tv News Al Jazeera November 16, 2014 2:00am-2:31am EST
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to use this? techknow, only on al jazeera america >> isolated over ukraine. the russian president leaves the g-20 summit early. before vladimir putin left though g-20 leaders did agree to boost the economy. i'm miguel santa maria. facing winter without enough food. the united states top military officer says the fight against i.s.i.l. is turning. as he meets iraq's foreign
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minister. >> new varieties of this important crop to try feed an increasingly populated planet. >> it's a very busy afternoon. it has been at the g-20 summit in australia. the world's 20 topping economies meeting, if they succeed they'll lift economic growth by an extra 2.1% by 2014. and this could create 2.1 million jobs globally. that was all the news. the russian president vladimir putin breaking protocol and leaving the g-20 summit early.
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pro-russian separatists and government forces have been fighting for months. the. >> if he continues down the past hpathhe is on on violating an at that he agreed to just a few weeks ago, the minsk agreement, that would have lowered the temperature and the killing in the disputed areas, and make-providing us a pathway for a diplomatic resolution, then the isolation that russia is currently experiencing will continue. >> andrew thomas has been covering the g-20 let's talk about this communique. it seems quite specific, quite targeted and there seems confidence amongst the leaders that this can actually do something. >> well, this is communique.
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three sides are, tony abbott said right from the get go, that these should be short and to the point. he wants it to be all about economics. all about growth. this commitment from the g-20 countries to increase the overall gdp of the world by 2 percentage points more than it would be in five years. as you say that could create 200 million jobs. here are the outline proposals how to do that. of course it will be up to domestic politicians in domestic countries to get their own initiatives to. it's okay to agree to this commitment here but to go back and get it instituted locally is much, much harder. but if these policies are put in place, very interesting. what was in this communique that
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wasn't anticipated, a whole paragraph on climate change. they didn't believe climate change should form part of the talks. but it's in there, very important. ebola, how to deal with the outbreak in west africa, and the bulk is about global growth, things like infrastructure, countries organize their tax so big company can't get away with paying nax low tax countries -- tax in low tax countries, that sort of things. >> the thing, vladimir putin got told off by leaders and said, i'm leaving early. >> that's right. nobody else was cuddling him. in fact it was much more than a snub than that. most leaders turned their back on him.
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it was more of a same, a brief handshake and seen in the canadian prime minister when he shook vladimir putin's hand, he said get out of ukraine. he wanted to deliver a snub of his own, having been snubbed. and leader after leader condemned him in their ervetions conference. the president called vladimir putin isolated. david cameron, said, he said that the leaders demand russia fully cooperate with the investigation into mh 17. therfrancois hollande also was giving his press conference, i haven't had a chance to see
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that. and their complaints about him and his country's actions, i don't think the things are totally unrelated. i should say not in a communique but certainly in all the press conferences given here. >> andrew thomas, thank you. let's talk about what we can make about vladimir putin's early exit. stephen fish, a professor of comparative politics. >> leaders are displeasewith his policy, that is clearly something that the western policy makers have opposed, how it will play in moscow is a different matter. so far putin's policies of congregation and expansion have been greeted warmly at home. they've scored him points at
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home. that is the one hand. to stand up to the united states and your perceived enemies in the world, but to stand up against the entire world, to be against united states is one thing, but russia against world is another thing entirely. and i think this is something that will give a lot of russians pause about putin's policies. >> and speaking now at the time g-20 final news conference, given questions here is the french president be francois frs hollande, we'll keep an eye on all the ongoing news conferences. an explosion outside the afghan capital kabul. injured in the attack along with nine others.
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syria's opposition has called on international donors to help prevent a food crisis. $families are facing another winter without enough food. this year's wheat harvest could be 50% below average. more from nicole johnston. >> reporter: little mohamed is suffering, weak and thin. like thousands in syria, he is malnourished. >> we are eating apricots as it is the only thing available. >> this is happening in eastern damascus. checcheckpoint to block food and supplies from the area. putting it under siege. >> we came here on foot. we have no winter clothes. we have nothing. my son suffered from dehydration. >> this is one of the last areas of damascus still controlled by opposition fighters.
