tv News Al Jazeera October 5, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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>> this is al jazeera. welcome to the newshour, i'm darren jordon from the news center in doha, these are the top stories much the battle against i.s.i.l. - fighters gain more ground and advance on the main supply route to the capital. meanwhile in syria the government forces make gains in aleppo, pushing back the position. hoping for a second term, dilma rousseff appeals to voters in brazil ahead of the election.
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formula one driver jules bilanky suffered a crash. he was unconscious when taken to hospital following this crash in wet conditions. welcome to the programme, the battle against fighters from islamic state of iraq and levant continues on several fronts. i.s.i.l. says it has taken many fronts, the army and fighters continue to go after the group. imran khan reports from baghdad. this furious exchange of fire shows the battle against i.s.i.l. is not showing down. backed by tanks and weapons, the forces are in the town. it is a strategic town. holing it against i.s.i.l.
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fighters means that supplies from the capital can reach anbar province. >> we'll never leave the city. this is the homeland that we cannot abandon, because there's a conspiracy on the country. we'll fight them, whether they are called rebels or armed groups where all iraqis are shared. christians, kurds - if they want a right, it should be through dialogue, not force, and not to have foreign fighters through regional countries. >> i.s.i.l. and the troops keep up the push towards the city. what we are seeing is the affect of coalition air strikes on the border with syria, it may not be the effect the coalition expected or intended. what happened is i.s.i.l. fighters are pushed into the provin province, taking shelters in the towns. what has happened after is iraqi army forces and pro-sunni troops
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surrounded the areas, and the fighting is one of very welling and clashes. the iraqi army have not gone inside the towns for fear of civilian casualties. with large numbers of fighters taking up positions in urban areas, it's highlighted how difficult the fight is, a fight that will not be over soon. >> imran joins us live from the iraqi capital. what can you tell us about i.s.i.l.'s advance near ramadi and towards baghdad? >> well, as you saw in the report there, i.s.i.l. fighters are advancing towards the town of amore, it is very important because it's part of the supply line, the link between anbar province and anbar. if they take the town and the fighting is ongoing, they'll have cut the supply line between baghdad. iraqi authorities are worried about this. they have dug around the baghdad belt and put in further defense
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forces and intelligence reconnaissance capabilities. they know that i.s.i.l. have the ability to move into towns, we have seen it over the last week in anbar province, and are gearing up for an attack on baghdad. in previous weeks there has been attacks on baghdad. late at night you see car bombs and shellings. that's a precursor for a push towards baghdad. there's a lot of push where they are likely to come from, a lot of pushing and territory to cover. although they are gearing up for an attack. it doesn't look like it will come within the next few days, it looks like a long-term thing. >> thank you. the syrian government is making a concerted effort to take on opposition fighters in aleppo. it attacked rebel positions. it's 2.5kms from the city.
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we have this report. >> reporter: the syrian government is on the move in aleppo. it controls part of the movement and wants the rebel held countryside. on friday government forces attacked the villages, threatening rebel supply lines to the north. several fighters were reported to have been killed. >> regime forces advanced in several directions and the city of aleppo. we are preparing to regain areas under opposition control in the village. >> reporter: it overlooks a road connecting a city with towns close to the turkish border. whoever controls this area controls the delivery of supplies to the rebels. their defense is in rebel hands. rights groups say opposition fighters retook parts of the area, but the government assault
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didn't end here, foreign fighters stormed some districts north of aleppo. within a few hours the government was in charge in half the district. but the opposition fought back. >> translation: some of bashar al-assad soldiers and mercenaries had been killed and others arrested. we are chasing them in areas where they are holed up. >> reporter: the fragmented nature of the opposition, fighting on various fronts is pushed further away for government forces. coalition air strikes have strengthened the government assault. but bashar al-assad's forces know they can't wip outright, so they are trying to push boundaries in aleppo. a mass grave has been discovered in southern mexico, close to where 43 students went missing last week. the students were seen forced
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into police vans during a protest. 22 police officers have been arrested in connection with the disappearances. adam raney has followed this story. we are here in the state capital of guerrero. it is a poor state in south-west mexico. the governor, and the leading prosecutor, held a press conference where they said they are sending the remains from bodies to see if they can do d.n.a. and other studies to see if they were the 43 students missing more than a week. we don't have official confirmation, that these are the remains of the students, but they were outside the town, and that's a short distance from where the students were taken eight days ago. parents of the students pushed for a week for state officials and federal officials to get more involved and show interest in the case. it took several days to get the government to speak to them.
