tv News Al Jazeera October 5, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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i am david shuster on behalf of all of us at power politics, ♪ > this is al jazeera america live from new york city. i hope richelle carey, and these are the top stories. thomas eric duncan fights for his life. with a deadline to clear the streets looming, the world waits to see what was next in hong kong. i.s.i.l.'s intense attacks in northern syria spill over into
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turkey. thomas eric duncan fights for his life in a dallas hospital, u.s. health officials are fighting to couple of sphere of ebola. thomas eric duncan was the first and only person diagnosed with the disease. he remains in critical condition. diane eastabrook joins us live from dallas. >> what do we know about his health so far? >> well, all we know at this point is that he is in critical condition. the hospital is not saying more than that. dr john freeman for the center for disease control says he is fighting for his life, so is a sick man. >> also today, health officials said they had lost track as a man who had had contact with
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duncan, what date do we have on that? >> they have contacted him, it was a homeless man who rode to the hospital in the same ambulance. he has been identified and taken to parkland hospital and is being monitored. >> how are people in dallas handling all of this? >> well, there has been a lot of concern. we went to a church service in the liberian community. many have been touched by ebola. they have relatives in west africa and sickened by the disease. many died. bishop offered reassurance, but talked about how the disease decimat decimated. >> this disease does not discriminate. everywhere is concerned, who can be the next victim. we are very concerned about it.
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it will be under control, we trust in god. >> and the bishop is now offering grief counselling to many of the people in his congregation. >> diane eastabrook live in dallas. a cameraman that contracted ebola in liberia is expected to return to nigeria. he'll head to the nebraska medical center in ohio. he has been working in nebraska, and was freelancing. it was the fourth american to contract the disease, working in liberia. the massachusetts doctor, treated for ebola is back in hospital. the doctor has a respiratory infection, it is not believed he relapsed but has been placed in hospital as a precaution. fear of disease appears to be as contagious as the disease itself
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in liberia. >> whatever dead leading to ebola getting a result from the laboratory. >> cause of death is confirmed. >> officials are taking extra precautions to keep both at bay. police are now in charge of coordinating victim burial work. more than 2,000 people died from ebola, just in liberia alone. in sierra leone, one effect of the disease has been orphaned children. >> this is very difficult, especially when you don't have a clue of the parents or family members, where they is, to take care of them. i believe there are so many children out there that don't have family members, or people to take care of them. >> the united nations estimates
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4,000 children have been orphaned by ebola in west africa, and that number is expected to double in the coming weeks. the children are often guarantee eached for three weeks and have no one to turn to for food and shelter. a different health concern. entero virus 68 killed a new jersey boy. the preschooler's death the ters to be attributed to the res pier at tri infection. -- respiratory infection more than 300 have tested positive. >> i am sure you must all know and can accept their unbearable pain and grief that they are suffering. three other patients with entero virus 68 died this week. medical examiners are investigating to see if the virus caused their death. is the u.s. prepared in the
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event of a large-scale epidemic. we'll look at that and more in "the week ahead." tune in, 8:30 eastern, 5:30 pacific. it's offer four in the morning, nearing the deadline for pro-democracy demonstrators to clear the streets. protesters agreed to remove barricades, others will remain defiant. adrian brown has more on the deadline. >> china's government says hong kong's pro-democracy protesters are on a road to nowhere. the one into the central business district is blocked. at first, the students refuse to let the driver through. >> he is so angry they give in to his demands. the government is demanding those blog aiding the office -- blockading the office relent. >> a monday deadline is looming. >> if it's tear gas, it will
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stay here. we'll fine an evacuees plan, if it's blood, and come back. >> reporter: the pressing need is for the student to end the blockade of the offices, so that more than 3,000 civil servants can return to work on monday morning. >> leaders insist the building is accessible. >> this woman is torn about whether their action should continue. >> we need to pay for a democracy. >> even if it means losing their jobs, not providing food for the family. you think it's worth it? >> it's really a big conflict. >> mostly it was calm today. time for some of the students to catch up on the studies. unsure, like everyone else, as to how all this will end. adrian brown, al jazeera in
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hong kong. many retailers in hong kong are not happy about the anti-government protesters aring saying they are hurting their business. several held a protest to denounce the demonstration. residents complained that the daily routines have been disrupted, creating a divide. >> the war against i.s.i.l. continues along several fronts, and in northern syria kurdish forces are holding the line. i.s.i.l. attacks are spreading over the boarder into turkey. we have more from the turkey, syrian border. >> authorities evacuated residents from the border area, because i.s.i.l. fighters ceased a hill to the south. they are shelling the town. some of the stray shells have been falling on turkish soil. a family was injured when a shell hit their house not far from where the media have been recording event in kobani, as
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the vehicles leave, military vehicles are going into kobani, reinforcing a turkish military presence along the border. while all that is happening, the leader of the main syria kurdish party - he has been in anchora, meeting turkish security officials. we don't know what happened in that meeting, but what is on the agenda is how the syrian kurds will defend kobani from the advancing i.s.i.l. forces. >> bernard smith reporting from turkey. in iraq, government forces clashed with i.s.i.l. fighters 50 miles north of baghdad. the government-run television station shows troops fighting i.s.i.l. another pivotal battle is taking place west of baghdad, in anbar province, around fallujah.
