tv Consider This Al Jazeera October 29, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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the news has become this thing where you talk to experts about people, and al jazeera has really tried to talk to people, about their stories. we are not meant to be your first choice for entertainment. we are ment to be your first choice for the news. >> the battle over ebola in america as a nurse escapes one quarantine only to face a new one. also a brutal day in iraq as i.s.i.l. executes dozens of people in public. and a satellite explodes in mid air. i'm antonio mora, those stories straight ahead. >> we have a responsibility to look out for our health workers
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and they deserve to be treated with dignity. >> if quarantines are put into place volunteers who would be willing to go won't go. >> decisions should be based on science and not hype and hysteria. >> a lot of tension between the united states and israel. >> someone in the obama administration used an expletive to describe benjamin netanyahu. >> such descriptions are inaccurate and unproductive. >> if we are backed into the corner we will rise up. >> these guys are crazy but there is a method to their madness. >> oh god! >> nasa officials are trying to figure out what caused an unmanned commercial roctd to explode. >> a social cat calling experiment on social on social . >> it's not acceptable. enough is enough. >> we begin with the looming
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legal battle between nurse kaci hickox orthe start of maine over a mandatory order that could confine her to her home. hickox had been confined in new jersey. she was allowed to go home to maine after she showed she didn't have a fever or any other ebola symptoms but her home state ordered her to stay in her house quarantined for 21 days. she says: no way. >> i remain really concerned by these mandatory quarantine policies for aid workers, we are adding to stigmatization that is not bound in evidence. if i'm not given it i will go to court to receive my freedom. >> president obama indicated he
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didn't think much of the mandatory quarantines ordered by governors of a half dozen of our most pobt populated states, now including california. >> we don't run and hide when there's a problem. because we don't react to our fears but instead we respond with common sense and skill and courage. that's the best of our history. not fear, not hysteria. not misinformation. we react clearly and firmly even even when others are losing their heads. >> for more on the ebola controversy i'm joined by dr. gavin mcgregor skinner, who has designed disaster preparedness programs for the u.s. government and the united
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nations. doctor, you heard the powerful words from the president but it seems most americans don't care. a new poll says 80% of americans support quarantines for people coming back in west africa. the attitude is better safe than sorry. why do you think they're wrong? >> i think it's important to make the american people aware what i did when i came back from west africa after treating ebola patients, that is to follow the cdc guidelines which calls for me to implement controlled movement. that is not quarantine. that is controlled movement. don't take public transport, but it doesn't tell me to stay home locked in a room. it tells me if i don't have symptoms i don't have ebola and i'm no risk to anyone. >> as i mentioned, governors of six states have enacted mandatory quarantine for 9 who
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is coming from an ebola hot zone, is that an honor code? >> it is not just an honor code, it is a p to p code, we are taking our temperature twice a day, i also when i came back reported to the local public health authority. that's what the cdc guidelines say and that's exactly what we followed. i'm concerned if we are about to talk about mandatory quarantine for one highly infectious disease like ebola, what are we going to do with other highly infectious diseases that we deal with on a daily basis, that really worries me. >> here is what sheila pinette had to say about the quarantine of kaci hickox. >> it is extremely important for us to be very, ver very, very c.
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>> what would you say to her? there are studies that show that people can have ebola before they show a fever. it is not exactly clear when the symptoms begin and that people could become could be taij ounce. >> we know from scientific and medical evidence you cannot spread ebola unless you are showing symptoms. yes you may have the virus in your body but you are not contagious. we are dealing with ebola for 38 years, this is not the first ebola outbreak that i've worked on. as a health care workers as a doctor whether i've come back from west africa, here in washington, d.c. i'm not going to risk and go to a redskins game for example, i stay away from large crowds. it's not i lock myself in the house and not go to work for 21 days but i do use precautions and i do follow cdc guidelines.