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when he does it blames the mayor of iguala. he is under suspicion of taking apart the abduction and disappearance of the 43 students. at this time social media and other outlets are reporting that these are the students, but we do not have official confirmation. all we know is the 43 students have not been seen in more than a week, and there's a mass grave a short distance from where they were taken, and forensic studies are being undertaken. >> camella is a preserve professor and says the disappearances and killings have become common. >> i think it's time for much of the international media and certainly for analysts around the world to rethink the picture they have been pinting of the penn yetta administration which took over in december 2012, as supposedly turning to a
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different page, towards a different stage in mexican history. the two incidents, involving the military, local and other security forces - in this case in the region of guerrero, point to the fact that little, in fact, has changed in mexico with pena nieto, that essentially it's more of the tame, and unfortunately that the scenario in terms of human rights in mexico has begun to unravel. >> hong kong's government set conditions for talks and leaders of the protest region. students are ready to meet officials. >> reporter: china's government says hong kong's pro-democracy protesters are on a road to nowhere. the ones in the central business district are blocked. at first the students refused to
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let this driver through. but he is so angry they eventually give in to his demands. now the government is demanding that those blockading his office releapt. and a monday deadline to leave the area is looming. >> if it's only tear gas, we'll stay here. if it's blood, we'll find an evacuation plan and come back. >> hong kong's chief executive warned the city could be on the brink of tragedy, saying the pressing need is for the student to end their blockade of the central government offices so more than 3,000 civil servants can return to work on monday morning. >> leaders of the protest movement insist the movement is accessible. this couple is torn about whether the action should continue. >> we need to pay for a real democracy, like in... >> reporter: even if it means people losing their jobs, not providing food for their
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families - you think it's worth it? >> it's really a big conflict. >> reporter: perched precariously on the roof of a footbridge, a man pleads with the students to end the occupation so his children can go to school. mostly it was calm today - time for some of the students to catch up on missed studies. unsure, like everyone else, as to how all this will end. we are joined live from hong kong. bring us up to date with the protest. what is happening on the streets now? >> well, it's quite a good atmosphere compared to the past few nights and last night. there was a bit of drama as adrian brown reported, and the story there about the man on the bridge behind me. many accused him of being a stunt man. firemen tackled him and brought him down.
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since then the focus of the protests have been coming back to the students out here. you are not seeing the large numbers, you are getting a sense that students are waiting for something to happen. many say there's a sense of loss, a little bit of despair because no one nose what to expect. >> and the authorities issued this monday deadline to have the roads cleared. are the protesters likely to listen to the warnings? >> some student leaders told the protesters to get off the streets and the call was heeded. there are calls from university heads, from teachers and students to return to former justice officials telling them that it was dangerous for students to stay on there. i spoke to a well-known politician well-known for lobbying the government, and she says there'll be a core group
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that will stay here and want to negotiate with the government. although the government is well within their legal right to remove the protesters, how they do it will be watched carefully, showing me that the protests are known as the most polite protest. and people will be watching closely as to what they do and how they tackle 9 students. >> there from hong kong. thank you. juror lots more to come on the al jazeera newshour. on the road to al-shabab's heartland in somalia, as the african union troops go on the offensive. children of refugees are struggling to go to school. and in sport, qatar is attempting to become one. biggest global names in horse
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racing. more than 140 million brazilians will vote in a presidential election in less than an hour. the president dilma rousseff is up against two candidates, dilma rousseff, and aecio neves. we have this report from sao paulo. >> reporter: in her last big campaign rally before the vote, president dilma rousseff was confident and happy blowing kisses. giving the upbeat move, you'd never know the country has gone into a recession. in the final election earring days, she leads all polls of nearly 40% of the vote and supporters are confident that the economic woes are not all her fault >> translation: it's a big global crisis that affected our country too. i think the re-election would bring important proposals to strengthen the internal market and get the economy growing
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again. >> reporter: candidate maria silva disagrees, and closed her campaign in sao paulo trying to present herself as a new face of brazilian politics, and the best alternative to the status quo. candidate aecio neves is hammering dilma rousseff an economic stagnation and corruption, in a party that has been in power for 16 years if re-elected. >> translation: the brazilian people are tired of so many years of the workers party. we the people are suffering more than the others. >> reporter: but deep dissatisfaction of public services remains with many after the historic street protest, with all the candidates trying to translate that into votes. the entire political class in brazil is facing a challenge to engage a significant part of the