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imran khan failed this report. >> reporter: this furious exchange of fire shows the battle against i.s.i.l. is not showing down. backed by tanks and weapons, the government forces are in the town. this is a strategic town linking anbar with baghdad in the south of the country. >> holding it against i.s.i.l. fighters means that supplies from the capital can reach anbar province. >> we'll never leave the city. this is our homeland that we cannot abandon because there's a conspiracy on the country. we'll fight them. we are all iraqis, sunnis and shias. christians, arabs and kurds. if they want the rights, they should not have foreign fighters. >> there's a few kilometres between the fighters and troops. what we are seeing in anbar
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province is the effect of coalition fighters on i.s.i.l. on the border with syria. it may not be the affect that the coalition expected or intended. i.s.i.l. fighters are pushed into the province, taking shelter in haditha and other towns. what happened after is iraqi army forces and pro-sunni troops surrounded the areas, and the fighting now is one of shelling and clashes on the outskirts, but the iraqi army has not gone in the towns for fear of civilian casualties. >> with large numbers of fighters taking up position, it's highlighted how difficult the fight is, a fight that will not be over any time soon. >> reporter: the fighting with i.s.i.l. led to security precautions in mosques in iraq. muslims began celebrations with eid. the hall day lasted three days.
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ibrahim was ordered by god to sacrifices the sons. elderly palestinians were allowed to mark the everyone in jerusalem. all are expected to use the permits over the next three days. in pakistan protesters protested against the prime minister. protests have been raging in islamabad. opposition politician imran kahn is leading the call for omar sharif to step down. >> sacrifices occur. for those that could afford to. for muslims that had to flee their homes, it's a struggle to make the most of the the eid holiday. we have this report. >> eid is a celebration for young and old. it's enjoyed by children.
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the holiday is a time for presents and new clothes. >> this man says his children are happy, they think they are on a trip. he has not been able to tell them the truth. they lost everything when they ran from advancing i.s.i.l. fighters. >> now they are one of the 250 families living in the refugee camp in erbil. >> back home we are worldly people. look how we are living here. it's undignified, we have no other choice. >> he has set up a store. much to his regret, the camp is likely to become a permanent home. the city is one of the oldest in the world. it has seen waves of migration, and now thousands of people are coming here looking for protection. a truckload of meat arrives in the camp. a gift from a walthy emeraty.
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it provides a cha chance for families to enjoy a meal, a highlight of eed. >> we see the camp has gone quiet. well go inside and see what they are preparing. thank you so much. >> translation: we need protection, and need to get rid of the terrorists. our conditions will improve once we go home. >> reporter: while children blow up balloons, parents say they are not in a party mood. the centers of their situation is weighing op their shoulders, as well as a question - when will they be able to return home. hundreds of thousands of gazans made homeless during the u.s. rail gazan war are in need of shelter as winter approaches. 60,000 homes were destroyed during the war, and rebuilding largely relies onneesing of
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border restrictions. this man was given one of several tiny metal homes after his house was destroyed by shelling. egypt and norway will host a conference to request $4 billion to rebuild gaza. african union forces expect to take hold of the stronghold within hours. the armed groups held the town of barr awe weigh since 2006. we go to that town where the troops are fighting alongside of somalia forces. >> reporter: we are at the g of barra weigh. the afghan forces together with somali troops are preparing to get in. al-shabab has been retreating. joining me is the brigadier leading the ugandan forces. thank you for joining us.