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>> but on the other hand look what happened to new york doctor craig spencer, he took the subway, he went bowling and he had been feeling sluggish on tuesday morning didn't have a fever in the thursday morning, he apparently lied in to police until they checked his metro card and found he had taken the subway. doesn't his case make the case for mandatory quarantines? >> no, i don't think it does. over the last two weeks 807 people have traveled from sierra leone, liberia and guinea and of those 846, 47 were health care workers. each person is getting a thermometer, that a system has been put in place for them to report and out of that 107 only one has reported symptoms.
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so the risk is very, very low and again it's how we treat and how we communicate both to the american public but also to the health care workers that i work with we have developed a system and i think that system works very well. >> what do you say to president obama who clearly opposes the mandatory quarantines when the united states military imposes a 21 day quarantine against service members coming back from the ebola zones? >> i don't know why they've picked this ebola right now to put in a mandatory quarantine and i don't know what the definition by the u.s. military is for mandatory quarantine. are all those soldiers in one room, are they separated into individual rooms , are they able to leave their rooms? nobody has told us what the mandatory quarantine.
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>> it's good for you to bring us some answers, dr. skinner thank you. >> you're very welcome. >> for more we are joined by stephen flynn, a former advisor, of the obama and bush administrations. and author of all ebola is local. a very interesting story you wrote in this confusion over how to deal with ebola, you are arguing that the beating that the federal government has taken, is really ignoring the elephant in the room, that managing a disease outbreak depends more on local authorities than federal ones. >> that's exactly right, the way governors and mayors are trying to manage this crisis, that's the way it's always been. like our is school system, we
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have managed public health at the local, state level. when you get sick you go to the hospital not at the cdc. the capacity has to be at the local state level. what we are seeing is how brittle that policy is, we know this risk of infectious disease is an ongoing one. >> hasn't there been a failure both at the federal level and the local response, the dallas hospital with nurses having exposed skin when dealing with thomas eric duncan, the cleanup at duncan's apartment and we've heard nurses organization he, telling us over and over and over again, that hospitals are not prepared and the federal government tells us everything is fine and we have robust health system to deal with ebola. >> no question, plenty of places to blame and the federal government plays an important role really on two things, helping to manage to go to the
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source, we would have been better off if we should been aggressive in going after ebola in west africa when we first got the outbreak. at its core it's raising the issue by focusing so heavily on the federal government, the president overstated basically our capacity to manage this risk setting expectations too high. but also, i think as citizens in many cases our mayors and groarches overestimate the kind of -- governors overestimate the kinds of capabilities that we can bring to bear. >> what could happen if we were to see a disease that was more infectious than ebola, that in fact we have been lucky because ebola is not that easily transmitted. >> that's exactly right. i was very frustrated after the
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h1n1 outbreak that happened in 2009, that people rolled over and hit the snooze button. it turned out that wasn't a deadly strain. so it was like the flu and even though millions of people ultimately caught h1n1, nobody noticed that much. this is a case that it was not that contageous also testing the system. we know from history that we will both have a deadly infectious disease and what we are seeing is our system can't even cope with onezies and twozies very well. >> the incredible mobilization that took place back then, you think we're simply not -- we couldn't do that today? >> no, that's sadly seems to be the case.
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you know, the case of new york city for instance, they've had a public health department going back to the early 1800s. we faced back then yellow fever we faced cholera outbreaks, so forth. nearly a century ago with the breakout of what's called spanish flu after the outbreak of the first world war, killed approximately 60 million people. people had lived through a major pandemic, they had lived through a major disease outbreak and there was still infrastructure in place. those muscles are basically not developed and we are seeing it again when we're stressed even by a relatively noncontagious disease, how difficult our public health system is in having it and managing it. >> you discussed solutions, you mentioned the w.h.o, we should help the w.h.o, we should help
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doctors without borders in their efforts to stop ebola abroad. you talk about how we have to really have aggressive training around the country in how to manage these diseases. because we have seen how different places are very differently prepared. dallas obviously not -- didn't do that well, new york has done better but it spends six times per capita more on public health than in texas. so that's your other solution. we've got to give more money to our local health care systems. but how do we do that in this struggling economy? >> well, it's one of these things that we're not making the same case around national defense. we know that's a core function of government to do, that is never been a partisan issue that you have to provide basic public health to deal with things like infe feinfectious disease outbr.
