tv News Al Jazeera October 2, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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>> fears of ebola, schools and health care workers watched for signs of the virus after a man diagnosed added a hospital. doctors are isolating another suspected patient in hawaii. >> a shakeup in the secret service, the director resigns. who's now in charge of the president's safety and what changes are being made. >> proette testers in hong kong demand the chief executive
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resign today. they are blocking government buildings and threatening to storm them if he doesn't step down. >> a massive group of walruses in alaska, the environmental threat causing 35,000 to haul ashore and what's being done to keep them safe. >> good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. >> i'm stephanie sy. >> health officials are on high alert as ebola fears stretch from texas to hawaii and we learn new details about the man diagnosed with the virus. >> his name is thomas eric duncan. he flew from liberia with several stops along the way. a dozen students had close contact with duncan. in honolulu, doctors suspect a patient may have contracted the virus. we are live in dallas outside texas health presbyterian hospital.
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>> in liberia, he carried a stricken woman in his arms that was pregnant at the time. she was turned away from the hospital there. days later web traveled to the united states and his family members say he did tell emergency workers that he had just come from west africa. the hospitals confirm that yesterday when administrators corrected an earlier statement saying that a nurse had obtained that information but somehow it didn't factor into the decision making and he was turned away, sent home with nothing but and the bites last friday where he went off and exposed as many as 18 people. >> thomas eric duncan is in isolation this morning at the dallas hospital, the first person to be diagnosed in the u.s. >> his condition is serious but stable. >> his nephew says the family is
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optimistic about his recovery. >> i know the whole nation is rooting for eric at this time, because we all want to see him succeed and get well. >> officials believe he came in contact with between 12 and 18 people, including five school children while he was experiencing symptoms and when he would have been contagious. >> some school aged children have been identified as having had contact with the patient, and are now monitored at home for any signs of the disease. >> meanwhile, custodians dressed in haz-mat suits are scrubbing the school. officials are watching for signs of the virus among members of his family. >> we are monitoring the family members and they have not shown symptoms to date. >> in monrovia, the liberian capitol, duncan had direct contact with a woman stricken by ebola on september 15, days before he left to visit relatives in the u.s. on september 19, duncan left
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liberia with no symptoms, connected to a flight in brussels, transferred in dull less and arrived in dallas september 20. he went to the e.r. thursday night and was released the next morning, even though he told a nurse that he had been in liberia. two days later, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital and immediately isolated. many are now asking why wasn't duncan isolated regretfully, thn was not fully communicated throughout the full team. as a result, the full import of that information wasn't factored in to the clinical decision making. >> despite all the assurances from officials, some in the neighborhood duncan was staying remain concerned. >> kids go outside, play around, and we want the best for our kids. >> of course, some of the most concerned community members are the parents of the school 13 who
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also attend these same four campuses where these five affected children had gone. the school district here is trying to appease those concerns, telling parents that it is safe to bring kids back to school, that many have said they will not take the risk. >> health officials are concerned about the potential ebola patient in honolulu. what can you tell us about that? >> we know that patient in hawaii was placed into isolation yesterday. they are undergoing testing but we can't expect the results for a while but honolulu has to send the samples on to the mainland to be tested. the health officials there say they are not saying whether this other patient, they have been in west africa but say that his symptoms may be a variety of symptoms, ebola one of them. >> thank you very much. >> world leaders and health experts are gathering in great britain to raise awareness and
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money to fight ebola. we have more from london. >> going into this summit, we've had a bleak warning from save the children talking about five new cases an hour in sierra leone, one of the worst affected country. that number will rise to 10 new cases an hour by the end of october. remember, this is a country where i believe there is one doctor per 100,000 people, so even under normal circumstances, a health system that is very vulnerable in trying to treat endemic diseases like malaria that right now is completely overwhelmed. the summit is about arm-twisting, about raising money, but money only goes so far, it will take time to turn pledges into practical support. perhaps what is just as important is sending trained medical staff out to west africa and sending protective kits and other emergency equipment.
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in short, time is of the essence. >> stay with us. coming up at 720, we'll speak to a doctor about the cases in the u.s. and what more can be done to stop the spread of the virus. >> this morning, there is a new person in charge of the secret service, julia pierson resigns after news of another presidential security lapse. the fence jumper was widely reported but the president learning just yesterday that an armed security contractor, a man with a gun rode in the elevator with him. that man had a criminal record. we are live in washington, d.c. this morning. this elevator incident seemed to be the proverbial last straw. >> absolutely, the straw that broke the camel's back. this incident occurred in atlanta at c.d.c. it was a string of security failures. the real problem also was that the white house was never informed about this atlanta
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incident until really the director of the secret service probably had to tell him. here's white house spokesman josh ernest. >> the white house first learned of that yesterday afternoon shortly before it was publicly reported by news organizations. >> she did not tell him about that or the agency did not tell the white house about that until -- you didn't know about it until yesterday. >> until shortly before it was reported publicly, that is correct. >> that is to say just compounded all the other problems. the atlanta incident happened just days before omar gonzalez managed to get over the white house fence and into the white house and was finally apprehend near the east room. congressional leaders have been calling for director p. >> erson's resignation. >> democratic and republicans had criticism. tell us about the man charged with cleaning up the agency. >> he's a temporary replacement
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but veteran of the agency, joseph clan see. he left the service and went to comcast, the head of their security department, but he has been lured back at least temporarily and will be put in charge of the agency and hopefully putting it back in shape. >> what type of changes can we expect going forward? >> well, as many have said, even those who have been some of director pierson's strongest critics say this is not her problem. she was there 18 months. there is much broader problems. there will now be a blue ribbon panel appointed by the head of the department of homeland security, which oversees the secret service, h expected to
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report back to say what thanks need to be made. there obviously will be changes made in what was once seen as a very, very elite agency. >> lisa stark, thank you very much. >> todd kyle is a former assistant secretary with the department of home land security. he's now a senior advisor with torch stone pager, a private security firm and joins us from addison, texas this morning. thanks for being with us. as you just heard our reporter mention, home land chief security jay johnson ordered an investigation into the secret service. >> i think it's critical that an outside panel of professional experts look at the cease rete service. there's not a lot of credibility in d.h.s. to do these reviews. it's critical that it be an outside panel of experts. >> you are not confident that this is going to be enough. >> i think the outside panel, in
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order to fix something, you have to understand the problem. this outside panel of independent experts has to get to the fundamental problems within the secret service. >> during her testimony, miss pierson blamed budget cuts and congressman steven lynch responded to that on our program yesterday. >> how about locking the door? how about locking the door to stop a mentally ill person from coming through the front door of the white house, we need more money? you know, that's ridiculous. that's just a ridiculous claim. >> mr. kyle, what's your take on that? >> clearly there's some fundamental management and cultural issues within the secret service, but there's also reporting that they got more money in their budget which they requested, which is very unusual for the u.s. government. >> joseph clancy, a former special agent is serving as interim director. he is also an insider. do you agree with that decision? >> i know joe well, and he's
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probably the best, most capable person to lead the agency on an interim basis, but when the time is right, clearly there needs to be a new director. >> you believe that person should be from outside? >> i think it's time for the secret service, a century and a half of history to have a director that comes from outside the agency. >> todd kyle, thank you so much, appreciate it. >> stephanie, in syria, 45 people are dead following an attack on school and holes. 41 of those killed are children. a car bomb exploded outside the gate as the students you see here leaving class, a second blast from a suicide bomber causing more bloodshed, more than 50 injured. >> turkey may be sending troops in to help fight isil. the parliament authorized sending new troops into iraq and syria. it may open an air base to the u.s. led coalition that needs those bases. bernard smith is along the syrian-turkey he border.
