tv Consider This Al Jazeera October 1, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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>> primetime new live as isil continues their brutal campaign, nick schifrin reports from the turkey - syria border... >> that's the black isil flag above the town center... >> five days of fear: escape from isil only on aljazeera america >> mistakes and how a dallas hospital first dealt with the ebola patient, lead to more than a dozen people being mornltded for the disease. and some discord in the coalition as fighting rages in iraq and syria. i'm antonio mora, those stories and more straight ahead. >> officials are rushing to soothe public anxiety about the first ebola case to emerge in
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america. >> rest assured our system is working as it should. >> this is not west africa. the chances for it being spread are very, very small. >> a sea of pro-democracy protesters in hong kong. >> cy lynn has to step down immediately. >> the agent's embattled director julia pierson. >> she believed it was in the best interest of the agency. >> netflix is getting into the movie business. >> crouching tying are hidden dragon on the same way as it hits theaters. >> we have to find way to change the status quo and to discuss. >> preventing iran from being a nuclear power. >> we begin with questions about why the dallas ebola patient wasn't immediately hospitalized when he first sought treatment
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and questions about what's happening with the people who had contact with him after he developed symptoms of the disease. the patient who troostle travelo dallas by liberia is thomas eric duncan a liberian national with family in dallas. duncan told the nurse he had come from liberia where ebola was an epidemic. he was allowed to leave the hospital before that was not fully communicated to his team. doctors have upgraded his condition from critical to serious but stable. 18 people may have had contact with duncan after his premature release including five school age children. rick perry tried reassure reporters at a news conference.
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>> i know parents of are extremely concerned about that development but let me assure these children have been identified and they are being monitored and the decannot be transmitted before having any symptoms. >> for more i am joined again from dallas by dr. sima yasmin, professor of public health at university of texas at dallas and a staff writer. seema, always glad to have you with us. there are reports of parents taking children's out of schools after the children had contact with duncan. >> it's concern antonio, among parents of school aged children. we know there were five kids who were exposed to him when he was infectious. we have seen parents in tears, really concerned. the message is eebl is not
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transmitted through air, or through water and foot food. to contract ebola it must be from somebody who has symptoms and direct contact with infected bodily fluid, infectious blood, urine vomit. >> he wasn't symptomatic on those airplanes or until later in the week after he had arrived in dallas. because as you know this ebola strain has been much more virtue you a lents and thvirulent than. >> absolutely. if we are comparing west africa to dallas it's two different situations. it's very unlikely we won't see an outbreak. west africa sadly have been ravaged by this virus because of
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a weak health infrastructure and because of a shortage of doctors and nurses. that's wheys been fueling the being virus. this is dallas not west africa. >> to your point, much of the confidence that we have is this will all be taken care of because we have this great medical system. but the cdc ierbled national guidelines for -- issued national guidelines, to determine whether a patient had ebola. a temperature of 101.5° or more. headache, body pains or diarrhea, and having visited a nation hit by the ebola outbreak in the preceding three weeks. so it seems pretty clear when duncan went into the hospital on thursday night he matched at least some of those criteria. even with the miscommunication how could someone who was sick and had been in liberia somehow be released from the hospital? >> we're told that he
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volunteered that information about being from west africa to the nurse and what the hospital tells there was miscommunication, the nurse did not relay that critical piece of information to other health care workers. now antonio as more details emerge from the hospital it becomes actually more confusing. we're told on thursday night after 10:00. when he presented with a low grade fever and abdominal pain they suspected it was a viral illness and he was cents home with antibiotics and that doesn't match either. >> let's talk about what the texas health commissioner had to say in dallas. >> this is not west africa. this is a very sophisticated city, a very sophisticated hospital. and the dynamics are so significantly different than they are in east africa, consume in west africa, that the chances of it being spread are very,
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very small . >> and to make those chances smaller, people who are disease detectives like you were, they're tracing all the people he might have had contact with or already monitoring a number of people. how you think that job will be taken care of and that they will be able to make sure that this gets contained very quickly? >> so this is public health 101. you want to stop an outbreak. you want to stop the disease predding. dspreading, you stop the disease from spreading, you isolate them, you contact anyone they have had contact with. calling to see who's had contact with this man. it is a tried method of stopping outbreaks. so far cdc and local health officials have narrowed down that list of people to around 18 or about that number.
