tv News Al Jazeera October 27, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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that's our show for today. i'm jen rogers in for ali velshi. thanks for joining us. ♪ >> hi everyone. this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler in new york. the ebola dilemma. tougher guidelines from the cdc. questions about quarantines. what is the best way to contain the disease? nigerian school girls new kidnappings, conversions and assaults. and afghanistan attack right after the u.s. military turns over. plus america votes 2014, the
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rays for governor in wisconsin, why jobs could be the deciding issue. >> we begin with the effort to contain the ebola virus, both in the u.s. and overseas. the cdc updated its guidelines today on how to monitor health care workers coming back from eask. africa, the change comes after new york and new jersey update their policies. unintended consequences. libby casey is at the white house with more. libby. >> john, the cdc has created guidelines ranking risk and they have recommendations on what should be done. they range if high risk to no risk. high risk is for people who have
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had direct contact with bodily fluids of people with ebola. being punctured with a needle or spilling bodily fluid. they should restrict their activities and travel. most people going to west africa and returning home would instead fall under the category of some risk. wearing protective gore and still working with ebola -- gear and still working with ebola patients. public events it's individual case-by-case basis. then people deemed to have low risk and that's for people who were in the same room with someone with ebola or on the plane with an ebola patient. there's to restriction on them on travel or going out in public
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john. >> a public health nurse in new jersey is suing. what can you tell us about the lawsuit? >> her lawyer says she plans to file a federal lawsuit. the confinement breached her constitutional and civil liberties. there is a lot of criticism over the steps the governor took. governor christie said it was done for the better health of the people of the state. quarantine from american health care workers returning from west africa, they are supposed to in new york state stay confined to quarters and keep receiving salary. john. >> thanks very much libby casey. the u.s. defense department has quarantined members of the military to try to prevent ebola from spreading. returning troops from west africa have been in isolation
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despite showing no signs of the infection. holding soldiers for 21 days in italy before they come back to the u.s. defense officials say the decision was made out of an abundance of caution. miranda sissons, executive director. thank you for coming. >> thank you john. >> what do you think of the guidelines? >> obviously we welcome them as a process that's based on science rather than on fear. the quar quarantines in new yord new jersey are not based on science. they are trying to up confidence on the protocols that are there and doing a good job in protecting americans. >> but at the same time the u.s. military is doing the exact opposite. explain this to the american people. doesn't make sense does it?
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>> i wish i were privy to the reasoning of the joint chiefs but i'm not. one thing that is important to note these are obviously military, soldiers under military displi discipline and obviously different disciplines apply. >> conversations going on all over the country. people say look we understand if they don't have symptoms. but how do people know when they're going to get symptoms? and therefore, if they get symptoms, when they're on the subway, when they're at a bowling alley, how can you protect everybody else? >> that's a great question and obviously people want to be reassured. really what's important with ebola based on science from 20 different outbreaks it's pretty clear. people who are infected with ebola, very few returning health care workers will not be
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contagious until they are displaying symptoms. we don't me if they're a little sick or a little fever. eenebola is spread by direct boy fluids of an infected person. they are vomiting, diarrhea, there are several days required to reach the level that they can contaminate others. this is kind of science that is vital for the public to know that people haven't done a great job of explaining. >> these tougher measures is it unlikely that other health care workers will go to west africa and put themselves through this? >> that's what we fear. it's a pretty unappealing task. you try to save lives, at the source of the outbreak, you give up your job for six or eight weeks and you're quarantined for three weeks without choice. or you have a more flexible
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system of monitoring and engagement which is much better. >> what does everybody say? >> everybody has been frightened by the compulsory quarantine. not because they won't do it. they respect the public's right the feel better, they respect the are difficulties of this disease, but it's so much more difficult to come back to america and resume daily life. >> what's the biggest challenge in west africa? >> that is the biggest challenge there's no doubt about it. we need tens of thousands of health care workers and skilled personnel to roll back this epidemic and make the world safe. >> how many do you have now? >> we have thousands. not tens of thousands. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much john. >> miranda power, the u.s. ambassador, in guinea tonight. some nations that offered