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elsewhere in the city's south is the yamuk refugee camp which is home for palestinians living in syria. it has been under siege for almost two years. bakeries are closed, there isn't enough grain. no electricity. >> the children in yamuk wake up, there is racial breakfast and lunch. >> there were more than 160,000 palestinians living here now less than 1800. cut off by the government forces in 2012. after armed opposition groups moved in. now, the is infrastructure has been so badly damaged that the united nations says there's a severe water shortage as well. nicole johnston, al jazeera. >> the top military leader has
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made a surprise visit to iraq. martin dempsey's first trip to iraq since the united states sent over 1,000 personnel to train forces. considering sending combat troops to retake the northern syrian city of from i.s.i.l. on friday they drove fighters out of beji town. iraq's army struggled but has been helped by u.s. led i.s.i.l. strikes. imran khan, bring us up to speed on the beji siege.
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>> three kilometers outside the crucial oil refinery about 15 kilometers away from the town itself. they were poised to go in but then there were a change of tactics. they fell back to the town itself and decided to clear isolated pockets in the north and the east of the towrn and te country side. the idea was they would completely clear the town itself before moving on the refinery. what sources are temg us is any move on the refinery could take place on monday. once they're in a position to mount a big attack on that refinery to take it back from i.s.i.l. fighters. this is a fight that is being watched very closely by the international coalition. like you say u.s.'s top general martin dempsey was in town. he was speaking to the ministry of defense and other security
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forces. they'll be looking at towards mosul whether that needs more strikes, they are very pleased that both the coalition and the iraqis, the way the fight in beji has gone. different tactics and has gone the iraqis way, you can understand why it's been careful to take the refinery. >> thank you imran khan. still ahead on al jazeera. an armed tack, now pledging allegiance to i.s.i.l. rising number of pneumonia cases amongst children this winter.
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>> fault lines brings you an eye opening look at what life is really like under the taliban. >> i'm actually quite nervous >> from girls attending school, to enforcing sharia law. >> they rely on the local population, and so they need to win the hearts and minds of locals to be able to fight. >> fault lines, al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> today they will be
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arrested... >> ground breaking... they're firing canisters of gas at us... emmy award winning investigative series... special episode this is taliban country only on al jazeera america >> top stories for you once again on al jazeera. the russian president vladimir putin has left the g-20 summit early after he was confronted by western leaders over ukraine. the meeting did produce a plan to increase global growth by $2 trillion in five years. children suffering from malnutrition, in syria they're searching for scraps of food.
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wheat harvest could be 50% below average. and u.s. top general stressed, i.s.i.l. cannot be defeated by air strikes alone. sent 1,000 personnel to train forces. country toughens its antiterrorism laws. islamic state of iraq and the levant is one of them. as well as yemen's houthi rebels and the uae branch of the muslim brotherhood. explained why uae has added nearly 100 groups to the list. >> the concern of the islamic state in iraq and syria,
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organizations and groups that are supporting democracy, supporting human rights. i mean the attack on american muslim civil liberty organizations is very telling. the united arab emirates is not a bastion of human liberties. but they are going against, and that's why these groups have been targeted. one has to put this in context. united arab emirates and saudi arabia have been financing and leading the de-democratization of the middle east. trying to target and impure the organization, precisely because united arab emirates is fearful of the forces that support those
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principles. campaign against rebel fighters, as pledged allegiance to the islamic state of iraq and the levant. and threatened to continue attacks on the government of abdel fattah al-sisi. >> the group formerly known, showcased what it build as its latest triumph. it's said to show the attack on the egyptian army last month. the video shows the fighters killing some of the fighters, shooting them in the back of the head. the footage is accompanied by a seven minute long many video,
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wilae meaning faith. >> we have warned you time and again but you do not listen. you kill our women and children,en continue to expel us from our lands. we tell you the war is yet to begin. >> reporter: the group claims it has taken up arms in expense to the yp egyptian ample, many f them remain homeless. president abdel fattah al-sisi says the buffer zone is needed to combat what he says is terrorism. other acts of violence have only increased since he has come to power, intensifying even mower e after the egyptian army intensified.