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so if they are meticulous and they continue to contact anyone who had contact with him while he was infectious it's likely we are saying that we won't see further spread. >> it's unlikely if any have contracted ebola from tests, it takes a while before the virus is clearly present in the blood? >> that's right. so typically cdc says if you are going to test somebody for ebola the test works best once they've already had symptoms for about three days. what you do before that, you are trying find out even if you had contact with that gentleman what kind of contact was that? again you have very direct contact with bodily fluids to really be at risk. these people will be monitored for 21 days, the incubation of ebola, and before they are told at the end of that period you're fine to go. >> let's hope that after the first mistake of letting him out of the hospital that this is
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under control and we won't see any further cases. dr. seema yasmin, thanks. towrng turning to a brutal f fighting in syria. at least nine kurds were killed in clashes and ten others including four syrian rebels were beheaded. the horrible pictures posted online by the terrorists. the pentagon is urging understanding. >> hod moderate syrian rebels equipping as a ground force. intelligence gaps are behind rinbehindderg air strikes. meanwhile, the civil war, still
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raging inside syria. at least ten children were killed in the city of homs. >> to you serving as a senior fellow with the truman national security project. mike, nice to have you with us. building in syria and rawsk, the air strikes have not been-d iraq, the air strikes have not been able to beat bake i.s.i.l, they need better weapons, we have been saying we're going to give them those weapons for a while now. why hasn't that happened yet? >> first, two theaters of fighting, ground forces doing conventional things that we're trained and good at but in syria all strategic strikes. the president would say we're successing there, but in kobani, targets of opportunity, cent com said, we hit artillery and a
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tank, we're not going to commit that because of ground facts. forward air controllers that are going to bring those strikes specifically where they got to be. >> and these kurds who are fighting desperately there don't have the kind of weapons that the i.s.i.l. folks have. so again why are we not getting that kind of support to them? >> they're backed up against the wall, there's a standoff issue that the enemy i.s.i.l. can shoot at them and they can't shoot back because their weapons can't range that far. they don't have a lot. they're getting some from the peshmerga forces from iraq. they're in a very slippery slope with the turkish border now. i.s.i.l. has got to be careful. you've got a nato situation, if that border is violated all of nato is involved. it's just too late, we can't get there from here in the time frame we're talking about. >> you brought up the issue of intelligence helping us pinpoint
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targets and that is one of the things that has been brought up. maybe some of these bombings are actually hitting targets had we don't even know for sure have i.s.i.l. facilities or i.s.i.l. terrorists in there. we then don't have the assets to let us know whether what we've hit was actually effective or not. >> right. for some reason we've lulled ourselves into think that the military is there all the time 24-7. it is a very big theater of operation, it is not a need intercept kind of thing. kobkobani, again they're just nt there. >> there seems to be what i call coalition confusion. you've got a body the new prime minister in iraq saying we don't want any of the arab nations bombing inside iraq. we have the u.k. and other
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nations saying we're only tbhoamg irabombbombing in iraq . with this kind of coalition confusion how is this going to be an organized effort? admiral kirby saying we have got to be patient. >> it's like there's an attack matrix who says who can do what and what can attack who. the turkish fighters are attacking inside iraq, well coordinated, haditha dam, taking some of these facilities back, we are very careful to make sure nothing goes wrong because that would be the worst possible scenario. we hit the wrong target, hit civilians that would go so far against us with the rest of the world and the coalition. >> the u.s. has relaxed the policy it's followed with drone attacks in yemen and other places, which is to have almost
