tv News Al Jazeera October 31, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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first choice for entertainment. we are ment to be your first choice for the news. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ >> hello and welcome to the news hour. i'm here in doha. here is what is coming up in the next 60 minutes. [ gunfire ] >> fighting isil. iraq's army battle for key areas. tension around a mosque in jerusalem. new protests demanding the
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president step down after 27 years in office. and fears for thousands of migrants as italy scales down its search and rescue operations in the mediterranean. ♪ hello. well the iraqi army says it is making important gains in the fight against isil. the armed group has captured large swathes of territory in the north and certain -- central parts of the country. vital to both sides is a oil refinery in the area. the iraqi army controls parts of the facility, but its goal is to force isil out all together. imran khan reports. >> reporter: this is what most of the fighting against isil now looks like. street-to-street in deserted
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neighborhoods. isil fighters are just a few hundred meters up the road. this is less than 20 kilometers south of one of iraq's largest oil refineries, and a city which is an isil command center. this special forces unit of the iraqi army has made gains and the commander says he is confident. >> translator: as we advance we have managed to fully clear the town. after securing these towns we'll move to the nearby town and then the goal is to reach the city of bayji, now we're in sweep mode. so far we have gained control over these territories. expelled isles fighters. >> although the fighting looks chaotic there is a plan here.
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they are pushing isil fighters slowly out of the town. this is a pattern we see quite a lot. first the special forces go in along the main road and then fan out and take the villages and towns around the main road, then we see the iraqi army come in and consolidate those positions. this footage was shot on wednesday. and the government says this town is now fully under iraqi control. and the oil refinery is the next site. the hope is to take those and weaken the group, and that prize may well be in site with the hell of the coalition groups. well the commander of syrian opposition forces in the desieged town of kobani says his fighters are in control of most of the border town. fighting there now is in its sixst week. >> translator: as of now the syrian forces control over two
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thirds of kobani, we control eastern neighborhoods especially the industrial zone. >> bernard smith has more. >> reporter: we understand that the ten iraqi peshmerga who went into kobani on thursday, they have now left. they came back out. they have had meetings since then with their colleagues to discuss strategy. and our sources are telling us nay will be -- concentrating their efforts in the east, while the free syrian army will concentrate in the west and the south. so by the iraqi peshmerga concentrating there, they are giving some relief to exhausted kurdish fighters. and the peshmerga are professionally trained fighters. they will also have the heavy
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weaponry, the equipment the kurds say they desperately need. they will be using to try to push the isil fighters back while the fsa and the kurds concentrated on the south and west. no indication yet of when the peshmerga will go into kobani. they remained stations on turkish territory about two kilometers or so away. there's an indication or feeling that the peshmerga will not go into kobani until dusk or in this evening so they have the help of the cover of darkness. all the while the syrian kurds reminding us in kobani the fighting is continuing, and they desperately need those reinforcements, but again what they say they really need are those heavy weapons which together with the air strikes, they believe will help them push isil forces out of kobani. we're getting reports out of
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ber key that fas sew that the president there has been ousted. these are according to some reports we're getting from the country. let's cross over to the capitol and speak to a former editor and chief of the state television. can you confirm whether these reports are correct. where is the president? >> yes, actually, they said the president is leaving the town, he is leaving the area, and he is going towards [ inaudible ]. that is a town [ inaudible ] and he himself -- he was -- because the of the coup he was the leader of the [ inaudible ] group, so he left the town and he is going towards a town and
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also on the road towards ghana, so we don't know if he will stop there or continue to ghana. >> who is in charge of the country right now? >> right now we are waiting for the military to make that declaration. we don't have any names. the military are still in a meeting and we are still waiting. >> so would you say that this is a coup then? >> well, some people say it's a coup. some people say it's not a coup because it's something like the people protested and the president left. >> and speaking of the -- right, we just lost you there for a
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moment, but you mentioned the process, speaking of the protesters, what it is like right now on the streets? >> the protesters are still in the streets, and the group of the protesters are in the -- it's quiet near the camp, and they are waiting for the declaration of the military. so the problem isn't that [ inaudible ] we are waiting for the military declaration. if they are not satisfied they will go to the [ inaudible ]. >> we are hearing also -- we're get l reports that the speaker of the parliament may now be in place and in charge of the country. what can you tell us about him. >> no nobody say that up until now, because the declaration of
