tv Consider This Al Jazeera November 11, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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>> consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the growing controversy. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america president obama's tension-filled trip oversees. bill richardson on the growing rift with russia, and their bond with china. and rising islama phobia in america, and glen campbell's painful public battle with alzhiemer's. i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this" - those stories and more ahead.
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>> tensions are continuing to grow twin israelis and palestinians. violence is increasing. both sides fear there's no end in sight. >> president obama had brief encounters with vladimir putin. there's a range of issues. russia planned to build eight nuclear reactors. >> fighting engages. >> 1500 troops to iraq. fighting against i.s.i.l., is a fight against a certain ideology. would boots on the ground make a difference. >> we are using two or three examples to justify a generalisation. certainly it becomes easy to paint them all with a single brush. the slow moving red-hot lava. >> it took about 45 minutes. >> difficulties are due to alzhiemer's disease. >> there's no cure for the ryan stone cowboy, who is heading into the sunset.
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>> i anti-done yet. tell them that. >> we begin with foreign policy intrigue at the asia pacific forum. this week at beijing, behind the handshakes and pageantry. president obama and russian president vladimir putin rarely circled each other as russia cemented its ties with china. tensions are growing between the u.s. and russia over ukraine and syria, and their announcement of a contract to build two nuclear reactors in iran, even though we are two weeks away to tehran to sign an agreement on the nuclear programme. speaking to jewish leaders, vice president joe biden forcefully answered critics of any deal with iran. >> i have heard to much maliki about our position on iran -- maliki about our position on iran. let me say it clearly in a biden esque way. we will not let iran acquire a
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nuclear weapon. period. period. period joining us from santa fe if mexico is bill richardson, former governor of mexico and ambassador to the united nations. the president and vladimir putin apparently had a few short conversations, the body language between the two was, to put it mildly, it was awkward. now, we knew that this deal for russia it build reactors in iran was in the works. announcing it two weeks before the deadline on the nuclear talks, and just as leaders are meeting at the summit. well, vladimir putin is obviously jabbing us in the eye. he's basically saying that he's going to side with russia if there's a real deadlock on the nuclear talks. and i expect that we still will have differences beyond the two weeks that we'll have to extend the deadline.
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russia is saying "look, u.s., we are not in the same wavelength on ukraine, on syria, on nuclear weapons. we are inching closer to china, you are trying to move in on us. >> the good news though, for the united states is russia's economy is in bad shape. the ruble literally is falling apart. oil prices are training the budget. we have a dance, three major powers, trying to outdo each other. and i think president obama is handling it well, trying to go inside in the middle of both, and protect our interests. >> i want to get to the relationship between russia and china in a minute. one more question on iran. do you think the november 24th deadline is the last shot for a long-term nuclear deal. next year there'll be an incoming senate that will be dominated by republicans, and there are a lot of people on both sides of the aisle making noise about being tougher on iran, and increasing the
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sanctions, rather than getting in a deal. >> yes, it's probably the last shot. i want be surprised if they extend the deadline for two weeks before the end of the year. i'm concerned about the deal with iran. i supported the administration through thick and thin. i want this to be a verifiable deal. i'm worried about the little intrigu intrigues, iran's intentions, russia saying "we'll take care of you." i'm a little apprehensive. >> let talk about the relationship between russia and china, it seems to be getting stronger, there's a second massive gas supply deal that will help both country's economies at a time when they are both struggling, as you pointed out. china is getting weaker. >> their getting closer in general. is there an anti-u.s. access
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forming. >> well both countries, russia and china feel we push them around too much. they blames for a lot of their problems. at the same time that doesn't mean that they are automatically working together on every issue. china's concern about russia's meddling in ukraine. they don't like separatist movements. they have one in hong kong. secondly, there's a lot of cultural differences between russia and china. there's not necessarily a lot of commonality. but at the same time, i think we should be concerned about this. we should explore a strong relationship with china, but on issues like human rights, climate change are, protecting elephants, like other issues that divide the u.s. and china - human rights, freedom of the press, internet access. we should stand by our
