tv News Al Jazeera October 7, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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♪ >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ welcome to the news hour and live from doha and these are the news stories this hour and air strikes rocco brain and kenya president travelling to the international court for charges against humanity and a women in spain has become infected with the disease outside of west africa. and the new view from an old landmark, how a glass floor is
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helping tourists at the eiffel tower to see paris in a completely different way. ♪ fighters from islamic state of iraq are shelling the center of a town of kobane as fighting intensifies and there is air strikes on isil positions on forces and we are on the turkish side of the border near kobane is on the phone right now. what more can you tell us about the coalition air strikes and what more have you been seeing on the ground? >> reporter: air strikes are started and so far we have four air strikes entering in kobane and especially targeting in the past they were targeting east point of kobane but this morning we have seen they are mostly targeting northwest of kobane.
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and kobane by isil forces three parts, the north part of kobane is turkish border and we came from turkish border after air strikes we see the black smoke on turkish side. and so far after especially after air strikes we also seeing isil forces shelling mortar inside the city center and they are targeting there is one in the city center of kobane and talking about ypd forces in city center. >> are you getting a center of who is in charge still? >> reporter: we didn't hear about the situation who has been charged. but control of kobane is under yp gchl right now and we can see it and also the flag on the heel of ypd and a flag in eastern
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part of kobane and we see isil flags over there. therefore there is a serious fight going on in order to have kobane between both sides. >> on the turkish side of the border looking at the on going fight with kobane there. let's cross back now to these pictures and these are live pictures coming from the turkish side and looking into the town of kobane and this is the view there we are looking at. let's cross over to bernard smith also on the turkish side of the border from where he sent this report. >> reporter: as fighters from the islamic state of iraq and lavant closed in on kobane on sunday their black flags started to appear and fighting has grown in intensity as each day passed and kurdish forces repelling the town was trying to regroup, isil
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was and they are on the eastern edge of kobane and the fighting is building to building, street to street. isil is also trying to push into kobane from the west. witnesses have reported hearing jets overhead and the sounds of air strikes. syrian/kurdish fighters in the town told al jazeera they need more weapons, with them they say they can push isil back. the kurds are motivated and determined. isil is more accustom to sweeping through areas defended by soldiers with little appetite to fight. kobane is different. turkey military continues to monitor the town from across the border. the government here said it will do all it can to stop kobane falling to isil. but there is no indication of any imminent military action.
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>> we are live on the border and as you were saying there the town has been besieged on a number of fronts but are the coalition air strikes likely to help the kurds take back any groun ground? >> reporter: well, what they have done over the last few days with the air strikes is kept isil back. there have been air strikes over the last three or four days i think but the strikes clearly have stepped up in intensity last night and today, tuesday, because of the fact that isil has got in to kobane but they alone fear is they alone might not be enough to stop isil taking the town down. >> many kurds extremely angry as you are pointing out in your package it appears their forces are standing back and doing nothing if the town falls could this change? >> reporter: yes, many kurds very angry and we have seen and
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we are hearing reports there are kurds trying to protest near to the turkish side of the border with kobane and those protests being dispersed with tear gas as we speak. the problem turkish authorities have is they don't want to give help with the kurds and the kurds creating an atonomys conflict and there is no love lost between the two sides and turkey doesn't want to see isil take this town and wants to see assad go and it's weighing up all these variables as it decides how it can best stole kobane falling. what the kurds in kobane are asking for is more help, more weapons and they want the turks to provide them and perhaps even some kurdish activists and politicians calling for the turkish government to allow kurdish worker party fighters to
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transit through turkey into syria. what the kurds on the ground fighting in kobane tell us is they don't want turkish troops on the ground with them. >> bernard smith on the syria/turkey border and thank you. as you heard there have been a number of coalition air strikes against isil targets in syria and isil is in iran and the countries are assisting in the international effort against the armed group and six countries including jordan and bahrain are assisting in weapons and taking part in air strikes and 13 countries including turkey giving aid to displaced people and 16 countries helping to provide both include the united states, the uk and the gulf countries of saudi arabia, uae and katar and iraqi ground troops pressed into isil held territory but it's not having
