tv News Al Jazeera November 16, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EST
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phil. until next time waj and i will see on you line. >> announcer: this is al jazeera. hello from doha, this is the newshour on al jazeera. breaking news in the last hour. i.s.i.l. fighters saying they have beheaded another american and several syrian soldiers. the top u.s. military commander says the fight against i.s.i.l. is starting to turn. however, the battle is far from over. also the g20 summit in australia closes with a plan to boost the global economy, but there's an early exit from the russian
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president vladimir putin the afghan mp who campaigns for women's rights targeted by a suicide bomber in kabul let's bring you up to date with the breaking news coming out of syria. a new video released appearing to show the beheading of peter kassig. pictures showing islamic state of iraq and levant killing the u.s. aid worker, and several syrian soldiers, he was captured while in syria while on a mission to help refugees. let's go to baghdad and imran khan, what do you know? >> what we know is the sources that sent out the video sent ou previous videos. it looks credible. not only 12 soldiers, but also
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peter kassig as well. it's a shocking video, the type of video we have seen before. this will be an even more of a blow to the family. they are finding out about this as we are. this is the way i.s.i.l. works, they release the video without warning to anyone, putting it out on social media, and it gathers force, and people share it, retreat it, facebook it. it becomes a force of its own. that's a cruel thing for the families to go through. this is the way these things work. what we do know is that the video is allegedly filmed near aleppo, which is a stronghold of i.s.i.l. fighters. you see a man dressed in black with his face covered. this was revenge against the u.s. that's the reason for these beheadings. >> what about the other people
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in the video - syrian soldiers, was it? >> well, that's allegedly what i.s.i.l. say they are, we can't say for sure who they are. they are unnamed in the video and are brutally murdered. we have seen the mass beheadings that i.s.i.l. do they say they are syrian soldiers, we don't know names or details. the only detail they go to is the reason for the beheading, which they say is a retribution between the american and coalition forces. >> it's terrible that i have to say what is a typical reaction to this, but i have seen it before. what is the typical reaction from u.s. officials. they are the ones in the fight against i.s.i.l. they'll want to maintain that. they get down to a personal one on one event that happiness, which is terrible in its own right. >> we have seen this before, like you say. remember when steven, the
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journalist, was beheaded. it was a reason to go further. his case was quoted by the president obama in a speech he gave talking about going to president obama, talking about going to u.s. officials. it's likely we'll see that again. i.s.i.l. is a brutal threat, they are not islamic. they are using politics to further their own cause, that they are out for a land grab and must be fought. here in iraq, the reaction is coming through. i spoke to a politician, just a few moments ago, who i actually informed that the video was here. state tv has a policy of not reporting this. his reaction was stunned. i can't believe that in in day and age, these things take place. iraq has been through this before. al qaeda and iraq, they had a tactic of beheading people. it made them unpopular.