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what we have done is not invest sufficiently. some jurisdictions as in new york we're pretty well prepared, others we're not but a disease is not going to stay within a state's boundaries. that's where federal leadership is important. citizens ne need to get more engaged. we're spending $6 per head per missourian, cost of a pastry per year. it's not something where you can throw a light switch and create. one core function is to help manage disease outbreaks. something we have to invest in. >> a very thought-provoking piece in politico. very pleased to have you with us. now for more stories around the world. we begin in washington, d.c, where the white house confirmed its computers were hacked.
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the breach was discovered two to three weeks ago on an unclassified network used by president obama's top advisors. the system was briefly shut down and some staffers were asked to change their passwords. there is some health to hack the white house almost daily. this successful attempt apparently compromised the systems for almost two weeks. white house sources believe the attacks came from hackers working for the russian government. we stay in the capital as the white house was in combat mode, after chilly are relations with israel. a senior warehous white house ol calling benjamin netanyahu a chicken expletive. netanyahu responded to the comment he was under attack
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simply for defending israel. the white house applied by saying, they do not agree on every issue but the relationship remains as strong as ever. budapest proposing an internet tax, while it doesn't sound like much, estimates are that this could raise more than $400 million in revenue for the country. the huh gairian government saidt would cap the amount. no other country has such a tax but in case you you think it could never happen here, the internet tax freedom act which bans local and federal taxing authorities from taxing such
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use, expires at the end of the year. questions are raised why the u.s. didn't stop i.s.i.l.'s expansion. also questions about the spectacular and spectacularly expensive explosion of a rocket build for floos. and our social media producer, hermela aregawi. what's trending on the web hermella? >> video has sparked a conversation about street harassment. i'll tell you more coming up. and let us know where you stand, you can tweet us @ajconsiderthis or share your thoughts on our facebook page. >> you are going to determine whether i'm going to be the next senator from iowa >> the candidates last chance to convince voters they're the one... they will stop at nothing to get your vote >> david young, how are you? >> run for congress >> it's important to be out here talking to voters >> director aj schnack's unprecedented series
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>> this is another significant development... >> we have an exclusive story tonight, and we go live... >> wednesday was an especially gruesome day in iraq, i.s.i.l. executed sunni fighters in the anbar province town of hit. , president obama vowed to degrade and ultimately destroy i.s.i.l. in iraq. but whether the administration missed dozens of opportunities to stop the terrorists from become such a powerful force.
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>> what we have now achieved is an iraq that is self-governing, that is inclusive, and that has enormous potential. >> president obama gives a very rosy picture of where things are. what did you think? >> as somebody who voted for president obama, i was very disappointed because i knew those words would come back and haunt him. >> martin, glad to have you with us. >> good to be here. >> you know we have seen the news of these executions by i.s.i.l. and iraq, we are seeing women being stoned, beheadings virtually everywhere and displaying heads as trophies in cities around iraq and syria, the brutality of this group is horrifying but one of the things that seems to come out of the documentary is, it's not religious fundamentalism.
