tv News Al Jazeera October 31, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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>> a deadly attack that shocked the nation. >> the front part of the ship was just red with blood. >> was there a cover-up? now an in-depth investigation reveals shocking new evidence. what really happened? the day israel attacked america. tonight, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> it is my intention to file notice to seek the death penalty for eric frein in this case. >> they are breathing a sigh of relief, after weeks on the run, police track down the man accused of an ambush attack on two state troopers in pennsylvania. we are live with the latest. >> this morning, we just said we want to go for a bike ride. >> you guys do often? >> we he do, yes. >> an impasse with the state of
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main within the nurse ordered to quarantine herself continues to defy officials. the state said negotiations have stalled. >> aljazeera getting an exclusive look with the battle with isil in iraq. they admit u.s. airstrikes may be helping assad in syria. >> lava from mount kilauea continues to creep towards homes. >> the poke knows community on edge is breathing a collective sigh of relief this morning. suspected cop killer eric frein is now behind bars. >> he was captured thursday. he was hiding out near an old airport hanger in a rural field when he surrendered. he was jailed for a time at the same barracks where that tent attack happened. >> eric frein had a mission and that was to attack law enforcement. if he got out of those woods, we
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were very concerned that he would then kill other law enforcement and if not them, civilians. >> we are live four on the ground in pennsylvania, but first let's bring in erica pitzi. we are seeing new images of this arrest. >> absolutely. you can take a look right here, eric frein in a bright orange jump suit as police are bringing them in. his face is a little busted up there, we don't know why, because police say he gave up peacefully without a fight. >> he has been stripped of his guns, bombs and now his freedom. >> one of the f.b.i.'s top 10 most wanted final i was caught and kept in a jail cell. this is eric frein, the man accused of killing two pennsylvania state troopers on september 12. >> late thursday, u.s. marshalls found frein by an abandoned
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airport hangar. >> they saw an individual they thought was eric frein and ordered him to surrender, which is what he did. >> hundreds of law enforcement officers have combed the woods searching for their suspect. frein is a skilled marksman and experienced survivalist. weeks ago, police found his first hideout in the woods, a campsite containing two booby trapped pipe bombs and a journal. >> i took a follow up shot on his head-neck area, he was still and quiet after that. >> state trooper corporal brian dixon was killed that night. on this night when police arrested the accused cop killer, they used the corps rem's own handcuffs to bring him in. >> he was placed in corporal dixon's handcuffs and placed in corporal dixon's car. >> he's charged with possession of weapons of mass destruction.
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after the seven week manhunt, the pennsylvania governor commended everyone involved. >> you demonstrate the very best of pennsylvania. >> now behind bars, this suspected killer is no longer a threat to the public or law enforcement. >> the reason this was so important was because eric frein of dedicated that killing law enforcement members. >> police have said frein was unarmed when they caught him. there are reports they found a rifle and ammunition inside the hangar. >> throughout their search, i know authorities have also found supplies that frein was using to basically sustain himself. he was a survivalist. >> absolutely. this is such a huge swath of deep woods, the pocono mountains there and they had been finding little campsites, where they found the journal, for instance. they found food supplies they believe he scavenged from nearby
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garbage cans. they found diapers that the suspect may have been using to sustain himself out there. >> a second trooper was injured in september. >> that's trooper douglas, the second trooper who was shot. the governor just said last night that they're very grateful that he's getting better with every day and recovering well. >> good news, a big sigh of relief in that community today. thank you. >> let's turn to jay gray live for us in holly, pennsylvania. tell us about where you are right now and what's next for eric frein. >> we are at the police barracks where the attack first happened and also where eric frein was first brought after he was captured. he spent some time in a holding cell here then was transferred to a county jail overnight. later this morning, he will make his first appearance in a county courtroom. that will be the preliminary raiment in this case. >> jay, what about the community, which essentially was
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held hostage for this six week manhunt? how are they reacting this morning? >> 48 days, relief obviously. this was a community on edge, a rural community, as you guys have been talking about, a lot of place to say hide and a lot of places to search for a man officers said was very dangerous, armed and extremely dangerous. he had a long rifle, a pistol, said to have explosives at one time. a thousand officers were combing these woods, state, federal, local, officers all searching for eric frein. again, this is a community that waited with every turn, with every new area that was searched. they are relieved. listen to what some had to say. >> i actually felt like i was in a war zone and it was hard to sleep. >> glad they caught him. everyone can go back to normal, living their lives. >> i'm surprised he came in
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alive. >> just a lot of relief here, a lot of people who were concerned. it was not going to be halloween for the children tonight. now that he's captured, they'll go on with the holiday tradition. >> by way of perspective, can you give an idea of the hangar where he was captured and where they were originally searching for eric frein? >> we've been told 400 to 500 yards between the field and hangar, unarmed at the time. there are reports, evidence found inside the hangar, a search warrant was executed. we believe weapons were inside and that he may have been there a couple of days. there are a couple of other locations they are gathering evidence as they continue to make their case. >> in holly, pennsylvania, jay, thank you very much. coming up at 7:20, we'll talk to former f.b.i. assistant bill gavin and ask why it took police so long to find him.
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>> talks have broken down between the state of maine and the nurse who has become the public face of volunteer health care workers. she has ventured outside again, even though the state wants her isolated over ebola fears. >> the governor has tried to make a compromise with her. how did that go? >> not very well, the governor is trying, but hickox is very feisty. the state wants her to be isolated for 21 days inside her boyfriend's home. they're willing to bend the rules, they say, just a little bit, but she wants no part of that whatsoever. she decided to exercise her rights, heading out with her boyfriend for an hour long bike ride thursday with the full court media in tow. she said she is self monitoring, and the state has no grounds for compelling her to remain in quarantine. >> there's no legal action against me, so i'm free to go on
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a bike ride in my hometown. >> what does the court order say? >> i don't know, when you find out, tell me. >> how does it feel to be home? >> it feels amazing. >> she called lawyers after being forced to go into an isolation tent outside the university hospital in newark. her lawyers and the state of maine remain at odds, as the governor wants her to remain in quarantine. >> her behavior is really railing a lot of people up, and i can only do what i can do and we're trying to protect her, but she's not acting as smart as she probably should. >> the governor said he does not want hickox within three feet of people, but he is willing to allow her to go for runs, walks or biking outside with her boyfriend and he's going to use the full extent of his authority allowed under the law to protect the public. >> what a difficult story. you're a doctor, you know you can't pass on ebola without
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symptoms and yet at the same time, what is 21 days in a lifetime? >> that's the debate. joining us on the phone is jim micah, a neighbor of kaci hickox. thank you for your time. how do you feel about miss hickox defying these quarantine orders? >> well, i believe that she should follow the advice and keep the quarantine going until 21 days are up and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief, if you want to call it that, that she's not infected, but until then, she should stay in her home. >> does it really hurt anyone for her to go on a bike ride with her boyfriend? she has tested negative twice. should she really be forced to stay at home? >> well, the very nature of a quarantine is to keep you in one
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spot. i mean, i'm not an expert on quarantines, but if you're quarantined, it doesn't make much sense to go out of your house and do activities such as that. she -- >> what would you do, sir, if you saw her for example at the local grocery store. she hasn't done anything like that, but what would you say to her? >> i would, you know, i would just ask her what her main objection is to not staying inside for the whole 21 days. i'm sure she's intelligent person, a nurse, and it seems she would know that this is the best thing to do. >> jim micah, a resident and neighbor of casey mick cox. thank you so much for your time this morning. >> political unrest in about her
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tina fausta. they are trying to stop the president from seek ago fifth term in offers. he said he will not resign. >> one of the holiest sites in the world is reopening with restrictions. israel will only let men over 50 pray at the mosque. the mosque and temple mount were closed thursday after a far right abbuy was shot in east jerusalem. the closure sparked international outrage, we will get the latest. >> the iraq military getting close to the northern city of bagee. fighting is occurring 10 miles south of the city. this it true comes at secretary of defense chuck hagel admits the assad regime could be benefiting from the fighting in
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syria. >> good morning. as the fight over kobane rages, with iraqi kurds joining the battle there's agreement over the best strategy for syria. >> an explosion in kobane marks another round of u.s. airstrikes on isil targets, attacks coming at peshmerga forces from iraq have reportedly now entered the fight for the besieged syrian town. those air and ground reinforcements may not only be benefiting kurds. they could be having an unintended impact. the u.s. air campaign against isil in syria maybe helping president bashar al assad as he continues to battle rebels for control of syria. >> yes. assad derives some benefit that have, of course. >> it's the administration's lack of strategy over the assad regime according to "the new
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york times" that hagel is criticizing. in a two page memo to national security rice, he speaks of the syrian policy in danger of collapse because of the administration failure to spell out its goals and what to do with president assad. hagel stressed the need for honesty, even in disagreement. >> we owe the president and we owe the national security council our best thinking on this, and it has to be honest and it has to be direct. >> meanwhile, in iraq, isil is executing a bloody revenge on fellow sunni's fighting in an bar are province, reports of a mass grave contains up to 200 bodies. with iraq forces limit to defensive positions and no u.s. military advisors in the area, it will take the u.s. led coalition and iraq government to save the tribe.
