tv News Al Jazeera October 28, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and welcome to the news hour and i'm in doha and coming up, in the next 60 minutes, refugee crisis urgent action to tackle what is being called the worst humanitarian disaster of modern times. on the front line, how the fight against isil is deeping ethnic divisions in northern iraq, afghan ghani is forging economic
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ties and why the u.s. media is being accused of whipping up hysteria over the ebola outbreak. ♪ representatives from 40 nations in berlin to discuss what aid agencies are calling the worst humanitarian disaster in modern times and left the country to escape the fighting there and millions more have been displaced inside syria and there has been a huge influx of people into turkey and the u.n. believes nearly 200,000 escaped the siege by isil at the border town of kobani and for one month the town has been scene of intense fighting between isil and kurdish fighters and we are joined at the turkey/syrian border and we will get to the situation in a minute but an is
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the latest on fighting in kobani today? >> reporter: elizabeth we are told it was relatively quiet overnight but the fighting picked up again this morning. there was a large explosion, we were told, was a car bomb earlier on this morning followed by sounds of gunfire and the last half an hour or so there have been a couple of air strikes that have hit kobani sending big black plumes of smoke in the air and of course i can hear fighter jets circling above again so the fighting continues, again, a couple of the air strikes buried near the border and we know that isil fighters have been keen to try and get control of the border crossing because they fear that if they don't have control of it it will be used for reenforcements to come in and backup the syrian/kurds if they are pershmerga or fighters from the free syrian army. >> this fighting has been going on in kobani for more than a month now and what is the
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situation for those people in kobani more than 200,000 i believe that have fled kobani, what options do they have? >> reporter: yeah, we believe that most of the people who were living in kobani and its environs fled across the border into turkey when the fighting began really about a month or so ago and there are a few hundred people left on the other side and the problem is refugees come over and can only bring what they can carry and not allowed to bring their cars and not allowed to bring the cattle and why a lot of people were reluctant to come in the first place until the theft of isil became apparent and then they have nothing. the turkish authorities provide accommodations for those whole want accommodations in terms of tents and refugee camps and feed them and try and provide education and it's supposed to be temporary but the worry for the people from kobani who can watch what is happening to their town across the border, they
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have seen the other refugees fleeing syria in the last 2-3 years and think the situation may become more permanent than they originally hoped, elizabeth. >> that is our correspondent joining us from the turkey, syria border. the situation in kobani is part of the greatest refugee crisis and 3 million syrians have fled to neighboring country and 1.1 are living in refugee camps and another one million in turkey. more than 600,000 are in jordan, around 200,000 are in iraq and 140,000 in egypt. let's go to berlin now where representatives from 40 countries are meeting, and correspondent nick spicer is there. nick, what is this meeting about? what do countries like lebanon who pushed for the meeting want from european countries?