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isil fighters are closing in on kobane and you've seen shelling. how much pressure is that proximity putting on turkey? >> we're right next door to the fight. turkey has this long border with syria, much of it now available to isil forces. it doesn't want a strategic town like that to be opened up to them, as well. we've seen this morning shelling, gunfire this morning. we've seen in the distance, isil fighters move vehicles to the town and heard from syrian, kurdish fighters inside kobane trying to protect their town that they've dug a trench around the main part of it and that the isil fighters are involved in hit-and-run attacks. there's pressure on that town, bringing the fight much closer to turkey. >> turkey's president taking
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turkey's focus still on taking down syrian president bashar al assad. how does he plan to balance his goals, giving the group is trying to topple assad, as well. >> well, this has been the great die let me ma for the turkish government, because as you say, the president reiterated his determination that he wants assad isolated and gone. there is a concern that helping push back isil forces in syria will inadvertently help assad. one thing he has suggested is to create a safe zone in syria. turkey would ask the nato forces to police that zone, which means
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taking on syria's military. that's an entirely different issue from the battle the u.s. is fighting with isil in syria and iraq. >> why is turkey hesitant on arming the kurds? >> this is another part of the dilemma turkey has been fighting along still unresolved armed conflict with the kurds and there's a worry that any weapons that might be supplied to kurdish fighters in syria could then ultimately be used to fight a battle with turkey. that's why turkey's again concerned that trying to get rid of isil could backfire on it in other ways in its argument with the kurds. >> bernard smith, live along the turkey-syrian border for us, thank you very much. >> in ukraine, pressure forces advancing in donetsk, nine
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people were killed wednesday in the crossfire. the fight over the airport has continued non-stop over the last month, despite a truce. >> another tense day of political protests taking place in hong kong. these are live images coming out of the financial center where pro democracy protestors are gathering for another day. there's concern that things could get worse. they could escalate quickly this morning. >> we are here with more on the developments. >> this is one of the world's key financial centers and normally the chinese government doesn't broker any dissension whatsoever. this has been going on for some time now. the crowd is smaller. yesterday was a national holiday, but the crowd still appears to be very committed to its cause, enough to cause concern for hong kong officials. clashes have prompted them to call on the crowds to disperse peacefully and as soon as possible, but they are standing their ground. they want free democratic
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elections in hong kong by 2017. this is the biggest challenge so far to chinese rule over the semi autonomous region, since great britain relinquished control back in 1997. what you're looking at now is the so-called umbrella revolution. beijing officials released a statement today saying they have faith in hong kong's chief executive but the protestors want him out and threaten to storm and occupy government buildings in hong kong by day's end. >> john, thank you very much. >> let's go now live in hong kong. what is going on there right now? >> right now, those protest numbers of start to go dwindle.
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there are huge gaps in the crowd here. some say that they just don't want to come back to the center because enough is enough. they've shown their support and they just want to go home and go on with their lives, others saying that it's time that the protests stop. it's been going on seven days now. how much longer can this go on. the ones here are still vocal, still demanding that the chief executive step down and want universal suffering and free and fair elections. >> we have been also hearing despite protestors leaving, that others are threatening to storm the chief executive's office. are we see ago greater police presence? >> we certainly are, but that's at the chief executive office, about two kilometers away from where i am right now. i spoke to my colleague who is there and she told me that there had been some scuffle between
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the prosecutor testers there and police. three police vans tried to make their way through the protestors that were gathered there outside the chief of police office and they were not allowing these vans to get through. police had come around, trying to disperse the crowd. there were a few scuffles, pushing and shoving, but nothing very violent. everything calmed down right after that, however, there are still hundreds of people camped out outside of the chief executive's office. >> reporting live from hong kong, thank you. >> coming up, we'll find out more about how protestors are using a smart phone app to organize rallies. they are getting around chinese sensors with technology. >> the weather front feels like fall out there and there is the risk of severe weather spreading across the country. >> nicole mitchell is here with the latest. >> severe weather, not only wind, hail, isolated tornadoes but areas of heavy rain. this is out of clinton,
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missouri. you can see it streaming down out of kansas city. interstate 70 is going to be a slow trek. here's that widespread area of moisture. one band already going through still lingering in missouri and another behind that in nebraska. then it spreads, heavy rain especially a corridor from missouri into illinois, three inches or more possible, so we already have flood watches and warnings out this morning. here's kind of the core of where you could see that, also gulf moisture enhanced along this line, so that will be another spot we'll ever to watch through the course of the day. there's the severe weather side of all of this, yesterday already a lot of wind and hail reported, we could see more today. >> concern this morning over the potential spread of ebola in the u.s. >> especially in texas where that infected patient came in contact with several people, including children. we are joined next to break down what health officials are going to be looking for.
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>> doctors are trying to stop the spread of enterovirus, affecting children now linked to four deaths. what you need to know. >> caught on camera, thieves trying to pull off a beer heist. it just didn't go off as planned. >> $2 trillion is the big number of the day. >> why an investment powerhouse is insisting this morning there is no worry about big changes at the top.
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>> today's big number is $2 trillion, that's the amount of assets right now in the hands of bond company pemko, despite some investors running. >> the company's company founder and chief investment officer, a large amount of money left with him. >> investors pulled money from pemko last month. the company insists it remains strong. >> health officials are
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investigating whether the enterovirus is responsible for four deaths. it's affected children around the nation. >> this is rare, but spreading fast. >> yes, it is making its way across the country quickly. just three weeks ago, 11 states were affected, now that number has nearly quadrupled to 42 states. look at this map reds by the c.d.c., virtually every state you see is dealing with this outbreak with nearly 500 confirmed cases nationwide. there are those states investigating possible paralysis in children, linked to the virus. the latest case out of michigan involves a seven-month-old baby boy. now the first confirmed death of a child who tested positive for ept row virus, a 10-year-old in rhode island. she came to the hospital with shortness of breath. her condition deteriorated within 24 hours. the fifth grader suffered both enterovirus and a staff infection. doctors say it's impossible to
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tell which played a key role in her death. >> this is not the first time we've ever seen this happen. this happens in rhode island and around the country once in a while, and it's a tragedy every single time, but it's not necessarily a preventable tragedy. at least at our current state of science. >> doctors say the young girl may have died from the rare combination of infections. the best way to prevent catching the virus is no different from cold prevention and there is no cure. >> we now know the name of the ebola patient in dallas, thomas eric duncan. he's a liberian national now in serious condition and in isolation. >> officials say he took flee flights to get to the u.s. from monrovia to brussels, then boarded united flight to washington, d.c. there he got on another united jet to dallas. >> officials are watching more than a dozen people who had
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contact with duncan, including a group of students. ry punts, health care officials have been telling us the system works. he walked into an emergency room and was he september home. do you still have faith in the system? >> they dropped the ball on this. this is a big mistake. the only mitigating thing you can say is this is the first it's happened and it's very difficult if you're a physician to say we've got someone with west africa with a fever and we're going to dedicate tons of money and a whole room to him. now people are more prepared to do that. i think now this will make a big difference to everyone's mindset. people have a very low threshold for saying put that guy in a room and barrier him with a
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nurse. >> my question is, is this information to hospitals being clearly disseminated. >> i think you're absolutely right. the c.d.c.'s job is to establish the protocols and make everyone conform to them. this hospital, the hospital is conforming to the protocol in as much as the protocol's vague. there needs to be advice if a person comes from west africa and has a fever, they need a room on their own, investigation and barrier nursing. >> several people may have been infected with ebola before he boarded the flight. should patients possibly exposed in west africa want to get to a plane to get to get treatment where it is better? >> if i had ebola in west africa, i'd get on a plane. that's a logical, sensible thing
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to do. it's not a good public health thing to do, but there is no way of preventing people with ebola coming to america. it's asymptomatic for 20 days. you've got three weeks to get out of africa and get to the u.s. that's very, very easy to do. this is the first case, but i would be amazed if we didn't see other cases. >> you bring up a lot of questions. we'll continue to try to answer them this morning. thanks so much for your time. the ebola outbreak is affecting west african muslims plaining to make the pilgrimage to mecca. a lot of pilgrims already in mecca are wearing protective masks as a precaution. >> as a precaution, you might want to carry an umbrella with you because that threat of severe weather is moving across the country. let's check our forecast right now. >> nicole mitchell is back. >> we talked about the front and chance for severe weather illinois through texas, but the
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front also bringing some in generally cooler air with it, so already behind this, temperatures in the 40's, as this continues to move along, we are going to be seeing widespread cooler air hitting southward and toward the east coast by the end of the week. if you're in the core of it, chicago, for example, between today in the 70's and this weekend in the 50's, that accounted be a 20-degree shift. back to you. >> nicole mitchell, how long. >> gunned down in the aisles of wal-mart. new details of the case of a young black man killed by police. >> what witnesses say after a cop told him to drop a beebee gun. >> a florida man found guilty of killing an unarmed teen because of loud music. the family says justice is served. >> an attack on an army vehicle a just days after a peace agreement was signed in afghanistan.
