tv News Al Jazeera November 14, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EST
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submitting to a slow death. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello, welcome to the news hour. i'm martine dennis in doha, with our top stories. >> the paper documents shocking violations against civilians. >> the u.n. paints a bleak picture of life in areas of syria controlled by isil. [ explosion ] meanwhile iraqi forces make progress against isil, forcing them from the town of beiji. bok fighters seize a
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northeastern nigerian town where they abducted more than 200 schoolgirls earlier this year. i'm andy richardson with today's sport. will ecuadoral guinea be ready to host the african cup of nations in just two month's time? but first u.n. investigators say the islamic state of iraq and the levant, isil, a committing war crimes and crimes against humanity on a huge scale across syria. their report paints a bleak picture of life in isil-controlled areas. executions, amputations and public floggings are a regular occurrence. mutilated bodies have been put on display. the underalso says the group is indoctrinating children, trying to foster a new generation of recruits, and girls as young as
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13 are being forced into marriage with isil fighters. we spoke to one of the authors of the report, and he says isil is guilty of war crimes. >> the commission paints a devastating picture of civilian life inside isil-contracted areas in northeastern syria. executions, amputations, lashings in public spaces have become a regular occurrence. the display of mutilated bodies has only further terrorized and traumatized its citizens, in particular children. the paper documents shocking violations against civilians and note the particular violations committed against syria's women, children, and mire norty communities. the group has also attacked journalists and activists trying to communicate the daily
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suffering of those living under its yolk. the so-called isis has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. the abuses, violations, and crimes committed by the so-called isis against syrians have been deliberate and calculated. the commander of isis have acted willfully, perpetuating these war crimes and crimes against humanity. they are individually criminally responsible for these crimes. in neighboring iraq, meanwhile, government forces say they have managed to retake the oil town of beiji, driving isil out. imran khan has this exclusive report. >> reporter: it might not look like much, but this small act of iraqi pride sends out a loud message. this is the beiji town council
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building that isil captured and used as a base. in some ways this military operation has been a blueprint of a future battles with enhanced cooperation between iraqi fighting units. >> translator: we are proud of the check thif effort a and -- collective effort, for this battle which includes rapid deployment among all forces. >> reporter: with such team work, newer and more sophisticated weaponry has been put to use. here they arm an american-made missile battery. a quick calculation and isil positions in the north come under fire. [ explosion ] >> reporter: the iraqi army are still facing stiff resistance from isil fighters, and their confidence has been boosted by
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an audio recording released by their leaders. the said no amount of weaponry will be able to defeat the group. but those words ring hollow here. in anbar and another province, isil is a formidable enemy. but with gains being slowly made and with the help of coalition air strikes, many iraqis are hoping that soon iraqi armoury like this will be driving through all of the territory that isil has taken since june. violent confrontations have taken place in the occupieds we bank. the unrest came after israel lifted age restrictions against males allowed to pray at the
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al-aqsa mosque. >> reporter: this palestinian protest was planned, so too was the israeli response. and although both sides here are well practiced in their confrontations with each other, this latest violence is a stark reminder of how high tensions remain. the protests followed the lifting of prayer restrictions at the al-aqsa mosque compound by the israeli government. it was hoped the concession, which has been the source of major palestinian anger in recent weeks, would help calm tensions, tensions that lead to the death of six people. >> you can see the israeli security forces firing at the crowd. let me just get out of the picture to show you. again, this is, of course, a scene that has been going on here at the check point. the check point, of course, a place which has seen frequent con frontations between israeli
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security forces and palestinians, and here we are again with even more violence. but the situation at the al-aqsa mosque compound was very different. the city's holdliest site, which has seen regul regular -- confrontations in recent weeks was peaceful as around 40,000 muslims of all ages held prayers. tensions have run high after repeated attempts to access the come pound as a right to pray within its wall. >> translator: the palestinian reaction was strong. they told the israelis that al-aqsa is a red line not to be crossed. the israelis got scared and adapted the decision not to close the mosque because of the unified stance of all palestinian factions with the
