tv News Al Jazeera October 30, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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>> inching closer, lava now just a who you yards away from homes in hawaii. we're talking with a homeowner in the line of fire. >> you could hug me, you could shake my hand. there is no way that i would give you ebola. >> defying a quarantine order, ebola aid worker kaci hickox takes a stand and goes outside. what authorities will do to
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force her back inside the home. >> tensions rise over housing settlements in jerusalem, the white house senior official uses a dirty word to describe benjamin netanyahu. >> world series win for the san francisco giants! >> the san francisco giants pulling off something baseball hasn't seen in decades. the world series win is one for the record books. >> good morning. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. >> i'm stephanie sy. lava is on the verge of swallowing dozens of homes in hawaii. it inched closer to a town and is less than 100 yards from could not assuming its first house. >> it moved 70 yards on wednesday, that's about the length of a football field. officials fear the flow may widen and cause a larger path of destruction. is there anything that can be done to help the people in the path of this lava? >> that is something the island civil defense chief is hoping the national guard can help
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figure out once 80 troops land on the island today. they may not get there before the lava hits the town. >> burning and nearly 2,000 degrees, this river of fire is a slow motion disaster, even though moving at 10 miles an hour, it is picking up team. while the inch of rain did calm the black smoke emanating from the burning mass, it did not stem the flow of lava creeping toward the small farming community. sixty homes around businesses are in the path of the fire rye flow, a threat that gross as the flow front widens. back yards are burning. the lava is bearing down on one home. it's already burned through a shed, but mostly vegetation has succumbed to the stream. >> this is the top story in hawaii's local news stations with a sharp focus of when it
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will hit the center of town. >> it's expected across that main street through town in the next day and a half. this is that main street. experts say all those narrow fingers are lava are expected to widen by as much as 15 meters as the flow continues. >> emerging from a vent in the sol contain know in june, the lava has worked it's way to the ocean, now six miles away. authorities are going door to door warning residents, but there are no mandatory evacuations yet. some people of voluntarily packing up their homes to get out of the path. >> it's devastating. i'm hoping it doesn't come to this property. >> other has wines believe mother nate is an unstoppable spirit, accepting that the volcano goddess pele wants to unit with her sister, the water goddess. >> she wants to see her sister.
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it's all good, she's doing what she wants to do. that's her way, who's going to stop her? >> the last time a home was destroyed by lava on the big island was in 2012. >> let's go now to the town of pahoa via skype. it's very early in the morning, 1:00 a.m. thanks for staying up with us. how close are you from the lava flow? can you stand right next to it? >> i cannot stand right next to it, because my home is about 400 yards away from the lava flow itself. it's still very far from my home. we do have forest terrain that is in the middle of the flow itself that's occurring right now. >> what is your biggest worry
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right now? 400 yards may seem for four, but to me, that sounds like a stone's throw away. >> yes, exactly. it's not coming to us straight in the path it's going, but what really concerns me is the width of it as it comes down, all the fingers coming together and groin and it expands upwards, that is my main concern, where my home would get perished or damaged. >> we are looking at a picture of you standing in front of the lava flow. where is your home in relation to this picture where you are standing in front of it? >> it would be to the right side of it, past the forest, which is about a few hundred yards away. like i said, it's under 400 yards away from where it's occurring right now. >> do you have plans or are you making preparations to evacuate
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in case the flow starts coming your way? >> yes, we have pretty much evacuated all of our personal belongings, our prize possessions. we have it stored in an area where when they do give us a mandatory evacuation, we will just pack up whatever belongings we have left that's in our automobiles, ready to go, and head out the door. >> all right. we wish you and your family the best of luck in the coming hours. >> exactly. so sad. >> to the growing battle for quarantine for ebola aid workers. kaci hickox said she won't stay locked in her boyfriend's home in maine. the president makes his case against keeping medical volunteers isolated. lisa stark is in washington, d.c. what is president saying about the quarantines like the one she is fighting in maine? >> the president believes that workers such as kaci hickox
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should be treated with respect and gratitude and worry restrictions could discourage necessary workers from going to west africa to help in the ebola outbreak. the president says that our actions need to be driven by science, not fear, need to be driven by the facts. the factual is according to kaci hickox, she has no signs of ebola. she should take her temperature twice a day, maybe avoid public transit, but there's no need for a quarantine. hickox came out of her home in maine to talk to reporters. >> i completely understand that the state's purpose is to protect the state of main. i have worked in public health for many years and that is my purpose, as well, but we have to make decisions on science and i am completely healthy. you could hug me, shake my hand. there is no way that i would give you ebola.
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>> hickox believe that is her quarantine is unconstitutional. the state of maine said this is a reasonable measure to protect public health. you can bet this will end in court and will be ultimately up to a judge to decide. >> one small glimmer of hope. the w.h.o. saying the infection rate in liberia is starting to go down. what else are they saying about the current situation in west africa? >> we haven't heard many optimistic statements out of the w.h.o. on this but hear that they believe in liberia, the hardest-hit country, that there may be and i stress may be a decline in the ebola cases. they say there are empty beds, fewer of the special burials. the assistant general directors in fact that we shouldn't put down our arsenal. he said we need to redouble efforts, because he likened this to saying that your pet tiger is
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under control, so they're worried that this could flare up again and don't want to give the impression that it's time to stand down, but it may be some encouraging news. >> thank you very much. >> israel is facing new criticism over plans to build 1,000 homes for jewish settlers in east jerusalem, the united nations holding an emergency session to discuss tensions in the area. palestinian officials argue the settlements are illegal and will ignite more violence. >> as long as they continue not to listen, peace will not move forward and the contrary, we will face explosive situations such as the situation that we face today in east jerusalem. >> east jerusalem is the part of the city palestinians want for a future state. israel officials say all of jerusalem belongs to israel. the u.n. did not take any official action in favor or against these recent settlements.
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senior washington correspondent mike viqueira joins us now. the issue of settlements sparking a sort of diplomatic standoff with the u.s., a senior advisor to president obama called benjamin netanyahu a chick -- plus you a word we are not going to say on air. what is the fallout of these comments? >> it usually implies a lack of guts, cowardice, even. the comment has washington in an uplower and a new low. relations between the united states and israel, it is all about the settlements, that's where it begins. remember earlier this year, john kerry tireless efforts to impose or reach a negotiation and agreement on a two state solution went absolutely nowhere after israel did go forward with more settlements on the west bank and now this article
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appears scathing, all anonymous administration sources, but coming from the administration nonetheless is not disputed with a scathing critique of netanyahu's leadership. when the article came out, there was controversy. it came up with the white house and state department briefings. this was said in response: >> so does that individual, whom ever they are think that? perhaps, but the secretary of state, the president of the united states, people who are leading our relationship don't view that language view that language and those words as appropriate or accurate. >> the spokes people pointed out that the united states stands four square behind israel in day to day dealings at the united states nations where israel continually comes under attack, united states the only country sometimes voting there with israel. also, funding the iron dome project that has protected israeli lives particularly during the recent conflict in
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hamas over gaza. this is an indication that things have reached an all time low, being called a crisis now in u.s.-israeli relations. >> we heard israeli officials make comments about u.s. officials, specifically secretary kerry in recent months. talks were scheduled today between israel and u.s. officials. >> talks were scheduled to talk about issues. also on the table, the talks with iran over reducing and eliminating its nuclear program. >> mike, thank you. >> let's go live to east jerusalem. has there been reaction so far from the israeli government about these comments?
