tv News Al Jazeera October 13, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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>> more demonstrations expected in egypt. plans to overlaw the law hello. welcome to al jazeera. i'm martine dennis in doha. also to come in the programme - watching the fight from afar. shedding tears for the homeland. we meet the syrian kurds that fled the fight against i.s.i.l. in kobane. removing barricades. security teams begin clear
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protest flights. and back for a third term. evo morales secures an overwhelming majority in bolivia's presidential election. the u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon has left the cairo pledging conference and is in ramallah speaking alongside the palestinian prime minister. >> translation: we'll be allocated for the reconstruction in gaza strip, and the other path will be delegated to the palestinian needs. a statement will be issued from the norway side, who organised the conference with egyptians. the conference asserted the
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necessity of the importance of bringing truce for good. the conference is part of the palestinian areas, and needs to be under control of the palestinian government. it's impossible to start the reconstruction of the gaza strip without opening in front of the goods and people. we stressed the importance of the palestinian private sector in reconstructing gaza, and the importance of giving the necessary facilities to the private sector, and the materials that would be needed to reconstruct the gaza strip. the palestinian and israeli side agreed that, and urged both sides to help this movement, and this movement is a step towards lifting the blockade completely on grip, and putting an end to the israeli occupation and the establishment of the palestinian state on the 1967 borders.
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the government has urged greater efforts to reconstruct gaza strip, and enable the palestinian government to practice and do its job over the palestinian territories in gaza as well. it's important at the conference that everyone on top of whom mr ban ki-moon spoke about the necessity of a two-state solution. we all speak about temporary solutions, but now the ceiling of the palestinian leadership is to reach a 2-state solution, to live together in israel. i have informed the secretary-general about the efforts we are exerting to unify the job, and boost the reconciliation, to make the
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reconstruction of gaza strip a success. the visit is a quiet interpretation of his duty and job. and will make it clear that we need to be up to our responsibilities and help the palestinian government, and the international community has to stop us from continuing its aggression and enable our institutions in jerusalem, gaza and palestinian territories to do the job for the service and the sake of citizens and make a future for the palestinians. we have discussed with ban ki-moon the difficult situation of the holy city and the attempts by israel to change the geographic location of the city through the settlement, and for the wall to take jerusalem away from its arab environment, and
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the islam shrine, the christian shrines are violated, particularly the mosque, which has been stormed by the settlers, until this morning. we have seen that in al-aqsa mask. the difficulties put in front of the prays, that is why the full party committee and the united nations have to play a role in this and have to activate the mood in order to establishment the palestinian state and force them to commit itself to the international laws and to stop the settlement policies and stop the existence of the palestinians. and the sea area particularly in the south. and the operation. because this is an important step to start a political day
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off, to put on end to the conflict and rescue the two state solution, thank you mr ban ki-moon for your visit. you will visit gaza and you will see the humanitarian level, and the palestinian government and people appreciate the efforts played by the nations. the gaza strip and providing the necessary aid to the gazas, and appreciate your role in paving the way for some money for the people, for the employees in gaza strip. we look forward to working together for the sake of palestinian people in gaza. this is a human effort, a human job, and we need to revitalize this in order to pave the way for trust to be restored. trust, the dignity and numerous israeli aggressions on gaza. the sengs of infrastructure, the
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section of the hospitals that have been built for the support through the countries, and hitting and attacking the civilians inside the schools. this means that the war language will lead to more despair. it's a protection for our people in gaza, protecting the gazans, it is important because it's an necessity now. today not tomorrow. thank you very much indeed. you are most welcome in palestine. i thank you team and your team has made a lot before the war, during the war and after the war in order to achieve our targets and gain our rolls, establish our country as the capital of that state. thank you very much thank you, mr prime minister.
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good morning, ladies and gentlemen...'s a pleasure for me to be in ramallah again. i would like to thank the prime minister ham dala and his cabinet members for their warm welcome and hospitality. i was lastly here in july during a tremendously difficult time. civilians in gaza were dying by the hundreds, and suffering by the hundreds of thousands of people. i travelled to the region, then to country, to the international effort to stop the fighting. the message of hope. the hope of rebuilding gaza, and creating a brighter future for the people. i just attended the cairo conference on pal tain
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restructuring gladda. we are told to -- gaza. following the unprecedented level of destruction caused by the recent conflict. the amount of which had been committed, pledged by the international community is encouraging considering current international situations, the crisis happening here and there. i was encouraged. construction - deconstruction with the support of the international community.
