tv Consider This Al Jazeera November 2, 2014 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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election results and analysis. our coverage begins at 7:00p.m. and 4:00 pacific. i'm thomas drayton in new york. that's all for tonight. a desperate plea for thousands more health workers to fight ebola in west africa, as it becomes more divisive in the u.s. defence secretary says the syria policy is at risk of unravelling why was a rocket that exploded on takeoff using a soviet engine from the '60. i'm antonio mora, this is "consider this". those stories and more ahead. >> this disease can be contained
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and defeated. >> is free of the virus. main. >> the governors of new york and new jersey stand by their mandatory quarantine. >> it is commonsense, we are not moving an inch. >> is this about politicians appearing tough at the expense of individuals. >> a private, blunt memo. >> taking exception with the president obama's administration own strategy. >> regarding syria. >> this is a complicated issue. >> big bang reverberating through the catholic church. >> pope francis says evolution reflect. >> the magic religion you say we are part of - that's not what we are. >> oh, god. >> n.a.s.a. officials are trying to figure out what caused an explode. >> we begin with president obama
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firing back against states requiring a mandatory quarantine for health care workers returning from west africa. >> they are doing god's work. they are doing that to keep us safe, and i want to make sure every policy we put in place is supportive of their efforts, because if they are success. we are not going to have to worry about ebola at home. >> the president was updating u.s. efforts to fight ebola in africa. the comments were clearly a rebuke to new jersey governor chris christie, and governors of other states and declared mandatory 21 day quarantines for those returning from the hot zone. something the c.d.c. is not necessarily. nurse kasi hickox became the first to face quarantine after arriving in new jersey. she denounced the policy. governor chris christie is not backing down. >> i understand that the c.d.c. is behind on this. this is commonsense, and the members of the american public
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believe it is commonsense. we are not moving an inch. >> there was good news on tuesday. nurse amber vinson walked out of emory hospital, ebola free after two weeks of treatment. >> while this it a day tore celebration and gratitude i ask that we not lose focus on the thousands of families that labour under the burden of the disease in west africa. >> vinson's trip on a melbourne airline and the case of dr craig spencer who went bowling and rode the new york city subway the night before he was diagnosed ignited calls for quarantines. joining us to discuss the response is a spokesperson from the world health organisation who travelled to guinea and sierra leone and witnessed the effort to contain ebola there. good of you to join us. the world health organisation latest situation report says that the number of ebola cases worldwide is believed to be more than 10,000. health officials predict we
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could be seeing 10,000 new cases a week by december. is that the case. >> i want to clarify one thing. when we talk about the 10,000, it's cumulative. there's not 10,000 people sick with ebola. more than half died. many of those people survived. we are talking about thousands of cases. but it's still awful and it's something you don't want to continue. it doesn't only effect the people in the countries, but elsewhere as well. indeed, if efforts are not ramped up. we could see the numbers. you mention they are calculated based on a number of factors. it's a range of 5,000, perhaps 10,000 per week in the months to come. it's not a prediction. just a calculation. >> it's exponential growth compared to what we have seen. is enough getting done. the u.s. facilities, and we sent a lot of people over there to
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help out. those facilities will have 1700 beds. if we conceivably see thousands of new cases every week, that bucket. >> i don't think it's a drop in the bucket. i think the new facilities opened up is important. the challenge is once they are built, you need to have the health care workers to staff them. it's a big challenge. there are people who are voluntaried. countries like cuba, which sent health care workers. but you need teams that can manage the health care workers, that have structure in place, take hold and run and manage it. that's the change that my colleagues are reporting. that you have people who are willing to work, but you need the teams that are used to working and it will make a difference to the people on the ground.