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the effect people thought it would, residents have gone and with isil being pushed back the towns are being left deserted and we report from one such ghost town. >> reporter: battle damaged and brittle. this is the town of south of kakook city and ten days ago it was in the hands of isil fighters but then pershmerga forces moved in and isil was defeated leaving likely armed residents to protect the little that is left and so now it's a ghost town and uninhabitable of boobie trapping buildings and that is posing a challenge. >> translator: the main problem that we are facing right now is that only the main roads and streets in the city are clear and safe while almost all the houses, schools and government directories are wired by t and t and explosives and could blowup
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any time. >> reporter: the iraqi army and pershmergma are fighting isil as they pose threats to the area. this is an indication of the challenges that iraq faces. it doesn't have the kind of troop numbers to leave behind once it defeats isil fighters and has residents worried and because the troops left they fear isil fighters will simply return. >> translator: now we have a handful of families defending it and hearing there are huge congregations by isil in the village of bashir and we are afraid they will take us. >> reporter: they are trying to heal as bust as possible and if anyone will come back to the town and if they do will they be protected from any potential isil threat. i'm with al jazeera in baghdad. eu is asking spain to find out how a nurse contracted ebola
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after treating patients and it's the first of the virus spreading one person to another outside of africa and we have this report. >> reporter: the nurse has been treating two ebola patients at this hospital in madrid. one of the sick men was spanish priest father manuel-garcia-viejo and he was the first to die from the out break and the second priest was to die days later. they had contracted the virus in west africa and been brought to spain for treatment. spanish authorities are now investigating how the nurse contracted the virus given the precautions taken at the hospital and the fact she had limited contact with the patients. >> translator: once detected as the ebola virus we immediately put into action a series of protocols coordinated by the ministry of health and we are
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working together to give the best care to the patient and provide security for our citizens. >> reporter: the nurse has reportedly been given the all clear and mixing with family and friends for two weeks, even taking in an overseas holiday before being diagnosed with the virus but back bacteria expert said it didn't spread because she was not displaying any symptoms. >> we know about ebola you are only infected when you are actually ill and particularly when you get in the remember the hemorragic phase and not when it's quiet and not producing symptoms so if you have contact with somebody and are incubating you catching it is extremely low and probably zero. >> reporter: this is in the center of monrovia is operating
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at full capacity since it opened in late september. survival rate sets it around 50% but as quickly as staff discharge patients they say more keep arriving. the virus has killed almost 3 1/2 thousand people in west africa and infected more than 7,000. sobering statistics for a virus that currently has no known cure. i'm with al jazeera. the president of sierra leone is urging more help from the international community to combat ebola and presented 46 ebola survivors with certificates of health to prove they are disease free. >> translator: we should be mindful ebola is still around and need 1,000 treatment centers in the whole country. what we are doing is our responsibility and as a government and sierra leone people it's our responsibility to do this but we need partners who want to help us, to come as soon as possible.
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we needed them yesterday. they should not wait another day. they should get here tomorrow. >> reporter: a lot more still to come on the news hour and we take a close look at the symbols of protest used in hong kong and what happens to the makeshift set up by the demonstrators plus. i'm exploring the impacts that russia sanction troubles are having on the smallest central asian natives. >> reporter: track officials in japan say about a crash that left an f 1 driver fighting for his life. ♪ north and south korean naval patrol boats exchanged fire during the maritime border, on saturday a north korean delegation went to the south of hopes in improvement in relations. myanmar will release 3,000
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prisoners, information ministry confirmed release and said the president have pardoned them for the sake of peace and stability and large numbers of prisoners in myanmar have been released. students protesting for ten days agreed to hold formal talks with the government. and no date has been set but the students insist the meeting will be called off if attempts will remove barricades from the streets and we report from hong kong. >> reporter: eventually this colorful support for the so called umbrella movement will be removed but it has not stopped people adding messages calling for change. the sticky notes began appearing on the walls of the main government offices after the protests began ten days ago and more keep being added and some now hope the world becomes a permanent feature. >> we can get this. i hope the next generation can
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know it. we have the hong kong history. >> these are the voices from hong kong people. >> you would like the wall to stay? >> yes. it's part of us. >> reporter: and this is part of it as well. umbrella man, the movement's new mascot. the students are both united divided hong kong and those divisions are mostly generational. >> i'm so sad. they do these things with all their hearts but they have all been brain washed. >> reporter: albert is a retired civil servant and has a message do you know what democracy is he scrols? >> she feels the same and left 30 years ago and doesn't like what she sees here. >> translator: this is my second home and i love hong kong. i don't want my home turning into such a mess. this is not the way to fight for democracy.
