tv News Al Jazeera October 27, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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talking to voters >> director aj schnack's unprecedented series concludes >> it's certainly something that doesn't exist in politics on television >> america votes 2014 midterms only on al jazeera america ♪ this is al jazeera america. live from new york city, i'm tony harris. new ebola grade lines from the cdc. and a nurses held in isolation now plans to sue. plus how isil targets women come to join it's fight. and an inside look, along the border of the united states and
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mexico, where u.s. military veterans are taking part in controversial stakeouts. ♪ we begin with the latest developments on ebola in the united states. the centers for disease control issued new quarantine guidelines today. it comes as a five year old is being tested for the virus at a hospital here in new york city. his family just returned from guinea. in new jersey a nurse who tested negative from the virus was released today. casey hitchcocks says there was no medical basis to detain her. and she is now planning to sue. hickcocks lawyer says the policy is unconstitutional.
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>> we believe that policy infringes on the constitutional liberty interest. we think the policy is overly brood. it sweeps in people who do not meet the criteria for being quarantined. >> libby casey joins us live now from washington. let's begin with the new cdc policy, how does it compare to the policy issued by new york and new jersey. >> the cdc is talking to reports now. they are giving four levels to describe how much in danger you are of getting ebola. these are for travelers coming from west africa. have they been in contact with ebola patients, and there are four tiers to judge your risk. the high-risk individuals should go into a volunteer quarantine and have regular updates and
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checks with medical personnel to make sure they are doing okay. and these definitions are important because it can weed out people who really aren't at risk, and focus on those who may be more at risk, this comes of course in the wake of the tough new regulations that came down from the governors of new york and new jersey. governor cuomo said the quarantine for those who have been in west africa treating patients could be at home, and be compensated for the time they are away from work. and that's a much more moderated tone than what they were coming out with initially on friday. casey hickcocks this case has drawn a lot of attention. she is now heading home to maine and she will be essentially be doing a quarantine at home for the rest of that 21-day period,
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tony. >> what can you tell us about the five year old being tested for the virus here in new york city? >> yeah, this was a boy who was in guinea, one of the west african countries that is being watched. he is at the same hospital where craig spencer is, the first new yorker to have a confirmed case of ebola. this little boy was taken to bellevue last night by emergency medical workers who were outfitted in protective gear. he is in isolation, the rest of his family is in quarantine in their apartment. symptoms have included things like a high fever tony. >> all right. libby casey for us in washington. kurdish fighters are defending an important supply line through the turkey/syria border. even as isil steps up its
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assault. syrian kurds are hoping iraqi peshmerga fighters will arrive soon, but the kurds are barely holding on. >> reporter: isil forces have on monday again tried to take control of the border controlling in to turkey. they have beening sending mortars in the area. we have heard gunfire all day. and that follows one of the heavy nights of fighting so far. isil forces want control of the border because they believe that if reinforcements come for the kurds in kobani, those reinforcements whether they be peshmerga, or allies for the syrian army, they will come. the black smoke you can see rising behind me, probably from fires. both sides set tires on fire to
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create a smoke screen as they move through the streets. air strikes again on sunday night helped the kurdish fighters keep control of the border, and they were almost too late. ancation of how much they rely on on those air strikes. the fighter jets flying over head they have to fly a long distance before they reach this ar ar area of operation. there can be large gaps when the air above kobani is empty of jets, and this allows the isil forces to make their move. >> let's look at the numbers now. according to the united nations isil operations and syria's civil war have forced some 5
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million people to have to leave their homes. about 10,000 residents of the mown made the long trip to camps in iraq, but that country is already struggling to house and care for nearly 2 million people displaced by isil. iraqi facilities are stretched to the limit right now. the majority of the displaced are fleeing to the kurdish area. and mr. iraqis were forced to leave family members behind. >> translator: i have lost the dearest thing in my life. >> reporter: she and her family were forced to leave their town when isil fighters overran it in august. her husband is blind. he shifts through the family id cards so his son can find the one that belonged to his
