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tv   Consider This  Al Jazeera  October 1, 2014 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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the first ebola diagnosis in the u.s., and the man sick has been walking around for a week. the most intense day of bombing and attacks in syria. welcome to "consider this." those stories and much more straight ahead. an individual has been diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> the man traveled to liberia was considered healthy when he returned to the u.s. >> as long as the outbreak
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continues in africa, we need to be our guard. iraqi and kurdish forces have opened up a new offensive. >> isil fighters are making gains. >> new reports out claim that white house fence jumper went deep inside the executive mansion. >> this is unacceptable, and i take full responsibility. >> another massive protest brewing in hong kong. >> the hong kong government never listens to you. gun on safari could be a thing of the past. half the world's wild animals have disappeared in the past 40 years. >> the real drivers behind this are investment, production, and consumption. the nfl is in hot water today yet again. this time for penalized a devout muslim player. >> for bowing down in prayer underscoring a touchdown. we begin with the first case of ebola diagnosed in the u.s. the patient is a man who flew from liberia from text to visit family in the united states.
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he's being cared for in an isolation room at the texas health press betearian center in dallas where he's critically ill. he left liberia on september 19th and arrived in the u.s. on the 20th and sought care two days layer and was admitted to the hospital on sunday. they said in a news conference on tuesday that the first priority was to care for the patient and the second to identify anyone who might have had contact with him. >> we protect people in this case by making sure that we find the contacts, identify them, and make sure that they're traced every day for 21 days, and if they develop a fever, they're immediately isolated and they're contacts would be identified as well. >> freeden said while it was possible someone that had contact with the patient could develop the diseases -- >> i have no doubt that we will control
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this importation of ebola so it does not spread widely in this country. >> for more i'm joined by dallas by dr. yazmin. seema, always very much good to have you with us. this story a few hours old. what is the mood in dallas as people learn a case of ebola has been discovered in the city? >> on one hand it's a worst fear about the epidemic it's on our front doorstep, but a lot of concern about the health of this man. we've heard he's in serious condition and cared for at local hospital, and also concerned that he pulls through and actually survives ebola infection. >> when the doctor talked about controlling this case of ebola so it doesn't spread wylie in this country, that makes you a little bit nervous, given that the patient showed symptoms on the 24th but wasn't admitted in
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the hospital until the 28th that means he was out and walking around and could have exposed others to ebola. how serious a risk is that? >> don't be too nervous, antonio, and the doctor said so many times public health has it under control. they're sending a team of disease detectives to dallas right now to help local health officials and the state how long this guy was infectious for, and during that four-day period how many people did i come beau contact with. we need to find out if they have symptoms and we can monitor them for 21 days and make sure they don't become sick. the chance this spreading are very low. >> i know that's the process that starts now, but why not identify the person who is sick? shouldn't there be an exception to patient privacy in a case like this to help find the people who might have been exposed to him? >> some people are saying that, given the fear around ebola disease, but really patient confidentiality lies at the
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heart of our health care system. if that was you that was sick, you may not want your name and your age and information about yourself being broadcast around the country. >> won't we find out anyway, because people will ask around wherever he was living? at some point it will be made public. so i'm not sure how long -- >> that could happen. that could happen, but it shnt happen because cdc or the hospital has declared that information. remember, we've investigated so many outbreaks in the u.s. in previous years of all types of diseases. the sure, it wasn't ebola, but we've been able to trace those to contact people all across the country. sometimes it's been thousands of people without disclosing that kind of confidential patient information. so we can do our job without that. >> we're told ebola is spread only through bodily fluids and someone is sick enough to show symptoms. how sure are we that the virus
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only is contagious when someone is symptomatic? >> so in this case we have to deal with the facts at hand. what we know now is even if somebody has ebola and you walk past them, the chances of you contacting the illness are very low. it's not spread through the air or water or food. more so, a person with ebola actually has to have symptoms, has to have fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea in order for them to pass the virus on to anyone else. >> what about people he had contact with after the 24th when he started to show symptoms? i know people on the airplane probably don't have anything to worry about because he wasn't symptomatic then. should someone that shook hands with him be at risk through sweat? >> that's very low exposure, according to the cdc. in order to contact ebola you have to have direct contact with bodily fluids things like blued, urine and saliva. you have to have breaks or cuts in the skin for the virus to