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>> reporter: after ten days of protest the priority for some is rest. numbers of the main protest sites continue to dwindle but a condition of the talks between student leaders and government officials is that the barricades and protesters remain. the leaders of this campaign have also demonstrated something else and now have the ability to mobilize thousands of supports, i'm adrian brown, al jazeera hong kong. kenya going to the criminal court at the hague and charged with crimes against hugh panty -- humanity and the court will decide if it will go ahead and accused of mass killings seven years ago and malcom web reports. >> reporter: he sits before the international criminal court. >> i'm here to address you as representatives of the people.
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>> reporter: kenya's president arrived at parliament to tell politicians whether he would attend his next court appearance in the hague. nearly seven years early a disputed election was followed by ethnic violence and a thousand were killed and prosecutors at icc take politicians behind it and charge him and others with instigating crimes against humanity and said he shouldn't stand trial as head of state but he would still comply with the court. >> i will shortly issue the legal notice necessary to appoint honorable william ruto the deputy president as acting president while i attend the status conference at the hague in the netherlands. kenyetta will be watched by these people and he says he will never forget the day his two wives and nine children were burned alive in the town. he escaped and buried them here in western kenya and also
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attacked at the same time. his scars are another painful reminder. >> translator: i'm waiting for the truth so everyone can know why his family died. even if i die tommy family and my clan will still want to know. >> reporter: the icc chief prosecutor visited two years ago. she explained kenyetta and the government refusing to cooperate and the victim's lawyer also agrees. >> it is significant that we have not seen a great deal of willingness from the president to allow the truth to emerge at a domestic level or before the icc. >> reporter: at parliament ten yet said he is refusing going to the hague he may risk arrest however at the previous hearing icc prosecutor has already said she currently doesn't have enough evidence to make a conviction because many key witnesses have withdrawn their statements. activists say that is because of systematic bribery and
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intimidation of witnesses. kenyetta lawyers deny it but either way without evidence there is a possibility the case will have to be terminated. so bernard and thousands others lives destroyed wonder if they will ever see justice, nairobi kenya. >> reporter: international commission of juryists and is live from nairobi and george kenyetta has a dubious to be the first head of state appearing before icc and how significant is this trial for kenya and for kenyetta himself? >> it is an extremely significant moment for kenya because this is the first time there has been a systematic attempt in this country to bring accountability for political violence. 2007 is not the first time we had political violence in the
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country and elections from 2002, 1992, 1997 were all accompanied by violence but there was no accompanying attempt until this time around to bring accountability for political violence. so whatever happened in this case, whichever way this represents bringing accountability for political violence. >> you have to acknowledge though there are problems with this process of accountability because there were strong allegations the kenya government has failed to deliver key evidence in this trial and also there are also allegations that a number of witnesses have been intimated and have withdrawn from the case. do you think there is a real danger the case could collapse? >> yeah. there is a real danger and that is why i said whichever way the case goes there is already a victory for accountability in kenya but having said that they
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face danger of collapse. prosecutors say she cannot look at sufficient evidence and cannot proceed. but the questions that must be asked are what has led to why the prosecutor is unable to find evidence that she needs for the conviction. one of the problems in kenya is that there is possible fear talking about this case and the political establishment as slowly but methodically squeezed opinion about supporting the trials before the icc out of play in the current context so there has to be a composition in kenya as to what has gone wrong and what has led to the possible premature and offer the case before the icc. >> this palpable sense of fear is an interesting point you make, george, because many victims of the violence and the families of those who died say they want get justice but if the government is hiding the truth, how widespread is this fear of a
