tv News Al Jazeera October 5, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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this is al jazeera. ♪ welcome to the newshour. we are here with your top stories on al jazeera. isil 2350i9ers gained ground in iraq on the main supply route to the capitol? syria, government forces made gains in aleppo, pushing back the opposition african union troops go on the offensive against al shack ab's hartland in somal i can't.
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seeking a second term in brazil's presidential election. >> i am andy richardson with the latest sport. formula one driver suffering a serious crash at the japanese grand prix. he has a severe head injury following the incident in suz suzuku. the battle guess isil continues in iraq and syria. isil says it has taken more territory in anbar provnts even though iraq's army and the sunni fighters continue to go after the group. imran khan reports from the iraqi capitol, baghdad. >> reporter: this furious exchange of fire shows the battle against isil isn't slowing down. backed by tanks and heavy weapons, these government forces are in the town of amaria.
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this is a strategic town linking am bavr with baghdad in the south of the country. holding it against isil fighters means supplies from the capitol can reach anbar province. we will never leave oub city. this is our homeland that we cannot abandoned just because there is a conspiracy on this country. we will fight them whether they call themselves rebels or armed groups. we are iraqis, sunnies, sheia and kurds. they are all brothers. if they want their rights t should be die dialogue and not to have foreign fighters from the regional countries. there are only few kilometers between the isil fighters and the troops here isil keeps up the push toward the city. >> we are seeing the effect on coalition of isil basis on the border with syria. it might not be the effect the coalition expected or intended. isil fighters are pushed further into the province taking shelt ner towns like hiit, and iraqi
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forces and pro-sunni government troops have surrounded those areas. the fighting now is one of shelling and fist clashes on the outskirts but iraqi army haven't gone inside those towns for fear of civilian casualties. >> with large numbers of isil fighters taking up position in open areas it's highlighted how difficult the fight against the group is. a fight that won't be over any time soon. >> in syria, the border 4 kobane continues. syrian kurd fors added by u.s. higher led coalition airstrikes have been holding off isil fighters from taking it. turkey has continued to maintain its military presence along the border there. burnett smith is live for us on the turkey syria border. burner, to tell us what exactly is going on behind. just describe the scene.
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>> reporter: well, the media and residents have been moved away from the border with kobane, the turkish side of the border. we are about six kilometers away from there now, the police stopping anyone who is trying to go that way. most all of the traffic is coming out. this is because we believe that isil forces have seized part of a hill to the south of kobane. we are to the north of kobane. and we were seized on saturday. the mortars have been fired from that position and some mortars have been landing where the media have been and on the tu turkish side, some residents were injured when a mortar hit their house. we think those are stray mortars. there is a bit of gunfire as well. the turkish authorities have decided for everybody's safety to move us all down. so, it just shows how much pressure isil forces are keeping on kobane. the syrian kurdish fighters defending that town, the town
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has not been breached but it seems to be the occasional u.s. air strikes that are helping the syrian kurdish forces keep control of the town of kobane. >> now, the citizens in turkey have been wounded by these mortars that you have been telling us about, what is the turkish government say being that? is it saying that it's going to do anything politically? >> . >> reporter: remember that we know already the turkish prime minister said he does not want to see kolbane sit fall in the hand of isil. we know interestingly that salat muslin, he was in ankara, the turkish capitol on saturday and we know that he was meeting with turkish security services. of course, we don't know what was going on in that meeting. but obviously, they will have been discussing the situation in kolbane. >> bernard smith reporting from
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sarush. >> a fellow at the royal united services institute and he says isil is engaged in two different types of battle in iraq and syria and will have to find its strategy accordingly? >> the strategy, i believe, is in a state of flux right now. they had expansionist strategy three months ago. they were making rapid gains, boasting they would be within baghdad within a few days. what they have had to do is to roll back. they have lost territory and, occasionally, they will make gains and they will make much of those gains through propaganda. >> that's important for them. so, but what is going to have will to do really in the next few weeks and months is to accept that it is going to have to retreat and, as such, is going to have to adopt a slightly different strategy. in syria, they are having to fight on a whole range of fronts. they have got a lot of the a
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al nusura front, the free syrian army and its many faxes, and they are fighting, of course, directly with the assad regime n iraq, it is relatively simple. at the moment, it seems that the iraqi security forces, which is the iraqi army, the peshmerga and, indeed, many shia malitias are moving very slowly and deliberately. they are not taking add vaventsage of the airstrikes. if they don't do that, it becomes a slow and laborious war. >> to somalia where the national army and african union troops are making advances against the armed group al shabaab. joining us live from the outskirts to tell us how close the forces are to the town. >> we are right at the edge of the africa union forces together with somalia national army troops preparing to get in.