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support have not actually stepped up. today she reaffirmed the u.s. commitment to to west africa. >> the united states stands with guinea, with the religious leaders, we are here for the long haul. >> next she will travel to sierra leone where thousands have died of the virus. it will cost millions to combat the virus in the next six months. i talked to nicholas chrisoff about how the u.s. can contain ebola and wudon says travel bans are not the answer. >> i don't think travel bans are actually going to help us attack the problem at the source. because if you have all the experts here in the u.s. and they're either going to be more hesitant to go there because it's so difficult to get back, travel bans are difficult for
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you to come and get back, and where you need to stop it, wuns that gets in the way that's going to be the problem. >> has the media been in the way? >> i think this has not been our finest hour. if you look at comparative risks then ebola is for americans, is i think ebola is less of a concern in america than many people think. and much more of a concern worldwide. and there is not going to be epidemic of ebola in the u.s. if nigeria can handle it, the united states health care system can. but if this isn't solved and resolved in west africa then it is going to spread to other countries. it has already to mali, it will spread to an any niger, to other
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countries. >> what happens on the other side of the world does affect us, can affect us. we should realize that we should help something -- we should help someone or you know especially when it's going to affect so many people, halfway around the world that we should really care about those people. because what happens there because we are a globalized world can affect us here. >> you can see more of my interview with nicholas christoff and cheryl wudon, at 11:00 p.m. despite the government has made progress on talks to free the 200 missing girls. witnesses in two states where boko haram is active say the group has killed 17 and kidnapped dozens in the past ten days. haru matassa has this report. >> re beck ah samuel is afraid
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to use the four alone flp were supposed to be four of them but, one was abducted by boko haram. if she could, this is what she would say to her oldest. >> be strong sarah. god will help you escape if you are still alive. if you are dead, the only thing i can do for you my child is prai that you are at peace. >> sarah and two other girls from chibok from northwestern nigeria. some have disturbing stories to tell. >> dealing with the physical and psychological abuse isn't easy. >> when they hear a sound. just a sound of gun, or a sound
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of something being hit, they get freeze. and that -- you are confused, if somebody can get freeze by hearing the sound of something show the level of the traumatic situation was true. >> even the civil rights people say the nigerian government isn't doing enough to rescue these people. the nigerian government says it's not true. >> the armed forces have accord and you can see that many of the insurgent commanders have been taken in, some are fleeing, some are giving up, so on so forth. we are advancing. the nigerian government will not forget its citizens in need. >> for rebecca that is not good enough so she's left the northeast and moved to the capital, abuja.
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she feels it's safer here. but her family is not complete. >> she like a lot. >> 13-year-old lydia misses her big sister and like hundreds of families across nigeria they are waiting for her to come home. haru matassa, al jazeera, abuja. >> the fighting in iraq is feeding sectarian tension there. two bombs killed 30 people, injured dozens. suicide bomber drove a hum vee into baghdad. in northern syria, after 40 days of fighting, syrian kurds are waiting for further help from their kurdish comrades.
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>> taking control of the border crossing into turkey, they're sending mortars into the area, gun fire all throughout the day. on sunday night into monday, again, concentrated on that border. i.s.i.l. forces want control of the border because they believe that if reenforcements come from the kurds in kobani, those reenforcements whether they be iraqi peshmerga or allies to the free syrian army, they will concentrate the force he, that's why i.s.i.l. wants it. black smoke, both sierdz set tires on fire to create -- sides set tires on fire to create a smoke screen. helped the kurdish fighters keep control of the border crossing. they're essential and they were almost too late, the kurds are telling us, an indication of how
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much they rely on the air strikes but an indication of how much more they need reenforcements. the fighters have to fly long distance ofl from the gulf jordan or cypress before they reach this area of separation, they have to fly back to refuel. there could be large gaps from when the air over kobani is free from air strikes. >> according to the united nations i.s.i.l.'s operations and syria's civil war have forced more than 5 million people from their homes. the refugees have gone from turkey, lebanon egypt and iran. the al qaeda linked group the nusra group led its own attack today. targets on idlib, still held by
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the assad regime. >> use of barrel bombs, follows a coordinated attack, from the al qaeda-filthed al nusra front. >> several managed to sneak inside the city and took control of the government buildings before they withdrew. they managed to kill a number of soldiers and snipers. >> reporter: government controlled syrian state television said syrian fighters managed to kill a number of terrorists. >> how they got into the government building. from there they started shooting and throwing grenades. we quickly managed to contain the situation.