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there's real psychosis here. >> that's the only word you can use for it here. as one person says in one of our interviews, this is a blood luis that is hard to understand and there's no political program that really justifies it. the only thing you can say is they have decided to terrorize anyone who would think of coming after them, whether that is the iraqi security forces or the kurds that they are battling with now in kobani, it has worked for them. they have seen a lot of the iraqi security forces cut and run. displaying heads and horrors beyond horrors they are crucifying people literally with nails through their hands and hanging them from crosses, they've given guns to children and have them stand in firing lines and executed them. >> you have put the blame
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squarely on nouri a.mal maliki , the government of iraq and president obama. >> the president's remarks were more aspirational than they were real. as lien leon panetta said, let's hope maliki riens resigns, in te country there was a general consensus that we've had enough of this. >> and we wanted to get out. >> and we wanted to get out, 4,000 people dead. i wouldn't lay all the blame on obama. i think there is a defensive position that the iraqis had to
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work all this out. maliki, from refusal to share power as he had promised -- he had a lot of blame. >> this is kind of a domino effect that goes back to the toppling of saddam hussein. >> this was a gift to the forces that would become i.s.i.s, they change their names every couple of months, but yeah, this does go back to -- i mean we marginal -- we participate in the marginalization of the sunni community in iraq through the debaathification. the baath party was simply banished. he began to percentage people from his government, charge them with terrorism. >> tried to create this large resentment among the sunnies and you have this civil war and that's where the i.s.i.s. begins
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its rise. should we have intervened sooner. >> we put out on the documentary, the people who carry that opinion, the u.s. ambassador in iraq, panetta, and others -- >> we have a sound bite from panetta, and james jefe jeff je. jeffreys. >> i think we made the wrong decision in not providing assistance to the rebels. >> i think he's absolutely wrong. >> it's become the consensus, i know tony lincoln at the white house has argued to you the contrary. >> and we speak in the documentary to ben rhodes, the deputy national security advisor. we tried to get others in the administration, they seemed to be running from speaking to us.
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look, their position was that maliki was not a trustworthy partner. he made promises that he would you know begin to increase the participation of sunnis in his government. he would stop with the arbitrary arrests. people were languishing in jails for months without end if not years. and he also felt this was not an imminent threat so let them work it out. >> we kept hearing and they had intelligence reports about the rise of i.s.i.l. and we saw i.s.i.l. take over fallujah and rahmadi, and we heard that president obama called them a junior varsity team compared to al qaeda. >> they were getting those briefings, that wasn't the intelligence failure. but where the intelligence failure was, if i.s.i.l. was junior varsity, the iraqi are
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military was pop warner football. the iraqi forces had been gutted, maliki feared queu coupp d'etat. >> this has been a coalition of embit erd tribes men, i.s.i.s, jihadists, and tikrit, that coalition is beginning to splinter. we've had reports now of tribes men that have turned and have joined with the government. fighting along shia militia. the problem is they can defeat i.s.i.s. but at the end of the
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day, you have still got the deep seeded sectarian feelings, this thing has to be solved politically. there has to be power-sharing or let's just accept that the iraq that we knew is a fiction and that it's going to be sunni, shia, kurd lands. >> i know that's something that many iraqis would not be happy about but something getting talked about more and more. manatov, pleasure to havmartin,u with us. you can watch it any time, line. the anteres rocket exploded into a fire ball just seconds after it launched.