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it was a driving force for iraqis to get up and fight al qaeda in iraq, particularly up in anbar province. they were becoming unpopular due to these tactics. i.s.i.l. have been using this for a long time. they are becoming unpopular. we see muslim reaction from this. various reactions in the times we have seen the beheading. a british muslim group was saying that they should change their name to un-islamic state. that's the reaction you should expect. my wore yoi or concern -- worry or concern is what the families are saying. they are finding out as we are, and what a way to find out. >> just a quick word, seeing as we talking about i.s.i.l., and the visit of the martin dempsey, the joint chiefs of staff to iraq. what has he been saying, and who has he been meeting? >> he's been meeting with commanders and defense. he was looking at the close -- a
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close look at the events in beiji. the iraqi army has been taking the town. on sunday what we hear is they have moved into the north and east, declaring pockets of fighters, but they have not moved on to the oil refinery, which is about 15km away. it's the next big target, a crucial target. it's a big source of revenue, they smuggle the oil from there, and the americans are locking at what help the -- looking at what help the iraqis need. martin dempsey has not ruled out that iraq may need ground troops when it comes to mosul, and the al qaeda border crossing. that's a town where they have a number of fighters in great strength, and there are many american strategists looking at this saying the iraqi army may not be able to cope. they may need american boots on the ground. the stated iraqi position may be clear. it will be those discussions
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that general martin dempsey will have had with senior defense officials. >> lots happening in iraq and syria. all the latest. stay with syria, with the opposition calling on international donors to help prevent a food crisis, because the years of conflict and drought, families are facing another winter without food. the wheat harvest alone could be 50% below average. nicole johnson has more this little boy is suffering. he is malnourished like thousands in syria. >> translation: we went days without food. we eat apricots, it's the only thing available. >> this is happening in a suburb of damascus. the opposition accuses the government of setting up checkpoints to block food and supplies from reaching the area, putting it under siege. >> we came here on foot. we have no winter clothes, we
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have nothing. my son suffered from dehydration. >> this is one of the last areas of damascus, still controlled by opposition fighters. e else where in the city's south is the refugee camp, home to palestinians in syria. it's been under siege by government forces for two years. bakeries are closed. there is not enough grain, no electricity. the children wake up, but there's no bread to eat. they rarely have breakfast or lunch. before the war they were around 160,000 palestinians living here. now there's 18,000. including some syrians. the rest have fled, and those left behind are trapped no the camp. it was cut off by government forces in 2012. after armed opposition groups moved in. now the infrastructure has been so badly damaged that the united nations says there's a severe
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water short edge as well. >> there has been an explosion outside the afghan parliament in kabul, killing three people. the suicide bomber targeted the barracks, and a member of the parliament, a leading advocate of women's rights. she was injured along with 17 others the united arab emirates released an updated list of what it considers to be terrorist groups. 18 new names on the list as the country toughens anti-terrorism laws. the islamic state of iraq and levant is one of them. i.s.i.l. nigeria's boko haram is there. yemen's houthi rebels, al qaeda, and the u.a.e. based branch of the muslim brotherhood. the deputy director of the muslim american society, which is on the list, spoke to us with his reaction. >> well, we are shocked. we don't know what we did. it's interesting to see ourselves in the middle of a long list of organizations.
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nobody from the united arab emirates spoke to us. we'd like to verify the accuracy of the report before we have a reaction. we are a national security service organization. we engage in community service for american society in general. we operate in the united states. we have never had dealings with the united arab emirates. so we don't under why we are on the list. >> frankly, i think it's unfair to the united arab emirates for us to make guesses about what the objective is, or whether the report is accurate, until we verify it. my personal relationship with the emirates is nothing less than the four years of the most beautiful years of my life living in the united arab emirates. i have fond memories of it, i don't think it is right for us to comment on something we haven't verified or reasons we don't know.
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>> let's look at the g20 summit. where leaders agreed a $220 million fan to boost the economy which could create 2 million jobs globally, lifting rates by 2018. other issues not on the agenda became a big distraction. we'll talk to andrew thomas about that, he joins us live from brisbane, or brissie as president obama referred to it. it's the vladimir putin sideshow that took over, or overtook things, including an early exit. >> exactly, that's what happened earlier on sunday. the communique was due to come out midafternoon brisbane time. an hour and a half before it was published vladimir putin was on his plane heading to russia, very much breaking with protocol. now, did he leave earlier than other leaders or did he leave early, a snub to his hosts. some have said the man was