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the military is still coming. so this man in charge of the parliament, i don't think he will be able to lead this country because [ inaudible ]. >> obviously a moving story, but these are reports that are coming in on the newswires, so we'll check in with you later if you can confirm that for us, but finally before i let you go, when are we expecting the military to give their statements. >> excuse me, i didn't understand. >> my question is when will the military be giving the statement? >> we don't know. still the people are [ inaudible ] at the square since the morning, 8:00, they are still waiting. there is no response up until
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now, so they are still waiting. they didn't give any time when they would make their de declarati declaration. >> okay. thank you very much. berkinofaso, the army colonel there has in fact announced the resignation of the president. so we're keeping an eye out on that story. and we'll bring you all of the developments throughout the al jazeera news hour. there have been more clashes in jerusalem between israelis and palestinians. the mosque come pound reopened earlier, has been the focus of tension in recent days. and the cite was closed after a killing of a palestinian suspected of shooting a rabbi. can you give us an update on the
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situation on the ground? >> reporter: well, i'm standing in front of the damascus gate, which is one of the main gates leading into the old city of occupied east jerusalem. inside the city is the mosque come mound, which earlier today men over the age of 50 and women were allowed to offer friday prayers, but nobody else. just a few hours ago there was a huge security presence, we're talking around thousands of israeli police and riot police were stationed right around this area. this area in front of me, which was completely barricaded. and in the distance was a group of palestinian men under the age of 50 who wanted to pray. they weren't allowed to come in. but the situation was relatively calm. but we are hearing of some skirmishes in eastern jerusalem.
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but at one of the main ways to access occupied east jerusalem, we understand that there are considerable clashes, and at least eight palestinians were injured in those clashes with israeli border police. so while here it is relatively calm, that is not the case in east jerusalem. and at the check point at the occupied west bank. >> having seen that and seeing the tension rise over the past couple of months and weeks in occupied east jerusalem, some people are now saying that palestinians are heading towards a third [ inaudible ]. how likely is that? >> that thought is really gaining a lot of traction. to speak to young palestinian men on the streets, they are saying that the third one has started. but i think we're quite far from
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a situation like that. the situation is quite tense, but that is very different, they require leaders and that sort of thing, and it doesn't seem at this stage that's what is going on here. still in saying all of that, the situation here is very charged. there seems to be incidents that can build on other incidents which are really fuelling this when you consider the fact that the israeli government announced a few weeks and days ago, the expansion of their settlement development to the tune of thousands of units in occupied east jerusalem, and far right israeli groups settlers moving into palestinian neighborhoods, all of that is fuelling what we have seen here for the past several months. >> okay. thank you. the armed group boko haram have ceased control of the northeast nigerian town killing dozens of people, forcing
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thousands to flee. the men have hoisted their black flag over the palace. they are responsible for the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls in april. violence in nigeria's northeast has been on the rise since the government announced a ceasefire with the group two weeks ago. here is the report from the capitol. >> reporter: it's embarrassing news for the nigerian government. it's the hometown of the chief of defense, and it's a big story here. these are the headlines talking about what is going on here. thousands of people are fleeing the town, and the town is being ransacked by boko haram fighters. those who could escape in time ran and hid in the mountains. those who couldn't escape were killed. they were asked to recite paragraphs or phrases in the karon, if you couldn't do it,
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you were killed. lots of people have been displaced. disturbing stories of some women being told they can't leave. and young women willing told they have to stay in town. the nigerian government said the ceasefire is still officially on, but these attacks continue to happen. and families of the more than 200 schoolgirls are still awaiting for news. nigerian police have arrested three people over a bomb blast. the bomb was left at a bus stop. eyewitnesss say some people have died many were injured. no one has claimed responsibility for that attack. much more tocom on the al jazeera news hour, including ukrainians will once again get much-needed russian gas this
