tv America Tonight Al Jazeera October 6, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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on"america tonight", a critical moment. the president turns to his top medical transportation and national security advisors to stop ebola from spreading in our country. >> it is very important for us to make sure that we are treating this the same way that we would treat any other significant national security plague. >> also tonight - planting seeds of international espionage, what authorities tell michael oku was a chinese spy ring planted among
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the corn rows of china. >> the director of a major chinese concern was in the field and schlepping some of these goods. >> that's correct. >> what do you make of that? >> he must be hands on. >> an "america tonight" investigation and look at the man federal agents say was the ringleader. and the end of an era. "america tonight" contributor solidad o'brien one of the last to me haiti's jean-claude duvalier, baby doc. and good evening, thanks for joining us, i'm joie chen. boosting the barriers. the president called on his top help and national security advisors to step up screenings aimed at stopping more cases of ebola from landing in our
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country. the urgency as a spanish nurse becomes the first person to contract ebola outside africa. she treated two ebola patient at a madrid hospital - both died of the disease. the american photo journalist who contracted ebola whilst working in liberia is in the states, and treated in nebraska. in dallas, crews cleaned the apartment where thomas eric duncan, the first person in the u.s. that was diagnosed, stayed. his personal items were destroyed. his nephew told "america tonight" that his uncle's condition is so frail he was unable to speak during a visit today. a reminder that the ravages warned that the president warns threatens national security. >> i know the american people are concerned about the possibility of an ebola outbreak, and ebola is a very
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serious disease. and the ability of people who are infected to carry that across borders is something that we have to take extremely seriously. >> reporter: the president repeats his warning and say that's the mission to contain ebola is not just an american effort. the key to stop the virus is better screening before it spreads. >> we'll make sure that it does not have, you know, the kind of impact here in the united states that a lot of people are worried about. we are working on protocols to do additional passenger screening both at the source and here in the united states. >> while u.s. officials consider how to keep ebola out, another infected american returns to the states for help. >> tentative, frightened. i think he's strong and symptoms are not more advanced than when i talked to him before i left. which is a relief to us.
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>> 43-year-old ashoka mukpo surprised onlookers as he walked off an aircraft on his way to a treatment center in nebraska. the bio-containment unit met him and gave the first indications of how he will be treated. >> certainly the standard therapies of managing the fluids and all the other changes that go on in terms of the blood, electro lights as they are called will be standard. the other forms of therapy will be considered again, are individualized to him. >> last thursday ashoka mukpo tested positive for ebola in liberia, where he had been working with the news team. >> there is hope for another experimental treatment, called brincidofovir, used on thomas eric duncan in dallas. his condition was said to have worsened over the weekend. texas officials say they have
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identified everyone who came in contact with duncan before he was admitted and identified 10 people, including members of duncan's family as being at high risk. >> 100% of individuals have been identified, we are watching 48 closely. 10 had higher risk and all of them are being seen once a day. >> texas officials face more tough questions about why duncan was first sent home from the hospital. there was reason to expect ebola exposure. texas governor rick perry acknowledged mistakes were made, but says a new task force will prevent that happening again. >> there's only so much that a state can do, and many of the circumstances that led to the situation can only be addressed at the federal level. washington needs to take immediate steps to minimise the dangers of ebola, and other infectious diseases. >> is there a way to find out
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who is infected faster. dr robert cary is a scientist and working on a process that we understand could give quicker results. appreciate you being with us. what kind of work are you doing, why would it be so important to slowing down the spread of this disease? >> we are working on a rapid diagnostic test. it can give you an answer about whether a person has ebola in five, 10, 15 minutes, depending how much virus is in the system. it works like a pregnancy test. you take a drop of blood. it's not like drawing blood with a needle. it's safer. put that on the test. put it in a little test tube and you can do this anywhere in the field. it doesn't take a sophisticated laboratory to do it. it gives you - we expect if will be an accurate test to tell whether a person has the virus
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in their blood or is infectious for ebola. >> we understand there are concerns about bringing treatments to the markets quickly. how quickly can this reach the people that need it urgently now? >> the bar is a little lower. we need to make sure the test is sensitive and specific. we don't want to give people a false information that they have the disease, or the contrast too many cases missed. you need specificity. beyond that you can get a test pretty rapidly. >> we look to this. in a case like the spanish nurse, the diagnosis, in that case we are talking about someone who has been treated in a facility, very sophisticated medical facility, a nurse, health worker who was experienced and knew what she was looking at. in this case you talk about a test used by nonprofessional health workers.
