tv America Tonight Al Jazeera November 9, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm EST
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monday on the programme, we look again. sex crimes on campus, a ground-ebbing breaking series that started our coverage. we look at what's changed over the last 12 months, you can catch up on the original coverage with our special edition of "america tonight" next. sexual assault on campus. >> i didn't think it was happening. i remember putting up my hands saying no, i'm a virgin, stop. >> the numbers tripled in the last year alone. today 90 colleges and universities under investigation. >> it's up to all of us to put an end to sexual assault. >> a year ago "america tonight" brought you the story from the front line. we put more emphasis on preventing playingarism than rape. >> reporter: has any university has federal thumbs withdrawn?
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>> never. >> serial rape is the norm on college campuses. >> each offender had 14 victims on average. >> a minute she walked through the door, i was on her. >> they know what they are doing, they are targetting fresh many, they are grooming them a "america tonight" investigation, sex crimes on campus. thanks for being with us, i'm joie chen. it's called an epidemic, it's not getting better. "america tonight" aired a ground-breaking report on campus sexual assault, a problem that gained attention all the way up to the white house. we begin with the story of two young women who blazed a path with other victims, and launched a movement to shine a light on a problem in the shadows too long. >> it happened so quickly, it was within 2 minutes that my head was slammed into a bathroom door and again next to the toilet and the assault proceeded.
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>> i remember putting my hands on the sink, looking at myself in the mirror, and not even being able to fully comprehend what had just happened. it was just like "i need to get out of here." these women say they were raped at a place most of us assume will be a haven of learning and safety. college. annie was a freshman, and andrea sophomore attending u.n.c., the university of north carolina at chapel hill. each said the university failed to protect them in the first place, or give them the support they needed to cope with the experience afterward. >> i know when i did report, because i did, i was blamed for my own experience. >> reporter: what does that mean blamed? >> i was told rape was like a football game, i should look back, and what would i have done differently to avoid the
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situation. >> reporter: one in 20 college women in the united states will be the victim of a completed or attempted rape in a college year. according to the national violence against women's survey in 2000. the most recent figure available. that means over a college career as many as 20-25% can be victims. today many of these victims refer to themselves as survivors. . >> there's depression, cutting, blame, and a lot is placed on the victim to change your lifestyle, it's your fault, you have to get over it, figure out what you need to do to get better. >> reporter: was the school blind to sexual violence. >> the interesting thing is it's treated as a compliance issue, something that can be solved with a policy. >> it's been it did not really happen or it wasn't bad or pr stuff. i want to see someone stand up
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and take ownership. we have to leash from the mistakes and have the best practices in the country because of it. i want to see them say we are sorry and make it better, not we didn't do anything wrong. >> this is the easier thing to do, to put a blue light on campus and have a security guard. this will not be the effective method to end sexual violence. >> reporter: since 1972 the u.s. department of education under title 9 said: institutions receiving federal fund must ensure education free of sexual connotations. many colleges and universities say they were unaware of legal obligations under title 9 to protect students from sexual assault. >> i'm here to talk about you about -- talk with you about
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physical abuse and sexual assault on college campuses, and what we can and must do about it. in april 2011, vice president joe biden announced what is known as the dear colleague alert. a document articulated guidelines with how colleges should deal with sexual assault, leaving no doubt that protecting students is the school's responsibility. though annie graduated in 2012, she and andrea found each other through the u.n.c. community. they began to talk about the issue of rape in the juste of north carolina -- issue of rape in north carolina. >> this is not a u.n.c. problem, because someone messed up. we said u.n.c. is not a bad place, it's a representation of a larger cultural problem. >> reporter: the women researched title 9, interviewing
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other victims of rape, utilizing social media and in january 2013, along with former u.n.c. administration, melinda manning and two others, filed a complaint against the university of north carolina, at the department of education. >> i think it is a microcosm of what is happening across the country, these crimes are committed. universities sweep them under the rug. the don't of education is not holding them accountable and students saying this is not okay. >> when you have 18 and 19-year-old men and women holding the government accountable for rape, it just - it boggles my mind. >> the department of education has made an effort. >> yes, but they never really have done anything. there's no teeth behind it that we have seen. >> has any university had its federal funds withdrawn. >> never. >> no. >> no. >> the federal complaint against
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u.n.c. received considerable media attention and social media has given a voice to a network of survivors, many with the informal help of annie and andrea filed their own complaints. finally, there is a sense of a turning point. >> it's maybe easier to talk about plainliurism. we have to change that, switch the dynamic, we have to talk about violence, sexual violence. >> ewcombia is one of three full-time title 9 administrators hired since the complaint was lodged against the school. >> have we done it as well as we could? colleges and universities, generally speaking, we need to do better, more. >> despite the guideline outlined the right way forward is still not clear to many universities. >> part of my frustration as an administrator was along with the document.