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>> reporter: sources tell us that it was a series attack that surprised the government. al nusra has a strong presence in the area. trying the city would be strategically and symbolically importantly. it would cut off vital government supply license and give opposition groups control of the main city. the only other city fully out of government hands is raqqa, fully under the control of i.s.i.l. there was an intense fight for idlib back in 2012. the i.s.i.l. forces took control after which the government took control and has been in its hands ever since. taking idlip is a realistic goal especially after this assault. stefanie dekker, al jazeera, bay
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>> military compound in the hands of, forces, combat mission, the base transfer in southern afghanistan's one of the largest handover operations conducted so far and morgan radford joins us right now. morgan. >> that's right, the only forces left in that country and marine expeditionary force was the last
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group left. it took 24 hours and almost constant flights between helmond and kandahar air field. it was once the regional headquarters for the u.s. led international coalition in afghanistan. the base housed almost 40,000 contractors and military personnel. but now, 13 years later, it's in the hands of the afghan military which says it's ready for the challenge. >> translator: this is a good opportunity for the afghan ample and security forces to put into practice capabilities they've already demonstrated in the last 12 years over defense of the country. >> reporter: british officials seem to agree. >> we have a government there of national unity and an army that's supported by the local population. >> reporter: but some u.s. lawmakers think that confidence may be misplatessed.
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>> we -- misplaced. >> we don't want to have that repeated in afghanistan. they're going to have to die in support of their country. >> for the u.s. troops it is their first stop home as they prepare to leave in the coming days or at the very latest by the end of the year. this after afghan troops are left to ramp up their fight against a resurge enent taliban. local officials say four taliban members attacked a prosecutor's office and appeals court. a taliban spokesman said it targeted the court building because they believe government trials are unfair and are biased against their fighters. casualties among afghan troops and civilians have reached almost record highs this year due to attacks like this one. still, afghan forces won't be
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left immediately alone since a small nato contingent will be there until 2016. john. >> all right, morgan radford, morgan, thank you. ashley jackson served as a political air force officer with united nations, she adviced the british parliament on afghan actions. ashley, welcome. can they hold off the taliban? >> we shall see. this summer was the testing ground, it was an incredibly bloody summer. what you saw was the taliban emboldened by the troops leaving. they were engaging afghan forces head on in ground battles and afghan forces were taking heavy, heavy casualties. the attacking kundus fell away to the forces, do they have that
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capacity? >> united states people are looking at iraq and saying, so goes afghanistan? >> well, iraq is not afghanistan. >> of course not but united states was there and it left and i.s.i.l. has begun to take over parts of that country. could that scenario take place in afghanistan? >> that is the worry that extremism returns to afghanistan. al qaeda is the reason we're in afghanistan in the first place, of course. and no one wants that to happen again. >> how do you fix it? >> it's a long term commitment. by the end of the year, there will be troops training and mentoring and we've committed billions of dollars to the afghan security forces but it's clearly not going to be enough. >> what is the weakness in the afghan military force? >> it's a fledgling force. attrition, dropout, in unprecedented level is depleting the force.
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they don't have the same capacity that they had when international forces was there. for example, medi vac. you don't have air strikes which is what taliban were really, really afraid of were these air strikes. >> have taliban changed their attacks lately? >> absolutely. as soon as the air strikes came in, they would run away, they would melt back into the population. that's no longer the case. they're really going on the offensive withage securit with y forces and afghan forces are doing their best unable to hold their ground. >> asashraf ghani last been
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elected president,. >> he has made a point to crack down on corruption, consolidating afghan police who are not doing their jobs to his satisfaction. and all these kinds of things so he is really trying to send a strong message to the west that he is serious about cracking down on corruption. that he's serious about security, serious about fighting against corruption. we'll see how the power brokers react, ashraf ghani was not the outright victor. he and abdalla abdalla have received a compromise. we'll see how that exroms -- >> do you see if -- obviously there's a residual force that's going to be there for a certain period of time until 2015 unless someone else decides otherwise at that point. but i mean, does the u.s. need to have boots on the ground in order to make this change
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happen? >> well, at this point you know, there's no change. there's appetite in the u.s. government to go back in -- >> it's not going to happen? >> it's not going to happen. but what we do need to do is not take our eye off the ball. what happened to afghanistan after the russians left, look what happened. the sustained commitment to supporting the afghan security forces, as a deterrent for taliban or other terrorist groups coming into the country over the past 13 years. >> ashley jackson, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. coming up eight days to the mid terms and close race, and a big political victory for a secular party in the birth place of the ais arab spring.
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>> this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. coming up how america votes, how deep division over votes could send governors packing. and the major stores saying no thanks to a new technology from apple. president obama has kept a low profile in the run up to next tuesday's mid term elections but he is hitting the campaign trail tomorrow with a rare appearance in wisconsin. he will be there to support mary burke in a very close race for governor. for many in wisconsin jobs and the economy are a top priority.