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population that doesn't feel represented by anyone. that is the scenario the government is facing, and is not entirely - it's not clear whether the opposition could do a better job. >> reporter: back at the rally, supporters turn out, even if not at the same numbers as years ago. the vast majority here are working class, union leaders or members. president dilma rousseff hopes they turn out in force on election day to propel her to the presidency. that'll be up to 130 million voters, in an election where most are calling for a change, but disagreeing op who could best deliver it. well, economic problems have been dominating the election campaign in brazil. when dilma rousseff took power the economy grew at 7.5%. after a series of setbacks, it's
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unlikely to exceed 1%. despite the performances, the government says the unemployment rate fell to low levels, thanks to social policies. the opposition point out that these policies were in place before dilma rousseff took power. the two competitors blame the government for intervening too much in economic affairs. >> let's get more from a spokesman from the center of brazilian studies, joining us from london studios. by all accounts, this will be a tight race. who are we expecting to win, do you think? >> i don't think it will be a tied race, the latest polls from the very prestigious pollsters. dilma rousseff had something like 46%, 20, 22 points ahead. the candidacy of maria silva has declined quite dramatically to
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22-23%. and aecio neves increased his fortunes to 24 to 26. given that these polls were issued yesterday, this is the latest, and i think it will win easily. the question is whether she'll win the first round or in the second. and the media speculates she may win the first. >> you are talking about maria silva, and dilma rousseff. what are they campaigning on, the issues that both are selling to voters? >> the political agenda in the country is dominated by the discontent that exists in the country as a whole, from the middle class and lower classes, regarding the public services, and it send the government a clear message. the government is taking several
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steps to prove the country, the expansion of health. and several other similar missions and will increase social spending, because the country will be discontent. the congress, government, pt, workers party, according to the polls, it will do extremely well. >> let's not forget, there are 6-7 fringe candidates. are they likely to have a significant impact on the way the vote is split? >> not at all. the most interesting one at the moment in terms of preferences - she is polling between 1-2%. there's two candidates. the green party has 1%. a center right wing candidate
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has one%. all the rest fall between less than 1%. in total they represent 4-6%, so they are quite irrelevant in that sense. and the number of undecided voters, according to the polls is 70%. is seems to be clear. >> thank you very much for your time. people are getting ready to vote in regional and state elections in peru, the world's largest exporter of cocaine, and hundreds of candidates are believed to be linked to drug trafficking. a third of the voters live in a region with candidates under investigation, on trial or convicted of drug-relating crimes. this man is running for provincial man, a city north of lima. last month more than 40 kilos of cocaine was found in one of his
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cocaine truck, driven by his brother-in-law. he denies wrongdoing. >> the prosecutor's office interrogated me about the vehicle. i told them i was not involved, neither implicated nor a witness. >> his relative was in prison, he was under investigation for two weeks and released without charge. security officials say there's many candidates in the regional election, suspected of having links to drug trafficking. they have crossed information with the electoral bodies and found around 350 candidates with criminal records. >> we were surprised to find out nearly half of them have been processed, sentenced or vetted for drug trafficking. among other crimes. >> the electoral bodies don't have the authority to ban the candidates from running and they have asked candidates to modify
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the law, from financing campaigns, or anyone linked from drug campaigns to serving. they'll only leave next week, after the elections. >> this is an academic, who vetted drug trafficking -- investigated drug trafficking links to politics in 2010. we are facing a national scandal, the vans of narco power in peru. >> this man is running for mayor and says the party tried to purge it from people linked to drug trafficking, but they need help. >> we need the police and the electoral agencies to identify people who infiltrate and harm the political order, by having links to these activities. >> the public prosecutor says the congress is during its feet. because of that it is likely that on sunday some of the people it would like to ban from
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running may become mayors or region at precedent around the country. >> in somalia, government forces supported by african union troops have taken up positions overlooking the town. >> reporter: this mere in mogadishu is a port city. it is 220km to the south. african union forces and somali government troops surrounded the town. it's a major hub for al-shabab, the group. it uses it to bring in supplies. this will be the first time in decades that the town is under the control of government. so we have taken the trip to witness a significant moment history. several towns and villages are now under government control.
