tv News Al Jazeera October 17, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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follow our expert contributors on google, facebook and more. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ welcome to the news hour. i'm sami zeidan live from our headquarters in doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, they say it's a deal. nigeria's government and the armed group holding over a hundred schoolgirls agree to a truce. dozens of families are trapped in libya's second-largest city as fighting rages on. more casualties in yemen as houthi rebels, government troops and al-qaeda fighters battle on
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the streets. rebels in the philippines free two german hostages after holding them for almost six months. ♪ we'll begin with the developing story out of nigeria. the government says it has agreed to a ceasefire with boko haram, the armed group that kidnapped dozens of high school girls earlier this year. let's go straight to our west africa correspondent. any indication of the fate of those girls now? >> reporter: that's what people are waiting to find out, waiting to see. people are happy about the news, but many are still quite skeptical. they want to know about the terms and the thousands of people still being held by boko haram, and they want to know about these girls, when are they coming home? it has been over six months, and they are somewhere in the bush
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being held by strange men. they don't know what is going on and what has been happening to them. and they are very, very concerned. people are waiting for some kind of date as to when these girls will be released. the government talks will continue into next week. >> how are people taking the timing of this announcement, coming of course, a day before the president is expected to announce he'll run for another term? >> reporter: a lot of people state's very interesting the timing. on saturday, president goodluck jonathan is expected to announce his reluelection bid. this could be him trying to win back some of the support he may have lost particularly since these girls were abducted many nigerians were very unhappy, people wondering what has taken the go so long to find these
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girls. the government says rescuing these girls is a delicate operation. they can't just charge in there, because they are scared the girls will be killed in the cross-fire, so they say they have been negotiating, trying to get these girls released. the key thing, of course is for the parents. they want their daughters back home safely. they need a date. they need to see their girls. and that's all they want. >> thanks for that. sixteen people have been killed as rival militias battle for control of the libyan city of benghazi. soldiers loyal to former general khalifa hifter have launched an offensive to regain ground in the city. the red crescent is urging a ceasefire to allow civilians to escape the fighting. >> translator: they shelled our house in the middle of the night. my son was injured but when we got him to hospital, the doctors said they couldn't do anything for him, and he died.
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>> david mac is a former u.s. diplomat who has worked in libia and joins us live now from washington, d.c. good to have you with us. has the government got its back against the wall now when it comes to the east of libya? >> well, it depends on which government you are talking about. essentially libya has no single government. it has a house of representatives that is legitimate in the sense it was elected. you have got a number of militias throughout the country that hold power on the streets. you have an alternative political structure in tripoli that has a considerable amount of control on the ground, but in fact has virtually no legitimacy. so it's a little bit hard to say right now whether any particular government is winning. what is clear is the libyan people are losing as they are being displaced in considerable
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numbers, and they are suffering great shortages of fuel, water, food, electricity. basic requirements of life. >> i'm referring to the internationally recognized government, which is now based all the way west. if their position weakens is that going to encourage more regional and international intervention by its allies? >> hello, doha, i'm not hearing you. >> all right. we apologize for that, we have a few audio problems there. take you to syria now where the u.s. and its coalition partners have hit more positions of islamic state of iraq and the levant. they have been targeting fighters in and around the syrian town of kobani. bernard smith sent us this report. >> reporter: a barrage of
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u.s.-lead coalition air strikes in and around kobani in the last four days have halted the advance of fighters from islamic state of iraq and the levant. one kurdish activist in the town says bodies of isil fighters are littering the streets. >> translator: isil fighters are still positioned in the southern and eastern suburbs of kobani. we're engaged in street battles with them. sometimes they manage to hide. >> reporter: the battle for kobani has taken place without the involvement of the turkish military. the government wants to target the regime of syrian president, bashar al-assad, as well as isil. but the u.s. only has isil in its sites. kurdish leaders from kobani aware strikes alone won't be enough to save their town. >> if they send weaponry and ammunition for ypg, the battle will be -- you know, will end
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soon -- in just few days, but if situation stays -- stays like this, the battle will be long, unfortunately. >> reporter: on friday afternoon isil shelled close to the border with turkey. kurdish fighters say isil wants the border crossing so it can send its wounded fighter to turkey for treatment. the longer they manage to hold kobani, the more determined isil seems to be to take this town. they have sent in more reinforcements. the pendulum may have swung in kobani's favor for now, but the battle for this town is far from over. the u.s. general overseeing the coalition operation against isil says the air strikes are effective. >> we're no longer seeing them move around the country in large convoys. now they are mostly traveling in