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nearly perfect confidence that we are not going to have any civilian casualties and part of the problem is that i.s.i.l. is beginning to follow the example of something hamas did in gaza of putting some of their weapons and their fighters in areas where civilians are. >> right. >> do we have no choice but to relax that policy and unfortunately face the possibility of civilian casualties? >> i think that notches up everything and it gets back to war and getting congress involved and all the things that go along with that. the president is doing everything he can to go under the force agreement he has now. you've got to go back to congress and decide whether that's right thing or not. >> public opinion could turn quickly if we have civilian casualties there, something we want to avoid. also wants to talk with baghdad, we heard of i.s.i.l. getting not much more than amile from the
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city. general allen says he expects i.s.i.l. to meet resistance from the sunni tribal leaders. we did hear yesterday that up north one sunni tribe has now turned over and helped the coalition. do you think that we're going to see something like what we saw during the iraq war, and that sunni awakening when sunni tribes turned against is predecessor of i.s.i.l? >> that's the hope, whether that remains to be seen, the pentagon is concerned about the iraqi security forces taking back these towns and then holding them. they're going to have to have the support of the sunni tribes, that being the being coalition is a better deal than the i.s.i.l. rather than military butte civil perspective. >> major michael lyon cments thank you for your insight.
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coming up. a tense meeting at the white house but first here's an all domestic version of around the world. we begin in our nation's capital where the day after being grilled by the house oversight committee, julia pierson has resigned as the director of the secret of service. after three years with the service she claims she was stepping down in the best interest of the country. i can be stoic about it not really as the agency is reeling from a significant security breach. after her resignation white house press secretary are josh earnest said a new leadership of that agency was required. joseph clancy has been appointed interim director.
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centers for disease control confirmed that enterovirus was confirmed as the cause of four patients death. the death of a ten-year-old girl was caused by a different infection at the same time she had be enteroadvisor d-68. they died less than five hours after arriving. fiv500 cases have been confirmen 42 states andbeck. we end on the northwest coast, this has become a yearly phenomenon but this year's group far exceeded the 10,000 acrowded the same beach last year. walrus cannot swim indefinitely and due reseeding sea ice, as amazing as the image is the beach is dangerous for the
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animals else themselves. at least 50 have been killed in stampedes. that's some of what's happening around the world. coming up dysfunction at the white house and conversations with benjamin netanyahu. the massive protests in hong kong come with the latest. our social media producer, hermela aregawi, what's trending hermella? >> the pro democracy activists you just mentioned are not backing down. despite the chinese government's best efforts, they're finding the best way to get their message out tnl joi. join the conversation @ajconsiderthis and on our facebook page.
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is judge. >> china celebrated its national day wednesday as protests in hong kong went into its sixth day. student leaders are threatening to occupy government buildings if hong kong's chief executive doesn't step down. demanding the chinese government loose many its decision to limits the choice of the region's next chief executive approved by beijing. meantime, authorities in hong kong and beijing have decided to wait out the protesters, allowing the demonstrations to continue for weeks or months. warning of unimaginable consequences if the protests don't stop. i'm joined by rob mcbride, rob, good to see you. this whole situation was beginning to look like a game of chicken. the hong kong executive warned of dire consequences, if the
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protests didn't go away before wednesday's holidays, the demonstrators refused. what are you seeing and hearing there? >> there is this escalating war of words you're right. we're into another day of protests in hong kong, early morning, gradually more protesters are showing up. we are in the second day of the public holiday period so we are expecting to see large numbers out on the streets today. but very little movement from the hong kong government and also from the beijing authorities. and there is a sense a growing sense i think of truss traition here amongst the demonstrators just what to do next how to get the authorities here to budge on this crucial issue of democratic reform, but also of course, the position of c.y. lung, the hong kong chief executive. this is the deadline, that c.y.