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fall through or through mucous membran membranes. things like gums and inside of the cheeks and eyeballs as well. it's not as easily transmitted as some believe and certainly not through the air. >> he sought medical attention on the 26th. if he had come from liberia, in the world did people not take precautions immediately? >> because the early symptoms of ebola are very nonspecific. they're things like fever and headache and diarrhea and vomiting, and that sounds like so many other illnesses like malaria, typhoid, pneumonia, meningitis, and other bacterial tricky. we could say those health care workers had a higher indication it was ebola. quite quickly was transferred to another hospital where they did diagnose ebola. >> i hate to put you in the position of predicting things, but how likely is it that someone else had it? we saw an american who had ebola
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from liberia to nigeria triggered a death and 20 cases. the positive is the disease has been contained. >> right, and the situation in america so different, aen tone yo. we have a robust health care system sdpiened and poised and ready and trained. people are trained to deal with incidents like this. was isolated quickly in dallas, and now cdc and local health officials tell us they're doing what should be doing, which is doing that contact tracing finding anyone else that could possibly have been exposed to him. >> really appreciate you joining us from dallas on what is a tremendously busy day for you. thank you. >> thanks. turning to fierce fighting on several fronts against isil in what's the most intense day yet in the air war against the terrorism group. in iraq kurdish and iraqi forces reclaimed over a dozen key cities joining with sunni fighters.
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in anbar province hundreds of iraqi forces have been urge siege after isil seized a military base. more than 300 iraqis have been killed. in syria coalition bombings supported kurds fighting in kabani but not enough to stop the assault. despite results from the civilian casualties from the bombing in syria, the white house relaxed rules to protect civilians. the near certainty policy that innocents will not be killed used in determining where drone strikes can be used will not be applied to syria and iraq. dougl douglas olivant served two tours in the iraqi war and led a planning team. he is currently a senior national security fell at the fellow foundation. doug, good to have you. >> good evening. >> if there was any doubt that a war is going on over there, one
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really seems to have broken out on many fronts in the air and on the ground in iraq and in syria. let's start with the most worrisome in anbar province in iraq, there are reports that isil has overrun several bases and that hundreds of iraqi soldiers are reportedly under siege. this is the area where isil is strongest. >> well, i don't know if it's where they're strongest, but they're strong. anbar has always been an issue for the iraqi government. it was an issue for u.s. forces before that. there are large groups that are sympathetic in anbar still to this day, so there is a safe haven there for isil and the iraqi forces that are based there often do find themselves in little fort apaches. >> on the more positive side, the fighting on the syria/turkey border, air strikes have helped kurdish fighters because there
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was a threat isis may tike over a city and a fear of a massacre. it seems there forces connected to the coalition seem to have positive effect against isil? >> it seems that they're at least holding their ground. the u.s. air power, the other coalition air power is -- even if it's not directly killing the isil fighters, it's forcing them to behave in a different way to array themselves in a way that's harder for them to mask and push against this kurdish village or small city. so i think we're seeing air power can have all kinds of effects, even if it's directly killing the forces, even if there aren't controllers there to put the bombs exactly where we would like them to be. even so air power has a real effect. >> back in iraq they're boasting to reclaim a number of cities and possibly most important is along the syria/iraq border. a major crossing called
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ravia. their kurdish forces have taken over this crossing, which apparently is the main highway that links syria to mosul. so this could really be a big deal. >> it secertainly has been a good day for the iraqi forces both arab and kurdish inside iraq. we don't want to make much of it. there will be other bad days and it's like we retook mosul or fallujah. nonetheless, we have them pushing against the islamic state and u.s. air power in support. i'm sure there's other intelligence and there's planning and coordination coming from the u.s. coalition headquarters in baghdad with an outpost in irbil coaching, mentori mentoring, telling them to attack here. our air strikes go here and you want to push here. synchronizing the battle, so to