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>> what i can can say is that is why we need to expand the train, advice and assist mission into the anbar province, but the precondition for that is that the government of iraq is willing to arm the tribes. >> so there is disagreement, no question about it. it's been on going now, this hagel memo to susan rice. iran should be brought into the table to form a new government. an bar pushes forward in anbar province, the administration asking the iraq key shia led government to arm those tribes within an bar to fight isil. it's a big stretch. >> mike viqueira in washington, d.c., thank you very much. >> del, investigators in kansas today are trying to figure out how the engine stalled on a small plane that crashed in
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wichita. four were killed, five injured. lisa stark will take a closer look at the crash and investigation. >> costa rica on high alert, a volcano having its largest eruption in more than a century. eyewitnesses saw large explosions and ash falling like snow. no injuries have been reported so far. >> the big volcano in hawaii, temporary relief overnight for the town, the massive flow has slowed considerably. >> the danger still everythinging ever so close. we have the latest. >> while the lava coming toward their homes, they can exhale. inhaling with all that burning lava around could become a problem at some point. >> with the 13-mile lava flow 100 feet from the nearest home, there has been a welcome
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slowdown in the flow threatening the town. >> it's been moving at a flow rate of less than five meters a day at this point. >> the latest reports say the flow hasn't moved at all since thursday morning. >> overall, the flow activity has been slowing over the last 24 hours. >> besides a shed and assorted tires that burned earlier in the week, no other structures have been destroyed. >> there's nothing burning presently over the lawn the flow is moving through. >> the lava could easily start moving forward again at any moment. that's a reality local residents know all too well. >> luckily, it's slow, but that's also the downside is it's painfully slow in a way. >> families have left under mandatory evacuation orders. national guard arrived to help police keep looters from the
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homes. toxic gases could be released from the methane explosions caused by prolonged contact between the lava and foliage. the slowly moving strip was 160 yards from the road, the town's main street. that's got business owners who have stayed open through all of this worried their supply lines and tourists who have come through to see the flow could be cut off. >> it speeds up, slows down, not like any other event where, you know, it comes and goes, gets over with and you can move on. >> officials from the u.s. geological survey say it could keep flowing for up to 30 years. >> after seven weeks on the run, police catch up with eric frein in pennsylvania. >> they vowed to continue searching until the suspected cop killer was captured. we'll talk about the exhaustive man hunt and why it took so long to find him.
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>> new details about the rocket that exploded en route to the international space station. why the company that launched that rocket blew it up as purpose. >> we are being viewed at two dimensional characters, not human. this is so wrong. >> a battle of immigration taking place in america, the midwest state where children are caught up in the debate. >> the big number of the day. >> why consumers are not spooked about spending for halloween.
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>> today's big number is $7,400,000,000, that is how much will be spent on halloween. >> each of us expected to spend $77.52 today, that's up 63% from nine years ago. >> $2.8 billion are going to be spent on costumes, another $2.2 billion will go toward the candy. the rest is going to be spent on decorations. >> $350 million will go towards
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buying costumes or pets. >> the manhunt for eric frein is over, he was captured thursday. he surrendered near an old airport hangar. >> he was held for a time at the same barracks he ambushed state troopers. one died, another was seriously wounded. prosecutors will seek the death penalty. >> former assistant director of the f.b.i. joins us this morning. mr. govern, thanks for being with us. frein was found in an airport hangar. any in sight as to how he was caught? >> i think probably what happens in a case like this, there is so much man power and it's only one fugitive to be caught by all that man power, he no doubt tired out. i think probably he was caught a little bit outside that airport hangar and didn't have access to a couple of weapons he might have left in there at the time that were associated with him.
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the f.b.i. involved with a possible flight fugitive adds thousands of eyes to the situation. every single office of the f.b.i. in the united states opens up an active case, so that they're available for any kind of leads that might come in to assist the pennsylvania state police, who is the lead agency in this whole investigation. >> frein was on the run 48 days where corned. they say he raised his hands and surrendered. do you think law enforcement caught him or he simply got tired of running? >> i think it's probably a combination of both. had he not -- had he had access to whatever weapons they found there in that hangar, perhaps the out come might have been different. i believe he was outside. he had no place to go. it wasn't that he was a good guy and finally surrendered. i think he had no place else to go and he was caught. >> another factor may have been fall, which they say is the enemy of survivalist. as the leaves start to turn and
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canopy of the forest disappears, was it just a matter of time before he really didn't have a place to hide? >> it sure was. there was another case way back in 1965, i believe where terry ray andersen was killed in the forest of pennsylvania about 200 miles away and his shooter was an individual, the mountain man they called him, who laid down and covered himself with leaves and shot terry at that time. there's still a big worry for any law enforcement officers, even though the canopy is gone, the ground cover is there. this guy is a survivalist and knows how to use that ground cover to his advantage and disadvantage of those looking for him. >> safe to say he was a survivalist. bill govern joining us this morning, thank you very much. >> a guilty plea from a north carolina man who tried to join
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isil, admit to go providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization on the justice democratic said he tried to reach syria to join the group and used social media to express his allegiance to isil. >> a rocket explosion in virginia this week, experienced a catastrophic failure in the first stage. that's when officials used the self destruction system to blow it up. the launch pad was not seriously damaged. some are blaming the 1960's era russian built engines. >> the grand jury investigating michael brown's death has been cleared of misconduct. the st. louis prosecutor said the jury did not leak information about their investigation. officials say someone hacked a twitter account and tweeted about the probe. no word where numerous other leaks, including about the autopsy that went to newspapers came from. >> take a look at this. severe flooding leading to
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evacuations in buenos aires. ar jen teen that has been hit with torrential rains. cars stuck trying to get through the floodwater. they had two days of 100-degree record heat. >> here in the u.s., it's the cold weather we are talking about. >> nicole mitchell has all the details. that was hot down in argentina. >> it was, but now chilly ghosts and goblins heading out tonight. two weather systems, one in the great lakes, we know in the west coast, a couple of place the goblins might want the rain jacket. >> reinforcing cold air, not only could we get rain, it looks like the corridor for the east coast overnight but around the great lakes, watch for rain. there could be flakes mixing in, but this widespread area, this is tomorrow morning, freeze watches and warnings, the reinforcing cold air sinks to the south. places like memphis, 34 degrees
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could see some freezing conditions tomorrow morning. that tells you it's going to start to be cold tonight. next on the west coast is our first big system of the wet weather season. great news for places in the drought like california, however a lot of rain, higher elevations, snow, and also wind gusts. places like the san joaquin valley, you can watch for that. when with he head to places, los angeles could get rain, those higher elevations with the winter storm warnings, you know, driving can already be stupid with just a little rain in california, it's not going to be pretty during the day today. >> what are you telling stephanie to put bell in tonight? >> maybe insulated pants hidden under the skirt. >> one of the holiest sites in the world is reopening for worshipers. >> restrictions at the mosque in jerusalem are keeping some away. could violence flair again this morning. we are live in east jerusalem.