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lung must announce his resignation for negotiations to move forward. there seems to be no sense that he is going to do that so the organizers will start targeting they say by the end of this week specific offices forcing their way into government offers which takes this whole action to a very new level. this is a far more serious law breaking than just occupying the streets of open public spaces like this. but the organizers say they're prepared to go ahead with this, displiet the threat of renewing the -- despite the threat of renewing the violent clashes, the kind of clashes we saw several days ago. >> so what is expected to happen if the protesters go through with their threats and occupy those buildings? do they expect that police will act aggressively? >> there will be a much more aggressive response we are sure
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from security guards and also from police. there has to be. the police have taken very much a move into the background here. we very rarely see any kind of police presence in these main occupation sites. they have taken a far more subtle approach than riot police and also the tear gas that we saw of several days ago. but if protesters do break in do force their way into government offices there is nothing the police can do but respond. they are going to have to start dragging them out have to start taking action. so we are thrieblg se likely ton escalation. whether that will move an end that is debatable. this is very much an internal matter for china to deal with and more specifically a matter for the hong kong authorities. although we can be sure behind the scenes there is a lot of telephone, internet communication between officials in hong kong and officials in
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beijing about how to handle this. the hong kong authorities do not seem as if they will be moved. the hong kong authorities have taken a bunker mentality, hunkering down, in the hope that gradually people will lose interest, people will drift away. yes, thousands, tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets but an awful lot of those it has to be said have come out lately in support of the student, actual student hard core, may be smaller than that. the government's hope is if they can weather this the next couple of weeks or so gradually support may wane. the time pressure plays on the minds of the organizers, they are very mindful if they don't do something now they might lose this incredible momentum that has built up, this sense of goodwill from the thousands of people who have come out to support them that really the time is now.
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and if they don't act, if they don't take it to another level that moment might be lost. >> right because they do seem to want to wait this out and see if the protests will die of their own accord. it does bring back memories of what happened to tienanmen square. we are seeing rhetoric in the official line from beijing how long the protester government cf the protesters take any kind of action. >> the students in the streets with head bands, they are ugly memory, ugly echoes of the tienanmen square uprising of some 25 years ago. these are very alarming scenes to reach the authorities in china. if these scenes are replicated in chinese mainland cities that would be terrifying, terrifying for the authorities. so they do not want to see any
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kind of spread of this kind of protest to mainland chinese cities, they are mindful of that, they are obsessed about social stability, the internet sensors are working overtime oensure that any images coming out of hong kong do not inflame similar protests in mainland cities. we understand several supporters in mainland china have indeed been detained by showing support. >> al jazeera's rob mcbride thank you for joining us, thank you very much. for a look at how protesters are getting their story online. hermella. >> continuing to block the protest, residents in china do try to 1 learn about the demonstrations in hong kong.
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cell phone videos of televisions going black, shared widely on social media. but activists are fighting back online. we told you earlier, beijing was deleting wavo, at an unprecedented rate. university hong kong media students helped recover some of them. the protesters are also getting art seen. allows anyone in the world with internet connection to send messages of support that are then projected on buildings near the protest site. one from annie, the whole world is watching. dominique from singapore, you're making history, the world stands proudly behind you. despite these break throughs, many worry the majority of chinese aren't aware of what's really happening in hong kong.