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tired, it's a long flight back to moscow, he needed to get on the plane for that reason. others, most of the political analysts here, frankly, say that vladimir putin felt snubbed by the other world leaders in brisbane. most of them had made comments about the situation in ukraine, they were critical of the russian stance there. there was some terrible body language as far as vladimir putin was concerned. many world leaders turning their backs over lunch and many analysts say this was vladimir putin's way of delivering a snub back to him. of course, what we don't know is exactly why he left early. i had a conversation with someone who worked with the russian delegation, organising what was supposed to be a midafternoon press conference on sunday, during the day on saturday. unexpectedly the russian delegation said please make it forward, don't make it here at the g20 center, make it at
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vladimir putin's hotel. he didn't leave when he was going to leave originally, it feels like a snub to the hosts. in the last few minutes we had press conferences from other world leaders, president obama, earlier on, after the g20 communique was published, made strong comment about russia and the situation in ukraine. >> if he continues down the path that he is on, violating international law, providing heavy arms to the separatists in ukraine, violating an agreement that he agreed to just a few weeks ago, the minsk agreement, that would have lowered the temperature and the killing in the disputed areas, and make - providing us a pathway for a diplomatic resolution, then the isolation that russia is experiencing will continue. >> shall we talk about what the g20 leaders are there to do, and
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that is to fix the global economy. tell us what they came up with? >> quite right. the politics, if you like, overshadowed the economics. this was an economic summit. this is the communique, three pages, australia government going into the summit was determined to keep it short and to the point. in that three pages is pretty good going. what is interesting as well as this ambitious target growth of the world economy by more than 2.1% above what is already projected, that could mean a trillion extra in the world economy, 200 million jobs to be achieved, in investments like infrastructure, making sure the big companies pay tax, that there are off-shore products in some jurisdictions. there are extras, things that were not anticipated. on the last page, three paragraphs, the longest of which is about climate change. interesting that, because
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australia, the governor, if you like of this meeting, the host of this meeting, they had said going into the g20 summit, they wanted is to be about economics, and determined climate change would not make it on to the communique. it is, very much so. very much in this communique. likewise ebola. another issue discussed by the world leaders in britain too still ahead on the newshour. the battle over u.s. immigration reform and what this means for families faces separation. sports news - we find out if anyone can stop the world number one's tennis ending. that's to come yemen has been tense since houthi fighters captured the capital sanaa in september. it lead to months of unrest and
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uncertainty. hashem ahelbarra is there looking at the conflict. >> shi'a houthi fighters, check points in sanaa - the army and police nowhere to be found, except for a few traffic police men keeping order on busy streets. when the houthis captured sanaa in september, they set up committees tasked with securing the city. for people like this, the so-called popular committees are crucial to defeat al qaeda and restore calm. >> translation: security and justice are the responsibilities of the state. when you have a weak government, people have the right to protect themselves. there's nothing wrong with having popular committees defending the population, and we want the government to coordinate with them. >> reporter: many yemenis are concerned about the presence of
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armed men in sanaa. this university was the focal point of the 2011 uprising. the protest here is against the presence of houthi fighters on campus. many others have joined the court and the presence of armed militias in yemen. >> when you see these shells on the street this is tied to the society. it's a curse. no one is safe. the government has to enforce authority. >> houthis control more territory. in some areas, south of the capital, they are engaged in fierce fighting against al qaeda. tight security in sanaa is a precaution against revenge attacks. >> houthis say the presence of their fighters in sanaa depends on the security situation. once the government orders the
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army and the police to take over security of the capital, checkpoints will d disappear and their fighters will pull out people living in the nigerian town of chibok accused government soldiers of failing to defend the area following an attack by boko haram. the rebel group retook the town, several months after abducting schoolgirls. for the first time since the attack on friday, we heard from people who escaped before the attack. >> translation: my mother was worried because i couldn't walk. we went to the road, we saw soldiers, when the gunshots got closer, they drove off, leaving us behind an agreement to bring in a transitional government at
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burkina faso will be signed. lieu ten anti colonel isaac zida assumed the presidentship. he agreed to return the country to civilian rule a day after meeting the parties. >> reporter: some people are skeptical saying they believe the army will leave when it happens. saturday's announcement is a step in the right direction. >> translation: the suspension of the constitution of june 2nd, 1991, has been lifted from today, november 15th, to allow the process to put in place a civilian transition. this is a constitution of june 2nd, 1991. now people are talking about when will the ltcol come out. ment and when will he be the leader. >> some say it could be next week, or longer than that. >> i want a civilian president.
