tv News Al Jazeera October 17, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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♪ >> announcer: this is al jazeera. hello and welcome to the news hour, i'm in doha with the stories we will be covering in detail over the next 60 minutes. [gunfire] called for a ceasefire in benghazi as fighting trapped families in libya's second city. rarely have so many been in prison, beaten up, intimated or murdered in the course of our duties. a letter from peter greste
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calls a message to the world calling for media freedom. negotiations believed to be taken place of a german man held hostage in the philippines. inside north korea our exclusive look if new farming reforms will help end starvation. ♪ we begin in libya that is where the credit crescent called for ceasefire in benghazi to move out families trapped by fighting and they launched offensive to gain grounds in the city and the general said he will run for president if libya demands it and has been involved in politics since the 1960s and he once fought former leader gadhafi and he rose through the
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ranks and head of the military and he was captured in the 1987 conflict with neighboring chad and gaddafi said that was not true and he spent 20 years trying to go against gaddafi and fought alongside some of the groups that are now his rivals and victoria has more. [gunfire] benghazi is caught up in a struggle for control between forces loyal to libya's national recognized government and rival malitia groups. war planes have bombed suspected malitia positions and people supporting the rent grade general forces dismantled checkpoints with fighters set up with al--shareer and libya under
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control of two governments and groups engaged in daily fighting. south of tripoli these are some of the families who left their homes to escape the fighting. >> translator: they shelled our house in the middle of the night. my son was injured but when we got him to hospital the doctors said they couldn't do anything for him and he died. >> reporter: the town's university has been turned into a temporary shelter but there is no school here so the children make the most of what little they have. >> our country is in a state of war and the schools are closed. we had to leave our homes and come live here. >> because of the fighting we lost lots of lessons which is sad. >> the nonstop fighting in the area killed hundreds of people and forced hundreds more to leave their homes. it's a pattern repeated across the country. violence and rivalries deeply
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split libya following the up rising and the former leader gaddafi and rival groups trying to get power show no reconciliation so the people in libya continue to face chaos and violence, i'm with al jazeera. let's talk to a professor of contemporary history at, qatar university and if he were to capture benghazi would that put the parliament and nationally recognized government in a stronger position? >> i don't think so. in trying to control benghazi this will change the internal dynamics in library yeah and basically the international community has to respond to this action because basically there is a recognized government in benghazi by international community. the success of benghazi means basically it is a strong step toward facing international
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community saying i'm against you and your government that you recognize. so basically it's a huge step and it will have sort of ramification on international community's response to what is happening. >> are you say they are going to succeed in the operation. >> in the last 2-3 days he is not in a good position militarily despite the fact he has support from egypt and there is a lot of confirmed report about it and also he has some reports from tribes. having said all of that still there is a question mark about the problems he can make taking into consideration the power benghazi enjoys so far with a little support from forces from different tribes supporting a legitimate government. >> there is a sense of might have picked up speed right now but it has been going on for a couple of months, since may and he has been going to benghazi
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and has been attacks and the balance of power has not shifted whatsoever. >> this is a trend out of the spring and libya is one of those countries and we saw this in yemen and egypt. this is a trend and it's likely to continue simply because of the failure of establishing a strong government and strong military institution and more important establishing strong economy where people can change the life of people. and all the failures get together to tell us there is a lack of this on the society and above all of that lack of leadership. libya like other countries has lack of leadership and it's likely the situation will continue. >> what about you mentioned the interference of other countries in libya and we see the foreign interference taking place there, where does that leave the situation of the country and shows you just how much there is at stake and not only libya but the entire region with many players. >> you know, with the failure of
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stopping the so called arab spring we will direct the movement. we are basically trying to bring a government where they can serve the interest with the neighboring country of the international players and what we are seeing now in egypt in the 30 of june 2013 what we are seeing there the government is trying to bring to its side the government in libya trying to change the dynamic in libya and this is what we saw and the support, the government of receiving from government in egypt. >> all right, thank you very much. and he is joining us here in doha. yemen fighting between hoothie and rebels have killed many people and they sent fighters to the city of ib near an al-qaeda stronghold and last week they
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vowed to confront hoothies and sunnis and they pledged to secure the city and prevent the entry of gunmen. >> translator: no one can enter taz by force, by the power of my office under the constitution, my patriotic responsibility and ethical duty is to secure taz and it was built by the sweat of eyebrows and what is paid is from their hard work and it's our duty to secure the circumstances where the strong d devoures the weak. >> reporter: how will that happen and they basically over ran the capitol. >> yes, that is right and that is why we think there could be change in the sequence of events
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with the statement made by the general there. the general is head of the fourth military command and includes the providence of taz, aiden and two other provinces and he was very clear that he will not or his forces will not allow hoothie advancements and that is very important because that is the biggest yemen province in terms of population and it's mainly sunni population and if it went to taz the fighting could have a sectarian aspect to it. so it's very, very dangerous. and like other military units in the country, that unit, that commander seems to be willing to confront the hoothie advancement. very quickly, in the city of eb there is fighting in the north of the city between hoothie and tribal fighters.