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cover up? >> i think it is completely widespread. we feel that is accountability and media establishment is unsupported of a point of view other than the point of view that is held by president kenyetta and his deputy and the kenya establishment so there is no alternative or narrative about the country and the narrative is one in which they themselves have the position of victims and therefore edge of the real victims of the post election violence. without supportive media establishment and without opposition that is committed to also supporting the side for the sheer truth i'm afraid that the difficulties against achieving justice for the cases are monumentel and will amount to the cases not doing well in court. >> let me get a final thought
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from you, george, how do ordinary kenyans view the trial and do they see the icc as a court that picks on african leaders as many in africa seem to think? >> the icc hasn't joyed very strong support in the country contrary to what the political leadership has portrayed over time. we started in 2008 and it was up to 80% support for iccl and the country and the last opinion poll i'm aware of around public support for icc was done in november last year and showed 53% of the public supported accountability through the icc and that is 53% is still modern population and the country and there after there is no opinion polling because the establishment doesn't allow it and no opinion polling around whether there is support for the trials.
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but the point is the country is now divided in half & half support accountability and the other half not accountability but that goes to making the conclusion that there is still very significant support for accountability through the icc and the icc process has got some of the difficulties that we are aware of. >> george, thank you very much indeed for your time. now at the last day of the trial at the icc at the hague. the former leader is accused of orchestrating crimes in the 80s and denies all charges and accused prosecutors of lying about his role to makeup for lack of evidence. three researchers from university in japan and u.s. have jointly won the 2014 nobel prize for physics and invented a light source that is more energy efficient than existing light bulbs and we will check on the weather with everton now and looks like bad weather creeping
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across europe. >> change over the next couple of days and not bad news for everybody but some we see lively showers and it has been wet across the central part of the mediterranean of the last couple of weeks if the truth be known and rain here in a span of 24 hours and here at least things will cheer up and wet weather will ease east. we will slide across western parts of europe and nasty weather coming in here and showers and clouds working in the united kingdom and see showers coming through the next couple of days. pretty wet for many across the u.k. and low countries and low pressure pretty much in place swirling away across the north west of europe and in belgium there was 53 millimeters of rain in 24 hours and sets the scene for the next few days and lively showers effecting bath in england and very wet weather coming in place here and more of that to come over the next day
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or two. lovely umbrella weather coming through. really is turning this i'm afraid and gone from the driest september on record for the united kingdom to pretty wet weather to take us through the course of october. tuesday, wednesday and windy weather coming through, temperatures in london around 14 degrees. let's look at wednesday. not much better and more rain to come and not sure if i want to be back in the uk. for the next couple of days. >> talk very much. now farmers have been taking advantage of russia's strained relationship with the west and filling the gap in the market by western sanctions and sending more produce to moscow and we report. >> reporter: he has been growing grapes here for nearly 20 years. his produce is some of the best in the region. business has always been good but russia's embargo on fruits and vegetables from the european
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union means this season his earnings are even sweeter. >> translator: i already sent 20 tons of grapes to russia this season thanks be to god and next year i hope more clients will come to me and i can send more of my produce there. >> reporter: from this small farm here straight to one of the regions biggest marks there may be better times ahead for many people who live off the land here but not all projects are benefitting from russia's growing trade challenges with the west. and this trouble is very personal for this woman and her husband works as a labor on a construction site in russia. up until two months ago he sent $150 every month. >> translator: the only money i have is the money my husband sends me, now i have to choose between paying my bills and buying food for my family. >> reporter: despite the slow down in russia this man is a