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they tell us in a matter of hours we will, we are being told al shabaab has been retreating, running, going in boats. we are being told some of them melting into the civilian population. joining me brigadier general di kamun leading the ugandan forces. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> we are hearing reports that your troops have taken baro. please tell us the true pog. >> as actually, this is different as the commander of sector one, the authority over this mission. i would like to assure you that, yes, at the moment it has not been taken. it's just a matter of hours, not even days. just hours and it will be taken over. it has not been taken just yet. >> do you expect any resistance? >> yeah, we definitely. it has been an economic center for the al shabaab, their
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tactical command headquarters so we know definitely there is going to be resistance, especially from the foreign fighters that have been staying there. >> we are being told al shabaab fighters are running some of them, taking boats, going in to sea, but we have also been told others are melting into the civilian population. how concerning is this to you? >> indeed, as you know, since the time we begun this offensive, al shabaab has been encountering us on all of this way, and today, here at this region that really over looks like. we have information it comes well superior fire power and, therefore, most of the key leaders of al shabaab fled through the waters. the other way around again, the al shabaab, some were indigen s indigenous, have started melting into the population. we have that intelligence and all of the tactics to deal with such a situation. >> has the civilian population, the elders there, have they
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reached out to you? what are they saying? >> we have been in turning. one of the former district commissioners who has been held in prison for six years by al shabaab, he was released three days ago. he still fears for his life. he said they are running, they are scared and trying to get out through any possible means. >> brigadier general, one final question: how important is it for your troops and for somalia? how important is it to take barowe? >> it's one of the biggestspopo the government of somalia gets strengthened. the tactical position is of gre great importance of the people of somal i can't. it will be a huge achievement.
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>> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> general. doreen, just to let you know this situation is still very fluid. we will have to just wait and see how thinks come out in the hours to come. >> all right. catherine thank you very much. catherine soi from just outside bbarawe. >> brazil is vote forg their next president. the president dila russef. gabriel, we understand she just cast her ballot in the past hour. also how this presidential election is being described. the presidential candidate was killed in a tragic plane accident that thrust his running made to replace him on the
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ballot it has been an unpredictable campaign up until the last 24 hours. as you mentioned. she cast her ballot and she is feeling very confid he want because the last poll that came out just yesterday showed she was polling at about 45, 46%, still short of the 50% plus 1 she had need to win on the first ballot. competitive raise, the two opposition candidates fighting it out. to gather last minute to see if they will be the ones that could for initially face russef if it goes to a second ballot at the end of october. >> for the brazilians coming out to vote, gabriel, what are the issues that have been most important? >> economy and krunings. the economy was growing at about 7.5% four years ago when dil
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dila maruseff. the country is in a technical recession. the good news is that unemployment for her is at 5%. so, it's still very low unemployment here in brazil. the economy has been top of mind of many voters as well as corruption. a lot of the candidates throwing corruption charges against each other in the last week or two of this campaign. dilma roussef in jail for corruption. while the opposition has been trying to really make that be an issue in this campaign as well. >> gabriel report from sa sao paolo. thank you. more to come on the al jazeera news hour including going to the polls and the world's largest volcanco. peru have candidates with suspected links to the drug trade plus excluded from education for all, how the children in south africa are
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struggling to go to school and in sport, we will have action from the game that made baseball history. but first, up to 20 bodies have been found in a mass grave near the city of iguala in southern mexico close to where 43 students went missing last week but it's not yet clear if there is a link between boat. let's bring in adam rainey who is joining us now from guerrero state. tell us how the investigation, adam, is going. >> well, we heard from the state prosecutor and the governor here in the state of guerrero late on saturday and they said they didn't want to make any official confirmation. they were sending off forensic evidence to be studied and do dna tests to see if these bodies found just outside are indeed