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we understand from sources there that the tribal leaders have ordered their fighters to forearmed units to confront the hoothie advancement. >> on the back of the hoothie advancement and unrest in yemen there seems to be an al-qaeda resurr resurr resurge, with al-qaeda. >> that is right and that is a problem in yemen the country has been facing al-qaeda for years and al-qaeda took advantage of the hoothie, the shia-hoothie advancements because al-qaeda is predomina predominant sunni and they are engaged in battles in areas including here. >> i'm not sure what is going on
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behind you there but we will let you go for the time being and thank you very much for joining us from the capitol in yemen. the u.s. and coalition partners hit islamic state of iraq and around the border town of kobane and 53 air strikes since monday and kurdish people say the air strikes are helping push isle bark and we will go to mr. smith joining us there to tell us whether is it possible to know how much control isil has lost because of the u.s. led air strikes? >> reporter: well, we think, according to the sources, the kurdish fighters we are speaking to in kobane we recon 30% or so of the town remains in isil control and air strikes more than 50 in the last 72 hours but none so far today, those air
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strikes it would appear degraded their possibilities and killed a lot of isil fighters and more than a thousand is one estimation we are hearing. the kurdish fighters themselves suffered losses and suffered 133 of their fighters have been killed in a month since this attack on kobane and it started and kurdish fighters have been able to regain territory in the town and still have not got it back. this morning we have been hearing sporadic out bursts of gunfire and not just from the west are which remains under kurdish fighter control and the south and the east where most of the intense fighting has been over the past ten days or so. >> bernard, tell us whether there are any civilians left in that town of kobane and if so are you hearing how the fighting is affecting them and civilian
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casualties? >> reporter: i think the general view is most of the civilians have left. turkey is hosting more than 160,000 or perhaps 180,000 refugees from kobane town and villages and they are on this side of turkey since the attack on kobane started. there are a few civilians left and i think it's perhaps in the few hundreds as shaktar -- far as we know and kurds involved in governing the area as well as kurdish fighters but the number of civilians there are still some there living in what must be an incredible difficult circumstances but numbers are in just a few hundreds. >> thank you and reporting from the turkey syria border. front line of iraq is a lifeline for people who go to the kurdish north and we report from the
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city. >> reporter: it's not a matter of choice and on any day thousands make the journey and the road is a lifeline for those who live in mosul, decrete and other areas under control of islamic state and the only route to reach the kurdish controlled north. >> translator: we decided to come here and stay until the situation in ramadi improves but to reach here it took ten hours and we drove on dirt roads but no one stopped us from leaving. >> reporter: this border is also a front line. isil positions and kurdish forces are less than a kilometer apart. security is tight here to prevent isil from infiltrating the region and cars not allowed through and people can only cross on foot but the traffic is not only one way.
