tv America Tonight Al Jazeera September 30, 2014 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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>> on "america tonight." from no means no to yes means yes. california's controversial new bid to stop an epidemic of sexual violence on campus. why even survivors think this won't work. gazans find little hope for their.future to the u.s. fight against i.s.i.l. >> when it comes to the ultimate goals, hamas is i.s.i.s. and i.s.i.s. is hamas. >> the war of words is still
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being fought. and explosive cargo . "america tonight's" sheila macvicar first brought us the terror ignited by the tragic blast of crude oil rolling through our communities on the northern border. >> did you feel your community dodged a bullet then? >> we dodged a bomb. we got hit by the bu bullet. >> a new attempt to curb the risks on the rails. and good evening, thanks for joining us, i'm joie chen. for more than a year "america tonight" has put the epidemic of sexual violence on college campuses front and center. now a first of its kind law
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signed by the governor of california, stopping sex crimes on campus. california's new law sets an unprecedented standard for any state. forcing sexual partners to consider not only that no means no but insisting that yes must really mean yes. for colleges facing serious consequences for not supporting the standards. >> we have a big problem and we need your help. >> it's happening on college campuses at bars and even in high schools. >> it's happening to our sisters and our daughters. >> hollywood and political stars put out by the white house. >> if she doesn't consent or if she can't consent it's rape. it's assault. >> it's up to all of us to put an end to sexual assault and that starts with you. >> the campaign is part of a federal and state push for change. with a reported one in five women sexually assaulted in college the focus on how to
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prevent rape on campus is getting a lot of attention. and sunday, california governor jerry brown signed senate bill 967 into law. that legislation defines yes means yes. a stronger definition of consent than the previous well-known crusade, no means no. california is the first in the country to require an affirmative conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. at the heart of the new law is the notion of consent. the law says that if someone is too drunk, drugged or even if they're not actively resisting there is no affirmative consent. the new law also says that affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time. california lawmakers say affirmative consent does not have to be verbal. it could be a positive nod. or a step closer. but some groups say enforcing the new law will be difficult.
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that it steps on due process. that's due students accused of sexual misconduct. >> students have a right to know what standard they're being held to. otherwise it presents serious did you process concerns. so we're very concerned about that. we're also concerned about the way that this bill codifies the preponderance of the evidence standard and what that means is that students who are accused of sexual assault will be found guilty if the fact finders find it's more likely than not that they committed the sexual assault. it's a very low standard. part. there are in apps called good to go that puts it on the record. >> the good to go app is simple private and easy to use. >> "america tonight," one of our focuses on laura dunn, university of wisconsin at
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madison, she was too drunk to the two students she trusted as friends. >> i said, that's not way. they said, no it's fine. i was stumbling i was leaning on one of them we were trying to walk, they started walking me into an apartment that was close. i actually fell face first and they picked me up and carried me up. >> laura dunn joins me on the set, she is a campus activist and a survivor pf. survivor. you understand the stress and challenge for survivors and yet you are very concerned about this latest legislation in california not going far enough. >> absolutely. so i think the california bill fills an important niche, the federal government doesn't define consent anywhere it leaves it up to the state. consent will be affirmative really is important.