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civilian vehicles and smaller numbers, and this is hindering their ability to mass, and to shift combat power. we have also seen them alter their methods of communication, which is intributing their ability to coordinate and synchronize their efforts. so we are having the desired effects, but this will take time. >> reporter: the u.s. general in charge of the air strike campaign against isil says it is going to take a long time to degrade that group's capabilities. but general austin told reporters on friday it can and will be done. general austin also said it is going to take some time to enhance and improve the capabilities of the iraqi military. he suggested in his opening statement that the military has suffered from neglect, and that much in the way of coherence and actual ability to carry out
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campaigns would take some time for the u.s. military and other coalition partners to improve. however, general austin said that the ongoing air strikes against isil targets both inside iraq and syria, are impeding isil fighters from making significant advances. he did note however the syrian town of kobani could still fall because it is something that isil very muches want, and anbar in western iraq is still very much being contested and it will take a lot of time for the iraqi central government to maintain and regain control of that key province. across the border in iraq, security forces there are trying to push back isil fighters in several regions. the army and police have launched operations to the south in anbar province. for people living in areas
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controlled by isil, it's a hard life, even the most basic supplies aren't available to them. so every day, thousands cross into the kurdish areas of northern iraq to escape the hardship. >> reporter: they cross enemy lines. for some of these people it is not matter of choice. on any day thousands make this journey. this road has become a lifeline for those who live in mosul, tikrit, anbar, and all of the other areas under the control of islamic state of iraq and the levant. it is the only official route to reach the kurdish-controlled north. >> translator: we decided to come here and stay until the situation improves. but to reach here it took us seven hours and we drove on dirt roads, but no one stopped us from leaving. >> reporter: this border is also a front line. isil positions and kurdish forces are less than a kilometer
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apart. security is tight here to prevent isil from infiltrating the region. cars are not allowed through. people can only cross on foot, but the traffic is not only one way. these people live in territory controlled by islamic state of iraq and the levant, that is why many of them are just too scared to speak because as you can see, they return home. some don't want to leave their homes and livelihoods, others just can't afford to pay for accommodation in the relatively safer areas in the north. and many cross just to buy much-needed goods, an indication of how difficult it is to find the most basic supplies in isil-controlled territories. this is what we were told by some who have decided to find refu refuge elsewhere. >> translator: there is nothing in mosul. no water or electricity. life has stopped.
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>> reporter: this man says that life in mosul was like living in darkness. isil decontains people and they steal from them he tas. now that he is on the other side, he says he feels he can now breathe. zana hoda, al jazeera, south of kirkuk city. let's take you back to one of the stories we're following here, the fighting in benghazi. david mac is a former u.s. diplomat and joins us once again live from washington, d.c. is the recent flairup in fighting a sign that the initiative by ban ki-moon to get the parties talking is simply not working? >> well, certainly he has not succeeded in getting the ma i will shas or representatives of the militias to get together and talk about soming kind of permanent ceasefire. he did have some success in
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getting parliamentarians into dialogue, but the key thing is not going to be which side manages to gain temporary control of the ground in fighting, the key thing will be whether there's any backup governance in these areas. if a militia takes over benghazi or portions of tripoli, and then if there's no delivery of food, water, medicine, electricity, and fuel to those areas, i think the libyan people are going to feel that they got a rather raw deal. >> what about the regional support for any peace initiative? it seems there are a lot of powers who have seemed to defined their best interest in keeping this fight going to eliminate what they see as potential opponents? >> well, in principle there is a lot of international support. there was a conference in new york back in september with
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considerable agreement on some of the general principles under which the secretary general, and his envoy are operating, and there is support for the mayor powers. virtually without exception, but there are a lot of questions about possible covert or semicovert support from one or another arab government to the forces battling in benghazi and tripoli. >> all right. we'll leave it there for now. thanks so much. much more ahead on the news hour, including it's the world's most reclusive state. what about it's people, their lives and struggles? and confusion reigns in the west indies cricket tour of india. robin will explain why later in the show. ♪
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in yemen houthi rebels are fighting suspected al-qaeda-linked gunmen. at least ten people have been killed between the two groups. houthi leaders have sent more fighters to the city of ibb near the al-qaeda strong hold. the shia minority, however, are facing a backlash. >> reporter: soon after the friday prayers were over, there was a clear message to the shia houthi fighters. houthis are not welcome here and a pledge to protect their provips and country. it's the most populous province with 1.2 million people, mostly shoeny. and if fighting between the two starts it could bring a sectarian aspect to the crisis. another one came from the top military commander in charge of taiz and other provinces.