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palestinian people. >> translator: this is jerusalem, the land of peace and all religions must be respected in the city. everyone has to practice his religion freely. >> reporter: it would appear for now that the israeli government doesn't want further troubles either, but the reason protests like this are likely to continue is because israel east decades long illegal occupation of palestinian territories is nowhere near ending. now the rebel group boko haram has taken over the nigerian town in the northern state. witnesses say the town was attacked on thursday, and forcing thousands of residents to flee. government troops and a civilian force are apparently trying to take back the town. we can talk live now to our correspondent who is live for us in the nighian capitol. it sounds as though the battle
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for control is still ongoing. >> reporter: yes, it is. a short while ago i spoke to an official who confirmed that several thousand residents who escaped the invasion yesterday have fled to the town just some 20 kilometers away. and plans are underway according to security sources, to retake the town, but the military also is facing its own difficulties. it has been running battles with boko haram all over the place. in the northeastern state they were fighting boko haram fighters in places like hung, and gumby, aels and -- and elsewhere. it is difficult for the military, dealing with all of these fights at the same time. >> but this has become notorious
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as the town from which the more than 200 girls were kidnapped. do we know how many fighters boko haram rallies when they go to seize territory? and then are they able to hold it? >> reporter: well, boko haram residents in many places attacked by boko haram before. they talk about boko haram fighters driving in -- in pickup trucks, maybe -- sometimes 12, 14 pickup trucks in a row, and motorcycles advancing and taking over towns and places, small villages like that. they have the staying power for example in mubi when they took over the town for more than a week, they were there doing whatever they wanted to do, until a group of vigilantes and locals united and chased them out. and then they fled to neighboring areas where they were also routed by the -- by
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the civilians, and now we hear that those who left the areas probably are on their way to places like erbil. >> but boko haram seems to be heavily armed with quite serious weaponry. >> absolutely. a lot of debate is going on as to how they got their weapons, but it's also evident when they overrun military formations, they are able to lay their hands on several of the military equipment in their possession. sometimes they capture these armored personnel carriers, sometimes guns and ammunitions, and then they have their own way of supplying themselves with weaponry from all over the place. so it's so difficult to say whether or not the authorities will be able to cut the supply lines to boko haram, because few people know exactly where it
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gets its own weaponry. >> all right. thank you. still to come -- >> i'm andrew thomas in brisbane, australia, where world leaders are gathering for the g20 meeting. the economy is supposed to be the focus, but other issues are muscling on to the agenda. i'm lee wellings in whales. inside of the car of a rowdy driver who is effectively having to race one-handed. ♪ now the oil market has entered a new era according to the international energy agency. the energy watch dog says there has been a 30% decline in oil prices over the last five months and adds that a return to high prices is unlikely to happen soon. now in june the price of a
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barrel of crude peaked at just over $115. but by the middle of july that dropped by more than 10%, to $104. by september it had dropped still further below the 100 benchmark to $96 a barrel, and continued falling through october and into november where it has hit its lowest point for four years at $77.67 a barrel. we're joined by an independent energy expert. why is the price of a barrel of oil slipping so sharply? >> well, it is slipping so sharply because of -- it's a demand/supply scenario, and the world economy has been markedly slowing again, and we are sort of basically in a sea of crude because we have the crude
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being -- the conventional crude being produced and we have the shale oil being produced in the united states. >> so which of the oil exporters are the most vulnerable to this drastic reduction in the price of oil? one would imagine venezuela for instance which is so heavily dependant on its oil exports for its revenue. >> well it is the producers that have pretty high production costs. if they don't have sanctions as well. and if they give a lot of subsidies, which would be iran and venezuela. russia is also hit, but mind you, russia has a lot of foreign currency reserves, so she can withstand two years or so of low oil prices, but then it starts to fight too. >> what is opec preparing to do in opec is meeting later on in