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3-year-old sister, christina. ida describes the day isil took her daughter away. >> translator: they came to our house and put us on a truck. they took us to the medical center. they said they would give us medical checks and medicine if anyone was sick. then they ordered us on a bus, searched our bags, took our money and gold and even our clothes. >> reporter: she said a man dressed all in black came on to the bus. >> translator: he took my daughter from me. i followed him and was pleading toe give her back. >> reporter: she says after a few minutes another man appeared holding christina. >> translator: he was carrying my daughter. she was crying. i was begging him to give me her. he threatened me saying if i
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didn't get back on the bus i would be killed. i feel tortured i have no idea where she is or how she is. i have no information at all. >> reporter: ida's bus was ordered to follow an isil armed vehicle. they were driven out of town and left in the desert. it took them ten hours to reach erbil. the family now live in makeshift cubicles. 400 christian families are staying here. in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of displaced people facing winter in tents, these families are more fortunate, but there is great fear and uncertainty here. especially for those like ida. rights groups here say there are
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increasing reports of families who say that isil have taken their daughters. for the time being there is nothing these families can do. as isil steps up its assault, it is also stepping up its efforts to recruit foreign fighters online, and those efforts are increasingly aimed at women. >> tony the u.s. asked his arab allies to do more to counter the group's slick online propaganda, which is increasingly aimed at getting women to join isil. 2 to 300 western women have joined the ranks. in this youtube video, isil invites women to join its new group to prepare for the battlefields of islam. they will learn how to sew,
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cook. some of the recruiting is done by young women like this woman who traveled from scotland to syria to marry an isil fighter. she advises other women to get all of the shots and vaccinations that you require. she tells them your day will revolve around cooking, cooking, and watching the children. and when your husband has free time he will take you out to teach you to shoot. three teenage girls from colorado who were stopped on their way to syria earlier this month may have been enticed by the propaganda. >> all indications we have is that they were most likely victims of online predators. >> reporter: the state department has launched this counter campaign, but not aimed specifically at women. this twitter user writes to isil
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women, how can you shoot someone when you can't see. >> what has really been missing in many senses is the kind of pushback to this extremely successful online recruitment strategy that we have seen put in place. >> reporter: security analysts say some women have been put off by boredom, but they don't know of any of those women who have returned to their home in the west. yemen's shia houthi rebels are fighting for control of the capitol of sana'a. over the past three days, clashes between houthi rebels and sunni tribes have reportedly killed 20 people, rebels took over last month, the houthis want mere autonomy and better
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eventation in the governments. it's a crucial moment for tunisia. the secular centrist party is the big winner of the elections. there was the first election for a full parliament since 2011. here is more on though historic votes. >> reporter: there is a quiet sens -- sense of expectation. its leader will be waiting for official results before declaring victory. some unofficial results suggest the secular centrist party is in the lead. but even if it wins, its members admits it can't rule alone. >> translator: we don't exclude anyone. and it's the main part of the political landscape here. >> reporter: its rival also
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waiting. [ technical difficulties ] >> because this is our country and this is democracy. and we can be number 1, and almost number 2, but the main thing is the program. >> reporter: the democracy campaign is the tunisian people are the real winners. now possible change of government without the violence of other arbab spring countries. >> we are probably going through an alter nation of power. this is important. we are not having the same political party winning over and over again. we will probably be witnessing in the next two or three days, a smooth transition of power. >> reporter: but that transition isn't over yet. the next government will need to get to work quickly, to korea create jobs and bring a sense of security. and win the trust of people in
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the democratic system before they go to the polls once again. in less than a month tunisians will elect a new president, an historic moment for this country, as it finally gets to choose its own path. in ukraine, the president wants to form a unity government within ten days. parliament results show huge wins for pro-western parties in sunday's elections. poroshenko, and this man scored the biggest victories, but because of fighting in the east, many seats will remain vacant. separatists rebels plan to hold their own elections next sunday. and the closest brazilian election in recent history has given the incumbent president a second term. she won just over 51%. she will serve four more years. gabriel has more.