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bodies of the 43 students that have been missing now more than a week. they are trying to take control which could easily get out of control. after that press conference late on saturday, you had students from the same teachers' college here show up from where i am speaking and riot outside of the governor's kind of official residence there where he made the speech. they turned over a car. they threw rocks at the building. they told us on the phone that they had malatov cocktails as well. so what you have is people here frustrated. and that goes back to the fact that this case has not really registered as a big priority for the government. >> be the state government or the federal government. so these students, these people who studied with these 43 students who have gone missing have felt frustration as have the families who have been begging for more intervention and more action from both the federal and the state government. >> and are the governments, are the authorities saying why it took them more than a week to start an investigation into
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these missing 43 students? >> no. no. they are not saying that. what they are doing, though, is trying to get in front of the story and show that they are in control. we had the head of investigations for the federal government smocking saying we are not going to let this go unpunished. we will find out if these bodies are thosestuer events. we will do everything we can to put the full weight of the law behind us to punish those who did this. this comes after a week the not total silence but silence from federal officials that saw the hot potato they did not want to touch. they have been playing the blame game and nigh the mayor has fled. he is under indictment indictment. he is under heavy suspicion he was, in fact, involved in the disappearance of these students. you don't have government that makes these families and other students who are protesting happy or satisfied with their
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actions. adam, thank you. that's adam raney reporting are for us. people are voting in regional and state elections in peru. it is now the largest producer of cocaine. a third of voters live in a region with candidates under investigation on trial or previously convicted of drug-related crimes. >> alberto is running for mayor in a city north of lima. last month, more than 40 kilos of cocaine were found in one of his campaign trucks driven by his brother-in-law. he denies any wrong doing. >> the prosthe cute ors office inter gated me about the venal. i told him i am not involved, neither implicated nor as a witness. >> his relative was imprisoned. he was under investigation for two weeks and then released without charge. security officials say there are
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>> the pow in peru. . >> running for mayor of lima said its party has tried to purge it from any people linked to drug trafficking, but they need help. >> we need the police and the electoral agencies to identify people who could infiltrate and harm the political order by having links to these i will is it activities. >> the public prosecutor said congress is dragging its feet and because of that, it is likely on sunday, some of the people it would like to ban from running may become mayors and regional presidents around the country. mariana sanchez, lima, peru. >> the former dictator of haiti, jean-paul dulvalier. he became known as "baby doc." human rights activists say his death dmriefz victims of his
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regime the chance for justice. a look back at his notorious rule. >> reporter: jean-claud duvalier was the son of the man known as papa doc who ruled through intimidation for the better part of two decades. >> i have been elected for president for life. this is what the haitian people and. this is an iron win. this is an iron win on the haitian people. >> upon his death in 1971, jean claud or baby doc took over and proved to be his father's son. the entitled president for life and using the same hold on power. human rights watch estimates the duvalie are. s ordered deaths between tent and 30 haitians. journalists and union leaders were often targeted.
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w much was carried out by part military, part secret police, they reported directly to the president. >> because these crimes were widespread and systematic -- and that term is very important -- they constitute crimes against humanity. so they are not just simple murders or an isolated event of torture or disappearance. these were systematic and widespread year after year. >> you. >> many of baby doc's victims like bobby duval disappeared into the torture chambers of the prison. in 2011, he showed al jazeera the remains of the cell where he was held with 40 other men. >> the way they did this is they hood you, with a hood and then hit you over the back. >>ed following elections in 1985, when duvalier claimed 99% of the vote, demonstrations took place across the country. duvalier went into exile in france next year taking much of the country's wealth with him. the organization, transparency
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international, estimates he stole $800 million while in power. but in 2011, with haiti still recover from a devastating earthquake, he made a surprise return, calling it a gesture of solidarity. he was taken into custody on suspicion of embezzlement but it took two years for him to be charged with corruption and human rights abuses. he r50e89d refused to appear in court lookiiving comfortably in villa. his victims finally, had the chance to face him in court and tell their stories but duvalier died before he could be judged. >> it's sad because history will repeat itself unless there is accountability can when crimes are committed by governments, and the duvalier government killed thousands of people, imprisoned thousands of people, carried out torture, carried out all kind of human rights violations. >> many haitians are now demanding a post humous trial.