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speculation has to do with its old russian engine. chief astronomer, derek, always good to see you. the antares nes engine was refurbished but then moth balled, how did the private company orbital science end up using these old soviet engines? >> once the russians decided they weren't going to use these engines, they made them available for other companies to use. they provided the kind of thrust levels needed for the kind of payload lifting that orbital sciences wanted to do. and since russian rocket motors
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actually are fairly reliable, actually very reliable, it could make sense to make use of something that is already in existence, that's been well cared for as a moth ball piece of equipment and then refurbish it and test it thoroughly to make sure it works well. that's how a rocket motor like that can come to be used in a launch situation like this one. >> when asked about the engines in a press conference, here is what frank cul berthso culberts. >> there were not many options, in terms of power engines of this type. >> elon musk was head of spacex, their rockets actually sounds like a punch line to a joke, uses rocket engines build in the 1960s. i mean they starts with engines
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that were literally mate in the '60s and packed away in siberia somewhere. we did have a launch on sunday with a different type of rocket but a more modern one. >> that's very true. what musk's company decided to do was to build a rocket engine that they could use not only for their current needs but also their future needs, realizing that they would need much more heavy lift capability so they chose to design their own rocket engine. the question about whether or not there are other rocket nadges could have been made use of -- engines that could have been made use of, as why they decided that this perfect time was available, perhaps there was no other one was available for what they wanted to use it for and so we'll have to -- they'll have to answer that question as
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to why they decided on that one in particular. >> it has a $1.9 billion contract with nasa for trips to the space station. lost a quarter of a billion dollars in market value. it had had successful missions before but a big question is how significant a setback is this for the commercial space program and the contracts that various companies have with nasa? >> well, actually, antonio, everybody in this business realizes that there's a high degree of risk involved here. and what they of course do what the engineers try their best to do is to drive down the risk as low as they could possibly get it. but everybody understands that these are machines that operate at extremes of temperature and pressure, and because of that if there is a failure it is difficult for a failure to be a minor one in a situation like this, especially when the temperatures can vary from 200°
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below zero to 500° above and very, very high pressurize with very volatile fluids. so that risk is always there. how does its affect the rest of the market? well everybody realizes or should realize and also looking back into history we could see every one of the companies involved in trying to provide greater access to space, outside of nasa and also, the other countries, have all had the same thing happen. they've all had failures. they all know that it's a stumbling block and they just keep moving forward after they figure out what the failure was and correct it. >> of course a question always is these companies have to make money so is it possible that corners were cut? we should say it's still far cheaper for american taxpayer to have private companies do this than to have nasa do it. >> that's very true. the private companies don't have the kee kind of overhead that na
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has. this is the time of work that nasa is doing, outsourcing so nasa can do the big research projects that it really does best and let the other companies like spacex and orbital science and sierra nevada and all the other ones of doing this work of carrying supplies up oto the international space station. that doesn't mean they can cut corners as far as quality of materials used or adherence to safety protocols all those things they are still required to keep the same level of quality assurance and safety protocols as nasa has always been required to do. >> quit final question derrick, given how catastrophic this failure was how long will it take for them to figure out what went wrong and will they be able to? >> i think they'll do a pretty good job of figuring out what went wrong. they keep incredible records of exactly what's happening in the
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engine as it operates so they have data stream of them tri telemetry, they also have test profiles of how this performance, they can check actually what happened yesterday, and exactly what went wrong and now they can look at the rest of the engines they plan to use, see if they cannot see but correct the problem if they can find a systemic problem. we again have to see it as a bump in the road moving toward commercial space access being provided by other providers outside of nasa. >> derrick pitts, always great to see you. thank you. >> thanks antonio. >> let's show a hidden camera
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going voirl. >> shawna the two minute video has received over 10 million views in just over 24 hours. >> hey what's up girl how you doing? >> a few men take it even further. this guy walks silently next to her for five minutes. and another repeatedly insisting on talking to her. over the course of 10 hours, shoshawna received 110 cat calls. people commiserating, that she have enjoy men wanting to compliment her. a new thompson reuters poll looked at harassment on public transportation. bogota, colombia ranked last.