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we'd like to see them succeed in right responsibilities and functions in gaza. i'm greatly encouraged by the cabinet meeting chaired by his excellency, the prime minister, in gaza, the united nations was the first to welcome and support a unity government when it was formed on the basis of plo equipment. we facilitated temporary mechanism for monitoring and allowing building materials. i wish to express appreciation to ham dala for association in these discussions. the mechanisms was endorsed in
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cairo as said by the prime minister. this mechanism, if implemented in good faith will help construction urgently needed in gaza. it is my hope that this will strengthen the linkage between palestinians in the west bank and gaza and the flow of goods and people. mr prime minister, lame, why rebuilding is important. we must tackle the root causes of unstability in gaza. this is the only way to avoid a tragic conflict in the future. in my years as secretary-general gaza has supported catastrophe
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three times. the students in gaza, at such a young age, they have suffered three wars already at a very young age. we must stop the endless, mindless cycle of suffering. at the same time we must give renewed attention to the west bank. i once again condemned the continued settlement activity by israel. i'll also deeply concerned by repeated provocations at the holy site in jerusalem. these inflame tensions. admittedly the situation can only be resolved was part of a
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broader political horizon that ends half a century of occupation and leads to a 2-state solution, where the state of pol tine coe exists with israel in peace and security. i know many palestinians are understandab understandably frustrated over a peace process from 20 years ago, and has not produced a final agreement. giving up hope will guarantee victory for the advocates of violence. i urge palestinians to show courage and continue engaging in a peace process. i'm urging israelis to do the same. and will review political leadership and action. time is not on the side of
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peace. we need to act immediately to prevent deemening unsustainable status quo. the united nations - all systems will support all efforts into negotiating a two-state solution. i'm visiting with my senior advisors. a special coordinaty and deputy certainly. we are committed and we stand with you. i thank you very much much so the u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon with a few words of arabic with his audience.
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imtiaz tyab was listening to the press conference given by the palestinian prime minister given by ram dala and ban ki-moon. there seems to be a double emphasis (a) talking about the reconstruction of gaza, which is where you are, but also hopes for a renewed impetus when it comes to the peace process. underlined by developments around the al-aqsa mosque. >> that's right. what we understand is a group of protest juniors, palestinian protesters protesting a number of people from far right groups, there was a clash between both sides. stun grenades and tear gas were
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used. a number of those people were injured. the current situation at the al-aqsa mosque follows a similar one not only a week ago. as we heard from the palestinian prime minister. they were saying that this needs to under. that has become a flashpoint with forces storming the compointed. that resulted in peopling getting injured. that needs to end. what we are seeing is discussed by both the palestinian prime minister and ban ki-moon, the u.n. secretary-general that fundament atly israel's occupation needs to end. it was described as a situation that can only be resolved by a half century of occupation. strong words, underscored by the
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fact that we are seeing violence at the al-aqsa mosque. the u.n. secretary-general is on his way to gaza to look and see how this 5.4 billion that has been pledged might be used. half of that sum is allocated for reconstruction. give us an idea what the secretary-general is likely to witness there. >> when ban ki-moon comes to gaza. he'll see a gaza different to a gaza he saw in 2009. keep in mind mr ban was last here in 2009 after the officers described as occupation last led lasting from swathe and 2009. it was a bad conflict. nothing in comparison to a
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recent conflict in june or july, in august, a 7-week period in which 2,200 palestinians were killed, in which 100,000 people lost their homes. the situation in gaza is perhaps the worst it's been. that is what the u.n. secretary-general will be witnessing when he comes on tuesday, and what is interesting is what he said in the briefing just now. he said the cycle of what he said endless mindless suffering needs to end. mr ban, before coming to gaza, will meet with the israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu, and, of course, will be raising these issues, an issue that he said time and again, that this cycle of violence here in gaza, which has taken place since 2006, since hamas has taken obvious, the gaza strip needs to end. there has been three conflicts
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and it's the gazans who suffer. the people who live in the city behind me who suffer. that is what the u.n. secretary-general will come here and see when he visits on tuesday. okay. for now, thank you very much indeed. >> imtiaz tyab will keep us across ban ki-moon's visit to gaza when that happens let's go to egypt. university staff there are planning to protest on monday against a proposed overhaul of college laws. at least six students were arrested on sunday during illegal protests at the university said are cairo and islamic al-azhar. it coincided with the start of the academic year. we have this report. >> students in their thousands across the campuses, saying if the protests ends. the world will thing everything is fine in egypt. organizers call the captain
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students are back, and they are demonstra demonstrating against the coup and the violation of basic rights. among the crowd were supporters of the outlawed muslim brotherhood, and other activists opposed to the removal of the government. scanners and walk-through gates by a private security firm didn't help. students were angry at the arrangements. waterborders were confiscated. >> we are trying to avoid clashes with security forces as they storm into campuses, detain halve hassedly. we are trying to be away from that. the students protest. they expel them. we cover our heads and faces, and try to do peaceful tactics. >> reporter: exercising the right to disagree comes at a risk.
