tv News Al Jazeera October 9, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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>> for more "faultlines" check out on demand or visit trying to contain ebola at home and abroad. >> the only thing like this has been aids. and we have to work now so that this is not the world's next aids. >> the u.s. military has arrived in west africa. kurdish fighters claim progress in their struggle to keep a key city on the turkey syria border out of isil's hands. as reports emerge that president obama has met with families of
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hostages held by the group. and experts are waiting to see if north korea's missing leader will join the next party. hello, everybody, this is al jazeera america. i'm david shuster. we begin tonight with the latest on the ebola outbreak. six u.s. military planes have arrived in liberia. there are more than 300 total troops in liberia. about 500 soldiers were trained today at forthood, texas. officials in dallas confirm that the remains of thomas duncan has been cremated.
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duncan is just one of at least 7500 confirmed ebola cases worldwide according to updated numbers from the world health organization. heidi zhou castro joins us from dallas. and we have got the results of the testing on the sheriff's the deputy who was also hospitalized. what are the results. >> reporte the negative test results came in just moments ago, and we are very happy to report that he does not have ebola. he served the quarantine order to the apartment where duncan stayed. and about a week later began feeling nauseous and fatigued. health officials have warned that this man was at a very minimal risk of exposure. >> we need to all stay calm and
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carry on with our -- with our daily lives. there is zero percent chance of me or the deputy having come in contact with the bodily fluids of mr. duncan, therefore there's zero percent chance that either of us will develop ebola from those interactions. >> reporter: jenkins had also been in the apartment where duncan's quarantined family remains. this virus issing only transmitted through direct contact with an infected person's bodily fluids. and that's why health officials are saying they have always had a tight damper on this infection and they are very certain it has not spread to anyone else. >> is there any new information about how the hospital handled
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duncan's treatment while he was there. >> reporter: the hospital released a statement that duncan said he did not want to be resuscitated. so when his heart gave out that was the patient passed. there was an experimental drug given to duncan six days into his hospitalization. that was given as soon as the hospital was able to obtain it. zmapp the other treatment that has proven effective previously, that was not available. and blood type of duncan did not match that of donors and that's why he was not given a blood fusion. >> heidi thing you.
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the ebola case in texas has brought home the need for hospitals around the country to be prepared for the virus. >> reporter: the passing of the first ebola patient diagnosed in america is a wake-up call for hospitals and state health care systems across the country. >> we're hearing from different clinical groups this week, that they don't really feel prepared. they have more questions and concerns. >> reporter: for months the cdc has been sending flowcharts outlining ebola symptoms to 5,000 hospitals nationwide. are you prepared for an ebola patient here in your hospital? >> yes, absolutely. >> reporter: atlanta's hospital is just a few miles from the busiest airport in the world. this doctor says the hospital has been prepping for an ebola-infected patient since early august, updating their electronic medical records
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system, so communication between staff is spot on. they fully expect someone with ebola symptoms to walk through the doors at any moment. >> we ask them if they have symptoms that are concerning for ebola. regardless if they have those sympt symptoms, we'll put a mask on them and move them to an isolated room. >> reporter: thomas duncan was sent home with just antibiotics, explosioning gaps in the communication process. >> we just don't know how best any infection can be supported. so i don't think there's anything that could be said about an early intervention that could have made a difference. >> reporter: when they knew he was from liberia and they sent
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him home with antibiotics, it's hard not to panic. >> it's true. and that's why it is important to have things ready. >> reporter: first responders in the field are a key component in communications. >> the triage operators are also trained in the right questions to ask so they can alert the crews, the paramedics, and ems crews that arrive. >> reporter: this week the cdc conducted specialized training for health-care workers. but this training may be expanded for domestic doctors and nurses in smaller healthcare systems with less coordination in the coming months. robert ray, al jazeera, atlanta. >> here is what you need to know about the ebola outbreak and how the epidemic is connected globally. hospitals in texas, georgia, and