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>> no one can enter taiz by force, it's my duty to secure taiz. the tanks and artillery you see were built by the sweat of the citizens, and it's our duty to provide the security to citizens under these circumstances where the strong devours the weak. >> reporter: in the province of ibb south of sana'a, these fighters demand the houthis leave the city. but the group remains unopposed in other parts of the country. it has made significant gains in recent days and weeks. controlling more than six provinces and an important port on the red sea. they also control the capitol. yemen now has a new reality with the houthis emerging as a
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powerful force. many people question the inaction of the military. some believe a hidden alliance between the former president who still enjoys influence over military commanders and the houthis has been formed to settle all scores with their common enemies. for more now we're joined by a political analyst live from new york. good to have you with us. first of all when the houthis captured sana'a, it was thought their goal was simply to gain political influence. now they are pushing south deeper into non-shia areas. what is their goal and strategy as you see it? >> let's be clear. i think what is behind the movement right now [ inaudible ] the political party right now is basically engaged in the handover of states and cities to the houthi.
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in ibb city where not even 1% of houthi supporters, the state was handing to the houthis. the gail right now in yemen is -- this is how it plays. let me break it down. first control the country for over 33 years, so he basically have strong ties -- personalized ties with local tribes, with local politicians and everywhere in yemen. so when houthis comes to states like [ inaudible ] for example, and there is something wrong on the report where it says ibb is a strong hold of al-qaeda, ibb never was -- >> we were referring to it being close to strong holds of al-qaeda, but i understand your point, it begs the question, though, why? if you are saying that the former president or dictate for as others call him of yemen is in collusion with the houthis.
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why? is there a comeback plan for him? >> it -- it is clearly a comeback. and let me explain why. first of all, like i said, he is the one that has the powerful ties in many towns in yemen. houthis don't have any ties in many of these places, and that's how they take -- let me explain how the takeover happens. the defense ministry who was appointed by the previous president, called the local authorities -- gives calls to -- you know, the local security forces in the army not to confront the houthi militia, and basically hand over the military divisions, then he comes in and his local politicians from his own tribes, from his own -- i'm sorry, his own political party, for example, the one that negotiated
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the turnover to houthis was political party folks. so he controls basically the -- the local tribes, the republican guards, then comes the defense minister to call local authorities and -- and -- and security forces not to confront and just to hand over. then the third-party, which is the houthis basically just do the media part of it. so for a number of reasons. last week -- or this week, the president banned all political leaders from commenting in the media, and allowing just the houthi to be the face of everything. the second part of it, had he not been in the picture, allowing -- basically this is a way to get rid of -- you know, not allow the international community to interfere and not to sanction he and his party, so they can say to the international community that what is happening is houthi. houthi doesn't have any strong ties after sana'a, this is a
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complete coup done, and they are working together. and even if you see now the new government, the new prime minister, the defense minister is from the previous party, and they are the only one in the picture right now. the president himself we don't know whether he is detained or not. he never came out to come and talk to the people and tell them exactly what is happening. so he is out of the picture, and there are a lot of questions around that. >> all right -- >> just the political and legal coverage to the houthis. >> right. i need to jump in here to bring some breaking news to our viewers. it couldn't have come at better timing as we're talking about yemen. according to al jazeera sources now we're getting word that there is an initial ceasefire agreement reached between the houthis and tribal fighters in ibb. just to repeat that, our sources tell us a ceasefire agreement
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has been reached between houthi fighters and tribal elements in ibb region. that -- i mean that goes along, i guess with the scenario that you are painting there of the conflict in yemen. it begs the question, if there is coalition between houthis, the elements of the former regime and members of the current government, where does that leave the revolution and the political transition process? >> well, it's basically going to put an end to it. everyone else will tell the international community and especially those involved in the initiative, is that now we have a new reality, and that will only keep the corrupt officials in the government. it will keep his folks, empower the houthis and keep everyone else outside of the picture. my fears and everyone yemenese fear now, is these takeovers are
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doing to radicalize the country. and hopefully the international community will now interfere. and it's clear that hatty is not taking to the public, not telling them everything. just giving political coverage. he is not even mentioning what is happening in towns in yemen. he just sends in condolence to people who have died, but not telling the people what is happening, and that's a clear message that he is part of it. houthi's spoke person all along said now they -- friends of asal, people who appeared in so many towns in yemen, many people said they are not houthis, they are republican guards, and it appears from their bodies and the way they trained and the way they have taken over towns. so it's a clear coup. and one more thing, all officials of the general
