tv News Al Jazeera November 13, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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you. that's all for now, the conversation conditions on our website, we are on facebook and twitter @ajconsiderthis, and tweet me @amoratv. see you next tyke. -- see you next time. i'm david shuster in new york. john seigenthaler is off. this is al jazeera america. [ chanting ] showdown - congress moves to take up the controversial keystone xl oil pipeline. service air - a scathing report on security blunders at the secret service. >> follow the money - how i.s.i.l. makes its millions, and why it's hard to stop it. >> and no good deed - ticketed for feeding the homeless.
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the world war ii veteran vowing to fight on we begin in washington where congress returned to work for a lame duck session generating dreama. the top priority involves the controversial keystone xl oil pipeline. both took steps towards a fast-tracked vote, setting up a showdown with the white house. >> let's debate, vote, get the work down. >> in the weeks of a congressional system, democrats and republicans are working together. republicans say upcoming votes on the keystone xl pipeline are a result of midterm elections. >> you have seen the current democratic majority of the senate have an epiphany and allow vote they been blocking for years.
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>> reporter: democrats have other reasons for letting a vote move forward, one is to help out mary landrieu, trailing in a run-off fight to keep her senate seat. and wants voters in prooil state to see her as breaking the stalemate. >> it was held up by both sides, the politics of both sides. >> landrieu says she wan get the 60 -- she can get the 60 votes needed, others are the outcome up in the air. in the house, the passage is certain. hopefully the senate will pass it. this is a vote to lower energy costs and create jobs. many house democrats are dismayed at the vote. the pipeline will be bad for the environment. legislation, he says, is moving too fast. >> the bill is sprung on us, it's not the way policy is
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handled, where all of a sudden a bill comes before you for consideration and debate. >> some home that if keystone xl gets through congress, the president mr veto it. white house spokesman gave key stone opponents hope. >> it's fair to say our view of the proposals has not changed. >> republicans have a plan, if the president shuts them down. >> if he vetoes it, we'll have a chance to bring it back and attach it to a broad legislation or an action he will not veto. >> republicans want to know what the president plans to do. they may have to wait until after congress acts to find out. >> departments are not the only one throwing a life line recollects if sponsored by bill cassidy. he is locked in a senate run-off with mary landrieu in louisiana. both candidates hope to go home
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and tell voters they are responsible for passage of the keystone pipeline. >> libby casey on capitol hill. we asked someone from politico how mary landrieu benefits from promoting an issue where she and her republican opponent have the same position. >> in louisiana cassidy has been hammering her that she was chair of the energy committee in the senate, and this was the number one issue, yet leaders would not give time for a vote. this has been an issue. now mary landrieu is on the last leg. and democrats, having lost the majority figure what the heck, why don't we give this to her, maybe it will save herself. this is a way in which it could boost. we heard in the piece, the white house has a dim view.
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the president and the state department are considering what they are going to do. when do we expect a decision from the white house given that it looks like congress will pass this in the house tomorrow and in the senate on tuesday. >> decision from the white house on the bill or the pipeline, which will expect a veto word, because the house will pass it then. at which point the white house will let us know if the veto is ironclad or have wiggle room. as for the pipeline, we are looking at next year, as nebraska - they are uncertainly of the route, there's a court case pending. it's preventing them making the final word. >> thank you for coming on. appreciate it. >> there was a new message from i.s.i.l.'s top leader. they released a 17 minute peach by abu bakr al-baghdadi. he says the united states mission in iraq and syria is a failure, and urges supporters to
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carry out new attacks against saudi arabia. it's the first time he was heard from publicly since reports he was wounded saturday in an air strike. it was not clear when i.s.i.l. video taped the speech. >> top pentagon officials said the military was about to increase air strikes against i.s.i.l. obama administration will consider putting combat troops on the ground. the defense secretary and chairman urged lawmakers to improve a white house request for billions more in funding to fight the group. jamie mcintyre reports. >> in the appearance before the house arms service committee, secretary haguele and general dempsey asked for more time, patience and funny. >> after the united states spent more than 10 years and $25 billion training and equipping iraqi forces who fled, the questions on the minds of the
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house services committee is how will another 1.6 billion, and 3,000 u.s. advisors make a difference. >> i'm asking what is the difference in the ricky men that we have in the forces there in making a difference, not running from battle. >> the answer, says defense secretary chuck hagel, and general dempsey is the iraqi government has to prove to troops it is worth defending. >> you don't think we'd be swinging and fighting if we didn't have the support of the united states and the support of men in uniform, we we can't hold them to standards that don't exist. >> haider al-abadi sacked three
