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tv   Tech Know  Al Jazeera  October 25, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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and killing a human being is almost zero >> fault lines, al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> today they will be arrested... >> ground breaking... they're firing canisters of gas at us... emmy award winning investigative series... new episode the disappeared only on al jazeera america a show about innovations that can change lives. the science of fighting a humanity and we are doing it in a unique way. this is a show about science by scientists. let's check the team of hardcore nerds. specialising in ecology and revolution. tonight the green game. san francisco's new stadium has solar power, the green group, and recycled water. how green is it.
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>> it's kind of like me putting a fluoro at my house for a holiday party. >> wind turbines and solar panels - what will the stadium of the future look like. ross shimabuku is a engineer. >> it is turned on now. >> she is showing us something unusual from the lab. >> it brings another meaning to the aviator classes. >> find out how they are defining the next generation of delivery drones. >> i'm phil torres. 'm an entomologist. sleep. >> it will track my sleeve. marita, costa and i see if the devices work. that's the team. let's do some science. [ ♪ music ] hi, guys i'm phil torres,
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and welcome to "techknow". i'm with costa and marita davison. instead of science, let's talk football. now, i'm a broncos fan. when i saw what the 49ers did with their new stadium, i'll feel bad every time the broncos beat the niners. >> if their game is half as good trouble. >> when you think n.f.l., small does not come to mind. it's full of big excitement and business. don't think of it in terms of being a big player. the stadium may be poised to change that. i got to check out environmental advances. >> reporter: it's game day at levi stadium, home of the san
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francisco 49ers, at first glance the scene in the parking lot it classical football - tailgating, team revalry. san francisco football is changing the playbook. >> we pushed architects and engineers to think about everything that could be green. >> reporter: in trying to win the green game. this is the n.f.l.'s new arena, and the team behind says it has series green credentials. >> it's a good snapshot of the full court. >> reporter: there's 189 solar panels producing enough energy offset by the 2,700 tv and other power guzzlers during the home game. there's the 27,000 green roof. >> it has gotten a fair amount of press. >> it's beautiful up here. >> it is. >> lance is vice president for
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sports architecture for the firm that designed levi stadium. >> what is it designed to do? >> it helps to insulate the building and filter the off. >> here, all the plants are drought resistant. what little water they need is supplied by an irrigation water. >> we have a purple pipe system, if you will, which is reclaimed water. we are getting a use out of it. >> we have 40 gig of power, compared to 10, which is mandate to the nf l. >> alis the coo of the 49ers. >> you have a wi-fi box under every 100 seats. >> when you have 68,000 people accessing their phones at once, you don't want to drop the ball. >> we delivered a technology na delivers every replay to their phone.
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you can watch it from four different camera angles. >> niners upper and lower. let them know that it works. >> these are the niners, and they are the geek squad. >> we have 90 niners on site, walking around in bow ties and help you with their application. they are stadium tech support. we'll deliver an experience through the mobile that no other team can. >> screens, lights and wi-fi hot spots require electricity - a lot. sports stadiums spend $2 million annually on energy. take the home of the dallas cowboys. the airconditioned 80,000 seat stadium uses 10 megawatts of energy. it's equivalent to keeping 7,500 u.s. homes powered up in the hours of high demand. >> we run the stadium net
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neutral to the grid. the 49ers games are powered to the sun. >> that is excellent for the 10 games, some critics think it's not enough. >> sizing is ready for the 10 solar events in the well. >> bill is an architect and the founder of urban fabric, a projects. >> there's a bit of an opportunity lost. if you spend 1.2 billion on a stadium. maybe they could have integrated more into the building. >> lincoln financial field, home of the philadelphia eagles takes first place in the n.h.l. with more than 11,000 solar panels and 14 microwind turbines. the 9ers took steps with the stadium, to minimise the environmental footprint. 40% of construction materials were
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recycled. new materials were sourced locally. all the sustainable features help levi become the first stadium in the n.h.l. to achieve lead goals. lead is a rating system developed by the u.s. green-building council to recognise environmentally friendly buildings. levi stadium checked the boxes and got the number of points. they crossed the line into innovative designs in thinking about the measures in the building. not so much. >> on game day we counted 250 bikes and nine trick vehicles parked in the dozen spots. this for stadium build in silicon valley. >> folks are saying the stadium has great features when it comes to sustainability. more. >> what is the own to that statement?
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>> i don't know. that's an during question. i have not heard that feedback. >> what do you think the stadium of tomorrow should look like? >> i would like to see a stadium footprint. >> projects like the world stadium in taiwan, powered by solar energy, powered by 80% of the neighbourhood when it's not in use. >> for now, perhaps the biggest impact american sports teams can have on the environment is by influencing their fans. 60% of americans identify themselves as sports fans. so if the games go green, maybe they will too. >> you know, i read on twitter that there are 27 miles worth of tubing going into that stadium just to serve beer. it shows how much it takes to build something that massive. >> that's right.