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we are trying, but sometimes we are stumbling because we are not getting the guidance we need with the new expectations. annie and andrea believe sexual assaults are under-reported. >> any time i look at a sexual assault report and see zero, zero, zero, it's a red flag. it doesn't mean the sexual assault is not happening, but people are uncomfortable reporting about it. or they are not given accurate statistics. >> in 2014 more guide lines are on the way, educating students, and convening when they see a problem. as for annie and andrea they turned their ordeals into a mission, to bring light into part of campus life that has been too long in shadow when sex crimes on campus returns, a campus culture that is a breeding ground for sexual assault.
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when laura went to college, she never thought that she, like one in five college students would become a victim of sexual assault. what made her vulnerable was the college party culture fuelled by alcohol that some say made the campus a breeding ground for assault. we explore the roots of that problem and how young women become victims. >> reporter: it never occurred to laura that a campus party could be dangerous. >> i was at a partying drinking, my second time drinking ever in my life. i was in with people from crew, trying to get to know them. there was free shots. i had a lot of shots, over seven, and was cut off from the bar, i was getting very, very
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drunk. it was about that time two men from my team paid more attention to me. >> reporter: laura was a student at university wisconsin madison. two men left the fraternity to head to the next party. she thought she was safe, because they were fellow students, fellow rowers, friends of friends. >> they started to walk me the wrong way. i remember saying "that's not the direction of the party." they said "we are stopping by the apartment, it's fine." i was stumbling, i had a few more shots that they had given me before i left. i was leaning on one. we were trying to walk. they walked me into an apartment that was close. i fell face first on the stairs, and they picked me up and carried me up. >> reporter: alcohol is the fuel in 50% of sexual assaults, including rape, according to a study by the national institute of alcohol abuse. the victim or the perpetrator or both are drinking, intensifying
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behaviours and risks. >> it's almost like it wasn't happening to my body. and at 1.1 of them got on top of me and started pressing himself into me. and i remember putting my hands up and saying "no, i'm a virgin, please stop." >> reporter: the attack destroyed laura's sense of trust. the a student text rarely lost focus. a long-time love relationship ended and she quit the rowing team. >> i had nightmares, couldn't sleep, lost weight. was anxious. and had problems. >> laura dunn was a victim of rape, but a campus culture that many feel is unhealthy for women and men. social researcher and professor lynn phillips studies this.