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speak. >> another good seen in this battle for this border crossing town and checkpoint, apparently the peshmirga got help from a large sunni tribe. that could be an important development. >> absolutely. we've had a really good day in iraq, and we're seeing a lot of pieces come together. again, we shouldn't expect all these good days after day after day, but we've seen that some of these pieces are starting to come together and while none have bad days in the coming weeks and months, we're seeing that there's an opportunity here for isil to really be pushed out of iraq. >> to go back to something a little more negative, though, in syria there's been some blowback of the air strikes because civilians have gopten killed, but there's some anger. also there are concerns about coordination with the free syrian army because an american bomb almost hit a command
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control facility for the fsa. there's some concern that, you know, the coordination you were talking about in other places isn't happening with these moderate rebels we're supposed to work with. >> well, there's a lot going on there. i mean, the fine print is that the fsa is very upset that a bomb fell just 150, 200 meters from their headquarters. the fine print is that it fell right on the al nustra headquarters 200 yards down the street. we may have to have a conversation with the free syrian allies about how closely they coordinate with the official al qaeda franchise in syria. it's not isil, but it's not someone we're going to cooperate with or not bomb either. >> and, you know, we hope that turkey is going to get involved and help. there are more signs that that is going to happen. i do want you to weigh in on something we haven't talked about, because it just happened
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on sunday. this whole issue about the obama administration and whether they ignored intelligence that was warning them about isil and isil's strength. there was a piece in "the new york times" that laid it out there was a lot of information. what do you think happened there? what are your sources and friends in the intelligence community telling you? >> there was a lot of information. the issue is there were counterveiling information. brett m cgirk, who was the deputy assistant at the time and now an ambassador for the coalition spoke candidly about the danger presented to iraq. i think he was treated as an outside voice at the time. general flynn also testified, but as his recent untimely departure noted, i was seen as an icon oclast who didn't fall in the standard line. there was a large body of
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information trying to down-play the isil threat in saying, this is just a sunni uprising against a oppressive maliki government in iraq. there's really nothing to see here. i think that story line has been disproved, but it was certainly a counternarrative going on earlier this year that irng drown out the warnings. >> that drowning out, of course, has had some terrible consequences. >> it's had consequences. >> as always, good to have you with us. thanks for your insight. >> a pleasure, antonio. for more on syria and the historic agreement in afghanistan and president obama's meeting with the prime minister, we're joined by ambassador nicholas burns. he served as u.s. ambassador to nato from 2001 to 2005 and fro 1990 to 1995 he was on the national security council at the white house. he's a foreign affairs columnist at
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"the boston globe." ambassador, always good to have you on the show. let's start to talk about syria. now that turkey is considering joining the coalition, the big elephant in the room is syrian president al assad whom the turks are moderate syrian allies and all the members want gone. let's listen to something president obama said about u.s. policy on al assad on sunday. >> i realize the contradiction in a contradictory circumstance. we're not going to stabilize syria under the rule of assad. >> there are lots of contradictions. of course, the u.s. is bombing isil who opposed assad, but we want him gone. the syrians are publicly boasting they're part of the coalition against isil. do we have a strategy? does the u.s. have a clear policy on what is going to happen with assad?
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>> i think the u.s. has spoken very clearly. this is a messy, complex situation where the united states, the sunni arab states, other countries in europe are taking military action by air power against isis in syria and iraq. yet, by no means do we wish to strengthen the assad government. i think the administration will do everything it can to make it clear that we don't have relations with asked sa, assad and his government. we don't want to see him succeed. we want to see the civil war end in syria because it's been so catastrophic for the syrian people, the great number of people, millions who have been made homeless by this conflict. but i don't think you'll see the united states try to align itself with either syria or iron because we have major differences of policy with both considers. >> we're allied why the free syrian army, the moderates we
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agreed to train. they're fighting assad and isil. what about the u.s. at least enforcing a no-fly zone against assad so the syrian government forces can't bomb our allies? >> you saw that there was a discussion about that in the last three or four days here in the united states. some members of the u.s. government speculating that that might be a possibility, a no-fly zone in the future. the thing we learned in iraq between 1991 and 2003 when we had -- when we led no-fly zones in the northern and southern parts of iraq is they're extremely labor-intensive and costly as well. so you'd have to have a collection of countries to undertake that no-fly zone in syria. right now the unfortunate problem is while france and britain and denmark and belgium as well as some of the arab countries are willing to conduct air operations in iraq, they're not willing to in syria. you have to have countries being willing to fly in syrian air