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>> i haven't seen israeli formal reaction yes, however politicians have been weighing in to this controversy, rises is being used to describe it. benjamin netanyahu is described at selling out israel's relationship in the united states for short term political gain. we have to remember that in israel, the government is basically built on a coalition, most of prime minister benjamin netanyahu coalition partners are what can be described as from far right parties and many other opposition politicians say he is pandering to that base for a short term gain in order to keep the coalition together and keep his prime ministerialship together. many politicians and public worried about the crisis in the
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relationship between the united states and israel. >> also a u.s. born rabbi was shot, his alleged attacker killed. what's the latest concerning that? >> a very tense situation here in east jerusalem, particularly after the news, a conference was discussing ways to find avenues for jewish worshipers to pray in the mosque compound, which you can see behind me. that is an extremely controversial position. many palestinians reject the idea of jews operating in the mosque compound. in fact, it's part of an agreement that jordan and israel have that jews will not pray in that compound. jordan is the custody toedian of the site in jerusalem. since the shooting of the rabbi and palestinian man behind the attack, the situation in
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occupied east jerusalem has been extremely tense. over my shoulder is one of the palestinian neighborhoods. i can see smoke billowing. we've heard stun grenades going off, so a very tense situation here in occupied east jerusalem. >> thank you very much. >> a barrel bombing killed dozens of syrians at a refugee camp wednesday in northern syria. activists blame the assad regime. witnesses say the two-barrel bombs were dropped from an army helicopter. civil rights say those bombs have been dropped on dense neighborhoods since the start of the war. >> kurdish troops are along the syrian border set to join the fight against isil in kobane. >> their trek from iraq through turkey has been unprecedented. >> it really has. turkey has been in conflict with the kurds for years, so they really don't see the iraq peshmerga the same way we do,
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like heroes coming in to sort out a very bad situation in kobane. for all those reasons and many more, it's been an extraordinary scene for kurds in turkey, who came out to cheer the peshmerga as they went by. >> a hero's welcome for those iraq peshmerga forces who some say are already in kobane this morning, expected to back up syrian kurds who have been locked in a deadly battle with isil for more than a month. once inside the besieged town, it's the peshmerga's heavy weapons and arrival of another 50 rebels from the free syrian army with the u.s. and national partners hope will tip the fighting in the kurds' favor. >> we've seen the reports that peshmerga forces are crossing into kobane. bewelcome the support they would provide to kobane's defense. >> those reinforcements come as displaced residents watch the
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fighting, applauding. while airstrikes continue, the treasury democratic is attempting to disrupt isil's financing, the man in charge telling us that isil raises a million dollars a day through extortion, oil sails and kidnapping ransoms. >> it has amassed funds at a faster clip than any other terrorist organization that we've seen. >> that includes donations by citizens from gulf countries that have joined the coalition against isil. >> we have said that we have concerns that some countries aren't doing what they could to cut down on fundraising that is occurring within their jurisdictions. >> a weakness in isil's financial future as the group looks to control a large swath of land in iraq and syria. >> if you look at what the iraq government budgeted for the area
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isil is currently operating for the delivery of social services, it was well over $2 billion, so however well-funded isil is, and they are well-funded, their pam bigs to govern, to be a state is going to fall short. >> that was a great interview on "real money" last night. isil does seem to have a continual supply of fighters, but officials say the peshmerga experienced with the heavy weapons they're bringing in and it's hoped that that will make the difference. >> the anti tank weapons. think of the weaponry. >> could abnew phase in the battle. >> rescuers trying to find 200 trapped i in sri lanka after monsoons buried the houses of 140 tea plantation workers. ten bodies have been found. their efforts hampered by heavy rains and a fear of more
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mudslides. >> a miracle rescue for a man stuck in floodwaters in china. he was trying to cross a raging river when his car was washed away. he held on to the car door as a crowd tried to save him with a buoy. that's when a construction excavator came to lift him to safety. >> let's turn to nicole mitchell for the latest. it has been a violent weather year. >> we're going to head off to norway, another area dealing with flooding now. this is the southern part, fee-year-old lands, 20 year floods. the one caution i will give, if you haven't had rain in a while,
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you get a little thing of oil on the surface, light rain is enough to make you slide, so drive carefully. >> she set a date to die but is now prepared to delay it. >> if all my dreams came true, i would somehow describe this. >> we'll tell you why the woman at the center of the death with dignity debate is now having second thoughts about when she wants to die. >> a dramatic rocket explosions leads to new questions about privatized space travel. we'll speak with a former space station commander weather nasa should have more control over its missions. >> when god said let there be light, this probably wasn't he talking about. an amazing view of michael angelo's masterpiece. >> $3 trillion, that's the big number of the day. >> why that major stimulus program is coming to an end.
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$3 trillion, the federal reserve spent it to shore up the economy. >> the federal bank will officially end the bond-buying program that has been so popular. it began in 2008 with the economy in free-fall. the fed said the economy is getting together. >> the economy grew 2.6%, the unemployment rate 5.9%. >> still no sign of 43 missing students in mexico. wednesday, the families meeting the president was the first since their loved ones disappeared a month ago. the families are frustrated over the pace of the investigation. investigators now believe police detained the students and handed them over to a local drug cartel. >> that dying cancer patient who made headlines around the world is now having second thoughts, before it any maynard said she may decide to live past november 4. >> she had chosen that day to end her life.
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we have a closer look at her new message. good morning. >> this november 2 comes along and i'm still alive, i know that we'll just still be moving forward as a family. >> britney maynard has become the face of the death with dignity movement, sharing her very personal decision with the world. she originally said she intended to take her own life november 1. now she said she's open to the idea that this saturday will not be her final day. >> i still feel good enough, and i still have enough joy, and i still laugh and smile with my family and friends enough that it doesn't seem like the right time. >> in recent weeks, maynard has been checking experiences off her bucket list, including a recent trip to the grand canyon.
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>> the gas peacefully leaves and magma flows as lava as we see. which is easily lived with. you go to mt. st. helens, the magma is much stickier, so the gas trapped inside only has one way to get out and that's to explode. unfortunately, that means the edge where most of the active calendar contain knows are, there's where they're explosives. out in the ocean, the lava's more peaceful, as we see here. peaceful, property damaging, but not taking lives. >> as we look at mt.
