tv News Al Jazeera October 11, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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absence being brushed off as no big deal. >> i'll tell you why schools are empty, and why teachers are not turning up to work. >> well, we begin this news hour with breaking news out of baghdad, where there has been a car bomb, the third to hit the capitol in the past few hours. let's go to baghdad. imran. what's going on. >> reporter: we saw two car bombs in the shia neighborhood west of the city. and the car bomb happened within minutes of each other in a very busy marketplace. the total death toll there is 38 people, and 68 people who have been injured as a result of that. and then a few hours earlier in
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the south of the pacific again in a busy marketplace there was another car bomb. 12 people were killed there, and there have been total death toll 50 people who have died as a result of violence. and at least 100 have been hospitalized. >> in looking at the bigger picture, is this linked to what is going on in the western anbar province? >> it is all linked to each other. what we normally see is when car bombs go off, usually against isil fighters. we have heard in prayerous parts of anbar province, this is enormous tit for tat. these car bombs today with the first bomb that took place, and then two more within a shia
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neighborhood. not only is there fight against isil but there are sectarian divisions here that are rearing their head. yes, it can lead to the fight against isil, but also there are tensions that pre-date isil that are sectarian in nature. >> thank you some, imran khan there. intense fighting in syria where kurdish forces are battling isil. the group is trying to capture the town of kobane on the turkish border. and although the u.s. and allies have launched airstrikes in isil positions they have not stopped the groups' advances. stephanie dekker with the latest from the border. >> reporter: martyrs never die. the chant of a final farewell. the bodies of two fighters at the ypg, the kurdish group fighting isil in kobane, are laid to rest across the border
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in turkey. >> these two people who we buried today are taken to hospital. here in turkey. they were injured, none had lost their lives. >> reporter: on saturday the non-stop sound of the stand off sources inside kobane tell us there is a fierce fight under way on the southwestern edge of the town. there have been more kurdis airstrikes here but it's far from over. turkey's military is here. you can see the tank formation behind me. but the fact that the military has not done anything yet to get involved in the fight against isil. >> reporter: the fight for kobane has become hugely symbolic for the kurds. >> kobane is under siege for 26 days. the kurdish people are with kobane. we are peer t here to protect
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the border. >> reporter: back at the cemetery the mourners have now gone. this is not where these fighters would have wanted to be buried. people tell me that one day they'll be taken back to kobane to be put at rest at home. but no one knows when that day night b might be. >> kurdish in germany held rallie rallies in duesseldorf. around 1 million kurds live in germany. most of them moved there in the 1960's when the country was recruiting workers from turkey. demonstrations have been held in france. >> protesters around europe have been protesting in solidarity. now whether it's in here in london or duesseldorf there is
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one main message. we need weapons now to protect our people in syria finance. >> we are here because of the problem with isil. we want to support the people. >> protesters are calling on western leaders to put pressure on turkey to open the borders. they say more fighters are needed inside syria to protect the kurds. >> i'm ashamed to be in france at the moment. my people are suffering in syria. i can't stay here doing nothing. i have to go there, and i will do so shortly. >> kurds are taking the opportunity to further their own ambitions. many of the protesters say that the international community has failed to protect them against the fight of islamic state as protesters are calling for the creation of a kurdish state now. >> in iraq big fear is that isil
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could take complete control of anbar province. it would be a crucial victory allowing them to establish a supply right al into syria. >> reporter: appealing for military assistance in order to prevent isil from taking control over the province of anbar. a very strategic province in the west of iraq that borders syria. if isil is able to take control of anbar it will have an open supply line between syria and iraq and it will be the door steps of the iraqi capitol, their target to get into baghdad. anbar is strategic because there are army installations. as of late there have been a number of u.s.-led airstrikes calling the group. isil has been making gains taking mortar tore, but air power as well as the iraqi army, they will not be able to stop
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the group. they will need the support of the population. this is a sunni below vince, and people have so far yet there are tribes fighting along side the government. but the majority of the people have not decided to take up armies against isil. they will need their support. right now sunni opposition leaders are saying why should we help the government get rid of isil when they leave all who replaces them are shia militias. according to the sunnies they fear the militias even more. >> while much of the world's focus has been on the fight against isil libya has dissolved into chaos. u.n. secretary general demand all armed groups withdraw from their positions and end fighting. ban ki-moon is in tripoli trying to broker a deal between two rivaling parliaments. it could be a step to bringing stability to the country. >> the country cannot afford to
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be politically divided for such a long time. libya needs one parliament that represents all libyans. legitimacy has to come with inclusion. this inclusion is based on consensus of the most important decisions. >> let's take a closer look at the challenges libya is now facing. at the moment the elected wallment is in the remote eastern city. it's members fled there after the government lost patrol to an armed group. that group is called libya's dawn, an alliance of conservative fighters that control large parts of the capitol. they refuse to recognize the house of representatives.