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what risks might be imposed by that. >> unsophisticated people - we wouldn't let them use it. there would be training, certification, it would take scale to do that. the test is six, doesn't take a long time to train someone with a basic understanding of how the test works to run it precisely. >> have you seen federal officials - have they contacted you about this. is there an awareness that this is in the works? >> there is awareness, yes. >> we hope to hear more about that, and appreciate you being with us, dr robert cary. thank you so much. no matter what the health workers tell us or the president's assurances on all this, the fear of ebola continues to spread, putting pressure on already beleaguered west african communities in the united states, which worry about relatives in the ebola hot zones, and how the stigma of the
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disease is marking the communities here. >> "america tonight" adam may visited two liberian communities in the united states and heard the anxiety growing. >> we live in difficult times and we pray that those affected, that the lord will heal them >> reporter: inside a church in north texas a group of liberian minister are seeking mercy. >> in jesus name... >> reporter: according to their faith and leader, the pastor, praying to them for guidance. >> i'm strong in expectation, i communicate hope. that's the name of our church, hope and the 99th church, and the theme and vision is turning hopelessness into hopeful possess. >> reporter: since the news reports that thomas eric duncan brought the highly infected
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ebola to dallas, this community is on high alert. >> today is just as close as in your backyard. if you never pray before, i want you to ask the lord to protect you and your family here in the united states of america. none of us know when we have come in contact with a young man. >> there are 10,000 lib earians in and around the area. since the outbreak ravaged western africa everyone here has been affected. >> i have six of my relatives who passed away from the killer disease. >> who passed? >> my aunt. her son, a daughter, and the wife. the son's wife, you know, is like six members of the family. >> reporter: niece, nephews, young kids. >> yes, that's what we are talking about. >> reporter: caroline is a nurse
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in texas and a mother of four. after dinner she helps her 10-year-old son with his homework for the next day. concerns over ebola have kept many students home. officials say attendance is down 10%, and have identified eight cool children who may have come in contact with duncan. she is worried about how others will treat her son. >> we don't want him out there playing in the neighbourhood, knowing their parents are from liberia. we don't want the other kids not to play with him because they might feel that maybe he or she is sick. >> caroline tells us she has heard from liberian communities outside of texas. the stigma is spreading.
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>> almost every liberian all over the united states. >> this man is president of the organization of line earians in minnesota -- lib earians in minnesota. minneapolis is home to 30,000 members. >> people are expressing return. when our kids go to school they'll play with liberia kids in the bathroom. what if they sneeze, and all that. >> reporter: liberian americans started to take precautions months earlier. how real are the concerns that someone could come back here and bring ebola into the community here in minnesota? >> it's really a concern. that's why you are trying to do the best we can to minimise the panic. even in our own liberian community we are very careful when family members come. >> so careful that when his wife
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returned from liberia, she stayed in a separate room in her home until she went to the hospital to confirm that she was healthy. >> families had relatives return and they have done that. some have gone to the extent of telling their loved ones "i don't feel you are aust ra sizing me, but let me say away from the house." >> in dallas, since the infection. organizations are doing what they can. and communicating with each other and the media, urging everyone to work with the c.d.c. and take precautions. >> god is a healing god. god is able to heal someone and say amen. >> others continue to pray for those standing next to them in church, neighbours, children and their loved ones back home. right now they say it's the only way they know how to cope.
