tv News Al Jazeera October 24, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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thank everyone enough for their prayers, expressions of love. i join you all now in praying for our friend. i hope everyone understands that this whole illness been very challenges for me and my family. i know it may be a while before i have my strength back, so with gratitude and respect, i can for my privacy and my family's privacy to be respected a i return to texas and try to get back to a normal life and reunite with my dog bentley. [ laughter ] >> thank you, everyone. [ applause ] >> thank you very much, nina. before i open it up for questions, i want to recognize
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two people who really helped us in linking with nina and getting to know her as essentially a member of our family here. that is nina's mother diana, and her sister kathy. [ applause ] >> okay. so questions? >> reporter: doctor how do you know she is virus free? what did you do for her while she was here at nih. >> well, we know she is virus free because we now have five consecutive negative pcr's on her. i don't want anyone to take from her that that is the norm and the standard. we did five because this is a research institution. but that is not the norm. we provided supported care, and that's something i have been saying all along, that one of
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the most important things to bringing an ebola patient back to health is to give them the medical general support to allow their own virus to fight off the virus. >> reporter: will nina will be donating blood plasma as well. >> i would leave that up to her. >> reporter: given all the concerns with what is happening with the doctor in new york city right now, should americans or others returning from a ebola zone be forced into a more strict or mandatory screening? >> that is under discussion now. but i want to point out to remember that it isn't just the cdc and the federal government, but the states have a lot to say about that. >> reporter: your take right now, because there is real certain that if he went toe a bowling ally, or sat on a subway
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car you might be infected? >> we have been saying for a long time the way you get ebola is through direct contact with bodily fluids. and you must separate the issue of a risk to the general public, with the risk to brave people like nina and her colleagues. nina knew it was a risk, but because of her character and bravery, she happened to unfortunately get infected. that's a different story from the general public. she was with a very sick person. >> reporter: what have you learned by treating nina pham, and what experimental drugs if any did you use? and what does it teach other doctors in helping doctor
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spencer recover for example? >> we did not administer to nina any experimental drugs while she was here. remember this is only one patient. we are in contact and discussion with our colleagues at emery and nebraska. we continually compare notes back and forth. and there's the public health issue, and the scientific issue of understanding what is going on. and that's essentially what we do here. primarily it's the care of the patient first, but together with that is to learn information that might help others. now that's easy to do when you have a whole bunch of people that you can collect day fa -- data on, but when you have one or two or three you have to gather enough information. that's the reason why we may
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have done more lab tests. that doesn't mean that everybody has to do that, but we're trying to learn from that. >> reporter: why has it taken so long to get an ebola vaccine? there are reports that there was one ready for human testing a decade ago. >> well, when you get a vaccine, you have to make sure you separate that from a vaccine candidate. since ebola is a disease that has outbreaks and then disappears, it's very difficult to prove something except in the setting of disease which we're trying very hard to do right now, when we go through the phase 1 study. we're planning a large efficacy trial to be able to do that as well as some other designs. now in direct answer to your question, you might recall that we started on this ten years
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ago, and we have done different it -- iterations of improvements. the incentive for a pharmaceutical company to get involved in putting a major investment for a disease that up until this outbreak had less than 2500 people to be infected. we certainly have that now. it was not a scientific obstacle, and the ability to have one, it was the ability to bring all of the cards together to get to it. >> reporter: was it a funding issue? >> i think we should put that off of the table. we're really talking about what we're doing right now. and we're on the way in the sense that we have the capability and resources to do the trial that hopefully will
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start in the beginning of 2015. >> reporter: can you pinpoint a turning point in nurse pham's care where you saw things turning around? >> well, you know, i don't want to make an absolute statement on that, because remember she was taken care of by very good people in two separate hospitals. so we -- when she was in texas presbyterian, she was in the possess of actually doing better. she came to us and continued to do better and better. we both supported her. so i can't pinpoint in one patient what was the turning point. the only thing that we're happy about is the turning point occurred. >> reporter: was these plasma donation [ inaudible ]. >> that is conceivable. the question was, was it the plasma transfusion from dr. bradley? certainly that could be the
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case. but when you have so many different factors, it's virtually impossible to say that this is the thing that did it, and this is the thing that didn't do it. it's just impossible to do. that's the reason why you want to do clinical studies when you can actually get that information, so the next time we have an outbreak, we can say this is the recommendation because we know it works. at this point, everything is experimental. and that's what we're trying to do is take the experimental and make it evidence. >> nina first of all congratulations. i want to ask about the experience. the w.h.o. reports about 70% of those with ebola in west africa died because of this virus. what explains the speedy recovery of someone like nina pham and amber vincent? >> again, i wish i could give you the answer to that question,
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but we don't know. but i can tell you the things as a physician, what goes into a patient getting better. it's anything from she is young and very healthy number one. number two she got into a healthcare system that was able to give her intensive care early. number two, she was then able to be transferred to another healthcare system that gave her everything she needs. almost common sense tells you that that contributed. how can you relate that to 70% versus this percent, it's impossible. >> reporter: what is her prognosis? any long-lasting effects? >> well, first of all, she is cleared of ebola. let's get that cleared. okay. that's for sure. long-lasting effects, i'll give you an example. a few years ago i had bad inflew
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sa, and influenza is trivial compared to ebola. and even though i got back up and went back to work, i was feeling tired and worn down. so i would think it will take some time to get her full strength back. she will get it back. that's her, and she is such an incredible lady she is going to do it quickly. >> reporter: are there any restrictions on nina's, where she can go, and how does she travel back to dallas? >> i would have to leave that confidential right now. because that's personal and private, because i don't want to have hordes on her. as she asked for her privacy, we'll give her privacy.