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space in order to, obviously, enforce a no-fly zone. >> that is one of the problems of the coalition, what you just mentioned. let's turn to afghanistan. amidst all the foreign policy crisis around the world, the obama administration and secretary of state kerry succeeded there, now that the long-awaited bilateral security agreement between the u.s., nato and afghanistan has been signed allowing international forces to stay there until the end of the year. a unity government is now in place. how significant is all of this in order to avoid a disaster comparable to what we've seen in iraq with a possibly strengthened taliban? >> i think it's significant in two respects. first, the long political wait in afghanistan is over. a new government is actually in place. president karzai's government has been retired. although it's an uneasy relationship of power-sharing between the president and abdallah abdallah, says nonetheless a government prepared to take power and
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responsibility. secondly, it now allows the nato countries led by the united states to have a concrete, written agreement and assurances that our troops can stay not in the numbers that they were in the last decade but in significant numbers to protect the afghan government in kabul and to continue to conduct the counterterrorism campaign on the afghan/pakistan border. it's critical. if we learned anything from this past summer watching these brutal, terrifying events in iraq. if you withdraw the forces completely from a place like afghanistan, you have every reason to suspect that the taliban will have the upper hand militarily, and the country might fracture. we can't afford that. the united states has been in afghanistan since we were attacked in the autumn of 2001. it's a very long time. we've made a major commitment in the lives of our soldiers as well as a financial commitment, a political commitment to the afghan people. it's not time to walk away now. so this is a very significant
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develop for the u.s. and for nato. >> i know you think that india could play a role to help us out in afghanistan. as president obama is celebrating the afghanistan agreement, he met with the indian prime minister who was received with a tar's welcome at madison square garden over the weekend. this visit to the u.s. comes after he's a bit of a controversial person because he was barred from coming into the u.s. about a decade ago over bloody sectarian riots. in this piece you wrote it's a real mistake for the u.s. to dismiss or ignore india. the reality is it's taken for granted by the u.s. government and for that matter by the media and the u.s. >> i think it's a significant visit. this is the prime minister's first visit to the united states. the u.s. and india have, i think, strategic interests in common. both of us are democracies and globally oriented. we both want to make sure that
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the democratic countries in asia including japan, india and the united states are strong militarily so china's military assertiveness can be checked, and we share that common interest with india. we also share an interest in opposing the same terrorist groups that are pakistani-based and al qaeda, which is recently made threats against the indian government. india has the third largest muslim population in the world. it's been a long-time american project to build up the strategic military and political relationship with india. the relationship slid back over the last few years. here's an opportunity to president obama and prime minister modi to return that relationship to one of positive forward momentum. i happy that's the result of this visit by the prime minister to washington. >> it's hugely important, because india might exceed the population of china in 15 years. it has an enormous middle class, and it's economy is tremendously important to us, too.
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ambassador nicholas burns, very good to have you with us. thank you. for more stories from around the world. >> we begin to capital hill where julia per seen about the recent security lapses at the white house. 32-year-old omar gonzalez jumped want fence at the white house and made it all the way into the east room much further than initially acknowledged. at the hearing lawmakers lamb basted pearson. >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you protect your reputation here today. >> right now you are protecting the most threatened american president in our nation's history. it's kind of a bad time to have something like this happen. >> have you ever heard of these guys? >> i believe that you have done a disservice to the president of
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the united states. >> next we head to hong kong where despite repeated threats from authorities the so-called umbrella revolution continues. protesters are asking to speak with hong kong's chief executive who on tuesday struck a defiant tone rejecting a meeting and demanding that protests end before china celebration day on wednesday. it marks the anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic in china in 1949. protesters have collected supplies in anticipation of police moving in again as authorities have vowed to go celebrations. we end in asia. nasa released a series of pictures showing the drastic disappearance of the airline sea. it was once the fourth largest lake in the world measures over 26,000 square miles, but in the '60s the soviet union diverted rivers away from the lake to irrigate nearby deserts for farms.
