tv News Al Jazeera November 5, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EST
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tensions mount in jerusalem around al-aqsa compound as israeli activists try to storm the site from doha, also ahead - al qaeda targeted in yemen. two senior leaders reportedly killed in a u.s. air strike. plus... >> tonight they said we can have real change this washington. real change republicans sweep to victory in the u.s. midterm elections, taking control of both houses in congress. and the sinister side of social
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media. britain's top spy boss says extremism is right online. tech giants are ignoring it well there's heightened tension in jerusalem where right wing israeli activists attempted to storm al-aqsa compounds. palestinians turned up at the site after being denied entry to the mosque. imtiaz tyab is in jerusalem. >> the situation in and around the al aqsa mosque is tense after a group of far right jewish activists tried to enter the holy sites. that, of course, resulted in confrontations between palestinian protesters and israeli security forces. in a rare move we understand that israeli security forces entered the mosque at al- absque. we have been told by an israeli police spokesperson that they went a meter or so in to close
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the door of the mosque. whatever the case, again it's a very rare move, one that will no doubt inflame the situation in occupied east jerusalem. the situation there, of course, very tense over the past several months. particularly over the past several weeks as well. there's a huge security presence there. and the provocations as seen by palestinians at the al-aqsa mosque will not do anything to calm the situation ism to yemen, where two leaders of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula have reportedly been killed. shawki al-badani and nabil al-dahab were killed in a u.s. drone trike. shawki al-badani was named a global terrorist. they were killed in bay deadda. >> reporter: sources close to bayda province told al jazeera
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that u.s. drone strikes on a vehicle carrying four people, including the two leaders, took place late monday. among the dead were four killed. the most important among them are nabil al-dahab, the leader of sharia, the local name for the al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. he was killed in that attack. he's in charge of al qaeda in that area. the more important and significant figure is shawki al-badani. he is considered to be in charge of the al qaeda in the arabian peninsula here in yemen. he's designated as a global terrorist for plots against the u.s. embassy in the capital sanaa. it's a big blow for al qaeda here in yemen to the united states where president barack obama's party lost the senate. the republicans will take control of both houses of congress. this will limit what president
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obama can do in the final two years. at home and abroad. mike hanna reports from washington. >> the man who is likely to be the new senate majority leader. mitch mcconnell, celebrates his win in kentucky, far easier than predicted, and one that set the tone for a night of sweeping gains in both houses of congress. tomorrow the papers say "i have won this race." the truth is tonight we begin another, one that is more important than mine. that is a race to turn this country around. >> reporter: a run-off was predicted in the georgia senate race, and there was predictions that neither could achieve the win. what was supposed to be a close race became another comfortable
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republican victory. it will be a run-off in louisiana, and one democratic senator who will live to fight another day. >> louisiana's worth fighting for. join me. let's get rest tonight and hit the campaign trial in the morning. god bless you all. thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: the republicans increased the majority in the house of representatives and took a number of governorships away from the democrats, including president obama's home state of illinois. and the president could struggle to implement domestic and foreign policy in the face of both houses controlled by the opposition. >> we'll see a more aggressive foreign policy from the united states, greater foreign aid. the president will have a lot less room to negotiate, less room to negotiate when it comes to ukraine, and the u.s. peace process, any negotiations with palestine and israel will be
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more hawkish. obama will be constrained. he wants to make promises to the world. he'll have to come back and get approval from a congress that doesn't want to work with him. president obama invited leaders were both parties to discuss their way forward in the light of the new political reality. emboldened by victory, the lords on the hill are more likely to demand presidential compromise, than seek it. >> from michael, let's go to kimberley halkett joining us live from washington d.c. we have seen an embattled congress for most of president obama's term in office. what difference will the polls make? >> what i can tell you is congress is not popular in the united states right now. historic lows in terms of approval ratings, at some points in recent years has been in the single digits.
