tv News Al Jazeera November 10, 2014 10:00am-11:00am EST
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investigators search for answers in eastern ukraine. and protecting patagonia. we look at why one of the most remote low cases on earth is facing environmental destructi destruction. >> a suicide-bomber dressed as a student kills nearly 50 people as a school assembly in nigeria. about 2,000 students were waiting for the principal's daily address when the bomber blew himself up. it happened at an all-boy's secondary school in yobe state, one of three northeastern states that have been under a state of emergency since may of last year. let's go live to our correspondent, who joins us from lega lagos. this attack was particularly devastating. >> absolutely. this one is particularly
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devastating. people are still not fully recovered from earlier. and this was issued by the boko haram leader that schools are particularly targeted because they stand for everything that boko haram are against. >> tell us more of what happened at the school this morning. how the attack happened. >> well, actually it's a lone suicide-bomber who championed a bomb to his chest, and walked in to the school dressed as a student aiming to inflict max damage because he knew a the students gather to hear the principal speak before going to classes. ihe walked in and detonated his device, and everything went blank for many students there. at the end of the day 47 died, 79 injured, according to police
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officers. but that figure is more likely a conservative figure of what actually happened and how many people were killed and injured. >> briefly, ahmed, they haven't taken responsibility yet, but the nigerian government has seen with boko haram just a few weeks ago. what happened to that? >> well, actually the nigerian government was announcing or celebrating, according to analysts, celebrating a cease-fire agreement. apparently they were talking with the wrong people. shortly after the announcement the boko haram leader issued or released a video in which it said there is no agreement with the nigerian government and cease-fire and they would intensify the attacks on the government, on civilians who are against their own ideology, and of course the security forces. that's what has been happening. >> thank you very much.
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reporting live from lagos in nigerian. no. other world news syri syria's president bashar al-assad said it would study a plan for a cease-fire in aleppo. this comes after a meeting in damascus. >> reporter: the u.n. envoy is pushing for peace in syria. he has a new initiative, one that involves reaching local cease-fire deals. he discussed this with the president in damascus, and bashar al-assad said he is ready to study the plan, which is supposed to start in aleppo. the u.n. hopes that by stopping fighting, it is able to deliver humanitarian plans. it is what people want. a civil society activist from homs who has mediated local cease fires in the past. >> this is the only thing that works. this is the only thing that gives hope to the people.
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30,000 civilians have come in after the deal. they're having much better life now than they had when they were idps. nothing else, geneva, london, new york, have delivered the difference to the people on the ground. >> reporter: she has been lobbying to support a bottom-up approach for some time now. >> they will send monitors and peace keepers, the cease-fire deals are not monitored, they will often fail. >> that's why she was asked to personally interfere convenient in efforts to bring peace to the district. some 150,000 people live in this neighborhood, which has been besieged by government forces for months. this initiative won't end the conflict. there could be a first step to
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ease the suffering until the top level political deal is reached. al jazeera, beirut. >> staying with syria, five nuclear engineers have been killed in an ambush. anti-government fighters attacked the groups off the capitol of damascus. one of the engineers was iranian. hundreds of family members and friends have gathered in amsterdam to honor the victory of the passenger jet shot down over ukraine in july. the dutch king and prime minister are among the dignita dignitaries who attended the memorial services. >> reporter: they have choreographyed and highly produced the ceremony was, and for all that it was an extremely emotional ceremony.