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even in the safest city 30% of women's surveyed, reported suffering verbal or physical abuse when riding public transportation. officials created a separate entrance for women in bogota, women only trains, in jakarta cairo, delhi and the woman who produced the clip will be on al jazeera america at 11:00 tonight. let me know how you feel, tweet >> thank you hermella. does the birth weight of babies
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>> on techknow... >> these are some of the amazing spider goats >> small creatures, big impact >> how strong is it? >> almost as strong as steel >> inspiring discoveries changing lives >> this could go in a human body... >> right >> this is for an achilles tendon >> techknow every saturday go where science meets humanity >> this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see techknow >> we're here in the vortex >> only on al jazeera america >> every saturday, al jazeera america brings you controversial... >> both parties are owned by the corporations. >> ..entertaining >> it's fun to play with ideas. >> ...thought provoking >> get your damn education. >> ...surprising
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>> oh, absolutely! >> ...exclusive one-on-one interviews with the most interesting people of our time. >> you're listening because you want to see what's going to happen. >> i want to know what works what do you know works? >> conversations you won't find anywhere else. >> talk to al jazeera. >> only on al jazeera america. >> oh my! >> do bigger babies have a bigger success at life than their smarter counterparts? for years, doctors have used 39 weeks of gestation and five and a half pounds at birth is all babies need for a great start. but birth weight, although it's not destiny, it certainly helps. babies who weighed less, the heavier a baby is the more
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likely the baby will farewell at school. for more i'm joined from chicago by david figlio, the professor of social economics, and the director of the institute for policy research. david good to have you with us. every quhield born in florida over a 11 year period and it found that bigger babies did better all around. some of your figures, you estimate that a ten pound baby will average 80 points on the sat than a six pound baby. is the connection that direct? >> yeah, we don't know exactly what's going on behind the scenes with birth weight yet but we do know a fair amount now. it seems no matter how big the baby is, it looks like a little bit more weight is always a good thing. and that's true for doesn't matter if you are white, african
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american, latino, educated, less educated, the same is for everybody. >> eight pounds babies did better than seven pound babies and so on. but on the other hand you have found that it's not determinative. nature ca -- nurture can overcoe nature? >> it's also the case that the more advantaged you have from a neonatal perspective about more you do better in life. the two add up together. >> it is very significant because kids who do well in elementary school then are more likely to go to college, they're more likely to make more money, they're actually more likely to live longer. so this is a really significant finding. >> that's right.
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they're more likely to get married, more likely to have children, more likely that your children are going to be successful, it's a very important thing. >> and meanwhile you know many parents are still trying to schedule their infants birth dates around 39 weeks of gestation. between 39 and 40 weeks in the womb only 14% spent up to 41 weeks near the end of a full period of gestation. so a lot of babies are not making it to 39 weeks. and so the message here is that mothers should be thinking about keeping their pregnancies going as long as possible, something not going to be very popular. >> well, i think that i'm a father of three kids and i can tell you that my wife and i couldn't wait to get our kids out when the time was coming. >> i think we've all felt that way. >> yobut you know one thing thas very important here is we've
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evolved over a long time to have a certain length of gestation and in some regards i think our study is maybe really saying a little bit about perhaps we shouldn't second december our nature a little bit. >> -- shouldn't second guess our nature a little bit. >> i guess not to induce, back to 2011, not to induce birth before 39 weeks unless there are real health issues. but people were you know april 39 weeks scheduling these induced births to not have to have those longer pregnancies. so do you think the message is going to change now, that doctors will say hey, you really should not induce unless it's absolutely necessary? >> well, this is just one study. however, the study is pretty compelling, i think. and i think that if we start to see more studies like this from more and more places in more and
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more settings, i think the message is going to get clearer and clearer. i should tell you that if i knew the results of this study when my kids were in utero, i'd be pushing extra-hard not to have my babies induced. >> and again it's not clear what actually happens with the greater birth weight that makes us different. >> no, we don't know really yet. and again i'm not an obstetrician or a neonatologist. however, we do know that nutrition seems to make a difference and kids are putting on three, four, five ounces a week still, and those seem to translate into brawn power later on. >> david figlio. thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me.
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>> today's data dive looks at the biggest threats we face and how where you live makes a big difference. americans and europeans see inequality as the biggest threats to the world, hatred as a clear second and nuclear weapons .1nearly 49,000 people were interviewed in 44 countries. in the u.s. republicans and
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democrats were predictably split. the left's wiggest concern inequality. the right's religious and ethnic hatred, the top of the mines in the please, 58% of the people in lebanon, a country bordered by syria and israel, thinks religious violence is the biggest danger. one in 20 afric in the subshar s rarvetionharan africa are suffering from hiv.