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>> you are looking live at a rainy day at the western wall in jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in judaism. the mosque is allowing muslims over 50 to pray there once again. welcome to al jazeera america. ahead this half hour, investigators will be back on the scene of a deadly plane crash in wichita. >> the jim allegation debate in the heart of america, children at the center of the issue, thousands of miles away from the mexican border. >> how much would you pay for air?
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in new york city, some just sold for millions. how space between buildings has become a hot commodity. >> suspected cop killer eric frein is behind bars, captured in the pocono mountain thursday. he was in an old airport hangar. it's been 48 days since he ambushed state troopers, killing one. >> kaci hickox went liking thursday as an act of defiance to the state of maine which wants her to stay quarantined. she says she is not a public health threat. >> defense secretary isn't talking about a memo he sent last week to susan rice where he said the u.s. needs to clarify its strategy in syria.
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>> muslim worshipers are returning to the mosque in east jerusalem this morning. tell el mount was reopened with restrictions one day after the site was closed after a rabbi was shot. israel said it closed the site for security reasons. it drew international condemnations. we are live from east jerusalem. friday prayers just ended. how did they go over? >> good morning. they did go off relatively peacefully. we understand that around 4,000 worshipers as you rightly point out over the age of 50, men were allowed in to pray, women of all ages were allowed to pray, but when you measure that against the fact that there are around 3,000 security personnel stationed all around the old city, it really gives you a sense of just how charged and how tense east jerusalem has
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been over the past 24 hours since the killing or i'm sorry, since the shooting of that u.s.-born rabbi and the killing of the palestinian man suspected as being behind the shooting. things are relatively normal again. there's still security in many parts of east jerusalem, and again as we've been saying, it underscores how the situation continues to be very tense here. >> that rabbi of course still being treated in the hospital. jordan was among those calling for the mosque to reopen. can you remind us what role it plays in all of this? >> jordan, which of course before 1948 was largely in control of what are palestinian territories and indeed in control of palestinian territories up until 1967 in the
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arab israeli war, since then, they have not effectively in charge of all muslim holy sites in east jerusalem, and of course, the mosque is the most important. the third holiest site in islam. as we've been saying earlier, a number of countries have been condemning israel's moves particularly around the mosque. we've seen a number of far right jewish groups trying to access the mosque. many muslims, many palestinians see it as a provocation and so, too, does jordan. >> such a beautiful site with so much tension there. thank you. >> drawing waxman is a professor of political science and international affairs in northeastern university and co director of its middle east
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center. he joins us this morning. palestinian authority president abad said closing the temple mount is a declaration of war. in fact, the second war started when israel sharon went there. why does it ignite such tension? >> this is described as the most contentious real estate on earth, sacred to jew's, muslims and christians. it's really the most important site inned. >> i didn't feel and is the place it is believed muhammed ascended on a horse to meet allah. it's profoundly significant.
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>> is this going to escalate? >> there's a real danger of this. i think the kind of rhetoric that president abbas has been making has certainly inflamed the situation. of course, what the israeli government has been doing more generally in jerusalem in terms of settlement building and allows settlers to move into the neighborhoods has added to tension. we know from history that this has often been the site from which violence emanates, it's really the epicenter in many ways. we're going to see how today plays out and hopefully there won't be violent as a result of large scale protest marches being planned. it's a very, very delicate situation right now. >> perhaps the rain was a blessing in disguise.
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do you believe abbas has enough control over his people to prevent a third in if i fad da? >> i think they paid heavily for the second. in east jerusalem, the palestinian authority doesn't have control, it's under israeli control. that's where it's actually unable to prevent palestinians from going out into the streets and confronting israeli forces. >> professor, thanks for being with us this morning. >> three texas siblings have been found dead in mexico, officials confirming the bodies are those of erika, alex and
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jose rivera. a fourth body is of erika's boyfriend. authorities are questions police about possible involvement in their deaths. >> there has been an agreement with moscow agreeing to deliver gas until marsh. the e.u. hopes this will ease tensions between moscow and kiev. >> nato and eu officials are seeking answers to russian jets doing fly byes. they have been tracked over the norwegian sea and atlantic ocean. none of the russian planes actually entered another countries air space. >> in wichita, kansas, investigators are trying to figure out why the engine gave out on a small plane. four died when it crashed into an airport building. several others were injured. the plane lost power shortly after takeoff.
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>> the pilot reported losing engine power after takeoff. the pilot turned around to come back to the airport. he did not make it. the plane struck the top of a two story building on aircraft property. it exploded, catching fire. thick smoke billowed out from the building where an estimated 100 people were working. >> it was horrific. there was heavy smoke as you approached the airport for miles. a very challenging fire as you might imagine. it appeared the aircraft struck the top of the building, watching the believe on fire and would have caused some fire to be inside the this. >> that building is used by the receives in a aircraft company as a flight training center. some of those who lost their lives were in that building. the pilot was the only person onboard the aircraft. five people were seriously
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injured. they were taken to local hospitals. this is the main airport in wichita. it handles three dozen daily departures. flights were not significantly impacted by this tragedy. >> today, crews will be using heavy equipment to remove portions of the building once the building is safe to enter. investigators will inspect the craft site. >> leading boston for are 20 years, he stepped down in january. he focused on basic city needs. under his watch, businesses came back to boston including high tech companies. >> political divisions are created in one state far from the border. iowa's governor said unaccompanied migrant children aren't welcome there.
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some in his state disagree. >> remembering the first time she saw her 16-year-old grandson in the united states. >> i feel like i was floating, like i was flying. i was so happy. >> he fled gang violence in el salvador last spring. after he was caught at the southern u.s. border, his grandmother, an american citizen who fled el salvador's violence in the 1980's paid for his flight to her home in des moines. now his grandparents are caring for him and 26-year-olds that were deported. >> he's not asking for the kids to come here. the road they travel is complicated and they suffer. it's not easy to let your kids go.
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so that they come here for safety and their life. >> her pastor helps translate. five or six families in his congregation have taken in children stopped at the border. >> we have people that are making the journey, people that have made the journey, we have people who died making the journey. >> a recent prayer service drew hundreds of people. >> the message we want to send is iowa is welcoming. >> how welcoming is up for debate. the governor said that the border children should not be sent to his state and he's holding to that, even though about 200 kids are already here. >> when you have a federal government that doesn't enforce and secure or borders and there's also concerns about isis and potential people from that dangerous group getting into our country, as well. >> with all respect, governor, these are children we're talking about, not terrorists.