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some are dangerous, possibility of ambush, snipers. we pretty much have to move in armoured vehicles and in convoys. we are hearing that most al-shabab fighters and commanders have left. elders are reaching out to the joint forces, trying to negotiate a peaceful handover. everything is fluid, and everyone is being careful about how this plays out. >> reporter: the first person in the u.s. to be dying most is in critical submission. the centers for disease control is continuing to monitor nine people who came in contact with him. 3,700 children have been orphaned by the ebola virus. many surviving relatives refuse to take care of children because they are afraid of being
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infected. >> in south africa the children of undocumented migrants are finding it hard to enter the school system. this in spite of a system guaranteeing the right to an education. we explain why. >> reporter: if john had his way, hi children would attend a public school in south africa. refugees from the war torn public of democratic republic of congo don't have permits to stay. >> they choose to give us a reason why. my child is still young. they can't give him a document. but they need to go to school. that is the problem. >> children of undocumented migrant workers attend rev any schools, parents complain the quality of education is poor. some schools are registered. >> we are worried about a group of children who we call separated children. they are with adult caregivers.
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they are not the biological parents. unlike biological children, they are not included in the plans that caregivers make. >> education officials say they are following orders. >> it's not the education that sends them away. we follow directives, and it's important for the parents or guardians of the children to come forward, identify themselves, vouch for the children to they can. >> south africa tightened its immigration laws and that's making undocumented refugees and asylum seekers nervous. >> officials say they need to know who the undocumented children are, the countries they come from and how many are in south africa. that is why registration is important. some refugees are afraid they could be deported if they are reported to the immigration department. this woman is trying to keep her refugee school in johannesburg
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open. she may have to close it down. she owes the landlord reject. >> the great majority of our children will be affected. >> reporter: legally documenting and getting migrant children into the overstretched schooling system could tak years. until that happens, understaffed and poorly equipped schools will be a temporary solution for parents. let's get a check on the global weather with everton. the bad weather hanging over japan. >> that's right. if you recall anything from the grand prix, you'll know it's tipping down. see how clearly defined the eye of the storm is, it's well organised. it's in the process of weakening. the massive cloud has been dloeing down huge -- throwing down huge amounts of rain fall.
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let's look at the winds. sustained, 160, gusting to 200 k/hr, and the movement - it's making its way in a north-easterly direction at 25 k/hr. it's spade -- sped up. it's good news. it will make its way to tokyo and the next 24 hours and move to the open waters. the faster rate of movement is good, meaning the heavily rain will not be in place for long. tokyo has seen 67mm of rain, and to the south, 109mm of rain in 24 hours. that's the total we may see coming in across the area, as we go on through the course of monday. heavy rain in place, damaging winds, the equivalent of a category 1 storm. the wet weather will throw down a lot of heavy downpours through the course of monday. it is making its way north-east quickly, and by tuesday it's all but gone, save for a few
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showers. >> thank you. more to come on the newshour. volunteers in russia searching former battlefields for fallen soldiers. we'll explain why. >> and new technology at the hajj, but should muslim pilgrims be banned from taking selfies, and we'll have action from the game making baseball history. more on that. stay with us.