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people's congress are so happy and excited. you can see that on social media, how they are talking about houthis taking over as if it was their victory. >> okay. thank you so much >> so to me it's very clear. >> thank you so much. the presidents of russia and ukraine have come to a temporary agreement that will ensure the supply of gas to ukraine. presidents putin and poroshenko met on the sidelines in milan. they also talked about the faltering ceasefire in ukraine. let's get more from rory challands live from moscow. what is moscow saying about the deal? >> reporter: moscow is saying there has been a rough agreement reached between poroshenko and putin about how to keep the supply of gas going at lease
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through the winter, not really talking any further forward than that. what putin was saying was that they have agreed to a price. they are sticking by the -- or at least russia is sticking by the condition that ukraine has to prepay for all of the gas it will receive, and of course, it has to pay for the gas that it hasn't settled for so far. that's going to be the issue because ukraine clearly doesn't have enough money to pay the billions of dollars in outstanding gas receipts and putin was saying that he is k looking to europe to step in. the european commission, european union to help ukraine out with the amount of money that it still owes, because ukraine will probably bankrupt itself if it were forced to pay that itself. so somewhere to go, and poroshenko has been a lot more
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cautious in saying this is a specific agreement. >> all right. has there been any progress in trying to hold up that's fire in ukraine? >> reporter: well, i think slightly less goods news on that front. it's pretty safe to say that there has been no significant break through on solving the issue of fighting in eastern ukraine. that much was admitted by pretty much all of the leaders as they came out of the meetings. they were talking about tough discussions, hard discussions, maybe putin was the most positive of all. he said they were good and productive. all of the leaders are pledging adherence to the minsk agreement which is going to be the framework to any significant and long-lasting ceasefire in ukraine. we heard from putin in a press
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conference an hour or so ago, saying that neither side -- neither the rebels nor the ukrainian army was adhering to the ceasefire agreement. in that was an admission i have not heard from him before, the admission that the rebels were responsible as well. but there is no real break through there. >> all right. rory challands from moscow. thanks for that. still plenty more to come. including looming famine in the worst hit countries of ebola. and we'll take a look at the corruption and impunity that takes place in mexico. and the san francisco giants walk off with a place in the world series. robin has that and the rest of
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committed is journalism... >> they are truth seekers... >> all they really wanna do is find out what's happening, so they can tell people... >> governments around the world all united to condemn this... >> as you can see, it's still a very much volatile situation... >> the government is prepared to carry out mass array... >> if you want free press in the new democracy, let the journalists live. ♪ you are watching the al
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jazeera news hour. let's recap the headlines. according to al jazeera's sources in yemen, houthi rebels have reached a potential ceasefire agreement with rebel fighters in the area of ibb. at least ten people have been killed in battles between houthi rebels and gunmen. and nigerian government has reached an agreement with boko haram. negotiations are believed to still be underway for the release of the dozens of schoolgirls kidnapped earlier this year. islamic state of iraq and the levant islamic state is trying to capture the syrian border town of kobani. government forces in syria continue to target rebels in the civil war. at least 70 people have been killed. florence has the story. >> reporter: survivors stand around helplessly as they survey
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the remains of a building attorney apart from a car baum. activists say members of the moderate opposition group backed by the u.s. were killed. more than a dozen people have been killed in this area. medics with the little resources they have left do what they can to treat the injured. what started as an uprising against the government three and a half years ago has long desended into civil war. the u.n. high commissioner for human rights estimates the number of people killed in the conflict has exceeded 200,000. but opposition fight ores remain determined not to concede. >> translator: we ambushed behind the syrian army's lines. it was a surprise to them. we had the advantage and dealt a
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blow to them in their own base. >> reporter: east of damascus, fighters use urban guerrilla tactics to inflict damage on syrian forces. using a tunnel they had dug, they attacked government positions and fought for two days before retreating, but these victories, if they can be considered such, are rare. in aleppo city in the north, fighters hold their ground while government troops inch closer. >> translator: only a few meters separate us. we attack then retreat. the fighting is almost non-stop from dusk until dawn every day. >> reporter: most of aleppo has been reduced to rubble, but the fighters say they have to defend this position, because it overlooks a supply route used by the regime. philippine rebel group says it has releaseded two hostages.