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enough. when you look at criminal law we never are having a conversation about what consent is and is not. what we need to do about criminal law is looking at perpetrators. are we limiting what force and violence they are using? it is perfectly acceptable for someone to impose upon another sexually until that person says no and that's embody in criminal law. it's something missing the mark. we are not meaningfully prohibiting the use of violence in sexual contact. >> so could you help us understand what would be more effective? one of the other notions was this would be ineffective because how are you going to police that, where is that line going to be, when a man and woman are together presumably behind closed doors how do we police, how do we enforce that? is that another concern you have about putting this kind of legislation in place? >> absolutely. we always see sexual violence
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cases, he said she said, we can't figure it out. the way we need to limit is how someone engages in sexual activity. there shouldn't be force in the way a person engages in sexual violence. what did you say what did you do in that circumstance? we need to look at the person initiating sexual violence, were you using force, were you laying on top of them, and not getting off when they said no, more objective review of the accused person's actions that's really putting the blame where it belongs and limiting the force and violence in sexual interactions. >> just a quick thought about the colleges themselves, what responsibility they take, this might actually go to their funding. is that the most effective tool to get the attention of administrators on campuses, that would really make a difference in how they enforce. >> absolutely. i think money speaks to school louder than anything else and that's whole heart of the problem,
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right? campuses don't care about violence against women they care about their bottom line. it's the first step in the right direction. if we are going to have consent at the heart of the operation, rather than limiting, sex and violence, if we have consent have it be affirmative consent have it be yes. because oftentimes these perpetrators aren't interested in what the other person is thinking or feeling. it will solve problems it just doesn't solve them all. insight. >> thank you. >> increasingly a threat elsewhere in the world. another american doctor exposed to the ebola virus is being treated on the u.s. soil, at the national institutes of health hospital right outside of washington, d.c. after being exposed to the virus after working in sierra leone. liberia's medical exam mer put
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herself oexaminer putherself one after her assistant died of the virus, the numbers could be higher. sierra leone is one of the worst-hit and is expanding its quarantine efforts. after the officials indicated the lock down was a success. "america tonight's" lori jane gliha reports. >> house to house efforts to kick out ebola and educate the people of sierra leone. >> it is be. >> it seems to bein to to be helping. but ebola has already killed more than 600 people here and may have infected more than 2,000. >> what we need by now is more treatment centers but it's not putting treatment centers we
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need health care workers people trained experts. >> experts have put more than 1,000 under quarantine. it's the second round of lock downs in less than two weeks. this is a glimpse of the normally bustling streets of free, town, mostly quiet. except for the sound of ambulances taking patients to clinics across the city. >> we aren't going to be keep being open as a hospital because if we don't have anywhere to isolate the infected ebola patients our hospital can't be open. it's really risky for everyone. >> reporter: this worker cares for patients at the main hospital where people go to be evaluated for eeive ebola in sierra leone and the 13-bed unit is overwhelmed. across sierra leone ebola has
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not only taken lines but also people's livelihoods. the first lock down helped to bring food to struggling community. >> during the lock down period people are restricted, there will be no shops, no place to buy or sell, nowhere to get water, drinking water. there will be no access to food. you can just imagine what it means for a community like this, where people normally, normally, not more than ebola it is. >> reporter: small business owners rely on their daily income to purchase food goods and detail essentiallies. essentials. >> we use it to buy food for now we don't do that and the us. it is very, very bad for us because money is not going.
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>> reporter: the world bank estimates the outbreak will cost sierra leone at least 163 million, a major hit for a country where 63% already lives below the poverty line. as so often the case it's the poorest and most vulnerable who are most affected. >> in this community, find they're living outside, outside the state. not within the community. some look for what's governmental order, they spend their life. >> reporter: as the epidemic grows, so does the fear for survival. the president took his case to the united nations. >> ebola is not only a disease neighbors. it is a disease of the world. >> reporter: lori jane gliha, al jazeera. >> as we reported the american doctor exposed to ebola is now
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at the national institutes of health just outside washington, d.c. dr. anthony fauci joins us, where he is the director of allergy and infectious diseases. the doctor that you now have at ni nih in treatment, this individual has been reported as exposed but you are saying that that person might not be sick yet. >> correct. the individual is a physician who was part of a team that was taking care of ebola patients in sierra leone. the physician had an exposure of the type that would put him at risk of possibly being infected with ebola. and because of that we, with the assistance and the collaboration of the department of state, air --
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evaced the person to be in our special studies unit which is a well contained unit capable of handling these types of infections to bring him there for observation. if in fact he is infected, we would be automobile to treat the patient and take care of him. >> can you explain why this patient came there and not to the other places at emory and nebraska, can you explain what's different in this case? >> there is not really anything different here. we are one of a number of hospitals that has the capability of taking care of these patients, being able to isolate them and if in fact they turn out to be infected to care for them. we are one of several that can do this so the state -- we made an arrangement with the state department that if they needed to evacuate an american citizen there would be a number of