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>> reporter: doctor [ inaudible ] you related to [ inaudible ] >> yeah. we have a system in there that's easy to communicate. you know, the family talks by phone, by face time and things like that. so when i'm not going in the room, just coming by to say hello, she taught me how to use facetime. [ laughter ] >> anything else? one more and then we have to get her off and home. >> reporter: how confident are you that hospitals are getting the proper information [ inaudible ] other healthcare professionals like nina won't end up in the same situation, as we see more patients entering the hospitals. >> as you have probably noticed there is a strong progressive plan going on. we're doing telecoms and a
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variety of things to educate more people. not only educate them, but also make sure we have people trained, retrained, practiced. all of that is really getting scaled up. thank you all very much. we appreciate you being here. that is a man that has been under a lot of pressure in the last several weeks, questions about the federal go's response to ebola. well today a very up-lifting press conference, because we see nina pham, the 26-year-old dallas nurse walk on her own two feet. there they are, arm in arm walking back into the building. she says she feels fortunate and blessed to be standing here, and she said she can't wait for a reunion with her dog who is actually under quarantine until
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november 1st. the doctor said they have taken five consecutive pcr's of pham, and she has been ebola free in each of those tests. so we do expect her to return to her home in dallas soon. we should also say that amber vincent who is the second dallas nurse that treated thomas eric duncan, this is a picture of her, that yesterday officialsing in atlanta said her tests on tuesday have shown she no longer has the virus. we have not heard she is being released however. but some good news on a day when there is some degree of concern here in new york city, as another patient has been diagnosed here in new york. so we are awaiting a press
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conference to learn more about dr. craig spencer's condition. this is a live look in brooklyn, new york, where mayor de blasio is going to update us on his condition. and the congressional oversight committee trying to coordinate on the country's response. let's bring back in libby casey. libby what did i miss? >> well, there has been some heated criticism from republicans who are grilling members of the obama administration over some recent news. the republican from south carolina has called for a travel ban from west africa. he is asking questions about this new york city doctor, and how he was able to live his life in new york over the last few days. go bowling. take an uber ride. be out among friends. and he is asking why weren't
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people like that working in ebola patients, where aren't they being quarantined. he says self monitoring isn't working, and the bowling ally is now closed as they try to make sure everything is okay. and he asked the obama administration official, why close the bowling ally. and the answer, out of an abundance of caution. and also to asage concern from the public. other republicans jumping on that band havingwagon as well. and we're also getting criticism of the czar who has been appointed to oversee the ebola
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outbreak response. but he does have a number of doctors and medical professionals that he will be working with, stephanie. >> okay. libby casey thank you so much. again, we're awaiting another news conference on the latest american who has been diagnosed with ebola. we will have more in just a moment. >> first of all, the chairman missed a word in his opening statement, and apologize for and what do they want? >> the stream, on al jazeera america
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craig spencer who showed up with 103 degree fever and now in isolation. earlier we heard an extraordinary voice, nina pham who is now ebola free. let's listen to what she had to say. >> i'm so incredibly thankful for everyone involved in my care from the moment i became ill and was admitted up to today, my discharge. i would especially like to thank dr. kent brantley for his selfless act of donating plasma to me. >> dr. kent brantley was one of the doctors who contracted ebola, and was cured here in the united states. he has been donating his plasma
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not only to pham but to a couple of others. i do want to go back out to erika pitzi. erica, we're still awaiting this press conference. are there any cracks in the system that have been apparent or was this an outstanding response as we heard carolyn maloney say? >> according to city leaders, this was an outstanding r response. the governor said we had been preparing for this not just at the hospital system, but also with transportation systems. the fdny responded right away when dr. spencer reported his
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fever and they sent their emt's in with their full protective gear. and here at the hospital we have specialized doctors and nurses that are trained and ready for this. we have done stories in recent weeks, about how bellevue hospital has been preparing and drilling. and one of the things that they have really learned out of dallas was the idea of these protective suits, this is something we have seen come up here. and the head of the cdc putting out new protocol. we know the suits these doctors and nurses are working are completely head to toe. the idea that leave no skin cells uncovered. and nay have these quarantine
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rooms ready to go. they have sliding glass doors. so it really seems like they are prepared unless we hear otherwise from the mayor. >> you bring me to a point that i think a lot of people have this morning, which is that doctors without borders is known to have the best protocol when it comes to be working with ebola patients. i would assume he had the full protective gear. but they have experience with that over there. do we have any idea how he contracted ebola? >> no, we don't at this point. doctors without borders recently put out a tweet that they are just not releasing that yet. we know he was working directly