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this month, and non-opec oil-producing countries? >> yes, it is meeting, and we will have to see. at this point, you know, the pressure, really, to -- to go down with production, yes, is there. but it's countered by a ro rock -- iraqi production is down, libya production is down. there is a lot of geopolitical angst. so nay may go down some, but probably not that much. >> and how far is the prospect of -- of america, the united states becoming energy self-sufficient? how far is that affecting the market? >> well, it is affecting the market, but mind you, where i'm always very skeptical, when people say the price will go down forever, the price will go up forever. now that the price is going
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down, a lot of producers are investing less, which with the conventional producers that has a long time lag, but the shale producers are markedly investing less because they have very short-lived wells, and less investment will result in less production. >> and conversely will this help the economies of the oil importing countries? i'm thinking of the price of a liter of petrol on the four courts of european countries, for instance? >> well, it will help. it helps in the united states where you don't have so many taxes. in europe it doesn't help that much because the sensitivity to the oil price at the pump is not that very high, because there's so much taxes. about three-quarters of what you pay at the pump is taxes. and the british go, our go has
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come forward and said, well, the -- the -- the -- the oil companies have to really put -- put forward the low prices to the pump, but they have neglected to say the government is taking about 75%. >> all right for now, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you. now the latest figures for the euro zone has provided some relief for its leaders. nick spicer reports. >> reporter: europe's largest economy is growing again, but just barely with july to september growth in germany measured at 0 -- 0.1%. france was a bigger surprise with 0.3% growth, the first increase this year. it's all relatively good news
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that could help change investor's mind sets. >> realizing even in france which is said to be lagging with reforms and such, even there the recovery is bound to -- to -- to set in with moderate rates, but then the reissues that investment might be justified because the euro zone is recovering. >> reporter: but they face a troubled international climate. emerging markets haven't performed as well as hoped for, and that hurts european exports. and then there are the european sanctions against russia, and that hurts the ability of european companies to make decisions about investments. finally some of the big countries in the euro zone, notably france and italy have been reluctant to implement the reforms they agreed to. there is talk that the central bank might buy up bonds to help things. but many mp's are opposed. >> what is important now is that
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we don't leave it to the ecb alone to improve the economic situation. the ecb was already heavily involved in rescuing the euro. i see this now as a political issue. >> reporter: the german chancellor is unlikely to lend support to any more austerity softening in the future. now world leaders are gathering in australia for the g20 summit this weekend. the russia president, and the german chancellor have arrived to take part in talking about the economy and trade. but other issues are competing for attention. >> reporter: it's not easy being russian in australia at the
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moment there were 38 people on board malaysian airlines flight 17 when it was shot down in ukraine in july. most australians blame russia. >> there is a sperp shun that somebody in russia is sitting drinking vodka and laughing at this. no one is laughing at that. >> reporter: as brisbane prepares for the g20, antagonism is threatening to overshadow the meeting. tony abbott said he would aggressively confront putin when he got the chance. russia has responded by moving its navy in waters near australia. >> russia is being much more assertive than it has been for a very long time. i think there is a heavy responsibility on russia to come clean and atone. >> reporter: paul lost both of his parents on board mh17.
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>> there is an opportunity for word leaders to put pressure on russia to behave responsibly. >> reporter: australia's government wants the agenda focused on how to increase world economic growth by two percentage points above what is predicted. encouraging infrastructure development, freer trade, and preventing big companies from shunting profits around the world to avoid tax will all be themes. >> there will be no single issue that will distract leaders or anyone else from the task of delivering on growth and jobs. >> reporter: but other issues will come up. many are disappointed that strayia said climate change will not feature in the talks. though it will inevitably come up informally anyway.