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>> well, they want help, lebanese prime minister said recently the refugee inflow to his country is the equivalent of 100 million people showing up in the united states schools, parks anvd villages and imagine that kind of magnitude of refugees coming into your country which in lebanon's case is one with a fragile political system which emerged from a civil war and lebanon, jordan both want aid and want stability and i think they have the agreement of western donor nations, the european union spent over $3.5 billion to bring this in the region and take more refugees that they are currently hosting. now those refugees face particular challenges, some of them extra ones and have been injured in the fighting in syria and it's more difficult for them to fight and some of them are
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finding the best way to get help is to help themselves as al jazeera reports from the jordanian capitol. >> reporter: these people have to live with the physical scars of war. permanent scars for some. and across borders have been established to help them and it is run and funded by syrians. the bulk of its work involves rehabilitation and physical therapy is essential after operations but not owery person treated can get it. attack by the syrian government in eastern holta killed 11-year-old mother and all his siblings and also left him with major shrapnel wounds and fractures. >> translator: we are not part of the war and they put us in the middle and children were killed and it's not the areas where terrorist are as they claim. >> reporter: they treat and houses many injured children and many arrive here without their
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parents, these siblings were at the super market when a barrel bomb exploded and she lost her leg, and still suffering from shrapnel wounds in his thy. they provided long-term rehabilitation services to over 200 syrians and most here suffer from either paralysis or have had amputations but there have been good results and some of those who arrived here with disabilities were able to walk again. he became paralyzed when he was shot in the spine, doctors say his chances of walking again are promising, his brother may not be so lucky though and both were injured fighting for the free syrian army. >> translator: honestly it's really painful to accept we both became paralyzed to end justice and losing the ability to walk is cheap, i accept my injury but hard to accept the pain i inflicted on my parents. >> reporter: it treats syrians and tries to improve their
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well-being and psyche during the enforced exile and helps them make a living selling their handmade embroideries abroad. >> translator: a lot of services we need to provide but can't because the funding is not there, we ask an organization or being or group to understand our problem and help us. >> reporter: as the war on syria continues more and more people will be coming here for help and while their physical pains can be healed the mental scars of abandonment cannot. i'm with al jazeera. the refugees that actually end up in europe where you are, what is the situation for them? because it's different, isn't it, depending where they are coming from and where they end up. >> absolutely. i mean some countries are more welcoming than others and i think the standouts are sweden and germany and welcome sweden said if you step foot on swedish
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soil you will be given a fast track to asylum status and can bring your family and germany said it will take on 30,000 syrian refugees and fast track them. however, this is a conflict that is shaped, is changing shape as it drags into it's third year with the fight of the islamic state in iraq and the group is called against the syrian government forces and against the kurdish forces in iraq causing more people the flow you have and i have spoken to them just yesterday, iraqi kurds fleeing to germany coming from the same conflict if you will and facing the same dangers but they will be treated differently from syrians who gets preferential treatment. so over all it's a situation where politicians that are having a hard time catching up to the reality on the ground which is more and more people in need of asylum and one last closing thought you will remember how over the past year
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italy sent out ships on search and rescue missions to get people coming from north africa to europe and putting an end to that search and rescue mission in the beginning of november and humanitarian groups are deeply concerned about what that will mean for people trying to make the crossing. >> thank you for that, nick spicer joining us from berlin. >> thank you. iraqi city of kur cook is facing daily attacks by isil fighters and adding to the growing distrust between arab, turkmen and kurdish people in the area and charles stratford sent this report from kur cook. >> reporter: persmerga forces on the front line and nearby the largest oil fields in northern iraq and the northern state in iraq or isil are only a few kilometers away and vast amount of resources around kur cook could make the city one of the most prosperous places on earth and everyone could been ben fit
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the people who lived here hundreds of years and isil is the common economy but distrust is growing with the kur cook's ethnic population and he is a sunni arab political leader and shows the shrapnel scars on the walls of house and attack by a shia malitia group last year. >> translator: it's a big problem for arab sunnis and suffer attacks by malitia and i sil and there is general invest 'tis from the government and sometimes we suffer at the hands of our brothers the kurds, the big plan and agenda is to erase the arab sunnis from iraq and syria. >> reporter: car bombs in recent weeks and the city is around 30 kilometers from the border of iraqi kurdish stan by the government and the threat from isil is so great that