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locations where they could go. we were happy to have the patient. the patient wanted to come here and the patient came. it was as simple as that. there was nothing very special or very different about this case that brought the patient here as opposed to a place like emory. >> okay, very good thank you sir, appreciate that. >> you're quite welcome. >> ahead on "america tonight": raising their voices and their umbrellas. what led hong kong to erupt in unprecedented clashes with police and what may lie ahead. later in the program a terrifying threat rolling through northern communities. >> almost sure, almost sure. >> "america tonight's" sheila macvicar first told us about the hazardous cargo, now, more to it, can the government remove
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go where science meets humanity. this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see. techknow. we're here in the vortex. only on al jazeera america. >> now a snapshot of stories making headlines on "america tonight." authorities in ferguson missouri, the officer was checking on a community center when he was shot in the arm. there is no evidence that it was connected to the protests over shooting of michael brown in august. volume cak volcanic eruption of a mountain in japan. searchers are still looking for survivors. the man who hopped the white
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house fence made it further than previously reported. omar gonzalez who was armed with a knife was finally taken down outside the door to the green room. the head of the secret service will be questioned by a hearing at the house oversight and government reform committee. forceful language from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the united nations, as he draws a straight line on israel's strikes on gaza to u.s. strikes on i.s.i.l. two branches of the same in his words poisonous tree with according to him the same mission. >> hamas's immediate goal is to destroy israel. but hamas has a broader objective. they also want a caliphate. so when it comes to their ultimate goals, hamas is i.s.i.s, and i.s.i.s. is hamas. >> israeli prime minister at the
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united nations also charged that hamas had committed war crimes during israel's strikes on gaza by using palestinian civilians as human shields, from gaza what sort of reaction is there from mr. netanyahu's remarks? >> thanks joie. mr. netanyahu trying to make the comparison between hamas and i.s.i.l. not the first time he's done that. they again have stressed that they have absolutely nothing to do with i.s.i.l. they have come out publicly previously and condemned i.s.i.l. for the methods they used. trying to galvanize international support against them, the situation in gaza has been calmer certainly since the ceasefire began on the 26th of august but there is a terrible situation here, the suffering of tens of thousands of homeless people continues after the
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destruction of their neighborhoods. people still coming to terms with the war. and as a result of those pressures it seems that an increasing amount of people here are trying to leave. the green flags of hamas flutter in the wind above the rubble. thousands of people used to live in this gaza neighborhood. it's been a month since the truce began. little if nothing has been achieved so far to rebuild the lives of gaza's people. as permanent ceasefire talks begin again there's not much hope among people here. >> there's no hope. but hamas and egypt don't give us any hope. life gets more miserable. >> translator: we understand we had to suffer during the war but after the war the suffering has just got worse. >> reporter: the palestinian government wants israel to lift its land sea
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and air blockade of gaza. since the ceasefire, to allow aid and essential foodstuffs in. but it has band building materials such as cement because it says hamas may use it to rebuild tunnels. the palestinians also want an airport. they once had one. this is all that remains of the airport here in gaza. it was destroyed by the israelis in 2001 and having it rebuilt is one of the key demands being made by the palestinians but it is very unlikely to happen because hamas and the other armed factions are refusing to disarm. this may look like a dusty quarry but it is the site where the palestinians want a port. yassir arafat, israel bans them from fishing further than ten
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kilometers from the coast. the intimidation by the israeli navy continues. this is gaza's border with egypt, there have been few people leaving gaza through this crossing. the only palestinians allowed in egypt from rafa, dual citizenshipsship or a work visa for another country. israel describes hamas as terrorists. hamas says it's a resistance group fighting for independence just as others have done throughout history. the people here say, they're living in the world's largest open prison, a place they say that makes the headlines only when the bombs are falling. yassir najar guides his three-year-old son through the rubble that used to be their home. they stayed in a u.n. school during the war. but they had to leave the school
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when the students returned. >> i was so shocked, i spent years building my apartment for my family. it was destroyed in a second. >> yassir says he doesn't have the money to rent an apartment. there is no electricity or running water here but for the time being he prefers to stay where his house once stood. across the road corrugated iron cabins are being constructed with aid donated by two foreign countries. 100 have been built so far, nowhere near enough for the tens of thousands of people left homeless in this neighborhood alone. families who apply are assessed on a case-by-case basis. >> i'm not optimistic about getting a caravan. if i do get one i probably won't get a house for a long time. >> reporter: it's been months
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since the ceasefire began, absolutely no sign of various neighborhoods across gaza. people feel completely neglected by their government or the international community. there's very little hope their lives will change any time soon. getting building materials into gaza has been delayed for weeks because israel says hamas will use them to rebuild tunnels. the agreement between israel and the palestinian government has been reached over monitoring how building materials will be used. unity among the factions of the palestinian government. >> there will be no reconstruction if the national consensus government is not in gaza and if there is no reconstruction there will be no stability. >> reporter: the u.n. says the war has left 100,000 people in gaza with norm t -- with nowhere to live.