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>> we don't know. we don't know because they haven't told us, so we don't know. >> iowans have a history of helping those seeking a better life back decades, when the governor welcomed southeastations after the vietnam war. hundreds have offered to share their homes with migrant children. some say the kids should be treated at refugees. >> we're being used and viewed at two die mentional characters, not as humans. this is so wrong. >> henry said the latino community is taking this personally. hispanics may make up only 6% of iowa but is a fast growing part of the population. >> this is going to be a period of time where latinos are going to remember what was not done and strengthen our need to kind of grow independently, politically to encourage our people to vote. >> those voters care where politicians stand on immigration
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policy, and what they will do with teenagers. >> tune in on election night, november 4 for the returns from iowa's got a key senate race there. our america votes covering begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern and we'll bring you a wrap up wednesday morning. >> hillary clinton was heckled on thursday campaigning on behalf of gubernatorial candidate anthony brown when she was repeatedly interrupted. >> will you stand with me -- >> it happened at the university of maryland. clinton addressed the heckler saying she span sponsored a dream act as a member of the senate. >> you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy, but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> new jersey governor chris christie is defending that comment to another heckler on
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wednesday at a campaign appearance in new mexico. he said the people of new jersey expect him to engage if he's challenged by rude people. coming up, we'll speak about the man christie told to sit down and shut up during a super storm sandy event. >> safe to say the political season is upon us. >> i wonder if he was shivering in the boots. >> an m.i.t. scientist said put planets on the back burner, we should be exploring asteroids. he said if we figure out how to you land on those suckers, we can go deeper into our knowledge of space. he said get on the asteroids first. >> bruce willis and billy bob thornton paid for that study. >> testing out a new scoring system, a head-to-head showdown
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every frame. whoever gets the highest score gets a point on their opponent. matches go on 12 frames. they want to make bowling less boring. >> i wonder if that will catch on. >> a new honor for some mustached men. nominations now being taken for the inaugural class of the international mustache hall of fame. they'll be revealed on february 11. that is burt reynolds' birthday. i called in and nominated you. >> if nominated, i will not accept and if i with in, i will not serve. frustration, you like that? ok. thanks for the nomination, by the way. >> frustration growing for the families of the missing students in mexico. >> they are not hopeful despite guarantees from their president. how the case is shaking the political and law enforcement landscape there. >> water may have been on earth longer than we first thought.
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>> today's discoveries, water the crucial element for life may have existed more than 130 million years before we originally thought. >> scientists now believe water has been around since the beginning of earth. researchers examined ancient meteorites older than planets. >> mexico's president had to answer tough questions this week from the families of dozens of missing college students, angry parents turning on the president during their first face-to-face meeting of him accusing him of miss managing the search for their sons. the spotlight is on the
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disturbing link between the government and organized gangs. it's a tangled web of corruption and violence. >> we were told that there are people who have been released after held by security forces. they rarely speak about the experience out of fear. we finally found someone willing to tell us their story. >> we have to change cars twice already to be able to get here. we're going to go and talk to this woman, who was detained allegedly by the police and taken to a detention center run by the police. this is important, because it shows the complicity that exists between security forces and criminal organizations and how difficult the corruption situation is in this country. >> she agreed to speak with us if we protected her identity.
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i watched that piece and i just think who can these parents trust? the police, the local government, the feds, the president? >> yeah, i think it's a tough question. clearly they can't trust their local government. the mayor and his wife are both wanted. they're on the run. there are warrants out for their arrests. the attorney general stated that the corruption problem runs deeper than just that city in the state of guerrero. the governor's also resigned. i think there's substantial reason to doubt the ability of the state government. the only thing left for them is the federal government. obviously, the families aren't content of the missing students to trust that the government is doing enough right now. all they want is for their children to be found and returned to them. i think that really is the only place they can turn to now, the only branch of the government that has the capacity to perhaps deal with the situation. >> the president did meet with the parents and he said that there would be a renewed search
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plan, but beyond the symbolic value of that meeting, does the president have the power to get to the bottom of where these students are? >> i think he does, actually, the federal police is a pretty professional body. the military also has been used effectively in some parts of the country to deal with criminal violence and criminal organizations. there's substantial investigative capacity at the federal level. the tools are there. it doesn't mean that it's easy. doesn't mean that it won't take time. that's the challenge. the president can't promise when the children will be found. he'll only say they'll keep looking. sass long as they're still missing, the conversation stops there, because the parents want to find the children. >> apparently one of the parents of the missing students suggested that if the mexican government can't find their children, they should ask the u.s. for help. two what degree he should the
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u.s. help and should they? >> it's a sign of desperation and that makes perfect sense after more than a month of the children being missing. >> supporting the government with intelligence on several cases and broader issues, but the u.s. government can only do so much. it has to be at the invitation of the government -- >> does the u.s. bear responsibility? some say the war on drugs fuels this kind of violence and corruption. >> certainly it's one contributing factor. the money involved in drug trafficking is certainly one of the issues that plays here in guerrero. it is a state where drugs are created, produced, marijuana
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grown, poppy grown that's processed into her win, then trafficked to the united states and sold, and certainly part of their power is derived from that. at the same time, they can't operate without the system of corruption, weak governance, courts that aren't functioning, police that can be corrupted that aren't paid well. it's a big network of questions but certainly the u.s. bears some responsibility and i think that that idea that the united states has adopted an approach called shared responsibility, saying we will take some of the responsibility and try to help out. >> christopher wilson, thanks so much for your insights this morning. this week "the disappeared" looks at the situation. >> switching gears, a homecoming fit for a king. lebron james getting a standing ovation from cavaliers fans on thursday. it was his first game playing for cleaved after those four
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years and two championships with miami. the nicks however spoiled the party, beating the cavs 95-90, james scoring just 17 points, but eight turnovers in that loss. >> he's just getting warmed up. it's going to be a chilly night for trick-or-treating, nicole mitchell has more on that. >> we are going to have bone rattling cold air. ahead of that with the low pressure, hit and miss with the showers, as well as being cold and some of that around the great lakes should be the snow. if you want the nicer stuff, a little more of a treat through the south but the next system in the west coast making things maybe a little frightful with the rain and higher elevation snow. >> thank you. >> in our next hour, taking down eric frein, the fugitive accused of killing a expenses state trooper. we're going to talk about his capture. >> what would you do if a
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potential presidential candidate told you to sit down and shut up. the man who got into a heated conversation with governor chris christie joins us live. real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america. >> a deadly attack that shocked the nation. >> the front part of the ship was just red with blood. >> was there a cover-up? now an in-depth investigation reveals shocking new evidence. what really happened? the day israel attacked america. tonight, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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>> captured, eric frein's long run from the law comes to an end. he faces the death penalty. >> white house strategy on syria under attack by a member of the administration, defense secretary hagel's assessment of the fight against isil, looking at the battle for one iraq certify. >> remaining defiant, a nurse ordered to remain indoors not
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staying indoors. the standoff between her and state leaders. >> you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> the showdown with one of the republican party's top leaders. the shouting match with governor chris christie and buddy. he'll talk to us this morning. >> welcome to al jazeera america. >> many in northeast pennsylvania waking up relieved and thankful, a suspected police killer now behind bars. u.s. marshals captured him late thursday. he was hiding out near an old airport hangar. he was jailed at the same barracks where the attack happened. >> you have more on frein's capture. >> he is out of the woods and in a jail cell.