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i was in no hurry. they'll take the time. >> translation: we pray next week we'll have a civilian leader. people were told they have been told 12:00 pm local time, to give the list of names of people they think should lead the country. some people are saying the archbishop maybe could take over, he's catholic and a neutral candidate. it has been reported. he could face pressure to take over the rein of his country for the one year thousands of migrants tried to make it from europe to north africa. among them orphaned children. a few minors had been placed with italian families. a store group is about to closed. promised funding has not come through. >> reporter: a kick about between gambia, senegal, ghana,
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nigeria and egypt. the youngsters made the crossing from africa without parents or relatives, all hoping to be fostered by italian families. youcef's family was killed in ethnic fighting in ghana, and he fled to libya. he didn't know where it was going or if he would survive. >> reporter: how many on the boat. >> 120. >> reporter: crammed in. >> crowded. >> reporter: you didn't ask to get on the boat. >> we don't know where we are going. the boat back. we start going. i saw in the middle of the sea. i thought "god, is this how iened my life. i think i'm going to die." he was from senegal, and came on a boat carrying 740 passengers. over 100 were killed by the traffickers. he was beaten and put in hospital after being rescued. both his parents are dead, and he's desperate to find a family
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to live with. >> i told them i want family. i happy. i want family. when i see people, i feel sad. because i need a family. >> 1300 unaccompanied minors arrived to the shores. over 3,000 have disappeared. it's feared many have been forced into prostitution or slave labour. this center has been home to 100 aged between 15 and 18. promised funding from the interior ministry failed to arrive, it's been forced to close next tuesday. >> for 11 months we provided for the youngsters, without getting a single euro, we provided for them to give them back the dignity that no one else had given them. >> thousands are trying to cross the mediterranean.
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this vessel saved 200 eritreans, somalis. many families are saying they want to take care of the vulnerable unaccompanied children. italian bureaucracy is stopping that happen, to all but just a few. >> reporter: these kids are like us. they need to be in a family. if there's a family prepared to foster a child, they should speak up. >> for many youngsters, this house is the first time they felt safe since fleeing their own country. now they want to start a normal life with a family to call their own u.s. president obama was expected to announce a landmark ruling on immigration. reforms to the immigration system could protect up to 5 million illegal immigrants and their children born in the united states. >> reporter: eight years ago
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jose crossed into the united states from mexico. he lived in the north-eastern state of connecticut with his wife, and had two u.s. born children. but now he faces deportation. and separation from his family. he is protesting the government agency working to send him back to mexico. >> we are thinking that any time they send you back to your country. we come looking for a better life. not because we expect them to toss us out like animals. >> reporter: he argues federal law grants him and others the right to remain in the united states if they have no serious criminal record. piscil and five others are suing the u.s. government agency, forcing them out. and hope to pastime waiting for a white house executive order that could stop the deportation of millions of illegal immigrants. >> we are deporting people that should be deported, and not
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affects that are dangerous and should be. >> reporter: the white house is expected to announce guidelines, providing as many as 5 million illegal immigrants with permits to stay in the united states, and immigrant parents with children born in the u.s. to receive work permits. conservative lawmakers are promising to block immigration reforms. >> the president is threatening to take unilateral action on immigration. we'll fight the president tooth and nail if he continues down this path. this is the wrong way to govern. >> activists argue that president obama should take unilateral action. 2 million have been deported. activists say president obama's immigration reform is needed now, before more families are torn apart. >> he could have done that yesterday, a year ago, and there's no excuse why we should
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be dealing with the injury, the harm, the hurt, the pain of over 2 million taken from the families and the communities. so they conducted a mock trial in front of the u.s. agency in charge of deportation, and hope to build public support for the efforts. >> in my mind there's the idea to be with my children, take them to school, share my life with them. these ideas are dreams erased with everything that is happening to me. >> dreams that could become a reality if president obama follows through on his promised immigration reforms everton fox is here to talk weather. sunday morning it is in europe, what can they expect? >> well for italy we see heavy rain. it is nasty, we have fine and dry weather. the central parts and northern parts of the italy, it's been
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horrendous recently, this is the third time we have seen flooding rains effecting italy. see the massive cloud. that brought the moist warm air across the region, and we are seeing 155mm of rain in northern italy in the space of 24 hours. we expect more of the warm mast air to filter through. take a look at the conditions that people have been battering, struggling to cope with here, actually. look at that horrendous weather coming down here. not only have we been looking at 100mm of rain, we have had 500mm in the month of november alone, in an area that normally sees something like 200mm of rain. the warm moist air filters in across northern parts of italy. storms continue to bang away here. more storms coming into western europe. notice around the peninsula, pushing into the bay of biscay,
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it looks unsettled. the winter weather easing, and we have one in the course of monday. more flooding, and i think we are looking at hopefully the middle of the week where things will turn drier, kamal. >> thank you everton still ahead - thailand's military rulers agree to give cash handouts to rubber farmers, will it be enough to secure their future. >> plus... >> i'm adam raney in a wheat field. we meet scientists trying to develop new varieties of crop to feed an increasingly populated planet. >> and in sport, how the dallas mavericks eat up the wolves, later in the news hours.