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the danger of having so many leaders in one place at one time, is there is no solid outcome on anything. australia is determined that this meeting stays narrowly focused on the economy. u.s. president has urged myanmar's leaders to continue with their democratic reforms. al jazeera's correspondent reports now from barack obama met the opposition leader. >> reporter: the message is clear, u.s. president barack obama sees this opposition heard as the future of democracy in myanmar. speaking together, both were critical of the current government's slow move towards political reform. they also referred to the country as burma, it's name before it was changed by military rulers 25 years ago. >> people need to feel safe in
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their homes and not be subject to harassment by authorities, or individuals acting with impunity. people need to be empowered to pursue their dreams. as and burma approaches important national elections next year, it will be critical to ensure that all of burma's people can participate. >> reporter: her party is largely expected to win free and fair elections, but she can't run unless the constitution is changed. >> please don't worry about whether or not we will win the elections in 2015. any party wants to win their elections. but winning is not everything. it's how you win. i would rather lose than win in the wrong way. >> reporter: on thursday president obama met with the myanmar president on the sidelines of a regional summit. a show of support for the advancement already made towards
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democracy. but he didn't hold his news conference there, alongside the country's sitting president. myanmar government firms s say -- officials say they are pushing reform as fast as they can. but their words ring hollow for many who are now also beginning to wonder if the u.s. may have lifted too many sanctions too soon. this was president obama's second trip to myanmar. seeing democracy take hold in this country would be a big part of his push for a so-called u.s. pivot towards the asia pacific. many near would like nothing more than to see that happen too. now the afghan president is on his first official visit to pakistan since taking office. he is trying to improve a relationship that has been quite tense under his predecessor. the president is due to meet the prime minister in islamabad. now for the first time in
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more than three decades indonesia's capitol will have a governor of chinese decent. but that has angered some conservative islamic groups which have been protesting against him. >> reporter: this man has become a symbol of hope for indonesia's ethic chinese. only 16 years ago they were attacked during violent protests. for decades they were banned from hol ti-- politics. >> translator: this makes us very proud of course. in 1998, a situation for chinese indonesians was so bad, now there has been a huge change in the country as a result of reforms. [ shouting ] >> reporter: but for some the rise of chinese indonesian politicians is still unacceptable.
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>> translator: the people dwoont to -- don't want to be governed by a crazy person, an infidel. >> reporter: he was known for his outspoken leadership style is undeterred. >> the only fear i know is not being able to improve the lives of poor people in my city. if i die at least i die while fighting. >> reporter: chinese indonesians have come a long way after waves of violence against them 16 years ago, while a few are still fearful, there has been a big change in the attitude. they have become a more assertive member of society. thomas is a victim of the 1998 riots. his shop was burned down. now he has become a campaigner for the rights of an estimated 2 million chinese indonesians. >> translator: for us, 1998 was
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an eye opener. we realized we are also indonesians, we are not foreigners. >> reporter: despite the rise of chinese indonesian politicians, many doubt the country's highest office is within reach any time soon. even though he has already expressed his ambition to run for president in the next election. still to come, the u.s. defense secretary, chuck hagel announces major reforms in the management of nuclear weapons. ♪ sacking of georgia's defense minister causes a major crisis. and in sport the formula 1 team is back on the starting line thanks to its fans.
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>> new war games. the impact of sanctions on russia. >> the most immediate effect has been to consolidate support for president putin. >> how climate change is reshaping geopolitics. >> new shipping lanes created by the melting of ice in the arctic could save a lot of money. >> it would be tremendously benificial for russia. >> don't miss our in-depth series "the new cold war". all next week, 7:00 eastern. only
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executions, amputations, and public floggings are a regular occurrence. iraqi government forces say they have driven isil out of the oil town of beiji. the army is now pushing to take back the oil refinery that has been under a five-month siege by isil fighters. boko haram has taken over the town where boko haram kidnapped more than 200 girls six months ago. the u.s. defense secretary, chuck hagel has announced a major reform of the management of its nuclear weapons. this comes after two reviews uncovered serious flaws. let's find out more now by talking to rosiland jordan who is live for us in washington, d.c. first of all what did these reviews discover, these serious flaws in the management of america's nuclear arsenal? >> well, essentially martine
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what the two reviews found were low morale, a real sense that superiors were not listening to the front line's concerns about equipment, and maintenance, and career opportunities, and a lack of investment in the actual tru infrastructure, everything from having enough tools in order to repair different components to replacing doors on -- that would store missiles, for example. a real lack of investment, both in personnel and in equipment, and the pentagon is now estimating that if it can, it wants to spending upwards of $10 billion in the next five years to try to make right at least the structural problems with the arsenal. >> so the reforms then announced by the defense secretary chuck hagel amount to just reinvestment, basically, and
