tv News Al Jazeera November 4, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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she steps into the revolving door of justice >> she became legendary... >> the finer the store, the bigger the challenge >> al jazeera america presents the life and crimes of doris payne my vote says where i stand. >> voters are deciding who will make the decisions at washington and at home. >> i am on your side.
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we are cutting think the rhetoric, and examing the issues and soon we will know who is going to capitol hill, as america votes. the long and expensive midterm election campaign is over today. voters are casting ballots that will have widespread impact, the big prize is control of the u.s. senate, and just a hand full of states could determine which party controls that chamber. more on what to watch tonight, set the stage for us. >> we should remind everybody, the polls are still open. get out there and participate. for for purposes of calling a senator majority. under a 8:00 p.m., for republicans can flip new hampshire the gop chance of reaching 51 seats and taking control of the senate will rise dramatically. these are seats that
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republicans are defending, and democratic victory in either georgia or kentucky would raise the democratic chances of holding on to the u.s. senate's majority. kentucky is particularly interesting because it features republican senate leader, he is trying to find out if democratic challenger alison grimes, the poll in kentucky close at 7:00 p.m. eastern, and again kentucky will be among the first results of the night. now the reason the odds favor republicans is because democrats are having to defend far more seats. take a look at the map, you can see in blue, the seats that democrats are trying to hold on to tonight, and in red, you can see the senate seats that republicans are defending. so take control, they need a net gain of six, but we have already identified three races are the republicans should coast tonight, so really the magic number should very quickly go down from six to three all right, governors
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races you looking at key ones there? >> the great one to watch will be 8:00 o'clock the most expensive race in history. also perhaps the nastiest race in the gubernatorial season, then you also have illinois, and an incumbent governor who is in trouble you have a governor who is in trouble in pennsylvania, and keep in mind, that if there are probably 11 governors tonight who are in danger of losing their job. if just half of them, if just five lose of the election tonight, that will be the biggest turnover of ebb incumbent governors in 24 years. the record will be something like back to 1960 when 12 governors and that's a possibility, so historic changes tonight. >> can't wait, and glad you are here with me, thank you. and as we mention today's elections will determine the balance of power for the next two years president obama and others are keeping a
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close eye on the results. joining us now from washington, and mike, you are in that town, what are people there predicting for the evening? >> yes, i am a creature of washington, no doubt about it. everybody is really on the edge of their seats because really, the president the last two years of his tenure, democrats and the president face a bitter irony, on the one hand, the president is not on the ballot but his policies as even as he has said are the other side of that coin, and this is the bitter irony, if the president were on the ballot, perhaps the democrats could generate more enthusiasm. young people, minorities african-americans. the biggest thing inflicting them is turnout. especial hi as compared to republicans why is the president's party expected to hughes seats we just talked about the unpopularity to a certain extent a referendum on
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his policies. this is a historical trend, every president since the civil war has lost seats in what is called this 6th year itch election. and republicans unhike in past midterm cycles have fielded candidates that can't be laughed out the door. there aren't viewed as people who aren't worthy for congress. so it hooks hike a perfect storm for republicans tonight, at least it is shaping up that way, it could be a night of surf pries. >> so mike, if they do take control, as many expect, what could it mean for the final two years of president obama's term? >> well, two things first of all, the ability to get his nominees both judicial and is that will go by the wayside. if he survived in kentucky and duh in fact become the majority heeder, he is going to be hike the dog who caught the car. he is going to have a lot of very pent up demand among the conservatives