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nebraska have treated patients. more than 8,000 people have been infected in guinea, liberia, and sierra leone, more than 3800 have died. over the past 21 days ebola cases in guinea have increased by 26%, and a 40% increase in sierra leone. nigeria has contained ebola to just 20 cases. an unrelated ebola outbreak in the democratic republic of congo has lead to 41 deaths. and health officials in australia are now keeping an eye on a nurse that got sick in sierra leone. federal officials say that they will be taking people's temperature. it's the first sign of infection. the international airports in chicago, new jersey, d.c., and
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atlanta will start next week. but it is all starting at jfk. john why are screenings starting at jfk. >> reporter: well, good evening, david. the reason, the atlanta airport is the busiest, but according to the cdc more people from the three infected west african nations come through jfk more than any other. so the rollout starts here. there are no signs out saying ebola testing is eminent. earlier we went out into terminal 4 to see what some of the passengers think. ebola testing doesn't even begin here at jfk until saturday. but passengers seem to think it's a good idea. >> it's a good idea. it's great, and it will ease our
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fears, so that's a good thing. >> it is hard always those kind of disease is very dangerous. but i believe the government will save the people. >> it's important to screen people coming from these countries that are infected. >> i sometimes think good things come out of bad things, but if they have to test people to keep others safe, i believe it's a good thing. >> reporter: chicago o'hara, newark, new jersey, dallas, and harts field in atlanta, all picked because about 95% of west african traffic comes through their gates. at law guardia, 200 people walked off of the job because they want more protective equipment. >> they have been exposed to blood, and with so many
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infectious diseases coming through the airport you would think a contractor would do more. >> it's like we can get the sickness very easily. >> reporter: supporters says it notes the concerns of the strikers, and looks forward to welcoming them back to work. the strikes occurred on the same i day that the cdc issued guidelines for cleaners to better deal with the outbreak. so they will take the temperatures of passengers coming in from west africa with a ray gun, and they will be given a very detailed form to fill in, and should they get sick during their time in the united states, there will be follow up among medical professions. david? >> john, thank you. earlier we spoke to the deputy commissioner for disease control, and he described how new york city is preparing to face potential ebola outbreak.
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>> new york city is always prepared for the introduction of an infectious disease, we're a global city. and so we know every day, whether it's ebola or some other disease, that we need to have disease detectives on hand to make sure to stop diseases as soon as they were introduced. >> are they working with the airpor airports? >> for months we have been working and preparing for ebola, but even before that period, we have had a very close relationship with different agencies, particularly at the airport, because just like we know that ebola can get brought into new york, so too can diseases like tu -- tuberculosis or measles. >> if somebody says yes, i'm starting to not feel so well. >> if they are in a hospital
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setting, we want them to move into a private room with a private bathroom, and those doctors need to call us. if the patient is at home and talking with their family members. they should call the ambulance, tell the 911 services that they have a fever and they have traveled to the infected areas, so the workers can wear the proper equipment. >> is it your expectation that if there is anyplace in the united states that might have another case, the odds are that it could be here in new york. >> absolutely. i think if somebody wanted to gamble on where the next place would be, it probably wouldn't have started in dallas. it would have started in new york. and that's why we are so well prepared. we're lucky to have a government that invests in us having this trained army of disease detectives to be able to stamp
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out infectious diseases. >> tell us what the communications are like, what happens once your agency is notified that they have somebody with ebola. >> they call us, and we make sure they've collected the right medical information, you know, checked their temperature and other basic studies and then ask those simple questions, where have they been and who have they been with, so we can evaluate the risk. officials in spain say the condition of a nursing assist important who contracted ebola on the job has deteriorated. she is the first person known to have caught ebola outside of the outbreak zone. her coworkers complain that the hospital is blaming the infection on romero instead of reviewing protocols to people workers safe.