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>> everybody is concerned with peace in gaza. to achieve that is to reconstruct the demolished houses. >> he has no idea when he will have a home for his family again. he and tens of thousands of palestinians like him have no other choice than to seek shelter where they can. some of the fears and challenges that people face in gaza. there is no appetite here at all for any escalation in the violence again. people here are tired. they are continually being traumatized and retraumatized again and certainly these comments these fiery speeches being made by president abbas and the israeli leader at the u.n. are certainly threatening any potential resumption of the ceasefire talks that are scheduled to take place in the middle of october. and in the -- after that in the future with any real resumption of any future peace talks for a
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long term settlement. >> when we return, a warning about the risk on the rails. >> now we're sitting on a time bomb here in the united states. and all these alon lone communities, because what happened to that community could happen to any small town in the united states. >> "america tonight's" sheila macvicar follows up into her investigation on the explosive cargo on u.s. rail lines. she tells us, there's more to it. what's being done to make communities safer.
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this policy... >> there's no status quo, just the bottom line. >> but what is the administration doing behind the scenes? >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america spaceship in the for two years. we'll see you at the top of the hour. few realize the potential impact. along the northern border with canada an explosive cargo on the rails. north dakota opened a hearing to consider crude oil, the north american petroleum association, contended that north dakota crude is no more flammable than any other crude. sheila macvicar suggests there's more at risk and more to it. >> reporter: the run away train that derailed in the heart
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of lac megantic canada explode with such force that 5 of the 47 people killed in the inferno were never found. the crew that devastated lak megantic came from here. the bakken oil fields, ground zero of the domestic oil boom. spurred the railroads to create pipelines on wheels. tankers that can haul 3 million gallons of are crude at a time. with so much crude moving over the rails at all times, already close calls. >> we didn't know it was bakken crude but we knew it was crude oil.
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>> 911 this is tami of the depot grill restaurant. there is a train derail in front of the restaurant, there's a car on fire. >> all could you see was a huge ball of flame. >> a train carrying 105 tankers of north dakota crude, 31 more than destroyed at lac megantic. >> did you feel that your city dodged a bullet that day? >> well we dodged a bomb. we got hit by the bullet. i think we were very fortunate that the cars went the way they did rather than over the bank to the river, the other way heavily populated restaurant right there. we'd have had a whole different issue. >> reporter: the near disaster in lynchburg followed similar incidents in nebraska and north dakota, fires involved involved
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bakken crude all the more puzzling because most crude oil will not ignite or explode. >> we have accumulated data from castleton, north dakota from aliceville, alabama, lac megantic and lynchburg. >> all involving bakken? >> all involving bakken crude. >> why bakken crude appears to be at the root of so many rail disasters. >> because god forbid there's another explosion and we have a tragic loss of human life like lac megantic. >> smith traveled to north dakota and took samples of the crude. what he found was surprising. >> tell me about the properties of this oil that makes it different. >> what makes bakken different is the clear colorless volatiles gases that ignite easily and
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that explode. and what happens is, these clear and colorless gases, dissolved gases and chemicals when you shake them up, creates pressure. >> right. >> and when that pressure is subject to spark, a derailment, or changes in temperature, you get that explosion. >> and with a low flash point and just 73°, you get explosion like this one. near castleton north dakota. in an oil unit train clipped a derailed separate car. the oil industry has repeatedly insisted bakken is is no different than other types of crude but the industry supports this finding. >> the industry has said the bakken crude is within norms that it is no more it allegation alleges than tonight ore type of crude. what do you think of that?