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men seen as corrupt cronies of the former prime minister nouri al-maliki. >> men and women will not fight if they don't have confidence in their leader. >> dempsey says it will take 80,000 troops, to help capture mosul, and the rest of the territory lost to i.s.i.l., and warned of setbacks. >> i described to this way, three is it steps forward, and two steps back, and at every step, we'll debate the size of the step. >> both ruled out combat roles for u.s. troops, which outgoing republican committee chairman called a minimalist strategy. >> how can you successfully execute the mission you are given to degrade and destroy i.s.i.l. when some of the best options are off the taftenl -- table. >> the pentagon strategy is iraq
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first, then syria. it would result in the removal of power of bashar al-assad, all while training and arming a moderate opposition, something the pentagon admitted is almost a year away. >> i.s.i.l. has been raising huge amounts of cash to pay for its campaigns in iraq and syria, and a look inside the organization. al jazeera cropped found the cash is providing supplies and motivating merceron air yeas. >> down a bumpy turkish road, a few feet from the border, we set out to look at i.s.i.l.'s search for the income. >> our guide, a 23-year-old smuggler. tools, jerry cans earmarked for cash. >> we see how i.s.i.l. recruits. his tools, keyboard and mouse,
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deposed to facebook and twitter. on a river in istanbul, over cups of tea. we learn how i.s.i.l.'s organised. our expert - a syrian employed as an i.s.i.l. stadium. >> i.s.i.l. took over factories, they needed civilians not connected to them. i help them sell the products. >> three people, all demanding anonymity showed how management, organization and whelth are dependent on foot soldiers, whose main motivation was income. they work for a self-declared islamic state, that may fly the flag of islam, but its heart is correspondent. our journey begins on the road. every night for 18 months, this woman took the turkish road to the syrian boarder.
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her testination, a turkey town. our car had this road to itself on this day. it is so close to syria, the border is a river, and refugees an be rode across. it is best known as a home to smugglers. chapters transport, and the jerry cans store the income - oil and gas. the town smells of it, smuggling it across the river. >> where does the oil come from. >> it comes from syria. they take it to the village recollects tore it to their homes. >> inside syria and iraq. i.s.i.l. controls a dozen oil refineries. the u.s. statements i.s.i.l. sells 32 barrels a bay. it is smuggled into turkey. >> turkish soldiers discovered how - the gas is pumped through under ground pipes or smugglers
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move it across the river in jerry cans. it is transported in vans or crate gas tanks inside of buses. >> we will construct a gas tank, making it bigger to hold 35, 40, 50 gallons, if there's no army, you can make good money. >> to these people it's not ideology, it's business. >> these people are outsiders. >> we weren't buying. the town didn't like that. after we timed the jerry cans smugglers stopped the car. we tried to get away. >> here we go. >> stop, stop, stop. they released us only after being convinced. anyone interrupting their
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business and profits is not welcome. >> how much money did you make. >> the income depend on the gas. if you bring a tongue, you make 400, 1900, 1300. you bring 10 tonnes, you make 10 tonnes a night. >> at many points the only thing separating syria from turkey is a thin river. the area has been a smuggler's haven, not only goods like gas crossing the border, but fighters. >> we have brothers from bangladesh, iraq, cambodia and the u.k. . >> foreign fighters fuelled i.s.i.l. and its rapid rise. >> they star in i.s.i.l.'s unprecedented social media campaign. hundreds of propaganda videos produced, well filmed. many featuring protagonists. >> i'm your brother from south
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africa. >> foreign fighters rejected citizenship. a few dozen are americans. >> after iraq, jazz, we are going for us, president obama. this is the man that helped convince them join. >> how easy was it to recruit these people online. >> they follow everything you tell them, they've been brainwashed. we talk about religion, paradise and virginins. >> in a hotel room near a syrian boarder, over half a pact of cigarettes, a 27-year-old revealed social media strategy. for a large strategy he and three others spent days online. they pained i.s.i.l. as a pious army, disparaged those that opposed them as incompetent infidels. >> was what you posted true or sometimes false? >> almost all of it was lies,
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exam rations. we claim others rape americans. it was not true. >> how did you avoid others getting access. >> we changed the passwords every 12 hours. if accounts were hacked, we can reach everyone again. it worked. he was tree to paint i.s.i.l. as family friendly. more than 1,000 foreign fighters join i.s.i.l., propaganda features foreign fighters who brought their families. >> if i wake up, i'm here. >> the foreign fighters who joined i.s.i.l. gave us contacts. media is important. and create popularity in syria and iraq.