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>> you are looking live at protestors in hong kong. they are threatening to storm government buildings if the city's chief executive does not quit by the end of the day. he has maintained he will not leave office. >> good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. ahead this half hour, israel taking heat for moving ahead with plans to build new settlements. also, why the mother of a man shot by police in a wal-mart is blaming a witness who called 911 for her son's death. >> in our next hour, tesla is trying to change the auto industry. executives sit down for an exclusive interview with aljazeera about the pushback from the industry and lawmakers. >> let's look at top stories this morning. health officials are monitoring more than a dozen people who had contact with thomas eric duncan, the liberian man in dallas identified as having ebola. doctors in honolulu isolating a patient they suspect of
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contracting the virus. >> julia pierson stepping down as the director of the secret service after a series of lapses involving national security. joseph chance see is serving as the acting director. >> in taliban, fighters targeted an army base, striking a convoy. today's blast is part of a growing trend, the latest since the country's new president took over four days ago. >> the taliban has claimed responsibility for the attacks. over the past week, there have been six here in kabul. the targets have been mainly security forces. the taliban telling aljazeera that it has stepped up attacks since the security agreement was signed here on tuesday. that's the security agreement between the new afghan government of the president, inaugurated on monday and the united states and nato, allowing force to say remain here past the end of 2014 to the end of
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2016. the taliban says the signing of that agreement rules out any sign of peace talks with the new government and they say they will target international and afghan security forces, because of the signing of this agreement. we certainly have seen an escalation of attacks here in the afghan capital, six since the inauguration on monday, killing at least 17 people, plus that attack down south in the kandahar highway this morning, killing five policemen. >> afghan officials say over the past six months have been the deadliest for the police officers since the war with the taliban began back in 2001. >> we're hearing from the mother of a man shot and killed in a wal-mart. he had an unloaded beebee gun when police opened fire. >> his mother said the shooting accounted have been avoided. she said she puts the blame on a 911 caller. >> what is your emergency? >> i'm at the wal-mart.
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there's a gentlemen walking around with a gun in the store. >> has he got it pulled out? >> yeah, he's like pointing it at people. >> a 911 call came in from an ohio wal-mart describing 22-year-old shopper there buying ingredients for s'mores. he picked up a beebee gun and walked the aisles talking on his phone. >> he went to the store to get some items for the cookout. >> america tonight sat down with his mother for her first t.v. interview, and her lawyer. they say the 911 caller was lying and pointed a surveillance video. >> he did not point the beebee gun at anyone in the store, especially women or children. he made no aggressive movements toward anyone. no one was in imminent danger are. >> the 911 caller was ronald richy. he described what he said he saw to local station whio.
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>> a black gentleman walking up, holding what looks to be an air 15, called the police, waving at people, waving at little children. i'm thinking that he's either going to rob the place or he's there to shoot somebody else. it looks kind of serious, as far as he didn't really want to be looked at and when people did look at him that he was pointing the gun at people and everything, so just really off putting. >> acting on that information, police officers stormed the wal-mart, raced to the back and shot and killed john crawford. he had the beebee gun pointed to the ground and the cell phone still in his hand. on the other end of the line, the mother of his two children and his own mother. >> i heard him struggling to
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breathe, and a are goingling type make when they try to when blood or whatever's in their throat. i heard him like crying, you know, and i heard the police officers. >> as customers panicked, angela williams, a mother of two with a heart condition went into cardiac arrest and later died. crawford's mother said the caller is partly to blame. >> he started this, and he caused the death of two people. >> is there a way to hold the caller responsible? >> we believe that there's enough evidence and information there that the prosecutor could move forward with some type of charge against richie. >> did the call that they received give the police justification to shoot him? >> absolutely not. that may give them a cause to investigate. that may give them a cause to come in and to find out what's
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going on. if you come into wal-mart and there are other people shopping and nothing seems to be awry, then how is that an active shooter? >> the supreme court ruling officers don't need to prove an actual threat to their safety to use deadly force, just a reasonable belief that there is a threat. the 911 call is said to have given the police a reason to believe they were in danger. >> at one point, the officer calls back to the dispatcher to confirm are you sure he's pointing it at people? oh, yes, that's what the caller said, he's pointing it at people. >> a grand jury agreed and failed to indict the officers for john crawford's death. >> i was hurt. it feels like me losing him, my son all over again. no one is being held responsible for it. no one. >> america tonight correspondent joins us now. thanks for being with us on the set. john crawford, he was holding
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that pellet gun, it was designed to look like an a.r.15. how did he get that? >> he was just walking around the store, looking to buy ingredients for s'mores. he was on the phone. we don't know what was going on in his head, but he saw this gun. it's not a toy, it is technically a weapon, a pellet gun, air rifle, called an mk1177. it was just out. usually these things are in cases, they are wrapped in plastic, not just accessible, but he just saw one, picked it up and kind of distractedly was on the phone walking around, and caught the attention of somebody. >> aren't police trained to handle situations just like this? >> they're supposed to be, yes, and just a couple days before, it was 12 days before, the police officer who shot him had actually undergone training, a series of power point slides that was supposed to be about what to do when you're engaging
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an active shooter, but at the same time, during this training, they were shown pictures of columbine, sandy hook, told to invoke memories of their family. it became a very emotional time, and perhaps this cop with the information that he had on the phone from the 911 caller was a little more humid up than he should have been and perhaps engaged too quickly. >> as always, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> a florida man who shot and killed an unarmed teen over laud music will spend the rest of his life in prison. michael dunn was convicted of first degree murders wednesday. the jury rejected his claim he fired in self defense. the family is joyful, but still full of sorrow over their son's death. >> george zimmerman may not face a second trial in the shooting of trayvon martin. according to the washington post, officials say there's not
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enough evidence to bring up federal civil rights charges. >> prosecutors are investigating a possible leak in the criminal probe in ferguson, missouri. a twitter post claimed grand. >>s have not seen enough evidence to arrest officer wilson who killed michael brown. the tweet has since been deleted. >> the white house condemning israel's plan to build new settlements in east jerusalem, hours after president obama met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at the white house. both men discussing iran, isil and mideast peace, not yet clear if the president expressed displeasure in person. the chief diplomatic correspondent for news in israel is with us this morning. you were at the white house yesterday. what was the mood? >> when we were in the oval office, the information about the new building ban was really
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fresh. i think the president was not aware about it. when they did a photo opportunity, they didn't discuss the settlement issue. even afterwards. i heard from foreign minister netanyahu that inside the meeting, the issue was not discussed. only after the meeting was over, the americans got the final information what's happening in jerusalem. then we saw this very harsh condemnation. >> these two men have not been the best of friends over the last several years and the fight against isil producing curious bed fellows. syria now turning its back on those coalition airstrikes. how is this playing out in israel? >> netanyahu said during the meeting with obama that he wants to support this coalition, but israel supports the war against isis. of course it's important for israel. the question is will this affect the israel-palestinian issue. we see the fear of terrorism
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threat. he said we are not the real problem anymore. you ask the question, how is this going to in effect the israel" palestinian talks. will there be a new negotiations. in the past when the americans needed arab support, we saw pressure from the bush administration on israel. i suspect with time we can see some similar, because obama needs the arab coalition to get together. >> is this a silver lining for the dark claude over the area for decades? >> could be. we saw the kerry efforts failing after nine months of talks which led to nothing, but right now, netanyahu its talking about this regional opportunities that he sees. he we saw during the gaza wars that the condemnations of israel from european and the united states was actually sometimes harder than the condemnations coming from the arab world, egypt and saudi arabia maybe get to go support israel in some