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pershmerga is helping defend it and both the k.r.g. and baghdad have a role in running kur cook. this office was set up here about a month ago and rivalryings between turkmen and sunni and kurds are deep, deep rooted and seriously jeopardizing their ability to defend the city against isil. try and clear up the problems between the different ethnic groups. >> translator: everyone threatened by isil in iraq and we are trying to bring people from all groups together and now are becoming enemies to each other and before it wasn't like that, marriage between ethnic groups and understand and now it's different. >> reporter: political leaders from the turkman populations agree and says the problem is
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not just in kir cook. >> they are being squeezed out demographically by other groups. >> reporter: persmerga face attacks here almost everyday and tension among the people who live here could make defending it even harder, kir cook. the former ruling party has a rival and likely win the most seats in parliament but the islamic party still describing sunday's election as a success, preliminary results show the secular parly won the most votes but will have to enter in a coalition to a government and final results expected on wednesday. senior officials from both parties say they are willing to compromise. >> translator: we cannot talk about coalitions yet but we don't exclude anyone and another is the main part of the
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political landscape in tunisia. >> translator: anything we said we stick to it because this is our country and this is democracy and democracy we can be number one, we can be almost number two so the main thing is the program. >> reporter: ukrainian had the country's proleadership a victory in parliament elections and results were a further notch away from russia but some europeans did not vote and plan to hold their own elections next sunday. and bill reports from donetsk. >> reporter: it was a show of solidarity by russia most famous cruner and set to go in the cold winter and a russian frank sinatra is from the united russian party and politicians is often part of his art and these
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are moments of uncertainty. >> translator: we have suffered to much and these songs are timely, we need to survive and become stronger. these songs are, eternal because the topics are, eternal. >> reporter: this is at a time when ukraines are moving more and more to the west. ukrainians gave president poroshenko to end the mandate in the east but after months of fighting many people here shut off the vote. >> translator: ukraine is a country that stopped existing for me even as neighboring country and can shoot at the people once but means we are not people anymore and i know what mother land means. >> reporter: they optimally supported the annexation of crimea and up rising in eastern ukraine and poroshenko was
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sitting with his people and from the stage he defines he says they will never be on its knees and never let it happen as long as we live. it was a strong message to kiev but mostly a rallying cry to his own supporters. >> translator: it was a holiday for my soul. i am born here. many of the people here in donetsk don't associate themselves with ukraine any more. we made our chens decision on may 11. >> reporter: they are set to have their own elections on november 2nd and it's the first step to building a new country and the struggle for legitimacy continues. i'm with al jazeera donetsk. much more to come here on the al jazeera news hour. the students in malaysia who looked to opposition leader abraham for inspiration as he
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flies a legal battle which is politically motivated and senior politician from spain are among dozens of suspects arrested in the biggest corruption case in years and the latest from madrid and the hunt goes on for the futbol captain and joe will have the latest coming up, in sport. ♪ and the poll rejected request by egypt to issue an international arrest warrant for al jazeera journalist monsoo, he is one of several al jazeera journalists that have been convicted in egyptian court. and the request did not meet its rules. and al jazeera continues to demand the immediate release of three journalists who have been detained in egypt for 304 days, greste and fahmy and mohamed are
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falsely accused of helping the out lawed muslim brotherhood and al jazeera rejects the charges against them. between 2004-2013, 370 journalists around the world were murdered and in direct retaliation for their work, the culprits are rarely brought to justice according to a new report from the committee to protect journalists and says there has been a near total failure to prosecute those who order or commit crimes against journalists with 2% of cases leading to convictions and they have the highest rates of reported violence against the press and conflict, corruption and weak state institutions and lack of political problems cited as the main problems for continued impunity, the report says a large number of states fail to meet minimal international commitments to
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address the problem. elizabeth in the impunity campaign consultant for c.p.j. and live from london and very good to have you with us on al jazeera. incredibly worrying report there from your organization. why are we seeing so much impunity for the murders of journalists and is violence against journalists, has it increased in the last decade? >> violence against journalists has been very high over the last decade and goes up and down so it's not subtly increased per se but the levels that we see over the last decade are exceptionally high and in very many places and not just in the war zones that you might, that people might typically expect and in countries that are otherwise functioning and have functioning governments like the