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islamic state of iraq and the levant or isil controls about a third of kobani right now, but kurdish fighters say they have recaptured some areas. the united states and its allies launched more air strikes today. turkey is being urged to do more to help kurdish fighters. stephanie decker has more. >> reporter: the future of kobani remains uncertain. it has been another day of coalition air strikes, less so than we have seen over the last few days. we have just heard another boom in the background. we were a little closer to the town earlier on, and we heard intensive street battles. we're told from kurdish fighters inside the town isil has made some advances in the town. and we're talking about just street by street, because this is now being fought, really inside the city. of course the kurdish fighters
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have a small advantage in the sense that they know this town well, but they are being faced be incredibly heavy weaponry. we have the u.s. putting pressure on turkey, in the form of general allen against isil. he wants more from turkey. and we have the nato secretary general here, so a clear message that they want turkey to do more. the white house is keeping a close eye on the deteriorating situation in kobani, but outside of ordering more air strikes, the administration is largely in monitoring mode. is the administration simply preparing the public for kobani's fall. >> there's certainly an element of that, david. and they don't make any pretense that they is not what they are trying to do. devently according to central
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command there are more isil forces moving up from the south intensifying that fight from the town. there were eight air strikes on wednesday, 13 coalition air strikes. the administration is preparing the public for the eventuality that kobani and other towns like it are going to be lost. the cameras are trained on the battle and see the explosions and hear the fighting as stephanie decker just did from across the border inside turkey. john kerry struck a theme that we have heard time and time again, this is not about kobani. it may well be lost. >> kobani is a tragedy, because it represents the evil of isil. but it is not the definition either of the strategy or of the full measure of what is happening with respect to isil.
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it is one town, and there will be others where there will be conflicts with isil over the course of these next few months. >> and the administration making no bones about the fact that as the high del giggs visits they want to see more participation from the turks to bring this fight to isil inside of syria and iraq. david. >> mike, the president's handling of the hostages, the families have been criticizing the administration, how have they responded? >> reporter: in particular with the family of peter casig, we was an army ranger, left the army, started an aid organization, going in and out of syria, bringing aid to the many people who have had their lives upturned. he was featured in yet another
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murderous and gruesome video of his killing. his mother has been very active on twitter. she now says we are on our own. the administration is not helping us at all. this comes after an article that says that the administration is at odds with itself other hostage policy. today the state department defended that article -- defended themgss and the article they characterized as misinformation, david. >> mike, thank you. a police officer has killed a black teenager in missouri and stirred up more anger in the community. coming up, reaction after a night of protests. also this was a rough day for your 401k, the "real money" team is in next to explain the big drop today on wall street.
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leave following an investigation into the incident. police say meyers fired three shots at the officer first during a foot chase. "faultlines" correspondent joins us from st. louis with more. and how are the residents of st. louis reacting to this? >> reporter: well, david, we got to the scene very soon after the shooting had taken place. the body had just been taken away. but there was already a crowd that had gathered. there were dozens of people on the street and extremely angry about what had taken place. the details are still emerging, but we do know an 18-year-old black male was shot dead by a white police officer. the officer as you say has been placed on leave, but just the circumstances of -- of that alone, have made people shocked and surprised and they've gone out on the streets yet again. there was a protest last night
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that we were following all the way up until about 2:00 in the morning. hundreds of people marching, carrying signs, extremely furious about what had taken place. because this ads fuel to the fire in a community that is already incensed about the shotting of michael brown. >> was there more clarity about what caused the police to chase mr. meyers to begin with? >> reporter: there have been statements from the police. some of those have actually conflicted with earlier statements that they put out. initially we were told there was a pedestrian check that the officer was performing. this was actually an off-duty police officer, who was working secondary for a security company, but still wearing his uniform. so these details are emerging, you know, bit by bit, we know the officer fired 17 rounds. we're told that the victim also
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fired 3 rounds at the officer. the police say a gun was recovered from the scene. but witnesses we spoke to say the man was not holding a gun. his mother said he was not holding a gun, that he was carrying a sandwich that he bought from a nearby grocery store. so there are two narratives. the police story being completely different to what people at the scene are saying, and it is happening again and again in this community, and it's contributing to an extremely tense situation on the streets. >> you mentioned the protests. tell us more about them, and how michael brown's death is going to be remembered. >> well, that's right, there are demonstrations scheduled across the weekend. there are protesters coming in from around the country in sol solidarity with the family of michael brown. they are stressing that this was
