tv Consider This Al Jazeera October 11, 2014 1:00am-2:01am EDT
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i'm not saying it's a bad thing, but i just don't want to see 'em on one of those plaques for cadets who have passed away. >> the u.n. says i.s.i.l. could massacre 12,000 people if kobani falls. plus, kim jong-un, nowhere to be off the top of your head. and the nobel peace prize sends a strong message.
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>> i.s.i.l. now controls at least 40% of kobani. >> fears that kurds will be massacred if i.s.i.l. takes over kobani. >> a plain flight away from u.s. shores. >> the first case of ebola has arrived. >> i want to tell children all around the world, they should stand up for their lives. >> malala fm. >> if you want >> if you want to invite jesusi. >> one officer hurt eight people arrested and at least one american flag torched.
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>> we begin with i.s.i.l.'s advances in syria and iraq and a warning that 12,000 kurds could be massacred, if i.s.i.l. succeeds in taking the kurdish muc town of kobani. on friday, u.s. national security advisory tony blinken admits i.s.i.l. now controls 40% of kobani. there are other kobani recent gains and now controls territory from the syrian border to baghdad's western suburbs. meanwhile the u.n. special envoy to syria, compared it to 1995
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srebrenica massacre. >> you remember srebrenica? we never forgot. when the reason for imminent threat to civilians we cannot we should not be silence. >> derek harry served as spell envoy at u.s. central command. arcolonel, real pleasure to have you with us. the u.n. special envoy to syria has suggested that 10,000 could be killed if kobani falls to i.s.i.l. as they appear to be too little too late? late. at this point i really do worry about the situation there, and the impact on the people there,
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in that town. the strikes that we've conducted to date have been very minimal. there's really been no effort, no intensity in the kobani area or for that point, throughout the rest of syria. it's been a minimalist campaign to date. >> and could a really intensive air campaign drive i.s.i.l. from kobani? i know you predicted a few days ago that kobani would fall in less than a week. if we intensified, it would have made a difference? >> it clearly would have made a difference if we had changed our operational profile and brought in the right types of aircraft and air assets to include unmanned aerial vehicles and maintaining the intelligence by making a cap over that area, continuous surveillance. the targets were readily identifiable. they were mostly in the open. tanks, artillery, some mortar positions, technical vehicles
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striving in the area. the right type of posture would have allowed for effective targeting. keep in mind we did have a force on the ground there, there is a force defending kobani. >> two of the points you just made. i brought up the two points, open area and kobani, visible targets, but when i asked other defense experts, without ground troops we can't really do much. is that the case? because as you mentioned we certainly have surveillance from the sky. >> well, we can continue to conduct strikes in place s like yemen, waz i waziristan, pakistan. it is about being doable, having the commitment to do so. in point of fact there is
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obfuscation, deflection and generally no interest in doing what is needed in this part of syria. >> but why? >> well, it brings to -- brings us to the point of what is really going on here. because the air campaign hasn't been really if a effective in iraq -- that effective in iraq either. the u.s. government saying the priority's in iraq and operations in syria are meant to only degrade and disrupt a little bit, we don't see the real impact. it's a degrade. in my judgment at this point in time. >> and i do want to talk about iraq in a moment but again if we are seeing the possible massacre of these people as we are hearing from the u.n. envoy to syria we certainly intervened aggressively when it was necessary -- well, i don't know when it was necessary, at one point in the
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yazidi hum taken humanitarian crisis in iraq. at this point, the u.s. it seems lacks a willing and helpful partner inside kobani, but we have provided coordinates on the ground and are willing to provide any help they request. so do you think they can help pinpoint the targets? but beyond pinpointing the targets, we need ground forces in syria. here we've got some kurds who have managed to fight off i.s.i.l. for weeks now. why not help these guys? >> well, i think kobani has become a pawn in this debate between president erdogan and the government of turkey and the united states, over the direction of the campaign and the coalition fight against the islamic state. turkey clearly wants the effort to be two pronged.