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you're on the newshour on al jazeera. a video has been posted online appearing to show the killing of several i.s.i.l. -- syrian officers, and peter kassig. he was in syria helping refugees. army is preparing to move on the beiji army. fighters were driven out of the town, the biggest victory yet an explosion outside the afghan target. three people have been killed. the suicide bomber was trying to kill a leading advocate of human
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rights, she was injured in the attack. >> egypt's armed forces say they killed 10 terrorists in north sinai as part of a campaign. it came as one group pledged its allegiance to i.s.i.l. and threatened to continue attacks on the government of abdul fatah al-sisi. >> reporter: to a backdrop of music, the egyptian army showcases its might. in a video broadcast on state television late on saturday, the military shows several operations carried out in the sinai peninsula. the carefree footage was released hours after a group uploaded a video of its own on to the internet. on friday evening this video was posted online, footage of a
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video showing 30 soldiers killed last month. the group showed soldiers blindfolded and shot. insisting that it fought the army in self-defence. al jazeera cannot independently verify the footage. >> for weeks the army has been demolishing houses and removing people from their homes in sinai. the government says it needs to create a buffer zone on the border to combat what it calls terrorism. >> translation: we have warned you time and again, but you do not listen. you could have women and children, bombed out homes, and expel us from our lands. despite what we inflict, the war is yet to begin. >> blindfolded men are taken away, with the military saying it killed 10 so-called terrorists, proof that egypt put into use the american made is financed helicopter.
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this footage of a house targeted by the air draft. all of this was also accompanied by a warning... >> we will target anyone that thinks of attacking the egyptian people. >> after the july 3rd coup, abdul fatah al-sisi asked egyptians to support him in combatting violence. but since he became president, it appears that violence across egypt, particularly in sinai increased. and after the release of these two videos, it seems the conflict is not only armed, but that it involves a great deal of propaganda too the united nations says intense fighting among rival groups in libya forced 100,000 to flee their homes, the u.n. refugee agency said insecurity from the west and the east is hampering operations. the fighting is fierce in
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benghazi taking you back to one of the top stories, the g20 meeting in australia. they agreed a plan that could boost the global economy. as scott heidler reports, other issues not on the agenda - they were a distraction. >> at the end of two days an ambitious plan was announced. one, they'd boost the global economy by $2 trillion. this would happen by increasing trade and investing in north western over the next five years. >> this year the g20 delivered real, practical outcomes, and because of the efforts that the g20 made, this years, culminating in the last 48 hours people around the world are going to be better off. that's what it's b. >> climate change would not be discussed at g20, but it made its way into the plan. >> prime minister abbott stuck to his one promise that the official communique from the summit would be three pages
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wrong. some feel what is in the document will be difficult to implement. >> not a particularly accessible document. if you have to stuff everything into an arbitrary three pages, inestably everything is said in generality. >> with the leaders of the world's powerful countries under one roof, geopolitics entered the competition and at times overshadowed it. russia's presence in ukraine was condemned. >> as a consequence we'll maintain economic isolation whilst maintaining the possibility of a diment uk solution. it's not our preference to see rush aisolated. >> -- russia isolated. >> the confrontation between vladimir putin and tony abbott never happened. >> the ukranian situation in my view has a good chance of a resolution, no matter how strange it sounds. the sanctions hit those it imposed on, and those who
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imposed them. >> reporter: late in the day leaders advanced and sold their ideas to the audience. >> in ukraine, president petro porashenko suspended government services in pro-russian rebel held areas. it put pressure on the rebel held areas, the government is suspending subsidies for those under control. the president ordered state property and employees to be evacuated from the region. harry fawcett sent this update from donetsk. >> reporter: people in the east of ukraine are getting used to the new reality brought about by petro porashenko's decree on saturday. among the immediate effects were words about banking services being denied to breakaway parts of the country. we are getting report of people trying to go shopping with