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getting up to the speed all of the infrastructure surrounding this very, very dangerous arsenal. >> that's right. it's primarily putting in money for the actual equipment and tools, but it also means trying to look at a culture that basically puts such a premium on getting things right, that they felt they are being micro managed. and that's not something you want to have when you are expecting people to be responsible for nuclear war heads, land-based systems, air-based systems,or shape-based systems. you want people to feel they have enough autonomy to make decisions when they are certainly not in a crisis situation. obviously, if there were so be war fair involving nuclear weapons, people know they would have to take orders, but they feel they have to reinvent the
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entire bureaucracy, because they say without it, basically the equipment will start to degrade and people won't have the best skills possible to use them if it should ever come to that. and they say this is a real opportunity to try to get the management of a nuclear war head system, which is only about 1500 war heads at this point -- they want to get it right. >> rosiland jordan live in washington, thank you. now to yemen with the houthi rebels are making more military gains particularly in rada', which is an al-qaeda strong hold. dozens have been killed in the fighting. security has deteriorated since houthi fighters seized the capitol in september, and forced the prime minister to quit. >> reporter: fighting has intensified in rada' over the last few days with both the houthi fighters and tribesmen
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backed by al-qaeda massing hundreds of fighters in the area. but the houthis have managed to control two main areas which were al-qaeda strong holds. dozens were killed in the latest state of violence in the area. the houthis insist they will continue their fight until al-qaeda is completely defeated. as far as the government is concerned, it doesn't really have that much authority. the army remains divided along sectarian lines, and we're waiting to see whether the new prime minister can deploy the army in those areas to restore calm. it is quite delicate, because the government faces a host of problems, the rise of al-qaeda, the rise of shia houthi rebels who control a huge area of the
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country, poverty and declining economy. the days ahead are going to be extremely delicate for the government and for yemenese in general. al jazeera continues to demand the release of our three journalists detained in egypt for 321 days. peter greste, mohammed fahmy, and baher mohamed are wrongly accused of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood. they are appealing against their convictions. peter and mohammed were each given seven years in prison. baher mohamed was given an extra three years for having a spent bullet on him, which he picked up at a protest. there has been drama in georgia have a pro-western party quit the governing coalition last week. its leader the defense minister was sacked. he says the government is endangering the country's commitments to e.u. and nato.
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>> reporter: georgians lately have had plenty of politics to gossip about. dismissals, resignations and splits in their government. this antiques market may be packed with souvenirs from the past, but the talk now is about which future lies ahead, closer ties with the west? or rebuilding bridges with moscow. [ applause ] >> reporter: last week the foreign minister and other top officials resigned in protest at the firing of georgia's defense minister and the corruption in the ministry. as more staff waited outside to wave him good-bye, there was a sign of how seriously the west had taken his dismissal. it was the united states ambassador who emerged first. he is a man washington enjoyed working with. pronato, proeuropean, and
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popular. he says his work with nato had gone too far for the leadership. >> definitely someone thought that this phase would jeopardize any kind of plan they had in future development of relationship with russia, so someone wanted to slow it down. this is where i see the prosecutors being used as political tool of undermining the goals and objectives that we had. >> reporter: the prime minister insists he supports the same pro-western goals. >> i recognize that these changes may create some questions with our friends and partners, and i want to reassure you, our commit to you is steadfast. >> reporter: some find the political infighting frustrating. it's all a distraction from what really matters a says this man. >> translator: we have no jobs. we can't look up to our familiar
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list. all we can do is sit here and sell. no goodwill come from this fighting. you have seen what happened in ukraine. we don't need it here. >> reporter: this crisis may prove to be less about a choice between russia and the west, and more about which politicians have georgian's best interests at heart. now in italy, thousands of people have been taking part in anti-government protests on friday. students marched alongside public workers in 20 cities against proposed job ade indication reforms. the prime minister is preparing to introduce new legislation by the end of the year. operation triton is taking over from the italian navy. it patrols the shores of italy
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to rescue migrants on overcrowded boats trying to cross dangerous waters from africa. there are concerns that the search and rescue operation will be compromised, with more lives lost. >> reporter: in the air above the waters off lampedusa, a crew searches for migrant boats. until this month rescue patrols went all the way to africa, but now it has to be within 50 kilometers of the island. >> we try to stay out of therrian j, so they cannot spot us. they might assume as soon as they are spotted that will be rescued quite quickly, which may not always be the case. >> reporter: the operation has replaced the italian navy's search and rescue mission.