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>> that is just not the case that we have done. >> report er commissioned a study, after 250% increase in oil traffic in oregon this past year. >> the analysis of oil we see moving through state finds it's far more volatile than gasoline you put in your car than any oil in the system. >> what was different? >> butane and natural gas basically. >> something much more volatile >> absolutely. >> in fact davis found bakken crude had six times more propane than regular crude and causing more pressure to build up during transparent. the analysis of bakken crude at
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lac megantic found that it could have the source of natural gas. >> it juices their profits to keep it in the oil, it's going to increase the volume they are putting in trains. >> higher volume of east coast densely populated cities like chicago that has raised even greater concerns. bnsf one transporter of bakken crude brings 27 oil transport trains every week. >> when you saw the pictures from lac megantic what went through your mind? >> there but for the grace of god it could have been in this town. >> karen darch is the mayor. she visited and worried that something similar could happen here. >> communities are ground zero, the accidents are going to
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happen here so we have to be concerned. >> what worries darch the most are the known vulnerabilities of the tankers, the dot-111s that are being used to transport the crude. >> how would you characterize it? >> i refer to it as the forth ford pinto. >> this shows what happens when a dot 111 is struck at a low speed compared to the stronger dot 112. tens of thousands of these older and weaker cars never designed to carry flammable material are being pressed into service to
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carry the bulk of bakken crude. >> until those are removed from service we won't really have complete assurance of safety. >> to use ralph nader's terminology, the d.o.t. 111 tank card is unsafe at any speed. >> he is all too familiar with the d.o.t. 111. >> the american people have not been adequately protected since the 1970s when the ntsb issued its first study indicating problems with the d.o.t. 111. >> the canadian transportation safety board after the disaster in quebec has finally decided that it will no longer permit d.o.t. 111s to transport crude. >> hurray for the canadians. >> why has the united states not followed suit? >> economics, it's the railroad industry. the tank car industry. there are powerful economic
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interests that don't want to go through the replacement of tank cars. >> under pressure the railways did agree in february to reduce oil unit train speeds in large cities and the rail car industry says once the federal government finally issues new regulations it will build stronger tankers. >> good morning this committee will come to order. >> in april u.s. transportation secretary anthony fox testified before the senate. he was explicitly asked when his department would issue new standards. >> one, what is your target date for issuing the new regulations, the new rules? >> well my target date is as soon as possible. and that's about as -- >> that's a frustrating answer i have to tell you. >> i understand, it's frustrating to give it to you but i can promise you senator we are working as hard as we can getting the rule done as quickly as we can. >> in aw august the d.o.t. did
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propose a stronger tank card, a two year phase out of the d.o.t. 111. public comment ends tomorrow. the d.o.t. spokesman says their goal means implementing the goal by the end of the year. sheila macvicar, al jazeera. >> "americ"america tonight's" sa macvicar, what is being done? >> well, the state of north dakota where the bakken fields are located are having public hearing to reduce or redirect the volatility of this crude. the industry has very clearly said they don't think there's any need for any kind of reduction of volatility and they don't think there's any difference than any kind of crude oil. the state believes that is not the case and neighboring states are weighing in. state officials say they will make a regulatory decision about
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what to do with bakken crude. on the other hand, there is a question of what the crude is transported in these d.o.t. 111s these black cars. >> the federal government was supposed to issue some new guidelines here. >> they have been saying for more than months, for 25 years they have been talking about new guidelines for these cars. but the secretary of transportation anthony foxx has been talking about upgrading these cars. in june i first reported the story. now we're hearing, by the end of the year. they're not clear about whether or not they're going to upgrade the existing cars and say that's enough or completely redesign them. that's what we don't know. >> and so the opposition of any kind of upgrading of d.o.t. rules, what's the argument there? >> it's the railroad industry and the -- >> the rail car? >> the rail car industry and