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we hear reports that your troops have taken barra weigh. tell us the real solution. >> as the command of sector one, this is the authority over the mission. yes, barra we is soon to be taken. at the moment it is not taken. >> do you expect resistance? >> we do. it's an economic center for al-shabab. the tactical command headquarters. we know there'll be resistance, especially from the foreign fighters, those staying in barra we. >> we are told that egyptian fighters are taking boats, going into the sea. and others are melting into the civilian population. how concerning is this to you? >> as you know, since beginning this offensive, al-shabab has been encountering us all the way through and up to barr ou which,
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and this ridge, the difficult situation that comes from the fire power, and the families and key leadership of al-shabab fled to the waters. some of the al-shabab who are indigenous melted into the population. we have intelligence and tactics to deal with the situation. >> has the civilian population, the elders - have they reached out to you? what are they saying much. >> we have been in touch with many civilians, especially a former district commissioner, held in prison for six years. he was released six days ago. he is in fear of his life. he's been in touch. they are running, scared and trying to get out through any means possible. >> how important is it for the troops and somalia - how important is it to take this
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area. >> it is of great appearance. it will be a huge achievement. barra which is the port. katherine soy reporting there. today marks a month between the start of the ceasefire between the pro-russian army and ukraine. sunday there were rocket attacks in donetsk, triggering a fire in a residential area. one person was injured. >> the search for malaysia airlines flight mh370 resumed after a 4-month pause. a specially equipped australian ship began to travel the search zone. it disappeared after taking off from kuala lumpur. no trace of the airliner has been found. brazilians make their choice
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140 million - that's the number of brazilians who could cast their ballots today at the poll. there's 15,000 candidates to choose from, running for various offices nationwide, including the presidential race. we go to sao paulo for more. the incumbent dilma rousseff went into the election with momentum. what are her realistic expectations for tonight? >> well, you are right, she went
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into this with a last-minute poll that came out, saying that she pulled away, and was at 40-45-46%. that's good news because she needs 50% or more to win on the first ballot. if no candidate gets the 50% threshold, it goes to a run off in october. dilma rousseff on pace to get to the run off, but hopes a left-minute push will get her above 50%. there's two potential candidates. aecio neves, the center, and environmentalist maria silva. they are battling it out trying to see which, if dilma rousseff does not get 50%, which of the two will face her. results in the next hour or two. >> the economy has not been doing well. around the world, but particularly in brazil it hasn't.
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dilma rousseff, as you said, has been polling very well. why is that? >> you're right. the economy is not doing well. in fact, most economists say brazil is in a technical recession. growth will be less than 1% this year, and that is not good for any president of any country trying for re-election. she's doing well because of two things. number one, unemployment is low here. it's 5%. so that's very good. most brazilians are working. the other thing is inflation, which is always a problem. it's high, it's about 6%. it is at the ceiling. it's being contained. the two factors containing inflation and low unemployment, if dilma rousseff is reelected will be two key reasons why. >> the u.s. and brazil had a rocky road, particularly since
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the spying revelations, the n.s.a. spying revelations. has anything changed on that front? >> listen, dilma rousseff was a big issue in brazil. dilma rousseff cancelled a state visit with president obama at the white house. that was after the n.s.a. allegations kale out with the edward snowden documents. there has been a lot of behind the scenes diplomacy between brazil and the united states. i spoke to dilma rousseff and asked about it. she has been received. she has been talking to vice president joe biden who has been calling her. dilma rousseff came from a leftist party. she came into power, she will do that, and the spying allegations
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have not been an issue in the campaign. no matter who wins the election, most say they want to patch up relations - political and economic relations, with the u.s. >> live in sao paulo, i know you'll keep us posted. >> to bulgaria, and citizens are voting again after less than two years. exit polls suggest a win for the center right party. it falls short. tom friend has more from the capital. >> reporter: this is the man who must form a viable government in bulgaria. once a body card to a former communist leader and a karate champion, he'll need all his strength and skills to form a coalition. this is the point of no return. if we work together and are prepared to make compromises, we