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philippines, like russia, like brazil, mexico. >> so why do we see this violence against journalists in those countries that you mentioned that have functioning governments, that aren't necessarily war zones? >> so we think the -- impunity really is one of the biggest reasons that this level of violence has gotten so high killing a journalist is i would say some parts just become too easy, it's a very sad fact and the killers can get away with it and the consequences are so rare if they happen at all that it becomes a default way to get rid of a journalist who is reporting or an ideaic who is reporting on corruption, who is reporting on politicians, and that has really fueled what we call the cycle of
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violence and pun tin. repeated acts of violence in the countries year after year. >> thank you very much for your time and that is elizabeth from the community to protect journalists and joining us from london and thank you very much. now, afghan president ghani arrived in china for the first official visit to the country and travelling with a large delegation for a four-day visit and afghanistan looking to broaden international partnerships as foreign places pull out and we have more from beijing. >> reporter: afghan president ghani is looking to give a boost to the country's ailing economy to help fill the vacuum that will be left by withdrawing americans and their allies and china of course is already involved in afghanistan in the oil exploration sector and could be more involved in the mining, sector and afghanistan has very large untapped deposits of inr
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and copper and gold and the kind of minerals that china will be seeking in years to come as its economy expands. so there is possibly a synergy there when it comes to developing a mining, sector but china will want to know that the security situation in afghanistan is stable and will become more stable in years to come and they have a shared security interest. afghanistan will be looking to china to try to put pressure on its close ally pakistan to try to stop any of the fighters which it says are being harbored from coming across the border into afghanistan. for its part china is also concerned about returning taliban having a knock-on effect on the security situation and its providence in western choice that and both countries have a shared mutual security interest in this visit. >> courts in malaysia are
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talking about appeal against abraham with allegations he accused the government of trying to destroy his political influence. the opposition leader charged with sodomy back in 1998 and sent six years in solitary confinement after being found guilty andacquitted and released after successful appeal and again charged for years later after allegations of consensual sex with a male aid and 2012 the high court threw out the charges and overruled it and sentenced him to five years in prison and we report from kuala-lampur. >> reporter: a locked gate was not enough of a barrier to the university students, one more final determined push and it's
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opened. the student council invited the opposition leader to speak at an event but the university refused to grant permission. the students are defiant, viewing the decision as denial of freedom. >> i believe we need economic freedom. we need the people to be free to say what they want to say, what they are thinking and not what forced to think. >> reporter: he arrives and with the barrier cleared he and his followers enter the university campus and appealing a sodomy conviction. the charge his supporters and human rights activists say is politically motivated. this event is not going to be able to alter the course of his political career or influence the federal court's decision on his appeal but that has not stopped him to come out and plead his case in public. what was once the deputy prime minister and fell out with the then leader in 1997 and was dismissed.
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he was charge with sodomy and spent several years in prison before the conviction was overturned. that case was also seen as politically motivated and sparked huge anti-government protests. the government is key to stress it had no hand at the proceedings then and now. >> there is a selective analysis of the judiciary in malaysia and when the decision goes in favor of op sister politicians, the judiciary is hailed at being independent and credible. yet, when the same scrjudiciary decides against them they are land mastered and criticized of being under the thumb of the executive of the government. >> reporter: it was under his leadership that the opposition made up of three parties made the strongest gain in the general election last year and there are signs the coalition is shaking and supporters fear it
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may splinter when it disappears from the political arena and the direction of politicians in may liesha hinges on a court decisio decision. time for the weather with everton and the cyclone in the arab sea. category three and look at the satellite picture and you can see the massive cloud out there in the arabian sea and make its way to india for the last part of the week so that is the position of the storm at the moment, winds 175 kilometers per hour and gusting and it will go for northern parts of iraq and expecting it to make landfall sometime on saturday around 6:00 gmt on saturday mornings of winds of 85 kilometers per hour and significantly weaker than it is at the moment but gusting 100 kilometers per hour and still
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quite a powerful storm it has to be said. a fair amount of rain for southern parts of india at the moment and damp weather to the northwest of the region here and wet weather will stay down across the southern most parts but as you can see going on into thursday that is really not too far away and we will make something of a glancing blow towards the eastern side of irman and you can see the position of the storm there at the moment and then as we go on through wednesday, remainder of wednesday, still some very rough seas and makes its way further east going on into thursday, brighter skies coming back in behind by this stage, elizabeth. >> thank you very much everton and lava from an erupting volcano in hawaii is meters away from buildings and dozens of people forced to live as it threatens their property and gerald has the latest. >> an molten river going towards