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going after the islamic state as well as bashar al-assad. and that is a view held strongly not only there but in the gulf countries, too. and in fact senator mccain made that point in athe wall street journal editorial this week. trying to use the kobani situation to leverage and push the turks to come inside and use their military. we are at a stale merrill at this point in time between the two. >> we are seeing overlooking turkey and doing nothing. president obama's plan of attack includes spending up to a year to train 5,000 moderate syrian rebels, are do we have a year? given your view of i.s.i.l? >> you know, i've said the islamic state forces are gobbling up territory and
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coercing or co-opting other groups rather quickly. they are like a pacman, gobbling gobbling up groups. a year or more is what is being said by the pentagon and the state department. 5,000 is a drop in the bucket what's needed on the ground. training and equipping the iraqi security forces -- >> there you do have combat troops that are available. an bawanbar province, pressure on baghdad, central command says air power has struck over 40 i.s.i.l. targets since the campaign began but is it just a drop in the bucket? >> it is. the air campaign in iraq has been a drizzle and what we've
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needed is a thunder storm there. and the iraqi security forces are not up to the task and they need more support. to train build and equip resources there, there is not the effort, and you need a role effort and taking a year or more is i think questionable. >> yes, and of course increased intervention brings increased risks and certainly increased costs. a lot to think about. derrick harry, a real pleasure to have you with us. thank you. >> thank you. >> moving on to ebola outbreak, the world health organization reported friday that over 4,000 people have died from ebola in the past seven months, that includes thomas eric duncan the first person diagnosed in this country. medical records provided to his testimony from the associated
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press, showed that he had suffered a 103° fever and had just come home from west africa when the dallas hospital sent him home. warned that time was short. >> this outbreak is advancing quite rapidly ahead of the control effort. and the rest of us are having to work really hard to catch up and overtake it. >> for more i'm joined in philadelphia, from dr. amish adalja. amish, really good to have you. today we saw a video of a u.s. air flight from america
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to after a man who was sneezing said he had ebola was joking. a stampede towards the u.s. if ebola makes to it central america or the caribbean. people have been tested for ebola from australia to various european countries. a panic that's happening at least outside the three african nations. >> that's true, panic is more contagious than ebola in this situation. that's good in one sense because people are testing and are aware of it, and hopefully, we won't have the repeat of the patient in dallas that was sent home without his travel history taken into consideration. >> what's happened with thomas eric duncan's you've reduced all 1200 pages of his medical records, we've learned that he
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had a fever of 103, that he was flagged, that that was flagged with an exclamation point on his medical records, still he was released by this dallas hospital with just some antibiotics. more incredible that the hospital let him go. >> right, the first visit to the merge visit that mr. duncan had ended in him being discharged. it was unclear that this patient had really come from africa and he had symptoms consistent with ebola. the travel history not part of it probably prompted the doctor to discharge him, with a fever over 100, which couldn't be attributed to the disarnlg discharge
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diagnosis given. when he was returned, he was treated impeccably, there was no holds barred trying to save his live, using the most modern ld mold an modalities and i was impressed with that. >> a lot of nurses reporting that they haven't gotten the right training and they vice president been informed of the policies that they need to adhere to if someone walks in with ebola or something that could be eebl. ebola. >> i definitely think more training needs to occur all throughout the health care system but i do believe people have learned from mr. duncan's duncan's history. something that pops up the way
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an allergy pops up but it's definitely a linchpin against making sure travel histories are obtained. middle east respiratory, we have chikungunya in the caribbean. there are a whole lot of instances where travel history is going to be key. >> the united nations have asked for $1 billion to fight the ebola virus in west africa. shifting of $750 million in deference department funds to fight ebola in west africa. america's commitment to fight the outbreak will exceed $1 billion in the next six months. we've already got troops arriving there. how critical is it to get the funding placed now rather than in a month or two? >> the real critical action that needs to be taken is we have to expand the number of ebola treatment units. we have to have beds for these