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this portuguese 2345i68 vessel is the operation's only ship. it's remit is to patrol the border and no further. 2014 was the deadliest year for migrants in the mediterranean. 3,000 died trying to reach europe. 150,000 were saved by the italian navy, but the cost proved to be proh-- prohibitive. this scaled down operation has lead to accusations that europe is turning its back on these people, and just as the weather starts to worsen. this was just a week ago with waves as big as a house. even the portuguese naval crew struggled. but migrants are still taking the risk. 40 were picked up off of the
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italian mainland early on friday by the coast guard. >> if they are refugees in search of protection, they should receive that protection. if they have economic migrants, it's possible for europe to find ways of humanely send them back. but all of this needs to be done once we are in a safe place. we can't do it in the middle of the sea or let them drown. we are appealing to the e.u. to support italy and other countries in the mediterranean with funds to continue operations to rescue people who are in distress. >> reporter: the law of the sea is sailors must rescue any vessel in trouble. scaling down the rescue mission will not stop them from trying to reach lampedusa, but it will mean more will die. coming up . . .
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♪ on world diabetes day, the world health organization, the w.h.o., is warning the number of people dying from diabetes every year will double within the next two decades. 340 million people have the disease, and it's predicted by 2030 it will be the world's seventh largest killer. in 2012 alone, 1.5 million
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diabetics died. lack of awareness of the disease, combined with shortage of health services and medicine can lead to complications. in india alone around 65 million people suffer from diabetes. it is already costing the economy billions of dollars. as our correspondent reports from new delhi, the situation is likely to get worse. >> reporter: if there's one thing that defines indians, it's their love for food, and here in old deli's famous food lane, restaurants do a roaring trade in deep-fried delicacies. >> translator: indian people don't worry about oily food. >> reporter: just a few decades ago most indians were living hand to mouth, but with the opening up of the economy, they are earning more money than ever before, and many of them spending it on eating out.
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>> translator: i am more concerned about [ inaudible ]. because i love food. >> reporter: this love of greasy cuisine is fuelling a crisis. this is why an increasing number of indians are being diagnosed with diabetes. it is estimated that there are at least 65 million people here suffering from the illness. that's more than anywhere else in the world, apart from china. this man has type ii diabetes. years of heavy eating and no exercise brought on the illness. his knew diet of fruits and vegetables may be difficult to swallow sometimes, but now he says he has no choice. >> translator: i was really abusing my body. firstly would drink a lot. i would drink during the day and evenings. i would eat heavy meals, preferring pried meats. >> reporter: health workers warn
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that unless indians change their diet and lifestyle, more than 100 million here would bedy bettic by 2030. the illness already costs the economy billions of dollars. >> [ inaudible ] population doesn't know how to prevent diabetes. and many of the people who come to us who are very, very educated, and they will ask for us -- well, i'm debettic, what about my child? how can i prevent diabetes? they don't know. >> reporter: the government is stepping up its awareness campaign, but indians are proud of their tasty food, and changing their dietary habits may prove difficult. all right. it's time for the sports news now. here is andy. >> thank you so much. ecuadoral guinea has been named as the host nation for next year's africa cup of nations.
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the flagship event had a host change when morocco pulled out amidst fears of ebola. it's a spanish-speaking nation of just over 600,000 people. it co-hosted the 2012 cup of nations along with gabon. two years ago, matches were held in the capitols. this time two other towns will be involved. equatorial guinea will get the chance to play in the tournament despite being disqualified in the early staging for fielding an ineligible player. >> reporter: the guessing game is over, equatorial guinea will step in. it's a small state in the west with a population of around three-quarters of a million. the nation is flush with oil
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money, and they are using some of that cash to help caf stage the event. they co-hosted the 2012 with gabon. >> it held the african union couple mitt. and co-hosted the same event a couple of years ago. this will be a challenge to hold all of the event with only one medium sized stadiums, three small stadiums, and such a short period of time -- with all of the paraphernalia that comes with such a big event. >> reporter: the team reached the quarter finals two years ago, but never made it through qualifiers. in the preliminary round, the new hosts were disqualified for fielding an ineligible player, but now they confirm they will play as hosts. >> [ inaudible ] that you have a country that [ inaudible ] country that actually played -- actually -- fielded
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ineligible players, qualifying to play in a tournament of this magnitude. [ inaudible ] i think the desperation to want to go ahead with this tournament, has made africa a laughing stock once again. you can't continue doing this. they are here now because of caf, and caf has awarded them with a place in the finals. >> reporter: the president who has faced numerous corruption claims appears to be using football to try to gain recognition. the then world champion spain played a friendly in the spanish-speaking country last year, and this will put them in the spotlight again. qualifying tournament continues again this weekend, with the final taking place in the capitol on december 3rdrd. djokovic will finish the year as tennis's world number 1 following his latest win in
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london. the win also extends his unbeaten in door run for 30 matches. he'll now play in the semifinals. it's the third time djokovic has finished the year at number one in the rankings. >> it has been a long year, and this is one of the ultimate challenges, and i'm just glad to be standing here with the trophy knowing how many legends of the sport have done the same. four of them are right here present on the court, and it's an extreme honor to have them here with me. serbia's national football team are back in action in an hour's time. it means this upcoming euro 2016 qualifier against denmark is to be played behind closed doors with no fans.