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the lake was drying up, but the final nail in the coffin was in 2005 when a dam was built between the northern and southern sections of the lake. it's only a tenth of its original size. that's is some of what what's happening around the world. the mayor of at lavent tell us why he believes the democratic georgia. a new disturbing report on how half the world's animal species disappeared in just four decades. plus our social media is looking at stories on the web. >> a lot of people are shocked by walmart's response to a fatal car accident earlier this year that injured a famous actor. i'll tell you more coming up. while you're watching, let us know what you think.
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as part of our continuing political coverage up to the midterm elections i was joined by mayor kaseem reed. the summit is presented by the atlantic, the aspen institute and bloomberg philanthropies. we discussed why georgia could be in play for the democrats in 2016. >> mayor reed, a pleasure to have you with us. i know you're talking about immigration out there.
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you've been talking about immigration a lot recently, because early this summer you came out strongly in support of the migrant children across the border illegally. you said we have a moral responsibility to care for these kids, and they would be welcome in atlanta even though that put you at odds with georgia goufor nathan diehl. that makes you sound like a national politician than the mayor of atlanta. why are you so vocal on the topic? >> i was speaking from my heart, and i think it was the right thing to do and it needed to be said. i think that as the home of dr. martin luther king and so many other leaders in the civil rights movement in the united states, it was very important to welcome 1,000 children and that's exactly what we've been doing. >> did the governor, though, have a point in complaining to the white house about the fact that the administration had not begin him any notice that the kids were coming? >> you know, i don't have a
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comment on what he thought or felt. the bottom line is you have to deal with things as they are. there were 1,000 young people, and i think that anybody who followed what was going on at the southern border and knew that there was going to be a surge in young people coming to the united states, and i just didn't believe that we should politicize them coming to the united states. i think we needed to treat them well, embrace them. we have laws on the books that were signed by president george w. bush that determined how these young people should be treated. i think that that's the path that we should follow and that all of them should have an opportunity to have their day in court, which seems to be the path that we're on right now. >> how is it all playing out so far? is the federal government taking care of the costs? what do you say to the governor who said that the kids would drive up school costs for state and local communities? >> what i said to anyone is that
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georgia and atlanta, we have a big heart and we have more than enough capacity to make sure that these 1,000 guests are well cared for and that we do our part. that's exactly what we're doing. >> you have embraced immigrants and announced a whole initiative called welcoming atlanta initiative and you cited the many contributions that immigrants are making to the city of atlanta. between 2000 and 2012 immigrants accounted for two-thirds of your city's population growth. you've got some experience with a growing immigrant pom population. what do you think on a national level? do you think the president has -- has it been dealt with properly at a national level? >> the answer is no. the bottom line is that the senate passed a bipartisan bill that had a surge in border protection, the largest increase in border protection ever that
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really addressed critics' concerns about sealing our borders. it had a path way to citizenship, and it was passed overwhelmingly. for whatever reason our friends, republican friends in the house have chosen not to take up that bipartisan bill that really would have put this contentious issue behind us. it would have been the most important -- >> what about the president prompts promising to take action and putting it off until after the election? >> i think compared to what has happened with the way that our friends in the republican house have handled it, that's really a small thing. we have an opportunity, had and have at this moment the opportunity for genuine reform that would be the most sweeping reform since ronald reagan was president. so i think this issue around when the president takes unilateral action really is a small issue in terms of what we
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need to do globally for our country around the issue of immigration. >> let's talk a little bit about national politics. you have been quoted as saying that georgia will be in play. you think it could be a swing state in 2016 despite the fact that it's been reliably a republican bastian for many years? >> yes, antonio. i think that the democrats will win georgia in 2016. we have a u.s. senate race with michelle nunn in it right now. it's very competitive within the margin of error. polls have showed one candidate or the other up and down, and georgia has an increasingly active minority population. i think that the state is definitely going to be competitive and it's going to be in the democrats column in '16. >> mentioned michelle nunn running for senate, you complained not only about her but also about the governor's
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race there, that the democratic strategy had having candidates in georgia, statewide candidates wait until the last minute to appeal to african-americans. it's something that tavis smiley and i talked about on the show a couple of weeks ago. is the democratic party taking african-american votes for granted? >> i think the democratic party in georgia is not engaging in a strategy to win. i think if we moved forward with the registration effort i discussed back in may and june, i don't believe that the race would even be close right now. that said, the race is currently neck and neck, and michelle nunn still has an opportunity to win. i'm not going to back away one step from the fact that you have 600,000 unregistered black voters in the state of georgia and somewhere between 100 to 300,000 unregistered hispanic voters. i think that represents a terrific opportunity, and that's
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why i pointed it out. >> on that point, we did a segment last night that talked about that while african-americans represent 12% of the population they only make up 4.3% of city councils and 2% of all mayors. what's going on there, and how can that be changed? >> that can be changed by delivering concrete results and working harder. by working at it harder, i mean engaging those constituencies, black people in the way they need to be engaged. the fact of the matter is what inspires black voters to vote and reaching those voters can frequently be different than the traditional methods and tactics used in mainstream politics. i think we know what to do, and we have to work at it. i think that democrats should make that a priority as i have stated repeatly. >> mayor reed of atlanta, a pleasure to have you with us on the show. thank you.