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they obviously have a lot of money invested in rolling stock and if that rolling stock is basically obsolete or can't be used to haul certain categories of goods which it now does haul the industry is going to be out a lot of money to invest in new and better rolling stock is going to cost money so there's a bottom line and a very powerful lobby. >> "america tonight's" sheila macvicar thanks so much. tomorrow, oil in the amazon. ecuador's yasini national park. where the government hopes to strike it rich despite the problems for the people. up next, india's narendra modi. not everyone is happy to see him. we'll explain why. >> an al jazeera america special report families torn apart, fleeing isil's brutality >> the refugees have
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>> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the
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tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america >> and finally from us tonight for nearly a decade he was banned from setting foot in the united states now, however, india's prime minister is on a three day tour of our country. on sunday, narendra modi got a rock star reception, at new york's madison square garden. not everyone was pleased with modi's moament in thmodi's mome.
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outside, protesters drew a attention to his human rights record. >> i would expect that people lfg in thliving in the u.s. canw india a stronger country. >> we would all like to go back to india eventually, but what can we do to develop the nation's growth, so we'll have a better india waiting for us. >> i'm studying pharmacology here. in india, there's a growth of pharmacology sector. i'm looking forward to what he will put forward. [ cheering ]
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>> reporter: victory to mother india. >> we had sciences, doctors, i.t. professionals and we were like how they can bring these activities together and the words to the national cause, we want to hear it from modi like, what he has in store for us. we can contribute to his vision. >> this is an elemental to what i'm doing now. i'll graduate soon and i have to look at options. >> today in india, 65% of the population are under 35. >> i think the fact that we are a young nation, we cannot afford anymore to be indifferent to politics. >> realized that when he comes outside that feeling even becomes stronger that i'm away from the mother land, i have to do so much more to promote that
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patriotic feeling, means everybody is equal and we develop everyone. every person who lives in india is an indian, and we develop everyone. the people outside here are the real india, the people inside are not representative of india. >> we are here to protest what narendra modi stands for. >> most indians don't know what's going on in india, the true measure of a democratic soasociety is how its minorities are treated. >> all these whole career has its roots in a party. whose founding myth is that india is a major
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hindu country. >> okay, hindu states, muslim, if you have african american leaders, antiwar leaders, human rights people, here you have the broad cross section of not only indian diaspora but american diaspora. >> we are not against hinduism, we have hindus amongst us. we understand that their religion has been hijacked by a group of people who want to pursue their agenda of supremacy. have to remind people who he is really. >> in 2002 , modi was involved in a state gujarat. >> he could have stopped this but for three days he allowed the crowds to roam rampant and be killed and be maimed and be
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in front of children, their parents were killed, their relatives were killed. they were hacked to death. they were burned to death. women were humiliated in the worst ways that can be imagined an killed. and the people who committed these excesses are roaming scot-free. >> justice for india, it is very much for the future that we are here. >> he has sold the package called india, to the world, figuring they will forget what he has done. it is my mother land where my ancestors are buried. how can he forget india? the idea of india is something beyond boundaries. >> and that is it for us on "america tonight." please remember that if you'd like to comment on any stories you've seen tonight you can log
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president obama blames our intelligence agencies for underestimating i.s.i.l., as despite air strikes the terrorists advance this syria and fears of another massacre . crisis in hong kong as they defy the chinese. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this". those stories and more ahead. >> coalition air strikes failed to stop i.s.i.l.'s advances. >> the head of the intelligence community acknowledged that they underestimated - had been taking place in syria. >> we predicted and watched it.
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