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ways. maybe aligning against isil could affect this issue, but it's early to tell. >> president obama is in chicago this morning, and later today will speak at northwestern that university about the economy, touching on plan to say boost a recovery and raise wages for the middle and lower class. according to a new poll, nothing is higher on the minds of americans than the economy, the poll coming from the associated press found 92% headed to the polls in november say it's an extremely or very important issue. another top concern, foreign policy with six in 10 saying america's role in world affairs is important. as for the president himself, 42% approve of the job he he's doing. >> police in florida are search forego two clumsy crooks who barely or beery get away after staggering through their crime. the pair stride to steal six 12
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packs. they couldn't open the door with their hands full. one kicks the door open, even when they continue to stumble and have to leave one case behind. >> mom used to see drinking and thiefing don't mix. >> let's look at other stories caught in caught in our global net. >> on a mission to clean india with broom in hand, india today reporting the initiative was launched to coincide with the birthday of the late independence leader. a lot of what they are doing are small steps, sanitation, clean toilets, sweeping the streets. >> this is why sometimes students do dumb things. ohio university revoking the scholarship for a student who ran on the field during a football game and body slammed by the coach. anthony wonder is charged with misdemeanor criminal
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trespassing. i don't think there's really a -- >> by the way, the assistant coach who tackled him clearly used to be a football player. that video went viral. he was on a full ride, this kid. >> the key word being was on a full ride. >> this is a lighter story. what's in a facebook profile? a lot when it comes to using an alias. the wall street journal said facebook apologized to drag queens and others following an uproar over its crack down on using pseudonyms. >> baiting in the sun, global
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>> it's time now for were you ever today's discoveries, scientists studying the moon's surface possibly spotted evidence of volcanos. >> they found river valleys filled with lava. that area covers 17% of the moon roughly the size of north america. >> nasa believes it could have been caused by stretching and shrinking of the moon's crust, the phenomenon dating back 5 billion years ago. >> the protestors in hong kong are concerned that their civil unrest could cause officials in beijing to cut their cell phone and internet service. >> they are getting around
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potential blockades, using an app to get their messages out. >> it's the first rule of crushing a modern protest, either shut off tell lecommunications like north korea or monitor the protestors. we saw that in the ukraine. protestors in hong kong are messaging without using cell signals or internet connections. they've established an off line network using a specific app. the general term is mesh networking but this is a little different. protestors are using an app called fire chat developed for people who exchange text messages for blue tooth, intended for things at things like burning man. it's become the life blood of the protest. >> in a typical arrangement, a central system controls both cellar service and the connect to the internet. if the government blocks that, phones and computers
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disconnected from one another. a mesh network doesn't have to connect to a central system. phones and computers communicate directly with no central plug for a government to pull. if someone on the network is looking for an internet connection, that is shared with everyone else. it's really a dictator's nightmare. it can be the undoing. fire chat was never designed for evade be surveillance and also mentales are public. >> we did not so much design it as a tool for protest. that had we known about hong kong before, what would change, we probably would have a few things, smaller things would change, but fundamentally, the product would be the same. >> the mesh is not a silver bullet to prevent surveillance or censorship. on a mesh, you want to enscript. >> when used correctly, it can provide free, open and security
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connectivity. in the city in tunisia, a mesh network links thousands. it was an important factor throughout the arab spring and in hong kong accounted be the difference between a protest and a blind mom waiting in the protest to be arrested. >> here to discuss this is a staff writer at motor board, an on line tech and news magazine. thanks for being with us. how is fire chat being used? what types of messages are they sending? >> they're basically using it to otherwise just like people used twitter to organize in ferguson last month, using it in a similar way. twitter and other social media are locked down in hong kong now but fire chat is not. it by passes the cell networks in order to organize. >> they say it's off the grid, but the fact is if you post,
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it's like post to go twitter, everyone can see the post. could this backfire on the protestors? >> it might. none is anonymous or encrypted. if you were a member of the chinese government, you could join the chat they're in, it allows them to chat with anyone nearby. all someone has to do is stand near a protestors and log on. >> it's not secure. this data exiled by the university of hong kong this week just shows how nervous folks in beijing are about these messages reaching mainland china. could china do anything to block fire chat if it wanted to either in hong kong or if it's used in mainland china? >> the way it works there's nothing they can do unless they use physical blue tooth or wi-fi jammer, which would cut down all communications in the entire city. >> they could do it with a
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jammer. >> they would, but they'd have to knock off all their own communications, as well, because you'd have to basically short out all signals sent anywhere. >> fire chat has said it's working on some sort of encryption. would that be effective? >> yes, there's fire chat and others making apps like this are working on making it more anonymous and private to protestors and people who need privacy can use it. it just wasn't design that had way in the beginning. this is designed to be used at music festivals or in the subway. a lot of times, the 3g signal gets overwhelmed at music festivals, so you could send messages to your friends to meet up, but obviously protestors in hong kong and iraq, isil has been using it. they found a use for it. >> jason, thank you so much for
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your insights this morning. >> thank you so much. >> walrus or walri are heading to the alaskan shore in large numbers because they don't have a choice. their has been tats are disappearing. they are now a symbol of the planet's changing climate. >> this photo shows 35,000 walruses crowded along the alaskan coast, but is an image of climate change. the walruses had to come here because there's not enough ice left for them out at sea. >> this is really a historic moment for the arctic, because of the change in the arctic sea ice. essentially in 20 to 30 years, scientists predict that the entire arctic ocean will be ice free in the summertime and that is a huge change for the arctic and the planet. >> it's a change for the walrus. the animal were camped out on alaska's northwest coast. the waters to the west of home to most of the walruses on
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earth, but as global temperatures rise, the sea ice there is melting. the animals normally rest on those floes between males. with less and less ice, more are headed ashore. >> the walruses haul their large bodies on to the land. >> that's raising concerns about the food supply in those areas. scientists have also warned that the crowds on the coastline could threaten the animals' own safety. >> in these large haul outs, if there's a disturbance, the walruses want to flee into the water and very often, younger animals get trampled. >> the walruses aren't the only ones feeling the heat from climate change, polar bears seeking out new has been tats and changing conditions for a range of other species. what happens in the arctic has an impact farther south. >> there is increasing everyday that the loss of the sea ice is
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influencing the jetstream. >> multiple studies linked changes to increasingly extreme weather in the u.s. and beyond, suggesting that melting sea ice isn't just a problem for walruses in alaska, but for the whole world. >> the f.a.a. ordering flights to be rerouted over northwestern alaska. they want the pilots to keep their distance to avoid scaring the walrus and sending off a catastrophic stampede. >> another check of your forecast, quickly. nicole mitchell is back. >> in california, we've got this big storm system in the midwest, but california dry and excessive heat once again. temperatures into the 90's, so that fire risk, which is one of those impacts we talked about recently definitely significant. we'll talk more about this storm in a little bit. back to you. >> thank you very much. >> breaking news this morning, as many as 80 people came into direct or indirect contact with
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thomas eric duncan, the man diagnosed with ebola in dallas. the county public health department has targeted those 80 people for health monitoring. we'll have the latest coming up at the top of the hour. >> i don't really know what's going to happen to me... >> of oscar winner alex gibney's hard hitting series... edge of eighteen >> i'm never going to appoligize for the type of person that i am >> facing tough challenges... >> we do feel cheeted, by the american university process >> taking a stand... >> it's gonna be on my terms, on how i want it to be >> boldly pursuing their dreams >> what did i do? >> the lives of american teenagers... on the edge of eighteen only on al jazeera america
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>> investigating a dark side of the law >> they don't have the money to puchace their freedom... >> for some...crime does pay... >> the bail bond industry has been good to me.... i'll make a chunk of change off the crime... fault lines... al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> they're locking the door...