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continues on several fronts in iraq and syria. iraq's army and pro-government fighters continue to go after the group. the syrian government is making an effort to take on opposition fighters in aleppo, attacking rebel conditions on friday, threatening opposition supply lines to syria's largest city. more than 143 million brazilians are due to vote for the next president when polls open in half an hour. there are three candidate, including the counter president dilma rousseff. more on the fight against i.s.i.l., we'll talk to a fellow in international diplomacy from the royal united services institute. i.s.i.l. claims to have had successors in the past 24 hours. what do you make. strategy, is it working? >> well the strategy is in a
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state of flux. they were boasting that they'd be within baghdad in a couple of days. they had to roll back, they have lost territory and they'll make gains and much of those through propaganda. that is important. what is going to have to do, in the next few weeks and months is accept that it is going to have to retreat and adopt a different strategy. >> do you think the group as different strategies for iraq and syria? the cultural dynamics on the ground are not necessarily the same in both countries, are they? >> depends on what you mean by the word strategy. that is what you want in the long term, and what they want is territory. strategy is similar in iraq and syria, the tactics are different. in syria they are having to
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fight on a whole range of fronts. they have got a lot of groups, the al nusra front, the al qaeda backed group. they are fighting with them, with the free syrian army, and its many factions, and, of course, with the bashar al-assad regime. they are having a more complex situation on the ground in syria. and - but they do benefit from lack of coordination against them, and particularly lack of air power capability against them in syria, even though the coalition led by the u.s. is trying to attack them, it's more complicated in syria. in iraq the situation is relatively similar. >> many experts think i.s.i.l. will be defeated in the long term, but air strikes alone will not do that. what needs to happen on the ground to defeat the group, if it is going to happen? >> on the ground there are several options open. if you want to do it quickly and
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take advantage of air strikes, you need to move on the ground to take advantage of the air strikes. at the moment it seems the iraqi security forces, and peshawar and shia militias are moving slowly and deliberatedly. they are not taking advantage of the air strikes. if they don't do that, it will be slow and laborious. the i.s.i.l. people are adapting to air strikes. they are not in the open, they are deserting many outposts, abandoning many from the buildings, they are not using electronic communications. they are getting harder to hit with the air. what they are doing, will have to do eventually, slowly is stop being an insurgency and become an urban force, an urban terrorist organization which is harder to shift. it will take months, if
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not years to do that. the coalition has a choice and seems to be making the long-term slow, expensive risky choice of the two it has available to it. >> thank you for your time. the muslim world is celebrating the holiday of eid. we have this report from a refugee report in erbil in northern iraq. >> eid is the celebration for young and old. it's a specially enjoyed by children. the holiday is a time for presents and new clothes. this man says his children are happy. they think they are on at trip. he has not been able to tell them the truth, they lost everything when they ran from the advancing i.s.i.l. fighters. now they are one of 250 families living in this refugee camp in erbil. back home we are worldly people,
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look how we are living here, it's undignified, we have no other choice. >> he has set up a store. to his regret the camp is likely to be a permanent home. >> the city is one of the oldest in the world. it has seen waves of migration, and now thousands of people are coming here looking for protection. a truckload of meat arrives in the camp, a gift from a wealthy emeraty. it provides a chance for families to enjoy a family meal, a highlight of eid. we have seen the camp has gone quiet, and most women are inside the tents, we'll go inside and see what they are preparing. thank you so much. >> we need protection. we need to get rid of the terrorists, our conditions will drastically improve when we go
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home. while children blow up balloons to decorate the tent, parents are not in a party mood. the stress of the situation is weighing on their soldiers, as well as the burning question, when will they be able to return home. israel's foreign minister is summoning the swedish ambassador after sweden indicated it plans to recognise a palestinian fate. it was said that they are rushing to a decision without understanding the conflict between israel and palestinians. >> the language used in a statement in response to sweden's announcement that it would recognise a palestinian state was somewhat measured. but the fact that sweden's ambassador has been summoned underscores the concern. the israeli government does not want sweden to recognise a state
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of palestine and sweden has not yet and hasn't given a timeline as to when it will. the concern in israel is if sweden does, it will be the first western country to do so. several eastern european countries have. the concern is it will spark a domino effect and other countries will follow suit and recognise a state of palestine, putting pressure on israel to come up with a viable 2-state solution. whatever the case, sweden has not officially recognised the state of palestine, all eyes are on that country to see if it will. >> the former president of haiti has died, jean-claude duvalier, known as baby doc.
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it deprives victims a chance for justice. we look at his notorious rule. >> reporter: jean-claude duvalier was the son of francois duvalier, the man known as papa dock, who ruled haiti through terror and intimidation for two decades. >> i have been elected president for life. it is - this is a - what the hatian people and this is an iron will. this is the iron will of the haitian people. upon his death in 1971, jean-claude duvalier took over, proving to be his father's son. you having oo the same brutality to -- using the same brutality to maintain power. they ordered the death of between 20,000-30,000 hatians - political opponents, union leaders and journalists were
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targeted. much of the killing was carried out by the tonton macoutes, part paramilitary, part secret police, reporting directly to the president. >> because the crimes were widespread they are crimes against humanity. they are not simple murders or an isolated event. these were system uk and widespread year after year. >> many of baby doc's victims disappeared into the torture chambers of the prison. in 2011 he showed al jazeera the remains of the cell where he was held with 40 other men. >> the way they do the execution is they hood you, and they hit you over the back. >> following elections in 1985 when he claimed 99% of the vote, demonstrations took place across the country. he went into exile in france next year, taking much of the wealth with him.