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in the house, and elsewhere, who will want him to try to take down obama-care once and for all. the trouble is he won't be able to do that. it takes 60 votes in the senate to get anything done, more grid lock looks like the prescription for the next two years in either case. >> what is the white house saying? still of mystic, preparing the ever this potential takeover? >> as you might imagine, the white house is fairly loathe to reveal the plans they are making. for a possible republican takeover. both the house, of course, which they already have, and the senate. they insist that democrats are going to hang on, and hook, make no mistake, they could hang on. david just described the map to you, it isn't joust site the realm of possibility, but they are planning the fight really is going to start when p.m. follows think on that delayed order on immigration, they expect to do that between now and new year's day, and that is really going to
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incite the republican basis, not going to be a good start for any potential honeymoon. as if this was going to be one. >> mike, hooking forward to your coverage throughout the evening. one of the hottest races is in kentucky, nearly $80 million has been spent on the senate race this, senate minority leader is running against democratic challenger, alison grimes. and good to see how, how would you describe the race you have been covering for the last few months now. >> well, tony, as we go into the final hours the latest blue grass poll, the people one done before election day shows mitch mcconnell up by 5 points. now this is a poll sha shows alison grimes with a slim lead just a few weeks ago. and that five-point heed in the mu grass poll is pretty conservative, other polls show him with a bigger gap. now, as you look at how the ground game plays out
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and what grimes can do to get democrats out, to get supporters out, it may not be enough to make up a gap like that. she is saying lit be a photo finish. this' a hot of enthusiasm and support, not if he will win the seat again, but if he will end tonight as the majority heeder. >> yeah, what are the issues? if people around the country who are watching us right now, have not been focused on this race, but have been focused on the race in their state, what have been the issued the candidates have focused on there in kentucky. >> well, you know the adage all politics is local, as i talked to voters today, a lot of them were talking about national politics. they are watching president obama. they are watching congress, a lot of folks told me they don't like president obama, they want mitch mcconnell to go back.
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others said they are voting for alison grimes because they are tired of grid lock, and they want a fresh new face. they are tired of what is happened in d.c., there's a lot of concern about the economy, jobs just like everywhere else. coal is a big issue here. plus both candidates say they are procoal. i tell you what everyone can agree on, they are tired of the negative ads. this state has been covered in negative advertisements and they are ready for the election season to wrap up i get it, libby looking forward to your coverage thinkout the evening. a lot of money has been spent in the senate race as well. it is the most expensive in state history, and can help determine who controls next year, mary landrieu is charges by bill cassidy.
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is she is bulk out all the stops. she has has a big ground game, thinkout new orleans and thinkout the state, trying to make sure they go to the polls to vote, but she is also facing some very significant political challenges. >> in the past, her combination of victory has to include some republicans. this year, are saying they aren't going to vote for mary landrieu. three terms running for her fourth term, she can point to something she has gotten done. money for coastal restoration, along the shoreline, but apparently, there's some people who say it is time for change. and if enough of those people go to the polls to vote, landrieu may be retired tonight. >> president obama has come up a lot during this
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senate race. >> yes, he has, and that has been the add that you see on t.v. at least two or three times an hour from land rue's principle opponent, the first term congressman, from baton rouge, always tying happen drew to president obama saying that she shoots with him, 97% of the time. of course, there is a huge amount of anier against president obama for reasons that are much too lengthy to go into, people don't like him in this part of the country, and those are the people that kazdy is appealing too. not so much on issues but on the fact that landrieu is a democrat, president obama is a democrat, you don't like president obama, so vote against landrieu. >> all right, and one other point here, you know what, this might not be decided tonight, correct? >> correct. this' a third candidate,