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touched by this tragedy were all that were in attendance but this a was really for the relatives of the 196 dutch victories. it was extremely emotional. the center peace was the reading out of the 298 names of all those passengers and crew who lost their lives on mh 17 in the center of the auditorium, you will be able to see white candles for each of the 29 victims. i think this is all about grieving, about the nation sharing in the grief of the relatives who lost loved ones, reassuring them that they're not alone, and pledging to do more to close the circle if you like and to launch the investigation which despite their best efforts still have not started on monday. dutch crash investigators were
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meant to start recover the wreckage, but the fighting in the area prevented that from happening, yet again. no investigation has been launched, and this idea of justice, finding out who did it, bringing them to justice, bringing criminal prosecution against those who are responsible for this tragedy are as far today as it ever was. >> well, simon reported the dutch investigators are trying to gain access to the crash site in eastern ukraine. let's speak to elvina who is in ukraine. were investigators able to reach the crash sites? >> no, we heard from the donetsk people's republic that this trip was meant to take place this morning. it was postponed until tomorrow. the reason being the experts had not arrived. it's not clear where they are, but there is hope that tomorrow
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they will be able to reach the site. it's not the first time that they have not been able to reach the site. hopefully there will not be any fighting, but, it's very important that they do continue the investigation. there is still nine bodies that are not been accounted for, and of course the pressure is on for conclusions to this tragedy. however, after months of fighting in the area it's not clear that the confirmed evidence that would make this investigation conclusive, it's still intact, and that is the main worry here. >> alvina in eastern ukraine, thank you very much. well, the conflict in eastern ukraine has heightened tension between russia and the west. and there have been more than 40 dangerous incidents involving forces from russia and nato space over the past eight months. that's according to reports compiled by european think tanks, which says that the
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number of incidents is approaching cold war levels. let's glet'slet's go to raleigh, who is in moscow. >> the network and think tanks, many operating in the region of european defense and security and foreign policy, says that three of these 40 or so events, they're particularly concerned about the casualties or significant escalation. now, one of the talks is the near collision, mid-air collision between a civilian airliner and a russian surveillance plane that was flying with its transponders turned off, but also talks about the strange incident where h estonian officer was snatched by the russian, as estonians say,
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from estonian territory, and then there is the swedish hunt for the mysterious russian submarine that they could never find in the end. they talk about the things of buzzing western warships by western warplanes and dummy runs made on danish and swedish cities. now there are a number of recommendations about how to de-escalate this. it says that russia should be reevaluating the costs and risks of this sort of behavior. it also says that there should be closer military-to-military cooperation and information sharing, and that everyone should really be thinking about the consequences of this sort of thing essentially stepping back for what could become a flash point. that's what they don't want to see. they don't want to see this become a trigger for some sort of wider conflict.
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>> rory live in moscow for us. still ahead on the al jazeera news hour strong support for breaking away. what next for catalonia votes? plus waiting on a verdict. the captain and crew of south korea's ferry disaster await their sentence. and can crowd funding help this formula one make it to the end of the season? we have more in sports. >> first the iraqi army said it has reached the northern town of beiji. isil captured beiji in june during an advance in northern iraq. we have this report. >> reporter: just a day ago isil was said to be firmly in control. today the graffiti tells the
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story. the flag has been covered in the iraqi slogan. the taking of the refinery was an early victory for isil as spie swept through parts of iraq in june. again, this has been tried for the iraqi army and the rapid deployment squad fighting along side them. >> let all the young men join the armed forces whether the army or popular mobilization forces. let them come here in joint arms with their brothers to defend the county and expel isil. if we don't act now then isil will sweep us so we have to give big support to the youth to join the fight against isil, especially, as it is the breaking point of isil's advance towards baghdad. >> fighting continues in the rest of the town. very early on isil established beijing as a control center for
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all of the territory that it controlled inside iraq. but it wasn't just about military strategy. it was also about business acumen. from beiji they continued their smuggling operation which netted them millions of dollars. >> helicopters would push fighters from the north of the town when they entered from the south and west. the oil refinery is the next big target. isil fighters remain in control apart from the facility, but they're cut off from the town itself, and are surrounded by iraqi forces. al jazeera, baghdad. >> and an armed group operating in the sinai peninsula, an announcement and recording on a twitter account the group has been responsible for several attacks against forces in the sinai over the past year.
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now, staying in egypt, a deadline has expired for ngos to register under new law that many today will restrict their freedom to operate. the government says that the new laws are necessary to ensure that ngos are not used as a front for illegal conduct, but critics see it as a broader crackdown on silver society. on sunday one person was killed when police tried to arrest members of the muslim brotherhood, which has been outlawed. there have been concerns about the imprisonment of journalists in egypt, including three al jazeera staff who have been held in jail for almost a year following a trial that many believe was politically motivated. the network is demanding their immediate release. the government has tightened it's squeeze on aid agencies working in the country. they accused president al sisi for rolling back laws that
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before the up rising that caused the ousting of hosni mubarak. rebels and tribesmen backed by al-qaeda, houthies have been killed in violence. this comes one day after yemen swore in its new government. let's spealet's go live to the yemeni capitol. bring us up-to-date with the fighting and what both sides, the houthies and the sunni tribes are trying to accomplish. wh is the objective? >> well, what we know so far from different local sources is that sunni tribesmen have asked houthi fight tours leave sunni areas.