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his arraignment will take place in less than an hour. he surrendered peacefully. he is accused of killing two pennsylvania state troopers on september 12. corporal brian dixon was killed that night and when they arrested him, they used the corps rem's handcuffs to bring him in. >> corps role dixon's handcuffs were placed on him and he was placed in corporal dixon's car. er reek frein had a mission of attacking law enforcement. effect out of those woods, we were very concerned that he would then kill other law enforcement and if not them, civilians. >> it's been a long 48 days in the community as hundreds of law enforcement officers searched the woods for the suspect, who is an experienced survivalist. many residents have been barricading themselves in their homes, keeping their kids out of school and undergone random
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vehicle searches. for them, the capture is a relief. >> it actually felt like i was in a war zone a couple of weeks ago and it was hard to sleep. >> glad they caught him. everyone can go back to normal, living their lives. >> i'm surprised he came in alive. >> he is alive and well for now. he faces charges including murder and attempted murder of a law enforcement officer, both capital crimes. the zone will push for the death penalty. >> the kids are relieved they can go trick-or-treating. >> absolutely, halloween back on, exactly. >> coming up at 8:30, we'll go live to the police barracks in pennsylvania for more on the capture of eric frein. >> the state of maine still at ads with the nurse who came back from fighting ebola in west africa. >> she took a bike ride around town thursday. she insists that she is symptom-free and there is no
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reason for corn teen. the governor disagrees. >> why does the governor insist that she needs to be kept away from the public? >> good morning. >> the governor says he he has a responsibility to protect the people of his state and the possibility that anyone could be infected with ebola. >> a beautiful fall day in maine and kaci hickox is out for a bike ride. >> it feels amazing. >> it could be a bumpy one for this nurse who the state has quarantined to her home for 21 days. >> her behavior is really railing a lot of people up. we're trying to protect her, but she's not acting as smart as she probably should. >> the governor wants the nurse who took care of ebola patients in sierra leone to stay out of businesses and avoid coming within three feet of people. >> what i'm concerned about is infection of mainers. we have 1.3 million people to
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protect. >> hickox said the house arrest is unjustified, because she has no symptoms. >> i hope that we can continue negotiations and work this out amicablably. >> there appears to be a stalemate with the governor saying negotiations have failed. >> i am going to use the legal provisions to the fullest extent that the law allows me. >> the nation's top infectious disease specialist said isolating health care workers should be based on science. >> i think they're acting in good faith. the only thing is i don't think it's based on what we know about the scientific data. >> back in maine at hickox's favorite pizza place, the owners been hearing from people. >> we received phone calls of has she been here or is she here. you know, people wanting to come
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have lunch but are not coming because the possibility she may be here. >> some lunch customers are critical of hickox's behavior. >> i don't think she's spreading anything, but why take the chance? why make an uproar in the community when there's no need of it. >> wow, that's quite a sandwich. the pizza did deliver some of its pizza to the hickox house. it's unclear when negotiations will resume between her lawyer and the state of maine. >> let's go to an infectious disease physician, has been with us throughout this crisis. shvideo shows kaci hickox surrounded by reporters. is what's good for the goose good ford gander. shouldn't they have to quarantine all of the members of
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the media around her and her boyfriend? >> well, unfortunately, this is not a logical decision that's being made. there's still confusion around incubation period, how long it takes for somebody to develop symptoms and when somebody is contagious. those are not the same and people are confusing the two. clearly these reporters are not afraid of getting the infection, her boyfriend is not at risk. she's not putting the public at risk by going on a bike ride. >> let me play devil's advocate. one of her neighbors said what's the big deal of her just playing it safe, staying in her house for 21 days. >> with that argument, i would say if you don't get your flu shots this year, health care workers are mandated to wear a mask when they take care of patients if they have not had a flu shot. most end up getting a flu shot as a result. how about if you don't get a flu shot, you need to get
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quarantined for wear a mask. if you think about the number of people who will die from the flu, it's 50,000 people. the number of people who will die from ebola this year in this country, a handful at most. >> some doctors say the peek period of concern lice between eight and 11 days so wouldn't the nurse be right there in that peak area and shouldn't she be quarantined through that period? >> it's essentially a bell curve, 2-21 days. the average, the most common is that eight to 10 day period when most people will develop symptoms. some will have them sooner, some later. the longest it could be is 21 days. >> clearly she is not sick or wouldn't be going out on a bike ride, that's the bottom line. thank you. >> welcome back from the white house. >> thank you. >> a north carolina man faces up to 15 years in jail after admitting he tried to help isil. donald ray morgan pleaded guilty
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to providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization. he used social media to express allegiance to isil and tried to travel to syria to join the group. he will be sentenced in february. >> the u.s. led coalition has been pounding targets around kobane this week. there have been 10 airstrikes since wednesday. a small peshmerga group crossing the area thursday. there is discussion over the cost of defending kobane from check hagel. it looks like he was asking the president to clarify the u.s. position on syria. what is he saying? >> this has really burst out into the open since "the new york times" reported this two page memo rom the secretary of defense to the national security advisor to the president susan race. it echos what you hear from the military privately and publicly. they have questions about the strategy within syria.
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the united states policy is to get bashar al assad out of power, who's lead that go war against the rebels, but the united states does thought want to see the rebels fighting assad. they want to see them fighting isil. hagel has a problem with that, saying we need a clearer strategy when it comes to the assad regime. he was asked about the memo. here's his response. >> yes, assad derived some benefit that have, of course, but what we're talking about is a longer term strategy that's effective and doing what we think and the people of the middle east as to what's required to stabilize and secure that part of the world. >> if you look at it, there are questions now within the administration about the strategy within syria, arming the so-called vetted moderate opposition in the free syrian army and iraq about fighting the capability of the iraq army, as
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well. >> we are hearing reports that there may be division within the administration. >> this comes after a series of public and private statements that have laid those divisions bare. martin dempsey insisted on a more robust presence fighting isil, saying advisers and trainers need to be more forwardly deployed. it was john kerry, the secretary of state who said iran needs to be engaged, iran obviously a player has influence within iraq and especially within the iraqi government and needs to be cooperated with when it comes to carrying this fight and securing the security of the iraq nation. those remarks had to be dialed back, as well. there is a great deal of disagreement. they call it a team of rivals, but there is a lot of
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disagreement about this anti isil policy. >> we have an exclusive look this morning at the battle for beiji in iraq where a key oil refinery is located. >> their goal is to force isil out altogether. >> this is what most of the fighting against isil now looks like. street to street in deserted neighborhoods. isil fighters are just a few hundred meters up the road. this is less than 20 kilometers south of one of iraq's largest oil refineries in the beiji. >> as we advance, we've managed to fully clear the town.
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after securing these towns, we'll move to the nearby down and then the goal is to reach the city of beiji. now we're in sweep mode and holding the ground in these areas. so far, we have gained control over these territories and expelled isil fighters. >> although the fighting looks chaotic, there is a plan here. the rapid deployment unit is taking the road and pushing isil fighters slowly out of the town. >> this is a pattern we see quite a lot here in iraq. first the special forces go in along the main road and fan out and take the villages and town that surround that main road. then we see the iraq army come in, consolidate positions and plan for the next offensive. this footage was shot on wednesday and the government said the town is now firmly in the army control. beiji, the city and the oil refinery are the next prize. the hope is to take those from isil and weaken the group and with the help of coalition
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airstrikes, that prize may well be in sight. imran khan, august, baghdad. aljazeera, baghdad. >> a holy site reopened today, israel only letting men over 50 pray at the mosque. the mosque and temple mount were closed after a far right abbuy was shot in east jerusalem. that closure sparked international outrage. israel closed down the old city due to security concerns. what is the security force like right now? >> good morning, stephanie. just a few hours ago, this entire area where i'm standing, right in front of the old city, that's the damascus gate behind
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me, all the roads leading into this area, normally bustling, full of people were completely blocked off and there was a huge israeli security presence, not only police officers, but riot squads, as well. that security presence numbered in the thousands. as you can see, things are relatively calm here. not a lot of people still. most of those security forces left after friday prayers at the mosque compound, which is beyond those walls finished. those prayers did go off relatively peacefully, but again, men over the age of 50, only they were allowed in and women of all ages, men under the age of 50 were restricted from coming in. at one point, they were held behind a barricade, which is a good half a mile from where i'm standing right now. they wanted to come in. there were some scuffles, but it was largely peaceful.