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>> thank you for having me, antoine notice. time to see what's trend oth web. >> walmart stirred up controversy in response to an accident that involveded tracy morgan and others. earlier this summer james mcnair was killed and he and two others were critically injured when a truck driven by a walmart driver on duty re-ended the limousine. they said the driver was awake for more than 24 hours and that the national transportation safety board found that the driver was going 65 in a 45-mile-per-hour construction zone. in the lawsuit fileded against walmart, prosecutors charged the driver with vehicular homicide. at the time of the accident walmart said, quote, we're profoundly sorry our truck was involved. if it's determined our truck caused the accident, walmart will take full responsibility. in court documents filed on monday they said the plaintiff's
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injuries were caused in whole or part by wearing an appropriate seat belt restraint device. a attorney representing morgan and the other plaintiffs called walmart's contentions surprising and appalling. morgan released a statement saying, quote, i can't believe walmart is blaming me for an accident they caused. we were doing nothing wrong. it could take up to a year before the case goes to trial, but let us know what you think on twitter @ajconsiderthis. as the human population grows, the animal population plummets. with elections around the corner here come the political ads. an interesting look at how democrats and republicans have different preferences when it comes to the shows where they place their commercials. later why a football player going to his knees in prayer has
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the world wildlife fund released it's report on tuesday. whether it comes to wildlife, the news is terrible. we have lost 52% of all animal species between 1970 and 2010. far more rapidly than previous studies had showed. the report says our demands on natural resources are 50% higher than the planet can bear. for more i'm joined from ka nooef va by carlos drews. carlos, good to have you with us. this report, though, is grim. biodiversity at risk with animal species worldwide down by more than half in 40 years, including some land and marine species that are down 39% and freshwater species of all kinds down a staggering 76%. that's nearly twice of number of of what you were reporting in the past by the wwf. what has changed? >> the findings of this report are particularly worrisome to
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me, because this is really the thermometer of the way human kind interactions with eco-systems and it's revealing pretty irresponsible for years. the change in the figures this year and the ones of 2012 have also doed with the meth blik change to fine tune this tool to reveal what's happening globally with the populations of birds, reptiles, the frogs and the fish and mammals, of course. >> is the decline accelerating? >> it is accelerating. it continues to be a declining trend. we can confirm that for for sure and it's more pronounced. there are important differences in terms of incomes of those countries with the richest countries actually seeing a 10% increase in the values of their populations of animals, whereas, the poorest countries have seen a 58% loss over the last 40
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years. >> why is it happening? >> relatively simple. it boils down to two major factors. habitat loss and degradation, and then overexploitation through hunting and fishing excessively. you add on top that climate change and you have the perfect storm for biodiversity decline. >> it's worse in the tropics and latin america, the numbers are shocking. 83% since 1970. it raised a question, though. do people in low income parts of the word you have to choose between a decline of the species having a better existence? >> it is effort that developing countries have resorted to the base and capital in order to speed up development. it is not necessarily a
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condition in order to reach development because green economies are based on the premises you can make a stainab sustainable resource, ensure that you have a water supply long-term, and you have all the benefits of timber and non-timber products to harvest the ocean sustainably for generations to come. these are important choices the leaders of the nation have to make at this point in time knowing they're from the experience of the temp rent regions which show a slight increase. in we went back 100, 150 years ago, we would have seen those tremendously sharp declines we are documenting today as well. >> that is the one good news in this. in richer countries we see an increase in biodiversity. of course, any loss of species is sad, but species have evolved and disappeared over millennia over millions of years. why should people care?