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adament about going back but he has to check to see if he is cleared to travel by the russian authorities. >> translator: i'm used to how things work in russia. i can also have money there then at home. there is still work available. >> reporter: approximately one million people work in russia and the money they send back is a lifeline for the small immo r immoverished to the nation and want to speed up this process. >> translator: over the past two years the russian government has put in place new migration regulations to limit the amount of workers allowed to go there so we are working always to provide more work for our people at home. >> reporter: this means that farmers like he could soon be the most valuable new employers and as russia looks for new places to buy fruits and
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vegetables his vineyard may keep the economy on track. i'm with al jazeera. >> reporter: time for a short break on al jazeera and when we come back. >> with this ring i thee wed. >> reporter: victory for gay in the u.s. and it's legal in almost half of the 50 states. and next he promises to hunt those down of disappearance of 43 students and in sport could the washington nationals do enough to stay alive in the series and we have more in sport. stay with us. puz
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♪ welcome back, the top stories here on al jazeera, the battle for the syrian town of kobane intensified and fighters from islamic state of iraq are shelling and in the last few hours u.s.-led air strikes hitting isil positions in the town. kenya president on his way to the international criminal court where he is charged with crimes against humanity and kenyetta is facing trial for instigating mass killings despite the elections seven years ago and four more hospitalized in madrid with suspected ebola virus and a spanish nurse who treated two victims in madrid tested positive for the disease and the first time ebola spread from person to person outside of west africa. and this is the top story the battle against isil, it has been more that than two months before u.s. targeted them in iraq and
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some tactical successes but not defeated and it won't be an easy fight and we report from erbil they will talk about factions and tribes to fight against isil. >> reporter: muslims have been demanding greater rights in iraq for a long time and angry at the government and its armed forces. months before islamic state of iraq and lavont took control of sunni heart land people were already fighting back against the states. and he was one of the protest leaders in mosul, a vocal opponent of what protesters called iraq sectarian army and forced to leave the city to avoid arrest and now lives in erbil in northern iraq and says the iraqi government are malitia and u.s.-led coalition won't be about to win the fight against isil unless they have the support of sunnis like him. >> translator: the people of
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mosul prefer isil over sheer malitias linked to iran and people are afraid if they enter the city they will carry out massacres so they won't fight isil because that means giving mosul to those malitias and to the u.s. >> reporter: like him many of the sunni opposition say the security forces are dominated by sier sierra -- shi and they are leading the battle against isil are believes to be supported by iran. sunni opposition leaders say they won't take up arms against isil until demands are met and want a new army that is loyal to the nation and not to a certain sex or individual but that will require time and so in the interim they want the government to approve a plan to create the national guard. the idea is for a national guard to take the iraqi army off the streets. each province would have its own force and sunni areas it would
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incorporate members of armed groups and shi areas they would absorb the areas and he believes the only way to convince sunnis to fight isil, he is a member of iraq salvation front, one of many groups that have taken up arms against the government. >> translator: the u.s. doesn't understand. shi malitia kill people and loot homes and sunni and the malitia are just like isil and they won't fight isil unless they fear they can protect themselves against the malitias. >> reporter: many in the opposition say isil is their enemy but will not fight the radical group only to replace it with a shia force they fear even more, erbil. >> reporter: we will talk to a research fellow at the middle east at the university of singapore and is live from london. how much does the iraqi
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government and the united states need to convince sunni armed groups and sunni tribes to fight isil, how difficult is that persuasion going to be? >> it certainly won't be easy. there is a risk that is perhaps rooted in 2003 iraqi history that formed in 2003 and it's a risk that is deepening ever since. there is a fundamental absence of trust in iraq forces and as your report mentioned given the iraqi forces are aided by shia malitias and they have a right to fear them but if we are talking about armed groups it does need to be pointed out no matter how legitimate the sunni grievances are at the street level or suffering that communities have gone through over the last ten years a lot of the armed groups are not interested particularly in reform and the objective is the over throw of the post 2003