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they wanted a ransom of $5.5 million and called on germany to stop supporting u.s.-lead air strikes on isil fighters. harry fawcett has more details from the southern philippines. >> reporter: confirmation late friday night from the philippine military that the two german hostages, stafan okonek, and henrite dielen have been released and are in philippine military hands. that follows an announcement from the abu sayyaf fighters earlier in the evening from a local radio station. we were told there would be an announcement and it came through live on air about a quarter to 9:00 that these two individuals had been handed over. they said, the abu sayyaf that they had been paid the full ransom amount they had been
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seeking, $5.6 million. no independent confirmation of that from either the government or the military here, but that is what abu sayyaf is saying. it followed a day of what appears to be intense negotiations, the deadline for the beheading of stafan okonek was pushed back by two hours as these negotiation carried on. there was increased military activity as well. now the military says they were first taken to the base. they will then be transported here to the city where a naval base is being prepared, medical facilities and beds, and then they will fly on to the capitol. hong kong police used pepper spray and batons against protesters. it's part of a wider effort by police to put an end to the protests. >> reporter: hong kong police cleared this intersection. they greatly outnumbered the
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dozens of protesters who had made this their home for nearly three weeks. it was considered a high-risk zone. this area has been the scene of some of the most violent confrontations since the start of the protests. the biggest challenge will be this one across the harbor. its leaders have told protesters to stay put despite agreeing to talks with the government. >> we don't know what the government could deliver to hong kong people, so i guess it has to be only after we have the dialogue in the meeting, we can see what the government can provide the hong kong people. >> reporter: the protesters have been calling for full democracy by 2017. a demand the chief executive says is impossible because beijing will not change its decision. the students say their only negotiating power is this.
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but the government has made it clear they will no longer tolerate the blocked roads and highways, and they say they will not use the protest sites as a bargaining chip in their upcoming discussions. according to local media, there are at least 700 tents at this site. the students are making sure they will be able to stay for as long as it takes by making it as comfortable as possible and setting up study centers. >> we shared protests until the last minute when this government trying to have some really action -- to take some really -- real action, instead of just saying something useless. >> reporter: despite the early-morning clearouts, by evening crowds at gathered again at the intersection to show their support for the protesters there. while the government has succeeded in physically taking down the barriers, the protesters say it will take a
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lot more effort to break their will. rescuers are widening their search for stranded trekkers in nepal. a series of avalanches and hurricanes swept through the area earlier this week. in mozambique the opposition party is demanding another presidential and parliamentary election. results show the ruling party won wednesday's vote, but opposition leaders are rejecting the results, claiming fraud. african election monitors endorsed the vote, though, as largely peaceful and free. the u.n. aid division says it has only received 38% of the almost $1 billion it has called for to fight ebola. it has been given just $377 million. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry joined the call to the international community to help.