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going to be a peaceful weekend of demonstration, and they expected the police response to be similarly peaceful. but this incident last night has just changed the dynamic. we saw some of the organizers down at the scene of the shooting, they were furious. and it has made everyone very apprehensive about this weekend. >> sebastian walker, thanks for doing this. it appears that the hackers who targeted jpmorgan chase also targeted other financial institutions. the hackers hit 13 other companies, including citigroup, and the payroll firm adp. so far it does not appear any data was stolen. jpmorgan chase revealed that 83 million customers were effected by a breach this summer. ♪ on wall street yesterday was the best day of the year on the
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stock market. today was the worst. john rogers is in tonight for ali velshi. and we're told that energy stocks dragged the dow down. >> yeah, that was part of it. talk about whiplash. it has been a real stomach turning week for stocks. this was another down day that -- erased all of the gains that we saw yesterday. the dow which is home to many of those well-known blue chips we all know, that lost more than 300 points. goldman sachs, disney, all seeing losses. and the energy stocks got particularly hammered this session with many investors very concerned that those companies will be hit really hard if we continue to see fuel prices
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drop. >> but the american consumer might expect to see lower prices at the gas pump. >> that could be the silver lining, but it doesn't mean the company will be doing so well. and this comes on the heels of having a really long nice stretch. this week people are latching on to these stories of what is happening in europe and focus on germany, raising concerns for a recession there, and david this all comes with earnings coming down the pike. >> jen rogers on "real money." thank you. the team has had some great shows this week. "real money" coming up at 7:00 eastern time. suicide bombings in yemen. shia rebels are on a standoff with the government. and north korea's leader
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more than 67 people are dead after two suicide attacks in yemen. the first targeted at houthi rally in the capitol sana'a, the other occurred in a military base. it's some of the worst violence the country has seen in two years. a warning there are graphic images in this story. >> reporter: this is the attack caught on a cctv camera. protesters were on their way to join an anti government rally when the bomb exploded near a houthi security check point. it happened in the capitol
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sana'a at the square. dozens of people were killed and injured. they were gathering at a rally to protest against the appointment of a new prime minister. >> translator: we demonstrated for our demands, and we hold the government fully responsible for this bombing. >> reporter: this is the man at the center of the controversy. he was chosen by the president to form a new government of national unity. hours after the announcement was made, the houthi leader said the appointment was dictated by the u.s. >> translator: moments after the president met with the u.s. ambassador, he appointed mubarak. this is dangerous. who gave them the right to impose their will on us. >> reporter: the suicide bombing
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was followed by two more attacks in an eastern province. there has been no claim of responsibility, but this area has correctly become a al-qaeda strong hold. the political crisis raises fears of more chaos and instability. the houthi rebels who control the capitol insist they will only pull out when they have a government where they have equal say is formed. but the sunnis say the houthis want to overthrow the president and seize full power. the u.s. state department spokes woman says yemen must return to its peace and national partnership agreement. in a statement she adds: we all know that north korea
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is a mysterious country, but right now there is a deepening mystery surrounding the country's leader. he has not been seen in public for weeks, and there is a lot of speculation about his whereabouts. >> reporter: not seen in public for more than a month. he has not only skipped key event after key event, but surprisingly some of his top leaders showed up in south korea and discussed renewing talks. it all has the word abuzz. >> i think he is political healthy, physically may not be. >> reporter: north korea says the leader is still in charge, only saying he suffers from, quote, discomfort after last seen walking with a limp. >> the party decided i'm pretty sure to not show him in that physical condition. >> reporter: but others aren't
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so sure. the recent visit to the south by three north korean leaders were interesting. the appearance of one athlete caused the biggest stir. he is seen as the country's number 2 figure, and raised hopes that the north might be willing to talk with the south. >> translator: i hope north korea lives up to his will to improve relations. >> reporter: there are reports kim's younger sister may have taken over. and a flurry of headlines from north korea's willings to talk to the south, to a party admission that north korea does indeed have labor camps. john than betz, al jazeera, new york. >> let's take a deep dive on this issue, joying us is a former official to the u.s. state department who participated in the korean peace