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>> reporter: she and her supporters clearly breathing a sigh of relief that they were able to eke out this very narrow win. not only did 48% of the people not vote for her, but there was also a 20% abstention rate. so there is a majority of people who voted not for her or for nobody. we have already seen on monday that she is going to have very little time to celebrate, because the stocks of the state run oil company are down 10%, and the stock exchange down over 4 points as well. lots of challenges ahead here in this country, the seventh largest economy, but has given its president four more years in
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office. the families of victims of the ferry disaster want the death penalty for the captain. his overcrowded ferry capsized. it has been 17 years since a prisoner was put to death in south korea. a new report out today outlining the harsh conditions the girls suffered at the hands of boko haram. some have managed to escape. here is an unfiltered look at one girl's story. >> translator: i was forced to go with them on operations. when they wanted me to kill the first man my body was shaking and i fell on the ground. they forced me to get up and watch as kill the second person. at that point i thought i should
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grab a gun and shoot myself. when it was time to get married, i told them i had stomach pains. when i returned home, people would tell me to not dwell on the situation. >> families are praying their dauthers will be released soon. many parents in nigeria now live in constant fear. >> reporter: rebecca is afraid to leave her daughters alone. her oldest was abducted by boko haram. >> translator: be strong, sarah, god will help you escape if you are still alive. but if you are dead, then there is nothing i can do for you my
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child except pray you are at piece. >> reporter: sarah and over 200 other schoolgirls were not the first to be kidnapped. hundreds of women and girls are still disappearing in nigeria. some who have managed to escape have disturbing stories to tell. >> reporter: dealing with the physical and psychological abuse isn't easy. >> when they hear a sound, just the sound of gun, or a sound of something being hit, they -- they -- they get -- freeze. so -- and that -- you can feel -- if somebody can get freeze by hearing the sound of something, it shows the level of the traumatic situation they passed through. >> reporter: human rights
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workers say the nigerian government isn't doing enough to protect people. nigerian officials deny this. >> there were attempts of rescue with numerous successes that have occurred. and you can see that many of the insurgent commanders have been taken in. some are fleeing, some are giving up, and so on and so forth. the government of nigeria will not forget its citizens in need. >> for rebecca that's not good enough. so she left the northeast and moved to the capitol. she feels it is safer here, but her family is not complete. >> she liked to play with us. >> reporter: the 10-year-old misses her big sister, and they are waiting for her to come home. violence in the amish community against its own members, an exclusive look
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concerns about oil prices lead to a mixed start to the stock exchange. okay. so a mixed day overall. two of the countries largest drugstore chains are saying no to apple pay. they began rejecting apple pay transactions this past weekend. some reports suggest the companies are developing a rival mobile program. and taxing the internet, some 10,000 people streamed on to the streets of budapest to protest the move. t >> reporter: joining on the streets angry at the proposal to
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tax the internet. there could be a tax of about $0.60 a gigabyte. >> translator: it's a human right to have internet. this tax is the most stupid thing. other countries they give internet free to everyone. here in hungary you have to pay tax on a certain big bite. >> reporter: in front of the economy ministry, many believe the tax is part of a broader move by the government. >> translator: the government could not completely stop the freedom of expression with the media law in 2010. this is why they tried to tax internet this time. so they will make it more expensive for people when 4 million people already live under the poverty line. >> reporter: the internet tax is the latest in a number of controversial levies and penalty
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introduced by the -- government. hungary is one of the european union's most indebted nations, and the government says the measures are intended to help it restore its finances, bun but telecom company said it cost the people more than $400 million a year. >> translator: this is a good occasion for people to come here to show they are unhappy. this was only the icing on the cake, but this it is interesting this brought so many people together. >> reporter: they have threatened more protests on tuesday if they don't stop the law. sin orship of the internet is pretty widespread.
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in canada there is hardly none at all. however, elsewhere there is invasive internet. and the united states and the u.k. are on the same list. in the u.s., for example, libraries in schools frequently filter internet usage the cash strapped u.s. postal service is going to try delivering groceries. >> reporter: this is something the postal service has already tested in partnership with amazon here in san francisco. it has had to make sure grocery deliveries are even possible. drop-offs have taken place between 3:00 am and 7:00 p.m. it looks as though the trial has been successful enough that the
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they will expand but more retailers. but if anyone thinks it will help with their financial problems, we can't be certain. they say the potential revenue for this venture for now would be about $10 million. and you have to think about the entire usps system and how large it is. $10 million isn't that much. but it's a start, and there is competition, of course, there are companies that are also experimenting with grocery delivery. if successful the usps will continue to expand beyond san francisco. this will be a two-year market test. and it could really change how the post office does business. >> the nurse who was quarantined over ebola fears in new jersey is now suing. she says it was inhumane. we'll look another whether the practice is unethical.