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back to you. >> hermella thank you. in his speech at the u.n. general assembly on tuesday benjamin netanyahu blasted what was a double standard or terrorism. >> oppose israel for confronting hamas. they evidently don't understand that i.s.i.s. and hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. >> the status of the peace talks with hamas and the palestinians were one of the many issues discussed with president obama on wednesday. the leaders were cordial but the divergence of each were clear, with president obama pushing for comprehensive peace with palestinians. >> we have to find ways to change the status quos. >> while netanyahu wanted to focus on iran warning the president about the iranians
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developing nuclear weapons. >> i firmly unde firmly hope unr leadership that would not happen. >> david miller, served as an advisor of republican and democrat secretaries of state. helping develop policy on the middle east. the ends of greatness why america can't have and doesn't want another great president, his book. aaron, good to see you as always, the president and the prime minister have long had a prickly relationship clearly different agendas, the president wanting to focus on gaza and the middle east while netanyahu wanted to focus on the iranian nuclear threat. what do you think was going on behind closed doors? >> well first of all, i think the president's line on comprehensive peace in the middle east is a throw-away. the president is involved in -- the president is aware ever getting involved in this line
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for quite some time. we'll see after the mid terms to push on this issue. number 2 the president has his hands full, some would argue he's beleaguered after a military campaign in iraq and syria which will invariably draw him further not only the i.s.i.s. but to assad as well. to a degree, you might argue that these two men who have had a very dysfunctional relationship one of the worst i they in relationship between israeli prime ministers and american presidents and i've watched more than a few come and go, now in many respects, given time that remains in the obama presidency and his priorities, they are probably more oriented around a common theme than ever before. chances for a break through in israeli to palestinian issue are slim to none right now.
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president is focused on militant islam, i.s.i.s. and as you pointed out the iranian u.s. p-5 plus 1 negotiations are coming to a head. so i think very much this is going to be a period coming up that will focus not on arab-l israeli peace but much more on security, terror and militants islam. >> let's talk about some of the issues and the dysfunction. first the civilian deaths in gaza during the fighting angered the u.s. but ironically, the u.s. has just relaxed its policies, so is the u.s. being hypocritical? >> i think so many anomalies and contradictions shape the policies of the great power in our case. whether it's contradiction or hypocrisy, the realities when we operate in iraq and afghanistan
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we confronted to a serng degree, to a -- to a certain degree the same kinds of challenges that the israelis did, with respect to causing civilian casualties and death. but look. the president made his point two months ago with respect to gaza. again, i think this raising of the civilian issue of willfully or purposely targeting civilians is frankly a throw-away line. >> so is anything getting done? always in the middle east we have the what ifs, the circular audience, the president may not be pushing for a broader peaps but netanyahu come to the united states right after the founding of settlements in palestine. you want to throw up your arms
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and say forget about it. >> there is a certain reality here. it seems it may be politically incorrect or inconvenient to admit it but there's a certain reality and that is this, unlike lehman brothers, this is an organization that is too big to fail. differences with respect to iran strategically, with respect to america's concept of a two state solution versus netanyahu' but none of this really matters. because in the ends for many reasons, including value affinity, domestic politics and the reality that no president unless there is sufficient reason, will willfully pick a fight with the israelis. >> there was one thing that came out of these discussions that i thought was interesting, is that netanyahu brought up the possibilities of aligning with moderate arab states, bringing
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moderate arab states into the peace process. that's something i haven't heard before because he thinks their interests have alined much more than in the past. do you think that's an idea that would ever fly? >> it's a movie that has been playing for avery long time. if the government was willing to endorse the peace initiative it's not a road map but a set f principles, into the legitimate peace process and perhaps in a way put more pressure on the palestinians, that would do it. his original talking moneys the his speech that so many arab states oppose israel's campaign against hamas yet are encouraging the united states to blast i.s.i.s. because hamas and i.s.i.s. are one and the same,
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the prime minister knows all too well that those arab states during the recent gaza campaign didn't pressure israel in any way at all. you had egypt, saudi and uae all aligning against hamas because their broader priority and their larger fear is not israel. it's i.s.i.s. on one hand, and militant shia islam, iran and hezbollah, on the other. >> the question is, whether you can bring them into a peace process that would come up with a two state solution that would stick. aaron david miller, as always, good to have you with us. >> ools pleasure, thanks. mob ties and corruption, a new book so controversial its british publisher was afraid to release it. also, made in the u.s.a
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>> a controversial new book is so critical to vladimir putin's rise to power in russia that a british publisher refused to publish it. a story of corruption how putin and a ca can a cabal of croneie. >> joining us from washington, d.c, is karen dewisha, the that of the book. and the director of the university's having hearst center of russian studies. pleasure to have you with us. >> thank you. >> back in the late'80s, as the you soviet union is
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collapsing, you describe how putin was in the kgb because the kgb was instrumental in what was going on. >> absolutely, absolutely. what happened was, the communist party was concerned that if it lost control, if russia were to become a multiparty system they would lose access to states stae coffers, so they started to move that money. and historically the group that moved that money was the kgb so they authorized the kgb to start moving the money out of the country. they took all the money for gorbachev and for elliotsen. they completely bankrupted the country. instead of the cpu coming back, the cpu was banned.