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talks. what do you make of these surprise announcements over the last couple of weeks at a time when kim jung un is nowhere to be seen? >> well, i think we shouldn't read too much in his absence. i think this is precisely a way to show it is business as usual, kim jung un is in charge. and in his absence, whether he shows up tomorrow or not, is really an indication that he is suffering in some fashion or another. and i think you need to take in this case what the north korean's say at their word. >> what is the political structure like and what are the dynamics at play? >> well, compared to 20 or 30 years ago, we know a lot about north korea. we know about the negotiating behave. we knew a lot about the father,
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their weapons systems, and the economy. but when it comes down to the leadership structure, and who is in charge, and what is happening, it's really a black box. and people have to realize that. a lot of this is purely speculation. you can say there are certain differing views, but i wouldn't call them factions in any way. and part of the knowledge that we gained about north korea is because we actually had dialogue. i think it's telling to say that the only american that had met kim jong un up to this point has been dennis rodman. >> there is so much intrigue and speculation about north korea. what would happen if kim jong un was overthrown in a coup, what would that mean? >> well, i think it's hard to say -- i think that is really a lot of speculation. a lot of people are not sure who
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those factions are. we're not really sure. so i think a lot of it would be a lot of surprise. and the main concern is what north korea is doing with those nuclear weapons, how stable it is. the material, i think that is the first thing that folks would be worried about, i know there are contingency talks being had about that. but that's not something that i think is a high probability. >> indeed. and again, i suppose the nuclear material are why people are paying so much attention to north korea. thanks so much for coming on >> thank you. hong kong's government has canceled talks with protesters. the chief secretary says it would be impossible to create constructive dialogue after protesters called for a resurgence of efforts tomorrow.
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the protesters are also fuelled by the fight to close the city's widening wealth gap. >> reporter: hong kong is one of the world's richest cities, but it doesn't seem that way in the working class district. this man is 82 and spends each day collecting card board to recycle. his young daughter is the main breadwinner, making around $1,300 a month. that disqualifies him from welfare, so every cent now counts. >> translator: life is miserable. no one feels pity for us. we're on our own, and we have to live a more frugal life. >> reporter: nearby two children are returning home after skill. an 11 year old, and an the boy almost 7. this is where they have lived for the past three years, a room
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measuring less than 8 square meters. it's a subdivided apartment, with no privacy. >> translator: we do not have enough money to live on. half of what we receive goes on rent. on top of that we have to pay utilities. it's a real struggle. >> reporter: she is from china, but can't work here. that's because show she is now separated from her hong kong partner, which means she can't apply for citizenship. she can remain here because her children were born here, but they can't apply for public housing. >> translator: i feel helpless, before i came to hong kong i did not understand things like hell on earth or life is no longer worth living. now i know what those feelings mean. >> reporter: the government admits more than 70,000 people live this way. this city's wealth gap is one of the biggest in the world, and
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the lack of affordable housing is another reason for the discontent. people also complain that public utilities, transport systems, and even supermarkets are all in the hands of the wealthy elite who also dominate the property sector. >> young people are saying they can't buy a house or even rent a house, because rent is totally unaffordable. and therefore, they have a hard time getting married and even after getting married cannot have children because there's no room for them. >> reporter: hong kong boasts one of the freest economies. this week it said its foreign currency reserves stood at more than $325 billion. but that's unlikely to make much difference to the life of this man and so many others like him. the new palestinian unity go held its first cabinet meeting
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today in the gaza strip. meeting is the first of its kind since the 2007 civil war between hamas and fattah. >> reporter: every morning, this man walks from his small rented apartment in the center of gaza city to what was once his home. all that is left of the spacious three-story town house is this pile of broken concrete and twisted metal. the neighborhood where he has lived most of his life was one of the worst hit. the palestinian prime minister visited the area before convening his first cabinet meeting here. >> translator: we trust in god, not the state, but i pray these leaders will not fail us like the previous ones have. look at our condition. our communities are destroyed. the leaders need to know we're
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struggling. >> reporter: the visit marks the first time a sitting palestinian prime minister has come to the gaza strip since hamas took over in 2007. while both sides have agreed to work together to help rebuild neighborhoods like this one, given their complicated past, not everyone is convinced they can put aside their differences. few have forgotten the violence that saw the end of fattah's rule in the gaza strip. hamas sees itself as the lawful venntive of the palestinian people after winning parliament polls the year before its fighters grabbed control of the enclave. the formation of a unity government in june that's made up of professionals has raised hopes. so too has last month's agreement that the independent lawmakers would assume immediate authority over gaza after the war are israel.