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patients to be taken care of in a safe manner so they're not in effectinin infecting other people. as well as what the united nations is requesting because that's the key to us turning the tide on this outbreak is getting ahead of it by actually having places for people to be taken care of. >> because it's growing exponentially, 30,000 people are supposed to get the vaccine in the next two weeks, tests in gambia too. how soon, assuming this becomes effective, how soon could we have a vaccine. >> it's still going to be months away before we have a vaccine in
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any preecial amoun appreciable amount. this virus will be stopped using the same way using very low tech public health intervention s, changing burial practices. >> let's hope these work and at least we could have a more positive outcome in the future. doctor thank you for being with us. we begin in hong kong where 10,000 protesters have again packed the streets as government officials called off talks. the protests waned earlier this week, the government had agreed
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to meet with protesters on friday but called it off, after students called to continue the protest. undeundermined the basis for a dialogue. protesters were seen bringing in tents and supplies seemingly preparing for long haul, not taking off appropriate action to clear the protesters when necessary. next we head to missouri where thousands will march in ferguson. thousands will descend on ferguson to demand are justice for mike brown. a police officer was injured, on thursday when protesters shattered a windshield of a police cruiser and lit a flag on
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fire. the shooting of there 18-year-old, who said the teenager shot at him. james knowles said, preparing for possible violence with protesters using wednesday's shooting as what he called a rallying cry to do bad things. and we end on wall street, where after a volatile week the dow ended friday, down 117 points fully washing away all gains it had made this year. the roller coaster began on tuesday on fears of a global growth slow down. wednesday stocks surged 275 points but plummeted 335 points on thursday losing 2% just that one day. a silver lining for your pocketbook, oil price he have been falling with the dow. a barrel of crude is down to its lowest price in almost two years. that's some of what's happening around the world. coming
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up. event. is the royal family losing its grip on power? also the nobel peace prize makes a our social media producer, hermela aregawi. what's trending? >> twitter storm after sexist advice for women in the workplace. got the scoop ahead. tweet your responses to @ajconsiderthis or place them on our facebook page. elshi,
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the news has become this thing where you talk to experts about people, and al jazeera has really tried to talk to people, about their stories. we are not meant to be your first choice for entertainment. we are ment to be your first choice for the news. >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their needs are not being met by american tv news today. >> entire media culture is driven by something that's very very fast... >> there has been a lack of fact based, in depth, serious journalism, and we fill that void... >> there is a huge opportunity for al jazeera america to change the way people look at news. >> we just don't parachute in on a story...quickly talk to a couple of experts and leave... >> one producer may spend 3 or 4 months, digging into a single story... >> at al jazeera, there are resources to alow us as journalists to go in depth and produce the kind of films... the people that you don't see anywhere else
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on television. >> we intend to reach out to the people who aren't being heard. >>we wanna see the people who are actually effected by the news of the day... >> it's digging deeper it's asking that second, that third question, finding that person no one spoken to yet... >> you can't tell the stories of the people if you don't get their voices out there, and al jazeera america is doing just that. >> who is in charge of nuclear north korea? the mystery deepened friday, when kim jong-un skipped a celebration, and didn't attend a celebration of the north korean communist party. some of north korea's antiaircraft fire ended south of
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the border and south korea fired back. author of nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world. he has not appeared in more than a month in public and now he misses these very important events. what do you think is going on? >> this is really alarming. because i thought they would wheel him out for this because you know the level of conversation today because he didn't show up i think damages the regime. so i just assumed that he was going in some way or another to appear. and the fact that he didn't really suggests a number of very, very troublesome scenarios. people in the south korean and american government say oh this is no big deal, i think he is just sick. i don't think that is the case. we have seen in the last several weeks, while he has been pulling this disappearing act, the lock down of pyongyang, the elevation of number two, and this is in