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and create popularity that spanned populations. >> it's called cuffs, hands not large enough or old enough. >> a han who wants to be known as omar saw the children up close. what they welcomed was recruiting children. when they are brainwashed they are strong willed and believe they find redemption. omar used to sell goods that i.s.i.l. stole. he said in raqqa many civilians - men pray on the street. women stay covered. and local commanders, amirs or princes kept the peace. they changed dramatically. >> translation: at first they brought in a thug, an alcoholic, a criminal. now they pushed them out.
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they appointed educated people who had a strong presence. >> reporter: the group is organised like a spider web. at the center, abu bakr al-baghdadi and his deputies. amirs and fighters are isolated. they receive orders, but have no communication with the leadership. >> they received orders, but the source is not know. the amirs within i.s.i.l. wouldn't know the source of the information. >> a complex and effective structure in connecting every aspect, the group's ruthlessness. >> they value spilling blood. they have no mercy. this is merciful. for them, people's lies are unchecked. >> through fear, promises of process, they fill their state. they control the area the size of belgium. the population equivalent to new
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york city. the war to remove i.s.i.l. will take years. israel is trying to ease tensions in jerusalem over the al-aqsa mosque. police say they'll lift all age restrictions. critics say they'll use them to limit muslim access. the announcement came after a high profile and high ware diplomatic meeting in jordan a rare meeting between king abdullah, u.s. secretary of state john kerry, and israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu as a last edition. it aim of the rigorous diplomacy was to put an end to fighting between israelis and palestinians, over israel's actions over the al-aqsa mosque in jerusalem. >> i thought it was quite clear from the conversation this evening and prior conversations, which is why prime minister
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travelled over here. that he has deep concerns as everybody does. about the - what has been going on in the rise of violence. >> last week jordan recalled the ambassador to israel. and the jordanian foreign minister said that was the right thing to do. >> as you know, there are several diplomatic options available to protest something they feel strongly about. one is to recall the ambassador. this was a clear signal to israel, about what has been happening, particularly over the last few weeks, is not acceptable to jordan as custodian or 1.5 billion muslims. >> the first concrete step came from israel, announcing it was carrying age restrictions, those imposed on and off for years. kerry met with palestinian
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president mahmoud abbas on thursday in an effort to diffuse tensions in jerusalem. mahmoud abbas was not at the meeting with binyamin netanyahu, kerry and king abdullah. under the 20-year-old piece treaty, israel recognises the special role of looking after shrines in jerusalem, but it's been undermined by israel. jordan is fighting i.s.i.l. in iraq and syria, alongside the u.s., and is one of two countries in the region that has peace treaties with israel. washington cannot afford to have two of its closest allies in the middle east in disagreement. >> it's not intended to resolve the conflict, to provide long-term peace, justice and security, it's enough to stablilize the situation to pacify it, so the united states could continue with its other initiatives. it took u.s. mediation to sort out jordan and israel's
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differences. binyamin netanyahu promised that the status quo in jerusalem will not be touched and made the assurances to king abdullah back in washington, a secret service report out points to problems allowing an armed man to skate the white house fence and walk into the front do. >> details from lisa stark in washington. >> there was a series of failures allowing omar gonzalez to get over the fence into the white house. the guards radioed that there was a fence jump are. the word did not get to everyone. those inside could not see what was going on. their view was blocked. those that reached hand been trained what to do in nonlethal