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but abdullah admits moving forward won't be easy. >> translator: we have huge challenges lying ahead, i mean domestic challenges. all of the palestinian factions should live up to the possibility and transsend differences, given priority to the national interest. this is a government of all of palesti palestine. >> reporter: which is what people say they want, some sort of normalcy. but depending on how much is raised at the donor's conference on sunday will tell how long. mexican officials say they have arrested fuentes, the alleged a leader of a cartel. he is also wanted in the united states on a slew of charges. new details in the case of
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the 43 missing students, they have identified four more mass graves that may contain the student's bodies. the students were last seen september 26th being put into police cars. 28 bodies were found in one mass grave already. forensic tests are being done to identify the bodies. authorities are investigating a criminal group with connection to rogue police officer. david west washington will soon allow same-sex marriages. the state attorney general's office said they will honor the supreme court decision. the supreme court made the same ruling in four other states. in alabama they are exhuming a body of john doe. they say he assembles the photos
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of a man who is accused of murdering his wife, mother and three sons. the john doe was killed in a hit and run accident back in 1981. massive rain storm kept rescue crews busy in arizona today. this man had to be pulled from his van. -- and police busted a man on the roof of a building trying to break into a building covered in tar. they say he was trying to rob the shop by busting through the air conditioning shaft. it was the second roof he had been spotted on that night with what police call a makeshift prying tool.
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he denied charges and resisted arrest in the police car. >> maybe he was just tarring somebody's driveway. >> oh, david. >> why don't they let him clean up before the mugshot. okay. coming up, hillary clinton may not be willing to put her hat in the ring just yet, but somebody pretty close to her just did it for her. and tesla is said to make two big announcements today, and it could mean changes for the entire auto industry.
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candidate debates. pat roberts squared off with his challenger on the right. >> all said, obamacare is the first step towards national health insurance. we don't want, and don't need national health insurance. we need a system that is market driven. >> i think any senator who stands up here and tells you he is going to repeal the federal care act is ignoring the reality that the president will simply veto the bill. >> he said he would appeal to both parties. that appeal to pragmatism seems to be resinating with voters. another highly competitive senate race is in colorado, and this is another battle that could determine which party controls the senate mark udall has tried to go after the fight
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for women's rights. here was the question to you doll from the denver post debate moderator. >> your campaign has been so focused on women's issues, that you have been dubbed mark uterus -- [ laughter ] >> and a neutral political observer said any image of you as a bipartisan walk across the aisle guy has been significantly diminished. >> here is the you -- the response. >> colorado is the second state to grant the franchise to women. if he hadn't build his entire career on limiting women's reprr reproduction rights we wouldn't be having this conversation. >> and after a string of attacks
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on mike brown, republican challenges are responding with this. >> you may have seen the senator is running an ad calling into question my support of women's health care. i want you to know the facts. i support pro-choice, and i believe women should have access to contraception. >> that is a cardinal rule in politics, that is to respond quickly to attack ads. the state house speaker has been attacking kay hagan on military issues, so hagan is on the air very quickly with this. >> the speaker should be ashamed for running an ad that i would let our soldiers die in vain. that's outrageous. the military family is my family. my husband served and i have two nephews on active duty. >> and billionaire warren buffet
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just told fortune magazine hillary clinton is in. >> is hilary going to run? >> hilary is going to run. >> when is she going to announce it? >> as late as possible. >> is hilary going to win? >> hilary is going to win. i will bet money on it. i don't that easily. >> imagine how vice president joe biden must feel. he is also considering a campaign. well, mr. biden would probably have the endorsement at least of the people of india. he recent spoke about his heritage in front of john kerry and india's prime minister. >> i actually had relatives in mumbi. so i'm going home with you. [ laughter ] >> joe biden may have the organization or funding that hillary clinton has, but you can't beat his sense of humor. tar maker tesla is expected
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to make two big announcements later today. and here to break it down is jacob ward. >> david we know what it is not going to be. the founder of tesla has said that it is not going to be a discussion of the model 3 which is the new $35,000 model or the model x which is the big suv coming out next year. so the speculation is it could be one of two things -- well, there are many things, people have said it could be a diesel version, it is going to be the d in theory could stand for diesel. but all the way up to this could be an supercharged version. can go from 0 to 60 in under 3 seconds which would put it in the same class as a ferrari or lamborghini.