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these people live in territory controlled by islamic control state and many are too scared to speak because as you can see they return home. some don't want to leave and other can't afford accommodation in relatively safer areas in the north and they need goods, an indication how difficult it is to find the most basic supplies in isil-controlled territories. this is what we were told by some who have decided to find refuge elsewhere. >> translator: there is nothing in mosul and no water and no electricity and lives stopped. >> reporter: people are clearly tired and each person has a story to tell. and mohamed says life in mosul was like living in darkness and isil detains people and steal from them he says. now he is on the other side mohamed says he feels he can now
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breat breathe. i'm with al jazeera south of kurkook city. senior commander guard has been killed in syria and this shows a coffin with brigadier general in it and he was killed fighting rebels in aleppo on behalf of the syrian government. still to come on the al jazeera news hour, a message for freedom, media freedom on behalf of jailed journalist peter greste and also what do you do with a bridge to no where and we will tell you how a capitol is looking for a solution. and san francisco giants walk off with a place in the world series and details coming up, with joe and sports. ♪
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a keynote address on behalf of jailed al jazeera journalist peter greste has been at a media award ceremony in london and recognized journalists who show integrity, courage and independent spirit. greste with fahme and mohamed have been detained in egypt for 293 days and they are falsely accused of helping the out lawed muslim brotherhood and appealing against convictions and we were at that media event in london. >> reporter: as journalists gathered at london's front line club for award ceremony to look at freelances worldwide one of the club was absent and al jazeera correspondent peter greste is serving a prison term with fahmy and mohamed in egypt and this is a keynote from conversations with him and delivered by co-defendant saw
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terden he reflects on increasing dangers of journalists in conflicts defined more and more by ideology. >> my point is in the battle grounds whether hot or cold journalists are no longer on the front lines, we are the front lines. in this wide conflict there is no such thing as a mutual independent reporter. both sides, if you cruciate the lines in pursuit of a fundamental principles of balance or fairness or accuracy you effectively join the enemy. >> reporter: greste believes his incarceration serves as a reminder of the importance of a free press. >> i think if you look to the statistics of the last 20 years i think you can reasonably assume the journalism and acquisition of news abroad has become increasingly dangerous to the point now i think it is very severely threatened and editors and news organizations are rarely wondering if they can take the risks involved to take
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people to places like syria. peter greste family is keen to stress and put the speech together during prison visits, he and his fellow prisoners restricted in what they are allowed to right and privileges could be revoked if authorities think anything has been smuggled out. they are not free to speak their minds and in media newsrooms and capitol around the world is bringing prep for their release and this is close to the hearts of many journalists sometimes at risk simply for doing their jobs. i'm with al jazeera, london. human rights group freedom house is calling on the u.s. to help secure the release of american egyptian activist and other demonstrators in prison in egypt. accused of spreading false information last year. his trial in cairo was postponed on wednesday and on hunger strike since january and sent back to prison from hospital.
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even though the doctors say he is in critical condition. freedom house has issued the following statement, he has been carrying out a hunger strike and in danger of dieing in an egyptian prison for no reason other than his political views. the united states should do its utmost to persuade egypt to free him as well as the thousands of other political prisoners arrested since 2013. negotiations are believes to be taking place for release of a german man being held by an armed group in the philippines and fighters say they have killed stephan unless demands were met and harry faucet is in the southern philippines with the latest, harry on the reported negotiations that could be taking place? >> reporter: well, that is the supposition based on the fact that the fighters who have been in touch with the local radio station throughout this
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situation, they got in touch again earlier on friday saying they were extending their deadline by two hours. that was confirmed by the philippine military but we are an hour past the extended deadline so that -- so we don't know the precise nature of what is going on now but certainly that would have left more time for negotiations to be carried out, the philippine government on a national level says it does not negotiate with hostage takers but more leeway given to the government who is in charge of the situations. we also know that a german representative is here on the ground, the german foreign ministry confirming that and so there is at least the opportunity for contacts to be made. the difficulty though is responding to these demands, $5.6 million and end of u.s. government, sorry german government support for u.s. military action from isil in the middle east and an organization which they closely aligned itself in resent months and
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philippine military to go to the newly reenforced position and difficult demands for the governments to meet. we have spoke tone the head of the antikidnapping task force of the philippine police in the last few minutes and he is saying there is no fresh update to give us but there are law enforcement activities as he calls them carrying on the island where this is taking place. >> reporter: at the same time harry there is another hostage as well, that is being held. what is the update on that? >> reporter: well,, in fact, a number of hostages, at least five foreign hostages and a number of philippine nationals as well. but the german national stephan one of the most imminent threat to his life and be heading was supposed to have taken place today if they carried it through according to deadline, he was taken with his partner henry in april, they were on a yacht
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going in the seas around the philippine islands and we understand they have been separated, obviously the negotiations if they are taking place as far as the german government is concerned will be for both of them but it was mr. oconoic in his 70s who was the most imminent threat of being killed today, friday, philippine time. >> reporter: harry faucet reporting from the southern philippines. rescue and recovery efforts are continuing in napal after blizzards went through the himalayas and 29 killed and dozens of trappers are missing and we have more from there. >> reporter: rescue and recovery operation of those missing from tuesday's snowstorm has halted after rescues have had to focus their attention on rescuing and evacuating around 40 hikers who tried to cross the