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principles. and at the same time recognise that china may not like it. this is not a 3-way relationship that is going to converge on a lot of interests. >> let's talk about china. now we have news of another chinese hacking of 800,000 u.s. postal service workers. we have chinese sit media that is insulting of president obama talking about the democrats defeat in the midterms. and the chinese president praised an anti-american blogger that wrote a piece arguing that the u.s. eroded the moral foundation and self-confidence of the chinese people, and compared unfavourable american news coverage of china to hitler's views of the jews. what are the chinese doing. >> this is a chinese leader who is strong, nationalistic, what wants to make china a big, big
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power. that's number one. unlike other leaders that were back and forth. there are tensions that are going to exist with china. human rights, internet freedom. press freedom. and obviously the chinese feel that we have been jabbing them on international economic issues. this trade deal, trans-pacific partnership excluding china, and we are pushing it. allowing with other countries. china feels a little irritated. this is why they've opened up a bit to russia. at the same time china and the united states basically on economic issues need each other. we need china to leap on north korea. that's a big issue. china has not done it. >> bringing that up. as soon as he arrived in beijing, the president squel muched speck u -- squel muched speculation that the two americans held by north korea, that may pave the way to nuclear
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talks. he said small gestures are not enough. you netted in the past -- negotiated in the past. we've been down this road before. is it a sign that the neans might want -- north koreans might want dialogue? >> i believe it is a sign they want dialogue. these are two releases a month ago, and two americans basically done without conditions. humanitarian gestures by the north koreans. i think we should explore ways to get something to stablilize the north koreans, to get them to stop using their nuclear weapons, their missiles. it will be a diplomatic dance. >> this is where china could help us. they provide fuel to the north koreans. they don't want to help us. why should they help us when we are created tension in north korea. so it's a diplomatic dance. what is important though is the president and the chinese leader
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are spending personal time together. that is really important. leaders getting to know each other, being able to pick up the phone, having a personal relationship instead of leaving it to their assistants, press statements. maybe something goodwill come out of this summit. >> as you bring up the relationship between the world leaders, let'sened with something lighter but didn't. vladimir putin took over the headlines. he ended up putting a shawl or a coat on the chinese president's wife, and this aired live on chinese television, but then apparently chinese sensitivities kicked in and they purged it from coverage in china. they took it off the internet. what do you read into that? >> well, it means that china and russia have cultural differences. this is why those that say china and russia will be close miss a
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big point. personal relations, customs, culture, things like that are important. and vladimir putin may have mishandled that one. we need to stay tuned. we need to have better relations with russia and china, not at the extension of our principles. >> it's interesting times. foreign relations. governor bill richard, great to have you on the show and for giving us your perspect mfiand insight. >> moving from foreign policy debate to more american troops in iraq. as americans mark veterans day with parades, u.s. troops return to the scene of much bloody fighting during the iraq war, and now an i.s.i.l. stronghold. the 50 americans are not there to fight or support groups and a struggle with the terror of the group. >> with president obama doubling the mission in iraq, 3,000 soldiers, men question if
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america is committing to a ground war that most americans want to enjoy. i'm joined from tampa as dr derek harvey, special advisor to david petraeus in iraq. he is currently the director of the global initiative for civil society in conflict at the university of south florida. good to have you back, colonel. >> great to be here. >> president obama, as i said, sent more troops at the baghdad's request to serve as military advisors, and help prepare iraqi and kurdish forces. do you see that as the right move to make. is it enough to succeed. >> well, right now, what we are seeing is the beginning of an effort that started several months ago. this is incrementalism of her first time. it's insufficient to the task. it 1500 additional trainers and advisors is insufficient to refocus, retrain and rebuild the
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iraqi security forces. they've taken a lot of losses and have capacity to rebuild significant challenges. there's a long way to go. it will be hard for them to improve over the next few months. >> our already limited bombing costs millions per day. what argument would you - what would you tell americans as to why we need to have more intense involvement? >> well, i think if we shape our involvement with the rite kinds of ground forces, we can impact on three levels - one, one in baghdad, political terms, we can influence the game. we don't have sufficient leverage. two, we can shape the coalition and bring more of the international community along if we invest and commit more and show leadership. thirdly. where this game will be won is on the ground in the different