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the situation right across east jerusalem remains extremely tense and has been really for the past 24 hours or so. >> let's get to the broader question. in the west bank and gaza strip, palestinian have some form of representation. in east jerusalem they do not. how is that affecting this most recent conflict? >> it's a big problem. if you take it down to the ground when you talk to palestinian arabs who live in palestinian neighborhoods in east jerusalem, they say nobody's representing them, that they are effectively in their words under siege by israeli security forces and by far right jewish groups, buying homes and buildings in their neighborhoods, these densely pop latelied neighborhoods, close knit neighborhoods, they say that tears apart the fabric of their communities. when you hear the israeli government is expanding settlements by the thousands, that adds to the mood.
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the situation here remains extremely tense and the palestinians of east jerusalem feeling it the most. >> no protests calling on the president to resign. >> in bur keen in a fast sow. >> happen halloween. >> how is this for a weather term for halloween? a manitoba mauler. sounds like something out of a
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horror film. it's a clipper, a system pulling through the great likes, right now rain from detroit to south bend. look at the blues on the backside, already in the u.p. in mitch and rockford starting to see snow with all of this. the moisture moves pretty quickly, but more reinforcing cold air and high wind behind this. not only is it going to be colder, but you'll have the wind chill. you'll want to bundle up the little ones tonight. >> it's more impressive what happens overnight with this cold air. all of this blue, anywhere from colorado through mississippi and alabama, looking at that, that's freeze warnings out there, because temperatures will drop so low. a lot of temperatures, memphis at 34. typically this time of year, overnight lows are 50. it's going to be a chilly night. >> my daughter is going to be dress said as the earth. at least she has global warming on her side tonight.
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>> suspected police killer eric frein behind bars this morning after more than a month on the run. we're talking with a former f.b.i. profiler about the mindset of this accused killer. >> a temporary victory for protestors are who took to the streets of hungary and their fights to stop attacks using the internet. >> videos by hour citizen journalists.
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>> a suspected police kill are in custody after a seven week manhunt. eric frein was captured on thursday in the poconos. >> police say he he ambushed two state troopers. one died, another seriously wounded. prosecutors will seek the death penalty. i want to go now to mary ellen o'toole, a former f.b.i. profiler, now consultant who joins us from new orleans. a lot of people are going to dissect who this man is. you assisted for the capture of criminals over the years. what is the first thing you noticed about eric frein when you saw him in the back of the police car? >> one of the first things that struck me was the color of his skin. he looked almost jaundiced to me, but that may have been the cameras, the lighting and it was night. he certainly looked rugged. he looked worn out, and i would
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expect that after 48 days where he's evading law enforcement. he's one person being hunted by hundreds of police officers, so he could never have a meal. he couldn't go to the bathroom, he couldn't do anything without thinking are they right outside, are they right behind that next street, so he looked like he'd been on the run for 48 days. >> the expression on his eyes, as well, almost like a rabid animal. reports indicate that he was captured without incident, that he didn't even have a gun on his person. in your opinion, do you think he wanted to get caught? >> oh, no, i do not at all. if he wad wanted to get caught and start the criminal justice process, he could have come out during the 48 days. he could have done something. he did not. >> in a press conference last night, pennsylvania state police commissioner stated that frein
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was dedicated to killing law january forcement. what do you think was going on inside his mind? >> well, frein strikes me at someone that's not that as i say dim larr from what we see in mindsets of mass killers. he thought about it a long time, factual sized about it, and for him, this was an act of power and control, but he also enjoyed it. he wanted to do it, and he was thrilled that he was successful at doing it. that's a very callous, cold-blooded individual that could be indicative of someone that has psych pattic traits, which means he has no remorse for what he did. if that's true, i think we're going to see more of that as he proceeds through the criminal justice system. >> you're saying that this was sort of a game for him. >> i think it was a game. i think it was something that he found enjoyable. when we analyze a crime, we look at how much planning went into it, and that tells us that this is not distasteful for them,
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that they in fact enjoy it and then we heard what he wrote in his journal, it was very strategic, detached from what he did, so this was someone that actually did enjoy it and in the beginning, i think he enjoyed the cat and mouse game until it became too real. >> mary ellen o'toole, thank you for your expertise this morning. >> you're welcome. >> tough convictions from mexico's president from the families of missing college students. angry parents turned on him during their first face-to-face meeting, accusing his government of deceit and mismanaging the search for their loved ones. >> a focus turns to a family found dead. >> a mother last spoke with her
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kids on october 16, 3 days after their journey began. it was then she reportedly became aware that her kids had been stopped on a mexican highway. soon afterward, she received a text from a car salesman in mexico, trying to sell her son's car and became alarmed. wednesday a search found the bodies of her three children. the bodies each had a bullet wound to the head and were badly burned. a fourth body, erikas boyfriend was found dead. as to who did this, reports are that scrutiny is falling on a police force unit in mexico called hercules. >> fault lines travels to mexico. the disappeared looks at the disappearances of mexican citizens and its impact on families searching for their loved once. that's saturday.
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>> hungary will not be taxing the internet. outraged citizens were worried the tax would be passed on to them. the president is going to revisit that tax next year. >> parts of the west coast in the u.s. will continue to get much-needed wet weather. we have more. >> for the northwest, we've had system after system recently, but this one, different. more of this is going to make it into california where we've been particularly dry. this is for the entire west coast, our really big first storm that what is considered the wet season here. you can sue he that spiraling and pushing on to the coastline. as it does that, enough cold air, not the coldest system we'll get later in the season, but we could get snow north higher elevation, six inches, really high elevations, possibly up to 12. portions of california gusts in the 40-50 miles an hour range. the rain is especially impressive. some places in central
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california, one or two inches. we do have the winter storm warnings up, if you're traveling through the mount bees, but the rain very beneficial. >> all i hear is ski season. nicole mitchell, thank you. >> the clock is ticking, getting out for the final campaigning. we will talk about whether there will be any surprises on election day. >> a scary scene for one par chutist left hanging in the air. the story behind the image, coming up. >> governor chris christie getting into a shouting match over hurricane sandy relief efforts. we talk to the man who challenged the governor.
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apartment is at stake? >> peaceful prayers this morning at one of the holiest sites in the world, israel reopening the mosque today, but restricted who could pray there. the mosque and temple mount were closed thursday. the closure sparked international outrage. >> talks between the state of maine and nurse kaci hickox have stalled. she went biking thursday after returning from treating ebola patients in west africa, the bike ride considered an act of defiance. hickox said she poses no public health threat. >> in northeast pennsylvania, residents are relieved he this morning. suspected police killer eric frein is behind bars, captured on thursday. his arrest comes 48 days after police say he ambushed two state troopers at a police barracks. >> we are outside those barracks in holly, pennsylvania. where is eric frein right now?