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colonel menace, who is also on the ballot. the tea party candidate. agent eight candidates on the ballot, but he is expected to come in just in third. you have to get 50% misone to win. no one is expected to get that tonight, so we will be looking at a run off. if we go into a run off, presume my all the people against landrieu will line-up with the likely second number two go which will be the cassidy, and landrieu will be going in december. hooking forward to your coverage, let's take a little deeper into today's races. and al jazeera political correspondent michael shore, gentlemen, can we rifle through these races here? and give us things to watch, hi, are you with me. >> it would be nice if we hand a band the way he has background music. >> we are not in new orleans. >> but we are in new york
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city, so maybe we can make something happen. >> the republican senate majority, so there he was voting today. >> yeah. >> is and i guess in this social media world, where everybody is savvy to what is going on, of the guy with the thumbs down over mccob nell, in the back, noticing he is -- photo bomb. and undoing his vote right this. >> but what is that say to libby casey's point about this race and the unpopularity of the president, honest by 20 some odd points? >> and mitch mcconnell in that state as well. >> it's always a mystery why so many unpopular members of congress, remember congress is at 14% approval rate, get re-elected with such regularity. mitch mcconnell is an example of that, in that state, they alleged that they don't like that senate. >> even the republicans a i that, but a lot of people come out for him, because they are afraid
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she is going to go down the bath of liberalism. >> this is a test of the get out the vote. president obama's get out the vote operation, is probably one of the most impressive in political history, if somehow, democrats are able to pull out a senate majority, then this would go down as unbelievable. that's what democrats are saying. i don't think there's anything to it, but there's a surprise there, and that's what democrats have spent a ton of time on. >> if there's something to it, will they show up in georgia? >> it may. kentucky i wouldn't spend a hot of time to get out the vote. >> what about georgia. >> well, georgia is one of those races where it
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will be tested should it go to a run off, because getting democrats back to the polls in a rub off this would be in january, after the holidays that's how far away this, that's when they would be testing. >> who resonate with a lot of those new voters that voted for the first time in 2008, in atlanta, black voters that came out for the first time to vote for president obama, so that's part roof their strategy. >> the percentage of the vote was something like 33%. keep an eye on outsourcing because david purdue said he was proud of the outsourcing he did at dollar general, so perhaps there's some that he could ride tonight. >> did i what are you say you could sew this going
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to a run off? >> yeah, i could see that. i thought this might be a surprise place to do well, the recent polling hasn't indicated that so it doesn't jive with what i was saying but listen to what david just said. 33%, more than the last time the president ran, that's impressive. with a fear of voter i.d. rather than going to the apologies they are sending in their ballots. >> the shelbi decision a year ago, new hampshire, what are your thoughts in. >> another one of these races that may have implications simply because of messaging. against women's rights against abortion rights that's also been the theme in colorado. if gene loses after this messaging and they lose the incumbent in colorado with that messaging the democratic play book then essentially gets thrown out the window, because you have an election
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where voters are looking past the driven to abortion rights and women's rights by these candidates and instead are seeing this election on something else. i would echo that, but also one of the things you look at tonight is new hampshire. i would say that's a bad sign for the rest of the night for democrats. i this i that's one of the places that they thought they had a solid chance they have a governor's race this, this' 2 pointer races. so they will look at that state, if that doesn't show well, that i think is -- i hate to say bell weather, because none of it matters but that is important this a number of other key races and things to watch for, i don't know how much we will get to spend time on a bit of the horse race here, but we are do a little bit of it, just a touch. >> and at 5:30 eastern today. >> tell me about it, so we can get the issues in.