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5400 meters which is right behind me. the trekers who were evacuated and the ones we met said they had absolutely no idea that further down it was completely blocked. army official we talked to earlier said that the snow and ice is chest deep and impossible to cross. the army officials and the other rescuers, local and private, chopper pilots have been stretched and working and had the trekers had not started moving they could have continued with recovery process. so the government has stepped up recently and the information has gone out to the remaining trekers who are stranded up on the other side to not move because the paths are still blocked but and the government has also been saying that their
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information system and weather preparedness system is going to be better but critics are saying that their response has been very slow and maybe this is a bit too little a bit too late. >> let's bring in everton and talk about the hurricane coming down on bermuda. >> major storm and damaging winds and live threatening floods and potential for that according to the hurricane center. this is the position of the storm at the moment. it's going in a north direction and the eye more ragged as it does so and it will continue making its way northward through the next 12-36 hours then. we are looking at the system making its way through around about 10 hours time and it will continue to drift in across the region and you see the heavy things and people are batting
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down the hatches and this is a week after the last storm and we normally done see them as close to this but major problems coming in through the next couple of days. we see the system making its way toward bermuda and it will pass to the west of bermuda but close enough to be a direct hit. sustained winds of 215 kilometers miles per hour and this is a category four on the scale to measure hurricanes and it will be around category three but top end category three by the time it makes its way through and heavy rain and it will go quickly with very heavy rain and strong winds by the time we come to saturday. >> everton thank you very much. design experts worldwide are focused on cape town africa, the official world design capital and the distinction will promote social change. as tanya page reports they are
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transforming everything from classrooms to post apartheid neighborhoods. >> reporter: like school at lunch the girls are in a huddle and the boys messing around and like 85% of south african schools they didn't have a library. but private sponsors have built one. one of the projects that is happening in cape town as part of the city being named world design capitol this year and it aims to promote cities they used to design to advance the social, cultural and urban development and all about meeting the people's needs. >> and it teaches you lessons and spelling. >> the thing about the library is that you can go any time, you are free to go any time, even after school. >> reporter: another school is getting a garden. the children will grow their own vegetables to supplement a daily meal the government provides.
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examples of how those running the project want people to see design as something for everyone. a huge part of the job has been to get away from the elitist view of design and say don't think about the word design. think about it as design thinking as a way of solving problems as an approach that puts the user at the core of it. not the fabulosity of the artist. >> it was designed to separate people and the country transformed to an extent but believe the world design capitol can further that change. >> activate cape town and little projects that make this bigger picture. so on a micro sort of level like at the schools and things like that but i think it could be activated a lot more if people just became aware of it. >> reporter: one of the city design problems is what people here call the bridge to no where. this bridge is a bit of an icon
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in cape town and 20 years ago they realized there was a mistake with the design and construction stopped and it has been like this ever since, it's a big open baring design failure right in the heart of the city and now university students are being asked to suggest solutions with imagination another of the city's problems could soon be more than a pigeon's perch. i'm in cape town, south africa. >> reporter: the u.s. president resists pressure for a west africa travel ban as more countries bar travelers from ebola-hit nations, no -- mozambique and we will talk about the world cup coming up, with joe in sports. ♪
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♪ hello again you are with the al jazeera news hour and here are the top stories, libya's red crescent called for ceasefire in benghazi and are taking back armed malitia. ten killed in fighting between hoothie and al-qaeda gunman and happened at an al-qaeda stronghold. u.s. led air strikes in and around the syrian town of kobane pushed back isil fighters and
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has been 53 strikes since monday and kurdish forces held the town and the group remains in surrounding areas. three caribbean countries have begun restricting and treating people traveling from guinea, liberia and sierra leone because of the ebola outbreak and they are close to saying that synagal is ebola free. >> reporter: here people with ebola and those suspected to be incubating it are treated. part of an outbreak whose threat has convinced three caribbean countries to institute travel bans but not the united states whose president says a ban could be counter productive. >> history shows that there is a likelihood of increased avoidance, people do not readily disclose their information. they may engage in something called broken travel essentially
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breaking up their trip so they can hide the fact they have been to one of the countries there is a disease in place. >> reporter: in west africa the number killed by the disease is now about 4 1/2 thousand and guinea is the hardest hit and home to 11 1/2 million people and half of them live in poverty. the government spends just $67 per person per year on health. meaning there are just 1100 doctors in the whole country. >> in guinea especially in the forest region to make sure the people this is a disease but it's survivable. it can be treated and isolated and managed and together we want to de stigmatizstigmatized ebol. >> reporter: appeal for countries to donate more money to a special ebola trust fun but on the front line against the disease in west africa aid agencies say that money alone is not the answer. >> we need more people to come to work here. we don't need money.