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>> right now, he is in county jail, transferred overnight. he was first arrested and brought to the actual spot where the attack happened, so these are the barracks where the talk first happened, 48 days later, he was here, accused in the murder of corporal brian dixon and the serious injury of trooper douglas, an ambush style attack according to investigators. he was brought here, held and then moved overnight to that county jail. he'll be in a county courtroom a bit later this morning for his first arraignment hearing. >> do we have any ideas about evidence that might have been recovered when frein was captured? >> at this point, we do not. we know that police believed him to have a long rifle, as well as a handgun and explosives at one time. they were going through an abandoned airport hangar near the field where he was captured. there are two other locations
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which they secured search warrants for but won't share where those are or what they may be looking for now as they continue to try and build their case. >> the prosecutor said he will seek the death penalty. jay, thank you very much. >> the exnaviy seal who wrote the book on the raid against osama bin laden is under criminal investigation. he he penned the best seller "no easy day" and may have disclosed classified material by failing to have the book vetted by the pentagon. they are interested in his paid speeches. >> nato officials saying they won't be intimidated by russia after a recent spike in fly-byes by russian place. approximate week, nato jets intercepted four groups of russian war planes, officials saying none actually entered another countries air space. >> russian gas will soon be flowing again in ukraine. two countries reach ago multi-million dollars deal to
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resume imports. russian gas was cut off at the height of the cries between moscow and kiev. it brokered a deal through marsh. >> the iraq military is getting closer to the city of beiji in iraq, this exclusive aljazeera video shows intense fighting north of the city. ed kurds are fighting isil in kobane. they arthey are in desperate nef reinforcements. >> they've come back out, they've had meetings since then with colleagues to discuss strategy and our sources tell us that the iraq peshmerga will be concentrating their efforts in the east of kobane, while the syrian kurds and the free syrian army fighters wilkinson trait on the west and the south. it is the east where throughout this fight, the fighting has been at its most intensive. by the iraq peshmerga
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concentrating there, they're giving some relief to exhausted kurdish fighters and iraqi peshmerga will have the heavy weaponry, the artillery that the kurds desperately need. they'll be using that on the eastern front to take on the isil fighters and try to push them back from there, while as i say, the f.s.a. and the kurds concentrate on the south and the west. no indication yet of when the peshmerga will go into kobane. they remained stationed at a base on turkish at her issue to two kilometers or so away. there's an indication or feeling that the peshmerga will not go into kobane until dusk or the evening, so they have the help of the cover of darkness. all the while, the syrian kurds reminding us that in kobane, the fighting is continuing and they desperately need those
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reinforcements. what they really need are heavy artillery, heavy weapons which together with the airstrikes they believe will help them push isil forces out of kobane. >> the battle for kobane has left up to 800 dead and forced 200,000 people to flee across the turkish border. >> back in this country, president obama has a pretty busy weekend ahead campaigning. he'll make stops in rhode island, michigan, connecticut and pennsylvania ahead of tuesday's mid term elections. he was in maine thursday where he first met with donors at a private d.n.c. fundraiser, then to portland. to support a candidate there. >> a demand for an apology from a lose democratic. land degree blamed the president's energy policies, but added this:
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>> to be very, very honest with you, the south has not always been the friendliest place for african-americans. it's been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a positive light as a leader. >> she is locked in a tight reelection battle with republican congressman bill cassidy. the leader of the republican party calls her remarks an insult to everyone who lives in the state. no comments yet from her campaign. we're joined now by an aljazeera america political contributor and professor of campaign management at n.y.u. busy season for you, good to see you. can you comment on this landrieu comment and whether this is going to throw off that race. >> she's in such a tight race down there and certainly president obama has been a drag on her race. he is very unpopular in louisiana, in the low 30's. that is a disaster for an
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incumbent democratic. that said, this may really make it difficult, because one way the democrats are supposed to work themselves awful this deficit is increasing turnout particularly among african-americans. for her to raise race in this context i think was a big mistake on her part. >> in louisiana, we may not know the result at the end of the night, right? >> absolutely. louisiana and potentially georgia. louisiana, if you can be certain about anything in this election, louisiana is going to a runoff. they have what's called a jungle primary down there. it has been several cycles. they always go through a runoff and looks like we'll be there again this time. we may not know the outcome of who controls the senate until into january, if georgia itself goes into a runoff. that could occur three days after the start of the new congress. >> this is all about control of the senate. that's the big headline, all of the polling i have seen showing
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that the senate will go to the republicans. the scenario you're talking about, how likely is it? >> it's pretty likely we may not know on november 5th when we wake up in the morning, may not know who controls the senate. the astonishing thing about this is $4 billion is being spent in this race to determine essentially who controls the senate. in the end, is it going to matter in terms of policy? probably not, because we will probably have a senate that proceeds very much in the kind of do nothing fashion we've seen congress, so it's a little bit odd, but again to your point, we may not know when we wake up on november 5th who controls this thing. >> could we see a surprise that changes the predictions. >> we could see surprises at the individual level. there are fascinating things going on. you look at the possibility that the republicans may make a resurgence in the northeast in materials of taking control of
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connecticut at the gubernatorial level. potentially if scott brown increases his margin and beats jean tahine. i think we will see surprises like that. i don't know that we'll see a huge surprise in terms of democrats, something astonishing like democrats picking up a seattle in the senate. we nope it's going to be close, but republicans will probably in the end take it. >> there are interesting races. thank you so much. >> part two of an investigation we have been talking about this week, america tonight has been looking into a controversial system designed to stop people from voting twice. it's supposed to crack down on voter fraud. the policy appears to target minorities. >> it's the first day of early voting in georgia. this polling station is buzzing. with the race for governor and an open senate seat in the balance, these citizens know
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every vote counts. but not everyone who wants to vote will be allowed to. >> the state is trying to suppress the vote, man, don't you know that? >> a list was obtained of more than 500,000 people who's eligibility is in question due to cross-check. he found one of them in this apartment building said to be housing up to 10 double voters. >> here, joseph edward nailer, that's you, right, and said louisiana joseph edward nailer. you're suspected of voting twice, which is a crime. is that true? >> no, i didn't vote twice. i only voted here for that year. as a matter of fact, i didn't vote. >> you registered but never voted, right? do you think this is a tactic to scare people away from voting? >> could be. scared me about going to jail. i don't want to go to jail for something stupid like that.
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>> while cross-check accounted discourage voting, its supporters say it's a necessary tool. >> having requirements for people to vote can deter bad activities and reports in the press would indicate there have been some fraudulent registration, but i think the legal process is the right way to determine the answer to that, and it is underway right now. >> this reverend had been at the center to get more african-americans to the polls but says claims of fraud tend to target black voters. >> think about it, it's high risk, and almost no reward. the risk for engaging in voter fraud is criminal prosecution. what's the reward? >> here we are in what used to be reverend king's congregation, the long marsh to voting rights
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for african-americans began here. half a century later, are you marching backwards? is there a new attempt at voter suppression in this state? >> there clearly is an effort to suppress the votes of african-americans and young people, elderly people. clearly there is a kind of partisan cherry picking going on. as the pastor of this church, i'm reminded that martin luther king, sr., dr. king's father led a voting rights campaign in atlanta in 1935, 30 years before the voting rights law, so that's the nature of the democratic pros. it's a process, it's not a final product, and unfortunately, there are times when we think we've won certain battles and we find ourselves fighting those battles all over again, and it's our job to stand up. >> our website
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has a loss more on this investigation, include that go list of names. it's interactive, so you can log on and check to see if you have been accused of double voting. be sure to tune in he l night for all the returns around the country. our america votes coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. we'll bring you a wrap up on wednesday morning on aljazeera america news. >> firefighters in st. louis had their hands full thursday night rescuing a sky driver, who's parachute got stuck on the wires of a radio to your. [ laughter ] >> i don't think it was funny to him. it took two hours to get him down. one firefighter suspects the man is a base jumper who took a flying leap off the tower. >> new jersey governor chris christie getting in a shouting match with a man angry over hurricane sandy recovery efforts. >> you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> that man on the other end that have heated exchange is
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here. we'll talk about whether or not he likes being called buddy and his showdown with the governor. >> americans spending billions on halloween candy, how the cost is less than compared to 50 years ago, the trick and treats behind the numbers is next. >> time for our big quote. in the final stretch of the mid term campaign, the words of a former president serving as a reminder of what he thinks politicians should do in office. >> he says government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. >> words of wisdom from a two term president, just a hint there.