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while there's a sweeping republican majority in the lower house of representatives and the upper chamber, the u.s. senate. there'll have to be a decision made by the republicans, who have been up to this point operating with president obama in a form of dysfunctional paralysis. nothing has been accomplished. this is sitting. a claim duck congress, who has accomplished little legislatively. there'll have to be a choice. will it continue or will they spend the next two years trying to govern. and convincing the u.s. government that that can be achieved. it'll be a challenge. there has to be a conscious decision made. many of the republicans were elected on the fact that they were in opposition to president obama. now that they are in office, they'll have to make the choice. will it continue or will they work with the white house. >> it's a test for them. they are seen as a divided
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obstructionist party. it's time for them to do self reflection. what about the democrats, will they do self-reflection as well? >> well, certainly that is going to be the case because this is a country that seems to be in perpetual election mode. no sooner has one election been completed, and we are still tallying votes in the united states. there's a discussion about 2016. and, of course, the democrats are hoping that they can hang on to the white house. republicans hoping to capture it. this is something that will be discussed. but the fact of the matter is that right now there are two years before the election, and there's governing that needs to be done. if either party is going to convince the u.s. electorate, that they are willing to support that party. some of the things that president obama is hoping to accomplish, he's trying to race the minimum wage, put through immigration through an executive order. all of the discussions, whether
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it's foreign policy or the domestic agenda will change in terms of tone and tenure with republicans controlling both houses - the upper chamber and the house of representatives. >> let's leave the u.s. electorate for a while now. in the bigger picture of things, as the rest of the world looks at the midterm elections and the results. what does it mean for the rest of the world, and the u.s. foreign policy? >> well, what i can tell you is there are a number of hot button issues here on capitol hill, that will directly impact some of the situations taking place around the world. of course, when we talk about iran, the iran nuclear negotiations, the talks set to wrap up at the end of the month, and there has been discussions about an easing of u.s. sanctions in exchange for limits on the nuclear program. with republicans in charge of the committees where the
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decisions were made, expect the tones to be more hawkish, where there'll be more reticence about easing sanctions when it comes to iran. with respect to ukraine, and john mccain, head of armed services, which is likely to be the case. he has been vocal about wanting to see boots on the ground in syria. in fact, we have seen more of an active u.s. military role. these are a number of issues taking place. what i can tell you is president obama will head to china at the end of the week. he'll meet with asian leaders for economic meetings. expect a lot of discussions on the world stage. it will get more uncomfortable for president obama, given the fact that he has had a lot of power domestically eroded in the united states. >> would not want to be in his shows. thank you, kimberley, on president obama's dilemma of a hostile congress. thousands of people are
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expected to demonstrate in mexico over the disappearance of 43 students. the families of the students are organising a protest in the capital on wednesday. this follows the arrest of the former mayor of iguala state and his wife, who have been linked to the disappearance. >> reporter: captured - mexico's most wanted couple. a former mayor and his wife. both are suspected of having links to a drug gang. masterminding an attack killing six people, and leaving 43 university students missing. federal police arrested the couple in a small apartment in mexico city, during a predawn raid on tuesday. it was a much-needed break for the federal government. police are looking for students more than a month after they disappeared in the state of guerrero. >> the investigations advance, and i hope that in the next few days we can give you substantial
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information. >> the mayor and his wife ruled the town of iguala with an iron fist. it's claimed they worked hand in hand with a drug gang and turned the police into their own army. this resident who was afraid to show their face says people were scared to go outside. and many left their towns because gangs came. the news of the arrest gives this man hope. his grandson is one of 43 missing students. >> translation: we know the cops took the kids. the mayor has to know what happened. we are confident that we'll find out the truce. >> dozens of graves have been found near where the attack has been observed. 38 people have been discovered, but not identified as the students. the arrests are victory for the federal government. that doesn't mean that the