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is there a hook-up culture? >> people are less apologetic about it. people see it as the norm, whereas, you know, when i was in college, people - we called it one night stands or sleeping around. you were supposed to be a little shire about it. now, not so much. people talk about it as a fact of college. add to that huge pressure to drink and overdrink. and so that makes things complicated as well. if you really, really drunk, you can't consent. we don't do enough to teach young men about that, that you can't have sex with someone who is incapacitated. that's rape. >> reporter: phillips interviewed hundreds of college students about their experiences. she says it doesn't help that women and men are bombarded with sexual images from childhood on. >> people take in the scripts from the time they are little. >> everything from music videos,
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billboards, victoria's secret adds, cosmo. everywhere in the culture. there's erotizizing and naturalizing of sexual assaultee mixed with physical force. it focuses on male entitlement to sexuality. >> where do you stop once you start. then you become a terrible teen, if you don't continue to please them. >> phillips made the film "flirting with danger", to reflect what women are saying. >> i basically gave him a blow job to satisfy him so i wouldn't have to have sex with him. >> film i'ms says in -- phillips says in research, looking up and alcohol go together. >> when they talk about hooking up i say, "does alcohol have anything to do with this?" and they look at me aniesic adig (aniesicly -- quizicly to say "hello, of course it does." it doesn't mean it causes rape. someone choosing to take
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advantage of someone that is drunk causes rape. they these to do that. they could choose not to. >> laura struggled emotionally. a professor in class talked about rape on campus, and it changed her life. >> she said 20-30% of victims report, which means 70-80% are silent. i realised in that class i was the silent group. here i was sitting and realising my silence was part of this problem. so the moment the glass got up i walked across the strap and reported awkwardly that i was sexually assaulted. >> reporter: the dean office sent her to the campus police, and they sent her to the maddison police. she told her family what happened, and at first her parents blamed her. >> i remember walking into the kitchen, mum was in the living
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room and i said "mum, i've been assaulted." and she just went into shock and walked out the house, didn't have a reaction, she just left. i forget how my dad came in. i told him. he sat on the couch and the first thing he said was "what were you wearing?" i couldn't believe my father asked me that. every reaction they had made everything worse, because it wasn't "are you okay? we still love you." >> reporter: her parents became supportive, encouraging her to go to the media to get her story out. the university of wisconsin said there was no way to determine what happened, since both parties were drinking. consent was moot. >> they said it's absurd. i was pre law. it's not moot, it's an issue. we need to create a movement. >> laura's experience led her to
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a path in life. she was working to keep others safe. >> i realised what happened was not by fault. >> she is speaking out in public. >> sometimes we are not believed. we cannot let that stand... >> she is in the right place at the rite time. >> the men that harm me will never be locked away for what they did. they'll live their lives without knowing what they have done. i can change the laws, and they hold others accountable. and i think that's justice. when we return, predators on campus. the serial rapists responsible for the lions share of campus rapes.
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it's a common belief that many assault cases are murky, the result of miscommunication. allegations that amount to he said/she said. that assumption is wrong. the latest research found that most campus rapes are perpetrated by a small number of determined predators, serial rapists who carefully plan their attacks. here is "america tonight"s chris brewery occidental college in los angeles, private, pricey, with a post-card perfect campus known for social justice. it's striking that this campus is ridden with reports of rape and sexual assault. much committed by repeat offenders. >> i ended up walking back to his place with him. once we were there, he raped me. >> reporter: in the shadows two students who asked us to mid
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their faces tole us they were raped - not by strangers, but men hiding in plain site. their fellow students. >> reporter: you clearly said "no." >> yes. >> reporter: he kept forcing himself on you. >> yes. >> reporter: this woman, a junior, said she was raped in her first year. her outrage grew upon finding out he was sanctioned. >> months before he raped me he was sanctioned by the college for sexual assault. it was not serious enough that he was removed. >> reporter: what was the sanction? >> i think it involved writing a paper of some kind. some research reflection. >> he wasn't suspended. >> no. >> reporter: and wasn't expelled. >> no. >> serial rape is the norm on college campuses. here at oxidantal college we have numerous cases with three or four women coming forward and
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alleging the same man raped pore sexually assaulted them associate professor caroline held man had been teaching for seven years, along with daniel durks, they have become activists for sexual assault victims, saying they did not intend to do so, but students came to them, pouring their hearts out. >> i have been here since 2011. over that time i have talked with dozens of men and women who have been raped, sexually assaulted, battered. all of these things. >> last april helmand and dirks filed a federal complaint. in it 42 oxidantal students alleged they were raped for assaulted since 2009. >> another woman also a junior told us she was raped last year by a repeat offender after a campus dance. >> there was drinking involved, and i ended up being taken home
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by someone that i actually don't remember being taken home by. and ended up having sexual relations with him, without my knowing. i didn't remember it in the morning. >> reporter: did you report this? >> i didn't report it for two month. >> reporter: did this guy assault other women? . yes, we know that he has been found guilty of sexually assaulting another woman. >> the vast majority of sexual assaults, over 90%, are perpetrated by serial offenders. >> each on average had 14 victims. >> clinical psychologist travels the country training prosecutors and police on sex offenders. in his study published in 2002 he asked 2,000 male students at a college about their sex lives. 6%.