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>> every day when the phone rings you, you know, you look at it. it's a national call. you think twice before you answer the call, you know. you want to be in the right frame of mind. you want to be in the right place. because you never know, you know what they are going to say when the news is going to come. when we return, in the fields of espionage. "america tonight"s michael oku investigates what federal agents say is a spy ring, digging up trade secrets in the corn fields of iowa. >> this is cloak and dagger stuff. >> a little bit. a little bit. >> a look at the man the feds
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>> i lived that character >> a hollywood icon forest whitaker >> my interest in acting was always to continue to explore how it connected to other people >> making a difference >> what is occurring in other places, is affecting so many different ways... >> inspiring others >> we have to change those things, in order to make our whole live better >> every saturday,
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join us for exclusive... revealing... and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time... talk to al jazeera, only on al jazeera america we have been following ebola to our security, and now the threat of international grain, it's the stuff movies are made of, spies, secrets and seeds, played out in iowa's field of agricultural dreams. michael oku investigates why chinese spies went after a golden american grain, and he
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brings us a look at the man the feds say was the ringleader. >> reporter: when chinese president xi jinping arrived in iowa, the federal bureau of investigation was in town, tailoring another visitor. agents tracked the man's movements from the demoyne airport to the iowa capital, where the governor held a dinner for xi jinping. when the chinese leader toasted his host, the fbi says the man they were watching was there. he was seated at table 44, and using an alias. his real name is mo hi long. he is faces charges along with his sister, and five other chinese nationals, the result of a 2.5 year fbi investigation. nick cline felt is the u.s. attorney for the southern
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district of iowa. >> all seven defendants are charged with the same crime - conspiracy to steal trade secrets. >> reporter: the trade secrets contained in colonels of corn, seeds produced by the american companies. these were no ordinary seeds, buts the building blocks for the block buster hybrids that the seed company sells. agronomist said the seeds, called parent for ingrate have been bred over years of trial and error to produce the most bushels per acre. >> they'll have resistance, draught resistance, insect resistance, and almost all the hybrids in the u.s. >> every extra bushel per acre produced is money in a pocket.
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it increases the world's food supply. all of which makes the seeds that much more valuable. whoever produces the best seeds likely secures a brilliant slice of the market. >> american farmers produce on average twice as many bushels. it poses a challenge for seed companies in china. >> you can't play catch up in plant breeding. for example, if i'm at a yield level of 200 bush else per acre and you are at a yield level of 100 bushels per acre, closing the gap will be difficult for you over time. >> reporter: so to fix, i need to steel your stuff. >> that's the only way or you need to licence my stuff legally and use it in your breeding programme. >> reporter: the chance of the united states licensing my stuff to china is slim, given the fact
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that the chinese are not known for protecting intellectual property. >> that's right. >> reporter: that brings us back to mo hi long. he is known as robert. he was working as director of international business for dvn group. a chinese agricultural science and technology conglomerate. on may the 3rd, a pioneer security guard discovered mo on his knees in an unmarked research field. according to court documents, mo fled the scene, driving the car in a ditch. four months later in iowa, mo came to the attention of authorities at this field. >> somebody made a 911 call. a report was made that someone was walking around in the field. it's unusual for the caller.
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that person was dropped off. the vehicle was in the area. >> reporter: this was no random corn field, it was a marked plot of inbred corn. it was suspected that mo was tipped off by insiders at u.s. speed companies. >> a deputy was dispatched and made contact to a person in the farm field, talked to him. he made contact to the people that were selling two others. they said that they were in the work of looking at crops, and apparently they went on their way. >> it was at this time the federal bureau of investigation began an investigation. >> may 1st, 2012, in iowa, federal bureau of investigation surveillance teams followed mo to this town, where they say he was loading and unloading items in storage locker 48. from adele, federal authorities say mo drove to an abandoned
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farm in illinois, purchased by a subsidiary of where he worked, where teams reported him unloading bags of seed. >> this was cloak and dagger stuff. >> a little bit. a little bit. >> reporter: mo hi long and sister mo yun are under house arrest at undisclosed locations in demoyne, awaiting trial. the other five defendants remain at large. >> reporter: what more can you tell me about what mo's accomplices might have been doing? >> they were here, including the doctor who was at the time the chief operating officer of the seed company. he was back on more than one occasion, and participating in this. >> when you say participating in this, what do you mean specifically? >> he was in the field with them. he was stopped at the o'hare airport trying to carry seed
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back. many of these individuals not only tried to ship the seed, but tried to carry it out on the person. we stopped a couple at the otare airport in chicago, and one at the canadian border crossing in vermont. >> the director of the major chinese concern was in the field and schlepping some of these goods. >> that's correct. >> reporter: what do you make of that. >> he must be hands on. >> reporter: the u.s. attorney's office said the seeds were seized, but no arrests were made because the investigation was ongoing. none of the companies cited that investigation. mo's attorney declined to speak with "america tonight". as did chinese consulate officials that we broached at the iowa-asian business summit in demoyne.