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you don't need people sick with ebola cared for by family members, that's when one person can infect more than one, two and three people. in the treatment centers, there's less of a risk. >> you need the health care workers, but 450 health care workers are thought to be infected with ebola in west africa. the report says they are infected outside the treatment centers. i am not sure i understand that. we are trying to get to the bottom of how the nurses in dallas were infected. in that context, is it hard to get health care workers to go to west africa. >> i think health care workers by definition have a scientific broach. what you highlighted is -- approach. what you highlighted is important. health care workers are not getting sick within the ebola treatment centers, where they are treated head to toe. we have seen cases where it's happening in the community. where they are looking after someone after work or a loved
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one, a family member. that's where some of the exposure is coming as well. health care workers look - need to look at working conditions, what they can be, but the treatment centers are some of the best controlled environment. the issue of how to deal with health care workers returning from west africa is a big issue in the united states, and calls for stringent quarantines which have been criticized because of your concern, the w.h.o.'s concern, that if the quarantines are in force, people, when they come back, have to be quarantined for 21 days, that that will stop health care workers from going there. you said: and the president of the w.h.o. said the three countries in west africa need at least 5,000 health care workers more to fight the epidemic. itted the numbers you...
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>> the numbers you look at are around that. 5,000 international workers. you need dozens of thousands, almost 100,000 local health care workers. that's why the international community is looking at training up the local workers, those on the ground willing to work, want to work and help their country men in a passionate wait, it's a personal decision. that's a thing. the other thing is the international community is working on training people up locally. we don't though if quarantines will have a chilling effect on the woksers willing to go in. but all the other types of functions or support needed on the ground. lodgize stirns, those that work message. >> it's a major effort. samantha power visited sierra leone, and tweeted:
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do you think we'll catch up to the train? >> that's language that w.h.o.'s director-general used for month, the vary us is ahead of -- virus is ahead of us, we are running after the virus. we felt everything we are putting in place has not gained traction. we are hoping that will happen. we are seeing a ramped up event, the call continuing to go out, and european teams, african teams in negotiations, interested in coming in. it hasn't happened yet. we have to keep that sense of hope. it's the only thing we can do. of course we'll win, it's a question of when. >> let's hope it's soon. efforts. >> appreciate you joining us from the w.h.o. ebola is one of a cascade of international problems that the president obama administration is trying to manage.
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this week controversy's exploded over u.s. policy in syria and israel. in public defense secretary chuck hagel said the strategy is working. he's reportedly saying something different behind the scenes, arguing in a memo that the syria policy is in danger of unraveleling, because it's not clear what would happen to bashar al-assad. he did not address the memo when asked about it in a phomn penh briefing on thursday -- pentagon briefing on thursday. >> it's a complicated issue, we are assessing, readapting to the realities of what is the best approach. how we can be most effective. that is a responsibility of any leader. and because we are a significant element of this issue, we owe the president, and we owe the united states security council
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our best thinking on this. and it has to be honest and direct meanwhile, a report on an anonymous white house source that criticized israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu put defensive. >> we condemn anybody who uses language such as used in the article, that does not reflect the president, nor me. it is does graceful. unacceptable damaging and neither president obama nor i - i have never heard that word around me in the white house. >> for more, we joined from washington d.c. from ambassador james who served under obama. and security advisor under george w. bush and a fellow at the washington sthoout. ambassador, good to have you on
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the show. secretary hagel dodged a question from the "new york times" report that he has reservations on the report from syria. he had questions about how bashar al-assad may benefit from attacks, and added that u.s. policy supports bashar al-assad being removed from power. you have been vocal about the administration's problems dealing with syria, but now the secretary of defense doing it, way? >> i don't think he's doing it in a publicway. there were leeks. for governments to work properly. secretaries of state have to make points, including criticism of public policy without reading about them in the paper. be that as it is, there are questions about the campaign against i.s.i.s. are we using the right materials, resources, and what