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we need people. we don't need head, we need arms and legs. >> reporter: but health workers are among the most at-risk people in this outbreak as shown by the case of the u.s. nurse who became infected after streeting a patient in the states who went on to die from ebola. the nurse has now been moved to a specialist unit, dominick cain, al jazeera. we are crossing over to oxford and going to speak to camilla deputy humanitarian director from oxfan and thanks for being with us on al jazeera news hour and i'm sure you are aware senegal could be ebola free and nigeria following that on monday and can you say for certain what it is they did correctly? >> i think it's really great news, but senegal and nigeria were able to catch it fast. i think what needs to be
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remembered is that very close by literally in neighboring countries in guinea and sierra leone there is an unprecedented crisis with huge challenges and transmission rates going up twice within 20 days. so we really should not remain co complace nsh complacent. >> what about the countries of liberia and guinea and sierra leone and what can they replicate if anything if what nigeria and senegal have done? >> reporter: i think for now it's really working on dealing with the problem at hand which is ensuring that there is medical units immediately there, that there is prevention on the ground, that we are looking at stopping the spread of the disease by making sure that
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people have access to clean water for disintech infection and have soap and chlorine and things are basic that are needed,000 but in the future what is necessary to look at the existing health infrastructure in both countries and how that can be strengthened where i think senegal has stronger health structure. >> they suffer poor health infrastructure but i see the appeal you have behind you for ebola. tell us about the funding. you have put out appeal for funding, are you getting the money you need to take on the work that you plan to do in these west african countries to combat ebola? >> no, we are hugely under funded as a humanitarian community and we not only need more medical units but also more
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hand washing facilities in communities and communities about the risks and how to protect themselves. and really providing them with protective equipment. oxfam is aiming to scale up activities in all these areas, we are public health agency and we have water and sanitation and expertise in the area and looking at getting 22 million pounds to each nearly 4 million people so really trickling our activities in order to contain the virus now and we need the funds now because we have a very small window of opportunity in which to respond to this crisis. but before we can tackle the longer term issues which is the poor health infrastructure we need help now and that requires money. >> all right, thanks very much for talking to us on the al jazeera news hour. the russian president putin has a meeting in poroshenko was
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productive and they met with other leaders over the ceasefire in ukraine and gas supply dispute and a statement from the kremlin said the talks were difficult and full of misunderstandings and several eu leaders were also present, talks expected to continue after the summit. the u.n. estimates that one-third of people in north korea don't have enough to eat and that is despite steady improvements in the supply of food since the country's famin in the 1990s and want to increase food production and we traveled to north korea and given rare access to speak to farmers. >> reporter: this is the cooperative farm located in the city. it is portrayed as a typical model farm in north korea. >> translator: kim jong came here 16 times and the dear leader provides us with
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necessary fertilizers and said we should try to be more scientific and said if we produce more than ten tons we will be rewarded. >> reporter: he says now he is able to sell the produce he grows in his garden. >> translator: thanks to our dear leader our country's great development and we now have electricity and all farming is conducted with machines. >> reporter: the landscape is beautiful here but there is much we cannot see. we are not allowed to film the workers who are telling us it's because they are dirty and don't want to be filmed but we are not sure what is going on. when we had the chance to film a field that was not part of the tour and a man screamed to this old lady to get out. the world food program says that hunger animal nutrition are common here especially among mothers and children. international humanitarian
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agencies say that overall food production has improved but it's still lower than ideal. >> translator: compared to previous years production increased significantly, north korea needs 5.4 million tons of food to feed the people and produce 5 million and the rest provided by international organizations, this is to fulfill the minimum standard. >> reporter: it's difficult to know what conditions are like in other parts of the country. people here are used to living in hardship and this model farm is not the exception but he still insists things are better than before. i'm with al jazeera, san juan city north korea. john ilif is the deputy regional director for asia and says there are many reasons for north korea malnutrition problem. >> basically there is a structural problem and
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agriculture problem exacerbated by climate and the over all problems of purchasing for the population. what this means is north korea children in particular face a chronic malnutrition problem which is very serious, 1-3 children in north korea is malnourished and a chronic deficit of fats and proteins in the diabetes and that is why the world operation has been entirely reoriented to focus on this problem of chronic malnutrition. police in hong kong raided a protest site removing barricades and clearing out most demonstrators and officers arrived in a residential and shopping district on friday morning and police encountered little resistance at the site which is an off shoot of the main occupied area in the financial district and this is against beijing position to screen candidates in the election. the genocide trial of two leaders resumed at a u.n. backed court in cambodia.