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instead, they reconvened the previous parliament, the general national congress. no single group is in charge of the country. a patchwork of militias is engage to wrestle control of different cities. this was the scene in ben ghazi. the armed groups fought together to topple the dictator muammar qaddafi in 2011, but they've since disbanded that alliance and now they're at war with each other. allison director general of the institute. he join us now live from bay root. good to have you with us. first of all, do you think the u.n. can pull this off? can ban ki-moon create a reconciliation between the two sides? >> i personally don't think that the violence has been the answer so far, and many libyans do. but the dialogue is not necessarily the solution. i think once the desire for a
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more inclusive process. what really needs to be done at this moment in time is to reflect upon the members of the security council and their respect of libya, going in there and accepting the legitimacy of the ballot box and trying to understand the distortions within the process is not really enough. i think the institution's approach, which is unfortunately the boring work that nobody really wants to do, which is looking at the security institutions, providing guarantees to those who are fighting for more reasons than power politician, finances and objectives set by different militias, the real desire of many libyans is legitimate grievances, the question of religion in the future and even for the small towns in the east and west of the country. what happens if an neighboring
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tribe seeks revenge over something that happened in the last 14 years, even the last half century and century. this is the boring work considering that the u.n. has so many things on its plate right now. gaza, syria, iraq, malaysia and ukraine, i don't think perhaps they're giving it the attention that it deserves. a fleeting four-hour visit by ban ki-moon is not enough. >> some countries want to eliminate one side of the conflict there as a means of securing what they see as their own national security. >> i mean, if it was repealing national security reasons i would understand, and i think most countries in the region and in fact most of africa tend to look at challenges from a security-led prison. that's been the policy for the
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last 40-50 years. many of those who are not present with legitimated elected representatives have their own contingency. if you put them in a corner and how may they react? the involvement in the last month and a half, two months in libya? it's created a toxic environment. the middle east ground has now firmly with operation dignity or firmly with operation dawn. and with respect the u.n. has a massive role to fill in. at this moment libya's question of stability is dying for new ones. am i going to cause a problem? am i going to believe in an electorate process? sometimes yes, sometimes no, but painting it with a broad brush, no one has come forward to take
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responsibility. painting that kind of picture this is so far away from the libya libyans dreamed off three and several years ago. >> could it turn the tide? >> the government, so far away from tripoli. >> absolutely not. absolutely not. it makes decisions in a complete vacuum. it does not have the support of the majority of libya. southern libya has been a mess, and the u.n. has not taken that seriously. the border issues that are not only toxic and lead to much chaos and problems for libya, much needed help, and in that respect when asked what it's government can do, it can't do very much having been elected by
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a small constituent of the population. you've not been able to allow and move away from troubled politics. unless you reconcile the former structures are there going to be any solutions in the future. >> thank you so much. much more to come in the al jazeera news hour. our exclusive report from inside north carolina. national celebrations have taken place. but leader kim jong-un remains out of sight. farewell baby doc. haiti's controversial leader's funeral takes place in port-au-prince. and th the biggest football tournament in africa will go on despite ebola fears.