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do we do with bashar al-assad. he mate not be our biggest problem, but is the problem of our allies. >> is it evidence, split between the defense don't and the white house, the state department and the white house, because we see an ongoing issue with messaging coming out of the white house, and the two secretaries and their departments over the past few weeks. >> there's no problem with differences of opinion between the white house and one or other agencies. i see that all the time. you have to work through them. what concerns is us disagreements over basic policy. we should use american ground troops to fight i.s.i.s. the president opted not to. it's understandable. even if i think it's wrong. >> to decide that our policy is to destroy i.s.i.s., but to use
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an air power only strategy, without putting in some ground of observers and trainers basically is undercutting policy of not going to ground troop. i suppose the inconsistent sis are leading to a lot of deficiencies of what we see, going beyond what we sense in trying to find out what is going on in the white house, and stretry of state and defense's minds. if you see the reports and rumours that the president is looking to shake things up, but many point to a problem at the white house, something that we have discussed, that there is top-down management, that the president relies on close advisors at the white house, and is not paying attention to people at state and defense. >> i think
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president obama is a strong leader. he'll surround himself with people that will serve his interests and do his bidding. the problem is president obama's philosophy. he doesn't thing there are military answers to problems that confront us in the world, and would like to do other things than what he needs to do in the middle east or ukraine. i think he's fundamentally wrong, and i don't thing it can be fixed by better communications in the communication, or this or that western week shifted. >> president blumenthal said the president may better be served by replacements. will be see a shake up? >> you may get a shake-up as a reaction to news reports and popular unhappiness, that will be manniest, just as we saw reaction to i.s.i.s.'s
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extraordinary remains. will he many it? if the shake-up and personnel as we saw with the president, cams with a shake-up in policies, they'll see a different white house and policy to what we have done now. >> let's shift gears to israel, and the white house in damage control over comments made about prime minister binyamin netanyahu. calling him a chicken expletive, calling him a coward. and we had the defence minister in the u.s., apparently not able to have the meetings he wanted. how big of a split is there aviv. >> it's sewers, and importantly, it's personnel. the charges have no place in dip loam as si. it's lom cynical,
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machiavellian effort to try to promote your national interests while giving the other guy some of his or her natural interests. and this is what we are not doing with binyamin netanyahu. he is a leader of israel. he's been re-elected several times. we have to deal with him if we are serious about running a global policy. are we serious. if we are, you hold your nose and deal with other leaders. if it's not important. you can have personal crunch. >> will there be fall out this? >> i think israelis are very concerned about this. their security is in the hands of america, ultimately, and their own. i think they are troubled by this. this is not a good thing. israel will not change its policies, it does what it does
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turning now to the pope - he was chosen to lead the catholic church less than two years ago. as pope francis he led a revolution, his statements on the poor, homosexuals, divorced, catholics, sex abuse scandal and evolution have been received warmly outside the church, but not necessarily on the inside. a correspondent from a main newspaper and author of "pope francis, life and revolution",
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joins us in new york. a pleasure to have you with us. >> thank you. >> you were a friend of his. he called you within 12 hours of being named pope, and two hours later on your birthday. he has been criticized by some for calling people, paying his own bills, living simply, not in the papal palaces. you came up with a wonderful expression to criticize his critics, that it's the scandal of normality. has he remained normal now that papacy. >> absolutely. he is someone with the foot on the ground. he is authentic. for that reason, people love him, because he is someone that has a message to say, a method that goes beyond the kath like church -- catholic, and a method
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that reaches muslim, jews, buddhists and a message that reach more the non-catholics than catholics, and this is big since the first moment he was elected. he has an ability to connect with people. the famous words, never before a hope has started his suspicions. >> saying good evening to people. expression. >> instead of a blessing or whatever. and since the first coming out, he didn't have the golderb - the golden uponivic, he wanted to stay with the silver cross. >> as a friend of his, did he want to be pope? >> of course. he was ready to retire, doing the book that i did. he is so organised and really he already had a place where to go and retire, a home for elderly priests.