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ays. the first person in the u.s. to be diagnosed with ebola is in critical condition. the man traveled from liberia to texas in late september. the centers for disease control prevention is continuing to monitor at least nine people who will came in to contact with him. 3,700 children have been or fanned by the ebola virus in west africa. mary surviving relatives are refusing to take care of those children because they are afraid of being infected. in south africa, the children of undo you think migrants are finding it hard to enter the 125i9's school system and this, in spite of the con 12i9tution which guarantees the right to an education. from johannes buy, hera mutasa explains why. >> if he had his way, his children would attend a public school. they don't yet have permits to legally stay in south africa.
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>> choose to give us because my child is still young. but he need to go to school. >> that's the problem. >> so for now, children of undocumented migrant workers attend refugee school. parents complain the quality of education is poor. some schools are registered, but many aren't. >> we are worried about a group of children who we call separated children. they are, in fact, with adult caregivers but those caregivers are not their biological parents. their aunts or other relatives but unlike biological children, they are not included in the claim that their caregivers make. >> educational officials say they are following orders. >> it is not those that turn them away. we follow directives. it is important for the guardians or the parents of these children to come forward, identify themselves, and vouch
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for these children so that thing. . >> south africa recently recent tightened the immigration laws. >> that's making undocumented refugees and asylum seekers nervous. government officials say they need to know who the undocumented children are, what countries they come from and how many in south africa. >> that's why registration is important. but some refugees say they are afraid they could be reported if they report themselves to the immigration department. >> judith is trying to keep her refugee school in johannes burg open but she may have to close it down. she owes her lands lord more than 20s ,$000 in recent. >> parents can't afford schools elsewhere. they might take them there. are legally documenting and getting all my grant children into south africa's already over stretched public schooling system could take years. until that happens, poorly
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equipped refugee schools will continue to be a temporary solution for parents. hara mutasa, johannesburg. let's get an update on the tie off and on that has hit parts of japan with everton. >> the grand prix was completely saturated by some very heavy rain. take a look at the satellite point. this is why. look at that massive eye on our typhoon. it's swirling away. it is in the process of weakening somewhat but you can still see the eye as it makes its way up toward kiwishu. it has been throwing down huge amounts of rainfall through the last 24 hours, across the main islands of japan. sustained wins around 160 kilometers. it's the equivalent of a category 2 storm. up across the far southeast of japan, it may be a category win. damaging winds gustioning to around 185 kilometers. 25 kilometers per hour.
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it has gained speed. at least when the heavy rain sets in, it won't be with us for quite as long as it might otherwise have been. nevertheless, we are still seeing some big rainfall totals. tokyo saw 67 millimeters of rain in only 24 hours and through much of sunday. we still are 109 mil meters to the south of tokyo coming down in the same period of time. those are the kind of levels of rain that we can expect to see over the next 24 hours. there you go. honshu enl come passed through the course of monday, it will clear through for tuesday. >> much more to come on the al jazeera news hour. the latest from hong kong where protesters are still on the streets despite a looming deadline for them to leave. volunteers in russia are searching former battlefields for fallen soldiers. women explain why. also, coming up in sport, how qatar is attempting to become one of the biggest global names in horse racing.
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whoever controls this area controls the delivery of supplies to the rebels. and in their defense unit here is in rebel hands. rights group say opposition fighters retook parts of the area. the government assault didn't here foreign fighters backed by government soldiers, within a few hours, the government was in charge in half the district. the opposition fought back. >> some of the soldiers and his mersnaries have been killed and others arrested and we are now chasing them in areas where they are holed up. >> the fragmented nature of the opposition, fighting on various fronts, is now being pushed further away by government forces. coalition airstrikes against.
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isil have strengthened the government's assault. but the forces know they can't win outright so they are trying to push boundaries as they have in aleppo. ali mustafar, al jazeera. >> the muslim world is celebrati celebrating. there is little celebration for refugees who have had to escape from isil forces. a report from a refugee camp innerbi in northern iraq. >> eid is a celebration for young and ol'. it's especially enjoyed by children. the holiday is a time for presents and brand-new clothes. abb abbas said his children are happy. they think they are on a trip. he hasn't been able to tell them the truth. they lost everything when they ran away from advancing isil fighters. now, they are one of the 250 families living in the refugee camp in erbil.