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st. helen's, is there a risk that could happen with mt. kilauea? >> probably not. we go back to 17 that 90 and the area had an explosive eruption with the gas coming out like that and killed up wards of 4,000 people. it's not, history shows it could happen there, but it's rare. that's less than 1% of the time. >> are you surprised by the lack of residential damage that we've seen so far? >> not really. we keep talking about the 2,000-degree temperature of the magma. that's where it's coming out of the vent. as it's flowing downhill, you see the black crust where it who'ses heat to the ground or air, those temperatures aren't as high there. use things where they put, wrap telephone poles for example to try to give insulation so poles won't burn down and they
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probably won't, because that magma is not as hot when it gets there. houses are going to burn relatively easily, but the experiences you have starting a fire in the fireplace, you have to get the wood up above 600 degrees fahrenheit before it ignites or takes off. some of these houses are not instantly going to go up in flames. it will take time to raise the temperature of the house and then we'll see explosive bursts of names come out as houses are consumed. >> professor, thanks for being with us this morning. stephanie. >> del, the bush-clinton war of words has begun and it's only 2014. jeb bush took a jab at hilly clinton, slamming her for saying businesses don't create jobs. neither the former governor nor
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former secretary of state have said if they're officially running in 2016. voting in the mid term elections the. >> sofia is pounding the pavement. >> it's that way? >> in colorado, the democratic party's most important food soldiers and targets are all latinos. >> in the national contest for control of the senate, none of states considered in play have a significant latino population except one. here in colorado, the latino vote could move decisive. there are signs that a recent poll showed 66% of colorado
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latinos support udall, 17% leaning toward gardner. >> george rivera is. >> we point out to that we have with that the values we have. >> what are those values? the belief in hard work, belief in having a strong nuclear family, belief in religion and. >> >> only encourage mother illegal immigration. >> after a long day of canvassing voters, he has dinner with his family. >> this election is personal for you and your family. what does it mean to you?
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>> it just means keeping our families together. at any moment, one of my family members could get picked up and deported and i'm trying to stop that. >> that is exactly the response democrats are hoping will rally enough latinos to the polls and into their column on election day. >> paul beban, aljazeera, longmont, colorado. >> be sure to tune in this evening for america votes, looking at all the issues driving next week's election at 8:30, at 11:30 p.m. eastern. >> an activist getting a taste of chris christie's sharp tongue, marking the second anniversary of super storm sandy when he was interrupted. christy fired back. >> turn around, get your 15 minutes of fame and maybe take your jacket off, roll up your sleeves and do something for the
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people of this state. you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy, but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> he wanted to spotlight the problems with the state's relief program. only 25% of the more than $3 billion has been given out that was provided by the federal government. >> we are hearing from a woman who's video went viral. she recorded herself walking in new york for 10 hours and in that time got more than 100 cat calls from men she passed. she said the video reflects how she is treated on a regular basis. she shows how dangerous street harassment can be. >> my body language was closed off. i'm a very friendly extroverted person. i normally walk down the street if i have time. communicating with people on that particular day, i had nonverbal cues showing that i did not want to. >> a lot of women are relating to that video. the video has received now more
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than 14 million views on you tube and more than 65,000 comments. >> students and activists taking to the streets in new york city for a different reason, protesting sexual abuse on college campuses. >> the movement is called carry that weight. it was inspired by a student who was carrying a mattress after she said she was raped. >> they came by the hundreds from all corners of the columbia university's campus with one simple message. carrying mattresses and pillows, victims of sexual violence and their allies came together to speak out, some for the first time. >> i carried those experiences alone in silence for over a year without speaking about it. it was crushing. >> as a freshman, she said she was sexually assaulted twice. >> i needed somebody to ask me
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what they could do to help me feel safe, but nobody did. >> she is leading the movement to hold columbia and over universities accountable. more than 20 students have filed federal complaints against the handling of sexual violence cases. according to the national institute of justice, nearly one in five women say they were the victim of an attempted or completed sexual assault during their college years. >> organizers say protests like this one have taken place at more than 130 campuses across the country and around the world. all with people carrying mattresses to represent the weight of sexual violence. >> the idea began with this woman, an art student, she has vowed to carry her mattress with her every day until she said the mon who raped her in her dorm room is expelled from the university. others are doing the same. victims brought their message
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and their mattresses right here to the university president's doorstep. >> we brought 28 mattresses that represent the 28 students who filed a fight nine complaint to the doorstep of the president's house. it's imperative that the president and rest of the administration acknowledge our demands, meet our demands and meet with us and work together on new policy. >> a new policy advocates say is needed to hold perpetrators accountable, and show victims they aren't alone, something she said she finally realizes. >> it's an incredible feeling to go from carrying that burden alone by myself and isolated to feeling like there's a national movement that's standing with me. >> officials at columbia released a statement about the protest that reads:
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>> a very, very powerful peace. what do we know about the sexual assaults that are taking place? >> unfortunately, this story is all too common and really happens all too often on college campuses. the reason massachusetts institute of technology study shows 17% of women will experience some kind of sexual violence or sexual assault during their college years, that's almost one in five. i think emma's story resonated so much, because those are only the sexual assaults that are reported and a lot of the people yesterday at the protest, women sharing their stories and saying i didn't report this to the university object, i didn't report it to the police, because i was ashamed or i was afraid or i felt the university wasn't going to do something about this. too often, we see as in emma's case, she has described that the university doesn't really have
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the policies in place to really deal with this. >> emma's struggle has really touched off a nerve with students across the country. where else has the specific mattress protest taken hold. >> this was on 130 different campuses according to organizers yesterday in that day of action really across the country from the university of california and los angeles, stanford, to the college of connecticut and brooklyn. then the organizers said that thousands of other people have protested as well. it's a movement really sparked by one person and her performance art piece. >> good to see men in the protest crowd, as well. thank you so much for that report. >> donate be $50,000 towards the reconstruction of schools in gaza, a do you anyways was announced wednesday after serving the word children's prize in sweden. she was shot by the taliban, the
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first person to receive that award and the nobel peace prize in the same year. >> let's look now at other stories caught in our global net. the inventor, one of my favorite childhood games, operation, can't afford his own real life operation. the chicago tribune said a crowd funding website has been set up, because he he needs oral surgery and it costs $25,000. they have raised a lot of money. he has spoken to the press and said he is touched by the support he's gotten. >> he said he's glad to be talking about the game again and not the need for surgery. >> unique skills, row boths named pepper, the city morning herald said the first batch of robots will entertain customers that order coffee. the question is whether or not the robots will replace real people, because they are so personable. >> the unemployment rate in japan was 4%, i don't think
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they'll replace people yet. >> the artistic treasure receiving a makeover, complete with more than 7,000 special l.e.d. lights are installed, you can see high on the walls, an effort to preserve michael angelo's fresco and provide better light for visitors. >> what's amazing, too, is people think they are going to walk in and see the chapel. it is a large, long tour and it is the last thing you see. by the time you get there, you need the light in order to be able to see. it is incredibly crowded. >> a costly explosion. handing the space program a setback. >> that has a lot of people asking was privatizing space travel the best plan. we'll talk to a former astronaut about nasa's reliance and outside companies. >> the view from the top, a look from the observation floor of
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>> it's time now for one of today's discoveries. even in one of the most densely populated cities in the world, nature is still capable of some big surprises. >> a new species of leopard frog has been spotted in new york city. scientists stumbled on it researching the marches of stanton island. >> it is only the second new frog species found in the continental u.s. in 30 years. >> investigators trying to determine what caused tuesday's rocket explosion. 5,000 pounds of supplies going up in seconds. >> the supplies, including
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experiments from very disappointed high school students were heading to the international space station. >> investigators are surveying the damage. >> 3-2-1. >> caused by tuesday night's rocket explosion. the company that made the rocket said something went wrong just seconds after the launch. >> we will find out what that is. we will determine the root cause and we will correct that. >> orbital is one of two companies nasa hired to fly supplies to the international space station since retiring it's space shuttles three years ago. it pace the companies billions of dollars. tuesday's accident is now raising questions about the shift to privatization. as volunteer coats say the trend will continue. >> there's no reason why a private company cannot supply a safe reliable service, just the same way that it's never true that the government, nasa specifically was always flawless.