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winter. and the man who headed the company responsible for one of the world's worst industrial accidents has died without facing justice. and in sport lebron james homecoming in cleveland doesn't go as planned in the nba. ♪ but first, myanmar's president is holding talks with the opposition, military, and ethnic groups. they will meet for the first time with the powerful armed forces chief. the meeting comes after officials announced the next general election would be held late next year. >> reporter: the opposition leader has been calling for such a meeting for nearly a year now, and interestingly, this meeting comes just two weeks before regional summits are going to be
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held in the capitol where international leaders including u.s. president barack obama will be in attendance. mr. barack obama spoke also to theian myanmar president and talked about political reforms and talked about how next year's elections have to be an inclusive process. critics see this as little more than window dressing. we also have to note that just several week -- the u.n. repertoire on human rights issued a report saying that while it was come mendable that myanmar was making progress, it also seemed to be backsliding a bit. the report mentioned the peace process which still has not come to fruition yet, the ethnic fighting which left hundreds of
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thousands of people displaced as well as the mistreatment of anneth mix minority group. russian and your next question have signed a $4.6 billion deal so russian gas can continue to flow into ukraine. russian energy giant gazprom turned off the gas last summer because it said ukraine owes it a lot of money. >> translator: this decision we have taken will provide the energy security of ukraine, and also secure the supply of gas towards the european union. >> translator: russia has compromised on the price. this is our contribution to the compromise in order to stabilize the situation in ukraine. will are convinced that our future will be constructive and our agreements will be fulfilled. >> rory challands has more from moscow. >> reporter: it was an absolute
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marathon session of negotiation that got to this deal, 30 hours in this particular round of talks. but there have been talks going back for months, and you would hope that everyone came away at least partially satisfied. and i think with all hard fought negotiation like this, every party had to make a compromise. here is the deal, kiev is going to settle its already existing gas bill of some $3.1 billion, and it is also going to prepay $1.5 billion for gas through until march. russia has come down quite considerably on the price it was asking for that gas, so the man who is the e.u. commissioner on energy says he thinks this is the first sign of a thaw between these two countries. however, this only takes us through until march. there is another round of negotiations that will be needed to settle a much more long term
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gas settlement. who is paying for this? russia asked for the european union to provide guarantees. the european union don't do that, but that doesn't mean that they aren't paying. basically the prepaid money is going to come out of the kiev budget, and the money being settled for the already existing gas bill is going to come out of an imf fund which the european union has contributed to. but a lot of this is reliance on ukraine reforming its very, very wasteful, very, very creaking energy system. and that of course, means that subsidies will have to be cut, which means that ukrainians ultimately will end up paying more for the gas. >> fighting is intensifying in the libyan city of benghazi. forcing loyal to the renegade general have been fighting
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militias that control that city. we're joined now live from the libyan capitol, tripoli to give us an update on the situation in benghazi. >> reporter: well, that situation is getting catastrophic, especially with a military convoy coming to the eastern gate of benghazi. and this military convoy belonging to the renegade general carrying weapons and ammunitions in an attempt, as military commanders say to attack a special forces headquarte headquarters. so now the situation is becoming more difficult, especially with humanitarian suffering is escalating in the city with indiscriminate killing targeting a densely populated district
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inside the city of benghazi, and also civilian individuals joining the battlefield, especially after the renegade general has been calling on the people of benghazi to carry weapons and fight against the rebels. now the forces are now taking control of the eastern gate of the city of benghazi. meanwhile, the fighters are controlling their western suburbs of the city. now this battle has been going on now for over five months now. this is the what is the so-called operation dignity that has been launched by the renegade general. >> thank you very much for joining us from tripoli. now the sri lankan military
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has brought in heavy machinery for help in the search of finding bodies from a massive mud slide. our correspondent is at the site. >> reporter: the reality of the landslide is still sinking in. here at one of many welfare centers, there are many survivors. there are around 700 people. a mix of people who got away in time from that wall of mud and sludge that buried over 80 plantations, houses, and homes. here many people are being housed in a local school. food distribution is going on. they are being given their morning meal. many logistical issues that we can see. trying to house 7 to 800 people in what is a school, there are