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>> back home, we are worldly people. look how we are living here. it's undignified but we have no other choice. >> he has a store here much to his regret, the camp is likely to become pair permanent home. the city is one of the oldest in the world. it has seen waves of migration. now, thousands of people are coming here, looking for protection. a truckload of meat arrives in the camp. a gift from a wealthy emirate. it provides a chance for families to enjoy a traditional family immediately, another highlight of eid. we have seen the car has gone awful quiet. most women are inside the tents. we are going to go inside and see what they are preparing. . >> thank you so much. >> we need protection. we need to get rid of those terrorists. our condition will drastically improve once we go home.
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>> while children blow up balloons to decorate the tent, parents say they are not in a party mood. the stress of the situation is weighing on their shoulders. >> as well as the burning question: when will they be able to return? monica,er billed bill iraq. >> demonstrators in hong kong have agreed to clear some protest sites ahead of a deadline to empty the streets. hong kong's government said it's ready to meet students provided they ban their blockade of government offices by monday morning. >> china's government says hong kong's proceed democracy protesters are on a road to no where. the one in the central business district remains blocked. the students refused to let this driver through. he is so angry, they eventually give in to his demands. now, the government is demand that those blockading the office complex also relent.
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and demand a deadline for them to leave the area is now looming. >> if it's only tear gas, we will stay here. if it's bullets, we will find some evacuation plan and come back. >> hong kong's chief executive warned the city could be on the brink of tragsee saying the most pressing need is to end the blockade of the government offices so civil servants can return to work on monday morning. leaders of the protest movement insist the building is still accessible. lu um admits she is torn about whether their action should continue. >> we need to pay for a real democracy like in. >> en if that means people losing their jobs? even if that means people not being able to provide for their families? you think it's worth it? >> it's really a big conflict. >> but mostly, it was calm today. time for some of the students to catch up on missed studies.
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unsure like everyone else as to how all of this will end. adrian brown, al jazeera n hong kong. >> let's bring in vivian. with that monday deadline loom, do the protesters look like they are going anywhere? what happens if they don't? >> reporter: i am going to start by setting the scene here first. if you can hear behind me action there are some cheers. protesters are gathering. not as many as we have seen in the past few nights, but they are here. the mood has changed over the past few hours. earlier, it was far more subdued. now, energy has ramped up a little bit while protest leaders took to the stage to try to rally them and their messages are very clear. this will answer your second question there as far as whether they are going to stay. now, the leader of the student federation, that's one of the main groups had said that the government has tried to open communication with them. a government representative has gotten in should they are not willing to start a dialogue if the government clears them out as the government has been
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saying they will by that deadline tomorrow morning. they say they are going to stay until their issues are addressed which includes the reason why they are here to begin with, which is for universal for beijing not to screen their votes when it comes to 2017 elections. . >> sylvia, thank you. a report from hong kong. israel's foreign minister summoned swedish ambassador after sweeden indicated it plans to formally recognize a palestinian state. lieberman says sweeden's new prime minister is rush to go a decision without understanding the conflict between israel and the palestinians. tiab has the latest from jer e uselim. >> the language used by lieberman in his statement in response to sweeden's announcement that it would eventually recognize the palestinian state was somewhat measured, but the fact that sweden's ambassador is being
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summoned really just underscores the concern here. the israeli government certainly does not want sweden to recognize the state of palestine. sweeden has not yet and it hasn't given a timeline as to when it will. but the concern here in israel is that if sweeden does, it will become the first western european country to do so. seven eastern european countries have, but no western european country has. now, the concern here is that that will spark something of a on domino effect and that other western european countries will follow suit and also recognizes palestine which will put a lot of international pressure on israel to really come up with a viable two-state solution. whatever the case is, we have been saying sweeden has not yet officially recognized the state of palestine. so all eyes are on that country to see if it will. >> poll did have opened in bulgaria's general election following the resignation of the
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government there in july. the poorest country in the european union is looking for stability as people there vote for their 5th government in less than two years. an unresolved banking crisis has led to poor economic growth. russia's control of bulgaria's personally? a critical concern for voters. felt the estimated 17 million people who lost their lives in world war ii, 26 million died on the russian front. 4 million are still listed as missing in action. now, after 70 years, young volunteers are searching former battlefields for their remains to give them a proper burial. peter sharp reports from saint peter's burg once known as leningrad seen as some of the fiercest fighting. >> the heart of war lie just below the surface. in these forests soupt of saint peters burg, they are known as leningrad, members are listening to the pulse of the metal detectors, tracking the remains
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of fight from 70 years ago. the siege of the city by german forces in 1941 laughed nearly three years. 900 days of terror that left nearly 700,000 soviet soldiers dead. the diggers have filled a museum with what they have found beneath the battlefield among the machine guns and mortars, the personal effects because this is not a search for the weapons of war. it's a search for the victims of that conflict, finding the remains of the fallen soviet soldiers giving them a proper burial and sometimes but not always a name. >> we have found the soldiers. it helps us to find the person and try to find his relatives. you can open the capsule but in this case, you see that unfortunately, it is empty. and we won't be able to identify this soldier. >> it's a job not without risks. the soldiers ammunition is unstable. volunteers and other teams have been killed. among the diggers, 17-year-old maria and degree i have a.