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>> no one was hurt in the explosion, but it destroyed students' science projects onboard, including one led by these students. >> i was so sad. our work is gone, and i felt we never will reach it again. >> they were working on an experiment testing the use of iodine tablets to make water cleaner for astronauts. the project was chosen from 1500 proposals across the country to fly aboard the rocket. >> we've gotten experiments and microbiology, stem cell research, nano tubes. it was a year of hard work from these refugees that moved from iraq less than two years ago. >> when i was in iraq, i loved knowing about space, but i didn't go to school and i didn't know that much about space. >> the students now have a
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chance to keep learning about space. on wednesday morning, the head of the program said all 18 projects will travel on the next rocket. >> i was so happy, like, i don't know, it feels like our host didn't go. >> russia's space agency has offered the u.s. to help get supplies to the international space station, but nasa says the crew has enough food and water to last it a while. aljazeera. >> leroy chow is a former nasa astronaut and commander of the international space station, joining us from houston this morning. thank you so much for your time. besides a bunch of high school students being very disappointed, are we any closer to knowing what led to the explosion? >> nothing has been announced publicly. i'm sure the investigators have a better idea this morning of what happened, because i'm sure they've been studying the video
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and the rocket, looking at chamber pressures and the fuel lines and things like that, gathering debris, surveying the area. i'm sure they have a better idea of what might have happened, but obviously way too early for conclusions. >> elon musk called out the makers for using russian rocket engines from the 60s. he operates space x., a competitor, but does he have a point here? >> well, there's two-wise to look at old technology. either on the one hand, yeah, it's old and maybe it's been sitting around, on the other hand, this equipment was refurbished by aero jet in the united states before it was sent over to orbital. orbital has flown these engines many times and they have a flight history, the design, i mean. of course you can look at the age of the engine as something you think about could be a factor in this.
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the investigation will determine that, but, you know, i don't think you can make a blanket statement and say it's not good to use something that's been around. it's got a heritage. you know the history that have thing and it's been proven. >> to that point, a lot of questions have been raised about whether the privatization of the space program makes sense. there have been accidents, of course, under nasa, as well. let me ask you this. if you were still an astronaut, would you feel morals comfortable in a spaceship built by a private company? >> well, actually, all of our rockets and spacecraft have also been built by commercial companies. the bowing and lockheed are certainly commercial companies and even orbital science, they've been in the business several decades. they're not newcomers to this. they've been building and launching rockets for decades and satellites and things like that, so the relationship is different. the structure of the contracts is different, because now instead of just building and operating the spacecraft for the
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government, they are selling the services that the government and making a profit, so, you know, the oversight is still there, just like for an airline, you have the f.a.a. that has oversight over airline operations and for space operations be you have not only the f.a.a. but nasa oversight, i would be confident in flying the vehicles that are developed or being developed to take crews to and from the international space station. >> the only way astronauts can get to space are aboard a russian spacecraft. there are echos of the cold war. do you think there's a good argument for nasa ramping up its own program again? >> well, the program is going along for commercial crew, and it's projected that we'll get the first flights in 2017. of course, in my personal opinion, there was a lot of life left in the space shuttle and in my opinion, we should have kept it flying at a low rate, maybe
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two flights a year but that's all water under the bridge, so you're right, we are totally reliant on the russians right now for transportation and have been since the middle of 2011. one other aspect that we could have explored and still could explore is international cooperation with china, because they right now are the only other entity capable of launching astronauts to and from space. it's russia and china right now and it would provide a redundant path. >> former astronaut, we'll to have leave it there. thank you for your expertise. >> a view out of this world, a decade in the making, one world trade center set to open in monday, when the first tenant is going to move in. its 3400 employees taking up residence there, the building has an observatory on the 101 and 102 floors. it will cost you $32.
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>> we'll look back at the rumble in the jungle 40 years after muhammed ali faced off against george foreman. >> a new service that allows you to pay for stuff with your iphone. >> we're back in two minutes. >> this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see techknow >> we're here in the vortex >> only on al jazeera america
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>> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong...
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>> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america >> quarantine standoff, aid worker kaci hickox stepping out and speaking out against her confinement. the ebola controversy could shift from the court of public opinion to a legal court fight. >> benjamin netanyahu hitting back at the white house after controversial comments about him by an administration official. >> attorney general eric holder expressing frustration with leaks in the michael brown
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investigation, amid fears violence may erupt. >> a new high tech system helping visitors get a better look at the as i say teen chapel. >> kaci hickox hitting back against her quarantine. she has tested negative for the virus. >> president obama met with health volunteers at the white house. he says quarantines could discourage workers from traveling to west africa to fight ebola. he said they are heroes who should be treated with dignity and respect. lisa stark is in washington this morning. there could be some new dramatic steps in this fight today. >> this could be the day where we see the beginning of some serious legal wrangling in maine. the state there says it is going to go to court to seek an order
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to force kaci hickox to stay quarantined in her home. she has said she will fight any court order to keep her isolated beyond today. >> the doctors without borders nurse quarantined to her maine home walked out the front door wednesday night to speak with reporters. >> i don't want to hurt anyone in the public, but i don't think this is an acceptable line to be drawn. >> the state of maine drawing that line, once the nurse casey hock cox to voluntarily stay inside her house with a state trooper stationed outside. >> when it is made clear by an individual in this risk category that they do not intend to voluntarily stay at home for the remaining 21 days, we will immediately seek a court order. >> hickox has become the face of the quarantine controversy after being isolated in this tent in a
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new jersey hospital when she arrived in the u.s. last week after helping ebola patients in sierra leone. hickox has tested negative for ebola twice. >> we have to make decisions on science, and i am completely healthy. you could hug me, you could shake my hand, there is no way that i would give you ebola. >> she says her quarantine is unconstitutional. >> we have made the determination that out of an abundance of caution, this is a reasonable, common sense approach. >> in washington on wednesday, ebola survivor dr. kent brantley and other health choir workers who worked in west africa or are planning to go met with president obama at the white house. >> when they come home, they deserve to be treated properly. they deserve to be treated like the hero that is they are. >> american aid worker nancy writebol was also on the front lines battling the deadly
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disease. the ebola survivor tells aljazeera america she does not agree with a mandatory quarantine. >> to have to come back and be in a mandatory isolation could really hurt the volunteers and i just really think that if they are asymptomatic, that it's not necessary. >> hickox said she is following the c.d.c. guidelines, including taking her temperature twice a day and also has a daily visit by a public health nurse to check her. she said she's willing to avoid public transit, but again, the state wants her in that house in quarantine until november 10. we'll see if it ultimately gets decided by a court. >> also ebola czar ron klain has been taking heat for keep ago low profile since he was appointed by the president. what is his role exactly in the u.s. fight against ebola?