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supporters of the brotherhood and its allies in the anti-coup movement, peaceful protests continue to be held against egypt, this week under the banner return to your bea barra, the situation has deteriorated because the military has abandoned its primary responsibility in favor of ruling the country. and the release of this video is likely to only raise further questions about egypt's volatile security system. jamal al s hrveghtsae, al jazeera. >> al jazeera continues to demand the release of our journalists, imprisoned for 320 days. peter greste, mohamed fahmy, baher mohamed, first two got
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seven years, baher mohamed got an additional 30 years for having a spent bullet in his possession. hashima al bara is there. >> the army and the police are nowhere upon found here except for a few traffic policemen keeping order on busy streets. when the houthis captured sanaa in september, they set up committees tasked with securing the city. for medium like mohamed, the committees are crucial the defeat quaye al qaeda and restoral qaeda and restorecalm. >> when you have a weak government then people have the
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right to protect themselves. there's nothing wrong to having committees defending the population and we want the community to coordinate with them. >> but many yemenis are concerned. this sanaa university was the focal point of the 2011 uprising. the protest here is against the presence of houthi fighters on campus. many others have joined the court and the presence of armed militias in yemen. >> when you see these on the street this is a threat to any society. no one is safe in yemen, it's really sad. the gunman has to embrace its authority. >> reporter: some areas like rada south of the capital they are engaged in fierce fighting
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against al qaeda. precaution against revenge attacks. houthis say the presence of their fighters in sanaa depends on the security situation and once the government orders the army and the police to take over the capital, checkpoints will disappear and their fighters will pull out. hashem ahelbarra, al jazeera. >> 44-year-old martin salia was in stable enough condition to make the journey to united states, he will be treated by the nebraska health center. thousands of people in georgia have been protesting against the russian deal, another step by moscow to annex another section after crimea was
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taken. robert forster reports. >> protest at the dismissal of georgia's defense minister and all these hint ministers came together, to say, they're worried that georgia will be losing its commitments. these uncertainty and those cracks this the government are going to be exploited by the opposition, they'll be hoping to capitalize on that, by bringing people out like today. because this is about them saying that georgia is under threat, that it faces a real danger of being next on russia's list after ukraine. they are particularly concerned about new agreements that are being put together between russia and georgia's break away
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territories, the disputed regions, south esetia and apkasia, and they are saying that this government is weak. that it's shown it's weak by the division within the coalition and that it just isn't willing to take a strong enough line against moscow. >> winter is approaching in indiaen and that means usually an increase in the number of knepneumonia cases. 300,000 children die of the disease. lidy dutt. reporting from new delhi. >> pneumonia, a respire tri disease that young like he are susceptible to.receiving round
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the clock care for severe pneumonia. it will be at least one week before he's healthy enough to go home but he is one of the lucky ones. only a fraction of children diagnosed with pneumonia receive specialized treatments. pediatrician has been treating young children for illnesses like pneumonia for 30 years. he says the number of cases of pneumonia have increased as its cure has become most effective. >> in the community itself there is the antibiotics, fear that cause infection at home to the child. first line antibiotic we gave worked. >> community vaccination drives
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diseases like measles, in the same way the country has cured fatal cases like diarrhea ask a complex challenge. >> you need to strengthen the nutritional basis of the population, starting with the young mothers, and there undernutrition is the major factors. >> her body is fighting back against what many describe as india's biggest challenge. children like him don't enden up here in the first place. liddy d-utt, al jazeera, new delhi. >> hunger kills more people than
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aids, malaria combined. this is part 3 of our feeding the world series, adam rainey, met a food producer in mexico who uses innovative means to produce. >> the crop to which he ended up devoting his work in life. eventually developed more than 480 varieties of wheat that have boosted world production by an estimated 200 million tons and helped him win the world food prize. the challenge is keeping an increasing reply larger population of the world fed. small scale farmers are given the access they need. >> they don't need big tractors, they don't need combined
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hardware. but they need that one good seed. >> once a new seed is discovered some of his colleagues go out and meet small farmers and train them to exploit these variety as best they can. >> if you don't have a farmer who knows how to apply it and can put it into a working sustainable system you are never going to get the potential out of that. >> research her, in scientists following in his footstepsing work on developing new varieties and testing ones already in the field. one of the biggest break throughs have been the development of shorter and stronger weight that doesn't fall down as easily and therefore more productive. now the challenge to produce wheat that can stand up to extreme weather. a challenge that he is ready to
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take on adam rainey, al jazeera, mexico. >> down the right-hand side as well, join the social media campaign to free our journalists in egypt using the #freeajstaff. fletcher, and you are in the stream. drowning in debt, predatory lenders are on the prowl for u.s. military members and veterans. what is being done to put an end to their schemes? plus, why do developers for the hit video game call of duty consult with the pentagon? and later, gaming for good, how veterans are turning away from medicine and turning toward their computer screens to help with pain.
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