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he had the room number, number 13. and he was ready to retire and also when he was asked some months after being elected by a little girl, did you want to be a pope. he said "someone must be totally crazy to want to be a pope." >> is he happy being hope? >> if you see him, on wednesday, in general orders, you see a happy manful when i meet argentinian priests and see him, and then i ask them how did you find the pope? how do you find padre. >> they would say as he would have always been a pope. he has an inner peace. he's totally serene, and this is
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the difference with benedict. i say benedict started the revolution, stepping down and decided "i arrived here, and i step down." but here we have a man of government, a man that is using all his life to have a position. >> power. >> and facing a lot of difficulties, and nose how to navigate. >> he faces a lot of difficulties, he comes to a church with all sorts of scandals, the corruption scandal. the vatican leaks problem. he has had to go in and make serious reforms that has not made him that popular among some of the church's hierarchy. >> in a sense he has the mandate of the cardinals. in the preconclave meeting they want someone to face the
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problems, the scandal of paedophilia, a bank accused of money laundering, a vatican that stole documents. they wanted someone to do the clean-up that he is doing. >> how is he being received when the church's established. some call him a dema going, a pol u lift. some are not happy, don't like that he's not living in the papal apartments and would like the more formal tradition. >> there is resistance. he's not just challenge the status quo, he's like a tsunami, there's a hope that is a free man that has the courage to do things in a different way. and for instance, as you mentioned. he says "i want elsewhere." >> do you think he'll be a revolutionary pope. he has done things differently
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and spoke out about a lot of things in ways that other popes have not. >> i think the revolution already started. we have a church that he wants a church that is not condemning people. he ask... >> he wants a missionary, merciful church. >> a merciful church, one this remembers that god had mercy, and that god include everybody, doesn't want to church of exclusion. a church for just little - just a little community. and this is - is he asking. a change of attitude, also to the pastors, that he ask pastors with the smell of the sheep. this is very challenging, because it's a church that reaches out, that wants to build bridges, and not go and scaffold people and condemn and judge, and a church that wants to see
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with this god merciful, that nose that each person, each different person has something positive to give. >> he's a fascinating man and a fascinating look at this man. the book is pope francis, life and revolution. it's in stores and online. >> we turn to the spectacular explosion of a rocked headed to the international space station. the antares rocket ignited into a fireball seconds after it launched on views from virginia. speculation as to what happened focussed on the old russian built engine. wednesday, an atlas rocket launched from cape cannes avarrel with a modern engi engine. joining us is derrick pitts from franklin institute science museum.
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the rocket used was refurbished, but it was a 40-year-old soviet product, built to send cosmonauts to the moon and moth balled. how did orbital science end up using the old soviet engines? >> once the russians decided that they were not going to use the engines, they made them available for other rocket companies, other launch services to use. they were acquired for use because they provided the thrust levels needed for the pay load lifting that orbital sciences wanted to do. skins russian rocket motors are reliable, very reliable, it could make sense to make use of something in existence, that is well cared for as a moth balled piece of equipment and refurbish it and test it. that's how a rocket motor like that can come to be used in a launch situation like this.
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>> when asked about the engines in a press conference, here is what frank colbert son of orbital sciences said. >> the engine was available to us, it was proven in testing in russia. and when you look at it, there's not many other options around the world in terms of using power plants of this size, and not in this country. >> elon musk, the head of spacex, a major competitor said in 2012: you know, to his point, spacex makes its own engines, and we saw the launch on wednesday of ta different type of rocket with a russian engine, but a more modern one. >> yes, that's true.