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can make a moral right to make reforms, it won't be easy, two-thirds of bulgarians are pessimistic about the future according to polls. they have lost faith in the political class after a success of fragile coalitions. the most important thing is for those that enter parliament to work together so we can get out of this crisis. >> i'm an optimism. i don't believe the election will change very much. >> it could tack up to three weeks for the president to bring the parties together. the main issues are the economy, fighting crime and corruption, and a festering bank crisis. >> i believe bulgaria is at the point where whoever wins the elections and the coalition forms, they have to do the
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reforms. otherwise they will hurt the population. >> reporter: he has been premier before, this time he's short of a majority on a lowest ever turn out. now the tradeoffs with the smaller parties will begin. it appears that support for the far right has fallen away, but politics in bulgaria remains fractured. the fear is as winter approaches and fuel bills come in, there could be more street protests turning to violence as hard-up families feel the chill of austerity. brazil is not the only south american country holding elections, peru held elections. one in three voters lives in a region where candidates are alleged to have ties to drug
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welcome back to "al jazeera america". here is a look at your top stories, it's monday morning in hong kong. the day anti-government protesters met a deadline to clear out. some protesters removed roadblocks. iraqi government forces recaptured a city from i.s.i.l. fighters. a government-run television station. footage and clashes 50 miles north of baghdad. iraqi forces fought along recruits and tribes. u.s. health officials help to calm the fear of ebola. thomas eric duncan was the first and so far only person diagnosed with the disease in this country and he remains in critical
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condition. his family members have been through a frightening and frustrating experience. on friday heidi zhou-castro spoke with members of thomas eric duncan's family, who were desperate for situation about what they should do. >> reporter: nothing distinguishes the door but for the plastic bag that contains soiled diapers. the family living inside is too afraid to walk to the dumpster. i'm surprised the door opens. >> this morning we are fine. >> reporter: the stepdaughter and son-in-law of thomas eric duncan live with four children, ages 2-11. no one is showing symptoms, but they ask me to stand outside to be safe. a reason they open the door is they are hungry. they have been expecting a food delivery from o health worker. >> you hungry? >> reporter: this little girl is nodding yes, she's hungry. when was the last time you ate, sweetheart? >> i don't know. >> reporter: the kids spent time
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in duncan's house whilst he was contagious. their mother called the ambulance to take duncan to the hospital on sunday. she and several other family members waited in the e.r. holding a blanket that covered duncan's back and feet. >> i was at the front desk. they said he's not in the system. i had to call back. i asked what do i do with my stepdad. i asked if he was in emergency. >> reporter: the family is among ebola contact that are being monitored. unlike jalal's mother, who shared the same house, this family is not under quarantine. you have not been ordered to stay in the house, but have been told to. is that accurate? >> we are told to, for safety, for, i don't know. we have to write something, i
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don't know. >> reporter: the family is confused. they don't know when they'll get food. >> we had no air conditioner. the trash is stinky, i put it in a bag and covered it over. >> reporter: the family watches, worries and wait. a health worker takes their temperature offering little instruction. >> no one has come to the house to tell you you have to stay behind. >> yes, no one. not give me a paper. >> they say they'll stay because they are scared there may be a danger to public safety. difficult days for that family. president obama appeared at the opening of the veterans monument in washington this afternoon. the american veterans disabled for life memorial honours those disabled in the line of duty. >> wherever you were, whatever
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your story, it was the moment that binds each of you forever. that moment of realisation that life would not be the same. >> the memorial design is around a star-shaped fountain with a ser manyial blame -- ceremonial flame. four sculptures and rolls of panels complete the exhibit. >> reporter: the winner of the nobel peace prize will be announced next seat. the list of 278 nominees includes obvious choices and surprising names. many believe the leading candidate is pope francis, nominated for his efforts to bring peace to syria. no pope has been awarded the nobel peace prize. nominated is malala youcefi, who was attacked by the taliban.