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. >> i want to pay res spect to people who gave away theirs lives. i wanted them to be properly so they won't remain in pits like these forever. >> occasionally, they can give the soldiers a name n her in the apartment saint petersburg last week, arina took a call from the reconnaissance squadron. they had found the baby of her father she had last scene when she was four years old. he was a bomber pilot shot down in 1941, three months into the war. >> i feel proud, unbelievable. i was always proud of my father. he was a pilot even though i was a child but he was always a hero for me. and when they called and said that the remains were discovered, when i lost the hope, it was so enlightening. >> it's not just the volunteers searching for the fallen. there is another group of men hunting the bodies, stripping the dead of their weapons and equipment to supply the
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lucrative and illegal trade in war memorabilia back in moscow. they are called the black diggers. >> at the market just outside moscow on display, the paraphernalia of war dug up in forests outside the capitol. foreign buyers will pay well for these looted remains. . >> at a military cemetery in petersburg, they lay to rest the full bodies of the men brought
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25-year-old is undergoing surgery and will be moved to intensive care. richard parr reports. >> reporter: the aftermath of the crash that left form la one driver in intensive care with a severe head injury. drivers at the japan grand prix have faced severe weather conditions throughout the race which ended early because of the incident. before bianci's crash, sissel suffered a spin. it was while recovery vehicles were lifting salba that
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officials say bianci lost control of his car, traveled across the run-off area and hit the back of a tractor. the 25-year-old frenchman was unconscious as he was taken to hospital. to be raining so much, it was difficult,tri tricky conditions. we hope bianci is okay. >> he is in his second year in f 1 having come through ferrari's young driver program now competing for the angelo russian team, he scored the first points at the monaco grand prix earlier this season. there have been no fatalities in f-1 since the death of emala in 1994 a race weekend that saw t ratsenburger din during qualifying. since then, much has been done to improve car and circuit safety but this incident is provoking many difficult questions. felipee medicine assa said the extreme weather should have seen racing ends before the crash happened. now, the world of f 1 is left
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hoping for the best but fearing the worst. richard parr, al jazeera. >> now, the formula one driver with teams and now part of the formula e series. you are watching event did unfold in japan. what was your initial assessment of the condition? should the driver's side in the cars have still been out there in what were some very bad weather conditions? >> i think so. yes, conditions were bad and they were difficult but we have always seen much worse to be honest. it was getting progressively wetter towards the end of the grand prix when the incident for bianci and sugel happened but it wasn't unmanageable or particularly unsafe. s so, no, it would be the right thing to let them carry on. >> how much input do the drivers get in decide if anything a race should take place in severe weather and if the race should be finished because of severe weather? >> well, the people at race control, charlie rigwhiting, th
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listen in to the driver radio and have direct links to all of the teams as well. what happens is the driver hypothetically lose helmet and am can say tell charlie we need to stop charlie would pay particular attention. what he would normally do is ask a few other drivers and make a decision based upon that. but to be honest was in most cases, we always err on the side of caution. if you look earlier today at the start of the race, we are four five, five drivers saying let's start. let's start charlie whiting kept them out for the extra two or three laps. the fia will always take the side of caution. >> specifics of this crash bianci collided with a recovery vehicle. tell us why that could be more serious than colliding with a barrier or a tire bearbarrier, sort of thing. the recovery vehicles aren't
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designed to absorb ab an impact. the barriers in america or what we use in formula one, just your standard metal armco, you know, they are designed to absorb impact. when it has a side impact on the barrier, the energy is absorbed by one of these strictures. the recovery vehicle isn't designed to absorb that energy. the energy gets dissipated back into the race car and the driver which is probably what happened in jules' case. so, it is extremelyly unluny scenario. very, very rare to have seen this sort of stuff happen. i have seen a couple of times in america, we have seen one problem, a huge accident a couple of years ago, but it's one of those completely freak accidents accidents.