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what musk company decided to do was build a rocket engine that they could use for the current needs and future needs, realising that they would need heavy lift capability, so they chose to design their own rocket engine. the question of whether rockets could be made use of, that's for orbital sciences to explain whether this particular type was the perfect one to use, as opposed to other versions that may have been available. they say that perhaps there is no other one available, and so they'll have to answer that question as to why they chose that one in particular. >> it's a big question, and has a 1.9 million contract. hundreds of millions were lost. and the cop lost a quarter of a billion in market value. it had successful missions
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before. how significant a setback is this for the commercial space programme, and the contracts that various companies have n.a.s.a.? >> well actually, everybody in this business realises that there's a high degree of risk involved here. what they, of course, do, the engineers try their best to drive down the risk as low as they can get it. everyone understands that these are machines that operate at extremes of temperature and pressure. and because of that, if there is a failure, it's difficult for a failure to be a minor one in a situation like this, especially when the temperatures vary from 200 degrees below zero to 500 above. and with very volatile fluids. that risk is always there. >> now does it affect the rest of the market. >> everyone realises or should realise, and looking back at the history, we see every one of the
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companies involved in trying to involve greater access to space, outside of n.a.s.a. and other countries had the same thing happen. they all have had failures, they know it's a stumbling block, and they move forward after figuring out what the failure was, and correct it. >> a question always is the companies have to make money, is it possible na corners were cut -- possible that corners were cut. it's far cheaper for the american taxpayer to have private companies do this than to have n.a.s.a. do it. >> that's true. the private companies do not have the overhead that n.a.s.a. has to operate upped. that makes it -- operate under. this is the kind of work that should be done as n.a.s.a. is doing it, outsourcing it so that n.a.s.a. can do the big research project that it does best, and let the other companies, like spacex and orbital sciences and sierra nevada and the others, do the work of carrying supplies up
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to international space station. it doesn't mean that they can cut any corners in terms of quality of material or adherence to safety, any of those things. they are required to keep the same level of quality assurance, and safety protocols as n.a.s.a. has always been required to do. >> given how catastrophic this failure was, how long will it take for them to figure out what went wrong. will they be able to? >> i think they'll do a good job figuring out what went wrong. they keep incredible records of what is happening in the records as it happens. they have data streams telling them what is happening in the engine. because they tested it several times on a test. they have test profiles of how this engine should perform, so they can check the data of what happened yesterday against the test profiles to see
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what went wrong. now they can look at the rest of the engines they plan to do and see if they can correct the problem. and try to do their best to reduce the risk of anything happening again. again, we have to see it as simple a bump in the road, moving towards commercial space access being provided by other providers outside of n.a.s.a. >> derek pitts, good to see you. we'll be back with more "consider this".
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in a way that would shock cynical critics. today. lincoln was so good at manipulating them to his political game, you may question the age-old mon core of honest aid. i spoke with harold holster editor of "lincoln and the power of the press." he is chairman of a foundation which i'm a board member. good to see you, congratulations on the book. you start with a quote from lincoln that says: that focus on public opinion is what you would expect a politician to say today, but not oflingon. >> yet -- of link on. >> yes he saw reaching the public was the only way to enshrine and end the slavery in
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the united states. he had a long road to travel to pursue the goals. he needed popular backing for unpopular clauses unpopular causes. >> the issues were more significant than many issues we faced today. that said, it is - you see counter politicians, derided, famously bill clinton, for governing by poll, and ways that abraham lincoln was doing it 150 years ago. >> he was working closely with editors, highly politicized - republicans or democrats. openly so, no disguising or masking behind the idea of nonpartisanship. newspaper men, editors, were part and parcel of political organizations and vice versa. editors, office holders and politicians saying "what i want
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to do is own a newspaper." people are going back and forth, constantly through the civil war to pursue the goals. if you get the prize, if you reach success, if you win a political office, much presiden presidency, the highest office, the rewards were immense for editors. political patronage, printing contracts, advertising, and the patronage could include political jobs, ambassadorships. lincoln emtide a lot of republican newspaper offices when he became president, because they got great jobs. >> exactly. he manipulated the press. >> he wrote letters through the war saying "my little paper, the national republic." he identified it as his official organ, he never spoke to them again. i wish you fulfil the