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provinces, that will take u.s. presence there in a significant way to show them the sunni arabs in that region that they have someone that's going to be there to the long haul and broker the interest with baghdad. right now they have serious doubt and have serious losses over the last six months. >> talking about the long haul, there's an art that a long deployment, and another surge might be great in the short term, but not much in the long run, if we pull out. retired attorney-general bulger wrote in the "new york times"ar on monday, he said: what do you say to that argument? >> i worked with dan in the past, and have respect for general bulger's views to the u.s. army. that said, you know, his book, and his assertions missed the
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mark. the key decisions are about national strategy, aligning the policy, to support our strategic interest, and we have to be adaptable and learn as we go forward. the u.s. army on the ground along with the marines provided an opportunity, but we did not stay in it for a long haul. we didn't secure the problem. this is about identifying our interests. >> are we looking at something like the koreas or germany where we have troops for decades. >> well i would say if we had nine to 15,000 troops on the ground, providing the types of support that we asked for. intelligence, direct action forces, attack aviation, and the advisors and trainers in the right places, combined with serious political engagement. we could make a difference. it's not a large commitment to
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protect the interest which ranges from supporting the development of the baghdad government, so can be more includes iover the long haul, but keeping in mind that we have got a threat emanating from that part of the world destabilizing the region and saying it the project a threat to the west and the united states. the president said our troops will not be engaged in combat. now we send the 50 troops into anbar where i.s.i.l. has major cities. if we don't increase to levels you are suggesting, do you think there's doubt that the troops will find themselves in combat? >> they are not there to enter into combat and go out with iraqi units. they are at the base to do an assessment in order to bring an
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advisory and training team in, and develop a way forward to develop the sunni arab force to fight i.s.i.s. i think it's the right thing to do. we need to be serious about committing to it. these are not ground combat troops, in faptry -- infantry, artillery fighting on the yound. >> good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> now for more stories from around the world. we begin in new york city, where the last remaining ebola in u.s. a free of the virus. dr craig spencer, who contracted ebola while working with doctors without borders in guinea was released from bellevue doctors to cheers comm applause. mayor bill de blasio said it felt good to hug a hero. next to south korea, where a captain abandoned a ship full of
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schoolchildren was sentenced to 36 years. he was found guilty of willful negligence. it infuriated many of the fibbing timents families -- victims families who hoped for the death sentence. >> minnesota, wisconsin, were hard hit - some areas getting 2 feet of snow. in minnesota, two were killed on slippery roads. 200 million people are expected to be hit by cold textures as the -- temperatures as the cold air goes across the county. >> and hawaii, the lava swappos its first home, burning it to the ground in 45 minutes. civil defense officials say no other structure is under threat, because the leading edge of the lava stalled 480 feet from the main village road.
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that is some of what is happening around the world. >> coming up, israel on edge. deadly violent and tough rhetoric from israelis and palestinians. is islama phobia on the rise - troubling signs across the country and the world. our social media producer harmeli aregawi is tracking the top stories. >> the debate about access to the internet heats up. president obama takes a strong stance against cable companies, and a major democratic donor. and while you are watching, let us know what you think. join the conversation on twitter @ajconsiderthis and on facebook.
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fuelling a war. allowing jewish activists to visit holy sites. president obama struck back, blame ag mahmoud abbas of inciting unrest. >> translation: these steps include reinforcement on the ground across the country to ensure safety, demolition of attackers homes, a firm hand and harsher punishment for stone throwes, molotov throwers, finding the parents of stone throwing parents and youth joining us to discuss the violence is ambassador pinkes, former israeli counsel general in new york, and advisor to ehue barak, joining us from tel aviv. and from washington d.c. youcef, the executive director of the jerusalem fund and its
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educational programme, the palestine interest. good to have you both with us. youcef, i'll start with you. after prime minister binyamin netanyahu spoke on tuesday, you tweeted sarcastically, quote, "sure to fix things", i assume you think he's fanning the flames. obviously the reason that you are seeing what you are seeing today is because of problem that lies at the foundation of all of this, and that's the ongoing israeli occupation of palestinian territory, the denial and, of course, the situation that palestinians have been dealing with for the past 66 years now. so the - you know, israeli prime minister's plan to respond to the acts by demolishing more homes will pour gas on the fire and will not address the problem in any holistic tore weren't way. clearly, you know, he does not