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>> of the $1 billion in needs estimated by the u.n., i regret to say we are barely a third of the way there. if we don't adequately address this current outbreak now, then ebola has the potential to become a scourge like hiv or polio, that we will end up fighting, all of us for decades. doctors without borders which has been helping ebola victims from the beginning of the outbreak says what they need is personnel. >> we need more people to come to work here. we don't need money. we need people. we don't need head, we need arms and legs, and people in the field to take responsibility. >> and the world food program say food prizes in the countries effected by ebola have risen in average of 24%. hundreds of farmers have died in
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the outbreak, many others haven't been able to attend their crops. the worry is famine in some of the worst-hit countries. united nations estimating that one third of people in north korea don't have enough to eat despite steady improvements in the supply of food since the famine in the 1990s. the government is promising to increase food production. teresa was given rare access to speak to farmers. >> reporter: this farm is portrayed as a typical model farm in north korea. >> translator: kim jung un came here and his father came here eight times. now our dear leader provides us with necessary fertilizers, and he said we should try to be more scientific. or dear leader said if we
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produce more than 10 tons we'll be rewarded. >> reporter: this man says now he is able to sell the produce he grows in his garden. >> translator: thanks to our dear heard our country show great development in the rural area. we now have electricity and all farming is conducted with machines. >> reporter: the landscape is beautiful here, but there is much we cannot see. we're not allowed to film the workers. they are telling us it's because they are dirty and they don't want to be film, but we're not sure. and when we had a chance to film a field that was not part of the tour, a man screamed to this old lady to get out. hunger and malnutrition are common here. overall food production has improved but is still lower than ideal.
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frn compared to previous years production has increased significantly. >> reporter: it's difficult to know what conditions are like in other parts of the country. people here are used to living in hardship. at this model farm is not the exception, but he still insists things are better than before. oil prices are rebounding after falling to their lowest prices for the first time in two years. the u.s. benchmark fell to $80 per barrel on wednesday. that's way below the $110 per barrel average it has been over the past two years. the highest oil prices have been this year when they hit $115 per barrel in june.
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we are joined by a professional of international finance and business at george washington university. what is driving prices down? >> well, this is a number of factors. first of all, global growth has slowed down. the u.s. is creeping out of its recession. europe is flat if not going negative. things are not good in europe. the brics have slowed down, and the mints that we call, malaysia, indonesia, and turkey is not enough steam to get the oil growth going. so that's the primary reason. but there are a couple of other things. we know that shale oil and gas is coming online. and refining has gone uninterrupted and the saudis are
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in the game now, they have increased their output. >> why are countries like saudi arabia overproducing at this point? >> well, this is the geopolitical area. saudi arabia has increased output, and there are lots of theories out there. one is perhaps oil prices are being pushed down to punish russia. because for the russians they need about $98 a barrel to keep their budgets clean. below $98 a barrel, they get into trouble. for the saudis the market is around $80 a barrel, but there is a lot of cushion in there. one of the other reasons is because also shale oil producers here and in other countries believe that if oil falls below $80 a barrel, then producing more shale oil doesn't become cost effective, so that's one
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way to curtail the competition with convention oil going below $80 a barrel. and there is the theory that perhaps this is the best way to really hurt a country that saudi arabia really is worried about, and that is iran. and falling oil prices would definitely hurt iran even more than the sanctions that are being put in place. >> so good news if you are a consumer nation, not so good news if you are one of the producer nations? >> basically, yes. it's very hard to fortell oil prices. but i have to tell you, you could easily see this thing going down to 60, $65 a barrel. and the saudis can live with this. if they have to they can borrow from the markets. they have done it before. so it's good news, yes, for the oil consumers, but perhaps not so good news for the oil exporters. >> and so it's clear that you
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expect the price to continue to fall. if part of the -- the problem here is weakening demand, though, surely that's not going to help global economic growth, then? >> absolutely. and the bottom line is this, if you are going to predict prices, you have to look at economic growth. this is the one thing that is tied, and we just had the world bank meetings in washington, and there was a general consensus that global growth is definitely slowing down, hence demand is slowing down. so if you are a country like saudi arabia which controls the prices, you are almost guaranteed lower prices moving forward. >> all right. we'll leave it there. robin will be back with sport in a moment, including how these players were left stunned.
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♪ welcome back. mexican protesters are still marching for the 43 students that disappeared in the state of guerrero last month. it's just one example of violence in mexico that has become part of every day life. and now becoming a part of the art scene as well. >> reporter: fact or fiction? scenes like this, cartel hangings, drug gang payoffs to politicians, and police raid reenactment lt -- reenactments,
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according to this film. it reflects the violence, corruption, and impunity that permeates mexican society. >> translator: for years i have been surprised that this country doesn't just explode with all of the war, corruption and inequality we have seen. with the levels of obscene impunity we have experienced at the hands of the political class, it's surprising there aren't more protests. >> reporter: it's the latest work by this mexican filmmaker who's films have portrayed mexico as a nation dominated by a corrupted political class and deeply wounded by social injustices. the film takes straight aim at mexico's current leader. it even has a spitting image look alike.