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issues in terms of sanitation and water supply. but what is happening is the attention is now shifting to what happens here on. many of these people have lost everything. over 80 houses being completely submerg submerged. and what authorities will have to be addressing over the coming days and weeks is what happens to these people. what happens to the number of children who are away at school, where complete families were engulfed by the mud. these are things that would will top of the agenda in the coming days and weeks. >> flooding has cut off villages in western norway stranded residents have been taken to evacuation services. let's find out if these waters in fact are going to subside and cross over to steph who is joining us here. >> reporter: doreen it has been
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incredibly wet there. and it is still raining for many of us. we can see the mass of clouds here. this is one of many systems that have been effecting northern europe over the last few weeks. worst hit of course has been norway. i have some still pictures to show you, one house being swept away from the floods, and another balanced precariously on the river banks. so certainly a very dangerous situation for some of us here, and there is more rain at the moment of more wet weather still to come. meanwhile, for other parts, london got to 21 degrees, which makes it the warmest 31st of october on record. things are going to definitely change as we head through the next few days. as we head into november, well, the month changes and so do the temperatures. we have one cold front sinking
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its way southwards, we're already feeling a good deal fresher there in london as we head through the day on saturday. and gradually as we head into sunday, 14 degrees would will our temperature. that's more what you would expect at this time of year. what happened in the past hour is the turkish president has rejected suggestions that his country is supporting isil fighters, and he was speaking at a press conference that he was holding with the french president in paris. just listen to what he had to say. >> translator: it has been reported in the international media that turkey is supporting isil. this is absolutely false and untrue. turkey is being falsely accused here, as we never provided any support to isil. nor do we plan on providing any in the future.
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>> and then there's the french president hollande who claim there is an alliance. >> >> translator: in syria we have two enemies, isil and bashar al-assad who continues to bomb his own people, including women and children. and we know there's a strategic partnership between isil and the syrian regime. well there have been more anti-government protests in several parts of egypt. supporters of the former president morsi took to the streets in cairo and alexandria. they are calling for on end to the military campaign going on in northern sinai. [ explosion ] >> reporter: the egyptian military is showing its full strength in northern sinai. sources say the army chief is
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personally overseeing the destruction of homes in the area. the army says it's to create a buffer zone between sinai and the gaza strip, insisting a buffer is required to cut off an intricate network of tunnels from gaza, tunnels which according to the army undermine national security. at least 33 egyptian soldiers were killed last week when fighters attacked their check point close to the rafa crossing. it lead to the biggest military operation in sinai in many months, leading to the destruction of houses to give way to what the military calls a safe corridor. some left voluntarily, others were forced to leave. they have been promised compensation, but activists say it is not enough. >> it's a catastrophe. they have been forced to leave
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for what? for only 42 usd every month. it's a disaster. >> reporter: the military says it is taking all necessary measures to secure this area. one of the army's leader says victory against armed groups depends on a few honest men in sinai. but many say it's a heavy price to pay for security. al jazeera continues to demand the immediate release of three journals detained in egypt, peter greste, mohammed fahmy, and baher mohamed, are falsely accused of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood. al jazeera rejects the charges against them. you are with the al jazeera news hour. there's much more to come, including, we're looking ahead to next week's elections to the u.s. congress. we have a report from the key battleground of georgia. that's coming up. and after an exhausting
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on fire, and there is a curfew in the capitol. al jazeera has octaned exclusive pictures, there they are of iraq's army battling to take territory back from isil. government forces say they have regained control of towns arrange the city as well as nearby oil refinery. the turkish president has angrily rejected the reports that his country is supporting isil. he was reacting to international media reports. let's take you back to the reported resignation of the president of burkina faso. joining us on the telephone from london, armaud, so it seems to be that the presidency is now vacant. what are you hearing about who is in charge?
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>> right now it is very unclear. it was announced earlier this morning, in various communique, that the army has taken on the responsibility and will take over. but there are still ongoing talks with the opposition over reported disagreements with several military figures yesterday, but i think one of the key names coming out so far is one of a former army chief called general [ inaudible ]. and he might be one person to look out for. also the head of the army -- the current head of the army. and ongoing talks between the opposition and the armed forces continue, but certainly there is confirmation that the president has left, and the army is going to announce who is in power.