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nothing small about the n.f.l. they are going big with the stadium. there's nothing small about the fan experience they are creating. they are pushing the envelope in terms of recycling water, making sure the stadium is self-sustaining through solar energy and green roofs, it's been designed from the ground up. it's different. it's not something we are seeing much of lately. >> do they care about environmentalism. is there a push from the n.f.l. business? >> it makes sense from a business perspective to go this route. well see more and more. between in and the other option of not doing anything or the status quo. this is a way to the go. why not. >> that was an amazing stadium. i'll see it. >> go seahawks after the break, you see humming birds fly, now they are
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using them to make robots. and you'll see a bird wearing something amazing, but all for science. that's next we want to hear what you think about these stories, join of the conversation by following us on twitter and at >> america votes 2014 >> the race is still a dead heat >> filmmaker aj schack turns his camera towards elections in the swing states >> it shows you who these people are... in ways that you don't get to see from the short appearances >> unconventional... >> if i can drink this... i don't see why you should be able to smoke that... >> unscripted... >> we gonna do this? >> ...and uncensored... >> are you kidding me? >> america votes 2014 midterms the series continues only on al jazeera america
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>> in our state eventually doing away with income taxes. >> can governor brownback win better than the government spends it. [ ♪ music ] hey, guys, welcome back to "techknow". sometimes nature is so good at what it does that we try to create something that can mimic it. now, humming birds are a marvel fly. >> yes, hummingbirds are some of my favourite birds.
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incredible to watch, only il, marvels of flights. >> today we don't have technology that gets close to their agility, nimbleness. >> it doesn't mean scientists are not trying, ross shimabuku went to stamford university where researchers are watching hummingbirds, and trying to it. >> reporter: it's 8am. we are on the hunt for hummingbirds in the cactus garden at stanford university. they flit around quickly, but with a high speed camera you can capture the micromovements. >> it's amazing how you can take the camera out. and using the aerial manoeuvres, and slow speeds. for the naked eye you can tell what is happening. you can see them flipping around, in the middle of the air. you can see.
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>> this is a mechanical engineering grad student focussing on the study of humming birds. >> most birds have their wings down. humming birds flap and flap backward on the up stroke and it can support weight that way. >> does that keep them still in ? >> that allows them to hover, it's interesting that they can hover like this. when we build robots, we want them to include this ability. >> the race is on to provide drones that can do everything from aerial surveillance to packaging. flying robots is a long way off. a team of scientists are taking their inspiration from nature, by studying the biomechanics of bird flight. >> we sit in an aircraft flying from a to b. it's standard. nothing happens. if you scale down the technology
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to the size of a bird, it's less reliable, and you only have problems related to the complexity of our environment. that's why we have to understand how birds fly, so we can use the principles that they use to succeed to build better robots. >> the team not only studies birds, they are bringing the research into the lab. >> a method that we use to visualize the flow field is having particles in the air. once we illuminate with a laser, it's vis ilt. they trace the air flow and they measure that. >> here is a small machine, it's a flapper. simulating a bird. i'll turn on the laser and the mid particles. it will move depending how the flapper moves its wings. >> it was invisible to us with goggles on.
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a high-speed camera captures the air patterns. an algorithm is used to reveal the direction and magnitude of the area created by the flapper. >> of course, it is just a stand-in. >> would you like to hold. >> absolutely. we studied one of the smallest parrot species in the world. they are smart. >> eric trained roo and other birds to fly from perch to perch and through the laser beam. >> you want to look good. >> personal grooming. initially i started with a small distance. once i see that they are distance. >> to protect the birds he had to design goggles for them, like the ones we wore. >> the goggles i made from
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scratch. >> they are tiny, bringing new meaning to the aviator glasses. >> these are fantastic. >> the ultimate goal is not designing cute eyewear. it's to build better drones by studying the micromovements of bird types. a prototype takes information birds. >> they rotate about this. this bit is like a wristband. >> yes, this is like the wrist. so the wings can flap like this. then there's a degree of freedom so they want fold in and out. >> if we want a drone delivery, you have to navigate in the city in a safe way. >> we don't want the drones to navigate out of the sky. >> what we are accomplishing is we have impact for a building or a branch that the collapse.
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>> these are the results of what camera? >> yes, we'll play it back at 1/20th the speed of reality. here is the obstacle. it comes in, hits the ring and it moves out of way. now the obstacle is gone. >> it forms back into a... >> into a normal wing. >> in this lab each lab contribute to mimicking a drome to mimic birds flight. >> i think people have been inspired by how birds are. we had an understanding of it. but to translate it, it is a change. engineers have different questions. so if you combine all of that. you can get more innovation i think we have to talk about one thing. the goggles, that was kind of adorable on the little bird.