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>> do we have to accent accidents will happen? f 1 would drivers be upset if they are near the edge defendant circuit? >> these are freak circumstances. i have done hundreds of races where cars have gone off. it's bad luck, the wrong place at the wrong time, the wrong angle even. all it takes is slightly the wrong angle. and i think we need to take stock of what happened but not today. the f tive. safety commission will look into it. right now, you never look into these things when the emotions are running high. you have 20 wait for a week or 2, get the video, eyewitness reports. then precautionary steps.
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you can't do anything on a knee-jerk reaction onn motor sport or any sport. >> thank you. would he wait for hopeful positive news. after a home victory over everton, continuing the great start to his united career with another goal the first united strike the first time united have been in a top 4 for more than a year. clel see could go five points clear at the top of the table with a win over arsenal and chelsea winning that one, 1-nil. p robert levin dovki scored twice. an ambitious effort.
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4 points clear at the top. san francisco giants and washington nationals have played out the longest game in mlb post season history. brandon belts solo homerun hit giving the giants a 2-1 win and they go 2 up in the national league division series. the game is only the second ever post-season contest and six hours and 23 minutes, the longest game by time. argentina have claimed their first win defending australia 21-17. they look to be completely controlled this game. two tries putting them in to a 14 livesny nil lead. argentina wants to come back just before halfwtime. their first win in 18 rugby championship matches, also their first victory over australia since back in 1997.
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a little later on this sunday, the 93rd will be run in paris, the second richest horse race in the world is being response orders by qatar's racing and equestrian club. how the gulf state is trying to raise it's profile within the sports. >> that. >> reporter: when it comes to equestrianism this has been qatar's first love. endurance riding is one of the most popular supports in the country. they regularly win top events around the world. but in rooefbt years, the country's involvement with the equestrian world has undergon a serious expansion. for the past six years, the qatar racing and equestrian club have sponsored a 93-year-old event held in paris every october is the world's richest turf race as well as being sponsored by qata, stanlz based
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in new mark and in england are starting to dominate it as well. >> win asking, but having good horse is another thing. that's what we are focusing on. >> for the country of qatar, such prominence as well. you are showing everyone else in the world how it's done? >> the main reason we are in here is for the country. it's not for myself. felt all of the people in xatar, and hopefully, we get what we were actually -- we are strategizing on. >> al shackab has one winner on its roster with the 2013 winner trev. while ruler of the world is fancied by some to his epson trial of 2013. there could be another factor to qatar's recent success, a major doping scandal involving trainer mahmoud alduruni which was damaging to the world's most
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famous stable and it seems al shackab rating and qatar rating run by his cousin have taken full advantage. >> it from sheik mohammed. now, sheiks have come along, been bitten by the rating bug, made huge investments that got enormous levels of horses spread around many trainers. really, it's great news for racing alleged and racing's economy. >> qatar has been described as horse racing's newest super power. whether it can one day over take gadalf gadalfin remains to be seen. for now, a again sunday's race will do fine. al jazeera. >> okay. more later. >> that's all of the sport. >> thank you very much. for our viewers in the united states, back to your regular programming on "al jazeera america." for international viewers, back in just a moment with a much more news coming your way. stay with us.
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>> kentucky, a state that's hurting economically. >> when the mines shut down it affects other businesses too you know, it hurts everything. >> some say it's time for a change. >> mitch has been in there so long. >> while others want to stay the course. >> all the way mitch! you know exactly what these
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