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but his main target is one of the most powerful broadcasters in south america. it is clearly a swipe at the conglomerate. the network is accused of faking and manipulating the broadcasting. the film arrives just as mexico finds itself battered by more violence. 43 students went missing last month after they were attacked by police and a drug gang. the mayor fled after coming under suspicion in the case. with all of the violence and corruption currently plaguing mexico, people that have seen the films say it is not that far from the truth. >> translator: it's a very powerful film, since it reflects the situation as it really is in our country.
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above all the level of corruption that exists within it. >> reporter: so is the film a satire or slice of reality? mexico has seen so much violence and corruption that it's hard to tell the difference these days. all right. let's catch up with all of the sport news. >> thank you very much. confusion reigns over the tour of india with both teams offering up conflicting reports on whether they series will continue or not. the players decides midway through a game that they were pulling out. not so says the west indies cricket board that released a statement saying there has been no decision to end the series. the team were due to play five
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internationals, a key 20 game, and 3 tests, but now india are looking to line up sri lanka as a replacement. football now south africa says they are reluctant to step in as last minute hosts for next year's cup of african nations. south africa feel the risk of the virus and the unplanned staging costs are major concerns. january's tournament was due to be staged in morocco, but officials there have asked it to be postponed because of the risk of the spread of ebola. they have so far refused to move the tournament, and the south africans say they haven't officially been asked to step
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in. the head of fifa's ethics committee says publishing the report on the investigation for cup bidding is not possible. the man who leads the ethics committee says fifa is legally bound to protect the rights of those mentioned in the report. instead he is promising to publish a summary of the findings in mid-november. the san francisco giants have progressed through to baseball's world series after defeating the st. louis cardinals. they are set to meet the kansas royals who will be in the playoffs for the first time in nearly three decades. >> reporter: going into the final game leading 3-1, the san francisco giants had just one more job to do. the cardinals opened the game scoring early. sending a runner home.
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it triggered a huge response from the giants. this shot putting the home side in front. a single home run from matt adams then another from tony cruz showed that the cardinals were out to cause some serious damage. but it didn't stay that way for long. hammering this one out into the crowd to tie the game. then at the bottom of the 9th, the 3-run homer gave the giants a 6-3 victory. >> i don't remember touching third, touching home, the last thing -- next thing i remember was being thrown down with my jersey ripped off, and finally dish was just so out of breath from yelling and screaming, i had to have guys help me stand back up to finish celebrating.
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>> i couldn't be happier for him and everybody. just a gutty effort through all of this. and i couldn't be prouder of these guys. they just don't stop fighting, and we know we have a lot of work ahead of us, but to get to this point, it's time to celebrate. >> reporter: it made for a mouth watering matchup for two wild-card teams. game one gets underway tuesday in kansas city. the nhl the canadiens domination over the bruins continued. the canadiens up debt boston in seven games of the playoffs. early in the year, but came back to beat them again. giving montreal a 4-3 advantage late in the second period. the last time these two teams met, lucic had allegedly
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threatened to kill a player. he was penalized for pushing a player into the boards. and the gesture he made to the crowd is now being investigated by the nhl. then this man scored his second of the night to lead the canadiens to a 6-4 win. pittsburgh scored a power play goal can 2.9 seconds left on the clock leading to a 3-2 win over the penguins. it was the second goal in less than three minutes for dallas. defending world match play champion mcdowell has been knocked out of this year's event. he lost his final round robin match to the dutchman by two holes. the dutchman now goes on to play spain's player on saturday.
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this man progresses to the quarters where he'll face jonas. now we are all familiar a loan goal in football. now rugby has seen its first-ever. it happened in australia, the sydney stars in yellow and black there, advancing to the tie line, but the rays player stole the ball back and planted it. the ref through it to the tv match official who awarded it as an own drive. the player and of course fans were stunned there. the stars going on to claim their first win of the season. >> are you kidding me! you got the wrong jersey. oh that is so good. >> quite bizarre. >> it is. thanks so much, robin. well that brings us to the end of the news hour. we have another full bulletin
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