tv News Al Jazeera October 20, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> unscripted... >> we gonna do this? >> ...and uncensored... >> are you kidding me? >> america votes 2014 midterms the series continues only on al jazeera america this is al jazeera america, live from new york city i'm tony harris, with a look at das's top today'p stories. the u.s. drops supplies to kurdish in syria. and smashed beer bottles, a pumpkin festival tradition turns into mayhem.
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and we begin with a growing struggle to hold onto a crucial border town. today turkey says it is helping iraqi kurdish fighters. helping to hold the town of kobani. i.s.i.l. surrounds kobani on three sides. help from the peshmerga fighters may not be enough to hold onto the town. bernard smith has more. >> as dusk fell over the town on monday, kurdish fighters started to use the weapons they were given. from the turkish government a major exchange in policy.
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after resisting weeks of diplomatic pressure to offer help for the defense. >> we have facilitated peshmerga forces to go to kobani and continue to hold talks on this matter. >> he doesn't believe the kurds in kobani are fighting for a unified syria. >> just like i.s.i.l. they want to control a concer ser area. we -- certain area. we think this is a threat to its democracy. shows the devastation of kobani and the intensity of the fight. the kurds have complained about being outgund by the islamic state of iraq and the levant. now they say the weapons dropped by the u.s. are very, very good. but they'll need more to push i.s.i.l. from the area. >> translator: the weapons will help but we still need more heavy weapons to push out
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i.s.i.l. completely. the fighting won't be over soon with just these weapons. nobody has asked us about peshmerga pushing into kobani. if we don't get more we will be over soon. >> reporter: flattened i.s.i.l. position he but not enough on their own to stop i.s.i.l.'s advance. turk concerned about arming kurdish groups allied to its group the pkk has not allowed women's into kobani. -- weapons into kobani. but now secretary of state john kerry says it will be morally irresponsible to not help the kurds. the u.s. may consider it would be a damaging psychological blow to the coalition were kobani to fall. the fact i.s.i.l. commanders must also be aware of. bernard smith al jazeera on on the turkely syria border.
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>> the pentagon has said simply we want it because i.s.i.l. does. the focus has shifted coalition attitudes and it seems turkey's as well. mike viqueria, first of all what can you tell us about the supplies provided tod kurdish fighters by the united states? >> weapons, ammunition medical supplies, it's fascinating on any number of levels tony. first of all, with all the pleading the united states has had with turkey to get them involved, an air drop now by the u.s. military to those besieged kurdish forces inside kobani. it's har hard to tell, whether s is a humanitarian mission or a military mission. we heard from general lloyd austin, he is the central command commander he was at the pentagon last week, he said they
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are presenting targets, therefore we're going to go against them in kobani but indicating it was a humanitarian mission they were there to try to raise the siege of kobani because it's on the verge of a massacre. let's listen to john kerry. >> a small group of people there who, while they are an offshoot group of the folks that the -- that our friends the turks post are valiantly fighting i.s.i.l. and we cannot take our eye off the prize here. it would be irresponsible of us, as well as morally very difficult, to turn your back on a community fighting i.s.i.l. as hard as it is at this particular moment. >> reporter: again tony, this comes after several days when u.s. officials appeared that they were preparing the public
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for fall of kobani. secretary kerry said it's not a strategic asset in the overall war. >> threading the needle mike, now the u.s. is supplying arms to the kurdish fighters trying to hold on to kobani. this is really delicate business here isn't it? >> reporter: you look at the situation unfolding there and the unrest it has engendered in turkey, turkey is in a delicate position and they don't want to arm, this has been their position all along, they don't want to arm what they regard as the pkk, a group they consider a terrorist group, a group they have been fighting for over a generation. all kind of animosities are playing into this. the u.s. keeps putting pressure
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on turkey which has a much larger goal, it doesn't necessarily jibe with the united states goal pe they want t here they want to go against the syrian government and that doesn't necessarily stick with this situation tony. >> that is something mike the iraqis have wanted for quite some time isn't it? >> well, right and we have seen haider al-abadi the newly installed prime minister said in an interview in the past 24 hours that he wants to see more coordination between iraqi forces and the coalition air strikes. part of the problem there tony is there's not a lot of trust among the coalition, particularly u.s. forces, in the reliability, the viability or the willingness to fight. even as they creep across anbar province, that remains a major concern. the experts here in washington