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>> a day at the races. >> also talk issues though, for people that want to know what is at stake, and what times to watch. >> yes. >> you have to watch at 5:30. >> all right, you will be back later, billions of dollars spend on campaign ads and much of that money has been behind a number as you can imagine, of negative ads our america votes 2014 continues next on al jazeera america
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well, this year's election is the most, pensive midterm ever. much of that money has been used on campaign ads. roxanne, joins us now with more on this. >> tony, spending on t. v. ads alone has topped more than $1.5 billion. and many of these ads have tried to attract voters by playing on their aingeer and fears. >> the first obligation of government is to keep us safe. >> this message from florida republican teeth souther land is that democrats are mishandled the threat of isil and ebola. >> the stakes are high. steve southerland is the
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leader we need. >> ads like this have run on t.v. sets across the country, a total of nearly 3 million times. and all it cost them was $1.7 billion. >> i am not barack obama, i disagree with him on gubs, coal, and the e.p.a. >> helping make this the priciest yet. the majority of the ads were negative, and many apeople to the anger and fear. >> you can have a discussion about complex issues such as job creation, or the healthcare system, or immigration reform, and those two sides to those issues. fear, there's only one side. something scary will kill you or your family, and i am the poll six that will save you. >> one survey found that seth 5% of register voters said terrorism was very important for their vote this year. that's up from 60% two years ago. the poll also suggests that the issue is more important among republicans than democrats. some democrats also appeal to fears by focusing on black voters
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especially in the south. this flier from georgia's democratic party invoked feelings of racial injustice, saying if you don't want to have another ferguson, don't shoot. in this ray owe ad connects to harry reid, tied the death of teenager trayvon martin two years ago, to senate candidate tom tillis of north carolina. >> tillis even led the effort to pass the type of stand your ground law that caused the shooting death of trayvon martin. >> the domes from a strategic point of view, know they need the african-american vote to come out. and without that, they are going to lose badly in the midterm election. >> a lot of the spending on campaign ads comes from group that is don't have to disclose their donors, those groups include the u.s. chamber of commerce, and cross roads g.p.s. tony, they are playing a growing role in advertising, but critics
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say they are pouring hubs of thousands of dollars into campaigns without having ton track patient. >> yeah, that dark money. >> all dark money. >> we are going to talk about that in a minute, appreciate it, thank you. >> t.v. ads say it is one of the reasons that this ehex is said to be the most expensive ever. that is sleetly more than the 6.36 billion dollars spent in 2010. outside groups have spent at least $480 million on this year's campaign, that is much higher than the 309 million spent in 2010. joining us now, he is the senior reporter for the senate for public integrity. david, good to see you again, so we were just talking about it just a moment ago, what is meant by this term dark money? and what is it's role in american politics since the citizens united decision?
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dark money is simply money that is being spent in a political context by groups that don't have to disclose where they are getting the money from. so a group can be funded by billionaires, can be funded by unions or corporations or all the above, and it will not have to say publicly, hike a candidate would, or a committee would, where that money is originated, so it is a big issue in a lot of the races across the country, both house races and senate races where in some of the races that we have seen, in the senate side, 20, 30,% of the money that's sponsoring -- >> dave, what is the problem with that? is some at home, are thinking out loud, what's wrong with that? why do i have to disclose, what's the problem with that? how is that corrupting our system. >> hey, some people will say that, what is the problem. well, ands free speech, it is just fine if these groups want to to up and advocate for a candidate, or bash another candidate, we don't need to know where the money comes from, on the other hand, you have a lot of voter whose will be incredibly concerned about it, because you can tell a lot about a
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candidate, but their friends. and if you have a group that is supporting candidate acts and spending millions to do so, you have to wonder okay, why are they getting involved. why are they putting the money forward, what special interests do they have in mind. >> well, because they have special interests and they want those special interests to get special attention. >> is that part of the american political system as well. >> and that's a greatdy bait. should that be something that should be behind closed doors. you have a lot of statements and political history about political courage, that's fine, you can have free speech all you want, but you should be able to put your name behind it. >> let's drill down on this, so can i create, the tony harris organization for more equitable america, and can i raise millions. >> i can and now i have now raised millions of dollars can i do whatever i want, create any number
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of ads on issues or against whatever candidates that i want, and get it out this on the american airways in can i do that. >> first option you can do that with all the the money you can raise, and put it 100% behind politics if you dischose where your donors are from. you would be created what is calling a super pack, or option two, you can create a nonprofit organization. and you don't have to disclose. >> that's what i want to do. >> the catch here is this, you would not be able to primarily engang in politics but you can spend up to 50% of your money enganging in micks all the same and is direct a fashion as you want. advocating for or against a candidate, but here is the deal, if you raise $100 million, you can use about $49 million of that for political advocacy. so in a way it is a de facto unlimited amount of money that you can spend on politics. just based on how much
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you can raise overall. >> and the f.c.c. has the federal -- what kind of oversight on this? >> the way it works right now, typically what is called a social welfare nonprofit, you can spend almost half your money on politics and it is perfectly legal. liberal groups that are doing the same thing, we have seen a full flourish of groups both on the left and the right, using the rights and abilities that they have under the citizens united decision from just four years ago. >> i think i want to create an organization where i disclose my donors. i thought about it, i listened to your arguments and i think that's what i want to do. >> a citizenning united you can. >> the senior reporter for the center for public integrity.