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>> we have a wonderful relationship with asian countries. >> it was obvious governor, a booster of trade relations with china, didn't want to talk about mo hi long. >> it's under litigation, it's inappropriate for me to make a comment on that. >> reporter: has it affected the companies that produced seed, do you think? >> we have a wonderful relationship and don't comment on litigation. >> reporter: if convicted mo could face 10 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. >> what is the worst case scenario? >> that they get away with it. companies like pioneer, and lg seeds and others, spend millions of dollars developing the products and are essentially robbed from the benefit of their
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efforts. >> reporter: federal authorities may have caught up with mo, but it's no telling how many made it to china, and how many more alleged spies are out there, scoping america's corn fields. one can only imagine the optics of this investigation. in september 2012, u.s. customs and border patrol agents searched the bags of one of mo hi long's associates and found seeds in two bulk sized bombs for microwave popcorn. under that was 100 manila envelopes bursting with seeds, and seeds just about everywhere, wrapped in nap kins. not only on the individual's bags, but also in his own pants' pockets, on the same day, one other associate was trying to make it across the u.s.-canada border in a car, and had 44 bags of seeds under the car seats.
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we know na mo hi long's trial is scheduled to start 1 december. >> hang on here, this seems remarkable. this is a golden grain in the fields of iowa. shunt it be protected in a -- shouldn't it be protected in a way that the guys shouldn't just step in the field and dig up what they wanted. >> that was the first question we had. what you know, if you drive through the state of iowa, like many of us have, there are literally tens of millions of acres of corn fields. so it's unfeasible to try to police all of that area. and more specifically, some of the companies decided that it would be unwise to call attention to the specific test fields where that special - those special seeds are being grown. at this point the seeds are
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basically, you know, laying there in open. it's a secret because they keep it very, very quiet, and the decision that the companies made is only a very small number of individuals at the companies, that they'll know where the test fields are. >> someone had to be an insider who gave more the information. >> that's right. if you talk to the u.s. attorney, as i did. he didn't want to address that specifically. if you read the criminal complaint it's clear that the federal bureau of investigation is focussing on potential insiders, several people on the documents who might have provided aid to mo hi long. what they suspect is they may not only have given him the location of the fields, but they may have given him some very sensitive genetic information of these bioengineered seeds. >> fascinating. "america tonight"s michael oku
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following up on his investigation. thank you so much. >> you got it. after the break - what may prove a landmark decision for gay marriage supporters as the supreme court makes a surprising move not to take on the case. also ahead - remembering baby doc. the haiti one-time leader gave his last interview to soledad o'brien. what victims of his regime remember of his time in power.