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both sides using rockets and mortar, and then later in the day there was fighting pushing houthies back and killing dozens of them. the latest development so far is that at least 30 people were killed in the attacks between the shia tribes and the houthies. this is a critical situation that could play into the hands of al quite, which is active. al-qaeda has been asking people to join in its fight against the houthies saying that this is a a fight, and the houthies are trying to implement a radical shia ideology. very delicate situation, and we expect to see the fighting continue in the coming days. the houthies are insisting on expanding in those areas. >> the escalation in the fighting come as a new government in place. do you get a sense that this is
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a government that will be able to exert influence, exert control that will be able to bring back water--order to the country? >> it is going to be a mammoth task for the government, and particularly for the defense of defense and the minister of interior. you're talking about an army that has been weakened by years of conflict, and also security forces in yemen, historically speaking, have been divided along sectarian, ethnic lines, so it's going to be difficult about the minister of defense to send units to maintain order in those areas. but it's also critical situation because of the sectarian divide is something very dangerous in a yemen where 30% of the population is shia and more than 60% is sunni. the fighting continues, you'll see that same sectarian fighting spreading in the south and in the east of the country.
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>> thank you very much, we have reports live from yemen's capitol of sanaa. let's return now to egypt. as we're reporting earlier a deadline has expired for ngos to register and new law that many say will restrict their freedom to operate in the country. let's speak no speak more with representative of human rights watch. just how concerned are you about this new law regulating the work of ngos in egypt, and how has this impacted the work of your organization in the country? >> thank you very much. well, first of all, i would have to emphasize i do not think that this--i think the concern is not really regulating the work of the large ngo sector in the
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country of egypt. this is a direct sort of opportunity for the government, any government that would come to egypt it allows the executive authorities to say when and how and how much the organizations can have an influence in the domestic in these non-political contributions. it basically establishes a broad spectrum of instrument that allows the government to
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basically reconfigure the the organization, and allows the authorities a leverage to reverse the action. and it can actio give action to board members. >> i understand that your organization's ability human rights watch to work in egypt has been largely dly diminished this year. >> we've had researchers coming in and out of the egypt we maintain or organization while
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we wait for authorities to come in with registration, which has never happened. at the beginning of this year our assessment of the situation added to the restrictions of other organizations our cement waassessment was that as we wait for the egyptian government registration approval, it's not been viable, and we stopped waiting for the registration, and we do not have an office in ka cairo as of this year.
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they tried to put together a substantial report of what is happening in the country. >> thank you for speaking with us from the down rights launch from the lines from of casablanca in morocco. >> chinese president ping and japan's prime minister shinzo abe have met at the apec summit. >> the first major development did not take place in the scheduled conferences. it came on the sidelines, a handshake two years in the morning. china's president ping and japan's prime minister abe met
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for the first time. the two nations have been odds over territory, worshipsening history tensions. it's raising global concern over regional stability. >> no real efforts have been made over the last several years to patch up, to find modus operandi. this is where the two will at least shake hands and exchange a few words. >> the disagreement between china and japan has had impact outside of the asia pacific region. what could be a relief for japan's ally, the united states, which is bound to protect it. but it needs to keep a cordial relationship with china.
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>> this area is where they held the event. >> they will speak about several things over the next few days, including the downing of a malaysian airline by vladimir putin. the discussions will take place where china and u.s. has rival trade packs. >> in the next five years, nearly half of the economic growth outside of the united states is projected to come right here in asia. that makes this region an incredible opportunity for creating jobs and economic growth in the united states and any serious leader in america whether in politics or in commerce recognizes that fact. >> and they pose for the first of two family photos a rare look at some of the world's superpower together all on one
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stage. this provides the venue for them to meet face to face. but observers feel it's just too big of an event to create anything of benefit. that is least for the nations who use the summit as a way to push their agendas. >> breaking news to report now in israeli police saying that a palestinian man has stabbed three israelis at the entrance of a settlement in the occupied west bank. they say the palestinian man was shot by police and seems to be in severe condition. now this is the second attac attack--stabbing attack against israelis in recent days. the first one took place in tel aviv. it's the second attack today. the first one took place this morning. we'll have more news this morning from our correspondent in israel in just a few minutes.