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don't view the fall of anbar problems, strikes within baghdad, terrorist strikes within baghdad and even strikes or mortar fire. a delicate position. the u.s. continues to strike the positions moving further east towards the capital of being iraq, tony. i.s.i.l. fighters have taken the majority of the hits over the last ten days but the u.s. coalition has been spreading out the damage. the coalition has launched 310 in iraq and 229 strikes in syria since early august. there have been 130 around kobani alone. and the critical mosul dam area. pentagon says its strikes are limited to preventing i.s.i.l, and the types of targets to this point would seem to indicate
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that that's true. the top two reported targets have been i.s.i.l. vehicles in firing positions. fighters were targeted less than 20% of the time. an uptick in sectarian violence in iraq as i.s.i.l. needs on internal divisions. bombings in the holy city of karbala and shia mosque today killed more than 30 people. as imran khan reports for us there are likely more reports in the coming week. >> we are likely to see more of these are sectarian violence attacks, this is the him month of muharram. violence sectarian violence but since i.s.i.l. took over huge sways of territory, we are expecting this to be a much more bloody month than we've seen already. nearly seven attacks, separate incidents of car bombs and
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suicide attempts in the last 24 hours. almost 60 people have been killed across the country. and this kind of statistic has been getting people worried here in iraq. i.s.i.l. are no fans of the shia. they have all long said that the shia are a target for them and they are using sectarian language and sectarian violence in order to be able to further their gains and whilst all of this is going on particularly in this month of muharram we have i.s.i.l. making gains in places like anbar province and moving towards the city of amara, the air strikes are making some differences, particularly iraqi air strikes in anbar province have beaten the group back in various parts of the province. baghdad is surrounded on three sides by i.s.i.l. fighters but they don't have the base in order to be able to attack this
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city. that's likely to be their next base to come into baghdad. yemeni officials, james bays has more from the united nations. >> it was back in february that the u.n. security council decided to put in place a sanctions mechanism for yemen for those it described as spoilers who were trying to derail the peace process. it's taken some time though to come up with a list of names. there's a panel of experts working for the u.n. security council committee on this issue and in the last week they produced two reports with five namings on it. and -- names on it. and these are five very senior names in yemen. it includes the former president, also his son who is called ahmed ali salad, who is
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the ambassador to the ye u ampe. the panel of experts seems to think he is still interfering in events in yemen. also on the list the two top military commands of the houthis, this is going to be acontroversial decision now for the security council whether to pursue these sanction he listed by the experts. they also know that the houthis are now in control of the capital sanaa and many other major towns and they may well be needed to try and get any political reconciliation in the country. >> james bays reporting for us. the 21 day quarantine period ended today for family members of thomas duncan, the liberian man who died of the ebola virus. none of his family members
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developed symptoms and they he been released from quarantine. heidi zhou-castro joins us with the latest. heidi. >> reporter: hey tony. 116 people remain under cdc monitoring here in dallas but 51 are free of those limitations as of today. they are returning to normal life which for this morning is both exhilarating and kind of scary for these folks, as you can imagine. we were home of duncan's stepdaughter, younger salah and her four stepchildren. they have been isolated inside their two-bedroom pardo apartmer the last 21 days. it was a difficult time, four children ages 2 to 11. thousand they are fearful now that they can go on back out into the public and the kids are going back to school they are fearful that these kids could be discriminated against so they asked us not to show their faces
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on camera. how are your kids feeling after 21 days? >> great. >> are they excited to get out? >> excited to go back to school. we don't know how they are going to be treated in the school. that's our worry right now. we don't know how they are going to be treated and we want to see what is going on. >> reporter: now the mayor of dallas has asked the public today in a press conference to please treat everyone who was quarantined with respect knowing the ordeal they have to suffer through. also an update on the two nurses, nurse nina pham remains in fair condition. that is last update we received from the hospital there. she was fair upon arriving there last week but she is cared for around the clock by a team of ten nurses.