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>> in liberia the u.n.'s peacekeeping mission has brought 41 staff members under observation. this is the second team member to test positive with the virus. the u.n. said its just a precaution and no one in the group has actually shown signs of ebola. the death toll has now passed $4,000. the special envoy says the cases are likely to double every three to four weeks. there is no cure for ebola. the nurse in spain is being treated with an permanental drug. if the test gas well larger trials could go on next year. aid agencies say that the u.n. needs to invest far more
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money to contain the ebola out jake. out break. >> this is an ebola treatment center. it cares for people who have tested positive for the disease. those suspected of incubating the virus are placed in a separately ward. those with full blown disease are treated in special tents behind steel fences. >> at this moment there is a nurse's staff inside one tent that are providing here to one patient, and there is always another person outside of following activities that we're doing in the risk area. >> in this outbreak many of the people treating patients have themselves been infected from accidental contamination. that is something the healthcare workers here take very seriously. >> at the treatment center you have to be careful when you go inside there. it's a risky job for the
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cleaners, nurses and doctors. it's not easy to do the work inside. you have to take your time and take all the precautions. >> trying to contain the outbreak is especially hard for sierra leone. it is home to 6 million people. 75% of them live in poverty. the government spend $205 per person per year on health. there are only $120. 120 doctors. the other problems is how to insure the safety disposal of the bodies of the victims. they are highly contagious. with more people dying every day in some places the bodies can lie in the open for some time. >> we use personal protective equipment. we use gloves. we use boots, chlorine. it's very risky. that's one. it's a voluntary job to save our country. >> reporter: but if the people organizing the treatment center
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are correct that on its own may not be enough. dominick kane, al jazeera. >> the condition of the spanish nurse who became the first person to contract ebola outside of west africa is now improving. doctors in madrid hospitals say that she's conscience and has been talking. romero is being treated with the experimental ebola treatment zmapp. the government of cameroon say 27 hostages who have been captured by boko haram have now been freed. the wife of cameroon's deputy prime minister was also released. she was abducted by the armed group in july. five years of violence in northern nigeria have forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes.
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the state was once a place of refuge for victims of the unrest. now it's become a battleground between boko haram fighters and nigerian security forces. >> reporter: chaos and anger. this is the life lived by thousands of people displaced by boko haram fighters in northern nigeria. and these people are lucky to have a roof over their heads and second-hand items and food. >> this woman said she once lived a comfortable life but her world came crashing down last year when boko haram fighters killed her husband. this camp is her third home in less than a year. >> after my husband was killed nothing mattered. we had a happy family, a home and businesses. everything is gone now except the children.
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i try to help them, but i just don't have the strength to do this any more. >> one of hundreds of thousands of displaced people. >> there is a rising number of people displaced because of the fighting to the northeast. it is home to over 500,000 people who are displaced because of boko haram. a recent united nations report said that there are up to 6 million people forced from their homes in nigeria. >> reporter: although they are struggling the government said that the displaced are being taken care of. >> how do we teach them to make life. >> reporter: some of the displaced feel differently. john and eight members of his family fled to cameroon in january after boko haram attacked his town five times. three orvilleages he sought
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refuge in has been attacked. >> as it is, we are not fed properly and our health i is suffering. >> reporter: supreme court forces have launched to take back territory diseased by boko haram fighters, the feeling here is that the worse is yet to come. al jazeera northeastern nigeria. >> a funeral service has been held for hatey's former dictator jean-claude "baby doc" duvalier in the port-au-prince. he was denied a state funeral. he died a week ago accused of corruption and human rights violation on a massive scale.
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>> it had been rumored it would be a state funeral for john claude duvalier with all the pomp and circumstance you would expect, instead there have been friends and supporters at the catholic church where he went to school as a child. when you talk to people here they say the man was a great leader, a man who brought jobs and security to haiti. but for many it brings a close to an era. if you talk to people who lived for 15 years under his rule they feel cheated. the court case against him came to a standstill, and like his father, he lived as a free man. the over all reaction here has been fairly muted. >> north korean state media said high level talks with the south are all but canceled now. soldiers traded gunfire across
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the heavily militarized border after the north tried to shoot down balloons released by the south. we have this exclusive report from the capitol pyongyang. [music] >> reporter: celebrations on the streets of pyongyang to commemorate the 69th anniversary of the workers' party of korea. >> it's the founding day of the worker's party of korea. the party is like a mother to us. we're happy. >> reporter: even though there have not been big celebration this is year, thousands come on the streets to pay respect to the leader and the worker's party that was created in 1945, and continues to run this country's political life. >> reporter: after his father kim jong-il passed away in 201
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2011. >> we were teen kim kim il-sung's birthplace. this man is 80 years old and says he remembers his struggle against the japanese occupation. >> all of us remember kim jong-un. >> reporter: the anniversary is happening amid rumors of the health of the leader. he has not been seen in public in over a month, and video aired on state tv in september showed him walking with a liverpool. they say that nothing unusual is going on. >> people are sad that doesn't appear, but he's working behind
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the scenes. thewe need him a lot. the news on the tv, people there, they need him a lot. >> reporter: kim jong-un may be out of sight, but it seems that life continues as usual. he belongs to a dynasty that has ruled for seven decades. and his family continues to loom large. >> we meet the girls who fled the war in syria only forced to marry men twice their age. and hostages captured by boko haram are finally set free. and we have action from saturday's grand prix qualifying session coming up.