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now the verdict is expected in the case of the south korea south koreaen ferry that capsized killing 300 people, many of whom were school children. >> their numbers have dwindled over the months but not the string of feeling. groups still come from all over south korea over a tragedy that has touched the national psyche. >> as korean citizens we have come to pay respects to the victims and their families ands wills to wish for justice. >> these are some of the grieving family members who still make the daily trip to the site of the wreck. for them justice will mean a guilty verdict for the captain of the vessel seen here leaving their capsizing chip early. co-get the death penalty. his crew faces lesser sentences.
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mobile phone footage recovered from the wreck shows passengers mostly youngsters remaining below as the insistence of the crew. >> the grief and pain has ebbed as most of the bodies have been recovered and families have returned home. just a few relatives remain at the town's gymnasium, which has been turned into a temporary dormitory. the court case will provide them with little consolation. >> i don't think the death penalty solves anything. the families here don't have any emotion left. we're numb to the trial. >> what will ease their pain, the recovery of his loved one's bodies, and looks less likely with time. in waters of notoriously strong currents, the search for the wreckage has to be kept to just a few hours per day. but with the seas getting colder
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and chances of the vessel breaking up, even that is harder to maintain. now there is concern to raise the wreck. even after that what has happened here and the memory of it will play on the national conscience. al jazeera, south korea. >> still ahead, u.n. filipino peace keepers pull out of liberia because of the ebola threat, and there are no threats to replace them. going on a hunger strike demanding better compensation. and over his head, at first glass it looks like a great goal, but jo will tell you why all is not as it seems. next.
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america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now >> game of thrones when it came out, didn't hit any best sellers lists... >> the worlds, the magic and the fascination of george r.r. martin >> i'm writing the equivalent of a medieval world war ii... >> how his imagination keeps millions of devoted fans always wanting more >> it's nice to be doing something everybody is so aware of... >> every saturday, join us for exclusive... revealing... and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time... talk to al jazeera, only on al jazeera america >> welcome back. you're watching the news hour. now a reminder of our top stories. a suicide-bomber dressed as a student has killed nearly 50 people in a school in north nigeria. 2,000 students were waiting for the principal's daily address
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when the bomber blew himself up. the u.n. envoy to syria has imposed several sees fires. the freeze would allow eight convoys. bashar al-assad said he'll consider the plan. and hundreds of family members and friends have gathered in amsterdam to honor the victims of the malaysian passenger jet shot down over eastern ukraine in july. many of the passenger who is died were dutch. more now on a story reporting earlier, and the reports of three israelis have been stabbed in an incident in occupied west bank. let's go to that report. tell us what happened. this is the second incident, stabbing incident. >> indeed.
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>> we apologize. the phone line is very bad. hopefully we'll be able to restore the connection and speak to him more about this second stabbing incident. this one outside of a settlement in the occupied west bank. three israelis said to have been stab. israeli police say they shot a palestinian man responsible for the stabbing and the man is said to be in critical condition. more on the bombing that killed 57 students. students were killed when they in school. the gunmen throwing explosives,
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and of course back in april boko haram attacked a school and kidnapped 200 school girls. the girls are still missing despite government statements saying they will soon be freed. let's speak more about that now to mike, we're in abuja, former director of the nigerian state security service. thank you again for coming on al jazeera. the nigerian government promised last year to provide adequate security when there was another attack on the school. yet the attacks keep happening. why the security failure? why is this continue to go happen when this is a state where there is a state of emergency taking place? >> you recall that some of the schools were closed down before the incident. when the institutions seem to have normalized the schools were
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opened again this incident is worrisome because the aim of the boko haram is to praise th control the populous. and information released by boko haram leaders claims-- >> right, but my question, sir, sorry to interrupt you, my question is why is it that the nigerian authorities are helpless in protecting these schools. is it lack of personnel, lack of manpower, lack of political will to protect these students? >> well, i wouldn't agree entirely with you because the
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issue raised now is that the, this is exactly the way they operate. i think measures are put in place, and and students would come to school. >> a few weeks ago the nigerian government officials were all but certain of a trus truce with boko haram, yet the attacks keep happening. what should be the views of the nigerian government now? >> well, you see, it is unfortunate, because perhaps at this time two or three weeks
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before the incident you recall that the military has retreated. i my the best to do is to intensify the efforts in boko haram. >> the presidential election is three months away. do you think there will be a peace deal made in the next three months, or is that out of the question. >> the discussion is left to be worked on before the election if it is to be. under the circumstance accep
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circumstances in these areas. >> thank you for your time, sir. three israelis have been stabbed in the occupied west bank. we go to the line in jerusalem. >> reporter: well, i can confirm, rather it is believed tha that a woman in her mid 20s has died in this attack. two others are injured with what we've been told in the settlement. now we don't know very much more beyond that. this is only merged in the past few moments or so. we're in close contact with the israeli police to get a clearer idea of what is behind this.