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as for a second nurse amber vinson is at emory hospital in atlanta. the hospital is not providing updates on her condition but her family we are told has retained a lawyer. again leaders here in dallas are emphasizing that both of these health care workers are heroes in their eyes to have treated duncan going through this ordeal and asking for everyone's respect and patience. >> heidi zhou-castro, thank you. last week jamaica joined tritrinidad gathering forces to fight a possible outbreak on the island nation. global effort to stop the virus. >> i think the response is picking up which is good. i think everyone knows this is not a trend that is isolated to africa, west africa even, or
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three countries impacted. it is such a dangerous and virtue you'll lenvirulent diseay with those skills and assets to mobilize immediately, move some assets there, i've seen where u.s. has moved trips and equipment, the work of cuba is to be lauded and other countries, the u.k. as well making provisions. it has to be a full global mobilization to contain the threat where it is and to help those countries that are suffering. >> andrew i want to speak about cuba for a second. i want to know you say i.t. has the potential to become a pandemic. any cases of ebola on the island of jamaica? >> not that i'm aware of, the information i have received is that there is none . >> it's hard to imagine the scope of this epidemic, where it
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is now, the outbreak where it is now, at some point or another more nations of the world will become -- >> there is no doubt it will expand. and our hope is that it won't reach jamaica, won't reach other countries. and we in jamaica have started our preparations. you know i think our preparations could be far more intense than they are now. we have the technical expertise. >> okay. >> to manage our health professionals are very well trawnd, used all-- trained, used all over the world. the issue is the resource. do we have the financial where . >> from outside nations. >> yes. >> to that end your island nation has put into place a travel ban. talk to me about that. >> the government has moved to put in place a travel ban.
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the political party -- >> option party? >> option party yes. called for a precaution just to be absolutely sure and they have now moved to put in place that travel ban. it doesn't say anything about our relationship with the countries. it's just jamaica has to think about jamaica. >> yeah, your health minister dr. fenton ferguson is seeking support from cuba's medical doctors in coordinating jamaica's national response to ebola. now when i saw this initially i thought wait a minute, why not the cdc, why not the united states, why not dr. fauci and his team in the nih? >> cuba is 90 miles away. cuba is sending 300 or more doctors and medical assistants to the countries that are in need. so jamaica rightfully feels we could reach out to cuba as well. but certainly jamaica would have to be in line what is happening
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with paho, with the w.h.o. with the cdc to make sure that all policies are aligned. as i said, i.t. has to be a network of countries trying to keep their borders and their shores safe from the ebola threat. >> the world health organization says nigeria is now ebola-free. it has been more than six weeks since the country had a case. haru matassa has more. >> for many weeks some people were scarred, some panicking, people were scared about shaking other people's hands, scared about hugging people, worried about approaching people who may have had family members who died from the disease. the deposit says yes for now nigeria can celebrate but still be cautious. nigeria is in west africa, it is a big hub here, there is a good
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chance the virus could be brought into nigeria. the people are hoping that the country learns from this scare, in case they have another outbreak they can retain it very, very quickly. ebola survivors are hoping they can be accepted back into the community. teaching people they shouldn't be afraid of ebola survivors, they are all nigerians, they hope the country moves forward and hopefully, there will be no cases of ebola in nigeria. >> the legitimacy of one of two rival parliaments, since moammar gadhafi was killed just three years ago. libya's difficult reconstruction. nasser al badi reports. >> in light of the hearing that went all the morning between two sides, the legal representatives of the mps who are boycotting
