tv Inside Story Al Jazeera November 1, 2014 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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mission that aims to have a chinese space craft land on the moon and then retrieve samples before returning to earth. go to if you want more on all of our headline stories. and a great deal more. >> modern elections are said to be in their hands. more than half the electorate, women voters, they're the inside story. >> hello, i'm ray suarez. as this election day, as any election day approaches, experts slice and dice the voting population trying to figure out where different voters are going, why, and who gets the advantage. one of the biggest gaps between republicans and democrats came
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from one of the biggest collections of voters in the population. women. in the last presidential race married women voted for mitt romney, single women for president obama. education, wages, social mobility, student debt, they all land on american men and women in different ways which might explain why they vote differently. but does being female, are women, black or white, rural or urban, homeowners or renters, all those other things when they walk into the voting booth, too. just as much as women. >> i don't want you to feel neglected. i like men just fine. >> president obama in rhode island was on a mission to woo the women. >> the idea that my daughters won't have the same opportunities as somebody's sons? well, that's unacceptable. that's not acceptable.
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[ cheering ] >> with the mid terms quickly approaching winning over women voters has been the focus for both parties. at friday's rallies obama praised their endurance in the slowly recovering economy. >> while women work hard to support themselves and their families, they're still facing unfair choices. outdated workplace policies. that holds them back, and it holds all of us back. >> in 2012, the majority of american women voted for the president. although mitt romney won more married women's votes, the single women's vote is larger, giving democrats the boost they needed to win. but a recent tracking poll says that women's approval of the president is now essentially split right down the middle, and single women don't typically vote in mid terms. republicans are seizing on that window of opportunity. >> what's the difference between me and mark udall on contraception? i believe that the pill ought to be available over the counter.
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>> on average, women make $23,000 less than men. >> on the stump in iowa in one of the toughest senate contests of the term is joni ernst, one of the first women ever to represent iowa in congress. >> thank you so much, god bless you. >> she calls herself a proud iowan, a mother, a farm girl, but she said she's not running on her gender, and she is ate not counting on women to propel her to office. this term i the economy is the issue on oh most women's minds. wages since the great recession have stagnated, women are feeling it more than men. on average women working full time make 22% less than their male counterparts cooking to the 2013 census. that's $0.78 to every $1 for a man. fewer women were unemployed, but
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74% of women worked full time as opposed to 87% of men . >> women and the midterm election this time on the program, if the voting preferences of women weren't such an interesting marker, as we dissect the elections in campaigns, candidates would not be asking the same question famously put by sigmund freud. what does a woman want? joining me for that conversation, marcy stetch the national press secretary for emily's list. hadley heath manning . and bill snyder is a distinguished senior fellow at the organization third way. marcy stetch, let me start with you. what are the top priorities?
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when public opinion researchers go out and say to women, what are you voting about, what do you tell them? >> well, women , 2014 is all about women. women candidates and the issues that matter to women and families. what we know through our research and what we see happening on the campaign trail is that it all boils down to economic security for women. that means economic security for women in the form of raising the minimum wage, ending gender discrimination in pay, ending the gender wage gap that you referenced in your opening piece, and access to contraception, and health access for women and their families. right now it's been a volatile news cycle. we've had topics coming up. people worried about national security, economic security through and through has been the number one issue that women are clearly going to
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decide on tuesday. we do a lot of this research, and it's motivating to women and many men voters, drop-off voters in 2014 when they hear about what is at stake in these elections. >> hadley heath manning, how would you answer that same question? when you talk to your members about what they vote on, what do they tell you? >> i think it's clear, i'll agree with marcy, that the economy is the number one issue across the board. that's true of both women and men. also the way our federal government works. in a recent gallup poll, that was the second most important issue. there are concerns among women and men that our administration isn't showing the competency dealing with very complicated issues whether it's threat to terrorist organizations or public health outbreaks. we see that security is an issue not just economically speaking but across the board, national security also. also high importance is jobs and job creation.