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men described their scpuble en -- sexual encounters in a way that met the legal definition of rape, meaning they had sexual intercourse without the support of the woman, using alcohol or force. a majority assaulted multiple women. they were prolific. the average number of rapes was six. serial rapists peraffected techniques and ways of identifying who on campus, for example, are vulnerable. who are the individuals to target as they call it, to pray on. >> to prove his point. a video was shown, based on an interview at duke university, here, an actor speaks the words of a student, describing how he invited a freshman girl to a party. >> the minute she walked in the door of the party, i was on her. she is good looking. we started to drink together. i could tell she was nervous,
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because she was drinking so fast. >> what was she drinking? >> some punch we made, the unusual thing. what does the exchange tell you. >> it's clear cut. they know what they are doing, they are targetting in this case freshmen, they are grooming them by inviting them to this special party invitation only. it's a setup. and then they have things prepared at this party. >> reporter: there has been a million college parties like that, it doesn't mean it's rape. >> not when you give someone a drink, but when you give someone a drink and they are intoxicated and you bring another drink over and give them that and they are more intoxicated and you say listen, why don't we go upstairs. they are so intoxicated they can barely stand up and you support them up the stairs. >> she was woozy, i brought up another drink, sat her on the beds, i didn't expect her to get into it. maybe that's why she was pushing on me.
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i learnt on her, pulling off her clothes. at some point she stopped confirming, maybe she passed out. her eyes were closed. >> reporter: what happened. >> i [ beeping ] her. >> reporter: did you have to lean on her? >> i had my arm across my chest. >> reporter: when you hear this, what does it tell you? >> he's describing a rape that involves in many ways more overt violence than you see in many non-stranger rapes. >> reporter: calculating waves are common refrain among the students who claim to have been assaulted. >> reporter: when you look back, do you feel you've been set up or plied with liquor. >> absolutely. he probably scanned the room, saw someone who was clearly intoxicated and started to strike up a conversation and continued to provide me with drinks. >> the president of oxidantal
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college declined our request for an on camera interview, but officials site changes in policy, including a 24 hour sexual assault hot line and a professional advocate to help students that report rape and other sex crimes. >> occidental quietly settled with 10 students, keeping financial details confidential. the professors that filed a federal complaint say the college has not established a clear bright line involving sex between students. >> the clearest definition of consent is affirmative, willing, active enthusiastic yes. i think yes means yes, is really, you know, should be the campaign slogan for consent on college campuses. >> researchers believe colleges like ox dental are at a critical crossroads. >> which which will they go? will be go the route of the catholic church, or will they
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show that they respond to this with honesty and a commitment to do the right thing? >> a former official told us colleges like ox dental don't have the expertise to investigate sex crimes that confound police and prosecutors. but the voices here suggest that far too often sexual predators on campus get away with it. and more troubling the research suggests they do it again and again monday we follow up on groundbreaking coverage with a look at what has changed over the last year. >> we have seen "al jazeera america"s expose about title 9. >> reporter: did you know title 9 was something that could be applied, that universities could be responsible. >> i had never heard of title 9 before. i was one of those people that thought "it's never going to happen to me." >> join us for sex crimes on
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campus, one year later. the special series begins monday night here on "america tonight". thanks for joining us, i'm joie chen. this is al jazeera america, i'm thomas drayton in new york, let's get you caught up on the top stories of this hour president obama embarks on a 3-country trip to asia and australia, where foreign policy legacy is in question secretary of state john kerry running up against a deadline to reach a deal with iran over its nuclear programme millions of catalans vote for independence while spain calls the referendum youseless 25
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