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>> good morning. we're following breaking snooze from texas, officials saying that liberian man exposed to ebola was in direct contact with 80 people before he was diagnosed. >> that includes several children. officials say they came in contact with thomas eric duncan. he is in isolation now in dallas. >> doctors in honolulu now isolating a patient they suspect may have contracted ebola. >> let's go outside the hospital in dallas where duncan is treated. you just obtained exclusive information about how far reaching this is. tell us what you know. >> that's right, stephanie. i just spoke with zachary thomson, the health director who
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said those concentric circles looked at is expanding, 80 people have been identified as either having been in direct contact with duncan or having been indirect contact. immediate families of duncan are currently monitored, watched, told to stay home. then the people they may have interacted with over the last few days has expanded now to all encompassing 80 people. and you say mentioned, at least five are school kids, who were in direct contact with duncan, that information we learned yesterday, those kids actually were back in public school classrooms on monday at four different campuses across the district of dallas, independent school district. they of course have now been told to stay home. they're being monitored, and parents dropping off children this morning at those campuses obviously are very concerned. many aren't bringing their children to school at all,
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despite the assurances at the school district that the district is under control and schools safe. >> will these people be brought in for testing? >> this is the thing. we're told they won't all be testified, actually. they are being interviewed verbally. at that point it will be determined whether they need extra testing. the health director is very cautious in the way he's explaining this. he said that these people are not all suspected of having ebola. that is not the case. they just have a minimal risk because they have either been in contact with duncan or they have been in contact with someone else who had been in contact. this is very typical of any investigation into a public health crisis where it's those cofirstconcentric circles and fm
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there the circles spread. this is typical, but not a reason for anyone to panic. they are interviewing these 80 individuals. >> it was five or so, then a dozen and now it's 80 people who had direct or indirect contact. do we know whether this estimate is going to grow further? >> i think all accounts are that yes, because this is the way that things are supposed to play out. yesterday, we did hear that it was 12-18 people. well, because investigators are now combing through the community, interviewing those people and expanding their contacts, this number is growing and overnight, that's why you saw this jump from 18-80 this morning. >> i've been talking to people in liberia who say this man may have had expose tour at least three people in liberia who have since died. it raises a lot of troubling
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cases about how this man managed to fall through the cracks. he was presented himself at the hospital, he said i was in liberia and don't feel well. >> you have to have symptoms in order to be contagious. hopefully that will allay concerns. >> this morning, there is a new person in charge of the secret service after a week of stunning revelations about presidential security. >> the director seen here, julia pierson turned in her resignation monday after agents admitted they let the president ride in an elevator with a convicted foal lon carrying a gun. >> the white house said president obama did not know about it until hours before the story went public. >> the new acting director is joseph clancy, a long time former secret service agent. >> we are joined now from washington. lisa, is the white house
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confident that pierson's departure was the right move? >> after the bipartisan criticism of her on capitol hill, she had lost the confidence of the president. >> a 30 year career comes to an end, with julia pierson resigning as secret service director, done in by security breaches from which she was unable to recover. >> over the last several days, we've seen recent and accumulating reports raising questions about the performance of the agency. the president concluded that new leadership of that agency was required. >> the latest controversy during president obama's trip to the c.d.c. last month, when an armed security contractor with a criminal history was allowed to ride with the president in an elevator. she failed to mention the incident to the president, apparently until she was forced to. >> the white house first learned of that incident yesterday
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afternoon shortly before it was reported -- before it was publicly reported. >> nor did pierson talk about the breach during her two hour testimony thursday where she faced blistering criticism. >> i have very low confidence in the secret service under your leadership. >> one lawmaker blasted her leadership praised her decision to step down. >> it was the right decision. it's in the best interest of the country and the secret service. >> pierson could not escape the backlash over the september 19 white house break-in where omar gonzalez armed with a knife stands accused of jumping a fence and entering the executive mansion where he was apprehended in the east room just moments after members of the first family left the white house. wednesday, gonzalez an iraqi war veteran pleaded not guilty.
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pierson will be temporarily replace by joseph clancy, who once headed president obama's protection detail, comes out of retirement. >> i'm very pleased. the president has confidence in him, believes he would take a bullet for him. >> clancy is a veteran secret service agent. he in fact did hit the presidential detail when obama was first elected, worked with the president for a number of years. he left the agency to head up security for comcast in 2012, but agreed to come back on a temporary basis. >> there has ban change at the top, but the agency is still under fire. what's being down firm the problems at the secret service? >> no one believes that this will magically cure the problems, the fact that pierson resigned. an independent panel will look at boosting security around the white house and whether there needs to be a deeper dive into
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bigger problems at the agency, that report expected back to home land security in mid december. >> ok, thank you. >> andrew o'connell is a former special agent with the secret service. julia pierson is gone, but we hear that morale in the department is at an all-time low. what are your fellow agents telling you about the morale in the department. >> it follows all the reports of the incidents happening. the secret service have been around a long time. they go up, down. we've had assassination, assassination attempts. these are the latest incidents we have to deal with. the important thing is they're investigated and changes made. i think that's going to happen here. >> i didn't mean to cut you off, people are asking basic questions about white house security, like why isn't there an electronic fence around the white house? it seems like building a moat would be safer than what they
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have now. >> there's a balance to go struck, that's the issue. the secret service has to deal with congress and the american people. you could make the white house into fortress white house. you could make it a military installation if you want, put armor, fences as high as the eye could see, but is that what the american people and congress want? you have millions of tourists that go through there every year. if we're prepared top shut down the white house, we can do it. is that really what we want? >> a man jumps the fence after caught with weapons before and a map with a line drawn to the white house. then there is a contractor with a gun inside the elevator with the president right there, taking pictures. people want to know also is the president of the united states and the first family safe? >> the president and his family are safe. these are terrible security failures that need to be addressed. there's no excuse for a man being able to jump the white house and get inside. recent history has shown those white house fence jumpers are caught on the north or south
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grounds of the white house. here, the jumper got into the white house, unacceptable, needs to be changed. a private security contractor with a gun next to the president, unacceptable. it needs to be changed, needs to be investigated. i think it will be investigated. the president is one of the safe effort heads of state in the world. >> sometimes we forget that you agents are people, too. thank you so much for your time this morning. >> more taliban attacks overnight in afghanistan, hitting an afghan army base, killing 10, wounding three. another attack striking a u.s. convoy in kandahar. today's blasts are the sixth since the new president took over. >> isil is within sight of the turkish border, closing in on a northern syrian town, kobane. the proximity may push turkey to take action. turkeys parliament may give power to go into iraq and open
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up an air base to the u.s. led coalition. we have a report from the border. >> more gunfire and sound of mortars behind us in kobane in syria just here on the turkey-syria border. activist fighters have built a trench around the town, but isil forces involved in sort of hit-and-run campaign against them as they try and pressure the town and close in on it. later today in turkey, the parliament will vote on two government motions, but turkish legislation involving international operations in syria and iraq. that legislation expected to be passed by the turkish parliament. there's no indication yet as to how turkey's military will become involved in this battle against isil in syria and iraq. >> there are also reports that isil is making gains in the anbar province in iraq.
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>> the situation in hong kong, pro testers fill the streets of hong kong, ready to in void government buildings in the city's chief executive offices if he doesn't step down today. the move has police stepping up their presence. we are in hong kong. you were at those buildings that they are threatening to seize. what's happening now where you are? >> >> that's right. the situation is really fluid right now. i'm standing right in front of the government building, where the chief executive offices are and the rest of the government workers. people have gathered all day. it's just becoming more and more apparent that this is the new center of gravity for the protests. before it was mainly the financial and retail district but everyone seems to be flocking over here, particularly after a mini confrontation with police earlier, when people here did not allow police van to say come in through to across the barriers behind me towards the
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government compound. they were accusing them of bringing in weapons, tear gas, and ammunition. of course, these are all accusations, but what we do know is nerve bringing entire gas canisters and pepper spray into this building. what people here are now doing is blocking any van, any vehicle coming from outside into here and accusing ambulances now of carrying these police, not only police, but the police gear to try and get into the compound. they have been searching any car or ambulance that tries to go through here. >> the last hour, there was word that there might have been a possible fracture, a split among the protestors. are you seeing any evidence of that where you are? >> >> i'm glad you brought that up. just moments ago, what happened right here, right across from me, which unfortunately you can't see is a major highway.