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the organization estimated he stole 800 million whilst in power. in 2011, with haiti recovering from a devastating earthquake, he made a surprise return, calling it a gesture of solidarity. he was taken into custody on suspicion of embezzlement, but it took two years for him to be charged with corruption and human rights abuses. he refused to appear in court, living in a villa overlooking port-au-prin port-au-prince. in february 2013, the victims had a chance to face them in court. he died before he could be judged. >> it's sad because history will repeat itself unless there's accountability of crimes committed by government. the government killed thousands of people, imprisoned thousands of people, carried out torture and human rights violations. >> many hatians are demanding a
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pos thumous trial. >> polls opened in bulgaria's snap election following the resignation of the government. the poorest country in the european union is looking for stability as people vote for their fifth government in less than two years. an unresolved banking crisis led to poor growth. russia's control of energy is of critical concern for voters. >> of the estimated 17 million people that lost their lives in world war ii, 26 million died on the russian front. and 4 million listed as missing in action. young volunteers are searching the battlefields for the remains to give them a proper bur yam. peter sharp reports from st. peters burg, lennon grad. >> the horrors of war lie below the surface. in these forests, they are known as lennon grad.
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members of the squad are listening to the pulse of detectors, tracking the remains of fighting. the siege of the city by german forces lasted nearly three years. 900 days of terror leaving 700 soviet soldiers dead. the diggers filled a muss eem with what they -- museum with what they found be neath the ball the field. this is not a safe for the weapons of war, it's a search for the victims of the conflict. finding the names of the fallen soviet soldiers giving them a burial, and a name. >> translation: we have found the soldiers, it helps trying to find relatives. you can offer the capsule. in this case it's empty. >> reporter: it's a job not without risk the the soldiers and ammunition is unstable.
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volunteers have been killed. among the diggers, 17-year-old maria. >> translation: i wanted to pay respect to the people that gave away their lives. i wanted them to be buried properly so they will not rehan in pits like these forever. >> and occasionally they give the missing soldiers a name. in her apartment in st. peters burg irina took a call from the reconnaissance squadron. they found the body of her father that she had last seen when she was 4 years old. he was shot down three months into the war. >> i feel proud, unbelievable. i was proud of my father. he was a pirate, a hero for me. when they called and said the remains were discovered, it was exciting. >> it's not just the volunteers from the reconnaissance group searching for the fallen.
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there's another group of men hunting the bodies, stripping the dead of weapons and equipment to supply the lucrative trade in war memorabilia in moscow. they are called the plaque diggers -- black diggers. at this market the paraphernalia of war dug up in forests, foreign buyers will pay well for the looted remains. at a military cemetery in st. petersburg they laid to rest the bodies by the recog sans squadron. a moment of quiet satisfaction for the team, and a consolation for the families. consolation knowing that the soldiers will not be forgotten. time for a break. when i come back all the sport, including formula 1, hoping for the best, but fears the worst
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many are taking selfies, and there are divided opinions. >> reporter: according to some muslim clerics doing this is touristy. they say stopping to take pictures in holy places whilst on handling goes against the spirit of the pilgrimage. >> translation: did they come here for tourism. if they came for tourism they can take as many pictures as they can. if we are here to worship, there's no need to take any. >> the wish to document a journey of a lifetime is hard. views are divided >> rather than taking selfies and being a tour ist, make as much as you can. >> translation: this is a new technology, we should use it. it's a global trend. i don't think anyone can stop
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it. >> reporter: nonstop snapping can cause a commotion, especially with 2 million pilgrims making their way through the handling rights. mecca changed with the introduction of new technology, including security cameras and official recognition technology for pill grems. now they are given a mobile application to help visitors wade through an overwhelming experience. >> we are taking this to a counter day situation, whereas the process itself does not change. you know, we wanted to apply the mobile technology to make it more informed, more connected, more accessible, more safe. so the selfie is one more first century addition to this ancient pilgrimage and is
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unlikely to stop soon. now, as we were saying earlier, there has been a serious crash involving formula 1 drive jules bianchi. the frenchman was unconscious when taken to hospital. andy richardson joins us in the studio. sounds like a serious crash. what do we know at the moment? >> you mentioned a lot of tweets coming from the drivers and comment from the drivers. nothing confirmed. it doesn't look good. let's paint the picture of what was happening. as we know from some of the stories the weather conditions in the area were poor. there has been wet conditions, the race was delayed because of the rain. a lot of the drivers saying that perhaps it should have started early before the really bad weather conditions came in. there was an incident where about - lap 42 of the race involving a driver, who raced.