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christie he defending his take down of a heckler this week. the man holding a sign demanding the governor do more for sandy victims. >> turn around, get your 15 minutes of fame and then maybe take your jacket off, roll up your sleeves and do something for the people of this state. you want to have a conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy, but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> we are joined by the man chris christie was creeling at, thanks for being with us. first the response. do you think it was the appropriate time and place for you to protest? >> oh, absolutely. i think, you know, at this point, we are two years out from hurricane sandy. the main point we were trying to raise with the governor is with regard to this rem funding, to help those impacted by sandy get back in their homes. $1.1 billion was given, only
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$219 million has gone out. that money is still sitting while 6,000 familles are trapped in the process that have either been wait-listed, been rejected and asked to resubmit applications or thousands have flat out left the program. >> christie is knowing for being outspoken. were you trying to taunt him? >> certainly not taunt. throughout american history, taking minor and major acts of civil disobedience are at times necessary in a representative democracy. the christie administration has been unresponsive to the needs of these families. people from our coalition have gone to the coalition events, whether a press conference, the meetings for ren. there's never an opportunity for q and a. >> even though he said schedule an appointment to talk to me, that wouldn't have happened? >> absolutely not.
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these families have tried on countless occasions. i've heard stories of people trying to deem with the department of community affairs, trying to deem with the company christie he hired, the first company hired to do this job, a company that gave $25,000 to the governor's association, this program has been an absolute mess. we wanted to hold the governor accountable, because he said earlier this year that getting the families that were impacted by hurricane sandy back into their homes would be the top priority of his administration. >> let's talk about his administration. chris christie is widely rumored to be running for president in 2016. based on what you saw, based on his response to you, is he good presidential timber? >> i don't think so. i've been doing international human rights work for the last 15 years of my life. >> is it because of his -- his what, temperament? >> what concerns me, absolutely his temperament.
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what if he were in another country, the middle east, southeast seich is that, south america, you have protestors come to meet you or a head of state says something that you disagree with and there can be those tense moments, you have to handle those with diplomacy and tact. i think he did a terrible disservice to the office of the governor and to the citizens of new jersey, showed a tremendous amount of disrespect. there are much better ways you can handle the situation that emerged the other day. i used to be on the city council in the city of asbury park. i had critics come to the microphone and they were not always friendly. you can have curmudgeons come in. you can disagree with respect. you can disagree without being disagreeable. >> yes, you did get your 15 minutes of fame. >> a square inch of space can be quite coveted especially in a big city.
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in new york, the sky's the limit in the hunt for prime real estate, literally. a race to buy air. >> on an island that's home to 1.6 million people squeezed for space and vying for a view, the only way to build is up. demand is high, leaving developers jockeying for a slice of the skyline. the higher the believe, the better the view and the more money can be fetched. launching a balloon to his truck equipped with cameras, his job is to photograph the view from skyscrapers that haven't yet been built. >> now we're at 99, 99.5. >> mere inches can mean the difference of millions. >> it means you can advertise an apartment with views of times square or without, just those inches back and forth. that's really cool to find that out. it's like you discovered wow, you can see it or like i got a
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sliver of river. oh, shoes, there's an air conditioner. >> with an intense competition for views, the air itself has become a hot commodity with builders driving up the price. >> that invisible air, the right to developpen it is transferred to a very tangible asset. >> a tangible asset, but complicated one. frank fish worked on a deal with this catholic high school sold air rights for $15 million to a company building condos next door. in return, upper level amounts won't have their views obstructed, with some listed for $12 million. >> that difference between what you're built at, say it's five stories, and let's say you can go seven or eight stories, that unbuilt portion i guess called air rights. >> the average price per square foot of manhattan property by some estimates is roughly $800. for air rights, the average price per square foot is $351, a jump of 52 percent since 2011.
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the appetite for air has become an appealing side dish for a new york institution famous for its pastrami. >> there are air rights deals. it's the last remaining wild west frontier that exists in business. >> just when that soaring cost for undeveloped air comes back to earth is anybody's guess. mary snow, aljazeera. >> perhaps the most famous example happened in new york city in the 1960's. >> that's when the pan am building went over grand central terminal. >> time is running out to buy
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halloween candy. you might be surprised to learn in a lot of cases it was cheaper today than 50 years ago. don't say anything. "the new york times" looked at an ad from 1964, comparing prices. they say 27 cents a pound today compared to $4.63 a pound in 1964. hershey's kisses are now $2.64 a pound. they cost $5.30 equivalent in 1964. >> wallet hub that ha come up with the top 100 cities for celebrating halloween, st. paul minnesota number one, minneapolis second, dallas third. the criteria include number of young people, walkability, best weather and of course crime. last place, winston salem, north carolina. jacksonville, florida and nashville at the bottom all ranked poorly for walkability.
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>> still 13 stars in the flag, just thought i'd ask. let's check your halloween forecast with nicole mitchell. >> from our fellow minnesota. >> we had number one and number two on the list. you know we like halloween. minnesota does not ever great weather for halloween, the 1991 blizzard on this date. i remember being out that with my sister. despite the cold, we stayed out because we liked the candy. >> with the system coming through the great lakes, we've got snow. we've had this morning in the u.p., more toward the southern great lakes, you might want to bundle them up. we hate to cover the costumes, but it is going to be a cold one. when we get to the west coast, a lot of rain. we will see some breaks in the action, but windy, as well. you might want to make the
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goblins aerodynamic. >> an, websites provide a lot of services, but do you read those terms of service? >> our team found a great way to break down the pros and cons as we digitize most of our lives. it's really cool. >> tomorrow morning, breaking the ranks of the brotherhood. we take a look at the cultural shift on women in navy subs, how they're faring four years after of the navy integrated the navy vessels. >> that's it for us here. >> coming up in two minutes from doha, the fight against isil heating up. >> halloween celebrations from around the world. >> we know belle is going out dressed as the world. good morning opinion have a spooky day. we'll see you back here tomorrow
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morning at 7:30 a.m. .m. >> a brutal drug war >> this here were the remains of 31 people that were found... >> thousands disappearing >> the cost of kidnapping and killing a human being is almost zero >> fault lines, al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> today they will be arrested... >> ground breaking... they're firing canisters of gas at us... emmy award winning investigative series... new episode the disappeared only on al jazeera america
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first choice for entertainment. we are ment to be your first choice for the news. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ >> hello and welcome to the news hour. i'm here in doha. here is what is coming up in the next 60 minutes. [ gunfire ] >> fighting isil. iraq's army battle for key areas. tension around a mosque in jerusalem. new protests demanding
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