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order. of course this makes it very difficult for iraqi governments to reach out to them or to negotiate with them but nevertheless there is something to, that iraqi governments and the united states and others, there is something there for them to work with as is evidenced by several sunni towns that are fighting fierce battles and resisting the islamic state in heat or elsewhere. >> one important things that came out of the report we just saw is that sunni groups say they won't fight a war that would been fit -- benefit shia and how much is this slowing down the fight against isil? >> well, i think the sunni divide is one of several factors that nourishes the islamic state and that or isis rather and isis can feeds off and that has helped its growth because the sunni/shia divide and i
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mentioned the rift between the communities and the central government of baghdad and not just the government but the post 2003 order. so that does actually hinder efforts to combat this phenomenon. it doesn't help, of course, although i can't see given the events in the summer what happened was the shia military were ever more institutionalized player in the iraqi security forces. this is very difficult to reverse particularly given that the very survival of the iraqi state depended on these malitias. >> let me get a final thought from you, as you seem to be saying anger to the shia led good evening is not new and is the government going to address the concerns of sunnis and be more inclusive politically do you think? >> the prime minister has been right so far and we have to wait to see if this is implemented and have to keep in mind there are limits to what any prime
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minister can do given sovereignty both internal and external and i think there is a need for some structural change for champ in this idea of the national guard which decentralized the security sector. there probably will have to be radical desensitization administered as well and whether this comes to pass depends on many factors and most immediately let's see what happens with the defense and interior portfolios. >> thank you. al jazeera continues to demand the release of three journalist in prison in egypt and they have been detained for 283 days. they are false i accused of aiding the out lawed muslim brotherhood and appealing their convictions. the u.s. supreme court rejected appeal from five states which wanted to ban same sex marriage and we report from washington the ruling clears the way for gay couples to marry in 30 u.s.
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states. >> with this ring i thee wed. >> reporter: minutes after the court announcement erica turner and jennifer became the first same sex couple to be married in virginia, the decision by the supreme court not to consider lower court rulings against state bans on gay unions clears the way for legalization in more states. >> this is a great day, not just for the people standing behind me and all persons who want to have a same sex marriage or have their marriage recognized, it's a great day for their children. >> reporter: 30 of the 50 states and district of columbia recognize same sex marriage and they were disappointed the high court chose not to take up cases that would make gender blind marriage in the other states but they were happy with the justices decision. >> we are encouraging courts all over the country to decide the cases that are before them as
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quickly as possible because we want as many americans to have access to marriage equality as quickly as they can. >> reporter: the supreme court doesn't always follow public opinion of course but that seems to be the case with same sex marriage. a resent gal envelope poll found 55% approve of it and 15% increase in just the past five years, tom ackerman at the u.s. supreme court in washington. mexico will hunt down those responsible for disappearance of 43 students missing more than a week and it's unclear if they are linkings to the discovery of the mass grave in the same area and we report from the state. >> reporter: some of the parents of the missing 43 students say their prayers at the school where the young people studied. they want one thing. their children back alive. despite that being increasingly unlikely. while parents prayed, the
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president tried to show he is in control of a situation largely ignored for several days. >> translator: i've instructed members of the cabinet so we take action to clear up the events that took place and lead us to those responsible and apply the rule of law in relation to those events. we must find the truth and show that law apply to all those responsible. >> reporter: the parents want results more than promises. >> translator: it's his duty as this country's president to get our children back to us alive as soon as possible and we are desperate. >> reporter: this is the teacher's college where the 43 students mainly children of poor, rural farmers were studying. they follow a tradition with acvision and honoring revolution. the night they disappeared had taken over buses and asking donations to travel to mexico city to a march honoring mexico worst massacre and that of hundreds of students.