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a number of protestors lay down on that highway and barricaded that road. the rest of the protestors started shouting at them and telling them to get off the road, telling them to not give the police any reason to push in in any way, and the protestors eventually after being yelled at quite a bit eventually did get back up and allow the cars to pass through. you are seeing there is a fracturing in the methodology. some want to ramp up the protests, another group wants this to be largely peaceful. >> thank you very much. >> students here in the u.s. showing solidarity with protestors in hong kong by holding rallies of their own, hundreds of people carrying umbrellas turned out in 40 cities, including new york, san francisco, chicago, and boston. the protests in hong kong have been ducked the umbrella revolution. >> a possible leak now
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investigated in the grand jury probe in ferguson, missouri. a twitter post wednesday claiming the jurors haven't seen enough evidence to justify arresting officer darren wilson, the man who shot and killed michael brown. that tweet was later deleted. >> george zimmerman may not face a second trial in the murder of trayvon martin. a federal investigation was opened but the washington post reporting that there is not enough evidence to bring up civil rights charges. >> a jury returned a guilty verdict against the white man accused of killing an unarmed black teen after a dispute over music. >> that verdict will put him away for life. we have a look at the moment the verdict came down. >> in february, it took a jury 32 hours to convict 47-year-old michael dunn of trying to kill the occupants of an s.u.v. it took another jury under six hours to convict dunn of actually killing one of owes
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occupants, 17-year-old jordan davis. >> we the jury find the defendant guilty of first degree murder. >> michael dunn guilty of first degree murder. he had already been convicted of three attempted murder counts and a count of shooting into a vehicle back in february. now the incident that started with an argument over loud music will imprison him for the rest of his life. >> the first four counts from the first trial will be i think it's 105 years, john, with 60 years of minimum mandatories and now of course mandatory life. >> the verdict was a moment of both joy and sorrow for the victim's parents. >> we know that jordan has received his justice. we know that jordan's life and legacy will live on for others, but at the same time, we're very saddened by the life that michael dunn will continue to live. >> despite dues assertion that he saw a gun and feared for his life, prosecutor angela cory believes the fact that dunn fled while the boys in the truck
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returned and called police ultimately did dunn in. >> if you are defending your life, you don't then run. >> with a white shooter and black victim, the trial was often likened to the trayvon martin case, where as a mostly white jury acquitted george zimmerman, jordan davis' father was gratified that a mostly white jury returned a very different verdict for his son. >> a shining example that you can have a jury made up of mostly white people, white men to be an example to the rest of the world to stop the discriminatory practices. >> you heard from angela corey in that piece. you may remember her as the prosecutor in the trayvon martin case. michael dunn would evade a murder conviction because of corey's mishandling of the trial. it could be seen as a vindication this morning. >> coming up, aljazeera's legal
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contributor will break down the verdict in this case. >> foul is upon us. let's get a check of your forecast this morning. >> meteorologist nicole mitchell is here. >> a potent storm system, look at heavy rain in places like missouri dealing with it yesterday, more of that today, leading to flooding situations and flash flooding that we'll have to be concerned about. it's on the move and developing along with that cold front today. this is the next 24 hours really into tomorrow morning. you can see heavy rain spreads into the great lakes, all the way down southward. it's not just a flood concern, although this especially from missouri into illinois, that should be the core. if you get under when the heavier bands and pond, that's a concern and little enhancement on the tail end of the front when it taps into that gulf moisture. that's not the only issue. this has a history especially from yesterday, wind and hail damage and a wide corridor today
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where we could see more of that. >> nicole, thank you very much. >> new ebola concerns, texas health officials raising the people who may have come into direct or indirect contact with a liberian man with ebola. we have what you need to know about the spread of this virus. >> health officials trying to stop the spread of a respiratory illness affecting children, and why it may have taken a deadly turn. >> don't run, that video and others captured by our citizen journalists.
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>> time now for videos captured by our citizen journalists around the world. in ukraine, moving closer to the airport in donetsk. >> soccer fans in london getting fired up and throwing flares on to the field. riot police gathering in front of fans from the away team as players from that team called for calm. >> residents in spain putting a new twist on the class i can
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event in that country, locals doing their best to outrun a giant ball rather than the bulls. this event has been going on for three years. >> health officials are trying to determine if the recent death of a 10-year-old rhode island girl was directly caused by enterovirus. the illness is possibly linked to three other deaths, 500 people in 42 states have fallen ill with the rare virus, up from 277 cases earlier in the week. most patients are children. some have developed polio like paralysis. >> we're also following breaking news this morning, dallas county telling aljazeera a liberian man with ebola was in contact directly or indirectly with 80 people before he was diagnosed. >> that includes several children. he has been identified, that man, as thomas eric duncan. officials say he's in isolation now in a dallas hospital. >> an infectious disease
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specialist joins us. let's talk about the circles that we're hearing, consent trick circles. >> a good thing in terms of making sure we can assess everyone exposed. they start with mr. duncan, who has he been in direct contact with and who have those people been in contact with, so that 80 -- those 80 people have not necessarily all been in contact with mr. duncan and not necessarily exposed. this is really trying to be as safe as possible. >> can we tell the chances that some of these people will be infected with ebola? >> well, the direct contacts of mr. cub can are more likely to have been infected if they were in contact with his body fluids, family, health care workers. those who were contacts of his contacts, those people are much less likely to have become sick,
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because no one has been known other than mr. duncan to develop symptoms of ebola and you have to be symptomatic to transmit. >> do we know enough to say for certain that the first symptoms begin with fever. is it possible that people know they are infected before they become symptomatic? >> i think it has more to do with knowing that you had a really critical exposure. if you touched your eyes after having touched a contaminated body fluid, that kind of thing, then your risk is so high, but it's not so much that you're developing symptoms, it's that you realize your risk is high. >> this man was on an airplane and some people wonder if i use, for example the toilet right after this man and some urine, traces got on that and my hand such that and i touched my eye, can i get ebola? >> number one, he was not symptomatic on the plane, so body fluids would not have the
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amount of virus that you need if any that you need to transmit. second of all, you need to have either contact with the mucous membrane. >> a handshake would not cut it? >> unless you have a cut on your hand. >> i have a feeling we'll be talking to you a lot these days. >> the weather bringing colder temperatures behind it. nicole mitchum is back. >> definitely that same front that's going to cause the severe weather, some dramatic temperature changes, denver at 41 get ahead of that, you ever 70's and 80's even this morning and we'll see more of that through the course of the day, so temperatures, a lot of 60s behind that. eighty's and 90's returned to california, so that he is areas of excessive heat that's drying things out, the fire danger starting to elevate because of the temperatures. the bigger temperature story is that system into the west, temperatures will drop 10 or
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20 degrees over the next couple days as all of this movers in. you look at chicago, the chance for showers and storms today and the 70's, 50's by the weekend, once we get in that cooler area. >> the fight over control in syria intense filing as isil fighters work to expand control there. nick schiffron takes us inside syria and introduces us to the men trying to stop that spread. >> why that man allegedly set fire to the f.a.a. radar facility. live in chicago with that possible moltive. >> the new kid in the auto industry, tesla, facing a challenge as other car makers try to put the brakes on its business model. adam may shares his exclusive sit down with company leaders.
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several wanted to block a that are row fair. others worried it might cite anger with police. >> ahead, defense secretary chuck hagel ordering major changes in the care of service members and veterans. we ever details on the overhauls coming from military hospitals and clinics. >> a jury find a florida man guilty of killing a teen because of loud music. we break down the verdict. >> first a look at the morning top stories. texas health officials say 80 people may have come in contact with thomas eric duncan, diagnosed with ebola in dallas. these people have minute ma'am risks and all are being interviewed and monitored. >> there is a new director at the secret service after julia pierson announced her resignation. joseph chance is the interim director. >> turkey may be sending troops to help in the fight against
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isil. the parliament exspent to send forces into iraq and syria. isil fighters are closing in on kobane near the turkey border. >> the rebels in syria are fighting a war of survival, not only facing isil, but battling the forces of bashar al assad. nick schiffron talked to the men on the front lines. >> in the largest city in northern syria, the only place left where children can play is in rubble. aleppo is the stronghold for fighters alied with the u.s. nearly half the city is destroyed. the fighters need help. >> what will happen if you don't get more american help on the ground? >> isil will advance from the east and the syrian government from the south. to be honest, the revolution will end within a month. >> fighting for control of northern aleppo.