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people's homes, this lava flow first came out of the pohoa on the big island four months ago and now it called its way to the remote town of pahoa. >> a horror show happening in slow motion. >> now or never, you pack and got to get out. >> civil defense offices going door to door and encouraging people to heed evacuation warnings. >> don't go to the flow and we are prepare because we saw a change in the flow in the last day and a half and wanted to make sure they are ready. >> reporter: several roads are now closed and crews working to protect power poles by wrapping them in concrete and some people are hoping they will be spared by the red hot lava now wider than a football pitch. >> i have my trailers ready but not putting anything on them until the guy across the
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street's house is burning. >> reporter: it has erupted for 30 years and typically the lava flowed to the south and ended up in the ocean. this time it's moving north and people are in its path. gerald tan with al jazeera. much more to come here on the al jazeera news hour, naming and shaming and tell you which countries are said to be failing in the push for gender equality. and why this french star appears to have fallen foul of football officials in spain and details coming up, with joe in sport. ♪
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children's foreign minister told the international community his country is struggling to cope with a rising number of syrian refugees and leaders are in berlin to discuss the humanitarian crisis. afghan president ghani arrived in china on his first official visit to the country and afghanistan is looking to broaden international partnership as foreign forces pull out. the court in malaysia deciding on appeal against the long case of abraham and denies it and saying they are trying to destroy his political influence. syrian refugee crisis and regarded one of the main fact theirs led to a surge of refugees crossing the
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mediterranean and we spoke to people there who escaped syria's war. >> he is lucky to be alive, officially he died two years ago at the age of 21 when soldiers raided his apartment building in the neighborhood of damascus. >> translator: they motioned me in the direction of the bathroom, i looked back and saw the office pointing with it all over me and i had my side turned the first shot hit my arm and i fell down and more shots came. >> reporter: he was shot five times and then comes the rest. >> translator: they kicked me to turn me face up. i held my breath for 30 seconds but then i had to breathe again, they said he is still alive, finish him and they fired two shots which hit me on the shoulder. >> reporter: he now needs medical attention and went from turkey in a rubber dinghy with
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dozens of others and the people in the waters is set to triple this year, 165,000 people have made the crossing so far compared to 65,000 people all of 2013 making this a record year. and most alarmingly perhaps is the rate of death has risen and 3,000 people have died so far this year in the crossings and three quarters of them since july. the coast guard is visibly exhausted by the summer surge, this night our crew spots no one but the next morning more than 100 refugees are arrested on the beaches and the families fled violence in afghanistan and others come from sudan and aratraya and they don't think this trend will end. >> translator: migration routes need to be sought to people don't get in the boats in such large numbers. u.n., hci suggested that european countries take some pressure off countries neighboring syria and need flexible programs and visas and
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student and work visas. >> reporter: as the syrian war escalates the refugee crisis is expected to do so as well. i'm with al jazeera, on the island of lezpos. >> live from amman we have a regional public officer for a u.n. hcr and very good to have you with us on al jazeera, i understand this is the largest operation that the u.n. hcr has had to deal with in its 64-year history. can you give us an idea of what life is like for those three million, more than three million syria refugees that left syria and how your organization is dealing with them. >> thank you, indeed this is the operation that we had to deal with in the 64-year history and it's the most urgent story at the time and the syrian refugees in the host countries around syria is a very, very difficult
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one and i met families last week who arrived from kobani and went from turkey to iraq so the situation for syrian refugees is extremely difficult one. refugees continue to flee syria and there is over 3 million refugees under u.n. hcr care and millions displaced in syria and needs rene neanea neanea neanea more needs to happen from donors to respond to the crisis. >> how generous has the international community been and is it enough? are they meeting the needs of more than 3 million refugees now that are outside of syria, 6 million inside? >> the international community
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has shown remarkable support to u.n. hcr and aid agencies working to respond to this crisis however it's simply not enough and not proportional to the needs. a lot more needs to be done. what needs to be done now and we are well over three years of this conflict and looking at protracted situation. what we need to look at now is what we need to do is stop looking at the crisis as humanitarian and see how it can be linked to development. what this means is that u.n. hcr the international community and donor community need to start looking at how to best support the hosting countries like lebanon and jordan and turkey and iraq that are simply buckling under the pressure and more needs to be done to support the countries and support infrastructures and support the education and health system. >> thank you very much for your time, that is joined us from the u.n. hcr office from amman.