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news hour. 15 people have been killed and 44 others injured in a car bomb in baghdad, the third to hit the capital in the last few hours. isil is trying to capture the town of kobane on the turkish border. more than 400 people have been killed in three weeks of violence. >> the country has two rival governments in libya and there are several groups fighting for control of several cities. the violence has forced hundreds of thousands to seek refugee in neighboring countries, and there has been a rising number of childre child-marriages i among the
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refugees. >> reporter: she was 13 when she got married right after the war began. she's now 16 with a child of her own. the war forced her parents to marry her off to her cousin to make sure someone would look after her in jordan. more displacement and marriage has meant that she has to drop out of school in the ninth grade. >> i advise any young girl to get an education and not take on the responsibilities that i had as a child. i had my son so young. i didn't know what to do with him. when he cried or got sick i had no clue. >> reporter: she was timid in the interview because her mother-in-law and husband were there, but in private she said pregnancy was an excruciating experience for her. there has been a sharp rise of marriages for girls 15 to 17,
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and more than half were to men who were at least ten years older. many are concerned that early marriages could leave girls in abusive and exploitive situations. there are programs aimed to prevent child images and help those who are already married cope are challenges. >> reporter: 17 and divorced after a three-year abusive marriage. >> so many of us were crammed in a small space and my ex-husband became more violent. he would beat me and scream at me all the time. >> reporter: many find early marriage favorable for cultural and economic reasons. reproductive health is a risk of early marriages. aid agencies are working to raise awareness. so we are really looking at a generation of girls who will lose their future.
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their education is lost. they no longer go to school after being married. so the cycle of poverty of vulnerability is transmitted from one "a" generation to another. >> reporter: although early images have been --marriages have long been a practice in syria, it crushes the dreams of many girls. >> sentenced to 15 years in prison. the same sentence was handed down t found guilty of torturing a lawyer in 2011. the two were already serving long sentences after attempting to kill a policeman during the overthrow of mohammed morsi, who also appeared in court, his
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trial has been adjourned to sunday. mohamed fahmy, bader mohammed, and peter greste were sensed to seven years in prison. bader mohammed received an additional three for having a spent bullet with him which he picked up at a protest. meanwhile the academic year has started in egypt after weeks of delay. supporters of the deposed president had demonstrations held on campuses, and now the government has taken new measures to curb them. >> reporter: after three-week delay universities in egypt are now open. but with heightened security and new regulations. the government's aim is to clamp down on anti--coup protests staged at universities over the last year. outside of the campus in cairo new gates have been built. and an unprecedented move a private security firm has been
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giving the job of guarding a number of universities. everyone who enters the campus is searched. but what is an activist say is the extra powers given to the ministry of higher education. they include the immediate dismissal of students and their professor if any of them participate in any protests. egyptian media also reported on other restrictions. this up in headline says final dismissal of students who all the al sisi. the government is eagle for end protests. it passed new laws last year that ban protests that are staged without prior approval. since july 2013 supporters of the deposed president mohammed morsi held protests demanding his return and an end to the
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military coup. general fatah al sisi who controlled the coup became president in june. students who attempt egypt's universities have a history of political activism, and that's why it could be hard to contain them. al jazeera. >> now, a weekend of protests is underway in the u.s. town of ferguson in missouri. people are demanding justice for the black teenager michael brown, who was shot dead by police in august. we're in st. louis and we're live there, this has been going on since august. is this something of a national movement, not just a protest? >> reporter: exactly. that's very much the focus of what's going on here. this is a local protest on the one hand, clearly michael brown, an unarmed teenager who was shot
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and killed by a police officer in august and started the rage in august. that rage continues now as the investigation into the circumstances of brown's death continues t at a glacial pace. the arrest of the officer who actually shot michael brown, the resignation of the mayor and so on, there is really an understanding well here, an national and international component of this. the national component, how is it that this is a society in which a police officer can shoot an unarmed black teenager and noting prosecuted as long as they say they were scared in some way. there is a great effort going into why is there a system that is conspiring against young black teens. the study came out on friday which showed that black teenaged young men were being shot 21 times more often than their white peers. why is that?