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diane eastabrook reports. >> on a chilly october morning. jobs are important. >> what are you looking for? >> mostly industrial. >> how is the job market? judge terrible. >> i've been unemployed for years. >> 2,000 other job seekers file in. >> if you have a vip pass you go through these doors. >> reporter: press the flesh, hand over resumes and hope they will land one of the 1700 jobs employers at this fair are trying to fill. >> i've got a really good resume and hopefully that will get me ojob and something decent. >> reporter: davis has been out of work for two years. she's picked up jobs here and there but is desperate for a full time gig. >> i had to move out of my place because i ran out of my unemployment and then i was out on the street. i really had nowhere to go.
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>> reporter: this job fair really reflects the deep divide between wisconsin's two candidates for governor. republican scott walker says unemployment is falling and employers are hiring but mary says far too many people are still out of work. the recession hit workers here hard. more than 160,000 lost jobs between 2008 and 2010. about 120,000 jobs have been added back, but that's only about half of what walker promised when elected. his opponent burke argues the governor's tax cuts and incentives to businesses aren't working. >> we have people that are young and they know the c & c training. >> this mill worker employs more now, said tax credits helped him
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train four new workers at a technical college. he eventually wants to double his workforce from 48 employees. he says the incentives that walker has in place could help him. >> there has been 911 to get out into business -- incentive to get out into businesses. what life sustaining type of jobs. >> back at the job fair cynthia davis tries to stay upbeat. she admits it's hard not to get discouraged by the huge number of job seekers here. >> a lot of the jobs are paying only $10 an hour. who did live on $10 an hour? >> davis says both candidates promise to add jobs. she's not sure they can make that a reality. diane eastabrook, al jazeera.
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>> jeb bush could be the second son to make a bid for the white house. he said it was more likely he would join the race this time, and that his family is behind him. jeb bush is a former two-term governor of florida. he stayed out of the 2012 race despite calls from many conservatives to enter it. now to a likely candidate on the other side of the aisle. hillary clinton is walking back with a major preterm gaff, some sais. she says employers and businesses do not create jobs. some jumped on the comment. trickle down economics that's the theory that money from businesses and wealthy eventually duet shared moomg all levels of society. an update on ballots being cast in other places of the world. closely watched election necessary tunisia brazil and
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ukraine. we begin in tunisia where the arab spring got its start four years ago. first parliamentary election in four years. some suggest the centrist party is the big winner. nazanine moshiri has the story. >> some unofficial results suggest the secular centrist party is in the lead but even if it wins its members admit it can't rule alone. >> we cannot talk about coalitions yet but we don't seclude anyone and ennahda is a major part of the coalition. >> its arrival nidaa tounes, over the last three years has said it's willing to compromise. >> anything we have said we stick to it.
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this is our country, this is democracy. we can be number one, we can be almost number 2 so the issue is no issue. the main thing is the program. >> the democracy campaign is the tunisian people are the real winners. there was an unexpected high turnout and now a possible change of government without the violence of other arab spring countries. >> we are probably going through a alternatives o turnation alte. we are witnessing we will probably witnessing in the next two or three days a true alternation of power. create jobs and bring a sense of security but also need to win the trust of the people in the democratic system. before they go to the polls once again. in less than a month, tunisians
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will elect a new president. an historic moment for this country as it finally gets to choose it's own path. nazanine moshiri, al jazeera, tunis. now to brazil, dilma rousseff won 52% of the vote. gabrielle alesandro reports. >> to be able to eke out this win, not only did 48% of the people not vote for her, but there was also over 20% abstention rate or people that simply voted for nobody. so there's a majority of the people in the country that did not vote for rousseff or voted for nobody and that's going to be a real challenge for her in the second term but also the
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economy. we've already seen on sunday that dilma rousseff is going to have very little time to celebrate because the stocks of petrobras the country-owned company has fallen. >> that is be gabrielle alesandro. huge wins for pro-western parties in sunday's parliamentary election. president petro poroshenko says he wants to form a unity government within ten days. separatist rebels plan to hold their own elections on sunday. barnaby phillips has the story. >> this played a crucial role for the ove overthrow of viktor
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yanukovych. in the maidan who want change if this country. so what does natalie make of the results? >> the people made a smarter choice because the first three parties which are more or less like liberal, they are moderate party, system is still not perfect but in general the results are rather satisfactory and it's a rather good surprise. >> reporter: these elections were monitored abroad, russia said they were legitimate. now foreigners in ukraine are drawing their own are conclusions. >> nobody can question the legitimate mealegitimacy of the. this is where the message of t euro-maidan has received a political endorsement from the citizens of ukraine and i'm sure moscow will have to take it into