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thank you. now police in spain have arrested 51 senior politicians and the government officials in a 300 million corruption case. they are facing charges of money laundering and embezzlement after the biggest anticorruption sweep the country's history. the probe is the latest, in a string of scandals that hit spain's political parties, banks, football clubs and even members of the royal family and tim friend is live for us in the capitol madrid and, tim, how long is this investigation meant and expected to last and have there been any charges yet? >> reporter: well, to answer the last part of that question first, about charges, the police have until tomorrow to make their charges and given 72 hours after the initial arrests, so we think there will be people in court this week charged as you
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were saying with embezzlement, with corruption but at the moment the police are still searching public buildings across spain where this alleged corruption among officials was to have taken place. so the investigation is ongoing and to answer your question about how long is it likely to take, i think people here in spain are anticipating a long, long and thorough inquiry because the web of this spreads far and wide and the scene you can probably seen behind me are people caught up in earlier scandals involving spanish banks and a lot of them suffered personally and they are waiting here across the street from one of the main courts in madrid where a former top official with the ruling people's party, the popular party, is appearing,
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charged in connection with an earlier corruption scandal. so it's an issue that is preoccupied with the people of spain and aside from the high rate of unemployment here, it's what is exercising the most at the moment. >> a long investigation, tim, and also elections due next year so what is the political impact been of these, all of these raids and arrests? >> i think it's going to be enormous and effect the mainstream parties. the ruling people of the popular party is implicated and so are the socialists and there is a huge disenchantment generally with the political class here in spain. after all this is a country that suffered enormously from austerity because of the euro zone process and people who made cuts and suffered as a result of
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that austerity are finding out that some people who introduced it and politicians ordering cuts for ordinary working people were actually benefitting illegally and corruptly themselves. so i think these forthcoming elections, regional ones and general election next year which is planned are going to be extreme extremely volitile campaigns. >> reporter: tim friend joining us from madrid. australia stopped processing visa from places effected by the ebola outbreak and said the move is to help prevent the virus from reaching australia shores and no recorded ebola cases in australia and they contributed over $15 million to help in the fight against the virus that has been criticized for not sending teams to effected countries. well in the u.s. a nurse forced
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into quarantine and put in isolation after a trip to sierra leone where she treated ebola patients. the nurse has tested negative for the virus. some u.s. states have imposed mandatory quarantine for medical workers returning from ebola-hit countries. well, those quarantines and wall to wall media coverage of the outbreak are being blamed for growing hysteria in the united states over the disease. some believe it's being blown out of proportion and calls for greater perspective in how it's being reported in local media and tom ackerman explains. >> reporter: as of last week confirmed ebola cases stood at 10,141, killing 4922 people. compare those numbers with 4 confirmed cases in the u.s., ending in just one death. nonetheless ebola fever, not the physical sort, has been rising
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in america. >> this is something that everyone in the country is thinking about. >> reporter: 24 hour media coverage of every case suspected or actual has elevated the anxiety to the point that even some media figures are calling for more perspective in reporting. >> do not listen to hysterical voices or read the words on line and people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible. >> reporter: outside new york hospital where a patient is quarantine and hiv activists protests the access i've concern of ebola. >> this is an extreme exaggeration and hysterical response of quarantining people who are not symptomatic to ebola. >> one in four americans were worried about getting a disease, a percentage that is stable over the past month but confidence in the government's ability to handle ebola has fallen to just 50%. >> i would encourage panicked individuals to consult the
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scientific facts and understand the risk that is facing the average american as the doctor said yesterday is vanishing low. >> meanwhile ebola has stolen at attention. >> americans will get the flu than ebola and will die from the flu this year than ebola. >> an average of 23,000 people in america die from the flu every year. tom ackerman, al jazeera, washington. opposition groups say they are angry with a move by the president to extend his term in office and he is already one of the longest serving heads of state in west africa and his party wants him to stands for another five years and nicholas reports of outraged opponents. ♪ free the presidency, not just