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seem to be interested in finding a genuine solution, and probably is more focussed on election earring and campaigning at this point -- election ear and campaigning at this point. >> ambassador, within the israeli government there has been dissent about the harsh line that binyamin netanyahu is taking. >> no one is contributing anything positive to this situation or, for that matter, to the argument. there is ongoing incitement originating from the palestinian authority. unfortunately mr mahmoud abbas, who i thing has the capability, and has the faculties, and has the experience of being statesman like is in crying. -- inciting. on the israeli side you have right wing looun aticks within the government and outside the government who, too, are fanning
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the flames. and the prime minister, i would not fault him for this, but i do fault him for a simple thing, he has no longer in control of his politicians, and members of, indeed, his internet. and so what you are seeing here is israelis and palestinians, basically, as was said, it's a 66 year issue, it's 100 years, and israelis and palestinians, utly, tragically, and certainly in the non-positive way, negative way, if you will, just devolving or degenerating back to the starting point, and nothing goodwill come out for either side. >> doesn't the ambassador have a point. if the moderates libbing mahmoud abbas, are they not tapping the flaments saying israel is
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igniting the war. how can that be helpful to move things forward. >> we can have a conversation about specific lapping whim, but there's a false equivalence presented between a language that might be inciting as it has been termed. and the largest something contributor to incitement which is the israeli occupation. there is no language that will motivate a resistance to the occupation, more than the reality, in the way that it demies rights to people on the ground. you don't need to hear the comments of leaders to be outraged by the denial of access, freedom of movement, continued settlement on palestinian territory. that's the ipp citement. >> to youcef's point, isn't a
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great deal of the problem that the occupation is getting bigger, because the settlements continue in violation of u.n. resolutions? >> well, not just in contrast to u.s. resolutions, american demands and it's not good policy. that is not the point. they are making the classic, and i'm respectful of that. the classic arguments. they are not a good policy. if we go back to 1937, when the palestinians first rejected a plan then offered by the british lord robert peel, and fast-forward to july of 2000, the camp david summit with bill
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clinton, and yasar at, they said no again. what you have now is a huge gap of distrust and mistrust and suspicion. and fear and lothing that is helping no one. you know saying this is all about occupation - well, here is the reality. 770 prez of israelis understand and accept that the 2-state solution is the preferred motto. on the other hand you have 60 or 70% of palestinians who say the statement. yet, at the same time it's the 20, 30, 35% on both sides who call the shots. and that is a tragedy. and if we turn jerusalem, and if we religionize, indeed, a - an ethno national conflict, there's no solution in sight. and as for the equivalence that
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mr monier referred to - we have our zealots and luna ticks, and some tin -- luna ticks, and some sin in our own government. but they don't stab people to death. and the palestinians have been stabbing and killing people. if this doesn't stop, it will escalate into something that the entire world and, in fact, both israelis and the majority of israelis and palestinians are fed up with. this letteric of the -- rhetoric of the occupation, and non-occupation and settlement is true and valid. the question is what do we do from here. i don't see a palestinian authority or leadership ready to go the length to resolve this, and to be fair, i don't see an israeli leadership do the same. >> to the ambassador's point, how can the violence that we see in the past few days, in the
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terrorist attacks, killings, how can it lead to peace? >> i want to respond to the point about palestinians using a knife. one does not need to use a knife when they have f-16s, and apache helicopters, a system that controls and represses a population that is stateless, when you have a large military in the world. the fact that palestinians are using knives is more of a product of the imbalance of power. >> doesn't it give an excuse to the luna ticks that the ambassador is mentioning on the israeli side to the extremists? >> no, it doesn't. the reason it doesn't is when you are talking about the 77% of the israeli population that wants a 2-state solution, when you ask them about the details, they are less inclined to support things like, for example, a just resolution, the division of jerusalem, necessary components of a 2-state agreement. there's no large-scale support
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in israeli society for that, and the government that we see reflects that. we can talk about a 2-state solution. the reality is there is only one side of the conflict that is actively changing the map, in terms of building settlements, demolishing homes, removing people, revoking residency in jerusalem. it's not the palestinians that are occupying israeli territory, it's the other way around. >> we'll have to leave it there. it's a discussion that's gone on for generations and it's a shame to see the violence. ambassador pinkus, mr monier, thank you for joining us. returning from the conflict from israelis and palestinians to islama phobia. bill marr, last month, called islam a movia that will kill you if you say the wrong thing or write the wrong book. a july poll showed a quarter of