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his car was on the side of the track lifted off by a recovery crane, a lap later jules bianchi was involved in an incident on the same corner. what appears to have happened is his car collided with the recovery crane. they were asked about that after the race. it was not confirmed whether or not that is what had happened. that is what we are hearing from the track. but what we do know is the formula 1 association is saying that he was unconscious when he left the track and was taken to hospital nearby. >> reading the tweets, most of the drivers were hoping for the best. of course, the worst could happen. we know that ayrton senna was the last driver to die. what has the sport done to increase safety. >> it's 20 years since ayrton
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center died where he and roland ratsonburger decide as well. since then the drivers are more involved in safety, cars are slowed down, much has been done to ensure the safety barriers around the track are better at absorbing speed. that's what it is all about. if, in this case, a recovery reek is what he collided with, it's a difficult situation. perhaps there'll be questions about safety, whether the race should be in race mode and whether or not they should have been racing in very wet conditions. we'll keep up to date and move on to the rest of the sport. if football. bayern mun uk, the defending champions winning 4-0. here we have a player scoring
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twice. an effort from alonzo, didn't quite come off. four points clear at the top. >> last season's runners-up crashed 1-0 to struggling hamburg. home to 30, with seven points from 7 games. on sunday the only other unbeaten team plays. a 2-1 win. that moves them up into second. chelsea have a chance to go five clear at the top of the english premier league. chelsea home to arsenal. moving second. some pressure on a team managing to win one of four games.
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>> a chance to score. it's what i think. we played the best game of the season. the way we defend with the intensity, and the way we worked. >> let's look at the games on sunday: southampton are third, and about to kick off against manchester united at home to everton. >> i have to say i like everton. they want to play full bore like i want to play full bore. so it shall be an interesting game. i know that manchester united has lost last year two teams. so it's a difficult opponent. >> now the san francisco giant and washington nationals played out the longest game in nlb post season history. a solid home run hit giving the
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giant a 2-1 win, and they go 2-up. it was the second of ever post season contest. six hours and 23 minutes, it was the longest game. >> elsewhere, a solo home run from matt kemp lifted his side to a win over the cardinals. in los angeles on saturday. dodgers and cardinals are level at one game apiece, game three coming up on monday. argentina claimed a win in the rugby championship beating australia 21-17. the wallabies looked to be in control. a couple putting them in charge. they came back with a try. they went on to claim the first match the the first over
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australia since 1997. a little later. the 93rd prix de l'arc drke triomphe will be run, sponsored by qatar's racing and equestrian club, a way they are trying to raise their profile in the sport. >> when it comes to equestrianism, this is the first love. endurance riding is a popular sport. and qatari taxes win top events around the world. in recent years the country's involvement has undergone a serious expansion. for the past six years the qatar racing and equestrian club sp n sponsored the prix de l'arc drke triomphe. it's the world's richest turf
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race. qatari stables like in numark in england are starting to dominate it. winning is something. haing a good horse is -- having a good horse is another thing. that's what you focus on. >> reporter: for qatar, such prime minister thens -- prom innocence, you are showing the rest of the world how to have it done. >> the main reason we are here is for the country, not just myself. it's all the people in qatar, and hopefully we get what we are strategising on. >> they already have a prix de l'arc drke triomphe winner on the roster with the 2013 winner. ruler of the world is fancied by some to add the arc to his triumph of 2013. there could be another factor to their success, a doping scandal involving former godolphin trainer, damaging to the famous
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stable, and it seems qatar racing opened by the sheikh's cows jen has taken -- cousin has tape advantage. >> before it was ireland and godolphin, and is now the sheikhs have come along and been bitten by the racing bug, made huge investments with enormous numbers of horses spread arrangement and is great to racing and racing's economy. >> qatar is described as a new superpower. whether it can overtake the likes of godolphin for the cool more stables remains to be seenment for now a win in the prix de l'arc drke triomphe will do fine. that is how the sport is looking for now. >> thank you vech. stay with us, a full bulletin of news is coming up ahead.
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