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a mush for votingers in colorado, paul wieben looks at that coming up, a true today up we are told, with one promising to change the decades old republican status quo. we are back in a moment. jazeera america for live, in-depth coverage focusing on the issues with expert analysis and updates from across the country. midterm coverage that's serious, straightforward and unbiased. tonight, 7:00 eastern. on al jazeera america.
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>> his continued presence on the campus put the entire community at risk >> for the better... >> i was arrested for another false charge that she had made up... >> america tonight's special report sex crimes on campus: one year later on al jazeera america today is election day, and a lot of issues are at play, let's bring in our panel, love it, love it. a former director of hispanic outreach before the republican national committee. ray swarez is here, he is the host of al jazeera america, inside story, you know, david, you know you love michael shore, they are all with us. >> all giving your nonprofit political speech. >> thank you, i appreciate that. >> how is harris pack doing. >> so far so good, it is
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an idea more than a reality, but there you go. we see in poll after poll, that issue number one, in this midterm cycle is the economy and jocks and the reality here, and i want you to explain to us how it is breaking out in this election, maybe state to state, as you see it, clearly the economy continues to grow, but clearly not at a rate where people in the country feel comfortable and confident about the direction of the nation. so how is that impacting races. who wants to dive in on that? >> well, i will start. in georgia one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, that's why david purdue who is the former c.e.o. of dollar general may be in trouble, because not only is he running on business, but he is talking about outsourcing and how he was proud of it, and now there's a more popular way of doing things so it is front and center. >> yeah. >> one of the other things where we talk
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about kentucky, we talk about georgia and new hampshire, governor's races the races are a lot about jobs. a lot of these governors that came in that are in trouble tonight, some of whom happen to be republicans but i can think of sam brown, and perhaps even scott walker in wisconsin, some of these governors are not popular because of their stand on jobbens. the cuts that have hurt teachers the cuts that have perhaps in the case of kansas certainly, hurt a lot of the public workers there as well. so i think that's where it comes into play. the democrats have had trouble even in those states. >> well, i think the unemployment, it has decreased across the country, and going back to your point, the governors these are states that are blue, so it is harder for these republican governors are you take someone like rick scott, his unemployment was 11%, it is down now to like 6.1.
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people aren't feeling it, so they hear all these numbers but what they feel is not the economy going the right way. >> the whole story is a tail of two trend hines. >> right. >> if you look at per capita income the total income of the united states, divided by the number of people, it's been going up and up and up. and the modian income, the middle person of all-americans has been going down, and down, and down. so more money is being made every year, during the last years of the bush white house, and through all of the years of the only wayma white house. more must be is being made but it is being distributed in a way that an average earner. >> that cuts right to the economy and wealth gap in this country.
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you can see it. and that's an issue that the president started banging away at. i am not sure it ever caught traction. >> on the right, with the tea party, they were driven in part by the foaling that wall street got benefit, that main street didn't. so it does effect both parties. >> and it wrote the narrative of the 2012 ehex, so you can't forget that. barack obama was re-elected you will remember, mit romney 49% remark was as hurtful to him as anything that happened in that campaign. so that divide that -- so beautifully illustrated for us, is really what was the narrative in that race, the democrats have not been able to make the narrative this year as much. >> why do you think that is?
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because minimum wage is an area that we have heard a lot of discussion about, and we know it is on the ballot, does it have a potential to drive voters to the polls in. >> even in states where it is not on the ballot, there are governor whose are running either to retain their seat, to hold on to their seat, or trying to take the state house who are opposed to the raise in the minimum wage, and they are doing well. so -- explain -- >> some of that is hard to explain frankly. >> part of sit thats thisn't a wedge issue per se. democrats because they don't want to remind about rising income and equality. and say no it is getting better. most of it is moving on to it takes this.