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advertising contract you promised, i know you don't think it's important, but you do. not just because they shared a compassion for issues, and they did, but the reward at the end. >> i didn't know he partially owned a newspaper, because he saw it as an effective way to promote his career. >> this makes him not so honest. he kept it a secret. like he thought there was something a little smarmy about it. >> there kind of was. >> not only a newspaper, but a newspaper published in german, which he didn't know. he made his own contract. you would agree, because of your background as a lawyer, you don't do your own. he d his own. he said the newspaper had to be conformable with republican dogma. at the end of 1860, the presidential year, the editor could have the paper back, the
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profits, all he had to do was support, get lincoln elected. the editor did as he was tole. >> it may have helped him. >> the germans were moving to the west. >> illinois, ohio, making the states go from red to blue. the editor got his paper back, vienna. >> patronage again. >> exactly. >> you described that he believed in journalistic freedom, but you described that he had the most wide-spread ever. >> it's almost unimaginable. at the right of the succession crisis, the administration began to move against newspapers in new york city, in - more undzably in border states on the brink of succession. baltimore newspapers, kentucky,
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and new york city, a hot bad of pro-southern sentiment, and during the civil war, close to 200 newspapers were suppressed by being benighed mailing rights. shut down, editors thrown into prison. francis scott key wrote "star spangled banner" because he was expressed with the flag flying at fort mchenry. gris grandson was -- his grandson was flown into fort editorials. >> irony. the biased that existed then has not been seen before or then, despite what we complain about. >> without apology. they were straight forward about being shady. >> the back is "lincoln and the power of the press." we'll be back with more of
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the heavier a baby, more likely it will fare well at school. i'm joined by chicago, by david, a co-author of the study, which will be published in "the american economic review", and a professor at university, and a director for policy research. good to have you with us. this is an amazing study, a lot of people, every child in florida over an 11 year period and found bigger babies did better. some of the figures are start lipping. you averaged a 10 point -- startling, you averaged a 10 pound baby would do higher on s.a.t.s. >> yes. we don't know exactly what is going on behind the scenes with birth weight, but no matter how big a baby is, a little more weight is a good thing. it's true, doesn't matter if you
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are white, african american, latino, et cetera, the same everyone. >> what you are saying about the heavier, 8 pound, 7 pound, 9 pound babies and so on. you did find that it's not determinative, that nurture can overcome nature. >> i think that both are very important. it's absolutely the case that the more advantaged you are from asocioeconomic perspective, the better you do in life. it's also the case that the more advantaged you are from a neonatal health, the better you'll do in life. the two add up together. >> you know, it's really very significant because kids who do well in elementary school, then are more likely to go to college, they are more likely to make money and live longer. finding. >> that's right.
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you are more likely to get married, have children. more likely that your children are going to be successful. it's an important thing. >> and meanwhile, many parents are trying to schedule their infant's birth date around 39 weeks of gestation. in 2012, 14% spent up to 41 weeks, near the end of a full period of gestation. a lot of babies are not making it to 39 weeks. the message here is that mother should think about keeping their pregnancies going as long as approximately. something that probably will not be popular. >> well, i'm a father of three kids. my wife and i couldn't wait to get the kids out when the time was coming. >> we all felt that way. >> what is important here is
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that we have evolved over a long time to have a certain length of gestation. and in come regards the study is ag a little about perhaps we shouldn't second-guess nature. >> i know the recommendation has been not to induce birth before 39 weeks unless there are health issues. but people were, you know, after 39 weeks scheduling, you know, niece induced births to -- these induced births to not have the longer pregnancies. do you think doctors will say hey, you should not induce unless it's necessary. >> it's one study. our the study is great compelling, i think, and i think
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that if we start to see more studies like this from more and more place, the message will get clear and clearer. if i knew the results of these skuddies when high kids were enutero, i would be pushing hard not to have my babies induced. it's not clear what actually happens with the greater birth difference. >> no, we don't know yet. again. i'm not an obstet rigs. we know that ute rigs makes a difference, and that in those last couple of weeks of gestation, kids are putting on 3-4-5 ounces a week, and translates into brain power. >> it's a fascinating study. pleasure to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> "consider this" will be right back.