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>> hundreds of days in detention. >> al jazeera rejects all the charges and demands immediate release. >> thousands calling for their freedom. >> it's a clear violation of their human rights. >> we have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. >> journalism is not a crime. federal authorities have charged seven people with conspiring with al qaeda. >> since 9/11 the us has spent has spent billions of dollars on domestic counter-terrorism operations. >> i wanted to be in on the big game and to be paid top-dollar for it. that's it. >> many of these involved targeted informant led stings. >> to them, everyone in the muslim community is a potential informant or a potential
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terrorist. now guidelines just announced from the cdc, it comes after a controversial policy in new york and new jersey. a nurse who was isolated in new jersey says her treatment was inhumane, and many critics say the quarantines are unnecessary. joining us now is the director for biodefense, law, and public policy at texas tech. thank you for your time, so you don't think a quarantine necessarily was a bad idea in the hickcocks case.
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you just think it was badly handled? >> no, i don't think it was badly handled. the test is what is the least burdensome way of protecting the public health. and there could have been perhaps other methods that might have been less burdensome. but remember, we're in an emergency context. and that sometimes requires the governor to take action when he believes it will protect the people of his state. and that's the primary responsibility of government is to protect the public health and public safety. >> hickcocks said she was ordered, it was mandatory. do you have a problem with that? >> no, i don't have a problem with that. >> you don't? >> no, i don't. and i think that the -- the concerns that have been raised
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about quarantines are valid concerns, but they also haven't considered the flip side of that, because i have seen in polls of the american public that as many as 90% don't want to even see air flights from west africa to the united states. >> but people are afraid. come on, that's not even based on real science. >> that's right. >> but let me ask you something, the doctor of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, and he said over the weekend, there was no reason, no medical reason to hold hickcocks. do you disagree with him? >> no, i don't. i think again the least burdensome way is the best way to do it. here is an alternative that could have been used. you could have left her to go and have her own self isolation,
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and check in every day with her temperature, up to the 21-day quarantine period, and at anytime she failed to check in, and that might be a non-compliant reason to quan quarantine her. but when you are talking about emergency situations, it's very hard to criticize the governor who is trying to do something that maybe is not that burdensome to an individual to protect the public health. but given the long planning period of a couple of weeks, i would advice the governor to develop a system where people can check in every day on a website, and monitor them that way. >> people heading over from the united states to stop the spread
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of ebola in west africa? >> i don't have any objection to that at all. >> all right. and it seems dr. frieden has come back with guidelines that suggests that workers returning from west africa are at some risk and subject to daily health checks, which seems to be in line with what you are suggesting as well, correct? >> yes, absolutely. and that system started in 2003 in the sars outbreak, and it worked very effectively, and there's no reason we can't do that and be a less burdensome alternative. >> okay. i think we're in agreement here. vicky sutton, appreciate your time, thank you. >> sure. in today's power politics, the battle of the u.s. senate has turned this in to one of the most exciting cycles in recent
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years. >> there are at least 11 senate races where the polls show the races even. the states in blue are held by democrats. the states in red are held by republicans. republicans need a net pickup of six senate seats to take control, although it is now down to four. montana and west virginia will be easy pickups. and you are talking about a battlefield this year with 11 toss-up senate races. there were 10 toss-up senate races leading into the 2012 elections, 7 in 2010, and 6 in 2008. the competitive races and growing drama seems to be fuelling early voting at a greater clip than a lot of experts have anticipated?
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iowa, there is a tight race. more than 250,000 iowians have already cast their ballots. that's higher than a week before election day in 2012. iowians are still being treated to a barrage of negative ads. >> picture a friend here in des moines. our job outsourced overseas. picture a neighbor down the street, his ren -- renewable energy job, gone. now open your eyes. vote for bruce brayly. >> pretty rough stuff. here is the latest attack on democrat brayly. in the voice of paul harvey. >> every -- inconvenience
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demands a lawsuit. >> pretty interesting. in south dakota one of the battles that republicans had expected to be an easy pickup, the current governor is not a lock because he is linked to an investment scandal and bitter feelings in the straight about partisanship. the independent candidate is trying to ride a wave, and recently told the newspaper that despite his differences with president obama, he would still be willing to work with the president. >> i would be a friend of his in the senate. i consider myself a moderate. i'm endorsed by the centrist project. i think my party has moved far to the right. >> and in new hampshire, the candidates squared off over the weekend. brown was delivering his closing remarks when the opponent
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interrupted. watch. >> i received their endorsement -- [ inaudible ]. >> that's rude! rude! >> no, i would like to defer to senator -- [ inaudible ] >> you objected to my saying that, and i think if you give [ inaudible ]. >> well, because i was in my closing and i gave you the courtesy to allow you to speak -- >> rudeness can be an issue, particularly in new hampshire, and this is a very tight race. it now appears that jeb bush is going to be spending a lot of time in new hampshire and iowa this year. here is his son. >> i think it's more than likely that he is giving this a serious thought. if you would have asked me a few years back, i would say it is