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credit cards and not being successful because the transactions are not accepted by banks in the west of ukraine. as well as that, people are trying to top up the mobile phones and are not able to use credit cards to do that at the terminal. there are some immediate results of this decree. in some ways it's cementing what is the case. there has not been a means of providing state institutions and services in the areas of ukraine for some months now. the donetsk people's republic, the self-proclaimed leadership of this part of ukraine is promising to pick up the slack and provide pensions and do more in terms of other services. that is very much a work in progress. some questions as to whether russia will start to step in and pick up the slack. vladimir putin has promised to assist the whole of ukraine rise from its knee, he said. he also heavily criticized petro porashenko's move on saturday,
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saying that it was a big make, and essentially he was cementing the cutting off of part of his territory, a different view coming from kiev, but they are not seeing much assistance in the offing from russia. they are talking about troops crossing the border, as there are fears that the fragile ceasefire held for the past couple of months is under threat, and they face losing more territory. >> in the netherlands, police are arresting people protesting an annual christmas parade. dozens watched st. nicholas, and his sidekick black pete. protesters say black pete is a racist stereotype. >> in missouri, newly released surveillance video shows the police officer who shot michael brown shortly after the killing. a grand jury is expected to determine whether it will charge the officer. it was the shooting of the
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brown, an unarmed black teenager that brought a wave of violence to the suburb >> reporter: for the first time we are getting a look at officer darren wilson, shortly after he killed 18-year-old michael brown. this police surveillance video, obtained by the st louis post dispatch shows wilson seen, wearing a white tort, as he leaves for the hospital. the ferguson police chief says darren wilson was in a fight for his life when he shot and killed brown, who was unarmed. the officer is seen returning from the hospital. damien wilson alleges that brown charged him, trying to grab his gun, leaving wilson's face bruised and orbital eye socket damaged. the video appears to show no visible signs of injuries, there's no close-ups of darren wilson's face. attorneys say the video proves reports of his injuries are
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exaggerated. police dispatch recordings help to establish a timeline. it begins inside the store, where brown is seen shoving a clerk and stealing small cigars. >> it will be a blackmail and a white tort. he took a box of cigars. >> reporter: it took a minute for darren wilson to encounter brown and shoot him. you can hear crying in the background as an officer calls for backup. >> get us several units over here, there'll be a problem. >> how big of a problem, few could have predicted. brown's death led to months of sometimes violent protests, leaving a community divided. now, as ferguson missouri awaits a grand jury's decision on whether darren wilson will be charged with a crime, the town is bracing for the possibility of more anger and violence
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now, winter is approaching in india, and that means an increase in the number of pneumonia cases. 300,000 children die from the disease. it's the number one killer of indians under the age of 5. more from new delhi. >> for the past 14 days, this 2-year-old has been battling pneumonia, a respiratory disease that young lungs like his are susceptible too. >> regular coughing, because the fever went off, but the cough did not go. >> he is receiving around the clock care for severe pneumonia. it will be a week before he's healthy enough to go home. but he is one of the lucky ones. only a fraction of indian children diagnosed with pneumonia received hospitalized
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treatment. 50% of the world's pneumonia death happens here. >> reporter: this paediatrician has been treating children for pneumonia for 30 years, and says the number of cases have increased as the cure is less effective. >> most dangerous part of the whole thing is in the community itself, the distance or the antibiotics that it uses. the fear that causes infection at home to a trial. the first line - but now many of those are coming to the district. >> community vaccinations drive for diseases like measles. it has ban precursor for pneumonia has helped. paediatricians meeting in new delhi say containing the respiratory disease has clubbed fatal cases of diarrhoea is a
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complex challenge. >> we need to strengthen the nutritional base of the population, starting from pregnant mothers, new warns and under five -- newborns, and under five. >> reporter: this boy's body is fighting one of india's biggest health challenges. while he is on the mend, his doctors want to make sure that children like him do not end up here in the first place all your sports news on the newshour, including this. the world squash championship in doha. egyptians - are they the ones to beat?