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uefa sanctioned serbia and albania. >> reporter: serbia is going to play a very important match for its qualifying campaign for the euro 2016 this evening against denmark, but in front of empty -- stands because of what happened against albania when an incident occurred when a drone flew over the stadium carrying the flag of albania. albania lost the game 3-0, but at the same time, serbia didn't get any points for the match because of the fact that about ten fans ran into the pitch during that incident. and also after that uefa decided that serbia is going to play every other home game in this
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qualifying campaign until the end in front of empty standings. so it's a big handicap for the serbia team. even a player said that now that i have to play in front of empty stands because of fools who did what they did. also i was able to see here on bigger and smaller sports events that really security is tightened after what happened on the match against albania, and nobody wanted to give any chance to any new incident at circumstancian sport events so that police was very, very determined to present everything. to golf news for you, bad weather brought an early end to what had been another outstanding day for this player.
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then some thunderstorms hit the course, and the englishman will resume his round on 13 under par. the world's top rally drivers are currently competing in the last race of the season. but one competitor, a former star of formula 1 has such restrictions on his body after a crash in 2011, he'll be relying on just one hand. >> reporter: hurdling through rough terrain at high speed makes rally a demanding sport for car and mind. but this racer is driving one handed. he was a formula 1 star that suffered series injuries in that crash three years ago. >> it is difficult to talk about. it was quite complicated and complex. i suffered multiple injuries, so
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i -- particularly from my right side of my body was damaged. it was more surviving and trying to survive because the situation was not easy, and there was no guarantee i will even have functionality in my arm. >> reporter: medical work on repairing robert still hasn't finished. yet such has been his progress at rally he was world champion last season. high points include leading the two stages at the monte carlo rally, but he admits he is finding it tough. >> i am lacking experience. so this year let's say from performance point of view, i think it has been very good. but from consistency it has been quite difficult, and not good. >> robert and his british-based team are currently competing in
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the final race of the season. but how does he actually drive with so much expected of his left hand. you can see he has a pedal, so you pull the pedal close and push it away. ing only robert is allowed this, because of his weaker arm. the other difference he has is the hand break. that's this lever here. all of the other drivers have a hand break by you pull towards you. >> on daily basis you forget about it. without it he would be absolutely a front runner. but no limitations he would be [ inaudible ] in the rally. >> reporter: his achievements has given the sport a surge in his native poland. and he was the 1 pole to drive in formula 1. a rising star of that sport and it's still in his heart. >> for now it's quite far, and i would like to come into f1 if
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i'm sure i'm able to drive as i was able to drive before the accident. >> reporter: whichever road he takes, robert's bravery and determination make him a unique star of motor sport. and cash-strapped formula 1 team has announced it will race at the final grand prix of the season. fans and sponsors have now donated more than $3 million to get the u.k.-based team to the start line at abu dhabi next week. the team missed recent races in the usa and brazil as a consequence. pretty amazing story there. >> indeed. thank you very much indeed. coming up we'll have more news of course with lauren taylor. ♪
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iraqi troops drive isil out of a major town. a u.n. report says the group is committing war crimes on a large scale in syria. ♪ hello, this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up. [ explosion ] flashes in the west bank despite israel lifting restrictions on muslims praying at al-aqsa mosque. seven months after kidnapping more than 200 schoolgirls, boko haram seize the town they came from. and scientists start drilling into the
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