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all these issues come in among the front runners. >> bill snyder in the craft in the way we do politics in this country, is it even rational to look at women as a discrete block of voters? they are so many different kinds of americans in so many different places and circumstances. is there a set of issues? are there questions that you could ask them that would unite them around interests? >> well, women have tended to support democrats ever since ronald reagan became president in 1981. the reason is democrats have made an issue of protecting the safety net. women are inclined to favor strong safety net more than men. men tend to be risk takers. other constituencies who valley the government safety net tend
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to be inclined to vote democratic. poor people, labor union members. they want the government to be there because they don't feel as economically secure as men do. >> hadley heath manning, is that just a different way of saying what you just said. when they're concerned about the government they want it to work and do what it's meant to do with the money that it's given to spend. >> i would agree with bill that women are more likely to support more social safety nets but what we've seen is a departure from the definition of social safety net for people who are indigent, people who are too poor to care for themselves, using the rhetoric about social safety nets to apply to other economic policies that may not have to do with caring for the poor, but are code words or trojan horses for economic redistribution. which is a different kind of economic policies separate from creating a social safety net and strengthening the safety net for
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those who need it most. that's why women are skeptical of a liberal agenda, and their votes are up for grabs. >> do you have something that is that social trojan horse that becomes a long-term kind of dependency rather than a safety net? >> one of the biggest issues we see in polling continues to be health reform. and health reform is impacting women and men as individuals and families and very different ways across the country. it's a very complicated issue. but many women are feeling that they've gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to obamacare and the affordable care act, because despite some of the promises that it made to women and some of the benefits that the administration touts that this legislation legislation has for women, there is a down side. some women in their families are seeing higher costs. some women in their families might experience a health insurance policy cancellation or had a relationship with a doctor interrupted because of that
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insurance change. that created instability in women's lives and they recognize this new social program may not be as much about helping the poor as they thought or helping people with pre-existing conditions, but instead is an entire restructuring of our insurance industry. >> marcy stech, when you say safety net, do we have to be talking about all the same things? is the affordable care act in there or something else? >> absolutely. access to healthcare is an incredibly important issue for women and families across the country. and what i think is interesting when we talk about women and access to healthcare, we look at something like access to contraception, which is something that has been a political issue over the past election cycle because we've seen republicans time and time again defund planned parenthood repeal on the you act. birth control is only an issue
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if you've ever had to pay for it. and women in the country know saving that money in their pocketbook and having access to contraception is beneficial to themselves and their families. we talk about the entire host of issues when it comes to access to healthcare, but it's not only that. it's access to healthcare for their families. women are becoming more and more the majority of the bread winners in their families. so these are the issues that really matter to them. that's why they're looking at republicans versus democrats. democrats are 100% clear where they stand on this issue. republicans want to roll back the clock. that is the contrast that voters, women voters are facing as they go into tuesday. >> roll back the clock, other candidates are careful not to go there. are they reading polls. >> what they're trying to do is steer the election away from those social security issues and
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more towards the administration. i think hadley was exactly right when she said that for most women and for most voters the issue is the confidence of this administration. president obama, if you follow this election, you're reading in the newspaper a new story. one story says support for the democrats among latinos is at a low point. just barely the majority or 57 there's. but that's down. support among women is lower than it used to be. support among young people. there was a poll from harvard that showed a majority of young voters say they want a republican congress. when you see women, minority, latinos, support ebbing it means that it's not distinctive to women or young people. it's happening across the country. it's a real loss of confidence in this administration. >> we'll be back with more inside story after a short break in this most recent election. republican candidates, even ones with long records of social conservatives have muted their access to family planning or
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>> we're getting your women out. all campaign say both, but i want to dig a little deeper into that question. hadley manning, in colorado we've seen republican candidate whose historically been cosponsor of a person hood amendment, wanting to bring legal protection and state interest to a fetus in the womb. support for various programs that have been judged to make access to contraception more difficult. he's chosen during this campaign
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to de-emphasize that part of the record, not talk about those issues. is that something that is being done on purpose in part to make the election about something else, and not make it about those issues? >> well, i would say, i believe the race you're referring to is the senate race here between representative cory gardner and mark udall. and in that race, you know, like so many other races across the country, the issues that voters care most about are still the economy and jobs. but instead more than half of the advertisements that the udall campaign has run have been about the contraception issue, and specifically about the mandate that marcy was talking about earlier, that women have contraceptive coverage for all fda contraceptives with no copay. that in particular is what gardner opposes. but in some ways he got ahead of the issue by coming out in favor
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of the over the counter bit control option. this creates and fosters what true access means versus affordability, who pays and other questions. i think the gardner campaign has been largely focused on the issues that the voters care about, and the intensity of the voters will be on the side of gardner. while gardner has been able to neutralize a gender gap on the female side, mark udall is facing a steep gender gap with men. that may be a determining factor this election. >> this is an economic issue for women and families. i see that happening in colorado. if you look at any of these polls right now, women overwhe overwhelmly support senator udall because they trust him more than they trust cory
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gardner on these issues. cory gardner made an interesting move. he was one of the first this come out in favor of over-the-counter birth control. this was a sign that they knew that they were in trouble with women, and they had to offer something. this happening in an electionier, it shows how they want to cherry pick something that sounds good, but the actual policy implications of over-the-counter birth control puts the cost, the burden of costs on women and family. it may make a nice talking point for cory gardner, but in the end women voters are going to see right through that. i was looking at some of the early numbers. there are extreme enthusiasm for democrats right now. 77% of people who say they're going to vote for mark udall said because he's on the right
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side of women and families, these are women and family issues why colorado. that's why he's getting their support right now. >> but when--wasn't there a risk of being outflanked? wasn't there a risk of having that issue neutralized when the candidate for the other party said no, i'm not against these things. i want access, and i want it in fact, no more prescription, no no more difficulty at the pharmacy. i want women to be able to get this, and it takes it away as an issue. >> i think we would want th the exper experts to make the decision, not cory gardner. experts believe if we want to have an entire conversation about access to healthcare and access to contraception for women, it should not be focused on one little piece of it, which is this over the counter. yes we would like to expand healthcare to contraception to women, but it needs to be done in a holistic fashion.