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unlikely. >> finally massachusetts democratic senator elizabeth warren has just cracked open the door slightly to a 2016 run. she said i don't think so. now that's not as firm a no as in previous interviewed. and she added this, quote, if there is any lesson i have learned in the last five years, it's don't be so sure about what lies ahead. there are amazing doors that could open. >> wow. >> that would be amazing. >> shock waves just from that statement i would imagine. david appreciate it. another victim has died after last week's school shooting outside of seattle. a 14-year-old died last night. one victim was killed on the scene, three others remain in the hospital. the community observed a moment
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of silent to honor the victims. here is more on the proposals. alan what are the specific of these two initiatives. >> reporter: tony interesting battle here, and this is the only state in the country where voters are being asked to vote on state-wise gun-control initiatives. 594 would dramatically expand required background checks for gun sales, close the gun show loophole, cover online sales, and cover what are being called transfers, that is any exchange of firearms. if i sold you a gun privately, we would have to get it from a licensed gun dealer and go through the background check et cetera. if i gave you a gun, we would have to go to the gun dealer, get a background check,
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et cetera. if i loaned you a gun, you would have to go through the same process, and we might have to go through the same process when you gave my loaned gun back. and 591 would dramatically restrict background checks to whatever the government requires. there is also another element of this initiative which would prevent any government from seizing a firearm without due process. a lot of money coming in on the 594 initiative, about $10 million coming? so far, most of that coming from michael bloomberg's association, bill gates, bill gate's wife, and former microsoft ceo have donated millions.
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interestingly the nra has come in and spent money in opposition to 594, not in support of the other gun-control initiative, but they haven't done as much as the local nra members would like to see. >> how are each of these initiatives doing in the polls? and have you heard there anyone who's mind has maybe been changed one way or the other following friday's incident? >> well, you look at the polls right now, and if washingtonians voted, 594 would pass. that's the one expanding background checks. and 591 would fail. that is the one that would limit background checks to what the federal government requires. as for the effect of the shooting on friday afternoon, i haven't spoken to anyone who has had that change their vote, but i think it's safe to assume that a lot of people, wanting to do
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something to have an impact on this scourge of school shootings, looking for some way to have an impact, will likely vote for 594, even though it would have had no impact on this shooting as we know the facts at this point. >> okay. alan thank you. let's get you caught up on other stories making headlines now. >> tony the trial of four men accused in the hazing death of the florida a&m marching band has begun. he died after his fellow band members beat him as part of a hazing ritual. 15 people were charged, all but 4 settled their cases. a pennsylvania pastor who married his gay son will be aallowed to remain a minister. today's church's judicial
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council reversed a previous ruling. dozens of people in hawaii are getting ready to evacuate their homes as lava from a nearby volcano closes in. it moved to within 100 yards of homes today. >> it is going to be sad watching our house go down, but at the same time, you know, i like to be here if it happens. we're praying really hard it will spare us here. because my whole family is in this subdivision that we live in. so we're all on needles and pins. >> about 50 holes could fall. in virginia good samaritans are credited with saving a man's life after pulling him out of his burning car. >> are you by yourself? >> the man was stuck in his car
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after crashing it early yesterday morning. witnesses bashed open the sunroof and got him out. >> oh, man. >> some very good people here. >> yeah. that's very good stuff. see you later. thank you. the amish community hoped it could close a dark hole in their history, when 15 men were charged with attacking men and cutting off their beards, but new details emerged about the group. the leader lead the group with complete authority, and as adam may learned he is still in charge while serving time in federal prison. >> reporter: did people put themselves in these animal p pin -- pens. >> yes, and i was one of them.
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i wasn't always the best wife, and i felt it would help me. i stayed for 18 days. i had quiet time to pray and write letters. and i went on my own will. as far as i know, everybody else went their own free will. >> and children? >> no, these were all adults. >> reporter: martha has 110 grandchildren. dan is one of only a handful to flee. and he says his grandmother is lying; that he and his siblings and cousins were forced to spend long cold nights in animal pens as teenagers to repent. >> they do things do you like chicken coop and paddling because they say it helps you get better. >> reporter: were you put into an animal pen? >> yes. >> reporter: for how long? >> seven days. >> reporter: did you have a
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choice? >> not really. it was against my will. and they made you write down your sins. then you were forgiven and you could start over a new life. why does everybody have to write their sins to him and he could supposedly solve it and fix it? he's just one guy. and he is not god. >> reporter: do you think he acted like a god? >> yes. still does. >> you can watch more of this story on "america tonight." u.s. military veterans taking part in controversial recon missions on the u.s./mexico border.