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>> ron klain is not a medical doctor or medical expert. he is a management expert. he's been brought in for his management skills. his job is to scored nate all of the government's activities on ebola in the united states and west africa. he is keeping a definite low profile. we have basically not seen him at all, although the white house says he has been meeting with the president almost every day and today he does go to the centers for disease control for the first time to talk about -- to talk to them about the ebola fight. >> maybe we'll hear a plan out of that. lisa, thank you. >> coming up at 8:30, we talk with our aljazeera legal contributor jami floyd, what does the law say about the state's power to keep someone in quarantine. >> israel's new settlements are stirring up tensions there, the u.n. holding an emergency session to discuss israel's plans to build 1,000 homes.
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palestinian argue they are illegal. israeli officials say all of jerusalem belongs to israel. the u.n. didn't take official action for or against those settlements. >> overnight in east jerusalem, israel police killing a palestinian man suspected of killing a rabbi. officers surrounded his home. he is a far right activist. he remains in critical condition. >> we are joined live now from east jerusalem. today, israeli closing the mosque noun as the temple mount after that rabbi was shot. what's been the reaction? >> the reaction has been one of clashes and protests right across east jerusalem in a number of neighborhoods. we've seen fairly bitter clashes between mostly palestinian youth and israeli security forces. we can hear stun grenades going
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off in several areas of east jerusalem. we understand that fairly significant amount of tear gas was used in these areas, as well and it really underscores the tension that has surrounded this area not just in the past few days but over the past few months since before the gaza war. the situation right across east jerusalem has been incredibly tense. the news that a far right israeli activist robby was shot allegedly by a palestinian man for his views apparently on the move to allow jews to pray inside the mosque compound, which of course is deeply controversial for palestinians has sort of led to this, but the closing of the mosque compound, something we haven't seen in years and that frankly has only inflamed things further. >> tensions rising between the obama administration and israeli's government, a member of the white house administration calling the prime
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minister chicken followed by a four letter word that we don't say on the air. how is israel reacting? >> there's been no official response from the prime minister's office. we called them asking for comments. we do believe we might hear something in the coming hours, but we can imagine a very measured response. israel of course values its relationship with the united states. it's perhaps it's most important relationship on the international stage. it really just highlights the tensions between the obama administration and prime minister benjamin netanyahu's administration. it's well documented that there have been tensions, but these latest comments certainly aren't going to help anything. >> thank you very much he. >> let's bring in senior washington correspondent mike viqueira now. good morning. what is the white house doing to
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try to mend relations after these explosive comments? >> you know, it's interesting, stephanie and this is a reflection of bad relations. there's no question about it, behind the scenes and it's burst into public view at times when the leaders of these two countries are seated together in places like the oval office, president obama and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. while the administration is denying that this is an accurate reflection, the sort of course language used that was just described by an anonymous american official in that article in the magazine describing benjamin netanyahu in disparaging terms, the upshot which is the administration doesn't think he has the guts, he doesn't have vision, he's not going to step forward, he is only worried about the next election, so they're denying that this is an accurate reflection in terms of those specific words, but also hitting back at israel. first the denies from president
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obama's spokesperson and then national security advisor. >> comments like that do not reflect the administration's view and we do believe that they are counter productive. >> the relationship is not in crisis. the relationship is actually fundamentally stronger in many respects than it's ever been. >> while at the same time, administration officials say publicly that reminding everyone that the united states stands behind israel constantly at the united nations when the votes don't go their way, it's often the united states the only other country voting with israeli, the iron dome project, the anti missile intercept program that the united states that developed and protected citizens of israeli citizens especially between the war again israel and hamas. many saying the relationship is at an all-time low. >> a u.n. delegation is meeting
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at the white house today. what will they discuss? >> this is a previously scheduled meeting. if it were canceled, it would put up alarms. susan rice will meet with a tap another visor to benjamin netanyahu here, they're going to talk about security issues, probably the developing negotiations between the p5 plus one, the international consortium and iran over its nuclear program. this is something obviously a great deal of concern to israel. >> another area of tension in that relationship. mike viqueira live in washington, thank you. >> coming up in about 10 minutes, we're going to get reaction to the comments from the former deputy chief of the israeli embassy in washington. >> iraq person fighters are
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joining the fight in kobane. how close are they to entering kobane and what's actually micking this trip take so long? >> >> the iraq peshmerga fighters took all day yesterday to drive through turkey. it took all day because the route from where they crossed the border all the way down to syria was lined all along the way by turkish kurds waving those peshmerga all the way to see them. they finally made it, this morning, 10 of the peshmerga went into kobane. they crossed the border on a bit of a reci to check the lay of
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the land. they probably won't go in until nightfalls so they have the cover of darkness to protect them from any isil attack. >> we know you're getting used to things going on behind. you what exactly is that over your left shoulder. >> that is probably smoke from burning tires. what happens is both sides set tires on fire and the black smoke provides cover for them to move as they fight through the streets, the tires burn a long time. when you see black smoke, it's in variably tires, white smokes, gray smoke tends to be explosions. >> as always, thank you and stay safe. >> a tense meeting in mexico between the families of 43 missing students and the countries president. they told the president they were frustrated over the pace of
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the investigation. it's the first meeting between parents and the president since the students disappeared a month ago. investigators believe police handled the students over to a local drug cartel. >> pope francis this morning becoming the latest world figure to draw attention to missing students on wednesday, calling for prayers for the 43 students, the archdiocese urging the mexican government to battle corruption and impunity. this weekend, we travel to mexico, the disappeared as it is called, looks at the disappearance of mexican citizens and the effects on families searching for their loved ones. >> a grand jury could decide any day whether to indict a ferguson, missouri police officer. darren wilson shot and killed michael brown in august. >> it could reignite deep tensions in the area. we have more now. attorney eric holder is mad at all of the leaks coming out of the grand jury process. >> that's right. of course, this is the same torn
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general that is desperate to retire, that doesn't want to be on the national stage anymore but felt moved to speak out yesterday. he said that he is exasperated. >> they are trying to shape public opinion about this case and that's inconsistent with the way in which we conduct investigations and especially grand jury investigations, which are supposed to be secret. >> public opinion has been strong since the beginning, massive and sometimes violent protests took over the ferguson, missouri streets late summer after the death of teenager michael brown, protestors calling for the arrest of officer darren wilson. now the grand jury is deciding, leaked police documents allege michael brown charged officer darren wilson before he was shot and the two struggled for control of the officer's gun. that directly contradicts eyewitnesses, who said the teen had his hands up in the air and was saying don't shoot.