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scenarios. and what about the canine unit. the cane join officer was -- cane join officer was on his cell phone. the other out of his ear. his back up in his locker. it was thought that gonzalez couldn't get through the thick bushes. he did. >> thee thought the front doors were locked. they weren't. >> omar gonzalez got into the white house, he was tackled by an agent inside. there were a series of training, staffing and communication failures says the report. the secret service director at the time, julia pearson lost her job over this incident and a number of other failures by the det. and now we have a response from the head of homeland security, or the ranking member, i should say, in the homeland security
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committee. saying although some of these problems have been fixed, he's calling on the department of homeland security to follow through on these findings and institute real reforms. and says although some of this is due to lack of resources, it's systematic problems that have been uncovered by this. there have been some changes, automatic locks on the door of the white house, and an extra barr aindicated in front of the fence, leading to additional changes, long-term 1s. >> coming up, making it a crime to feed the homeless. >> in twa, i knew -- in world war ii, i knew what i was fighting for them, and i know now. >> a 90-year-old veteran is risking fines and gaol time to feed the homeless. and air planes used to
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people in fort lauderdale for years. after a change in the law, he's being threatened with arrest. andy gallagher reports. >> in florida he's known as chef arnold. this 90-year-old war veteran is making international headlines. for decades he's been feeding the homeless of fort lauderdale through love thy neighbour. >> we have fruit salad, cookies, cakes and drinks. >> now he's facing arrests and fines. his operation has been closed down twice since the new law was broughts in. despite the warnings, arnold says he will not stop. >> i spent 2.5 years in combat, in world war ii. i knew what i was fighting for then. i know what i was fighting for now. >> so-called quality of life laws are commonplace across the u.s. hundreds of cities introduced laws banning laying down in bub
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lick places or -- public places or sleeping in cars. >> what did we do? we fed the homeless and the hungry. why not feed the people. they are hungry. >> reporter: city ofishes say the laws are not designed to criminalize the homeless, they want to feed people in safe and sandry conditions and offered mr abbott an alternative location. he has been feeding people on the beech for 20 years and doesn't want to compromise. >> ron says feeding people on the street is not helpful. he worked hard to get people off the streets for good and thinks mr abbott's actions make it harder. >> it's not humin, healthy. it's a health and safety welfare issue not only for the homeless folks but the citizens. if he feeds the homeless, arnold
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welcome back to al jazeera america, i'm david shuster, coming up, voting in ferguson, missouri, why turn out was less than you might expect. cell phone spying and a report on how the u.s. government is using airplanes to scoop up data. and the mystery of banksy - a look at new documentary tracking the famed street artist lawyers for the family of michael brown say the grand jury in the ferguson, missouri could
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be close to a decision. the forensic pathologist hired by the family testified. family, who was shot and killed three months ago, the family's lawyers asked supporters to avoid violent protests regardless of what a grand jury decides. >> we feel that it is equally important to implore law enforcement to exercise reasonable restraints when dealing with demonstrators, there has been too many reports of excessive behaviour and agitation by police officers. >> journey and legal analyst joins us. and the pathologist hired by the brown family went to the grand jury. what does it signal? >> a lot of people think it means we are getting closer to the grand jury, issuing a decision and telling the public whether or not darren wilson will stand trial, and for what happens to the shooting in
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michael brown or whether he'll be exonerated. >> they want to make sure they talk to everyone, and it would be negligent for the grand jury not to hear from the brown family pathologist. >> a couple of things are going on. the prosecuting attorney said he'd present everything, every witness statement and evidence. i think that is what is happening. he's been completely thorough with respect to the preparations to the grand jury. there's issues of trust. it's correct. this community will feel like they have not received justice if there is evidence, potentially evidence that points towards an indictment and it wasn't presented to the grand jury. we know the pathologist came out saying michael brown had his hands up in the air suggesting that he was surrendering.