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the parliamentary session necessary tobruk, who argued that the meetings happening in the city of tobruk are illegal because they contravene, are against the spirit of the constitutional declaration. however, the other side, the legal representatives of the libyan mps who are meeting in the city of tobruk have argued for an adjournment of the court's decision because they claim that there is an initiative to broker a deal between the two sides. the decision of the court has been received by anger from some people actually who support the dawn of libya forces who support the initiatives that have started over the last few days actually calling for the dissolving the tobruk parliament and shouts against the courts were heard actually just outside of the room. on the front line the western side of the front line there has been an exchange of a artillery fire between the forcers loyal
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to the dawn of libya and the intent forces loyal to the ren gatrenegade general. on the eastern side of the front typically on the side of benghazi there has been quiet periods of time in comparison with the heavy fighting heavy skirmishes that went on the past few days between the two sides. and there has been reports of a u.n. brokered initiative to try broker a ceasefire typically around the city of tikla and talla to allow for the evacuation of the injured and other people. >> the accuser of the, charged with 18 counts including murder. u.s. ambassador to murder
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christopher stevens and three others were killed. so far hatalla is the only person charged with the incident. and a real rags to riches story, joko wododo was sworn in as indonesia's leader. the 53-year-old is the first indonesian president who doesn't come from the military or social elite. in his inauguration speech, wododo appealed for a fairly fought election. examining whether water shutoffs are a violation of civil rights. and the fed chief, growing income inequality in the u.s., is there a clear way forward? federal authorities have charged seven people with conspiring with al qaeda. >> since 9/11 the us has spent has spent billions of dollars on domestic counter-terrorism operations. >> i wanted to be in on the big
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>> so a positive start to the new week on wall street. the dow gained 19 points after being down much of the day. the s&p 500 up 15, the fladz up 5 -- nasdaq up 59 points. 27 people who were seriously injured in crashes, window switches failed. 1500 claims since august. gm knew about the defect but waited 11 years to recall the cars. two united nations human rights experts are in detroit today, meeting with city leaders to talk about detroit's decision to shushut off water service to thousands of customers who haven't paid their bills. john hendren has the report. >> reporter: things have gotten so bad, that the united nations is now investigating whether the city is violating its residents rights.
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cut off water to 27,000 homes and continues to do so at a rate of about 400 a day. so the u.n. sent two representatives to a sunday night meeting, a spirited meeting in which the residents said their bills were cut off. weren't getting bills didn't know where to send the money. that has made a difficult situation worse. >> we have been robbed, the citizens of the city of detroit have been robbed. various mayors have been fighting it and we've had issues between people who live in the city and the people who live in the suburbs and it's basically the people of color against the people of noncolor but they don't want to say that. >> reporter: one of the reasons detroit is having this problem it's losed massive population. the city went from 1.8 million to 700,000 now. that means it's now got an
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inefficient water distribution system, one that is the most expensive in the united states, the state of michigan, whose sedate really means great water in the ojibwa language. there is lake huron to one side, lake erie to the other and between them the lakes provide 20% of the world's fresh water. something has to deal with the growing wealth gap in this country. we'll talk about whether the rich getting richer may help in some way, what turned into a gotcha question in the colorado senate race. name your three favorite books and your favorite song. hmm? that's next in power politics.
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>> after fed chair janet yellen said she was concerned. >> widening inequality can be summed up as significant income and wealth gains for those at the very top of and stagnant living standard for the majority. i think it's appropriate to ask whether that trend is compatible with values rooted in our nation's history. >> here's what you need to know about income inequality in the united states. according tod national budget office the top 1% of households saw their after tax incomes rise, while the after-tax income of high income households nearly doubled, middle and low income households saw much less growth. let's bring in katherine rushland, she's a senior policy analyst at demos. katherine, thank you for being on the program. >> thank you for having me tony.