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>> and the discussion that all of the drama around the discussion of those children. that have come across the border, with parents and the hike, and yet it is not a front and center issue on ballots it is not a front and center issue in the nation debate at this moment. is there a reason why that's the case. >> that were nervous it was going to hurt them, like some of these states the reality is if we don't pass immigration reformate, it is an economic issue as well. it is impacting our country, and
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unfortunately, hispanics in this political cycle are very small share in these key states. the largest is colorado. so whatever reason unfortunately, they think that immigration is only a hispanic issue, and it effects all-americans. >> well, domes may end up paying the price, if it isn't necessarily accountable in the senate, if you are charlie crist and you want to get a leg over rick scott, it would have been a big help to have the president clear some space for you. and put yourself on the side of the angels in a very heavily not only immigrant, but immigrant stock. >> by dock what? by saying what doing way. >> the president has gone forward two months ago. used executive action to give some sort of relief to immigrant whose are
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already here, and add more resources, the democrats were fearing if they got pounded for circumventing congress. but the issue is you have these same senate don't do it don't do it we will get in trouble, they are the ones in most trouble tonight. 14% of the vote there is pointing out is ha tin knows, they are largely staying home because they feel like they don't have anything to be energized about, and that is a key democratic political constituency. >> and if going to pushing that -- the football met fore, democrats this may be a huge fumble, because what could happen now, is the republicans win the senate, they are in the majority, some sort of reform bill comes down the pike, they are going to try to own that. thank you all, we have a lot to do this evening a lot of issues to cover, terrific panel they will be with uhl office evening. midterm elections, are usually not as foreign policy, but polls indicate many people may
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be judging president obama's administration on various challenges. and of those, syria is one of the most pressing. nick chef ron is there for us. nick, there are questions about whether the u.s. has the best strategy. talk to us about the discussion you are overhearing or are part of. >> yeah, tony, not only questions about the policy on syria, but criticism. of that policy here, and especially ahonk the border of syria, and inside syria itself, the moderate rebels really questioning the policy, first the training program, those $500 million that president obama earmarked to train those rebels. are saying it isn't big enough, or fast enough, also criticism of the air strikes. some of those are absolutely effective, but some say the priorities are all wrong.
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>> on the syrian border as the sunsets the funeral mark stretching one mile long. >> these syrian curds fight isil, they receive american help and flash v for victory, they resist and even die proudly, and their commanders thank the u.s. for saving their city. >> on the ground, the american air strikes hit their targets 80, even 90% of the time. >> 80 miles away, emergency crews rush to the scene of a massacre. >> they wear white helmets and respond to bombs dropped by the government, on most days they arrive too hate. and the member that call them civil dissent -- >> you should do something. the u.s. policy is a tail of two cities, cubanny, where they back fighters with air strikes and
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ahelp bow. where the u.s. holds back as the syrian government launches air strikes. the man in charge of the opposition says the strategy is backward. >> if you care about the same issues, or care about -- which is happening now, in aleppo. >> today the u.s. focuses on cubanny. on one side kurdss fight with assault rifles, some of them are women, all are outmanned. to save cubanny, the u.s. has lunched more than 280 strikes to cover 500 isil fighters. that's allowed back front line commanders to hold their ground. >> that's your headquarters. >> kobane is their last stand. and the only thing saving kobane are those air strikes.
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would kobane fall if not for the air strikes. >> if it wasn't for the air strikes it would be very hard, we are fighting ferociously, but we can't compete. that's corriganny right this, just a couple of miles from here, and that means the mid yeah has been able to report here during this entire fight. but while we have been focused here, the asaad regime has been focused on the largest city in northern syria, aleppo. how much suffering is there in aleppo right now? >> everything. people have been killed. all of them. bombs, blast cars, bombings, everything, everything. >> in kobane, despite the support, the defenders suffer heavy loss. here they still believe in the possibility of victory, it's not clear with the u.s. strategy can achieve it.