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then there's edward snowden, the national security agency contractor in exile in russia, exposing secret surveillance programs, and russian president vladimir putin was nominated by a russian organization. the international academy of spiritual unity and cooperation of the people's of the world believes vladimir putin should be given a prize forests to prevent the united states from launching air strikes against syria last year. the siege of lenin grad was one of world war ii's brutal battles, german soldiers tried to capture the city. several thousands russian soldiers died, many missing in action. now volunteers are searching battlefields for remains to give them a proper burial. the city is st. petersburg, and
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that's where peter sharp reports from >> reporter: the horrors of war are below the surface, they are known as lenin grad -- lenin grad. members are listening to the pulse of metal detectors, tracking the fighting. the siege by german forces lasted nearly three years. 900 days of terror leaving several hundred thousands soldiers dead. the diggers filled a museum with what they found. among the machine-guns and mortars, an apparently effect. this is not a search of war, it's a search for the victims, finding the remains of the fallen soldiers giving them a burial and sometimes, but not always a name. >> we found the soldiers. it helps us to identify the person and identify his relatives. you can open the capsule, you see that it is empty.
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>> it's a job not without risk of the the ammunition is unstable. volunteers have been killed. among the diggers, this 17-year-old maria. >> translation: i wanted to pay respect to the people that gave away their lives. i want them to be buried properly so they won't remain in pits like this forever. >> occasionally they'll give the missing soldiers a name. in her apartment, irina took a call, they had found the body of a father last seen when she was four years old. he was a bomber pilot shot down in 1941, three months into the war. >> reporter: i feel proud, unbelievable. i was proud of my father. he was a pilot even though i was a child. he was a hero. when they called and said the remains were discovered, and i lost hope, it was exciting.
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>> it's not just the volunteers from the group searching for the fallen. there's another group of men hunting the bodies, stripping the dead of weapons and equipment to supply the lucrative and illegal trade in war mem yora billia in moscow. they are called the black diggers. at a market in washington, the paraphernalia of war, dug up in forests outside the capital. foreign buyers will pay well for the looted remains. >> at a military cemetery, they laid to rest the four bodies of the men brought up from the ground by the squadron a week earlier. >> a moment of quiet satisfaction, and a consolation for the families of tens of thousands of missing soldiers, knowing that they will not be forgotten. mexican authorities are investigating the discovery of a
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mass grave which may be connected to the disappearance of 43 students last week. details coming up next on al jazeera america by the american university process >> taking a stand... >> it's gonna be on my terms, on how i want it to be >> boldly pursuing their dreams >> what did i do? >> the lives of american teenagers... on the edge of eighteen only on al jazeera america
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welcome back. let's return to a top story, the ebola outbreak in west africa. joining us is reverent lincoln is near the capital of liberia, a main ebola clinic. more than 2,000 lost their lives, joining us on the telephone. we know people like to go to saurch. are there restrictions gathering or showing up for church services. >> people are free to go to church much it's a
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constitutional right. the government - some success at the washing of hands, no clutching aring hugging. >> how has attendance been. have people been coming to you for guidance because people are scared? >> yes, that's a daily thing. i mean, it's almost a 24/7 event. people call you on the phone, you you are on the phone as well, and you go to church. you have to find a way to protect yourself. all of that every day. what are the immediate needs of the health care workers there. do people have the resources that they need? >> well, we have a saying in
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liberia, where two elephants fight the grass suffers. on this case is a positive note. you have the liberian and u.s. government united, and they are making sure that we win the fight against ebola. the two countries are working together hand in hand. and one of the major thing right now at the hospital where there are three hospitals operating are a general one, one that is run by the government. with dr jerry brown, and then the other was establishing military intent. over 600 patients in need of blood. and now they are going to trech out to get blood. the great node for bottled water -- need for bottled water. gloouk os aid, i.v., gloves,