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dick covet is an influential talk show host, and some of his interviews are memorable. i sat with him for a new education of "talk to al jazeera", and discussed his new book. we started with his very public depression. >> at one point after i had been tonne two or three shows -- been on two or three shows talking about it. my doctor said "are you sure you want to be the poster boy for depression?" the reward is if someone comes up and says "you saved my daughter's life", another wom in said "if covet can admit this and get through it, i can." it's rewarding. it's a dreadful agony and has to be treated as we see in many
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show people. i wrote an article for "time," about robin williams death, and how it strikes the show folk, and you can fill a page with names more than next. >> an interview was with john cary, secretory of state. back then he was a vit nam vet on the show with another vietnam vet. and the nixon white house was not happy with you. >> they imagined i could use this word about a president sneakily, prepped a young guy, a right winger, to oppose kerry, a left winger - tv booking. as they saw it. kerry was effective, so was the other fellow. the white house was not thrilled. it was a moment where nixon said
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to his lick-spittle - an elizabethan term, what can we do to screw him. have you seen your name mentioned by the president of the most powerful man of the country who wants to screw you. >> not in that context. >> and a co-conspire ator found a way. my staff told a friend who had been on my staff years ago, i was audited. she said "so was i, when was you?" it was right after that. one of nixon's favourite hobbies - of his illegal ones - was punishing people with the i.r.s., as you know. he hurt the smaller people who didn't make money, i was audited every year without nixon, and to be without nixon is a blessing. another was marlon brando breaking the jaw of a papa ratso, 8 inches from my face. i loved
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brando, always, never dreamed to meet him, let alone have him on the show. >> you had dinner and he punched him out. >> we went to chinatown, and the key moment was "don't you get tired of taking all the same picture", and he leans in "what?" "don't you get" - boom, like this, a shot from the side walk, a sneak punch in the middle of a mildly spoken sentence, as marlon did in two movies i can cite when they were not looking. i saved his life. the next morning his hand was the size of a grape fruit and called a doctor and described it. he said "get him over here fast", there were a couple of movements we may not have had life. >> i want to ask about a couple of questions jack told you not
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to ask and high speed. who do you like? >> no way you can say. i mean, you can say who won a race or jumped the highest or knocked the most pins down. how can you say among... >> so mope. >> hepburn, betty davis, brando, orson wells and 100 more, that one is a favourite? but, if you persist in your folly, impressing me with this, i would have to confess that groucho meant the most to me. >> who did you dislike the most? >> spiro agnew was a piece of nothing. and it kills me that i had him on, they put him on the show - before we learnt we had two criminals in the white house, the president and the vice president, a great moment history. they put him on, said he has a good sense of humour, and he has
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a lot of cartoons, you point to it and he'll say funny things, saying "yeah, the way they did your eyes", interesting. that's what you don't want on your talk show. >> haulent phonies -- how about phonies, people who were great, when the camera was on, and were terrible. >> i didn't like burt larks. he was gooey and insulting and boring. but a wonderful man in private life i hear, if he's watching from somewhere. >> i know you had a close relationship with mohammed ali. >> ali, as i said in the book was just about my friend or years. he stayed at my house in the country. my wife was in new york. she called, he was alone. i went to collect his wife. they were in a motel, but they wanted to stay in my life.
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ali picked it up and he heard "darling." he said "this ain't darling, i'm the 3-times champion of the world and i'm lying in her bed, watching tv", she said, to her credit, "i'm going to put a plaque on that bed, mr ali", more than what she did pore me. >> we won't go there. >> dick's new book is in stores around the country. that's all for now. the conversation considers on the website. we are on facebook and twitter@aj consider this and tweet me @amoratv. see you next time. >> surrounded by the concrete and steel of downtown detroit, a two block square of dirt is sprouting tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, broccoli, leaks and more. not just crops ready for the dinner table, but hundreds of thousands of seedlings to be shipped to plots around the city. some of that produce is served
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at one of the city's biggest businesses, the mgm grand casino and hotel, which donated the land and the greenhouse just across the street. >> we have hundreds of acres, if not thousands of acres available and i think this is maybe a stepping stone for the rest of the community to get involved. >> ashley atkinson helps run "keep growing detroit", whose ambitious mission is to make their town achieve what it calls "food sovereignty". >> and actually many studies have been done, including one by michigan state university, that found that only on a couple of thousand acres detroiters could be producing as much as 76% of the vegetables that we currently consume and 41% of the crops we currently consume, using the same methods that we've been teaching. >> i am so excited because i've been wanting me some okra for the longest time. >> in a city fighting to regain the stability it once drew from the downsized auto industry, the urban farm movement here offers another common cause by rallying together to grow more food from its abundant soil.
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