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i kind of love that. >> so cute. the important part is that they are taking every precaution to keep the safety of the birds intact. no birds were harmed during the research and the building of the segment. >> they were distracted by the laser right. way. >> you know what i thought is cool, they are mimicking the structure of a wing that can adapt. i find it cool that we are taking inspiration from $3.8 billion years of evolution, and putting it into our designs. it makes sense. >> time and time again nature had a long time to perfect itself. if we learn something from it, we'll make a better robot. >> after the break. costa, what is your pulse? >> 79. >> marita what is yours? >> 84. >> we tried out the watches, i tried a vest. we are
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putting the wearable equipment to the "techknow" test next.
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[ ♪ music ] hey, guys, welcome back to techknow, i'm phil torres, joined by costa and marita davison. i'm wearing a different undershirt. this is the hexal skin biometric skirt measuring hearts and lungs. >> they have the basis c1 on. it rate. >> temperature, perspiration. and i have a fit bit. a fancy pedometer. >> it's no longer novelty. we are seeing it around town. talking about it is one thing,
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we at "techknow" want to put them to work. let's check it out. fitness... >> you are wearing our socks, technique. >> tracking health. >> improve cognitive function. >> wearable technology is rolling out across the world. start-ups showcase products at conventions like this one. they hope to be part of the 19 million devices shipped to consumers this year. of course, follow 2014, apple ink made a splash -- apple inc made an announcement it was moving into apple launch. we decided to look at different
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products from different companies. first up a hexal skin a test designed to measure biometrics. a network using blue tooth to upload data. >> i have my hexal skin shirt on, sinked it to my phone. it is available to professional athletes and on my iphone. let's go. i have the basis watch on, which is measuring some of the same things. we do a comparison after. the intel basis can calculate steps taken, calories burnt and heart rate. it connects to the mobile device. my heart rate reached 118 beats per minute. the basis showed my heart rate was lower. the basis provided relevant data
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and was easier to use, not as accurate as the hexoskin. >> while film was on the beach i was on assignment in las vegas. i was asked to compare three devices. waterproof, no charging, runs off the power of your mind. tracks your sleeping. that's not creepy. we can determine what makes it different from one another. for me, style is important. it's clear out of all the devices the misfit shine has taken a fashionable approach. i'm going to read the instructions and figure out how to turn the guys on. we'll get back to you with more details soon. meanwhile, just outh my home down of seattle washington. i was given a basic watch to try. i decided to test it during a different type of activity. i'm about to go to sleep wearing
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the basis b1. it will track my sleep and tell me how much of my time i spent in light sleep, deep sleep and how much i spent in rem sleep and will track the number of times i tossed and turned throughout the night. the number of times my sleep was interrupted and in the morning i should wake up to a summary telling me about the quality of my sleep. i'll put it on, i'll see what i wake up to in the morning. couldn't. couldn't. in the morning i synced my watch to my mobile device. in a few minutes it tells me i slept 7 hours and 15 minutes, 19% of the time i was in rem
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cycles, 25% of the time i was in deep sleep and 56% i was in light sleep. and that i tossed and turned 21 times and have zero interruptions. i have a sleep score of 95%. it's a way of crushing the data and giving me a number that indicates the quality of my sleep. 95% is pretty good. >> so you are actually wired up now, yes? >> i'm live and wired. if i click the show censors, this is like an ekg in my pocket. you breathing. >> and your heart is going. >> that's good. i'm glad i'm breathing and have a heart broke. >> what is interesting is not just the
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expiration. it shows lung capacity. one thing that stood out is it's a lot of information. if you don't know what to do with it, it's a call app. it's useful for a professional athlete who can take the data, skills. >> how did you find the watches? >> i dried the basis and fit bit. it's fascinating to me. i have these questions - how accurate are they. i have walked tries was far according to the fit bit than the basis. and that is like - brings all the data into question. as a scientist we want to make value judgment. they don't give you accuracy. >> could it be a difference of strides. >> i'm bringing the same amount of calories. it doesn't spend a lot of time educating you on what the data means and how to interpret it.
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>> i tried out the fit bit. it was higher in terms of the step count. you can check it. you can watch it tally up the steps. you are trying to develop a lifestyle of habits. using this and the app. from green stadiums to birds with goggles, i check my pulse. talking about the science, my heart is beating a little faster. for more exciting innovations join us next time on "techknow". go behind the scenes at >> on techknow... >> these are some of the amazing spider goats >> small creatures, big impact >> how strong is it? >> almost as strong as steel >> inspiring discoveries changing lives >> this could go in a human body... >> right >> this is for an achilles
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tendon >> techknow every saturday go where science meets humanity >> this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see techknow >> we're here in the vortex >> only on al jazeera america >> is this is al jazeera america, i'm thomas drayton in new york. let's get you caught up on the dop stories this -- top stories this hour. u.s. ebola patient receive treatment. forces retake key areas in iraq. u.s. air strikes pound i.s.i.l. fighters we'll look at the arab spring. four years after it erupted, where does the fighting for democracy stand video gaming gets its own sports en


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