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the midst of all of these concerns about senior leaders fighting each otr. so this is a very bad situation. >> you bring up a whole bunch of issues there in that one answer. first you mention wheeling him out for these events. so let's assume it is what some people think it is, it is gout, some problem with the leg, maybe they didn't want him wheeled out, the supreme leader in a wheelchair. but couldn't they sit him behind a desk? >> maybe he's being held against his will and not cooperating with his captors. you would have thought, that they take still photographs and release them to the public. they haven't done that and also over the last since september the 3rd since he's disappeared they have not really talked about him much in the state media. >> but the state media did have a reference to flowers that had been sent, wishing good
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health to kim jong-un and do they look for sympathy for kim jong-un? >> possibly but that's not the most likely scenario. there are reports that he is being held with his wife and his sister. his wife being at his side, that makes sense but why would his sister be there? someone is trying to corral all the kim members and keep them in one place and that's a very bad sign. >> the regime depends on the kim bloodline for its legitimacy. but can a regime be focused around this cult, survive if there's no kim there? >> i think that would be very difficult. because if they don't rely, if they're not relying on the kim bloodline then they're just
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another korean republic, and not as successful as the other korean republic, the south korean. the scientist anniversary of the founding of the workers party, that is going to be significant that they're going to rely on him but they haven't produced him. >> you bring up his sister, someone wh has been who has been talked about a lot, this is a male dominated society, is that at all likely? she's in her late 20s. >> she's 27 and pretty unlikely. she is the most exaiblg o capable of the acknowledged children of kim jong-il. sheefs eveshe's even younger thm jong-un. this is a society that
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convenient rates older persons. >> this unease could be problematic for the world. let's put a pollyanna look to it. could i.t. be that this is a -- could it be that this is a move towards more openness to the world? >> it could be and if it were because they've got new leadership in charge that should tell us that not only are there new people involved in running north korea, you've got a new regime. not only a one man regime but collective leadership. that's uncertainty. there are a lot of adults who have been trying to kill each other over the last few years and some of them have nukes and biological agents. >> how long will we have to wait before we know what's going on? >> i wish i knew. they have to produce him sometime in the next two or three weeks.
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if not, they've got to understand that there is a serious problem this the regime that can't be pain erd over. >> thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> the nobel peace prize awarded to malal malala yeufers. malala yousafzai. she became world famous for her work after she was shot in the head by the taliban in 2012. >> and i'm proud that i'm the first pakistani and the first young woman or the first young award. it is a great honor for me. >> less well-known is satyarthi, at 60 he has worked for decades to protect the rights of children and said he never expected to get the prize. >> i never really thought about it but people have told me since
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you have started this nask task in india, this has become a worldwide movement. i never thought of this because it's a very difficult one. >> we are joined by a nobel peace prize watcher. christopher, good to have you with us. thanks for joining us. pope francis was the popular, malala has been on the list but satyarthi was a ream surprise. >> i had not much faith in pope francis but malala was on my list of speculations and saturdayyarthi was not. we heard that the share of the committee said that when the prize was going to youth and to the issue of education, it
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was absolutely obvious that satyarthi had to be included. he had been considered many times before it's interesting to note that he was on the short list multiple occasions before. >> to focus on the plight of young people these days. in a statement on friday, u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon said, malala has shown what terrorists fear the most, a girl with a book. do you agree, that the nobel committee, sending an important message? >> absolutely. and no doubt that exactly what goes on in the middle east, with the rise of militant extremism there, has been one of many reasons that the committee has
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looked in malala's direction there. she has spoken up against the importance of education in order to tackle extremism and somebody who looked the militants in the eye and directly endured by them. and the committee has been looking high and low throughout the middle east to find good candidates. but ended up with somebody at the very, very fringes or even the extended middle east, malala yousafzai in pakistan. >> was this a smart decision on another level too? was it political in a way? because of all the tensions between pakistan and india, they selected a muslim from pakistan and a hindu from >> absolutely. we heard both of the laureates in theirs first comments on winning the prize, did reach out