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>> fighters are trained by the c.i.a. they need the u.s. and the u.s. needs them. if isil will be defeated, these are the men who have to do it. >> can americans win this fight from the air? >> never, airstrikes are never enough. they are not tackle isis. these areas around aleppo are controlled by the army. >> speaking for the u.s. backed groups that fight is the free syrian army. he describes how the f.s.a. is fighting two fronts. inside aleppo city, divided with the f.s.a. in the north and syrian government in the south. north of aleppo, f.s.a. to the west, isil to the east all the way to the turkish border. >> i'm standing in turkey right now, that is syria behind me, the town was taken over by isil
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in january. that is the black isil flag about a mile and a half from here. >> isil is strong, fights with equipment stolen from the iraqi army, including artillery and tanks. on the other side, the u.s. provides anti tank missiles to f.s.a. fighters it considers trustworthy. the u.s. will soon train more fighters. right now, the f.s.a. is outmanned and outgunned. >> the reality of the revolution i guess painful. the reality of the f.s.a. is difficult. we have no choice but to take support from countries sympathetic with us. >> shorting the f.s.a. is not without risk. this video shows f.s.a. fighters who left moderate groups to join isil. >> today, the f.s.a. says that won't happen again, it's now or never. >> isis all of these weapons, the regime has weapons, aircraft, barrel bombs and now is the time to put more weapons in the right hands.
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>> not only weapons, the f.s.a. says the u.s. airstrikes need to expand and dramatically improve. >> have the airstrikes so far helped where the f.s.a. is fighting isil? >> unfortunately, no, because there hasn't been any coordination with the free syrian army in terms of time or in terms of place. >> in my the moderate fighters can push back both isil and the syrian government, those who suffer the most will be the people of aleppo. >> what is the condition of people living inside aleppo today? >> a 20-year-old activist spoke to us via skype. >> we wake up and pull bodies out from destroyed buildings. we have no ambulances, no medicine. life is miserable. >> the u.s. must find and train fighters who have to win two separate battles. until then, aleppo's misery will continue. nick schiffron, aljazeera,
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turkey. >> the u.n. saying 6.5 million people living displaced within syria. >> back to the protests in hong kong. activists making new demands threatening to storm government buildings if the chief executive does not resign today. we are on the streets of hong kong with the editor of hong kong newspaper, joining us now by phone. live pictures look like the crowd thinned out a little bit. is that your impression? >> yeah, the crowd is a little thinner than last night, but around to the north side, it's more crowded over here. people are camped out outside the chief executive's headquarters. >> can you hear me, andrew? >> you're coming in and out, yep. >> yeah, go ahead.
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>> people are lining up to get their riot tear gas gear, which includes goggles, water, a plaque to hold over your mouth. a lot of people wrapping their arms in is a ran wrap. >> why are they doing that? is there a sense that a confrontation with security is in the offing? >> over the last few hours, there has been equipment moved into the executive offerses, cases with bullets and the same kind of tear gas they were using sunday night. people are prepared in case things get ugly. >> reporting to us from the streets of hong kong, thank you. >> difficulties with cell phone signals coming out of there. i would wager the chinese government is having a little role. >> possibly, but it's also the
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fact that there are so many people using cell phones in a confined space. >> there is 45 days to submit plans on improving health care services to armed forces. >> the defense secretary calling the military health care system only average. he has given top brass 45 days to come up with improvements to access quality of care and patient safety. hagel commissioned a report on military health care in may. it was had the height of the veterans affairs scandal. this focuses on non-combat related care at more than 50 military hospitals in over 350 clinics in the country and around the world. the results, there are pockets of excellence in military health care, but across the board, according to mr. hagel, the
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service equates to only average private senior health care. >> we can't accept average. we can do better. we all agree we can do better. >> chuck hagel and here are the numbers, the military hospital system serves 1.5 mill active service members and 9.6 million people around the world. service members, retirees and their families. >> a difficult task. thank you very much. >> a somali american man will spend 30 years in prison, sentenced for trying to blow up downtown portland in 2010. the bomb he had was fake and it was supplied by undercover f.b.i. agents posing as al-qaeda. his defense attorney says he will appeal. >> travel almost back to normal this morning at chicago's two largest airports after a man intentionally set fire and knocked out the radar center, causing air travel chaos.
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now we're learning new details about the real intentions of the man who set that fire. we have live in chicago. it appears that facebook is helping answer some of the questions on what was the motivation behind brian howard. >> that's right, del, we're starting to see a piece of the puzzle emerge on line. howard posted on his facebook page just before the incident his dislike for the government and then apologized to his parents for the mess created. fingers pointing at this man, brian howard for bringing chicago air traffic to a standstill. howard admitting to being stoned and nervous on social media moments before setting fire to a control tower. he thought flyers would be fine. it turned out to be the opposite, authorities still investigating a possible motive. his facebook page may offer clues. in a message web railings against a "unethical government" and calls employees useless and lays.
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he thought he would be dead before anyone read it, but a friend saw the suicidal post and immediately called 911. >> 911, where's the address of your emergency? >> i don't know. i read a post on my friend's facebook page. he's about to kill himself. i don't know what to do. he said he's going to create some sort of outage and about to take some u.a.v. thing out. >> landing here in court, howard's lawyer telling the chicago tribune, his client didn't understand the havoc he would wreak nationwide. he is described as a quiet man, someone who didn't socialize much in his naperville apartment complex. >> he kept to himself, really, and he was just, i don't know, seemed like a normal guy. >> nothing around here anybody would expect something like that. it's shocking. >> never suspecting a person with no criminal record could cause so much chaos. >> howard was a navy veteran. he joined the f.a.a. facility,
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had been at the f.a.a. sass if it in aurora for eight years. he was fired after the arson incident. >> diane, howard upset with the government but spent a large chunk of his life working for the government. >> yeah, he did. he had joined the navy just out of high school in the mid machine 90s and was there 10 years and went to work for the f.a.a. as a contract worker. he did spend quite a bit of time in the military. >> diane, thank you very much. >> police in mexico say they have arrested a major drug cartel leader, picking that hector beltran leyva. no shots were fired. he is accused of running the cartel, considered one of the largest cocaine traffickers in mexico. >> an pal gee from facebook for a misunderstanding over real names. they are apologizing a group of drag queens for suspending accounts. in september, facebook telling hundreds of drag queens they
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needed to use their legal names. they are now rebuilding a new -- >> authentication tool. >> electric carmaker tess are a plans to reveal its newest product next week, it's founder announcing that in a continue particular tweet last night. customers may not be able to buy it. america tonight's adam may spoke exclusively with the company. he joins us now. how is the fight over selling cars impacting the company? >> good morning. tesla executives said this is a diverse of time and resources for the company, engaged in legal battles in states across the country as auto dealer associations are trying to drive them out of business. >> what's your favorite part of this car? >> i like the touch screen here. it's like driving a spaceship.
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>> tess are a executives are firing back at their competition. in their first t.v. interview about mounting lawsuits filed by traditional although toe dealers, tesla v.p. spoke to aljazeera tonight. >> we've been miss characterized as trying to destroy the dealer system, to viscerate the dealer system, and it's been implied if we succeed, it's armageddon for the dealers and they will go out of business. >> to understand the conflict and how it could shake up the entire u.s. auto industry, you first need to understand tesla. >> wow, the acceleration. >> very quickly i'm going almost ate miles per hour. >> the fully loaded tess are a model s. is a $100,000 modern more very well, all electric, no emissions, able to travel 300 miles on a charge. >> this has got to be really fun to drive. >> it is. i love it. i've had the car 16 months now,
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i still love driving it every day. >> arthur blake from atlanta bought one of the first 10,000 to roll off the line in california. tesla was the dream of elon musk, the businessman who made a foreign on pay pal dreamed of changing the american car and the way we buy them direct from the manufacturer. >> i'm an i.t. guy, so very comfortable with purchasing things on line. that was what elon set out, he wanted to make a car, an electric vehicle that didn't suck. >> did he succeed? >> i think he succeeded wildly. i think he even surprised himself as to how well it turned out. >> another unwelcome surprise, a battle with major car dealership organizations. they want tesla to conform to the traditional model of selling cars, through independent dealerships, or else.