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>> what is your creak reaction e fed chair's words? >> it's difficult to read meaning into the fed chair's comments. but there's reason to be optimistic. rising inequality is a threat to stability and growth in the united states. secondly she rooted it in our deepest held values. she is in a position to have effect on the outcome. >> what do you think the fed chair say means when she says, i think it's compatible with the values rooted in our nation's history, what do you think she means here? >> our academi economic system d in the ideal that if you work hard you achieve a decent living. the median household has really
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lost value since the great recession while the wealthiest of us have gained. >> are the wealthy sharing wealth through job creation? that's at the heart of the trickle down theory of economics that won milton freedman the nobel prize, and deeply rooted in reaganomics on. >> record profit highs in fact what they did with those is either sit on piles of cash or reinvest them in stock market maneuvers that under their share price without any real games for the economy. so what we have is an economy that's still constrained by consumer demand and money going to the top of the income distribution doesn't do anything to alleviate that. what we need is for the consumers to have a few extra dollars in their paycheck. they'll go out and spend it, it will circulate and call for more jobs overall. >> wait a minute, katherine.
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if you curtail growth at the top, if milton freeman were here he would be arguing the point with you. if you curtail growth at the top don't you kill growth at the bottom? >> in the fast -- supply side economics might work in an economy where in an economy where demand never moves. but in fact, demand constrained economy is a totally different beast. >> what are your solutions here. a lot of this is driven by policy and it's not like we didn't get here -- it's not like we got here organically. so what has to change? what are the policy points you point to as being part and parcel of the problem here? >> chairman yellen identified four different building blocks, including prek education, accessing to education, business formation and inheritance availability. some of those issues, education
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equality, in fact we could make real policy goals that would have broad effects through investments in access to higher education, and access to pre-k education. >> katherine, a pleasure, good to have you on the program, senior policy analyst at dmos. thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me tony. indication that many the candidates are running for help is running for president in 2016. david schuster is here. >> bush ball, rand paul, kentucky senator, has been helping republicans across the country by raising money, filming campaign commercials. the libertarian has also built a massive political organization of his own with offices in every state. his father just said that rand
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is running for president. >> i think it's great he's doing it, he has a good message and he understands free market economics and i think it's doing a world of good. >> scooped by the dad. >> yeah! >> rand paul is expected to make a formal announcement after the mid term. a lot of progressives are urging elizabeth warren to make a rub. the democratic senator, message was pure populism. thanks to an affordable education. >> i tell the story out of deep gratitude. i am the daughter of a janitor who ended up in the united states senate because i grew up in an america that was building a future for all of its children! [cheering and applause] >> when asked about a presidential run warren continues to say she is not running and is strictly focused on helping democrats keep
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control of the u.s. senate. one of the candidates warren helped over the weekend is iowa democrat bruce braley. it also provided an opportunity for republican groups to attack braley as too far to the left. >> bruce braley has been in wash for eight years. he's voted for obamacare and backed obama's amnesty plan for illegals. backed obama's plan 97% of the time. answering questions about ebola, several democrats, health care preparedness budgets. barbara lee, running for reelection in northern california, appeared on real time with bill maher. >> cut the budget 47% for hospital preparedness cut nih and cdc.
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we have to recognize the state of our health care system. >> it's possibly not a bad point to make. mid terms campaigning has now begun and today president obama cast his early ballot in chicago. at the polling location, mr. obama seemed a bit confused. ♪ >> this is your exercise. >> i'm going to be going back this way? this machine? this one? this one? come on help me out. >> this machine, that machine? the perils of having so many handlers around you, you're used to giving pretty explicit instructions. democratic anthony brown you saw in the first video.
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republican tom corbett on the defensive after he was caught photo-shopping that african american woman. color tinted was from a stock photo that is available for purchase called talking to a financial advisor. the corbett campaign acknowledges that everybody in his campaign photo was in fact photo-shopped in from a stock photo. finally in the colorado senate race, democrat mark udall had a cautionary tale, shifting the gears of your mind down in the television campaign. a reporter asked him a yes or no series of questions. he was asked to three books and songs. >> profiles in courage, the -- let me think, we can play this over, right? let me retape this.