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to the state leaders about nations, and invited them to come to oslo on the occasion of the prize ceremony, talking real politics. and it is interesting to see how, although these two haven't really had a relationship before and there is nothing in what they do that directly binds afghanistan, sorry, pakistan and india together, they are nonetheless at the spur of the moment able to turn that around and actually create an opportunity for the two state leaders to talk in the situation where tensions are higher between the two countries than they have been for quite a long time. >> let's hope they manage to achieve some of what they would like to achieve, obviously. now the nobel committee is mostly of former norwegian politicians and makes decisions based on
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norwegian politics. will there be change? >> i don't think there will be any change immediately. right now we have a really difficult debate in way about the appointments to the committee. i have been well-known to several who have spoken out for a different way of composing the committee. currently the committee is appointed by the parliament. but the seats on the committee are distributed to the parties in the parliament, on the basis of their relative representation there. i don't think that is necessary. i think parliament should take there onerous task that alfred nobel has given them and appoint the committee of whoever it is that they think are best suited to award the prize but right now we have a much more trivial sort of domestic norwegian discussion between the parties. which is not really living up to the standards that alfred nobel set with his will in 1895.
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>> now i want to just ask you a historical question. who are the worst choices that you have seen in the past? because it was interesting is, satyarthi was described as maintaining gandhi's tradition but gandhi himself never won the nobel prize. >> absolutely. i think we should understand the reference to gandhi in exactly that light. nobody will contest the issue that not giving the prize to gandhi was the most serious omission in the history of the prize. chosen to devote an article on its web pages how that omission could have happen. i don't think the prize could rectify that omission.
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but the way satyarthi has furthered gandhi's techniques of nonviolent protest. >> appreciate you taking the time to join us. time to find out what's trending on the web. hermella. >> microsoft chairman says that women shouldn't back away from a raise, they should say karma will give it to them. >> it's not about asking for the raise but knowing and having faith that the system will give you the right raises as you go along. and that i think might be one of the additional super-powers. that quite frankly, women who don't ask for a raise have. because that's good karma. it will come back. because somebody's going to know, that's the kind of person that i want to trust. that's the kind of person that i want to really give more responsibility to.
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>> to make matters worse, satia nadella made those comments at a women's tech conference. one woman said it's wildly sexist to tell women it's good karma not to ask for a raise. carefully masked sexism by satia nadella. trusting in karmic superpowers and dear karma we have a list of women you missed. nadella e-mailed an apology and tweeted this. how women should ask for a raise, our industry should close gender pay gap. let us know what stories you would like to see in the digital spotlight. you can tweet us @ajconsiderthis or post
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your suggestion on our facebook page. antonio, yikes. >> he really walked into that one. teen teenagers and the birth rate. and creationism and school prayer, we'll look at the battles of religion in our >> i lived that character >> a hollywood icon forest whitaker >> my interest in acting was always to continue to explore how it connected to other people >> making a difference >> what is occurring in other places, is affecting so many different ways... >> inspiring others >> we have to change those things, in order to make our whole live better >> every saturday, join us for exclusive... revealing... and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time... talk to al jazeera, only on al jazeera america
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>> on tech know, cars, the science behind... keeping us safe on the road... >> oh! >> oh my god! >> the driving force behind these new innovations >> i did not see that one coming... >> tech know's team of experts show you how the miracles of science... >> this is my selfie, what can you tell me about my future? >> can affect and surprise us... >> sharks like affection... >> tech know, where technology meets humanity only on al jazeera america >> the controversial new recommendation from the american academy of pediatrics is calling for a big change in the way we approach birth control for adolescent girls. the pediatrics group is recommending that pediatricians discuss a broad range of birth control options with sexually active teams. and for the first time, the academy is encouraging those
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praishts tpatients to use long lasting contraceptives. joining us from seattle to discuss these issues is dr. gina sacato. who wrote the recommendation for the american academy of pediatrics. gina, glad to have with you us us. to use iuds or hormonal implants are much more effective than birth control pills patches and condoms. >> correct. and the reason for that recommendation, you've already hit right on the head. it's the effectiveness of these methods compared to the other ho hormonal methods compared to what teen agessers have been using in the past. >> looking at 1400 sexually active girls from 14 and 19 in