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a groups made up mostly of former military and law enforcement are performing controversial stakeouts on the u.s./mexico border. al jazeera america tagged along with one of these groups. tim gainer spent time with the militia on the arizona border. tim good to talk to you. why don't they want to be called individual la-- individual
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-- vigilantes. >> the group say they don't act outside of the law. >> who are these guys, tim? they look like reality show actors. i mean are they serious? perhaps they are making some kind of political statement? who are they? >> well, they say they are volunteers, made up of former military members, law enforcemeenforc enforcement officers, and also people who worked in security work as private contractors. it's difficult for us to actually verify the service that each individual has. they say they are coming down mostly under a oath they have taken to serve and protect the constitution of the united states. >> you spent some time with them. what did you observe?
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>> well, first of all we tracked out to this area that they were working, which is extremely remote area of high desert here tucson. they were on a stretch about 10 miles away from the nearest village. an area of ravines and hills. and they were camped out on three different hill tops wearing camouflage, talking over a radio network, using military-typical signs, and they had night-vision gear and were spotting for any possible movement on the south side of the border. they say they were looking out for incursions by drug traffickers. >> so what happens if there is an encounter? did you witness an encounter when you were with them? >> no, we didn't. on the night we were there. they declared a soft victory.
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of course we couldn't verify that one way or the other. but what they do ask is for all of their volunteers to sign standard operating procedure, and also rules of engagement, and allow them to detain anybody that they encounter who is breaking the law, either as an unauthorized migrant or suspected trafficker, and detain them while they report them to the proper authority. >> did you sense any tension between the militias, and the border patrol? >> well, no. in fact the customs and border protection, the parent agency for the u.s. border patrol sends out a statement in the summer about militia activity on the border, which is quite ambivalent.
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it says it wasn't support or endorse any private groups, but welcomes and appreciates efforts of concerned citizens to act as their eyes and ears. what we saw is on at least four occasions members of this volunteer group talking to agents who stopped in their trucks out on these back roads. they were sharing the observations and information they gleaned from their stakeout. >> so it seems to be a good relationship. >> yes. >> tim thank you so much. and you can see the entire story from tim on our website, just go to the spotlight section on the home page and click on the arizona border militia link. tim appreciate it. thank you. clowns terrorizing communities in france. and it is no joke. as the images go viral.
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>> french police are trying to calm fears about violent clown sightings. they arrested a group of teenagers dressed as clowns. >> over the last month france has seen an uptick in reports of scary clowns roaming around. one faces charges for allegedly beating someone with an iron rod. facebook pages have been set up to track clown sightings. and these clowns are being sited now -- we don't know anything about these clowns. but these are some of the images that they are posting. the clown is right here. the lamp post is right here.
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and here he is carrying a blue balloon. police say they believe these scary clowns are inspired by internet videos. including this prank video. watch. ♪ >> so get ready for it. someone is about to get out of an elevator, and the clown starts chasing him with a chain saw. this video has been viewed more than 30 million times since it was posted this summer. and french police recently arrested a group of young people who were hunting down scary clowns. so police are asking these vigilantes to stop taking matters into their own hands. >> is this pegged to halloween or something? >> there has been some clown sightings here in the u.s. >> oh, really. >> so it has been a trend. but now that halloween is
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coming, police are issues these warnings. >> that's nut. the san francisco giants are one game away from winning the world series. the giant's left hander was in complete control from the start. striking out eight. giving up no walks. bumgartner pitched a shutout leading to their victory. >> everything was working well. being able to make pitches on both sides of the plate. >> reporter: the shutout was the first since josh beckett did it in 2003. game 6 is tomorrow night in kansas city. and the san francisco giants paid tribute to one of their great estefans, we're talking about robin williams. now images of robin williams
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past appearances at the ballpark were shown on the score board throughout the game. nice touch. that it for us in new york. "inside story" is next on al jazeera america. >> protecting a vulnerable public or giving in to the fears of a panicking public. ebola, fears and science. it's the inside story. >> hello, i'm ray suarez. after a doctor coming home t
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