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it was typical push for them and aggressive but not violent. it's not clear why they were attacked by police and cartel gunmen on september 26, the night they were last seen. were they in the wrong place at the wrong time, did the political activities upset someone? these are unanswerable questions and may never be known and parents say the children are being demonized. >> translator: the real criminals are free and in the government. >> reporter: we know 28 bodies have been unearthed from mass braves discovered in a town where the students were last seen and federal experts are analyzing the remains. but the parents don't trust the government to tell them the truth and putting their faith in expert who are here to conduct independent tests. as they wait days, perhaps weeks for those results, they will keep praying for that one thing,
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adam with al jazeera in mexico. the death of haiti's former leader has left victims feeling cheated and hoped for justice as baby doc returned from exile and many are wondering if they will ever be able to put the past behind them. >> reporter: and a visit to porta prince jail is a deeply emotional journey and he was locked up for months here, a prisoner of the regime and the crime to stand in opposition of a man who the world knows as baby doc and says his scars are from severe beatings he received at the feared malitia and in all he was arrested 17 times but tells us he feels lucky he was not executed like thousands of others and during his 15-year rule human rights groups say tens of thousands of people were tortured and killed and to him it's too much to be back here
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for the first time in 30 years. >> translator: as i'm talking to you it's like i'm reliving my whole story and that is when i get emotional. all my life i have been afraid of this area because it makes me remember the pain of when i was in jail. >> reporter: the statute symbolizes haiti's hopes for lasting peace and despite what raymond has been through he is optimistic those will be brought to justice but the legal system here moves incredibly slowly and highly split sized and human rights groups say they will continue the fight no matter how long it takes. the death has left victims feeling cheated. he died in porto prince a free man and the case against him and the government may still go on. >> it was not like that because there were so many people
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involved and they will continue to prosecute those people. >> reporter: the victims of his regime, these are trying times and haiti has plenty of supporters and those who suffered may be a long way off, andy in porto prince haiti. time for a short break and when we come back we will meet the cricket legend going to take the game to a new audience and more on that, stay with us. ♪
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commemorate the festival of eve taken seriously in west africa and selfies taken on smartphones are slowly taking over and portrait photography is disappearing and we report from the capitol dekko. >> reporter: owning a sheep is a matter of pride and prestige. and it cost me a small fortion but i will be able to feed the poor and people around me because of the animal. >> reporter: he takes a picture every year to mark the occasion. >> translator: i take one or two portraits a year and not more. >> reporter: eat calls for a brand-new outfit and tailors are working around the clock to meet people's orders. >> translator: this is the busiest time of the year.
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everyone wants to look their best for this occasion. >> reporter: the clothing of choice carries extra importance and it's the picture more than the celebration that gets him to dress up. access costs just a few dollars, getting the right chart takes time and effort. >> translator: it's not just about capturing the moment, the portrait talks about the individual as well as the animal and it's about marking a period of your life. >> reporter: this is one of the last remaining photos in the capitol and the tradition is actually disappearing and photographer and studio owners and the small industry it supports is in decline and up against a new phenomenon too difficult to compete with. the selfie. smartphones are making their way into everyday life. gone is the special attire and time spent in the studio.
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>> translator: i'm glad i captured this moment with my sheep, i can share it with my >> reporter: he doesn't have friends online and little access to the internet. he is doing this for himself, keeping a slowly dying tradition alive. nicholas hawk, al jazeera. >> reporter: time for sport and andy is here. >> thank you so much, officials at japan grand prix circuit says bad luck rather than poor safety procedures for the crash involving the f 1 driver yankee and he is stable after the incident on sunday and did all they could to protect drivers and the frenchman collided with a recovery vehicle removing a crash by another driver. >> reporter: officials raised double yellow flags and drivers have to slow down or stop and
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his car ran into the accident site which was bad luck. and rain was coming and the road was wet but not heavy to halt the race and i believe race officials made the same judgment. >> reporter: a leading official in european football said the top leagues may struggle to deal with a date change for the 2022 world cup and director has even suggested that the winter olympics may have to be rescheduled to avoid a class and katar organizers say they will have it in place to host the tournament in june and july they are yet to finalize exactly when the tournament will take place. >> i think the position fifa has is they would move it if they could and their idea is november, december, 2022 and there is a european position
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which says if and when has to be taken into consideration then for the european game it's probably better january, february because we have i think about 60, 65% of the leagues which really are facing winter break. so the impact on the european game will be minimal. >> reporter: and he will make a return to football management with the german club, the italian will replace following the poor start to the season and he of course fired by chelsea in 2012 after weeks of guiding them to victory in the european champion league and has a point of chelsea in november. and next year we will see palestine in the asian cup and the top tournament for the countries in the continent and they have been continuing preparations for the event held in australia for the game against india and they are enjoying their best every year as they beat india, 3-2.