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according to the world food program, hunger kills more people every year than aids, malaria, tuberculosis combined. more than 800 million do not have enough to eat make up one in every nine of us. this is part fully of our "feeding the world" series, adam raney meets a food producer in mexico, using innovative methods to increase production. >> reporter: this man grew up in poverty on a small farm growing corn, rice and wheat - to which he ended up devoting his life. he developed 400 varieties of wheat which boosted crops by 200 million tonnes, helping him
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to win the food prize. the challenge is to keep a population fed on a planet with a rapidly changing climate. >> to do that it's important farmers are given the access they need. >> they don't need harvester. they can do that. they need good seed, one seed. good one seed. >> once a new seed is discovered, some of the colleagues meet small farmers and train them to exploit the varieties as best they can. >> you can have the best seat in the best place you want. if you don't have a farmer knowing how to put it into a working sustainable system, you'll never get anything out of that. >> he conducted much research here at mexico's international center for wheat and maize improvement. scientists following in his foot prints work on developing new varieties, and testing ones in the field.
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>> a big breakthrough is the development of shorter and stronger wheat that doesn't fall down and is more productive. the challenge is greater, to produce wheat brought on by climate change. a challenge that the world is ready to take on. >> rubber farmers in thailand received a boost from the government. cash handouts are distributed to compensate for the low prices. we have more. >> reporter: in the cooler air with the tropical night, rubber farmers set about his work. rubber trees produce the most just before dawn. >> it scrapes the bark meticulously to make the most of every drop. these days each drop is worth less and less. farmers in thailand say it cost
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them about $2 u.s. to produce rubber. but with prices at a five year low, they can only get more than $1 a sheet. >> the problem is the price of rubber slumped. the cost of living is getting more expensive by the day. it's hard to make ends meet. in the months leading up to the coup, 12,000 rubber farmers blocked off major roads in thailand. that ended pressure that brought down the previous government. since then farmers felt betrayed by the ruling military council, and say it failed to help them, and a few weeks ago it threatened another round of protests. the junta responded by allocating $500 million to help rubber farmers. saturday was the first type the farmers were given cash handouts in the southern province. >> the government put on a show
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for the first cash handout to rubber farmers. there were dancers on the stage. there are mobile atms, and a real sense of festivity, economists are asking whether this is a viable policy. >> they got the maximum handout, around $500. he is celebrating and acknowledges that this is not a long-term solution for the thai rubber industry. that is why more is being done. >> translation: the government will provide loans for agricultural cooperatives to provide rubber milk, we can process more inside thailand. that will increase the price of rubber. that may be the plan. in the long term the big question is what will rubber farmers and the government do to find the way out of the cycle of protests and subsidies.