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when they tried a coup againstelle din, all that money was gone and the only people that had the knowledge was the kgb. they emerged as the ones with all the knowledge. >> and putin became the deputy mayor of asperger st. petersburd with be lost the job, how did that happen? >> he lost the job although the '90s were parked with his efforts to avoid prosecution. there were at least two contractual cases he was named in. he needed to keep going up the food chain to control the gathering storm against him and others. not only him. but against him for sure. he took one job after the other, by the summer of 1999, he had
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become the head of the fsb. remember, this is someone who, when he retired from the fsb he was only a colonel. and there were hundreds, literally hundreds of people more qualified to take that position than himself. and i think that one of the conclusions of the book is that there were those who made the coup against gorbachev in 1991, they didn't succeed in 1991, and they saw in putin a young, robust person of the next generation whom they could really a little on to bring the kgb back. they failed in 91 but succeed in 2000. >> he also had all sorts of associations with organized crime according the your book and it did seem that he and his croneies were motivated by certain things, welts and power but also to -- wealth and power,
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but the greatest tragedy he thought of the twilts century 2y was the collapse of the flt sov. soviet union. interest of the larger group around putin. bus one shouldn't underestimate the importance of the new nationalism. he can't go to the population and say look, i'm corrupt, please keep me. he's using the new nationalism as parts of an extensive and very successful propaganda campaign to cement his position politically. >> right, we've seen this in
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crimea, in eastern ukraine and in georgia. he attacked the oligarchs only to create an oligarchy of his own. almost all of the wealthy of the russia is held by just 110 people? >> this is not my report, credit suisse, about global wealth, they highlighted the situation arising in russia in which there's the largest wealth inequality of any country in the world, of any country in the world, that's a lot of countries where there's a lot of unequal distribution of welt. >> you are characterized it as, an astounding amount of wealth
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they had managed to grab for thethemselves. how much of an effect is that having on putin and his circle? >> none of them is very happy. so they've all withdrawn into russia. evidently, a lot of their money has been taken back to russia. i doubt that all of it is back. a lot of it will still be buried deep in the hope that we won't find it and then there will be a second reset. and so in the near future, things will be all right, and those funds will still be there but a lot has gone home and they are not happy. one of his closest friends ganadi timkacha said he really
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>> the president of estonia rising tensions with russia... >> one country has decided it no longer needs to follow the rules >> european union under stress >> the framework that was set up is not holding anymore >> and building for the future >> i require tough reforms and political will... >> every saturday, join us for exclusive... revealing... and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time... talk to al jazeera, only on al jazeera america
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>> today's data dive looks at what its means to be made in u.s.a. there are growing doubts about what it really means. the wall street journal, says, the state's unfair competition law forbids, about 840,000. that has led to legal action over the made in u.s.a. distinction. two lawsuits against a basketball hoops manufacturer, lifetime products, claim the plaintiffs felt duped by the made in u.s.a. guarantee because the net and some bolts are from
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china. they settled last spring and it cost the company more than $1.3 million. that despite the fact that 90% of each of their products is made in america and this they've kept their manufacturing here despite lower labor costs overseas. the federal trade commission says the company can use the made in u.s.a. label if all or virtually all of the product is made in america. how much it doesn't spifer what thaspecify whatthat means. u.s. made shoes is actually made here, it managed to fight off an earlier lawsuit from the ftc over its use of the made in u.s.a. label. however some have questioned the criticism aimed at what is mostly an american sneaker manufacturer when 90% of the shoes in the u.s. are made