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so goes aleppo, so goes the moderate opposition, the same people that the u.s. needs to fight isil, they give you a sense that the priorities of the u.s. over a 36 hour period, the asaad regime drops 210 bombs. on to aleppo, and the areas around it, it is the same number of bombs that the u.s. drops in a month. so that gives you a sense of how the asaad regime has used the time of the u.s. focus and the media focus to actually attack what is really the symbolic part of the revolution. >> what are the alternatives if the current strategy isn't working? that's the $60,000 question. officials that i have talked to, said there is none. basically the u.s. has boxed itself in. the c.i.a., which has been funding these rebels and training them, they are maxed out, they don't
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have the authority, or the authorization from the white house to increase their training. because the quited was to go to an overt program. that would fund and train these rebels and then fly them back. the problem is that program is at least eight months away from actually graduating the first fighter. and so what these rebel groups with these modern opposition groups point out, is hook, we are being overrun by the syrian government. we are being overrun by an al quaida group, how do you expect us to fight isil at the same time. being overrun by the groups give us more weapons and training. otherwise we won't be able to defeat, frank hi hold the ground. >> what about the thoughts on how the outcome of this could impact the policy? >> when it comes to syria, the major impact would be senator mccain.
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he has a personal stake in this bat and will do all he can to make sure that the rebels get as much training as much weapons as quickly as we can. but one of the major impacts may be iran. as you know, this' an iran deadline in about three weeks from now, a very skeptical congress has been trying to restrain the white house from making a bad deal over iran's nuclear program, right now, though, it depends on how big the republican majority in, and what kind of deal the u.s. gets from iran in order to bring back the congress. >> nick, good to see you, thank you both sides in colorado trying to woo latino voters, why they play such a key role in that state. that's next. and we are covering other news making headlines today, a mayor and his wife arrests weeks after dozens of college students disappeared. why this could be a big break in the case.
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overland with more for us, how is greg orman setting himself apart? >> well, his message is that american voters are sick and tired of washington being dysfunctional. so he is positioning himself as an independent, and saying that since he will be independent, he won't be bound by his party's desires he will be able to cross party lines, make compromises, do deals and get stuff done. and he is essentially rubbing as the opposite of pat roberts. roberts has been in the senate sense 1997, he is 78 years old. orr plap has never been elected to congress at all, he is 45 years old. roberts has of course been saying that orman is really a democratic sheep
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in independent's clothing, and he wasn't really orman, that is, was not very much help by comments that were made by vice president joe biden earlier today, in a radio interview, in which he implied that orman would side with the democrats and vote for the democratic agenda if he were elected here in kansas. this race has been so chose, how he has managed to get out so much support wow official get othe it vote efforts? it's this same thing that you have been talking about, with your panel, it is this sour feeling it is this idea thattish incumbents are very unpopular these days. now orman can skip all of
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that. and get around it by saying he is new fresh blood. this is a problem in that he doesn't have an organization, like a party organization. and that's important to getting out the vote. fortunately for orman -- >> all right, that's our rob reynolds reporting for us. appreciate it, thank you. colorado is also a critical battle ground for control of the senate, and the key to win for democratic incumbent senate mark,doll could be how the state's latinos vote. paul has our report. >> democrats and their supporters are pounding the pavement. >> it is that way. >> and in colorado the targets are latinos. >> in the national contest, none of the states considered in play
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have a ago significant latino population. except one. so here in colorado, the latino vote could prove decisive. deltic senator probably can't hold off a challenge from republican congressman cory gardner without strong latino support, but there are signs that he has it. a recent poll shows 66% of colorado's latinos supporting orderly 17% leaning towards gardner south of denver. tell me what you say to latino whose are skeptical of the republican party. >> well, you know, when i talk to them, i just mostly point out to the values we have, that we share. >> what are those values? >> the belief in hard work, beef in having a strong nuclear family. the beef in religion and faith. >> but immigration is the red hot issue hurting republicans among latinos here.