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however, i can say it follows a pattern emerging over the past two weeks in which we've seen palestinian men involved in which israelis have been targeted. now most of these have been limited to west jerusalem. we've seen a number of incidents where many have driven their cars into groups waiting at stations resulting in fatalities, but we're now saying incidents like this in the occupied west bank. you may remember only a few days ago or possibly a week ago in which a palestinian man drove his car into three israeli soldiers resulting in injury. he later turned himself in. however, in this latest incident in the occupied west bank we understand that the police have shot the men they say was behind the stabbing. >> thank you very much. from jerusalem with the latest of that stabbing of three
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israelis by palestinian men, according to israeli police outside of a settlement in the occupied west bank. >> filipino peace keepers leaving the west africa country of liberia will be shipped out where they'll be monitoring for ebola. the troops will spend 21 days in quarantine before returning to the mainland. our diplomatic editor james bays has more. >> reporter: keeping the peace in liberia, but not for much longer. filipino troops have been in the liberian nation for more than a decade, but now they're pulling out, and no other country is offering to take pleasure place. liberia is the worst-hit country witcountry. for now other countries with
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troops in liberia are staying put, but they are concerned. >> we have more than 500 troops in liberia. we have a hospital there. so we are not alarmed, we are not panicked because we have taken measures to keep our troops so that they remain safe. >> all the three countries most affected by abel in places that already were facing huge challenges. u.n. troops are needed in liberia, a troubled country after devastating conflict. the u.n. peacekeeping mission in sierra leone may have closed over a year ago, but it's a nation suffering in the aftermath of its own civil war, and guinea is an extremely poor country with could yous and conflicts in its past. here in u.n. headquarters there is deep concern not just about
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the medical emergency created by ebola, but also by the threat of a break down in security. >> the has any attitude of this horrible situation can at any time give rise to breakage in the law and order, and the stability of the country. as i said, the institutions are still not very strong, and trains are enormous. >> the u.n. security council and general assembly will both be meeting in the next few days to discuss the ongoing ebola crisis. james bays, al jazeera, of the united nations. >> a military operation in pakistan in the waziristan region, some say those displaced by the fighting has reached 1 million. >> this is another military operation going on in the area.
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hundreds of thousands of people likely to be affected by the renewed fighting when the military moves in to that area. but real emergency is the plight of the people who were given no warning and told to leave their homes. many are sitting out in the open. it is already winter here in pakistan and they need urgent help. >> we left our homes due to the military operation. now we don't have money to buy food for the families, and there is no help from the authorities. >> the only help being provided is on a limited scale by organizations the government which has made promises to people have not been able to deliver. the government, it seems, is not interested. >> the government has completely
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not plied help despite claims. >> the military is already busy in another operation which has led to the displacement of 800,000 people. if you combine that with the number of people that are now being displaced from the agency, that will go well beyond the million mark. it's an emergency that pakistan needs to tackle, and tackle it as soon as possible. >> in india victims of one of the world's worst trial accidents has begun a hunger strike to demand better compensation. thousands died after poison leaked from a factory 30 years ago. >> these protesters want to make sure that their plight is not forgotten. many of the victims of the good tragedy. some lost loved ones. others the ability to live life
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to its fully. now they want the government to help them. >> we demand that all victims of this accident will receive compensation. we also want the supreme court of india to acknowledge the actual health status of victims and the right number of people killed in this accident. >> on the second and third of december in 1984 thousands of people were killed, and many others injured after inhaling poisonous gas that leaked from this pesticide factory. many of these protesters still live near the defunct plant. this is the latest protest in its struggle for justice that has lasted 30 years. according to many of the victims financial compensation has been inadequate and the legal process has been slow. eight senior executives of union of the american company that owned the factory has been found
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guilty of negligence. but anderson died in the united states in september at the age of 92. >> the death of one culprit does not mean that the fight is over. the company is still alive. dow chemical is still in operation. it needs to accept responsibility and the indian government should help us. >> help in answers to many questions is what these people want. dow chemical, which bought union carbide in 2001, has been summoned to appear in court on the 12th of november. that could bring much needed closure. >> still ahead on the news hour, we'll fly you into beautiful
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taliban. >> we're going to be taken >> it's so seldom you get the access to the other side >> fault lines, al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> today they will be arrested... >> ground breaking... they're firing canisters of gas at us... emmy award winning investigative series... special episode on the front lines with the taliban on al jazeera america >> welcome back. let's take you to pat gone y one of the most remote locations on earth. but the region's delicate ecoregion is under threat from overgrazing, but an american couple is trying to counter that in an unique way. we go to southern chile. >> taking off to this far away corner is an ambitious dream. the dream to turn the clock back
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as close as possible to the place darwin found when he first stepped foot if patagonia. >> those kinds of opportunities are not everywhere in the world. >> it's huge. >> until recently the region was considered the most remote corner of the southern hemisphere. but not remote enough says wealthy american philanthropist to prevent destruction from overgrazing. now thanks to thomkins and his wife, chris, this hot spot for diversity is coming back to life. the fences are gone, and the wild grass is growing. >> you come here, and you think, god, this is like paradise because they're back where they belong. they know that they're not hunted, and that's why you can stand here so close to them. and they don't-- >> they don't runaway.