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>> tesla has chosen to enter the marketplace knowingly and willfully in violation of the law. >> jim apple to know runs the new jersey auto dealers association, another state battling tesla in court. >> everybody does what's in their interests, everybody does what's in their economic interests. dealers economic interest is to serve consumers, compete for your business and carry out the warranty services. >> cutting out the middle man, a franchise auto dealer, you don't have someone to go to bat for you in case there's a problem with the car. who helps a tesla customer? >> that's an interesting relationship, arguing that it's only dealers in a recall situation that will stand up for the customers, which is an interesting position and one worth exploring, given the fact that if this were the case one would expect the dealers to have raised the red flag in the recent case with g.m.
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>> that is really the crux of the argument there, that last question, who's looking out for consumers? is the middle man helpful to the car buyer or simply there to take money. we'll have more coming up on my report on america tonight. >> that is the question. meanwhile, how many states in all are in a battle with tesla? >> well, we can clearly state that there are four states, arizona, maryland, new jersey, here in texas, where i am, where tesla cannot sell directly to consumers, so if you're in one of these states and want to test drive a tesla, you have to get in a plane and test drive a vehicle. legal battles are brewing in other states, iowa could be another state coming in, tesla hasn't tested their business model in two dozen other states. >> what do we know about the unveiling this week. >> i the insight visiting with tesla executives.
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their s.u.v. is going to hit the market later this year. it's a really interesting vehicle. apparently if you're six feet tall, you can stand on the inside of that car, the doors open on the side. it's a revolutionary electric car. as mort mi mid mi mid sized seds at least a year away from release. >> you can catch the full report tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern, 6:00 p.m. pacific. >> my wife wants one badly. you can test drive them in washington, d.c. or in maryland, but you can see them in virginia. that's how confusing that entire system is. >> got it. >> the failed casino in atlantic city has a new owner, brookfield property partners went into bankruptcy auction with a $10 million bid. it owns the hard rock and hotel casino in las vegas. it is going to reopen as a
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casino hotel. >> actor comedian adam sandler has his share of box office success, now taking his talents to netflix, signing a deal to make four movies that will appear exexclusively on the internet streaming service. his first movie could be ready by 2015. >> that florida man who shot and killed a teen over loud music has been found guilty of murder. >> aljazeera america's legal contributor jami floyd hawaii the jury rejected michael dunn's claim of self defense. >> a student running on the field takes another big hit this morning. that's a huge financial loss he is suffering because of that stunt. >> it's time for our big quote. these famous words ushered in an historic moment in entertainment. there is a fifth dimension beyond that known to man. it is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity.
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>> how those words took all of us to a whole new universe. >> i don't really know what's going to happen to me... >> of oscar winner alex gibney's hard hitting series... edge of eighteen >> i'm never going to appoligize for the type of person that i am >> facing tough challenges... >> we do feel cheeted, by the american university process >> taking a stand... >> it's gonna be on my terms, on how i want it to be >> boldly pursuing their dreams >> what did i do? >> the lives of american teenagers... on the edge of eighteen only on al jazeera america
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>> who made this statement? >> perhaps this hint will help. ♪ ♪ >> that of course is the theme to the introduction to the twilight zone. in our big quote coming from the show's creator, rod serling. the show's debut was 55 years ago today. >> a texas girl taken from her father 12 years ago has been found in mexico. she was found near mexico city. her mother was also arrested during the operation. investigators say she abducted
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the girl at age four from texas. she was diversed from the girl's father but did not have custody. >> a florida man is set to spend the rest of his life behind bars, now that a jury has convicted him for killing an unarmed teen over laud music. this time, the jury not buying dunn's claim of self defense. what was different between this trial and the first trial? >> well, he's been tried twice. first time, he was actually convicted of attempted murder of the other three teens in the car, and convicted of firing into an occupied vehicle, so very odd that he wouldn't have been convicted of the top charge, the jordan davis murder. this time around, the jury flat out -- and this is a different jury, there was a mistrial on the top charge, a new jury is i am paneled to reject his claim
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of self defense, that he thought he was going to be killed if he didn't kill. the -- >> he was going to go away for a long time -- >> anyway. >> -- was the prosecutor right to retry this case? >> yes. this is the trayvon martin state and jurisdiction, angela cory, the same prosecutor essentially, the same top prosecutor. there's a lot of political pressure to try the case, but factually she was right to retry the case. they came very close to a conviction the first time, there's no reason not to go forward. >> dunn using the stand your ground laws, which was made famous in the george zimmerman case and trayvon martin. are juries beginning -- >> yes -- >> -- to take a closer look at stand your ground. >> it looks similar with the white defend and black victim. i think you're exactly right that jurors are start to go any of out the fact. they want to see something beyond the defendant saying i was afraid for my life so i
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stood my ground. here you actually have young men in a car, you have the defendant in a car. there are opportunities to retreat and he in fact was asserting stand your ground, where ultimately george zimmerman chose not touses the defense. he really didn't when you look at the way that case was tried. here this was a stand your ground defense and this defendant lost on that defense. >> how much of a factor was it that after the shooting, dunn went home, had pizza. >> huge factor. even in the immediate aftermath of firing the first few shots, let's say the first four shots web fires six additional rounds while the evidence indicates the boys restreet. he went home with his girlfriend, has pizza, not even when george zimmerman did, waited at the scene for law enforcement to arrive. this case a for worst case on the fact and the jury rejected
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his defense entirely. >> thanks for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> another hitch for an ohio state student who ran on to the field during a buckeye football game. the 21-year-old engineering student anthony wonder has lost his scholarship days after he was tack would by an assistant coach. he was getting his education paid for through a program for students who had worked at golf caddies. >> a high honor for basketball legend wilt chamberlain, shrinking down to just two-inches in size immortalized on postage stamps. it shows him in action. >> that could have been a big stamp. let's get another check of the weather. here's nicole mitchell again, good morning, nicole. >> good morning, two inches a lot if it snows. it could be significant. you are getting that in places like northern montana, a little go through the rockies, some of what will eventually be our ski
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areas, opening up within the next month. the bigger part of the system moving with heavy areas of rain. i want to mention the dry weather in california, the heat back up, the offshore flow. the fire risk north of los angeles has gone back up in this area. the corridor of severe weather, really missouri into texas is the bully for this and anywhere you see the yellow, we could have spotty stuff, wind and hail the biggest threat. the broader outline, we have a wide area we could have heavy rain and flash flooding. we have a lot of those watches of that potential but not quite the condition yet in places like missouri, so that's going to be a problem today. the cool air behind us, this is one we'll remember. >> the good news is check out the leaves. >> tomorrow morning, more on breaking news out of dallas. class county health officials say 80 people may have come in
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direct or indirect contact with the liberian man diagnosed with ebola. we'll have the latest and discuss the health concerns tomorrow on aljazeera at 7:00 a.m. >> that's it for us in new york. >> coming up in two minutes from doha, more from iraq and turkey on it aas i will's advance. >> we will see you tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. >> a look at our images of the day, the 2000-year-old event, the festival in china. >> balancing wooden chairs on their heads and spitting balls of fire from their mouths. the day is for people to climb up the mountains for people to protect themselves from danger. ger.
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>> this is aljazeera. >> from aljazeera headquarters in doha, this is the news our. i'm nick clark. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the fight for central iraq, sunni troops battle fighters on the run from u.s. led airstrikes. >> thousands of protestors on the streets of hong kong. it's been seven days, but their demands are not being met. >> five people infected with ebola every day, says one charity. britain calls for more help to fight the outbr
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