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>> on tech know, cars, the science behind... keeping us safe on the road... >> oh! >> oh my god! >> the driving force behind these new innovations >> i did not see that one coming... >> tech know's team of experts show you how the miracles of science... >> this is my selfie, what can you tell me about my future? >> can affect and surprise us... >> sharks like affection... >> tech know, where technology meets humanity
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only on al jazeera america now a snapshot of stories - syrian kurds say us-led air strikes failed to close down i.s.i.l. fighters. n.a.t.o. is working on a strategy to protect turkey if the battle against i.s.i.l. should spill over the border. a clue in the pennsylvania mann hunt. a letter has been discovered in the ambush of two state police troopers. it did not detail the motive but describes the shooting and the suspect's escape into the woods. the manhunt is entering a fourth week. >> supreme court cleared the way for an immediate ex-participation of same-sex marriage. the unexpectedly rejecting appeals from five states seeking to stop it. it makes gay marriage legal
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including virginia, where erica turner quickly tied the knot. >> she said i think we can get married today. it makes a difference in your own state. if we were to get married in another state it wouldn't be avowed at home. >> they became the first same-sex couple to say their vows in virginia. the commonwealth will recognise same-sex marriage performed in states where they are legal. they are disappointed by the ruling, as you mite imagine. cape kendall leads the center for lesbian rights. she is involved in litigation. this is a big deal, and there was quite a surprise on both sides. >> it was unexpected that the court would deny review in all five cases. it's pretty unprecedented that the court would not review a lower court ruling striking down a state law on federal
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constitutional grounds. there were five cases before them. clearly the court, for whatever reason, because there was not a split in the circuits, we have nothing but wins in the fourth, seventh and 10th circuit. the court may have thought they don't have a split. it creates huge momentum. >> at some points both suspect that it will be litigated further. would it have been easier if the court took on one of those cases now. i thought that at first. when we had the ruling struck down, the defensive marriage act, that was the key tipping point, an deniable point. what happened today. this is the no going back point. it is now undeniable that some day soon we'll have marriage nationwide. no matter where you live as a
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same sex couple, your relationship will be protected and recognised. two-thirds, almost two-thirds of couples live in states where the marriage is recognised, creating huge momentum, and the court is staying out of the way until there is a greater level of support nationwide, and now the momentum is unstoppable. part of the reason, the guest work of why the court did what it did, it is looking to a case why it is uphold. do you think that will be a tipping point to take this on? >> what is interesting, we have two courts. afterwards, after what the court did today, it's almost as if the signal is folks, get in line. this is - we are in a moment where we'll promise a quality and fairness to every couple. we'll make sure we walk the
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talk. i think the signal to the fifth and sixth circuit judge is you should strike down the bans, and get in line with the rest of your colleagues in the other circuits and we could end the year with a string of victories and have 70% of couples where the relationship is protected. >> perhaps, i would expect there's continued opposition. >> all right. kate kendall, we appreciate you being here. on another lightening rod issue, abortion, in new orleans, they wanted to uphold a texas law places strict standard on abortion clinics, as a result many clinics in texas would close, putting them out of reach for women that would have to travel hundreds of miles. texas has a high rate of self-induced abortion.
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they will increase. "faultlines" travelled to texas and found some women taking profound risks to gain access to abortion. >> reporter: it's friday afternoon in the rio grande valley in texas. >> abortion is one of the most common medical procedures for women around the world. >> two friends are reading a manual about how to give yourself an abortion. >> i asked you, for sure, how pregnant you are. >> yes. >> you said you were... >> for sure now, seven weeks. >> okay, that's good. once it gets to 12 weeks, it's riskier. >> reporter: they wouldn't let us film their faces. here, like in most states, what they are about to do could be considered illegal. >> ultimately the number one thing has to be your choice and you need to be sure. >> i am sure. >> reporter: to end her pregnancy, 23-year-old melissa
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is going to take a drug that is normally used to treat ulcers. >> put it under the tongue. >> it causes a miscarriage. >> it says on the box not to use while pregnant. >> by the time she's done, melissa would have swallowed 12 pills. >> when shall we do this. >> whenever you are ready. >> the rate of self-induced abortions is believed to be one of the highest in the united states. >> you'll take four. >> "faultlines" is here to find out why. >> okay. >> then we'll check the time,
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30 minutes. . >> who women's health in mccallum, on the southern-most tip of texas. a few months ago this clinic has been shut and not allowed to provide abortions. in november a law went into effect making it harder for doctors to perform abortions. under the new legislation, doctors need an official affiliation with a hospital, within 30 miles of their clinic. in this conservative region, none of the hospitals are willing to do that. >> it's one of a number of laws that have swept texas and other states which made abortion more difficult to obtain. the supreme court made abortion a constitutional right in 1973, in a landmark case called row
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versus wade, that began in texas. >> in the last two years, there has been more restrictions passed against reproductive justice than in the 30 years prior to that. we have beared a lot of the brunt of it in texas. >> even though they have won, anti-abortion activists continued a protest in front of whole women's health. marching, despite the cold and rain. >> we pray for the children in the womb, protect them from the violence of abortion. we pray for those scheduled to die today. save them from death. >> helping a person to end the life of a child is not helping a person. we are here to ask the lord to give everyone considering abortion hope. >> reporter: do you think women have a right to choose? >> they have made a choice. now take the consequences.