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account. >> the majority who voted for this new parliament will expect it to fight construction and push through economic reforms. progress has been slow over the last couple of months that's because the old government, critics say, was dominated by the legislators of viktor yanukovych. , people in kiev are exhausted by the upheavals of the past year this does feel like a moment of hope. at least here in the capital somehow the new government must take that message to the entire country. barnaby phillips, al jazeera, kiev. it appears that the scandal ridden regime of rob ford has been forced out. tom ford -- that's rob ford admitto use crack cocaine while
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in office and his support to tom ford his brother. again voters said no. a shooting in washington state high school last week has claimed another life. 14-year-ol14-year-old gia soriad last night. one girl died on scene. four others remain in the hospital. tomorrow we'll take a closer look at guns in washington state in our special election, america votes 2014. allen schauffler has a preview. >> clearly a lot of people have guns and gun control on their minds. voters in this state are the only ones in the country being asked to vote on statewide ballot measures concerning gun rights and gun control. there are two initiatives that will be voted on, one would dramatically expand gun show
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restrictions, private sale of guns even the loan of guns. the other would restrict background checks to what's required by the federal government. gun rights, gun control dueling in the state of washington. we'll have much more tomorrow. >> all right, allen, thank you. we'll take a look at the difference, if everyone voted, in our special, america votes 2014. an amish man, leading a dissident sect in ohio, he and 15 followers were known as bergholz farmers, cutting off their beards and hair in violent attacks. a shocking crime in what many consider a peace loving community. adam may journeyed to the area, there he found accusations of not only physical abuse but of sexual misconduct. >> reporter: here is where sam
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mullet ruled the roost, according to observers, mullet's twisted take played out in his bedroom. >> the government made allegation he that bishop mullet was living with other women in the community. >> polyannaish relationships? >> there was allegations that the bishop wanted to give her some counseling related to sexual issues. we don't know the true nature of the conduct. we do know when the fbi arrived the day after thanksgiving, 2011, bishop mullet was in his
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bedroom and a young woman who was married to one of his nephews came out of the bedroom with him early that morning. >> in an exclusive interview to one of his grand sons, dan shr shrock interviewed with al jazeera. >> is bishop mullet sexually abusing women? >> yes. he slept with multiple. >> sam mullet's wife said such actions were not abuse. although she declined to provide specifics, the the actions were part of her husband's spiri spil outreach. >> the way to provide merittal counseling, have you heard about that? >> that's what he used to say. and in a way you could have maybe looked at it if he didn't
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do with the woman like sleeping with them, had a child with one of them. so i don't really call that counseling. >> reporter: why did your uncles allow this to happen to their wives? >> well because they wanted to stay there. and there again, all i know to say is that i guess he had too much power over people's minds. i mean they didn't exactly agree with everyone. especially the guy that got the child that his wife that had a child with him. he got really mad and upset but still they don't want to leave because they don't agree with the other amish either. >> sam mullet though was sleeping with his son's wives. >> yes, i know. >> "america tonight's" adam may joins us in the studio, explain why sam mullet could be released from prison now. >> this whole case was hinging on the 2009 federal hate crimes act and under the act the question for the courts now
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during appeals is can you have a hate crime when the crime is committed against members of the same religion? the courts have to hammer this out now. sam mullet is serving a 15 year prison sentence but if the courts continue to side with him and his attorneys sam mullet could soon be out of jail. >> you have the amish who are peaceful people and the amish renegades. how many are there? >> you hit the nail on the head john. there are people who say this is not an amish group, these are break aways. sam mullet is the clear leader of this organization but the concerning thing is: more than 100 children still living there allegedly under mullet's rule not allowed to speak to anyone in the outside world. >> what's going to happen to these children? >> who knows at this point? these kids when i was down there when we walked into town they were polite, they would say hi, but there was no conversation behind that.
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there was no so-called english but they are not allowed to speak to other amish outside their own community. there are people like dan schrock, who is a defector. he is very worried about his siblings trying to work with law enforcement to make sure they have a better life. >> can you see more of adam's report at the top of the hour right here on "america tonight" on the al jazeera america. >> coming up next paying with your phone and the fierce battle to control how it's done.