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whatever the case may be, the torn general said there is a big need for change within the ferguson police department. >> i will say that i think it's pretty clear he that the need for wholesale change in that department is appropriate. exactly what the forms of that change will be, i think we'll wait until we complete our inquiry. >> now, there have been reports that the police chief, thomas jackson has been asked to resign. he denies those reports. so now, stephanie and del, concern is building for when the grand jury returns a decision, what that will come down and what may or may not happen as a result. >> eric holder was a prosecutor in washington so he is follow with what he speaks. >> investigators this morning be coming through data from tuesday's rocket
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explosion. >> this morning, officials are looking into what caused this deadly plane crash in california. the pilot was on a training mission for the navy when he was killed. the 57-year-old had been playing the role of the enemy, getting ready to land the jet when it crashed along the pacific coast highway in ventura county. >> in hawaii, 2,000-degree lava is creeping closer to dozens of home on the big island. >> it is 30 yards from destroying its first house. what is the latest from officials there? >> the latest from the civil defense chief said 80 national guard troops are arriving today in hopes of figuring out how to protect the community, home to nearly 1,000 people. the river of fire that's been throw moving for months is fewer than 200 yards from the center of town. 200 homes and businesses are in the path of the flow. most people cannot do anything
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but watch and wait. one homeowner is not waiting, instead, building a berm around his property and it's become quite a controversy. >> what he's done here could divert more this way, or if she takes another tack, it could have an duct on these houses down here. >> local officials have avoided the redirection tactic, the impact on other homes around there are affected. there are still no mandatory sof moving out of their homes voluntarily just in case. >> i understand why they might do that. thanks so much. >> also this morning, the search intense filing at sri lanka. officials have found 10 bodies. heavy moon son rains triggered a slide and also hamper rescue efforts. >> relief for california's
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drought. >> we're getting into the time of year when california does start to see more systems. one system that will not turn around the drought situation but the rain is needed. we've had systems into the northwest. this will push southward to get more rain into california, as well. you can see the flow ahead of this, high winds. not as much as recent systems, but california new nevada, we can watch for that. those he blues over parts of the sierra, that winter storm watch in effect, higher elevation 5,000 feet and above could see over six inches. snow back is very beneficial and gusty winds, as well. watch for rain where it hasn't rained for a while. it mixes with the oil on the road and is very slick. >> we heard you talk about snow pack already, we wanted to let you know, that did not go by.
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>> that's good, you need that for moisture later in the season. >> the white house with damage control after negative comments about benjamin netanyahu by an administration official. we talk to former deputy chief of the u.n. agency about the controversy. >> women riding public transportation, the shocking figures on harassment and the story of a woman who fought back against an attack. >> in tunisia, that video and more captured by citizen journalists.
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>> in tunisia, election results were announced. this is footage from outside the headquarters of the islamist party. this marks the second peaceful election there since the 2011 arab spring. >> the egyptian army has begun demolishing homes along the gaza border to create a buffer zone. demolition crews were blowing up houses wednesday. thousands of residents have been forced out. many complain they were given short notice and had not received government compensation. egypt said the buffer zone will keep militants from crossing gaza. >> a u.s. official called benjamin netanyahu chicken followed by another word we don't say on the air. a senior fellow at the brookings
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institution joins us. what is behind all of this name calling? >> let's look at the big picture first. good morning. first of all, the u.s.'s relationship, the alliance is strong, multi-facetted, long standing, unprecedented defense and intelligence cooperation and very good relations between the peoples and the countries for many, many years, and -- >> let's cut through all the diplomatic mumbo jumbo. the fact is these two sides don't like each other, benjamin netanyahu and president obama. they really don't have the respect that other presidents and prime ministers have had. is that safe to say? >> it's regretful to see these comments coming out from both sides, from the israeli side and u.s. side but we have to focus on the fact that these words or
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name-calling reflect a much deeper differences of opinion between the u.s. and israel on very substantive issues, the iran nuclear issue and palestinian-israeli pros, so it is spilling -- it is spilling over into the personal exchanges, but it's a very substantive argument that is taking place here and being reflected in rising tensions expressed by these regretfully worded words used by both sides. >> right. i want to get to what benjamin netanyahu said responding saying that he will not fall to the pressures of the white house. has this -- you seem to indicate it has -- strained further the relations between the two countries or are they were they were? >> he didn't say he wouldn't
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yield to the pressure of the white house. he said that the attacks on him are because he's defending the state of israel, that he's fighting to defend israel. he obviously was trying from his own standpoint to bring this to a more principled argument rather than this being personal, so absolutely his comments on one hand, he was trying to make a point that the u.s.-israel relationship is strong, on the other, saying disagreements can occur between friends and it's not uncommon. i think that we'll see in the coming days, both sides trying to calm the situation down, trying to bring tensions down and focus on the issues themselves. >> i want to get your reaction to news, sweden becoming the first european country to recognize now the state of palestine. what is the significance of this move by sweden?
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>> these are more symbolic steps, because there is no state of palestine yet, but the fact is that after britain and now sweden, absolutely international pressure is building on israel to take concrete steps to advance the israeli-palestinian pros. obviously if i was in jerusalem today, i would be concerned about such decisions or even if they are symbolic, because they are putting pressure on israel and isolating israel furthermore. >> i think -- >> yeah, go ahead. >> just saying that they are not very constructive, though, and they are not -- they're pretty one-sided. the europeans when they come to this israeli-palestinian process, they should try and play both sides of the aisle and not focus and put all their eggs
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in one basket. >> thank you very much with that. >> colder weather is expanding its grip across the country. nicole mitchell has more. >> we had the front go through, a strong trough behind that will stay in place, funneling cold air in from canada, temperatures 10-15 degrees cooler, putting temperatures in the 40's and 50's and still 30's into the midwest. through the day, temperatures will be cooler, the midwest a slight warmup before the next front comes through. the west coast, 70's dropping down into more 60s, that's also that next system that comes on through. so into the midwest as that next system pulls through with the colder air and moisture just in time for halloween eve. we can see rain and snow mixing in with that for our little goblins. >> thank you. >> that nurse at adds with
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elected officials over ebola quarantine is looking to take legal action for her freedom. jami floyd joins us to talk about whether she has legal grounds to defy those orders. >> technology shedding new light on the sisteen chapel. >> the san francisco giants taking home the title. we have the highlights from game seven of the world series. orld s
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>> you are going to determine whether i'm going to be the next senator from iowa >> the candidates last chance to convince voters they're the one... they will stop at nothing to get your vote >> david young, how are you? >> run for congress >> it's important to be out here talking to voters >> director aj schnack's unprecedented series concludes >> it's certainly something that doesn't exist in politics on television >> america votes 2014 midterms only on al jazeera america >> welcome to al jazeera america. ahead in our next half hour, apple scoring a victory of sorts as a rainfall for its pay by phone service gets hacked. what that could mean for the country's latest venture. >> celebrating one of the greatest boxing matches ever, 40 years later. >> the obama administration trying to mend fences with israel, a senior official calling benjamin netanyahu
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chicken plus a four letter word we don't say on the air. >> attorney eric holder saying there is a need for the police department in ferguson, missouri to be overhauled. he blasted by the leaks in the grand jury proceeding. >> the world health organization warns ebola efforts have to continue in west africa to keep the disease from spreading. president obama said mandatory quarantines may discourage health care workers from volunteering. >> nurse kaci hickox is telling officials in maine, she won't be quarantined. she left her boyfriend's house to talk about the legal effort to keep her indoors. she said she's ready to fight out in court with necessary. >> they will not allow me to leave my house and have any interaction with the public even though i am completely healthy and symptom-free.