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pressure will end. on wednesday, tens of thousands throughout the country plan to protest and demand justice and answers to where the 43 missing students are. >> more to come here on al jazeera. hungry and fighting. they wandered for days before finding help. we meet the latest from boko haram's land grab in nigeria. showcasing art from the secretive state. a rare glimpse into an exhibition from north korean artists. she steps into the revolving door of justice >> she became legendary... >> the finer the store, the
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welcome back. let's take a look at the top stories on al jazeera. there has been heightened tension in jerusalem, where right wing israeli activists attempted to storm al-aqsa compound. palestinians turned up at the site and forced with police after they were denied entry at the mock. >> two have been killed in yemen. shawki al-badani was killed with four others in al-bayda province. u.s. president obama's democrat party lost control of the senate. republicans take control of both houses of congress after winning many states in midterm elections, limiting what president obama can achieve in his final two years in office. >> in western syria, a camp has been bombed for displaced syrians. government forces are behind the
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attack. u.s. backed rebels lost ground with the al qaeda al nusra front gaining territory. >> iraqi forces are advancing on the refinery town of baiji. these pictures from local tv show troops changing fire with i.s.i.l. fighters. baiji is home to the largest oil refinery. fighters from the islamic state of iraq and levant are in control of mosul, the city home to the biggest dam. it's been under i.s.i.l. control since june. the provincial governor told al jazeera's charles stratford that he is coordinating with the iraqi defence ministry to try to retake the city. >> after the change of maliki the government in baghdad work hard with us. they send everything to the province, and we get more steps
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with the coalition forces and other parties. i think it's the time to start work. we work to prepare a lot of things in the period. but now we are starting to work in the exact plan to liberate mosul. we need some counties of coalition to attend these forces, and also we need that they give them weapons. we ask baghdad, they accept to finance, but they have not enough weapons, and they have - they cannot have them in the way we need. it's a miserable situation. no electricity, no water, no health care inside the city. it's a bad situation. >> security forces in the democratic republic of congo arrested several men in
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connection with the killing of more than 100 people. the men are being held in benny in the province of north kefu. >> reporter: a group of men is brought into beni under armed guard. local military authorities believe these people are rebels from the allied democratic force. as many as 120 people have been killed in night time raids by the rebels in recent weeks. so the soldiers are taking no chances. the adf is active in the mountain area along the border between the d.r.c. and uganda. this man insists he is from there, and says he was keeping himself to himself. but the soldiers are not convinced. after the men's names are taken, police display what they claim to have found in their possession - bombs, other weapons and items that could be
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turned into shrapnel if packed with explosives. >> translation: to those that bring problems in beni, the three young men were arrested. they had machetes and mortars that they were planning to take to adf generals so they could continue to kill the residents of benny. >> reporter: that is a reference to an attack on saturday night when 11 were killed. many hacked to death with machetes. the situation has been volatile for years. first under the m23 rebellion put down last year. now continued by the adf. the u.n. peacekeepers deployed have a mandate allowing them to use tough tactics. they began an offensive of eliminating the adf as a fighting force. as the last few weeks have shown, that has not happened yet west african leaders are due
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to arriving in burkina faso for talks with the military over a transitional government. the presidents of ghana, nigeria and senegal are expected to hand over control to civilian rule meanwhile, this dramatic amateur footage emerged of violent protests in the capital over the past two weeks. you see police throwing tear gas at protesters setting fire to tyres over days of unrest. the protest caused them to split and flee to ivory coast. after a series of attacks fighters have fled. five government soldiers were killed in an assault in gombe state. fighters are said to have robbed a bank and set fire to a police station. >> the nigeria army is fighting
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to retake the town of of gombe. it was attacked last week. many are seeking refuge in yule. >> reporter: they fled their home to seek protection. what they found was less security than they hoped for. these are the latest victims of boko haram's land grab in north-east nigeria. the army battalion invaded, a large town of 100,000 people. at first we thought it was soldiers. the insurgents fired at people near the markets. we realised we were in trouble. >> he is now reunited with a wife and child. he's searching for the rest.