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that is what they have a right to choose, to say yes or no. if you say yes, suffer the consequences as they think. it's not a consequence to us. what they think is a consequence. they don't have the right to kill. >> reporter: there's a stigma around having an abortion in texas, whether it's cultural or religious beliefs. it's unusual for people to talk about it freely. >> if i were to have a baby, they'd do it right and have the resources that i can. >> basically i'm very poor. >> reporter: did you think it would be difficult to get an abortion in the u.s.? >> no, i thought if would be much simpler. texas is huge. three or four or five clinics. many hours drive for a lot of people. i have texas at my disposal.
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because i'm on the border, there's nothing closer in between. >> reporter: it's a half hour's drive for melissa to get to mexico. we wanted to see what the journey looked like. we headed with a local activist. >> how far to the border? >> 15-20 minutes. >> reporter: are there several groups you work with down here? >> there are no groups. people do things individually, but there's no organised movement. >> reporter: it must make it hard? >> it is. you want to do stuff. last year there was a lot of movement and it dives off to the next horrible thing that happens. >> reporter: within 20 minutes we crossed into the border town. >> the street is full of pharmacies.
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this is a big business. this is why a lot of people come, to buy cheap drugs. >> it's really easy to get it $31. do you have mysalprostel. how much is it? >> 187. >> 187 - you don't have a cheaper kind? >> the generic. >> yes, don't need the brand name. i can't believe how easy it is to get. this guy charged me $45. as soon as i said the word, he knows what i was talking about and gave it to me. the report from "fault line "s correspondent. after the break, he was known as haiti's leader for life, and the pervezor of death. he gave his last interview to
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with a national funeral - he is a former president. the decision shocked victims of his regime. baby doc became president at the age of 19. in 1986 they reported with truckloads of money, several years ago he turned. and the special contributors soledad o'brien had a rare interview. in one of his last appearances on television, she brought us what his rein of terror meant for his victims. >> this is a real space of the prison. >> reporter: this is the flooring. >> this is the flooring. >> reporter: bobby duval is a survivor, serving 8 months at fort dooum ash. >> i counted 20 of them died when i was there in my hands. >> 20. >> duval, a political prisoner was tortured and starved under
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the rule of haitian president. jean-claude duvalier, better known as baby dock. >> they put you in a cell of 13 feet, 40 feet. you have another 20-30, depending how many died. >> jean-claude duvalier is alive because president jimmy carter sent an ambassador to haiti in 1987 with a list of 13 people he wanted freed. they sent a letter. i was one of the last three alive. that's how i got out. >> reporter: when we visited we saw what was left. and the crumbling place next door was a testament to what was left. baby doc lived among the poor. >> the regime ended when baby doc was ousted in 1986 and fled
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to europe to escape the accusations of the victims. many wondered how he could be free to walk the streets. i asked jean-claude duvalier to talk about his future and haiti. we met at the peak of a hilltop restaurant in haiti's capital. no body guards, noenturage or lawyer. >> most are notable to walk around. lee brody is with human rights watch, which brought charges of human rights abuse. >> this is a man accused of thousands of killings, systematic torture, of being a brutal dictator. >> he would not answer most questions, but told me that haiti was worse off than when he ran the country.
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>> we were called the pearl of the antilles, there was security, people worked. you could walk around port-au-prince, without being assaulted. >> as a classic dictator. the current military thugs, who are killing people. >> gary pierre, pierre is the founder of the haitian times. >> it's the perfect time to return to chaos. no one will be worried about what he did. they have things to deal with. that's why he came out when he did. >> bobby duval didn't believe it when rumours spread that jean-claude duvalier returned to haiti. >> i never thought he would take the chance of coming back that way. but he did. haiti is the land of surprises, and sure, that was a surprise to us. >> still, jean-claude duvalier was willing to testify in court. and face down a man accused of
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human rights crimes. >> so when you testified in court, how hard was that. >> rough. >> at 62 years old, jean-claude duvalier appeared a shadow of his former self, his suits expensive. he was noticeably frail. >> he came back, said his lawyer, to help his country. >> he's been living all these years. when the earthquake came, and he heard about suffering of the people and everything, he said "no matter what, i don't care what happened to me or will happen to me, i'm going to come back to my country." and that's it. i came back. >> people don't really know why
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he came back, but the best guess actually is that he ran out of money. when jean-claude duvalier left the country, he took an estimated $400 million to $900 million. and 25 years later he had spent almost all of that money, except for $6 million that is left in switzerland, but the swiss government has impounded. >> in february of 2010, a court in switzerland released more than $4 million to jean-claude duvalier and his family, but haiti, with help from human rights watch brought a case against him on charges. corruption and human violations, blocking the release of the money. the first judge hear the case ruled that the case should be dropped. it was overturned.