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could it simply not just be something that's happening now and we'll see a rebound in some years to come? >> the rate of species extinctions today is unprecedented. some scientists say it's in the order of 100 or even 1,000 times faster than the last extinction events, for example, the big extinction event of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. this one is caused by us, by our handling. we have a responsibility vis-a-vis the next generation so our children and grandchildren to hand over a healthy, living planet for them to benefit as well from the natural resource base. >> the report evaluated humanity's eco-logical footprint in light of everything you're saying. that's everything we need frr space. we're talking about grazing areas and fishing grounds and forest. the report found we need one and a half planet earths for everything we want from the planet today and the world's
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population is still growing tremendously. la do we do? >> yes, indeed, the finding is that our bank account is already in red by half a planet. so we need to reverse the trend, and it's an economy based on the sustainable and based on responsible and better product schemes for all things that rely on natural resources. agriculture relies on water. the fish that we eat, of course, relies on a healthy ocean and so on. the next thing we need to see happen is, of course, consumers becoming wiser about the choices they make. the consumerism as such needs to stop, so we need to think of an economy that is based on long-lasting products that minimize the eco-logical footprint during their production. >> as you know back in the '60s
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and 70s there were popular books in en vogue that warn of catastrophe within decades. instead, the world sees an improvement ♪ in the standard of living for most people. how do we find a balance? >> i have to say that there are some signs of hope already towards a green economy, towards choices that are sensible. we have labels, for example, out there that certify the sustainable origin of foreign products. we have labels for the sustainable origins of marine productses and fisheries worldwide. to the extend that consumers take a preference for those pruk products, we are making important progress. we need to do much more than that. we need to put the correct value to our natural resource base and include that into the national economy calculations. what is the price of losing this asset today for the generations of the future? water will be a tremendous limitation. we have to do those
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calculations, of course. so i think the right mindset is already there with good examples where we have the economic, social, and finally the eco-logical payoffs. >> a lot of important things raised by the report. it's for the global species program for the world wildlife fund international. good to have you with us up. coming up, every football player goes to their knees in prayer after scoring a touchdown. why was this prayer worth a penalty? first, it's election season, so get ready to get bombarded by political ads. we look at how republicans prefer some shows and democrats
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with the midterm elections a month a way, 'tis the season for political ads. the total number of ads is
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expected to soar by # 70% when compared to the 2010 midterms. you might be surprised where republicans and democrats are spending the tv ad money. the "washington post" took an extensive look at the money over the past two months. "modern family" is thought to be a banner show for liberals, but republicans buy most of its political ad time. "the bing bang theory" is another gop favorite. "big brother" was big for democrats as were survivor, so you think you can dance and the voice. in these ads, the bhiger the pie chart the greater the amount of political advertising on the show. in daytime many think the view is more liberal because there's more than one conservative voice, and right now it's nicole wallace. the other big talk shows for
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republican ads are dr. fill and rachel ray. political commercials on ellen and dr. oz are more bipartisan but queen latifah and steve hairy in the democratic column. the game show has far more republican ads than democrats. the ads on late night talk show lean further to the heft. the one exception is on the weekend where "saturday night live" is more likely to feature conservative ads. go figure. sunday news shows feature an overwhelming ma jority of commercials, but democrats advertise more on the network weekday morning so shows. election years are hugely important for local tv stations. the billion dollar burn is critical because recovery all he had revenue for tv stations with newscasts has plunged 50% from the turn of the century. it may be the one place
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political fighting is helping america's economy. protests erupt after michigan football coaches allowed a quarterback play in
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>> we have an exclusive story tonight, and we go live... the nfl is in the middle of another pr disaster. the outrage follows a penalty for
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unsportsmanlike conduct husseain abdullah, a muslim tha fell to his knees if prayer when he scored a touchdown. university of michigan fans protested tuesday after quarterback shane morris was kept in the game following a big hit to the head on saturday that left him stumbling. joining now from silver spring, maryland is al jazeera america contributor dave zion. dave, good to see you. let's talk about the nfl rule book. abdullah broke the rules. the rule book states they're prohibited from engaging in celebrations while on the ground, but the vp of football communications for the nfl said on twitter that he should not have been penalized officiating mechanic is not to flag player who goes to ground for religious reasons. is this much adieu about nothing, because the referee didn't see him praying but saw him sliding? >> yeah, i don't think the
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referee had any idea what mr. abdullah was doing and saw him slide to the ground. the nfl has an exception for players who take to a knee. remember, tebowing when that was a national craze for tim tebow. he's right mr. abdullah shouldn't have got the penalty, although give credit to andy reid, the coach of the chiefs who had the line of the night afterwards when he said when you bow to mecca, you can slide any way you want. i have two priests in this locker room to back me up on that. >> abdullah said himself he thought it was for the slide. the nfl allows religious displays and players cross themselves and kiss a crucifix. tim tebow did tebowing. is there a double-overreaction here? the nfl apology, the nfl so worried about the pr sdaers it's had bought also the fans piling on to the nfl because it seems to be in a weakened state?