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i am frustrated by this fact and i have been told that the attorney general's intention is to file legal action against me, and if this does occur, then i will challenge those legal actions. >> jami floyd is aljazeera america's legal contributor joining us this morning. good morning, jami, this is a really interesting case. who does have the stronger case, kaci hickox or the state of maine? >> states can always quarantine if someone is contagious. all states have laws in place to allow them to quarantine a contagious person. tuberculosis, meningitis, but now the state of maine and several other states have passed new policies to deal with ebola. the question is whether or not those are constitutional. she's not contagious after all. >> that's the point. does this come down to the judge needing to listen to science?
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scientists say you are not contagious if you are asymptomatic. >> that's right and that's what judges do. first of all, the state if it's going to remove your civil rights in a medical situation or any other needs to be doing a rational thing, that's the term of law, it has to be a rational base test. the judges, when it's a medical situation look to science and look to what medical officials recommend. here the c.d.c. recommends self monitoring, and that's what kaci has said she'll do. she did not say she is going to do anything irrational. she said if i were to become symptomatic, i would immediately go to the emergency room. i think the judge will examine the recommended guidelines and if she becomes symptomatic, will
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quarantine. >> it is a test case. the reason we're here is because there is so much inconsistency. we have inconsistency among the states, and then the federal government, the military is doing yet something else, and of course, the military situation is quite different because of the vast numbers, the close quarters and what they're doing is very different over in west africa, but just between the federal government and the states, there's a disconnect, so i think kaci's case will be the test case for what will happen with these aid workers when they come back. >> we'll have you back on that. thank you. >> happy to be here. >> shedding light on a video that shows what some women say they to have deal with every day walking city streets. this woman recorded herself walking for about 10 hours. in that time, she got more than 100 cat calls from men she passed. that video has now gone viral.
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she said it reflects how she is treated. >> words alone are one thing, but these people have certain intonations and olt terrier motives and my body language was shut off. i normally walk down the street if i have time. communicating with people on that particular day, i had non-verbal cues that were showing that i did not want to. >> the video has received more than 14 million views on you tube and 65,000 comments. it's the focus of a new study, examining women on public transportation around the world. the worst capitals in latin america where 6% of the women reported being assaulted on trains and buses. we look at how new york city shapes up. >> it was a subway ride a 42-year-old will never forget. on her way to meet a friend for dinner, she felt a man very
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close behind her in a crowded subway car. >> when i turned around, the car had cleared out a little bit and i sort of shrugged my right shoulder and i realized when i looked down, this man was completely exposed out of his pants and wearing a condom. >> she confronted the man and a bystander pulled out his phone and started rolling. >> i wondered why he was pressing up against me. i see his penis out. that's it. you are getting arrested. my plans are done for the night, i am escorting you to the police station. >> the man, the 51-year-old was arrested, convicted and put on the registered sex offender list. she said confronting the man wasn't enough. >> the five-foot tall tai chi instructor edge courages others
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to confront the verbal harassment she said sets the stage for more abuse. >> the city ranks among the worst, 11 out of 15 cities in terms of verbal harassment towards women. >> more than one in three women surveyed said they had experienced verbal harassment on buses or subways. it's about more than just comfort. the foundation said harassment has economic implications. >> women spend 90% of their salary on the family and so it's crucial that women have safe transport all around the world if we want the economy he to work better. >> she said sharing her story is about giving other women the strength to come forward, as well. >> i don't believe that any woman should feel a sense of shame for being the target of sexual violence. the shame lace at the feet, shoulders and head of the
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perpetrator. >> you took a look at the new york city system. what are they doing now to make things safer for women? >> the study showed new york has come a long way since the 1980's, which we all remember high profile incidents during that time, including the central park jogger, about women's public safety in the city. the foundation study showed new york city that really made it a priority to investigate those kind of crimes, show that they're going to be punished, put cameras in stations and have stations be well lit at all hours. it's come a long way, ranked best in the study. one thing that hasn't come a long way on public transit and on the streets as you saw in that viral video is verbal harassment. new york ranked 11 out of 15 cities, not so well in terms of tackling verbal harassment toward women on public transit. >> it is not about an isolated incident. it is about a trend that most of us women, even dressed down in sweat pants go through every day
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we walk down the street. >> absolutely. organizations that work to end street harassment around the world show it is a continuum. while it may see hey baby or how's it going beautiful is innocuous, it is an approximating behavior that leads to grabbing someone, touching someone or as this video, someone exposing themselves in public. it's important to tackle this issue an all the phases of bad continuum. >> it's just embarrassing and stupid. >> to an investigation with he told you about yesterday, officials saying some americans may be voting more than once in one state and that has sparked a crackdown. >> the effort leads some to ask if this is more about politics than fraud. >> you are talking about more than a mill people that voted twice in this election, the
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first concrete evidence we've ever had of massive voter fraud. we've talked about it ad nauseam. this proves it. >> greg is a private investigator turned journalist who's followed voting rights in every election since 2000. >> i got into this stuff when bush won by 527 votes and now it's a decade and a half later and i'm hearing the cry of voter fraud. there's a million people committing voter fraud. is there really this big crime wave? >> the journey begins in kansas where republican secretary of state chris cobak launched a nationwide campaign against voter fraud. >> take double voting, that's a slam dunk to prove that, voted in kansas and colorado, it's a state crime and federal crime to the obama administration is not interested in prosecuting, surprise surprise so we have to
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do it. >> he began promoting a digital name matching program used to scan electoral records and flag anyone who's name appears on voter rolls in more than one state. it's called cross-check and across the country, 27 states are using it to investigate possible voter fraud, among them 22 ever an election board controlled by republicans. halas and his team contacted every state involved with cross-check to request access to these so-called double voter lists. only three complied, and now aljazeera's making them public for the first time. >> it took us months of harassing these offices until they finally gave up the list from washington and virginia and georgia. i looked at these millions of names, jorge rodriguez, david lee, joe black, common names. that's the only identifier. then i say who are these guys.