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americans have a favourable opinion of muslims, compared to 45% with an unfavourable opinion. i'm joined by a religious scholar, a senior fellow of former relations and adjunct professor of junior writer. his book - zelle jot, the life and times of -- "zealot - the life and times of jesus crist", i want you to wade in on israeli and palestinians heading to a full-scale conflicts with religious rights at the heart of the problem. is religious intall rans on both sides to blame for the flare-up on temple mount. >> i wish it was a surprise that we are seeing a surge in religious extremism, but, unfortunately, when you have a failure of the political infrastructure among the palestinians and the israelis to come up with some kind of
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meaningful end, some meaningful negotiation to this ongoing conflict, then it's really only a matter of time until religion rises up and, you know, fills in the vacuum. this has been an ongoing problem with the palestinians, obviously, since the 1980s. less reported is the surge of religious violence, religious extremism that we are seeing, particularly among israeli settlers, the price tag terrorists, which the government of islam refers to as jewish terrorists. i see this problem as getting worse before it gets better. >> it's a terrible situation there. very sad. let's talk about what we were intending to talk about, islama phobia in the united states. you said anti-muslim sentiment: what media are you talking about, and do you really think the rhetoric is worse than it was in the months and years
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after 9/11? >> definitely it has gotten worse than in the months and years after 9/11. polls consistently show that anti-muslim sentiment is far, far higher today - upwards of 10-12% higher than it was, even in the months after the attacks of 9/11. which is an indication that a lot of anti-muslim sentiment is not the result of a sense of fear or threat as americans have, as much as it is a main streamisation of anti-muslim rhetoric. that changed. the things that you would hear about muslims, that they are un-american, here to take over the country, that they want to destroy america and democracy, and they want to - you know, establish islamic law. you heard these things in the past. what is different is that now you are hearing them from mainstream politicians, from mainstream media news outlets, that is what is different. >> and what you said is many of
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these critics - marr, new atheist, sam harris, and many in the more mainstream media that you are referring to - criticized islam because they believe the violence we see from i.s.i.l., and from other islamic terrorists is inspired or derived from the koran. your argument is that religion is like an ideology, it's up to the individual to interpret it. >> it's not just my idea, it's basic religion 101. it's what you learn on the first day, that people insert their own values into their text. otherwise we taum every individual -- assume every executived thul that reads -- individual that reads a scripture comes away with the same interpretation. that is lunacy, false. the notion that there is a one to one correlation between belief and behaviour that versions of religious faith, for
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the fact that it shares a measure of believe with the moderates in that religion is equivalent to the entire religious community. that has become so normal that for the vast majority of americans they believe islam is different. that every other religion in the world is. no person in their right mind will say all 2 billion christians in the world think or believe the same way. yet it's perfectly commonplace for people to look at islam as monolith ig, as static and unchallenging. >> the argument is that if people define religion and interpretations, why is islam more than any other religion interpreted to justify violence? >> well, i do think that islam
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is at a place that no other religion is facing, there's a level of instability, violence and destruction. particularly in the region of the middle east, and that groups like al qaeda and i.s.i.s. claim to be muslim and acting in the name of islam, and we shouldn't dismiss that, we should take it seriously, and confront what it means. the issue is is that something unique or enkmic -- endemic or inherent to islam. that falls flat when one considers that you are talking about a community of 1 million people, and to brush the community is misunderstanding what the root cause is. >> talking about i.s.i.l., it claims to be the voice of islam
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and support growing, it may be part of an increase in islama phobia. you take a hard line on islamic extremists. you say there's no reasoning. >> i.s.i.s. - i.s.i.l. has no nationalist agenda, they are fighting what i referred to as a cosmic war. in a cosmic battle there's no room for negotiation, because they don't want anything that is measurable or achievable. that doesn't mean there isn't a political aspect to the fight against i.s.i.l., there is. the idea you can treat i.s., organizations that are geographically contained, you have to treat i.s.i.s. differently, there's no response, but a military response. >> an important discussion. pleasure to have you with us.