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lyrics to this song but a chant calling for political change here. and he is the founder of the civic broom, the political force sweeping through the country. there is too much trash in our political landscape. we need to clean it up and get rid of the old starting with our leadership. >> reporter: the president came to power in a military coup 27 years ago and one of africa's longest serving presidents but these supporters of, civic broom say it's too long and they called for a referendum to change the constitution allowing him to run for a 5th term. at the presidential palace far from the demonstrations the president supporters played down the protests. >> translator: the citizen's broom movement is illegal and irrelevant and we want to use the democratic process and
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decide on the future of our peace loving and democratic president. >> reporter: but opposition believes a referendum would be rigged and weeks of talks with president supporters have failed. >> translator: the people here have the most to lose from the failed talks and entering a time of great uncertainty. >> reporter: this is the biggest political challenge for the president since he came to power in 1987, this crisis has captured public interest and opinion is divided and with elections a full year away each side is looking for support. the president has the support of the west, including france and he has been in libya and the ivory coast but for this movement he needs to go. 60% of the population is under 20 and lived under one president all their life. back at the studio some believes he has the support of young
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people to do whatever it takes to bring change here. nicholas hawk, al jazeera. much more to come here on al jazeera, too close for comfort questions are being asked about why britain's prime minister came face-to-face with a member of the public. and in sport it was a rough night for one team in the n.h.l. and joe will have all the details. ♪ cloer cloer
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protests in hong kong and protesters angered by china decision to prescreen candidates for the 2017 election and intensity of the protest movement has waned in resent weeks but students remained on the streets. and canada the city of toronto elected business man john torry as the new mayor and rob ford dropped the election six weeks ago after being diagnosised with a rare form of cancer and his brother doug ran in his place and his four-year term was marred by drinking and crack cocaic cocaine use. countries losing the global fight for gender equality and countries in northern europe continue to dominate the world economic foreign list with ice land once again taking the top spot as the country achieving the most quality and uk failed to make the top 20 and coming in at number 26 below the u.s. at 23. a number of middle income and
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developing countries ranked with britain like ruwanda and philippines number nine and yemen was last in the economy, education, health and politicians. and france now ranks at the top 20, it has risen by leaps and bounds from the previous ranking of 45. and we report from paris and there is still a long way to go. >> reporter: in france there has never been a better time for a woman to enter government. in historically one of the most sexist realms of french life women have taken almost an equal number of places at the cabinet table as men. there is a ministry for women's rights with brand-new gender equality laws considered among the most comprehensive everywhere but is it enough? >> translator: our main message to the government is for them to invest in the rights of women. we have a very good law which
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has been promulgated and which is progressive and what we really need is courage and to go further and in other words to really attack the inequalities between men and women. in august france passed a bill that in the worlds of the women's minister attacks all gender equalitys at once. it is sweeping education tackling the wage gap, domestic violence and gender and equality and commerce and position ticks and goes further making it easier for a woman to get abortion and encouraging men to take paternity and beauty pagents for girls under 13. this is in the forum rankings but there is a long way to go, women earn on average 25% less than the male counterparts. they hold around a quarter of seats in the legislature and only 3% of chief executives are
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women. there may be near parody in government but in the workplace many women like entrepreneur stephanie still feel outnumbered. >> i think there is still a long way to go. for example, if i try to enumerate women entrepreneur friends, it's very difficult to make a long list. whereas if enumerate my men entrepreneur friends that would go a long way. >> reporter: the luna be increasingly on the side of women. but attitudes will take longer to change. i'm with al jazeera, paris. it's time for sport now and here is joe. >> thank you very much. and police in south africa offered reward of $22000 to help catch the killers of the national team football captain. the 27-year-old goal keeper was shot in the chest during a robbery at his girlfriend's house outside of johanesberg and
