applies to everybody? >> students only. >> should it apply to everybody? >> it should apply because there are staff members that are involved in sexual assaults as well. to get at the issue what we've seen is college students not respecting women primarily the victims of these crimes and assaults. women who are drunk who are unconscious who have been drugged. we had to take some kind of affirmative step and i think
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this is a step in the right direction john. >> it's a good discussion. ariva thank you very much, we appreciate it. >> thanks john. (n) in suburban denver, calling in sick to proposed changes in are curriculum. advanced placement history promotes patriotism, rejects social disorder, some students demonstrated in the streets against the board. the board is scheduled to review this issue this thursday. it will also review a plan to link teacher pay to an evaluation system that teachers have rejected. detroit's controversial shutoff policy is here to say. the city's bankruptcy judge says he won't stop the practice. one detroit attorney says she will file an appeal. up to 400 city residents are losing service every day because of unpaid bills, bisi onile-ere
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reports. >> we come now for our hearts heavy for those who have lost water from all over this city. >> reporter: e-doesn't have the authority to intervene. that is one reason u.s. bankruptcy judge stephen rhodes decided to stop the shutoffs. the city in the throes of bankruptcy cannot afford to allow bills unpaid. it is a win for detroit's water department. outside the courthouse, outrage. >> this is not just a social crisis, it's a moral practice how morally bankrupt can the bankruptcy judge be that he could sit there in that courtroom, listen to the testimonies of those who have tried ohave access to water and who have been denied quownls and
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continuously, and not grant restraint. >> reporter: asked the judge to issue a six month moratorium on the shutoffs so both sides could work on a customer affordability plan. during two days of hearings, those who have lived without water for months, tearfully took the stand. their attorney argued that access to water is a human right. the plan now is to appeal. >> in the next few weeks the u.n. will be here. we're going to stay in the trenches because it's one person, if one family don't have water in detroit your family is next. >> reporter: so far over 24,000 accounts have been shut off this year. the city says up to 400 people are losing water service each day. attorneys for the city defend the shutoff policy, saying a ten point plan providing financial aid to those in need is working
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>> all the rain we have had over the last couple of weeks in the southwest has actually been beneficial in terms of the drought situation, four corner states into texas as welt, unfortunately here towards west california, nevada and oregon it did not do any help at all. we're still looking at exceptional drought situations over there but tonight we are looking at severe weather coming out of the rockies. these are the lines we are concerned about colorado to nebraska and now coming into parts of kansas cit kansas and s line we will see wind damage hail damage as well as the threat for tornadoes coming into
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play there. we have cooler air, actually notice snow and sleet in the higher elevations but ahead of this we are looking at some warmer air. so when those two air masses come together then we see the severe weather. so tomorrow we're looking at the same situation except a little bit more over here towards east. we're talking about nebraska all the way down to the texas panhandle. and as we go towards wed parts of missouri all the way down towards oklahoma and those temperatures really reflected very warm down here towards the south and getting cooler out towards the west. that's a look at your national weather your news is next.
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billion to get on the list. the usual suspects 21 years in a row bill gates is the richest american he's worth a staggering $81 billion, warren buffett 67 billion. one person caught our eye her name is elizabeth holmes. 30 years old, a self-made billionaire more than 27 people making their debut on the forbes list. a college dropout, taranos has revolutionized blood testing, can run a blood test from just a few drops of blood. her company is word $9 billion and she's worth$4.5 billion.
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12:00 am
>> on "america tonight." from no means no to yes means yes. california's controversial new bid to stop an epidemic of sexual violence on campus. why even survivors think this won't work. gazans find little hope for their.future to the u.s. fight against i.s.i.l. >> when it comes to the ultimate goals, hamas is i.s.i.s. and i.s.i.s. is hamas. >> the
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