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the family believes it's important information and should be presented to the grand jury. >> the grand jury standard is solo, should that not be enough for the grand jury produce an indictment and let a criminal jury sort it out. >> grand jurors are not determining built beyond a reasonable doubt. they are trying to determine was there a crime, and did this person, darren wilson, commit the crime. in a typical grand jury proceeding, it doesn't take a lot. this case has, you know, incredibly historical implications, and we see that prosecutor being methodical. >> there has been criticism in terms of mcculloch being the prosecutor, because of connections to the police
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department. let's suppose he doesn't want to pull the trigger on an indictment, but the grand jurors do:. >> they vote. mcculloch has the final a. he decides what votes and if nine jurors believe there's enough evidence, and the families say they believe there's more sufficient evidence, if nine votes are cast, in favour of an indictment. this case moves to the next level. >> attorney general calls the decision a defining moment for history. do you agree? >> i think the case has a lot of symbolism. i don't want the african american community and the country to make decisions on whether, you know, darren wilson is indicted or not. there are larger issues, voter
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engagement, the poor race relationships between the police in ferguson and the citizens, issues of poor education in the community. i hope the case gives us all an opportunity to give us and look at larger issues and look at how we can make the community better and communities like ferguson over the country better. >> areva martin, thank you for coming on, appreciate it. >> a summer protest in ferguson left african american leaders hoping for a large voter turn out in the midterm elections. ashar quraishi looks at why. >> within days of the protest erupting in ferguson last august, a number of civic organizations came out to the crowds to push voter registration. the attempt was to move the voices from the streets to the ballot box. >> i will metry desire your heart has -- i will metry desire your heart has. >> charles and his wife opened
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the door to their restaurant a day before the shooting of michael brown. their commitment to the community is unwavering. >> besides my faith is i have trust in the people in ferguson. >> no matter how many vote, nothing will change if the infrastructure that counts the votes is the same. >> reporter: still a clipboard with voters registration forms sits on the counter. >> you can hope, right. >> reporter: the protests that broke out revealed racial tension and distrust between citizens and the people elected to represent them. it has not translated to higher numbers at the ballot box. >> given the unrest in ferguson, it was the hope that this would encourage people to come out and voice their opinion. >> since august. 260 residents registered to
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vote. >> the numbers topped 24,000, 42% came out to the polls in the midterms. down from 52%. >> turn out in the past elections was more dismal, 12%. >> most of the people are registered. they didn't come tout vote. >> it -- come out to vote. >> they are proofing that they are disloougsed with the system -- disillusioned with the system. >> courtney alan curtis says voters feel disenfranchised. >> give them a reason to believe the system can't work for them. knock on the doors, do that. that's what they did to get elected, and the think the community has not seen that. that has given the people a lot of reasons not to go to the polls. >> as the community braces for a grand jury decision in the michael brown case, some wonder whether the outcome can aggravate an electorate.
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>> while low voter turn out was a problem, the litmus test is april, when municipal elections come, and residents may have a chance to vote in an election that will have a direct impact on their lives. >> ashar quraishi reporting from ferguson, missouri there are indications that president obama could move to overhaul the imitations system. the action could protect up to 5 million undocumented immigrants that would face deportation, and would grant immigrants work permits the the proposal is infuriating republicans and stirring the debate on both sides. >> i think the president should act boldly and generously and swiftly. i believe the blessings should be bountle.
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>> we'll fight the president tooth and nail if he continues down this past. this is the wrong way to govern. this is what the american people didn't want. >> white house officials said the president has not made a decision. >> the u.s. justice society is not commenting on reports on a programme that gathers data from cellphones. according to "the wall street journal," u.s. marshalls are using dirt boxes, and placing them on planes. they are used to collect cell phone information and locations of criminal suspects. in the process, the justice department is scooping up information from thousands of other phones, and the technology has been in use for seven years. >> widespread cell phone tracking by the national security agency is a revelation we learnt from whilsting blower edward snowden. the disclosure leading to changes in the way the agency
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does business. >> steven cohen is the professor of russian studies. last month he cat in moscow with edward snowden for an indepth interview. four hours with edward snowden - what jumped out at you. >> what struck me, and it may be because i'm old or a senior citizens, and i think of the young people that play with the technology, as from another world. i expected anuptight nerdy not forthcoming person. not only because of the generation, but the trouble he's had and the danger he is in. edward snowden was exceedingly forthcoming, affable, likeable, thoughtful. but the way he was prepared to think this through politically, what it meant for him potentially, what it means for our county and the world. i found him a thoughtful guys, not what i expected. >> it sounds like he's at piece and relaxed with how all this is played out for him.