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there was more than a demonstration but seminars, teachers, there is strategy going on there. there are unions, progressive groups trying to see what is going on i wrong in society, and try to build from what we've seen in the past, build on the anger that we see, and move in the eyes of the protesters to move the u.s. to a more equitable society. and then there is the international component. palestine is evoked. the idea of being tear gassed on the streets. in august palestinian activists sent e-mails to the professors here on how to deal with tear gas and police brutality, and militarization and so on. there are many layers here in this protest, it's not just another protest on the streets.
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>> thank you so much for that from st. louis. opposition parties in bahrain say that they'll boycott the parliamentary elections next month. they say the government has not engaged in genuine reconciliation. although the monarchy crushed in 2011 protests are still taking place. bolivians will head to the polls for presidential elections on sunday. even though president morales is expected to win. a boom in commodity prices has helped the country's economy grow faster than most of its neighbors. a pakistani teenager malala yousafzai has won the nobel
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peace prize. >> there has not been a teacher here for seven years. the classrooms are empty, the corridors quiet. people here call it a ghost school. a recent survey found that more than 6,000 schools across the province aren't functioning. that means one in seven of them are like this, an empty shell. today a new teacher has turned up. when officials recently visited the area. parents pushed them to appoint one. the kids are excited. even though they have no books or pencils or even a chair until now these children have had no education. we asked their teacher why so many of his colleagues are not turning up to class? >> i don't know. the orders to go come from the officer. if the officer doesn't order the
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teachering to he won't. >> for many in the province there is no chance to study. only 52% of children go to school. and 10% of all teachers either don't show up at all or are regularly absent. the government said it's trying to clean up corruption in the system. this official shows us the teacher attendance roll at one school. the day he turned up all eight teachers were absent. he said they've all had their pay suspended. >> earlier the appointments were based on corruption, bribes, nepotism or some things political pressure. and not merit. >> this boy's parents sent him to a nearby city to study. >> my father wants me to study. these students are very poor.
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their fathers are poor. >> the first day of school is over. the teachers here don't have a reputation for staying around. so parents worry that eventually it will return to being a ghost school. nicole johnston. al jazeera, in pakistan. >> still to come on the al jazeera news hour. using the city as a van cass we meet hong kong's artists creating a lasting political message. >> in mumbai we'll see if india's new commercial football league can compete in a country where cricket is king.
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>> welcome back. students leading the protests in hong kong, they say hong kong chief executives say no one was responsible for the protest campaign. protesters are still camped out in the streets of the city. what you can't see in those art created by protesters: people are using art to continue their call for democracy. [♪ singing ]
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>> these sisters have a harsh message for hong kong's leader. >> i want to express my anger. therefore we have the song, and you can guess what it means. >> reporter: protesters are finding all kinds of ways to he is press themselves, and it's turning the protest site into an art gallery. one art work is this metal and wood installation now called "umbrella man." it's creator never imagined it would become the centerpiece for the protest. >> i once saw a photo on the internet of one man sharing an umbrella with the police. that inspired me to do this. >> reporter: it illustrated how
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different hong kong is from china, it's changing how some people around the world-view the territory. hong kong has always been known as a major financial hub, but in recent weeks the city has revealed a passionate political conscience. this art critic grew up in hong kong. she said for the first time artists can use the city as a canvas. >> they say that hong kong has had pockets of graffiti and street art but being a city of constrained space there has not been enough area for art on a large scale. but now on walkways to malls, roads. >> there is no end of creative talent big and small, but all the artists are here for run within. >> because of the number of protesters are dwindling i
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wanted each umbrella to represent a person so we can continue to symbolically occupy the area using little umbrellas. >> no one knows how long they can stay on the streets, and some say the future of the movement is in doubt. the protesters have left a lasting impression that will forever change how many people see their city. al jazeera, hong kong. >> all right, sports fans, robin is here, and we know what that means. >> sports? >> i hope so. >> hello there, organizers of the biggest football tournament in africa say they will not postpone it because of the spread of ebola. it comes as morocco makes an official request to delay some of the tournament as some of the team teams could still qualify.
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>> it's perhaps ironic that one of the teams have not been able to play at home because of the ebola outbreak. another team that can't play at home, sierra leone will play cameroon earlier. africa has gone top of group a with the win against congo. apology near gentlema iand nigeria playing right now. the hero for brazil has been notched up to third straight win beating argentina. the striker scoring twice in this friendly at the beijing bird nest stadium.
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messi with a save in the first half. winning 2-0. >> our counterattacking has improved a lot since the world cup. we've improved our defense in passing accuracy. i asked for those changes in every training session, and the players carried this out very well in the match tonight. >> it's a nation known for its love for cricket, but india will launch a bran new football competition. eight franchises will compete. the clubs are owned by a mix of bollywood stars, investors and cricketers. that includes dok tendakar.