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they captured the team in the qualifying campaign for next year's africa cup nation and a special task force set up to find the three suspects. >> this type of law is undesirable for our country. this type of loss doesn't do well for our brain and image out there and it's important for us to ensure that when we have those type of spoilers in our society we go out with the police, arrest them, get them convicted and incarcerated. >> reporter: last year's winner ronaldo is the 23-man short lift for fifa player of the year and awards in january and for now there is a to-time winner and favored to clinch the top prize and face competition from messi who won four times before and have six players nominated and
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also six members from germany's world cup winning side and suarez has been left off the list. and former internationals handed a three-month coaching ban and he has been coaching the team and spanish people said he does not have the right coaching qualifications and suspended him and they will appeal the punishment. government course developments in rio have five days to agree to make big changes to the olympic course or face the venue not being ready in time for the 2016 games. brazil judge set the deadline telling officials they must move three holes and redesign part of the course for a natural reserve and if they do not the judge can stop construction altogether threatening the completion of the course in time for the 2016 olympics. and he will make a return to action later as the world's
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tennis number one plays in the paris masters and took time out for the birth of his first child, a son, stephan and roger federer crept up to finish 2014 as well as number one. >> of course, it is for both of us the goal number one to finish the year and number one of the world and, of course, it is a big objective. he has a final but i'm sure he would like to be number one as well. so we both are playing well and it's something that is definitely going to play a big role in the upcoming weeks. >> as well as the battle to finish top there is a race to make it to the finals in london in 12 days' time and federer are all through and others who won
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the u.s. open and four spots are left and andy murray must reach quarter finals in paris to make it and ferrer and others are seeking remaining places. and the rangers had a final turn around to beat minnesota wild and no love lost between the two sites at madison square gardens and had a player ejected for shoving the opponent in the first period and another was sent for an elbow to the head and eric howler and they had a 3-0 lead before the rangers had a final period come back and scored five goals including the last 30 seconds to win 5-4. nba gets underway at home to the dallas mavericks and l.a. lakers
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and putting lynn against his former team and hoping on a big improvement from last season when they lost a record franchise 52 games and kobe bryant in the starting line up with his 19th season with the club and 36-year-old was sidelined last season for two major injuries but has been active through the preseason. >> i can do anything i want in, my body game after game felt good so it shouldn't be different. >> reporter: there is double joy for homeless futbol world cup chile and won the men's and women's competition as the and wall event reached conclusion in the country capitol santiago and it's the first time since it started back in 2003 that a host nation claimed both trophies and the men's team beat them 5-2 in the final to nix the cup for the
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second time and followed by the women's team coming through a close match with mexico 4-3 to secure the title. and there is more on our website, check out al that is the sport for now. >> thank you very much. now before we go we have some pictures of a rather bizarre incident involving the british prime minister and david cameron leave agree press conference in the northern city when a man bumped into him and happened very quickly and slowing down the video and replaying it. at first it was reported cameroon had been shoved by a protester but say the man was just jogging too closely. the man himself said he was on the way to the gym when he accidentally ran into what he calls a bunch of men in suits. and that is it from me and the entire news hour team and thank you for watching. ♪
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>> an american votes 2014 special report kansas >> in our state, government is broken >> a republican governor has made drastic changes >> the highlight of this is... eventually doing away with income taxes... >> the democratic challenger says, these policies aren't working >> we are trailing the states in our region >> can governor brownback win again? >> i think you spend your money better than the government spends it.. >> america votes 2014 battle for kansas only on al jazeera america
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