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time for sports news. farah is here to talk tennis. world number one and two at it. novak djokovic is on course to end the year with a major title and the number one world ranking. he beat ky nishikori. novak djokovic dropped a set again against nishikori. for the first time the u.s. open finalist couldn't sustain the level of play, novak djokovic winning 6-0, progressing into the final, and he is aiming to win the title for the third time in a row. novak djokovic will play number two roger federer in that final. roger federer saved four match points in the semifinal against stanislaw wawrinka. he came through in three seds, and almost three -- sets, and almost three hours of lay, 4-6, 7-5, 7-6 at the final score. >> today was a shot here and
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there, it was not in my control. i'm actually pretty good, even though today was the first day. it was good to see the sound, and a lot indoors now. so it starts to be a bit more long now. i know it's going to be another nine, 10 days before i'm on vacation. it's cool. i can handle in wayne rooney is the youngest player to win 100 caps for england. he can tained the side in the euro -- captained the side in the euro qualifier against slovenia. it was englands fourth straight win in qualifying. >> what he's achieved in football is well documented. i thought that it's very fitting that tonight he was able to really get his reward as well, on the night where it's all about him. he picks up the cap and scores
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the important first goal, and leaves england to victory on the 100th game. i am sure he's delighted, we are delighted for him. >> back to the islands winning over greece, it's a good night for europe's small teams, after 61 consecutive defeats, san marino drew with estonia. many more qualifiers are happening on sunday. israel hope to maintain a perfect start, hosting bosnia herzegovina six more countries qualified for the africa cup of nations. that tournament to be hosted by
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equatorial guinea in january. congo were beaten 2-0. south africa beat sudan 2-1, with a game to spare. 2012 champions zambia are through. cameroon defeat the democratic republic of congo. senegal progresses after a win over egypt. egypt hope to qualify as the best third-placed team. >> roberto mann sine took over. he spent four years at the san siro, winning two italian cups and league titles. the team has one two of the past seven league matches. >> i think that every moment is different. probably at this moment it is different, because they were younger, it was the first very important situation.
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today is different. >> world heavily wait champion, v lad mire klitschko proved why he's the best boxer, beating his changer in hamburg to retain his ibf title. the 38-year-old ukranian knocked out his opponent. earning his 17th defense of his world heavy weight crown. klitschko is the heavy weight champion of the world. >> dallas mavericks handed the timberwolves a fifth straight loss. dallas pulled away. mavs ahead by the end of the first. 15 points on the night for the german. the top scorer mass monter ellis with a season-high 30, leading dallas to 131 to 117 win over the timberwolves.
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>> the world squash championship is taking place in qatar this week. reigning champion nick matthew is through to the second round. players are once against likely to be his fiercest rivals. egyptian is squashes's new world number one. he created the title and is trying to win the world championships. six of the last 11 have been from egypt. >> it's a long feeling, getting that on. you spend your life to get to that spot. you still want to not just protect it, we want to stretch it from the other players. you want to stay as long as you can. >> the 23-year-old has twice been crowned world junior champion. every year 2004 to 2013 event have been won by an egyptian. that includes the younger
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brother. the elshab ages have been training in england, as he is concerned about egypt's position. >> the juniors are coming up, and are not the same level as before. in 20 years time, yoeted it will be as successful as it is right now. for example, in 2014, the world junior champion is from peru. he had one egyptian reaching the semifinals. >> which countries could take over the town. could they be from the middle east. this year's champion is from kuwait. the 19-year-old entered the event as a wildcard. >> the arab countries, egyptians are a bit like - they have a lot of players and competition. in comes kuwait, they have a team. they have been working hard and have a lot of players.
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>> he is coached by 4-time world champion. the legend believes countries are starting to compete at the highest level. >> in the last number of years france is strong. it has good players. malaysia is developing. hong kong, in men's and women's squash. some of the traditional countries ever doing well. >> a record 10 egyptians are through to the second round of the championship - they are the ones to beat. >> that's all your sport for now, more from me later. >> thank you for that. before we leave you, news coming through here out of nigeria, that the government confirms it has retaken the city of chibok from boko haram. we reported on that earlier in the newshour. the nigeria government saying it is in control again. more on that in the next news bulletin, and the latest from
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i.s.i.l. fighters say they have beheaded another american and several syrian soldiers this is al jazeera live from our headquarters in doha. also ahead - the g20 summit closes with a plan to boost the global economy, and an early exit by russia's president. a female afghan mp who campaigns for women's rights is targeted by a suicide bomber. three people are killed. and italy
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