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>> whoa. let's go back to that. what about music? what's the last song you listened to? >> i'm brain-dead today. >> all right. so back to the books. profiles in courage. >> let me just, let me catch my thought here. >> ouch. udall eventually named the books, sean covin's song about avalanches. appropriate given the standing that democrats fear for udall after that horrific interview. good grief. >> isn't that the name of the hockey team? oh my goodness. ray suarez will have more on those governor races on "inside story." headlines, ines is here. ines. >> schools in one area of pennsylvania, suspected cop
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killer is spotted niche. authorities are searching for eric frein, seen near a high school on friday. a disturbing story unfolding in indiana, bodies of women found, first body found in a motel on saturday, a man was arrested and reportedly confessed. he also told police where they could find more victims in several other locations. the suspect, 43-year-old darren van was previously arrestfor other felonies. >> hannah graham has not been found since she went out with friends in september 15th. the remains were found. the college is now in mourning. >> i hope the family is
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receiving closure. >> it could have been their family member, their friends. >> a man named jesse matthew was last seen with graham. today he was indicted with the 2005 rape of another woman. congress wants to know why, new york congresswoman carolyn maloney, wants to know why, law loophole provides for payment. a woman stuck in a chimney then police arrested her. genevieve nunez figueroa, used to date the owner of the house. >> what? >> yep, police say he broke up with her but she apparently would not take no for an answer.
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>> i met her online. not too long ago. and you know i thought she was pretty normal. as you meet people online. and you know we hung out a couple of times and you never know how crazy somebody is until they do crazy things. and you know, this is a pretty crazy thing. >> and the woman is charged with illegal entry and providing false information to police. she's in a lot of trouble. >> that's a pretty cautionary tale. >> it sure is. >> online hmm? >> online. >> online right? stay away, stranger danger. ines appreciate it, thank you. >> thank you about owner. >> despite protests and threats the show will go on at the new york metropolitan opera. said to rally against the performance of the death of a klinghoffer. the opera is based on a 1985
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>> hong kong's chief executive says external forces, external forces are driving student protests. he hasn't named the countries he thinks are responsible for the demonstrations now more than three weeks old. his comments come ahead of the government meeting with the leaders. more from hong kong. >> in a televised interview, hong kong's chief executive c.y. leung, blamed internet countries
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for getting involved and fanning the demonstrations. c.y. leung has been suggested distracting from the political situation at hand and instead he should be addressing this as a domestic event. the u.s. consulate in hong kong has also rejected that issue. what's happening is about the people in hong kong. tomorrow night is a key day, tuesday in hong kong between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. local time. there will be televised negotiations between the hong kong government and student leaders who are overseeing this prodemocracy movement. this will be publicized, admiralty in central hong kong as well as mong kok. he said he would act impartially despite his link to c.y. leung, he was the advisor in the 2010
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election. he says he will work hard to facilitate tomorrow's discussions and make sure they are peaceful and to discuss all the issues at hand. >> listen to this: police in new hampshire are asks for help from the public to identify the people who turned a pumpkin festival into violent riots. student in keane, rb yo roxana i you have the video on this have you? >> i do. they are asking for help to identify those who were involved. some students and residents say they are saddened by the violence and blaming what they call troublemakers and partyers from out of town. >> police in keane promise to punish anyone who broke the law. >> the damage was disturbing, i think that's an understatement. the conduct was disturbing.
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>> descending on the city for its annual pumpkin festival and got out of control. >> set a fence on fire and used pieces of the fence, and finally the riot police came. >> some people threw bottles and rocks at police officers. the police responded with tear gas, pepper spray and arrests. just last month the colbert report mocked keane's police department on a segment on the militarization of america. >> definitely a target. we're talking about america's premier pumpkin festival. >> reporter: that vehicle was not seen at the riots. kea thrvetione state says it is looking through the images of the event. the college president says keene
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state college does not represent a great many of the students who attend this college. many of the students who help cleaned up the mess agreed. >> we are all seniors. this is our last pumpkin fest. it's never ever ever been this chaotic. >> 25th annual pumpkin festival some people here say it could have been the last. >> they didn't even have it this year, the community begged for it. but i don't have any hopes having it next year. >> at least 30 people were injured and antonio, about 80 people were arrested, that number is expected to grow as police check social media. >> it's a pumpkin festival. >> it's the people outside the festival that caused the issue.