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>> we are still looking at the remnants believe it or not of gonzalo. that went through the caribbean a few weeks ago. all of the moisture and parts of the storm pushing through europe. weren't through u.k, deadly there, killed three people. made its way to the south, now moving towards bulgaria as well as towards greece. take a look at the video of all the rain associated with this particular storm. we are looking at major flooding going across the region as well as into the higher elevations, major roads have been cut off across the area. flooding and snow in the higher elevations believe it or not we are looking at several feet in some locations. we're also talking about what is happening here across the
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this tax is the most stupid thing. other countries like estonia they give internet for free to everyone. here in hungary, you have to pay tax on every gigabyte. >> reporter: before the economy ministry in central budapest. >> the government could not completely stop the freedom of expression with the media law in 2010. this is why they tried to tax internet this time. so they will make the internet more expensive for people when 4 million people already live under the poverty line. these people will find it very difficult to pay the tax even if it's two euros. >> the internet tax is a number of controversial penalties and levies, including taxes on phone calls. hungary is one of the european union's most indebted measures
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and this is ment to help restore its finances. but one internet company excess this could cost more than $400 million a year. >> this is a good occasion for a lot of people to come here to show they're unhappy with the government's tax and economic policies. this was only the icing on the cake but it's interesting that this topic brought so many people together. >> reporter: the protest organizers have given government 48 hours to withdraw the tax law. and have threatened more protests on tuesday if this doesn't happen. terek bazley al jazeera. >> in technology news several retail heavy weights are opting out of new apple pay service. smartphones to pay for 220,000 retail outlets. cvs and rite aid both disabled the service, others are blocking
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the fs, a group of retailers are developing their own retail system. >> retailers are tired of paying fees, they are thinking about how they can bypass the system. we will link, allow consumers to link their debit cards directly with our apps and bypass the mobile pay system. >> the alternative mobile pay system expected to be available sometime next year. the financially struggling u.s. postal service is looking into deliver groceries. melissa chan is in san francisco. >> this is something it's done with amazon fresh. it's got to make sure it's even possible. dropoffs have taken place between 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. that's when mail trucks are not being used to, well, deliver
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mail. the trial is successful enough that it will expand it to other trailers. but if you think it's going to help with's financial troubles, the revenue would be about $10 million and you have to think about how large it is, 10 million suspect that much and it's not going to help the postal service's finances but it's a start. there is also competition of course, there are companies like fresh direct and walmart who are experimenting with direct delivery. the usps will continue to expand beyond san francisco. it's not clear where else it will try grocery delivery but this will be a two year test and it may really change how the usps does business.
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>> nis crystal and linda woo dunn talk about i.s.i.l. >> i think ground troops would be a mistake, i think they would create a backlash, i think they would also short circuit the steps that are needed such as getting a more inclusive government in iraq. >> that's coming up at 11:00 eastern, 8 pacific time. fight being groups like i.s.i.l. has law enforcements trying to identify threats here at home. tonight al jazeera goes inside the world of fbi informants and sting operations, trevor aaronson reports. >> craig montey is a human chameleon. >> it had nothing to do with my country tis of thee. it was i wanted to be in on the
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big game and to be paid top dollar for it. that's it. >> reporter: operation flex was the code name for montey's undercover assignment. as a personal trainer he'd wear people down to get them to open up. he claims an fbi agent encouraged him to portray himself to be extremely devout. >> he said when you pray you take the right side of your head and you rub it on the carpet so there's a sore on your head. and do not put a bandage on it, let it bleed. just constantly -- just don't let it -- treat it, let it bleed. the scab would break and i would sometimes have blood dripping here, that would mean i was so devout, i don't care about my appearance. the more blood dripped on my
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robe the more serious i was. and the more serious i was, the more people who gravitated towards me, they would be more of a person of interest. so there was a method to all this -- this madness that was going on. >> alaska isouthern california e to muslim community, mosques that he might be interested in. >> i would have a conversation in the mosque, with the group of muslims. as we're talking about these -- this conversation this subject, i would have my recording device just right by the wall, where we're talking. i'd get up, use the restroom and start another conversation somewhere else. with another device that was on.
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>> on "america tonight," inside an isolated world. he escaped and in an "america tonight" exclusive, tells correspondent adam may it is a world ever fill. >> the community is a cult. they don't have the freedom. all the people that have the freedom there are the ones that are supposedly the people that he likes, or -- >> you say it's a cult? >> yes. >> and it's run by his own grandfather. "america tonight's" adam may with
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