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>> what can you tell us about the army in this particular situation. is there a divide here in the armed forces? >> i did not hear you. >> i'm asking you about where the army lies in this situation. >> well, the army for now is going to play the -- the central role because -- because of the chaos that is ongoing in the country. there are reports of looting in other parts of the country, and so the army is going to continue to play a very controlled role, and it has said that it would accompany -- these are the exact words -- [ inaudible ] but whether or not it would spear head it or sit back and let the
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opposition take charge is still very unclear. it's a very complex and difficult dialogue in this kind of situation, because information is just trickling out by the hour. >> all right. we'll leave it there for now. thank you very much. now an operation run by the italian navy aimed at saving migrants crossing the mediterranean will officially end on friday. tens of thousands of people's lives have been saved. and the move has attracted a wave of criticism as our correspondent reports. >> reporter: a round of applause for another successful rescue. on friday 250 syrian and palestinian migrants were brought to safety. they are among 150,000 people
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saved by the italian navy. but now help could come to an end. the interior minister announced friday is the last day. but for the navy it's still business as usual. >> at the moment we haven't received any orders. so we still have ships down there saving lives. so nothing changes today. >> reporter: many among the migrants were saved in the past year knew there were warships like this one out there looking for them. now the fear is if this operation ends suddenly, others will be waiting for help that may never come. omar and his family were among those brought to safety on friday. he says news about the end of the rescue operation traveled fast. >> everyone knows that the italian ships go over the sea to catch refugees like us.
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yes? so we are -- we are lucky men and women to be here at the end day. >> reporter: the end of the operation coincides with the start of triton. >> translator: from tomorrow migrants will continue to cross the mediterranean and nobody will be there to rescue them because triton will patrol only a third of the area. >> reporter: when the government decides how and when to end its rescue operation, thousands of migrants are expected to try to reach italy, hoping that someone will come to their help. the man who headed the company that is blamed for what is widely regarded as the world's worst industrial accident has died.
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warren andersson was chairman of the company. when an indian city experienced a gas leak. many more died of long-term illnesses as a result of that disaster. other local executives were convicted. let's speak to the man who has campaigned for survivors of that tragedy, and is joining us via skype. so for the victims of this tragedy and -- and the survivors, do they feel that justice has been served in any way now that andersson has passed away, or do they feel like they simply have no justice? >> no, they feel that it is a matter of great shame that this worst corporate criminal in history should have died in
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shackles. he should have been behind bars. because he was charged with manslaughter and grievous assault, and poisoning and killing of animals, and he would have been in jail all life. >> why not only the u.s. government but your government as well didn't take the necessary steps to bring him to trial. >> yeah, the u.s. government has been protecting this corporate criminal for the last 22 years. in '92 andersson was declared [ inaudible ]. and our government has been deliberate negligent about bringing justice. >> are you still with us? >> yes. yes. >> okay. tell us what -- what the long-term effects of this disaster has been on the community there. >> there -- more than half a million people were exposed that
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night. out of them, between 120 and 150,000 people are today battling chronic illnesses. and the next generation also is mobbed by carbite's poisons. and the death count, as you said, was -- more number of people died in subsequent years, still dying. the death count has gone to 25,000. and warren andersson was directly responsible for these deaths. >> all right. thank you very much for joining us from india. >> thank you. aid is now pouring in liberia and other west africa countries hard hit by ebola. more than 13,500 people have been sickened by the disease. nearly half of them in liberia. the special envoy on ebola told james bayes that the numbers are
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likely to go up and down in the coming months. >> let me be very clear that this is a quite large geographic call area, and the outbreak will look different in different parts of the area, especially since we have very good programs of trace finding in different parts of liberia, for example. so i would expect there will be regions that are beginning to show good results, whereas others are showing increased transmission. that's what we are seeing. but as long as there is transmission of this virus, we have a global public health emergency. >> do you fear there is a degree of underreporting. some medical personnel that are so busy they are not recording the results, and some people dying without ever seeing a doctor. >> when people are pressed day-to-day, it can be extremely difficult to also do the reporting.