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bobby duval says testifying in court against jean-claude duvalier was a victory, of course. he carries with him the death of a friend behind bars. >> he was my friend. he used to teach me how to fish, you know. and he was an innocent guys, a pesant, a guy who fished. when i lost him like that, it was rough. >> do the memories come back to you all the time? >> all the time. i'm just trying to close it, you know. i still can't find closure. i don't know what will give me that. maybe never, i don't know. >> closure that now may never come. jean-claude "baby doc" duvalier was 63 years old. a look ahead now.
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it may be saving lives. it could cost a law-maker his job. tomorrow on "america tonight", the race to win the senate takes us through arkansas, and a battle over obama care. and a fading memory - sand and soil combine to create a work of art. like much in washington, you can expect the winds of change to just blow it away.
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>> this saturday, a horrific outbreak. >> the death toll from this epidemic could be much higher than anyone knows. >> the search for answers. >> 8000 people are already dead, mr. president. who should answer for those people? >> who brought cholera to haiti? >> so you don't have to explain yourselves? >> no. >> "faultlines". al jazeera america's hard-hitting, >> today, they will be arrested. >> groundbreaking, >> they're firing canisters of gas at us. >> investigative documentary series. watch the emmy award winning episode: "haiti in a time of cholera". saturday, 7:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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finally from us this hour - grains of sand that remind us nothing is forever. certainly not here in washington. or any shift in the wind or public opinion can blow any creation off its foundation. we get a view from al jazeera's correspondent. >> this is the white of the eye. that is - down there, the bridge
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of the knows. >> reporter: from the ground, between the lincoln and world war ii memorials, it's not clear that these are swirled sand and soil. it becomes clear. a webcam is beaming the image around the world. there were constant air traffic to view the installation. out of many, one - it's a motto long associated with the u.s. the artist created the enormous face by combining the feature from dozens of young men from all faces photographed around the mall. and then the process of translating the imaging into 2,000 tonnes of sand and 800 tonnes of soil, using pegs and string. >> 10,000 wooden pegs, each placed into the ground at a specific point, to a centimetre of accuracy, the tip of your
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pinky. that was done using g.p.s. accuracy rovers connected to five satellites in space. >> reporter: the artist is famous for the political content of his work, and this has a message. >> it's really let's mike dialogues to stop the fact that one in 10 minority youth is in gaol. let's work towards these things, and identity is one of the most arbitrary things. you didn't ask to look the way you look. nothing affects you in your life. >> interestingly an official told me that visitors asked if this is a depiction of president obama. not this time, but he used this sandy medium in barcelona, after president obama was elected. for a reason. >> with all the outpouring of hope my fear was that it was turning into something that
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would fade away. >> this installation will fade over a month as visitors walk flow it. the sand, soil composition perfect for the restoration of once degraded turf of the mall. fitting - change to come by november - election day. that's "america tonight". tomorrow on the programme state of play - we head to arkansas, where the battle to win control of senate heats up. obama care is unpopular there, but there's evidence that it's saving lives. what does that mean for the incumbent. we'll find out. if you would like to comment on stories you have seen, log on to the website. join the conversation with us any time on twitter or at our facebook page. goodnight. more of "america tonight" tomorrow.
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real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america. thousands of kurds flee i.s.i.l. as the terrorists defy coalition air strikes. vice president joe biden is in hot water over undiplomatic comments - was he just telling the truth. and ebola declared a top national security priority. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this". those stories and more straight ahead. >> the supreme court chose
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