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we have reports now whether the league can really cope in a cricket-mad country. >> this is a rare sight in india. in mumbai, a city of 18 million people, this is the only dedicated football field. but these kids might have a head start in becoming the next big thing. the indian super league is set to begin featuring five international football players in each team. those behind the league say high television ratings for the world cup and various european leagues proof indian fans want football. >> once indians decided they were interested in football, and then a lot of football players coming from india. >> reporter: many of the international players including world cup players are no longer
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in their prime, but the head of the league said that they will help to create an appeal for the sport in india. >> ultimately that's what the aim is to make it stronger and we'll start at the bottom of the pyramid. that's where we want the franchises to concentrate. that's what we were lacking at. >> reporter: it will be challenging to build the stadium and facilities needed to reach that goal. football is not as poplar as it is in the rest of the world. but as a new league starts up it not only has to compete with other sports for attention but also for money. >> cricket dominates in india from a young age all the way to professional levels. to counter that the indian super league has sought the help of bollywood to draw fans and funds. >> this brand expert said that the excitement of international players will only last for so long and creating local champions is one of three
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important steps to the league's success. >> whether the fans start consuming the sport means playing it and last but not least are the sponsors. if these three things don't happen it will not sustain it. >> these kids are training to be india's football stars of tomorrow. and if the new league scores with fans they may have a popular venue to show off their skills. al jazeera, mumbai. >> from football let's get caught up on the latest motorsports news. going to russia's grand prix with four races remaining in the season. the competition is fierce in the race for the drivers' championship. >> reporter: the grand home of this year's winter olympics bathed in sunshine as it welcomes formula one for the first time. it would be easy to suggest the rocky relationship between
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mercedes' to be two men hamilton and rosberg. they threatened to steal their thunder fastest in the first two qualifying sectors. the corner would cost him a spot on the front row he'll start from third. and storming to the front for the seventh time this season was hamilton, .2 of a second faster than rosberg. >> i really enjoy driving this track. it wasn't the easiest of sessions. these guys were looking quite strong. >> it was quicker, all weekend, really. i worked hard to get close, and i managed to get within .2 now. >> taking advantage of home advantage, the driver producing
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his best qualifying performance in fifth. >> russian president vladimir putin is to attend sunday's ra race. al jazeera. >> and divisioso. he too clips mark marquez setting a new lap best of the circuit as he put his team on the front and on the grid for the first time. championship leader mark march can hmarquez starting from fourth. he has a chance to retain his title. roger federer getting the better of djokovic this year. he stormed through the shanghai
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final masters. very aggressive in the first, the grand slam winner was nearly out of the tournament he was too hot for djokovic. and he bends djokovic's winning streak in china. >> i really tried to move the net and cut the points down shortly. i went to work and tennis is the best. i've always loved it. i've always enjoyed it, and i thought today was a great performance everything was working from serve to ball t ball and i'm really served. >> the frenchman sweeping aside
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lopez. and a three-shot lead over the chasing pack in the rain hinn affected portugal masters. nicholas with three shots behind thbehind the round of the day on saturday moving into contention, five shots behind levy after a round of 64. well, the second leg of the beijing cycle race was shortened because of felipe gilbert. it was an initial break but the peloton dragged him back to the sprint finish. gilbert on the right, the belgium winning the stage and now takes the over all lead. afterwards he was put on a pollution mask.
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>> this morning it was raining, and then just a lot of pollution in the air. we spoke together with the organization, and everyone agreed we should the last 30-k and i think it was a good decision. >> one of baseball's american league championship series against the baltimore orioles, the game was 5-5 after nine innings. a home run from alex gordon and two-run homer for mike mustakus with a win in the tenth inning. there are four extra innings in five postseason games as royals return to the championship series for the first time in 29 years. that's your sports and we have plenty more later. >> thanks so much, robin. that brings us to the end of this news hour. we have another full bulletin of news coming up so don't go too far.
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>> and the winner is...stephen boyer. >> the biggest goal of my life is that i'm gonna be this super filmmaker. my parents invested in a private school to get me into a top university. tri five. but the more i think about it, the more i realize i've been living a pointless life. it's made me question if i totally wanna go to college. >> i really liked asu. if i had the money i would go there. i grew up poor and i am poor. but colleges don't really give aid to undocumented students. i ly
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