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we do think there is some underreporting of the figures. the government and the whole international community are taking that into account. >> are the international community doing enough in terms of medical resources and funding? >> there has been a really amazing generosity of nations responding to requests for help. and some nations have gone back to their ministers of finance two or three times, and increased the level of their support. yes, we are going to need more finance. we have had to up our estimate of the total resource needs for the united nations system, since they were last estimated in september -- >> that was a billion. >> that was a billion. you are right. >> what it is now? >> well, we -- we think it's probably going to be around 1.5 billion all in, and we find that the amounts of money coming into the united nations in response to these appeals is slightly over half what has been requested, which is amazingly
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generous. these are very large amounts of money for governments who have lots of other calls on their resources. all i would say is please keep looking at what is happening, and if you think that it is going to be necessary to continue to provide the funding as your assessment suggests of the resources that are needed, and of course they are, then put those moneys in now, don't wait, because now is the time when they can be most useful, and a million dollars spent now, can be as effective as perhaps $5 million spent in three month's time. midterm elections will be held in the u.s. next week, and they are always held two years after the presidential election. all 435 seats in the house of representatives, that's the lower house of the u.s. congress are being contested, and a third of the senate and that's the upper house, are also up for grabs. >> reporter: midterm elections often don't have the excitement
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of a presidential race, but what they end up doing is defining how the second half of a presidential term plays out. so it is 2014 where we have both levels of congress in play. all seats in the house of representatives will be contested as will a third of the senate seats, and it's those 33 seats we'll be watching the closest. the democrats in blue, with a ten seat majority. and these are republicans with 45 in the senate. simple math tells us that means the republican party needs to win six more seats than it has to take control of the senate. and they already control the house of representatives too. so a republican majority in both would make life pretty difficult for president barack obama in his remaining time in office. one of the so-called battle ground states is georgia.
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kimberly sends this report. >> reporter: this trainer's class fights through the frustrations of their state. these boxers have jobs, but georgia has the highest unemployment rate in the u.s. 7.9%, and few here think politicians will change that. >> i think overall the candidates are dealing with ideology, instead of necessarily being concerned with the needs and desires of the citizens of georgia. >> reporter: the two candidates sparring have become a focus of national attention, it is, say the polls, a statistic call dead heat, that has made it a marquee fight. that is because georgia is considered a battle ground, or a swing state. that means no single party has overwhelming support here. that leaves it up for grabs for both democrats and republicans. the winner georgia's election battle could determine which party controls the u.s. senate
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for the next two years, currently it's run by democrats, but republicans need just six seats to become the majority, so both parties are pouring millions of dollars into slick attack ads to try to get their respective candidate to win. the democrat candidate is accusing her opponent of outsourcing local jobs. the republican says his rival will inflict what he calls president obama's job-killing policies. but georgia isn't the only swing state. there are nine in addition to georgia that are too close to call, so both sides are pushing voters to vote early. these swing states matter because -- >> that's where the actual campaign is fought out. in a battleground state, every vote is extremely valuable. candidates are willing to practically sell their souls to
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win, and the parties are backing them up. >> reporter: the national attention on this local election has members of the boxing club feeling jaded. >> i think they are focusing on just the politics of the day, and we need to focus on the politics for the people. >> they have million dollars problems when i have $20 problems. >> reporter: the other thing about the georgia battle is the fight might not be over on election day. there could be a runoff, that means the election results may not be known until early january. still ahead, find out why this formula 1 world champion has been ruled out of qualifying for the u.s. grand prix details coming up with jo next. stay with us. ♪
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♪ hello again, the economic crisis in greece hit dairy farmers there hard, and they were almost put out of business by big producers, so some of them joined together to take on the dairy giants as john reports from central greece. >> reporter: fresh greek milk is among europe's most expensive. even the crisis hasn't lowered its price, so dairy farmers like this second-generation milk producer ought to be well paid. >> translator: the crisis made things much worse. small producers disappeared.