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thank you for joining us. >> any time. >> the man who chose to publish cartoons depicting the profit mohammed and the riots that followed. the free speech debate it is sparking a decade later. and the affects of alzhiemer's played out on stage. the emotional story the glen campbell's public fight with the
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it sparked a worldwide debate over freedom of speech. fleming was the editor who decided to publish the cartoon, including one of the drawing of mohammed with a bomb in its turban. he outlines the decision to publish the cartoon had his book "the tyranny of silence, how one cartoon ignited a global debate on the future of free speech", that has been published in english. >> thank you for joining us. let's set the scene. there was a children's book author that wanted to write a book about islam. >> about the prophet mohammed. >> and wanted someone to draw the prophet mohammed. >> he couldn't get anyone to do that. >> that was confirmed. three turned it down. one who said yes insisted on anonymity, later, referring to his fear for experiencing the
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same fate as samman rushdie who received a fatwa, a dutch film-maker was killed 10 years ago. and that was self censorship. out of fear you don't want to appear under your own name. >> because you felt that that censorship was going on, your paper decided to get the cartoonists to - you approached them to see if anybody would draw cartoons. >> i invited them to draw the profit as they see him. it was an open invitation, i was not calling for scorn. it was an open invitation, and therefore the cartoons were different. it was not only this example. we held the cartoons for two weeks, because we were not sure about the documentisation, but in the course of those two weeks several things happened. at a gallery in london, an
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installation called "god is great", was removed out of fear for offending muslims at the museum in sweden, and another painting was removed for the same reason. a danish region says i had no problems mocking the bible in front of the camera, i'm afraid of doing the same with the command. >> there was a trend, that was why we decided to publish. >> i am sure most in the west argue that you had every right to do it, free speech demands that you should be able to do what you will. your paper wouldn't publish hate speech, vulgarity or pornography. >> well, we would. >> in some means. >> in fact, we published a full page february 4th, 2006, with anti-semitic cartoons from the arab press. just to make a point. >> to make a point. >> under normal circumstances,
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you wouldn't do it. where do you draw the line. >> well, i personally am i gains hate speech laws. you have a wonderful first amendment tradition. free speech has suspiciously position in the american system. in most european countries we have hate speech laws, in denmark, and other countries, but i'm in favour of removing the laws, because i don't think that you can fight hate by outlawing hate peach. i do think that you fight it with words. and not by suppressing it. >> we chose not to show the most in plantry cartoon. and your book, at least the english version, does not have the cartoon in it either. why? >> you have to ask katar institute, my publisher. i distance myself from the process. for me it was important that they were published because they were published in denmark.
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i said to my agent that i will not be part of the decision part process, whether foreign publishers would like to put the cartoons in the book. >> a quick final question - you were threatened, the cartoonist needs protection. will you do it again? >> if i say that i would not do it again, i would send an unfortunate signal to those that threatened and intimidated the newspaper, saying if you intimidate and threaten enough, i'll do as you please. i think, you know, i would tell them if you intimidate, i will do what you ask me, and it will mean that you do not get less intimidation, you'll get more, because you tell people that it works. >> that's a strong, important point to make. the book is "the tyranny of silence", is available online and in stores. fleming rose, thank you for being with us. coming up, the powerful and
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time to see what is trending on the web, let's check in with harmeli aregawi. >> the president inflamed the network neutrality debate. he pit himself against cable company, advocating for a free and open internet. >> i'm asking the f.c.c. to reclassify internet service under title 2 of the telecommunications abbing. i'm asking them to recognise for most men's the internet is an intention part of communication and every day life.
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>> cable plunged after the announcement and time warner and comcast pushed back. comcast president and vice president david el-coan said: the internet association, facebook, net book and amma zoon amongst them said: on social media it's a liberals versus conservativeses. texas senator ted cruz feete feeted: -- tweeted: appear and ken said:
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but amanda sees it differently tweeting: new mexico senator tom backed the president saying: where do you stand in the net neutrality debate. tweet me. the f.c.c. chairman responded, saying he agrees there shouldn't be but didn't make promises. coming up, entertainment legend glen campbell concurred public music charts. we look at the battle he fought center stage against alzhiemer's. >> i'm john seigenthaler in new york. coming up after "consider this", president obama meets with his chinese counterpart in beijing, homing to take the relationship to a new level
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missouri's governor has a work for protesters - no violence. >> honouring those that served on veterans day - by putting them to work. >> rosewater, and the war on journalism. all that coming up after "consider this". see you then. >> scared as hell... >> as us combat missions end in afghanistan >> they're going to make plans for an attack. >> the only thing i know is, that they say they're not going to withdraw. >> get a first hand look at what life is really like under the taliban. >> we're going to be taken >> it's so seldom you get the access to the other side >> fault lines,
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al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> today they will be arrested... >> ground breaking... they're firing canisters of gas at us... emmy award winning investigative series... special episode on the front lines with the taliban on al jazeera america glen campbell is a legendry entertainer, who created countless memories for millions of fans, but mostly lost his own. "glen campbell i'll be me", follows the singer as he struggles with alzhiemer's while on his tour. >> glen campbell has been making music history for decades and still is. he took country music to new heights and became a global superstar. >> he was the first to win country and contemporary categories in the same year. >> who is that? >> that's billy. >> billy. >> and who is she?