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>> i would not say that. i have no doubt. if you and i were in that situation, he wants to come home and have a day in the court of public opinion. he believes in the concept of american patriotism. virtually every member of the family works for the united states government. he's a government brat. this is a guy that wanted to be - work for the government do what he's doing. he rebuilds in the name of his own patriotism. >> what is his life like there in moss coe. >> he says he can go into supermarket and moscow. his face is flushed on russian tv. he can walk in, looking as he does in the photograph and not a soul will recognise him. he wan walk into a computer store wearing a hat, false
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moustache and people will go edward snowden. and they'll ask him questions about computers. >> is he optimistic, that at some point me may come back sooner or later. >> he believes in what is called the american people. we wished him saying where is the evidence. he doesn't make that point. he agreed with our other point, that the american people have problems, primarily economic and social get the the kids through college will they sit and worry. truly the problems snead raised. do you and i care if the government those everything we do. whatever he's down is in vain. he thinks the american people
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will come around look, bringing him home is a political decision. if a government said "mr snowden, come home, we guarantee a free trial. there's a hang um. he didn't say this, i say it. they'll never give him the power of subpeena, he'll called spies and they won't come. a compromise can be found. the new cold war, the confrontation that came after edward snowden made the situation complicated. no side could be seen. he's a symbolic figure. vladimir putin can't compromise because of caving in on the united states. president obama can't make a deal with edward snowden, it's caving in to vladimir putin. it's grand. >> steven cowan, professor
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emeritus, good to have you in an update on wednesday's cosmic first. the european space agency landed a space ship on a moving comet. now it could be in jeopardy. jacob ward explains after 10 years, suddenly this whole mission seems to come down to about 40 hours of rapid fire science. that's how long the lander has before its primary and secondary batteries will, in theory, give out. when the lander came in, it came in at about 2 miles an hour. the problem is the lander in the gravity, the low gravity of the comet weighs no more than a penny on the surface. it came in and bounced away about a kilometre. here is the landing control protector describing the touch down and where it landed. >> this is a nominal landing
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site and we hit in, within less than 100 metres from the protected point. this is known then we did a huge jump and the data imply - it's depending on what dialect rick properties you assume - somewhere in this area. >> now, the trick here is the location where it rests is shadowy. it appears to be vertical. two is in the ground, the third in space. they don't have the exposure to doesn't light that they want. they are only getting 90 hours of sunlight per 12 hour cycle and they wanted 6-7 hours. the batteries will die over time. it's a mad race to use as many of the stroounts as possible, in ascending order of risk. you are looking at a lightweight
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thing. you cannot have the drills and har poops firing because -- harpoons firing because it could tip the thing over, ending the mission. they'll begin with the sensors not making contact with the ground reports are that they'll try to drill, grab some things from the surface. heat them up. get them through analysis and see what they can see about early organic models. it's assumed after 40 hours, it will be the end of the mission. the lander could come back to life in a month or so. but it's gone so well, and scientists feel so lucky that the thing did not come down on its head, it's unlikely we'll
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snow to the west and east. who will get the know. the heaviest in the west. the mountains, idaho, stretching to denver, the rockies, denver has so much snow up into bolder. we have seen it piled up. now we are watching a storm bring snow to the north-east hitting on snow causing ice. as we get into the north-east approximately mainly be in places near bostons, not in the city. away from the warmer water. the farther inland, the better
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chance of an accumulation of snow. now, low temperatures, freeze warnings impacting the south-east. cold, we'll continue the trend of record temperatures as temperatures are dipping into the teens and 20s, and the southern portion of arkansas and louisiana. saturday - we get another round, arctic blast bringing more snow to colorado, and keep us on the cold side, especially again in the north-east.