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only medium and large producers survived, because profit margins are extremely small and you need a lot of production. >> reporter: farmers say it's the dairy companies raking in all of the profits. so here 100 formed a cooperative to compete. they are selling milk directly to the consumer through vending machines, but cutting out the middleman it is able to sell for less than a dollar a leiter. it offers farmers a few pennies more than dairy producers. so why hasn't the dairy industry, or indeed the whole greek economy responded to market forces with efficient business models like this one? >> we do observe some increase in productivity. we do observe some of them becoming more export oriented,
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and so on and so forth. however, it is actually too slow to turn around the entire economy as it was hoped it would. >> reporter: greece is so overregulated and underfinanced even the government says it can't become competitive overnight. >> even to open a news stand you need a license. up to the end of this year, 60% of the [ inaudible ] will cease to exist. 60%. that's possibly a world record. >> reporter: despite the changes, no one seems to expect miracles from the private sector. over the next two years, growth will come mainly from a $15 billion cash stimulus from european institutions. greece seemed prosperous before the crisis, partly thanks to european money. and unlike these creatures, its
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economy never grew up. jo is here with an update on all of the sports stories. >> thank you very much. nba star lebron james got a rousing reception in his return to cleveland. while his homecoming has certainly generated plenty of hype, his performance on the court was a different story. sarah coates reports. >> reporter: he is the man cavaliers fans came out to see. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: the moment they have been waiting four long years for. superstar lebron james, finally back home in cleveland, up against the new york knicks. james got on the board thanks to pass from kevin love. the cavaliers
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[ technical difficulties ] but lebron's performance was weak. for the first time in his career, he made eight turnovers and scored fewer than 20 points. >> i think they should call a time-out. >> reporter: the marquee man finished with eight turnovers. as the new york knicks spoiled the party for the homecoming king, 95-90. >> i got some great looks. i missed lay-up, two open threes, and i think the turnovers kind of got me off rhythm more than anything. we had a couple of breaks where i turned the ball over twice. three of the fast breaks. so, you know, i hate turning the ball over. so it's a pet peeve of mind. and eight is definitely something that is not okay. >> reporter: this game, though, was never really about the
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result, but the beginning of something special for cleveland. >> it's a huge night. it was exciting for the fans and the city, but now we can just play regular basketball and it was a great turnout. >> reporter: they will next play at the chicago bulls on friday. on to tennis now, and andy murray says his body still feels good. murray finally looked his place in london in the third round in paris. he won thursday's match in straight sets to set up a quarter final with world number one novak djokovic later this friday. djokovic was still in action around midnight on thursday in paris. but was taken to a tie break in the second set.
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on to goal for the european tour is also winding towards the culmination of the season in dubai in november. the first set is underway in china. and nicklas leads at the halfway stage in shanghai. he leads by one stroke. australian's cricketers have a new entity to fear this halloween, gang: australia was still trailing by 548 runs at stump. in semifinals they scored
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from the deflection in the 83rd minute. they could have equalized when this player found himself in front of an open goal moments later, but slipped up, and they take a 1-0 lead to paraguay next week. and [ inaudible ] beat ecuador 4-2 away from home. sao paulo scored three times in the first half. they hit back after the break with two goals of their own. but antonio scored the goal for the first victory. the l.a. galaxy may be the most well-known and successful club in major league soccer, but the mls have approved a second team to be based in l.a. and a new stadium will be built
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specifically for them. there are plenty of famous backers for the team. four time formula 1 world champion called a role which has kept him out of qualifying for the grand prix completely stupid. it will have to fit a sixth engine for the race in texas. it means he will be handed a grid penalty. so the german has opted out. and lewis hamilton will be looking to become the first british driver to win ten races in a single season. >> well, thanks for watching the al jazeera news hour. for the viewers in the united states, it's back to your regular programming. for the rest of our viewers, i'm
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back in a moment. stay with us. ♪ >> a deadly attack that shocked the nation. >> the front part of the ship was just red with blood. >> was there a cover-up? now an in-depth investigation reveals shocking new evidence. what really happened? the day israel attacked america. tonight, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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i'm the host of america tonight, we're revolutionary because we're going back to doing best of storytelling. we have an ouportunity to really reach out and really talk to voices that we haven't heard before... i think al jazeera america is a watershed moment for american journalism >> defiance on ebola, a nurse publicly ignores her ordered quarantine. conflict within the obama administration as the defense secretary says the syria policy is at risk of unravelling. average americans have been more effective than the government in the hunt for terrorists. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this". those stories and more ahead kaci hickox defying the quarantine order. >> i'm going to use the legal
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