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>> that's your second wife. you were married for 16 years. >> really. >> you divorced and then you met me. >> this indicates in all likelihood your difficulties are due to alzhiemer's disease. >> glen campbell "i'll be me", is playing in select cities and opens in the next few weeks. james keech directed the film. he joins us from los angeles. good to have you with us. tough moments where he heard he had alzhiemer's, and you opened the film with glen looking at home movies, his wife. he doesn't recognise his daughter or himself. it is sad to watch as his wife tells him it's him, and he says "i'll be me." the title of your film. you didn't want to make the documentary at first. why? >> i was reluctant. i thought it would be too daunting because it was about alzhiemer's. what you discover is when you watch the movie, there's more big laughs in this thing than
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there is in pretty much any big comedy. glen is so full of humour, and he wanted this film to be made. he - he asked us to make the film, and he wanted to put a face on the disease. and he - he was told when he was diagnosed with alzhiemer's, that he should hang up his guitar, and he said "no, i'm not going to do that, i ain't down yet", i'll do a final tour. we thought it would last five weeks, it went tore 2.5 years, 151 shows, and you see the journey. it's remarkable. >> it's amazing. 151 shows after being diagnosed with alzhiemer's, there were all sorts of challenges as they performed. >> yes. you never knew what you were going to get. you know, glen couldn't find his way in and out of the room. when he got on the stage and he
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was performing, it was magic. and his first - his first language is music. and he's probably more familiar being on the stage interacting with an audience than he is being anywhere else. we get to see that. >> he had moments where he forgot things, but managed to get through it. he got through it, with humour and music. one of his songs titled "a better place", he sings: and the film features his final song "i'm not going miss you." let's take a look at the music video. ♪ i'm never going to know what you go through ♪ ♪ all the things i say or do ♪ all the hurt and all the
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pain ♪ ♪ one thing selfishly remains ♪ i'm not going to miss you it's really a heart-breaking - a message that i think any of us that had family members who had close ones go through this, understand that very sad message in that song. >> yes, but at the same time the song is written from the point of view that he's okay. >> right. >> and so it's a reassurance that he's okay. but what it does to people that are going through it with him, is that they are not okay with him being - with him losing his memory, you know. so it's... >> yes. with so many people, you know, who are suffering from this. you know, we have 5 million americans who have it now. we have, you know, untold
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americans. that number is expected to triple by 2050. and you don't shy away in the movie about showing some of the rough times. >> no, no. i mean, the film - glen wanted is to be authentic, he knew what he was up against. the difference between this and reality television, reality television is scripted. this is glen, you know, going through this journey, and his family being incredible caregivers and humanistic doctors, and the thing that was really great is the audience when he was in front of them would lift him up. they knew what he was up against, and they cheered him on, and they behaved the way people are supposed to. >> how is he doing now? >> glen is in a memory care facility, and close to
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nashville. and he's happy. he is doing well. he is still able to he recognises his family, and his kids and he laughs a lot. loves to laugh, and will go to the windows and say thank you lord. and will kind of go into a talk. and is in stage 6. the film took place between stage 2 and stage 4 and stage 7 is the final stage of the illness. >> it's inspiring. we wish you best of luck with the oscars. the film is seen as an academy award tender. good luck in spreading the message and what it is doing to families. a pleasure to have you with us. >> glen campbell. i'll be me is playing in select cities. that's all for now, coming un wednesday - going viral from the united states.
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the astronaut whose twitter feeds educated many from space. join us more from the website, we are on facebook and twitter @ajconsiderthis and tweet me @amoratv. see you next time. hi everyone, i'm john seigenthaler, and this is al jazeera america. delicate dip loam has a. president obama face to face with the leader of china. tonight's big news out of beijing. [ chanting ] missouri tension - as they wait for a grand jury decision a warning from the governor. >> violence will not be tolerated. >> working warrior - finding work for vets at home. >> and
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