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coming up dick cavett, how he saved marlon bran doe's life. >> hello i'm john siegenthaler. coming up after "consider this." a word that was used to describe the israeli prime minister. , a nurse and quarantine. and harassed on the streets of new york city. all of that and much more coming up right after "consider this." pl
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>> dick cavett is one of the most influential talk show hosts of the last half century. i sat down with him for a new edition of "talk to al jazeera." we started with his very public discussion of his battles with depression. >> at one point after i had been on two or three shows talking about it, a doctor said to me, are you sure you want to be the poster boy for depression? but the reward is when people come up and say, "you saved my daughter's life. she saw you talk about that and thought if you could do it," another woman said, "if cavett
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can admit this and get through it, i bet i can." that's rewarding. it's a dreadful agony and has to be treated as we see in so many show people. i wrote an article for time about robin williams death, about the fact that it seems to inordinately strike the show folk and i can fill a page with names you know and don't. >> going back to one of your famous interviews another important one was with john kerry, now secretary of state, then he was a vietnam vet and on the show with another vietnam vet. >> that's right. >> and the nixon white house wasn't happy with you. >> imagine, the nixon white house, imagine sneakily, who prepped a guy, left winger,
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called tv book as they saw it, and kerry was very effective, so was the other fellow but white house was not happy. lick spittle, haldeman, the unindicted could conspirator found a way. a woman on my staff, i was audited. she says so was i, when were you? it was right after that. and he -- one of nixon's favorite hobbies of his illegal ones, was punishing people with the irs, as you know. that's no secret. and he -- you know it hurt the smaller people on the staff, didn't make much money, i had been audited every year without
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nixon and to be without nixon is a blessing. the other night was the night that marlon bra brando, broke te jaw of a paparazzi. >> that's when he punched galell rvetiongalella out, right? >> [mumble] >> don't you boom and it was boom like this, a shot that came up from the sidewalk a sneak punch in the middle of a mildly spoken sentence, even as marlon did in two movies i can cite when they're not looking. i saved his life perhaps. the next morning his hand was the size of a grapefruit i
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called a doctor and described it and said, get him over here fast. there are a couple of movies we would not have had had i not saved my friend from nebraska's life. >> some questions, who do you like the most? >> who can you say? you can say who worch a race or knocked the highest, or knocked the most pins down, how can you say hepburn, bette davis, one of them or more is a favorite. but if you persist in your folly, i would have to confess that groucho meant the most to me. >> who did you dislike the most? >> spirro agnew was a piece of nothing. it kills me that i had him on, they put him on the show, this is before we learned that we had
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two criminals in the white house, the president and the vice president, great moment in history, they put him on and they say, he's got a good sense of humor, he cartoons a lot. the way they did your eyes, the locks you don't want on your talk show. >> howt about phonies? that were locked on your phone and table when you left. >> i didn't like bert parks. he was gooey and insulting and boring. a wonderful man in private life i understand. if he's watching somewhere. >> you had a wonderful relationship with mohamed ali. >> he was just about my best friend for years. he stayed at my house one night in the country.
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my wife was in new york. she called. they were in a model and they wanted to stay at my house. phone rang, ali picked it up and heard darling, and he said this ain't darling this is only three time heavy weight champion this the world and i'm lying in your bed and watching your tv, lady. she said to her credit i'm going to put a plaque on that bed mr. ali, we won' more than she r me. >> we won't remember that. that's all for now, coming up thursday on "consider this," the life of pope francis, as he has become one of the most influential religious leaders in the past 100 years. and why the nfl concussion
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policy may not be in the players best interest. tweet me we'll see you next time. . >> this is al jazeera america, i'm john seigenthaler in new york. >> the war of words - the diplomatic crisis between washington and israel. how name calling is straining the relationship. special investigation - the al jazeera report on voter fraud. tonight the list being used to check for cheats. are they doing more harm than good? >> hey, look at that. $12,000. >> her story - a woman who said she was
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