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with ebola patients in guinea. so obviously he would have come into direct contact with their bodily fluid, possibly. so we want to learn more about that. we also want to learn more about dr. spencer's own self quarantine. we know he was checking his temperature twice a day, but yet he was out and about in the city, which is causing people here to be a little wrinkled. you can her this woman yelling 21 days. right? so the idea that a lot of folks are supposed to be self quarantining themselves. and why didn't he do that? that is a question that is being raised. he arrived last friday, was not going to work. we don't know exactly why if he
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was doing that voluntarily or taking a mini vacation. we need to learn more about that. on tuesday started feeling a little tired. wednesday got up went for a run. obviously he felt well enough to be out and about, and thursday morning reporting the slight fever and that's when got into place. >> and we should draw that distinction between self quarantine and self monitoring. the cdc said this week on wednesday that they will monitor people coming in from west africa for 21 days, which is what that woman yelling behind you was probably referring to. but that's interesting when you say he went to a run. i read he felt sluggish on tuesday.
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this is the first time i have heard he went for a run and went bowling afterwards. every medical expert we spoke to said look if you are having ebola, you are feeling really bad, and it's only at that point that you are contagious. does that message not seem to be coming across. >> i think obviously we have been reporting on ebola for weeks and weeks now. i just think that people are a little scared. this is such a densely populated city, of course. >> yeah. >> you are on top of each other. so i think there's a little bit of heightened fear, concern. yes, these people have been watching the news unfold in west africa, but it seems so far away. and even what happened in dallas, that's still pretty far away. so it's a little bit of a natural reaction for folks, but
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again city leaders really trying to get ahead of this and stem the tide on this, make sure people know, you have to come in contact with bodily fluids, and you must be showing symptoms. but again more questions. we need to get these things answered. and hopefully that will happen soon. >> can you tell me a little bit more about the rapid reaction force that came in from the cdc, how quickly they were able to respond at the hospital? >> i had read that there were early reports that the cdc actually had a few people on the ground here in new york city, so before this even happened, they already had folks here, and then sent reinforcements to get over to bellevue hospital by last night. so we do know that that was
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already in place, but in terms of the city, the cdc certainly leading the way to make certain the city was prepared. airports, transportations and hospital systems all a go. we are prepared and drilling for this. and specialized doctors and nursing tending to dr. spencer as we speak are in full protective gear and ready to go. and it seems from what we'll being told that they were prepared. governor cuomo said we are truly as prepared as can be. >> okay. joining me now -- thanks erica, stay with us. i want to drink in an assist important professor of global health joining us now by phone with the mount sinai school of medicine in new york. your reaction to this latest case of ebola?
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>> well, we did know it was coming, unfortunately, new york city has been prepared for this for months now since early august even, and so all eyes are on new york, i think we're in a very strong position, probably because there's a legitimate fear, of course, and everyone was talking about what craig spencer did the night before he presented to hospital. thomas duncan presented to the texas hospital when he was already sick and had a fever, and then he went home for several days and was much sicker than spencer was. and none of the contacts or any of the children that he was in contact with has become positive. i think that's a very important perspective that if the healthcare workers on the front lines that are at the greatest risk, not the general public.
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>> other ebola patients have been transferred to these specialty centers, even to the nih where nina pham was just released. would you expected him to be transferred? >> i think bellevue is in a very strong position to care for him extremely well. i wouldn't be surprised if they decided to transfer him to emery, because they are the hospital that has already cared for the most number of ebola patients. but i think he is particularly safe rat bellevue, and as i said, they have been ready for this. actors have been going around the hospital pretending to have ebola for weeks now. so i think the public is safe here in new york, but it would not surprise me in they decided to transfer him.
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>> and just so our viewers know, we are awaiting remarks from mayor bill de blasio. we're expecting more details on this latest patient, this doctor. doctor -- oh, there is major de blasio, taking his seat. so we will listen in, as soon as he sits down, to his response on -- the ebola response in new york to this latest patient. let's listen. >> i want to give you a briefing and i'm going to start by reiterating some of the items that we raised last night, and then will be adding information. you'll hear from my colleagues, and then we'll take questions from the media. i want to
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