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st. louis they were counseled on the broad range of options and 72% chose iuds or hormonal complants. supplants. hormone hormonal implant. it is those type of results that has really driven the american academy of pediatrics to recommend these methods of birth control be counseled as first line options for adolescents who have already made the decision to be sexually active. >> now that drop in abortions should please everyone, especially conservatives. but the push back from groups
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like the american college of pediatricians which calls for abstinence is that having permanent birth control encourages sexual consist. the new york times quotes the president of that group as saying this ignores the dire consequences that early sexual activity ask have can have for young people. how do you respond to that? >> i think those of us who work with adolescents know that the decision children make does not depend upon whether they have birth control in place. we know from the data that adolescents are often sexually active without iteming any method of birth control at all. a safe and absolutely foolproof method of providing birth control, but we know from the data, they are active and our
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first priority is keeping them safe from unimpended pregnancy. >> the recommendation though is still to use condoms because an iud or an implant won't prevent stds. any idea whether teens are less likely to use condoms if they have this long lasting birth control? >> it's an excellent question and one that researchers in the adolescent community have started to ask. there's no reason to think that adolescents are willing to use condoms when they are using depo privera or patches. i think what i have found in my own clinical work with adolescents is they really understand the distinction between sexuallily prevented infections, particularly when they have a foreign object in
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the uterus such as an iud. >> talking about foreign objects in the uterus, let's talk about safety. because the implants like norplant were controversial, the dalcon shield was pulled off the market, because it caused pelvic infections and even death. now there are no real concerns about the safety of iuds? >> i think it's important to note that you speak specifically about the dalcon shield which had a unique strain that transported microorganisms from the vagina into the uterus. iuds have been used globally in much greater numbers than they have been in the u.s. for years, decades now, and the
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largest group using iuds in the this country for many years after they fell out of favor is female ob-gyn doctors who were aware of their profile. well studied and do not carry the same risks that the dalcon shield did in the 1970s. >> dr. sacado good to have you issues. thank you. >> my pleasure. the fight over church and state. first do you know if you are a mill enyul or part of >> edge of eighteen, >> your entire life has brought you up to this point, right now! american teens, making a difference >> we wanna fight for our education >> choosing a path... >> if i'm not sharing the gospel, then i feel empty inside because that's the gift
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>> the death toll could be much higher than anyone known. >> posing as a buyer... >> ...people ready then... >> mr. president >> who should answer for those people >> audiences are intelligent and they know that their needs are not being met by american tv news today. >> entire media culture is driven by something that's very very fast... >> there has been a lack of fact based, in depth, serious journalism, and we fill that void... >> there is a huge opportunity for al jazeera america to change the way people look at news. >> we just don't parachute in on a story...quickly talk to a couple of experts and leave... >> one producer may spend 3 or 4 months, digging into a single story...
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>> at al jazeera, there are resources to alow us as journalists to go in depth and produce the kind of films... the people that you don't see anywhere else on television. >> we intend to reach out to the people who aren't being heard. >>we wanna see the people who are actually effected by the news of the day... >> it's digging deeper it's asking that second, that third question, finding that person no one spoken to yet... >> you can't tell the stories of the people if you don't get their voices out there, and al jazeera america is doing just that. >> today's data dive finds that many of us have no idea which generation we belong to. and it may not matter. most generational labels including gen x and gen y are many times meaningless and undefined.
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stats from the census bureau, the census bureau doesn't actually recognize again jen xers. >> 1964, most generations don't fall into such neat categories. generations often get labeled in different studies or news reports that frequently conflict with each other. take a look at this graphic and how it clearly chos shows three generations, gen x, gen y. the white house calling them the home land generation, born after 9/11 in a nation that felt more safe staying home.