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senator like most, favors comprehensive reform with a path to citizen ship, representative gardner says it will only encouraging more illegal immigration. after a long day of can vanceing voters, dinner with his family. >> this election is personal for you and your family, what does it mean to you. >> well, it just means keeping our family together. at any moment, one of my family members can get picked up and deported and i am planning to stop that. >> and that is exactly the kind of vies royal emotional response democrats are hoping will rally enough latinos to the polls and into they column o election day. >> and there are other stories making news. >> a russian man who allegedly fought with the taliban made his first appearance in a virginia court today.
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he is charged with 12 counts one of them is conspiracy to you a weapon of mas. destruction. the fugitive mayor of the mexican town where 43 students went mittsing is now under arrest. the couple took off after the students were abducted in september. police arrested him today, they reportedly have ties to drug gangs. done sometimes have reportedly killed at least nine suspected al quaida members, as thousands took to the streets for the funeral of an assassinated politician, at least 30 more people were killed today in clashes between shiite houthis fighters and al quaida. now they are trying to beat back al quaida which has similar ambitions. video purports to show the after math of a shooting inside a mosque that left five people dead the attack happens as they were marking the holiday.
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military rule is ending in the west african nation, the move to hand power to civilians poll hing dead hi protests over the past week, that left the parliament building in names. malcolm web reports. >> the current military ruler has prompted a quick hand over to a transitional authority that he says will be constitutional. people here awaiting to find out if that means lit be civilian rule, or more soldiers in power. it's likely to hit the streets again, if the power is handed over, they burned parliament a few days before, and people h be angry if they feel their revolution has been taken over. just a short while ago, isaac and it that met with traditional leaders the chiefs and kings of the various ethnic groups to try to win hearts and minds this, they are also
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saying the hand over to civilian rule should be quick. those are influential figures those people can of course call people to go to the streets again. >> and a russian man allegedly involved in a massic hacking incident, will be extradited to the u.s. vladimir and four others were indicted last year, drinkman was arrested in the nether-lands and today, a dutch court approved the extradition. >> marie yeah, appreciate it see you back here at 6:00. uncertainty about the oil prices -- uncertainty? will ed to a mix day on michael street. the dow was up 18 points. and the nasdaq was down 15, with a fear of low voter turn outs celebrities are getting in on the push to get young voters to the polls today.
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some big name celebrities are taking part in getting out the vote. >> more than 200 musicians and celebrities are telling people to go vote. it is all part of the head count campaign, a nonpartisan group that encouraging people to vote. and people hike russell simmons are taking part in this campaign. you will recognize these people, rob lou, and louis black, says that's how we stay in charge, even when it may not feel hike we are, go vote. and john legend, and also jim james. it isn't just celebrities getting out to vote, some are uploading videos on youtube, usualing people to go vote. watch. >> vote for your values. vote for who you think may be the next mayor,
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governor, senator, whatever it may be, but get out and vote. >> this has been an important election, please get out to vote. people have die for the right. >> it is court it to learn it, it is better to have you vote, then not have it. >> you can make your viz heard, that's all you have to do, take five minutes to push the button. when you get out of school, your college kids vote for somebody. when you get out of the nail so lan, take your pretty nail and push the button. >> start your day, go vote. and when you do vote, you get a sticker, and a lot of people have been posting these pictures on social media, saying i voted. >> go push the button. >> get your pretty nails done,s go push the button. >> that's my favorite. all right, appreciate it, see you back here at 6:00, this is all of our time, go push the button.
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ink side story is next, on al jazeera america. >> the polls will close in just a few hours, and a few ours later out west the mid terms are just about over. but for accounting which means it's the first unofficial day of the white house campaign. that's inside story. >> hello, i'm ray suarez. we don't do exit polls. we don't call races, but we do coverage
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