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>> netflix already changed the way we view tv with binge watching, but it may chaifng the way we watch films. crouching tiger hidden dragon, to see them online or on cable you have to pay a fee. this however is a major motion picture that you'll be able to watch at home. and netflix subscribers won't have to pay an extra penny. as you can imagine, movie chains are not happy. many are refusing to show the film add all. bill wyman, always good to see
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you. how big of an impacts could this have for movie goers? >> it hopefully will have a good impact. all of us want to watch what we want to watch when we want to watch, and we welcome more choice. most entertainment industries are based on scarcity. how scarce it is. if you can see it in a movie theater for only 12, 15 dollars, that's where they're going to go however netflix has a different business model. the tension between them is causing these is problems. >> it could really have a broad impact and depending what happens with the money actually, it could really affect movie production, it could affect the real estate market, if movie theaters start going out of business. it would have all sorts of consequences. >> it does. it is a distortion thing.
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hbo is another thing, these are big companies and have an enormous amount of money to throw around. they are paying for the movies and the marketing. netflix is getting a lot of publicity about these things. they are writing half of it off for pr. they're getting $5 million of pr, which means the $10 million they have put into it they have written off 50% from the get-go. can you understand why -- you can understand why it drives the movie companies crazy. in china they think they're going to make money there, the imax, they are not the big grand theaters, there's like the imax
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experience, imax isn't imaster plai maxanymore. >> it's been coming for some time. 30 years ago you had to wait a year before you would see a movie come frk theaters t from o cable. jeffrey katzenberg predicted the time to shrink to just three weeks. the question are movie theaters threatened? >> to some extent. if they don't adjust they're going to disappear. what they do is take the short term being advantage. tower heist, when it came out to release in theaters, they tried charge people 40 or $50 to see
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it early at home and that turned out to be a crummy movie. crouching tiger, that movie has its cache, ang li direct it and it almost won best picture. >> charging more the whole thing failed so it never -- >> it did yes. >> let's turn to network tv, the fall season has started and we're seeing more nonwhite leads or co-leads. abc's mission statement has been, to reflecting true america. is it paying off so far? >> this is the most exciting trve seasons, i don't know if you saw how to get away with murder with voila la davis, that
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was wonderful, and blackish, is also, thursday night is the crown jewel for broadcast tv networks and if abc ends up with agree's anatomy, l scandal, and how to get away with murder, that's money talking very loudly and hollywood is going to listen to that. >> the fks says it's debating whether to fining being stations if broadcast esheers use the res name. dcould this really happen? >> anyone could file a complaint with the fc but once you heard what the head of the fc said, that he thinks the name is inappropriate, he might put the
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screws to the guys more than ever. if they stripped the name of the patent because it was offensive, do we really want the government stepping in and saying what can and can't be said? in theory you should call your team whatever you want and the being viewing public should decide. it brings up a host of complex questions. >> they might not be able to say it online, uniforms say redskins, stadium says redskins, equipment says redskins, it's going to be hard for the name odisappear from television. i'm sure it's an ongoing debate poop lot of people fee strongl . >> party who comes from a muslim family, why he thinks minorities are more in line with the gop and why the party is filing capitalize on this
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growing parts of the electorate, the conversation continues on our website,, you can tweet me @amoraen tv. we'll see you next time. hello everybody. this is al jazeera. i'm shaudavid shuster in new yo john seigenthaler has the night off. democracy - hong kong - are they reaching a tipping point. we talk to the owner of the yellow umbrella in the name of free elections. >> tracing the steps of the ebola in texas. we have the latest and a doctor that just rurned from sierra
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