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works by a mysterious british artist known as banksy. if you have not heard that name, get ready. he's been called a performer, prankster, satirist and social critic. there's consensus over what he is, than who he or she is. last year the artist spent a month in new york city, using the city as a canvas, sparking debate around the world. it's been captured in a
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documentary, banksy does new york. >> first time we saw work in a seamless fashion, where he would put out a cryptic message on the website which made a treasure hunt where you needed to find something in part of the city you'd never been in before. >> we would host something, hashtag it. the banksy phenomena trained us on how to find things via social media. >> reporter: every day this month a fresh work will be unveiled. nobody nose where or when. >> banksy does new york debuts on h.b.o. joining us the two film-makers, chris and jack. welcome to you both. congratulations. chris, let's start with you. you decided to create a film foengsing on the reaction to -- focussing on the reaction to banksy than banksy himself, how come. >> trying to track banksy is
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nearly as impossible, and didn't seem as interesting as the side effect of banksy, and collecting the social media output. >> do you think banksy's social media impact drove him in the first place. >> the idea for him to broadcast created a fen some nun. it has over 350 follow you ares, and a reaction. he hosted in the morning. fans and followers repost that and tell each other with the piece is. >> you said you were fans of banksy before the project. were you surprised by the reaction? >> no. i'm surprised by the breath of work. 30 pieces in 31 days in new york city is close to impossible. for him to do that and
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communicate the work is a huge undertaking, must have taken months of planning. >> that made is interactive to the benefit of the new york. why was he so focussed on that? >> he's a street artist. the way it plays out is online. for any artist, it will be an online experience. >> there are reports that new yorkers looked at new yorkers stealing or grabbing banksy's work. let's watch. >> stealing it now as we spoke. >> don't even know the artists. they know they are going to get money on ebay. >> banksy - did he intend for people to take his work? >> i think so. there's a precedent for him doing this residency and he has seen the effects in the past.
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that piece was not tied down, and the reaction, and people trying to steal the pieces is built into the project. >> the film is user-generated comment. tell us how it works >> we were contacted by h.b.o. from the documentary session, they contacted us towards the end of the month. all the work was on display, and the residency was ending for us to catalogue that. we had social media. we went through. all the footage, it was a way for us to collaborate. >> you had to use crowd sourcing to put this together. >> absolutely. it's a film in new york, by new yorkers. the reaction to the work is part of work itself.
11:56 pm
based on crowd sourcing, what was the surprise? ipted i think that the relationships that formed around the pieces were interesting. and was something we heard time and again. friendships were forged and the way that the pieces brought certain new yorkers together. you see the people stealing the piece, and those that want to bring it to auction, and these were two people that would never have come into contact. >> the relationships may be unique for new york. is that, perhaps, what drove banksy to do this? >> he's an instigator, something that - people that have a lot of respect. it's a big challenge. who will go to new york and do the amount he did. and get away with it and remain anonymous.
11:57 pm
>> what do you think people will take away from the film? >> it's a discussion about what is public art what does it mean to have the works on the wall. it's his use of social media is astounding and demonstrated to a lot of other artists, that this is a way to take your work and put it on the international stage. >> people not familiar with banksy and tuning in to h.b.o., what will catch them? >> it's the response publicly to the works that is interesting. i don't think any other artist has elicited this reaction. he's one of the best-known artists. for him to come to mork and play out. there's no precedent.
11:58 pm
chris and i had hep of new yorkers, fans, crit. >>, everyone had a reaction - some positive, some negative. again, the reaction is part of the work, that's what was interesting to us. >> to chronical the reaction in a great film. congratulations, gris and jack. thank you for coming in finally the picture of the day. it is about extremes. the world's tallest man, and the man's shortest. they met in london. one stands at 8 foot 3, the other is 21 inches tall. i'm david shuster, thanks for watching.
12:00 am
oop america tonight. inside isilen corporated. >> what was your posted always true. >> almost all of it was lies. exaggerations. >> al jazeera with an insiders look at isil. it is enormous resources and steady stream of new fighters inspired not by ideology, but colted hard cash. also tonight, at the end of the line, the community that sits on the edge of a national political debate, and how it's already suffering the impact of it's
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