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>> hey, how are you? good to see you. >> welcome. >> josh lawson is a spokesperson for the north carolina board of elections. >> have you busted anyone because of cross-check? >> we've not made any referrals yet to any district attorney. it's not been a presentation of the state board. >> not even a referral. >> which is required under state law. >> is it really difficult to find these people? >> it's not just going out and blankety trying to arrest somebody. you have to have evidence of a crime. >> oh, that's crazy. that is totally crazy. there was not people voting twice in any election, and if they're basing it off of this, they are crazy, as well, because that tells you that that is not good information. >> in the lead up to mid terms, georgia has gun sending postcards to anyone suspected of being a double voter, asking them to verify their registration. butler says they're easy to miss. >> you think if someone got
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this, that their vote would be safe? >> no, most likely there'll throw it out. that's how junk mail comes. like me, i go i don't know who that is. >> there is much more on line at be sure to tune in this evening for america votes, looking at all the issues driving next week's dynamic election. >> there is officially a baseball dynasty in san francisco for the third time in five years, the giants are the world champs. >> they go into kansas city, they beat the royals on their own turf to win the world series four games to three. john henry smith is here to tell us how the g. men got it done. >> two words. madison baumgartner, a boy who's become a grown man on the mound in san francisco. the 25-year-old man has become a legend. after winning both games he started in the series,
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baumgartner got the save in wednesday's night game seven no run, two hits and four strikeout relief. giants win game 73 he-2 to win the world series. mad bomb is your world series m.v.p. >> i was concentrating on making pitches. i wasn't thinking about innings or pitches, just thinking about getting outs. fortunately for me, we had some pretty quick ones and that gave me a chance to stay out there. >> they call him maude bum, but he pitched a major league record 52 in third postseason innings. he's become the seventh player to win the league championship and world series m.v.p.'s. the giants arrived home to san francisco with their world series trophy in hand. the team president had this to say: >> what was it like on the plane? >> it's heavy, the plane was giddy, everybody sort of in an altered state of happiness, and
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euphoria. you know what, they got it done. >> giants manager bruce bochy is now the 10th guy manager to win three world series crowns in five years. the other nine that accomplished that feat are in the hall of fame. >> kansas city, great season they had. >> it is one of the greatest fights in boxing history, so good it's simply known as the rumble in the jungle. >> most boxers fighting today weren't even born yet. the legendary fight still inspiring youngsters from louisville to london. >> the day of the fight, i'm plan to go reveal the round and the minute and i would sell you the second if i knew how long it would take the referee to get from this position. >> there was a time 40 years ago it felt as if heavyweight boxers ruled the world, one in particular who was to reclaim
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his crown in the jungle. when ali and foreman clashed, it captured imaginations from louisville to london. >> sitting with my family, the whole family, just sitting here watching boxing on the t.v. i didn't used to watch much boxing of big events when i was younger. >> this was the rumble in the jungle. >> everybody watched it. >> the sport has taken a beating in recent years. the fact that boxing organizations have been split for years, meaning one weight can have four separate champions has diluted the glory and appeal to the public. other sports are fighting their way up, too, such as u.f.c. and mixed martial arts. >> where millions were with familiar faces, now it's a sport trying to stay on its feet. >> boxing's always going to be an event, going to be bigger.
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i'm not to lie about it, u.f.c. is big. people watched it. >> you would think i might not know about it, but if you ask anyone, any public about boxing, anyone would mention muhammed ali. >> the documentary was popular and award winning, generations who weren't born still acknowledge ali as the greatest and use him and the rumble in the jungle as inspiration. aljazeera, east london. >> about a billion people worldwide are estimated to watch that fight 40 years ago. i stayed up late listening to it on the radio. >> you were like 30? >> 35. >> apple pay getting 1 million customers onboard within the first three days. >> we're talking to a financial expert about whether the company's big bet on the feature will pay off in the long run.
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>> a fresh look at sisteen chapel. >> on techknow... >> these are some of the amazing spider goats >> small creatures, big impact >> how strong is it? >> almost as strong as steel >> inspiring discoveries changing lives >> this could go in a human body... >> right >> this is for an achilles tendon >> techknow every saturday go where science meets humanity >> this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see techknow >> we're here in the vortex >> only on al jazeera america
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>> apple c.e.o. tim cook announced publicly that is gay. he said while i have never denied my sexuality, i haven't publicly acknowledged it until now. i'm fraud to be gay and i consider being gay among the greatest gifts god has given me. >> a major competitor to apple pay has been hacked, mcx said the breach exposed email addresses. it's just into the testing phase right now. it is expected to launch early next year. yesterday, apple's rival backed
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my major retailers announced it was hacked. does apple need to be concerned about competition? >> apple pay and current c. will be able to exist with quiche other going along. android is still the dominant market share player in the united states for mobile phone usage for smart phone usage and around the globe. al. he pay and current c. will be available together. you can get apple pay on your and droid, as well. >> facebook yesterday shares fell after the company reported expenses could rise by 75% next year. amazon reporting its largest quarterly loss in 14 years. are tech companies building
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empires at the expense of their shareholders when we see these huge write offs? >> they are building emspires and they need to because we are in a global community and the people who provide the digital content and product will be better in this case. facebook and amazon are going down two paths. amazon has been around 20 years and not turned a sizeable profit in any quarter. it depends upon whether shareholders are growing restless with the strategy to continually reinvest profits in programs like drones delivering packages. facebook is investing heavily in application developer, software developer. >> they spent $22 billion on what's app, according to company filings, what's app lost $232 million. is it a bad bet? >> i don't think so.
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mark zuckerberg has said many many times that they don't consider ate viable business, any of their lines of business viable until they have at least 1 billion easies on that. what's app is getting there, a messaging service that can go around the world, but they do charge some of their users. until they get the 1 billion users which they are close to, then they will invest heavily into it and make ate profit producing enterprise. the increased expenses in facebook, people who tried to sell mark zuckerberg and his management team short have lost every step along the way. >> guy with a hoodie knows what he's doing. >> millions of tourists can see the sisteen chapel like never before with a new lighting and air conditioning system. the renovations will not only eliminate the frescoes, but save
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them from damage caused by dust and pollution. >> let there be light. >> on wednesday, the vatican lit up the sisteen chapel a understand it's famous frescoed ceiling with 7,000l.e.d. lamps, masterpieces like the creation of adam and the last judgment never looked to vivid. >> for the first time, we can see the sisteen chapel in detail and admire the beauty in its original form. this is how mikkel angelo must have seen it right after he painted it. >> when michael angelo painted the frescoes, he relied on sun light. windows and artificial lights may have saved the frescoes, but left tourists in the dark. >> until today, standing inside
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the as i sa sisteen chapel was e inspiring but frustrating experience. only 20 meters away from the world's famous ceiling, but due to poor lighting, details of the biblical scenes painted were hardly visible. now you can almost feel you can touch the hand of god. >> it's also the star of a 3-d documentary that will be premiered in november. yet, there was still a dark side of the sanctuary, which has come under the spotlight. at the end of the october, the vatican laid on a corporate event, a private tour and a classical concert held inside the chapel. the price, a hefty $200,000. the money raised went to charity and rejected criticism. in the meantime, from thursday
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on wards, visitors will be able to see the chapel under a whole new light. aljazeera, vatican city. >> there's also this. by using the lights, the vatican will reduce their energy bills for lighting the chapel by 80%. >> tomorrow morning on aljazeera america, the final weekend of mid term campaigning as candidates near the finish line. we look at the key races that could shape the political landscape in washington for the next two years. for now, that is it for us here in new york. >> coming up in two minutes from doha, the latest from jerusalem over the tensions on the closing of the mosque. >> the giants celebrating their third world series win in five years. >> madison baumgartner taking home the m.v.p. award. he put on a masterful
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>> hello and welcome to the news hour from doha. tension in jerusalem after the police shooting at the palestinian suspected of an attack on a right wing jewish activist. >> sweden officially recognizes the palestinian state, drawing angry criticism from israel. >> more homes destroyed in egypt as people are forced out for
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