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>> the next big innovation is right around the corner. it actually literally could be driving around the corner by itself. driverless cars are just from hitting the markets already being tested on public roads, even sooner, cars will be able to talk to each other helping you from dangers on the road. you will see this on saturday's show "techknow." phil torres, good to see you. this is really fascinating tough. let's start with the new vehicle to vehicle technology. cars actually communicating with each other. saying? >> it is pretty amazing stuff. and this is the way it's going to work. think of your car as having a wifi router built inside of it. the government made sure there is one frequency that all these cars are going to talk to each other. they'll say things like hey, there's a car braking in front
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of you, you better slow down. it should be very useful stuff. >> it could actually tell you if a car is about to run a red light or a stop sign. it can actually communicate around corners and give you a warning of something you might not see. >> absolutely. there's a lot of distracted drivers out there and sometimes you just actually can't see because it's around the corner so the technology is there and should be really useful. >> the u.s. department of transportation, figures that the technology can prevent 80% of all accidents that don't involve impaired drivers. and of course that's a huge number of crashes prevented lives saved and this is not just going to be available on new cars. you could actually add it to your old car. how soon could we have it? >> this is something they want in every new car by 2017. it's really coming up. one of the interesting things that just so your iphone needs to be able to communicate with a
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samsung galaxy phone, a ford needs to are communicate with a mercedes benz. the driver, what kind of warning are you going to get? if that car does brake in front of you, you'll hear a display telling you to slow down. >> it's not going to be that expensive. >> around $200. it's complex enough to work really well but simple enough you can put a little unit in your car from 1986 and still have the really advanced safety buffer. >> it's really amazing. going beyond the cars talking to each other the is show is also going to focus on driverless cars and this involves all sorts of technologies working together, radar, sonar, lasers, cameras, and this is not going to look like the google car with the funny thing on top right?
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>> no no. they look pretty good and work really well and the butte of this v to v system is it's setting the foundation for this driverless cars. it built the communication system. now there will be more information from that radar and that sonar but at least have the yeem to talmedium to talk to on. >> you can go to the mall, and send the car to park itself and when you are done you can call for the car and it will come back. >> you are sitting in the traffic, you could read a book. with all of this it's going to prevent more traffic. because if there's less accidents less traffic jams and everybody is happier. >> four states allow driverless cars already, many have pending legislation.
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how soon before we actually see them available to consumers? >> we think it will be pretty soon. nissan says by 2020, they'll have a driverless car and tesla says in three years they'll have almost driverless. >> one thing you also address is hydrogen fuel cells. almost science fiction. how soon could we see that? will it be better than electric cars? >> this hydrogen fuel technology has actually been around for 20 years. they've been working on it and next year toyota has a car coming out that's cheap enough. there is quite a difference between hydrogen fuel cells and electric cars. they don't quite have the same zip as something like a tesla has but they do get longer range. they can go 300 miles on a
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fill-up and zero emissions, the stuff that comes out is pure h 20 and it's water and you can almost drink it. >> what about the danger, hydrogen and flammability? >> absolutely hydrogen gas is very flammable put we talk to the people at toyota and they do a lot of testing on it including gun fire testing. they actually shot at these tanks to see how well they did. they did really great, the only way they could pierce it is to shoot armor piercing bullets and shoot it in the same place. >> sounds fascinating. phil torres, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> that's all for now. wesley kark will join us, why he thinks a century of american policy has gotten it wrong and
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why politics is part of the problem. the conversation continues at and you can tweet me >> stuck in a downward spiral all of the do you gains gone just like that in fear that the global economy is slowing down. whether the american economy might get dragged down with it. i'll talk to a man who's ready to cackle ebola in person. >> plus a foot in the mouth moment for a big tech c.e.o. setting off a furor among women, forcing an apology.
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