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egypt bans security forces to bar a public gathering of 10 people. more than 1800 have been gaoled for stating their opinion. the arrests are seen as part of a wider crackdown against supporters. human rights watch accused the security forces of silencing dissent and brute use of force. it's not just students. staff are concerned over the government's attempts to overhaul policies, a top court dismissed an ament to legalize faculty members. president abdul fatah al-sisi passed stricture laws, and doesn't appear to be curbing concept. the government needs another plan. thousands of whom were determined to express her opinion on the streets. >> the sentencing phase is
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beginning in the trial of the south african athlete oscar pistorius. lat month he was found guilty of killing his girlfriend. he was clearlied of murder. instead, he was sentenced on the culpable homicide charge. he could face up to 15 years in gaol. >> the whole trial. of course,m celebrity trial received a huge amount of media attention. so let's talk now to the political analyst in johannesburg. thanks for talking to us. i'm wondering about the kind of issues that this trial has thrown up. there were many suggestions that this was a matter of privileged, white, well-off boy, with a weapon treated differently to had he been a black boy from a
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township. >> yes, there has been a lot of speculation in the media, particularly after the trial was accelerated. other people in similar situations who are not celebrities claim the trial in their case has been delayed for years in many cases and there is the issues of race thrown up again. the issue of celebrity versus access to justice. but i think more than that what this has thrown up is issues in south african society of intimate violence, and views, and the killing of partners by those that are deemed in one way or another to have more power. the level of gender based violence has been on the agenda not only from the media, but a
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sociologist and anthropologist as well. >> what do you put it down to. 20 years after the end of apartheid. what do you put that down - the stresses within south african society. i think we are a violent prone society in many respects. what the legacy apartheid has been is that under apartheid, civil disobedience was encouraged as part of the campaign against the apartheid government. so there was an era of lawlessness that carried over into the early pages of democracy and bim entrenched. what you have got is a society that to some extent deals with challenges to frustrations. and more prone ways.
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i'm not a psych oing. i have done a lot of reading around us. there's unresolved issues in the society that are around social fracture lines such as race, language, and more and more around social lines around glass issues. it's still a huge income gap in the society. what you are seeing is the visible manifestation of those frustrations caused by those issues in the form of violence. and quite often in the form of violence against partners. >> we'd love to talk to you for longer. time is against us. very interesting. thanks. >> john kerry, the secretary general -- secretary of state admits that saving kobane is not part of a long-time strategy.
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kurdish forces are struggling to defend kobane, and there are fears for the safety of thousands of civilians trapped there. john kerry was speaking in cairo and said the focus should be on defeating i.s.i.l. in neighbouring iraq. >> kobane does not define the strategy of the coalition with respect to dash. kobane is one community and it's a tragedy what is happening there. we don't diminish that. we have said from day one, it is going to take a period of time to bring the coalition thoroughly to the table, to rebuild some of the moral and capacity of the iraqi army, and begin the focus where we ought to focus first, which is in iraq. it is iraqis who will have to take back iraq. it is iraqis in anbar who will have to fight for anbar, and we
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are confident just as that happened before. that can and will happen again. it will take time to build the capacity in order for is to be effective. so no one should anticipate as president obama said from day one, no one has been guilty of any exaggerated expectation here. certainly not from the administration. the military leaders, the civilian leaders, from day one, have said this will be difficult. this will take time. we have to rebuild. we have to constitute the coalition, responsibilities have to be divided up. people have to get to their place of responsibility, and that is taking place now. >> and we also continued our conversations to help define the specific role that egypt will play in the coalition against i.s.i.l. we are grateful for president
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abdul fatah al-sisi's and foreign minister's engagement on that, from the word go. they have been in discussions and involved. as president obama made clear, the united states is committed to degrading and ultimately defeating i.s.i.l. we have the latest from on the ground on the border from our correspondent there, stefanie dekker. >> we have spoken to sources inside kobane who tell us that they launched an operation against i.s.i.l. fighters in the east. it was suck sesful, they say -- successful, they say, targetting armoured vehicles. a number. i.s.i.l. fighters were killed. john kerry said kobane was never part of the strategy against i.s.i.l. what is happening in the town is a tragedy, but the focus is on iraq. we spoke to the head of the south proclaimed cannes tan of kobane, and they say they
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support operations against i.s.i.l., whether in syria or iraq, but it's the international community's responsibility to protect civilians, and warned of a massacre. when we talk about a battle on the ground, it's street-by-street. no movement has been made about taking more ground whether on i.s.i.l.'s positions or white people. >> now, in chile, indigenous protesters fought with riot police. police in the capital used water canon after rocks and firebombs are thrown at them. the protesters called for an end to the criminalisation of indigenous people. and the release of political prisoners. the protest coincided with anniversary commemorations of the arrival of christopher colombus in 1942
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