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they face charges over the killing of ethnic vitameeze. they have a ritual to a controversial war shrine and honors millions of people in war and china says it symbolizes military and honors war criminals and it triggered anger after visiting that shrine. police say a suspected serial killer confessed to murdering 39 people since 2011. targets apparently included mostly women but also gays, homeless and transgendered people. and go measure was arrested on tuesday. a greek prosecutor has recommended that the leader of the far right golden dawn party should stand trial along with 17 other legislators and dozens of
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supporters and murder and running a criminal investigation are among the charges suggested and list of criminal activities are the high profile killing of an antifascist people and pakistani workers. mozambique needs a new election and saying the party has one and opposition leaders rejecting the results of the vote saying fraud and they endorsed wednesday's vote as largely peaceful and free. let's bring in tanya page who is joining us from joe -- johannesberg and what can you tell us about the allegations of fraud after returning from there? >> reporter: well, we were looking at them in the days after the election and they seem to be, i have to say relatively
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isolated across a total of 17,000 polling stations but what he has claimed is that in some polling stations it caught firms, staff, all of the polling stations colluding with millimeter inters and stuffing ballot boxes and in one instance one member held some staff hostage for a few hours just in anger at what they are alleged to have seen and they also claim there was some intimidation of voters, however, it has to also be pointed out that at least one member was arrested for allegedly trying to pay off people who are in the line to vote. now at the moment what the voters or the results rather with only 25% counted is towards what was expected by endless and
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by commontators and 31% and that is a big win by anyone's standards it has to be pointed out in 2009 the governing party achieved 75% and he only achieved 16% so if we can extrapolate how that 25% for ranamo would have doubled its vote but it's still clearly very unhappy with the vote count so far and standing by is allegations of fraud and intimidation in this election. >> so where does that take the counting from here on and when do we expect the final results? >> reporter: well, what they want is for the vote to allow for another election to be held which would be incredibly unlikely i would say. the vote is going to continue. there should be a final result
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within 15 days so in about 14 days now with provisional results sort of eeking out and they cannot go slowly because many of the polling stations are in very remote areas and getting sent to the district and finally we get a final national result so this pulling out if you like, rejection of the results is not going to impact on that official process. but what is going to be very interesting to keep an eye out for is the reaction of the main and opposition candidate for president. he only came out of hiding about a month ago to sign a new peace deal with the government after waging a low-level insurgency and he will go back to his mountain hide out. >> tanya page reporting.