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we peeling the affordable care act is not going to be productive for women and families. that's what cory gardner stands for. he would also ban certain types of birth control. he's trying to wiggle away from his record. >> the affordable care act is a fairly complex and broad bill, but this is one aspect of it that falls more heavily on women than on men. unique among men. if you're going to do heart disease or lung disease, both men and women have hearts and lungs, but only women have wombs. has this an secured the affordable care act, yes or no? an affordable care act working or not. >> republicans are not doing what we expect them to do. they're not repealing the affordable care act.
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they're not making a big issue of it. democrats like udall are facing a backlash if they continue to insist on talking about issues for many voters this is distracting for many i, such as where are the jobs? >> there will be more "inside story" after this short break. women are earning more four-year degrees than men. they're entering classes in professional schools are slightly more female after being overwhelm ingly male throughout american history. will changes in society and the economy dampen or heighten the way men and women see the country. stay with us. >> a deadly attack that shocked the nation. >> the front part of the ship was just red with blood. >> was there a cover-up? now an in-depth investigation
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than men, the majority state legislator, governors, mayors, members of congress are men. as women continue their steady gains in school and the workplace, will more women run for office? still with us marcy stech, and bill snyder is a distinguished senior fellow at the organization third way, we've been covering politics long enough to lift through several years of the women. if they go at this rate, i think it will be 2250 before it's 50/50 . i don't think we want to wait until 2250 until it's 50/50. what brings women on the side line to run. are men willing to vote for women than they were 25 years ago? >> i think the answer is yes, and that coo be tested in the next presidential election. there are more women running in the senate and house than there were in the past. you have to get women to want to
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do those things. they have to want to run for office. you have to recruit them, and more of them if he confident to run for office, as they gain status in money and the workplace. more and more bread winners in families are now women. there was a pew poll that showed the number of women bread winners who earn more income than men do in families has been growing. and for those women, the economic inequality, the pay gap, those differences make a difference. >> is there a nice spread in whose getting attention among women campaign, women's campaigning for higher office? >> i believe so. i believe that there are a lot of formidable candidates men and women on both sides of the aisle in this year's elections. i would caution against a policy goal or a cultural societal goal
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of having each profession represented by 50% men and 50% women. that kind of measurement of outcops or that kind of parity is not necessarily indicative of the different choices and different preciouses that men and women make. we also have to remember that men and women are working in society and government together our interests are tied and regardless of sex we can work in this country. i don't feel that i'm better represented by someone in government who shares my same sex. men can respec represent the interests of women. i would encourage more women to run for office, but i would caution because there are some professions that are heavily skewed towards women, and we don't necessarily see the push to get men in those professions. >> some countries they do it by legal requirement. i don't think anybody is suggesting that for the united
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states. but certainly it's roots are in trying to raise money for female candidates. have you been able to narrow some of that gap? >> when we first started in 1985, there had not been a democratic senator elected to the united states senate in her own right until barbara mccal mccasbar mccasbarbara mccurski. >> now that network is over 3 million nationwide that we have on emily's list. we elect ten governors over 60
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women to the united states house. we've been able to build a pipe lane to women. it's not just the idea of having women at the table. this is about bringing a woman's perspective, when we have so many issues facing our country that impact women and families, raising the minimum wage, education, it could go on. these are all incredibly important issues for women. and having a woman's voice at that table is critical. it's been an incredibly difficult political climate in washington these days. i don't think anybody would argue with that. but if you look at the last year alone what has been done in the united states senate? whether it's tackling military sexual assault which is senator gillibrand. we've seen women being able to get things done in the united states senate that hadn't been able to get done before.
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we need more women and that's what this opportunity it. >> you have about a half minute. >> women may be the solution to what people see as the biggest problem in government: gridlock. men are highly combative. they want to fight. women are more reasonable. they'll see women in office as people who can get things done where men who achieve public office all they want to do is fight with each other. >> if we look at the way the senate works, are the con sillators, the people working that bridge, are they most likely to be women? >> yes, generally speaking yes. there are always going to be women on the extremes, but on the whole women tend to be more rational and reasonable in these matters. >> that's brings us to the end of this edition of "inside story." thank you for being with us. thank you for being witthis time in washington. i'm ray suarez, in washington.
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