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the other half is what he referred to as something else, and a lot of speculation there is this could be something about a driverless version of the vehicle, or something that is almost entirely autonomous, he said the thought next year most of the driving done in a model s would be autonomous. 90% would be a self driving experience. so if he does that, he would be pushing way out of any other car maker in existence. >> he is certainly one of the most interesting ceos in any industry. tell us more about his various ventures. >> what is so extraordinary is it turns out you just should not against this guy. he was going to try to replace nasa, which seemed nuts until he became the outsourced company of choice making private delivers on rockets of his own creation. all of that is just plain
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happening. he is building a billion dollars -- multiple billion dollars venture in nevada to build new batteries, another such a scale that it will bring down the cost of electric batteries. and he has opened up all of the patents for tesla to the general public. open sourced his company which is unheard of. all of these are huge, huge moves. so i think we'll probably see something very, very ambitious. >> jake thanks as always ] >> thank you. a viral online campaign convinces lego to take a stand. that's next. and then it's jen rogers in for ali velshi on "real money." >> coming up on "real money," wall street's biggest sale of the year. we'll look at what drove the big drop. plus how the spending habits of the rich are taking a toll on
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>> kentucky, a state that's hurting economically. >> when the mines shut down it affects other businesses too you know, it hurts everything. >> some say it's time for a change. >> mitch has been in there so long. >> while others want to stay the course. >> all the way mitch! you know exactly what these people needs in kentucky. >> communities trying to cope. what does the future hold? >> the economy, the struggling coal industry and healthcare are all impacting their vote. >> "america votes 2014 / fed up in kentucky". all this week. only on al jazeera america.
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♪ environmentalists are celebrating today. the toy maker lego says it will not renew its marketing deal with shell oil following a viral campaign against arctic drilling. >> david the marketing partnership between lego and shell has been a strong one for years now. lego toy sets are distributed at shell gas stations in more than 25 countries. for the last few months green peace has been pressuring the toy maker to end its relationship because of its arctic drilling program. they used this viral video, watch. ♪ ♪ everything is awesome, when you are living on a dream ♪ >> and in the video you see a shell drilling platform in the
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arctic made of lego bricks. lego has been telling environmentalists they need to take up their issue with shell oil, not them, but in a statement last night, the company's ceo said lego does not plan to renew its contract with shell. so environmentalists have been celebrating today with what else, posting lego figures. this one from green peace saying thanks a million. nick says it's over. andest, everything is awesome. and jack writing save the arctic. >> amazing. >> yeah, very powerful. pa a 69-year-old french novelist was awarded the nobel prize for literature today. many of his stories are set in
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france during world war ii. he is largely unknown in the united states, of course that may change now. i'm david shuster. "real money" is next. jen rogers is in for ali velshi. we'll see you later. volatility is back with a vengeance, and ebola threatens not only lives, it puts livelihoods at risk too. plus why the spending and saving habits of the rich have been hurting the rest of america. i'm jen rogers in for ali velshi, and this is "real money." ♪
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