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to meet the kansas royals who put their place in the playoffs for the first time in at least three decades and sarah reports. >> reporter: going in the final game of seven-match series and leading the st. louis cards 3-1 san francisco giants had just one more job to do. the cards opened the game scoring and jon jay sending a runner home. it triggered a huge response from the giants and moving the home side here. a single home run and another from tony showing the cards were causing serious damage. >> 3-2 with tony. >> reporter: but it didn't stay that way for long and michael morse hammering this one out in the crowd to tie the game. >> on the bench. >> reporter: then the bottom of the 9th, three-run homer saved
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the giants a 6-3 victory. >> win the pennant. >> i don't remember touching third, i don't remember touching home. the next thing i remember is being thrown down with my jersey ripped off and finally, i mean i was so out of breath from yelling and screaming i had to have guys help me stand backup to finish celebrating. >> i couldn't be happier for him or everybody and an effort through all this and couldn't be prouder of these guys and they don't stop fighting and we know we have a lot of work ahead of us and we will maintain but to get to this point it's time to celebrate. >> reporter: the match up with the kansas royals in the world series, two wild card teams from the level and grown in the second time in mlb history and game one starts on tuesday in kansas city, i'm with al jazeera. >> the ethics committee says
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publishing a report in alleged corruption in the world cup bidding process is simply not possible and has pressure on futbol to have a report by michael garcia in 2018 and 2022 bids but eckard said he is legally bound to protect the rights of those in the report and instead he will publish a summary of the investigation findings in mid november. well the 2018 russia world cup bid is under the spotlight in the investigation and organizers focused on getting ready for the tournament in four years time and fifa making inspections of the venues and liked what they saw. this will be the new arena in st. petersberg which could open in 2016 and lots of work to do but inspectors think the stadium will be completed on time. >> walking on the inside, it's just a personal observation but
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it seems like it will be a great stadium in which to play an futbol in terms of atmosphere and terms of crowd and the pitch and in terms of players being able to feel the crowd because it's such a big stadium and it's very close to the fans and i think it's going to be a wonderful place to play. >> reporter: denied rereports it withdrawn the host of african nations because of ebola route break in west africa and they want the tournament postponed saying it could spread from the 800,000 people expected to attend it but say it must go ahead in jan and asked sierra leone to be on stand by in case moro morocco bows out. >> the cup due in 2015 the health minister clearly indicated it has to do with the international health regulations and means that the legitimacy
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stems from the international regulation and also from measures taken by a number of countries both now and before. without doubt there are dangers in holding huge events while there is a serious health crisis. >> reporter: the indian league is barely a week old but the competition is attracting crowds and they were at the march and atletico and both teams headed in the match having won the opening game and they took the league and the second goal of the season. the home side pressed for equalizer but couldn't manage one and scored in the 92nd minute to give cutter 2-0 win and 6 points for the match. nhl the canadian domination over the boston bruins continue as they upset boston in seven games in second round of the playoffs
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earlier in the year and thursday they came back to beat them again and giving montreal 4-3 advantage in the period and the last time they met they alleged threatening to kill an opponent and his bad mood continued with the board and a gesture he made to the crowd is now being looked at by the nhl and back on the isolate in the third period he scored the second of the night to lead canada to 6-4 win over the bruins. over in pittsburgh he scored a power play goal with 2.9 seconds remaining and a 3-2 win over the penguins and the second goal in three minutes in a frantic come back. well, an earned goal is perhaps the most humiliating blunder that can happen in sport and
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rugby and this happened in a championship on thursday and they are in yellow and black and advancing on the line when a player stole the ball and punted it back for a teammate to take, and he couldn't see the play and referred to the match official and who awarded it as a try and the players were stunned and clinched the first win of the season 49-40. incredible stuff. that is all the sport now but more later. >> i'm thinking about montreal and fans around the world sherlock holmes is the greatest dedecorative who never lived and in london they are talking about the fictitious crime fighter's life. >> this is the way in the exhibition. >> reporter: the pipe and cap and violin all here. the 19th century man script and
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writing of doyle and cost tumors over the years portraying detective and no other character filmed more from early black and white depictions to the updated modern city, the old stories and new films are increasingly popular in the far east and museum of london is in negotiations to ship the show to other destinations. >> i think it is of global phenomenon, i can't think of another fictional character that has such a hold on the world. >> reporter: he has written two novels and the first was a huge success and the second is published next month. >> great grandfather of all detectives and christie talked about him and the two men and holmes is cold and distant and the other a bit like us and the
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two of them together are irresistible. >> reporter: the analytical mind and master of disguise and the drug-using bohemianian and this is all exampled in the six month exhibition and what is it about sherlock holmes that fans are so keen on? >> for the atmosphere offer, of, era. >> reporter: it's inspiring even romance and a dating agency has walk-in tours right here on baker street. what would sherlock think about the interest, buzz and most likely he would turn to his friend dr. watson and say it's elementary. al jazeera in london. if you are in the united states it's back to the regular program on j a -- on al jazeera
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>> many of these involved >> the video from inside the hospital room of ebola patient nina pham was taken before she was transferred to another hospital for treatment. president obama is considering appointing an ebola czar as the c.d.c. is under fire for the response so far. >> survivors of the him lay i can't avalanche talk about how
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