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baseball the washington nationals avoided elimination from the series with a win over san francisco giants and he pitched seven shut out innings and here is a rare throwing error and getting two runners home there. >> he will score anyway, 2-0. >> reporter: he went on to hit an solo home run and game for the series coming later on this tuesday. and the cardinals have taken 2-1 lead over the l.a. dodgers and home runs from carpenter and rookie won taking them to 3-1 win this front of their home crowd. on monday the cardinals need just one more victory over the dodgers to claim that series. now pakistan could soon be playing international cricket matches in katar and in talks to host pakistan as early as next
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year and pakistan has been unable to play matches at home since 2009 due to security issues and great players at the path though have already made it to katar and we have that report. >> reporter: this has star power here and certainly has not dimmed with age. the pair along with a host of former and current international cricketers were in doha with the world team taking on asian 11 taken on by the world cup winner. >> this is another place to play cricket with india and shrelanka and others and if you start playing here lots of people love it. >> that is a thing when you play cricket and realize the common countries play the game and you want to see it grow in as much
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places as possible and in charge in the early 90s in d dubi and now katar and i think it's wonderful. >> reporter: he may be 45 years old but brian lost none of his touch after winning and batting first the rest of the world site has 161-6. the match enjoyed by a capacity crowd at doha west end stadium and it won't be the last time international cricket comes to katar. >> we had a good meeting with pakistan border for next year and a couple tournaments we will work with them to have here like super leaguer in pakistan and also have a second home for next
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year. >> reporter: 162 to win the asian 11 got off to a good start. dismissal of capitol swung the match in their favor and at the end got asian 11 close but the rest of the world team held on for victory. the team win this match by five and the game played in front of vocal and almost capacity crowd in doha and this is the growth of cricket in this part of the world, i'm with al jazeera, doha. >> more sport from me later on but that is it. >> andy we will see you then, one of the world's most recognizable tower, the eiffel tower and it started in 1887 and the latest is having an unseen view of the french capitol and as we report you will see the heights.
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>> reporter: back in 1889, the eiffel tower was cite criticized for design and said it ruined the skyline of paris but over the years the old lady as the french call it has become the most visited, pain monument in the world and none experienced it like this. [laughter] it's the latest edition to the tower. this is on the first level. so here i am 57 meters above ground people look absolutely tiny. i can barely look down there. all i can think of is how strong is this glass and actually i just want to get off. i was not the only one feeling that way. >> okay, how does it feel to be standing on that? >> very crazy. okay and my body says oh, no, don't do this, no.
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okay. it's not natural to stand here. [laughter] . >> reporter: the first level is the largest floor of the eiffel tower but it was also the least visited one. the flooring is made of solid glass and the safety barriers are inclined outwards to add to the busyness or rush depending on who you are of walking on air and the dilemma cannot contain. >> it's like i'm flying like a little bird. >> us grown ups are scared. >> i'm not scared. i think it's fun. >> reporter: that is just what the architects were hoping everyone will see, al jazeera, paris. >> reporter: back here on earth stay with us here on al jazeera, and at the top of the hour we have another full bulletin of news and thanks for watching and
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good-bye for now. ♪ >> kentucky, a state that's hurting economically. >> when the mines shut down it affects other businesses too you know, it hurts everything. >> some say it's time for a change. >> mitch has been in there so long. >> while others want to stay the course. >> all the way mitch! you know exactly what these people needs in kentucky. >> communities trying to cope. what does the future hold? >> the economy, the struggling coal industry and healthcare are all impacting their vote. >> "america votes 2014 / fed up in kentucky". all this week. only on al jazeera america.
7:00 am
>> i consider this a top national security priority. >> tackling bowl he la, president obama takes action after meeting with his national security team as europe handles its first confirmed case of the virus. >> accused of being an enemy of the state, an american team suspected of trying to join ice as i will with that where he was when police arrested him. >> the hazing scandal that force add new jersey
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