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rice, antimalaria medication - the list goes on and on. children are orphaned as well, as adults. >> we were reporting, doctor, earlier, that unfortunately one of the awful things that happened as a result of that is there are children that are orphaned that are quarantined for weeks, and once released, they have nowhere to go. who is helping the children. >> well, it falls back into the hands of many neighbours. that's how it's been affected. >> absolutely. if you could pinpoint how this so quickly got out of control. what would you say it was? >> i think, one, basically i always put an echo on leadership. when they listen to the voice of
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god. secondly with the grade, the harsh nature of our society and literacy rate. all those factors, and coming from fighters, where we are trying to regroup or rebuild all these things. these practices set up in a bad situation. it's a desperate situation. dangerous. environment. >> having said all of that, doctor, having said all of that, are you optimistic that this - that this outbreak can be stopped in its tracks before any more people lose their lives, before children are orphaned? >> i strongly believe that god is on our side, and with the united efforts that we receive,
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definitely from our leadership, president obama and other world leaders. once united, our national state in union showed success. we are hopeful that we'll be successful against the fight against ebola, and want to thank you for your united effort in bringing this to the world stage. >> we need to thank you for being mare and for all they are doing. reverend brown, thank you for your time and efforts. thank you. >> activists in haiti say they'll continue to fight for justice for the victims of former dictator jean-claude duvalier who died yesterday. he was known as baby doc, succeededed his father in 1971 and remained in power until 1986, both known for human rights abuses and corrosion. >> it must be a post mortem
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trial for the regime. there's about so many victims. no one was rewarded. no one said sorry. i think the regime spent 30 years killing people, destroying the nation of haiti. so right now it's unfortunate that he pass without facing trial. that's the sad part. >> activists expressed concern that a failure to hold him actable for these abuses will mean a repeat. a mass grave in mexico has been found where 43 students disappeared two weeks ago. adam raney has more. >> reporter: this is where a series of mass graves have been unearthed outside the town of iguala. forensic experts have been called in to exhume the grazes. it's expected they'll do dna to
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see if the bodies exhumed are the 43 missing more than a week. the graves are a few kilometres from the spot where the student were last seep. government officials were unable to confirm the bodies. >> it would be irresponsible of me to say it is connected to the students. with the information we have, we can establish the location of the graves and and as of now we know they have human remains. i reiterate we have to wait to see what they'll find when it comes to genetic forensics. a member of the human right commission told al jazeera the bodies were burnt. after being criticized for not doing enough, the federal government is taking over the investigation which had been in the hands of state officials. >> translation: the mexican state cannot permit an indignant incident to go unpunisheded.
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we want to put all the forces of the state to shed light on the event. >> the bodies were found in an area where other mass graves had been ground. guerrero state is a poor violent area of mexico. families had been calling on the government to do more. after the governor announced the discovery of the grave, there were rocks thrown, molotov cocktails and flipping over a car - a sign of anger and frustration at what they say is government inaction. in south africa migrant children are unable to get into the public school system. for the reason, the parents say they have not been afforded an education. officials say he has not been registered as asylum seekers. >> reporter: if this man had his
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way, hi children would attend a ub -- his children would attend a public school in south africa. they do not have permits to stay in south africa. >> they choose to give us - my child is young. they can't give him a document. he needs to go to school. that's the problem. >> children of unmightiant workers tanned the school. quality of education is poor. some are registered. many aren't. >> we worry about a group of separated children. they are with care givers. they are not with their biological parents. unlike biological students, they are not included in the plans that care givers make. >> they say they are following
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orders. >> it's not that which turns them away. it's that we follow directives. it's important for the guardians or the parents of the children to come forward, identify themselves, vouch for the children so that they can tanned school. south africa tightened laws making undocumented refugees and asylum seekers nervous. government officials say they need to know who the undocumented children are, what countries they come from and how many are in south africa. that's why refugees are important. some refugees are afraid they could be deported if they report themselves to the immigration department. this woman tried to keep her refugee school open. she may have to close it down. she owes the landlord there to,000 in represent. >> maybe they can afford fees elsewhere. they may take them. the great majority definitely.