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>> they don't care. >> the native animals, cousins to the llama, are once again riving, now there are only enemies are national predators like the condor and the puma. >> this is a dream conservation project. >> the outdoor clothing company patagonia used much of her fortune to buy this ranch soon to be named the patagonia national park. >> you they are the first to admit that shifting land use from conservation to exploitation inevitably sparks passion. >> some have accused the couple of planning to turn the valley into a nuclear waste dump or a new jewish state. but they say that national parks
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are simply the best way to prevent the destruction of the national world long after she and her husband are gone. >> are we willing to use up every scare inch of this planet at the risk of losing most species just to make sure that we humans can consume as much as we want to? >> to thompkins who have formed the largest national parks than any couple in the world are saying no. al jazeera, chile. >> now time for sports. >> thank you very much. the formula one team is almost outsiden way to paying it's way to the rac grand prix in adu in abu dhabi. they're hoping to raise enough money to make it to the final
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grand prix in the u.e. in less than two weeks' time. we go to the administrators of the crowd funding project. whthe formula one sport is a wealthy sport. why has it come to this? >> well, it's previous funders have moved on, and it's looking for a new substantia financial funder. >> will you tried to crowd fund next year as well. >> the whole crowd funding idea is just focused on actually getting to this one race in abu dhabi, and we hope after we have that race we'll deal with a new owner so the team will be on proper financial footing and be able to go on.
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>> you've been brought in to fix the problem. whose fault is it, do you think? >> i think we've seen recently there is an issue of formula o one. they're defend on funding and partnership. it is a slightly vicious circle, and what it calls for are organizations and people, who have had substantial financial worth to invest in these businesses. >> the man in charge of formula one, who is not a fan of crowd funding, is trying to fix the problem. what do you say to him? is this something that we'll see more of over the years?
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>> well, i would be surprised if this happened more often in formula one. i think this is showing that it can be done. this is an extremely expensive business, and we've had the opportunity to crowd fund for one particular race. i know they have given views regarding crowd funding, but i think there might be some misunderstanding. this is not crowd funding for a season. it's really a stepping stone in order to raise to show it off to its potential purchasers and hopefully to get one of those purchasers to be the new owner. >> they're looking to make it to the last grand prix of the season. we wish you luck. mark marquez has described this season as a dream: to top
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it off, his brother alex won the moto 3 championship on sunday, receiving his melt. they are the only siblings to hold cycling titles in the same season. well, tennis number one djokovic will hold his title in the next few hours. he'll face t an i tillitch. >> on to football now, ending their losing streak in germany in the most bizarre of circumstances. cramer scored an on goal deep from the halfway line. it was a back pass. he had misjudged completely, which sailed over the keeper's head and into the keeper's net.
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>> the government that came in won't allow the people to speak up... >> john stewart and maziar bahari >> the film is about democratization of information >> the fight for free journalism... >> these regimes are aresting more and more people... >> primetime news only on al jazeera america now. blood bath, disaster, drubbing - they are the nicer terms used to describe the midterms. also award winning journalist on how she believes the government put her under surveillance for investigating the plt and why so many veterans struggle with an addiction to war. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this". those stories and more ahead. >> the american political map is a sea of red. >> republicans control the house
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