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>> al jazeera's katherine stanzil has the story. >> underwater search rye viefing memories of the cold war. swedish military personnel are trying to locate what's thought to be a russian submarine. >> it could be a submarine or small submarine, it could be divers that don't have any business in our territory. that's where i think you have the span of what could be foreign underwater activity. >> reporter: a russian military spokesperson has denied the reports, claiming none of their ships have undergone problems. this type of alert is not new for sweden. in 1980s, a number of russian
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ships entered swedish territorial waters. one incident led to an 11 day diplomatic standoff. this comes during a time of increased tension over the crisis in ukrainian. last week finland accused russia of interfering with one of their vessels. and a aircraft was accused of violating air space. >> multimillion dollar reward for forecast about what happened to them. >> hello i'm ray suarez. election night may end one a dozen new governors taking office around the country. races are tight. the issues are clear. and the voters appear to be leaning towards, throw the bums out. but why? you'll get the answers at the top of the hour.
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>> the mexican government is offering a multimillion dollar reward for information that will lead to the location of 43 missing students. offers a reward linked to each student for a total of $4.7 million for all of them. the students have been missing since september and there's a big push on social media to find them fm ines i. ines is back. >> observing a reward up to 1 and a half million mexican pesos, equivalent of $111,000 for each student. increasing pressure to find these students, take a look at this viral video showing young people from different countries demanding justice for the missing students. watch. >> i demand justice for the 43
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mexican students who went missing on september 26th. >> and the people in the video speak in english, french, mandarin, turkish, spanish and thai just to name a few. they're asking the government to do more to find the missing students. the video last been viewed over 70,000 times. another video was posted just yesterday, criticizing the government not doing enough to find the students. this video, asking the government to go and search for each of the missing 43 students as a way of keeping attention on this case. tony protest organizers are calling for a global day of action this wednesday, asking people to gather in front of mexican embassies in different cities. tony. >> can we find these students? thank you ines.
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>> fishermen in targeta, want to create two of the biggest marine sanctuaries. >> an environment that allows thousands of specious to flourish. here the global conveyor belt of ocean currents is replenished by the cold nutrient rich waters of antarctica. it is a living breathing driver of life on earth. >> antarctica is a huge reservoir of ice and fresh water and the cold water that drains off antarctica drives the circulation system throughout the entire plan it. it's like the heart of the entire earth. >> thing is you guessed it. change is happening. fishing boats are hauling out vast quantities of krill which is the food that needs the ecosystem and other fish are being heavy ofly targeted too
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like the-- heavily targeted too, like the tooth fish. >> sold as chilen sea bass, so lucrative, it is known as white gold. the last ocean documented the story. >> there's no socially redeeming value about taking a tooth fish out, and serving it up on a platter to people in the most expensive restaurants in new york america. what is that? >> have you tried the chilean sea bass? >> they're sending it here and we're eating it? >> 24 countries and the eu are trying to get these zones in the ross sea, designated as marine protective areas. >> i think that protecting the ross sea in east antarctica is very important. the ross sea is one of the most intact for large marine
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ecosystems remaining on the planet. i think we have a chance now to keep it that way. >> right now factoring in foreign policy in the world of conservation in the past, russia has been one of those to foil the plan and this year will be no different it seems. with the growing movement for the preservation of this unique environment -- >> essentially you're destroying an ecosystem. >> we have a chance to protect it. or to lose it forever. >> scientists hope that conservation may prevail. nick clark, al jazeera. >> and finally, a heroic rescue at a home engulfed in flames. have you seen these pictures as everyone fled. you can hear the screaming of a woman to help him. >> no, there's a man inside! >> now witnesses say the
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stranger came out of incorporat. the man left before anyone had a chance to thank him. all of our time for this news hour. "inside story" is next on al jazeera america. >> with so many eyes focused on the u.s. senate changing hands, maybe not enough attention has gone to state capitals. a lot of governors are not having an easy walk to re-election, and there's plenty at stake. it's "inside story." hello, i'm ray suarez. governors have been reengineering state governmen
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