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>> yeah. when the ship is sinking, you're much more likely to have people throw in water as opposed to try and patch it up. look, i don't think the nfl is overly concerned with looking sensitive. remember, we still have this team in washington named after an ethnic slur, and they're hardly bending over backwards to do something about that. this is a situation where the nfl knew it was in the wrong, and they felt like they had to say something. maybe the old nfl of a couple of months ago would you have tried to brazen it out and said we're in the nfl and we don't have to answer to you. they don't want to raise the eyre of the nfl players union. they came out quickly because the last thing they need is another pr crisis. >> i realize this is discussed many a time, but why is it in the business of regulating celebrations anyway. most fans agree celebrating is not an issue. according to a sports nation
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poll 56% of respondents don't think players celebrate too much. this is the nfl being a kill joy and no fun league. look what they do in soccer, and everyone loves it. >> this goes back to the early 1980s when they had the fun bunch, the smurfs and hogs and all had their special kind of celebration. down. it relates to the nfl is so big on selling teams, not individual players because your next play could be your laes. what a disaster it would be on an actual player that was gone for half the season. they make a big effort to quash the individuality of players. they do it to a ridiculous overextent. let's turn to college football and this case at the ufrt of michigan. quarterback shane morris got a concussion on the field during saturday's game against minnesota. a big hit. he could barely walk when he got up, and the coaches left him in
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anyway for another play before they took him up and put him in for another play later. they have all sorts of excuses, but with everything that's happened in the nfl in recent years, what we've seen happen to pro football players with concussions, how can a college team be so careless? >> today, there was a mass rally at the university of michigan to fire the athletic director. i have never heard -- say penn state at the height of everything happening with joe paterno, i never heard of a campus rally to fire an athletic director. it brings together people concerned about head injuries and the ill medical effects of football, but it also brings in people who are really upset that the coach, brady hoke, is leading the worst michigan team in a century. if that sounds like an exaggeration, "consider this." this is the first michigan team to ever have three losses before
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the 1st of october in the over 100-year history of michigan football. so it brings together people who are upset about the football team and people who are upset about football. that's a pretty tough coalition to break. >> it sure sounds like this. always good to have you with us. thanks. coming up wednesday on "consider this," the author of a book about putin and his rise to power so damning they decided not to release it. we're on facebook and twitter and you can tweet me. we'll see you next time. >> the sun isn't up yet, but david godeski is. godeski has been homeless in washington d.c. for nearly 7 years. last night, like most, he slept outside. with affordable housing getting increasingly scarce here, there's been a spike in the number of homeless. churches, food pantries, the
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city, are all scrambling to meet the demand. at the public library's main branch, homeless individuals rush in when the doors open, some are even dropped off by a shuttle bus from the homeless shelters. once inside, they log onto computers to job hunt or check email. they meet friends or just read, protected from the elements. >> for many years we would sort of open our doors and say "okay, we've done our job", because we're providing them a warm place to go if they've got no place else to be. >> now, social worker jean badalamenti will help provide information on homeless services and will "sensitize" staff. while government, residents and local businesses argue over the role of the libraries, david godeski is just glad they're here. >> having a place like this where things are controlled, it's a godsend. >> so godeski will be back every day he can.
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