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>> up to 10,000 people live in the camp. people are not sure of what will happen n. that does not stop more arriving in this capital, looking for a place that is safe. >> reporter: among the arrivals, 300 missing children, part of many missing. they wandered for days before being picked up by a bus driver. security is scanty - a dozen police officers at most for a population of thousands, all lightly armed. musa feels nowhere else is safe from boko haram. he saw security personnel abandoning their posts when he left. >> along the way we met six people who told us their security personal.
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they fled because they were outgunned. don't blame them for running away. as they head in, they kept to the nigerian side of the border. >> reporter: they found a way to operate the base from parts of the north-east. in yula, the state capital. less than 200km from the battle front. many is less secure. those that haven't hoped for insurance from government al jazeera continues to demand the immediate release of its journalist who has been detained in egypt for 312 days. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed are falsely accused of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood. they are appealing against their prison sentences. a top spy boss is warning that internet companies are
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ignoring the way the web is being used by extremists. robert hannigan has taken a job at british intelligence and security organization. his warning comes as hundreds of technology people arrived for a conference. >> for many, they keep billions in touch every day. to honour the british spy agencies the biggest tech giants are a nightmare to navigate, impossible to keep across. gchq is describing them as command centers to extremists the and said that the companies them are in denial about how they are used and there needs to be great are cooperation. >> problems faced is they are up against something never seen before - a group of fighters who have almost all grown up in the digital age. i.s.i.l., for example, is able
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to get videos online within minutes, using a computer with internet connection. up until a few months ago, they had a smartphone app. it would take control of devices and tweet constantly. it was removed, but not until it was downloaded hundreds of time. for every account taken down, a dozen spring up almost immediately. >> it requires a bit of evolution on the security side of things. that's the warnings from this web security expert who beliefs it is a generational issue. and the youngsters a way ahead. >> they are using innovation to their advantage, and using social media that they were more literate in, and taking the war, the jihad, the crisis to the gront hin, on -- front line, online. >> some say privacy is paramount. would the arab spring have taken
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the sam move forward. we are told the latest requests are in the interests of security. it's not enough of an argument to convince all. >> at what point do you start to go into violating people's privacy and civil liberties, this is a big question that we have not come up with a good answer for yet. >> we live in a post snowden age. this man showed security take data when they need it. should those we entrust our digital lives to help them take more, even if it is safe. that's an answer few will be able to agree now, on tuesday, we showed you some images from the north korean embassy in london. it opened its doors to the public to showcase artworks from four north korean artists. it's rare for the north koreans to do this, and we wanted to
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find outside more about the section. we sent simon mcgregor-wood to take a look. >> north korea's london embassy is far from the exclusive diplomatic quarter, and unusually on tuesday its door was open. for four days members of the public and journalists can see an exhibition of north korean art. handpicked by the state-run art studio and under close service station, the artist spent weeks painting london's scenes to show alongside traditional scenes from home. >> the artists have paintings that are there own from pyongyang. and i think you will see similarities in the brush strokes, and in the way that they are pointed. it's a different -- painted. it's a different scene. >> these are the artists painting portraits of the leaders, and who claimed the art for the parade. there's not much room here for freedom of expression.
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embassy officials hope the event will build better understanding between the british and the north koreans. the sad reality is not many members of the public have turned up, and north korea's embassy is a long way from the traditional locations for london's art lovers. >> some of the artists travelled abroad. none speak english, and all interviews are conducted through government translators. this is the senior artist here. >> if there was ever a day when you as an artist decided that something the government did was wrong. would you think it appropriate to reflect that view in your art? >> the policies of the supreme leader and the government reflect what the people want, agree and support. >> reporter: the exhibition is a tightly controlled diplomatic production, but opening the doors of an embassy in this way
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is unusual. even if it does take place under the watch fall days of two former supreme leaders. and a quick reminder, you can keep up to date with the news on the website at >> the polls will close in just a few hours, and a few ours later out west the mid terms are just about over. but for accounting which means it's the first unofficial day of the white house campaign. that's inside story. >> hello, i'm ray suarez. we don't do exit polls. we don't call races, but we do coverage politics, and on this additi
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