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>> reporter: legally documenting and getting migrant children into south africa's overstretched schooling system could take years. until that happens, understaffed and fully equipped schools will be a temporary solution for parents. >> having names and access to a great education doesn't guarantee you entry to a top-notch university, nor does a portfolio many would envy. that's the focus of "edge of 18," the document series about the journey of young adults. >> since i was 12 i've been trying to get the best grade i can, best test scores. every film festival i entered and won, and i thought i have got this, and - and i didn't. why? like, what did i do? >> some of our kids come from affluent background, and the problem may be that they can't
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fulfil the ambitious for one reason for -- ambitious for one reason or another, but they have the resources. >> my parents invested in private schooling since third grade to 12th grade with the intent of getting me into a top university. they invested a lot of money with the promise that it would pay off. >> we are not doing enough to make tonny possible for these children. that, i think, is one consistent thing. breaks your heart at times. seeing kids who are intelligent and motivated and want to make a better life for themselves and families, and they can't do it. other kids - there's one kid who is undocumented from arizona. >> i need help to pay for my tuition. i'm writing regarding a personal party. i'm looking for someone with a kind heart that may be willing to help fund my organization, or
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even offer a personal loan with reasonable interest rates. i feel if you are a good student and you are undocumented, it doesn't matter. it's upsetting. it's more than upsetting. it's really sad actually. >> senior prom is coming up, you have to purchase your ticket. i'm going to twerk on the dance floor, you know how i do it. >> we are learning to live with a new set of values, the acceptance of the gay and lesbian community, the l.g.b.t. community. for the parent of one of kids, it presents an enormous value. >> who is the girl following you in the prime minister? a boy? for me, you not born gay, don't tell me that story. i know you. i know you. don't tell me you born gay.
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the new episode of "edge of 18" airs at 9 eastern, 6 pacific on al jazeera america so the military is interested in using elephants, not as weapons of war, but help prevent violence. that story colling up on al jazeera america -- coming up on al jazeera america know, it hurts everything. >> some say it's time for a change. >> mitch has been in there so long. >> while others want to stay the course. >> all the way mitch! you know exactly what these people needs in kentucky. >> communities trying to cope. what does the future hold? >> the economy, the struggling coal industry and healthcare are all impacting their vote. >> "america votes 2014 / fed up in kentucky". all next week. only on al jazeera america.
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yourselves? >> no. >> "faultlines". al jazeera america's hard-hitting, >> today, they will be arrested. >> groundbreaking, >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> investigative documentary series. watch the emmy award winning episode: "haiti in a time of cholera". saturday, 7:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. in south africa the u.s. army is studying whether elephants can help them to detect explosives. it may sound like an unusual task, but it turns out elephants are top dog when it comes to a sense of smell. tonya page has more from south africa. >> reporter: elephants can find water underground and sense electricity. they have long memories and an extraordinary sense of smell, more sensitive than a dog. that is why steven lee is here. he's the u.s. military's chief science officer. it's his job to seek out
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solutions from questions from nature. sean thinks he can help with a study at a wildlife park. inside a bucket is a small amount of explosives, the bull will signal when he finds it. >> thatta boy. well done. >> lee bhoefs he cap design a machine replicating the elephants trunk. >> you can see chemical agents designed. biological detectors, and those technologies in the commercial market for the medical environment, sensing of sick people, toxic waste, and in those type of things, monitoring the environment. >> it's a proud day for him, the elephants sense of smell is 14 times more powerful than a dog. another area where the elephants excel over the dog is in memory. dogs may need to be trained once
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a week. in a test like this, the elephants haven't done it for a year, and are getting it right. >> elephants run in the blood. >> the idea came from when dad was followed by a herd of wild elephant. they had been observing him and picked up his scent and tracked him. dad started to follow elephants to track human scent. >> it took millennia for elephant to evolve. with luck, the u.s. military chief scientist says within 30 years he could have a machine based on their trunk and talents. fascinating. african elephants have twice as many genes to differentiate odours than dogs do. >> i'm rare, "real money" is
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next. for news around the world check out the website. we'll leave you with live pictures from hong kong. it's 5am. protesters sleeping in the streets as the deadline from the government looms. we'll keep you poeted on that. keep it here. justice for sale, i'll take you inside the world of big money, on the elections of who presides in your courtroom room. and a hot houseing market threatened by the reality of america's trillion debt burden secret tapes reveal financial regulators going easy on the banks they are supposed to be getting tough with. you'll hear for yourself. i'm ali velshi, this is "real money".
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