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tv   Power Politics  Al Jazeera  November 16, 2014 7:00am-7:31am EST

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table. fight? >> i am urging the federal communications commission to do everything they can to protect net neutrality for everyone. >> plus, immigration reform, house republicans are threatening impeachment if the president acts alone. >> impeachment would be a consideration. >> hurting the president of mexico, later, 2016. >> reduce the interest rates on student loans. >> new size elizabeth warn's pop ulism is being embrated by hillary clinton. in the g.o.p., the bush family is promoting jeb. >> they are saying he is going to be a great president. >> this guy has a cruise to the future coloring book. >> let. >> all that and more. >> people out there who can vote that just don't. >> that's it? now on "power politics." "hello, everybody: i am david
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shuster as the u.s. government prepares to issue new rules shaping the future of the internet president obama has taken sides. this week, the president joined consumer groups who believe internet access should be treated like electricity and water, the preponderate urged the federal communications commission to adopt rules that would ensure all internet traffic is treated equally with roads. >> the idea of net neutrality has unleashed the power of the internet and given a chance to thrive. it could end the internet as we know t that's why i am laying out a plan to keep the internet free and open and urging the federal communications commission to do everything they can to protect net neutral the trality for everyone. >> cable companies and others like verizon and comcast believe internet access should be considered a luxury item like cable t.v. they would like high-speed toll lanes and charge contents add
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advisories for downloads like netflix memories. the largest companies have given heavily to republicans in congress including texas senator ted cruz. this week, cruz tweeted, net neutrality is obamacare for the internet. the internet should not operate at the speed of government. sfofrl magazine described him and said it is the stupidest thing you will read about net neutrality all day. >> joining us from los angeles is al jazeera politics editor michael shure. net neutrality would not put the internet in the hands of the government. so is this more a classic debate about capitalism? >> i don't know it's about capitalism in its broadest form, david. i think a lot of it has to do with the president, you know, coming back to olympics representing the people who put him in the white house.
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he ran on net neutrality and hasn't done termy much about it since being in. he has a new fcc right now. there was a case brought by verizon in the d.c. circuit court earlier this year and because of that case, i think you see the president saying we have to do something while i am in the white house. it says the haves and the have-nots are not treated the same even on the internet. we need to ensure that the have nots are. it's a small company, small internet startups have just as netflix. >> what do you think about those like tells cruz comparing this to obamacare? >> i didn't understand it. i know what his sentiment is about it. i don't know it's obamacare. it's simpler than. it's saying this is a free and open internet and sends a message abroad. we talk all the time in this
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country about china and we don't want to be like that. we have to walk the walk here abroad. >> one of the big issues congress is taking up is the keystone excel pipeline. mary landrew from lou has convinced to have a vote on the proposal. how much did that help here? what's at play here? it doesn't go to her state. it's an issue she has been behind for quite awhile. i don't think personally that the politics in that state and in her run-off on december 9th have anything to do with kye stone. when you see landrieu talking about this, it's to try to get other voters understanding that she is fighting for the jobs that it may create in louisiana.
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en that's up tore for debate. this doesn't touch her state. this is an issue that is more about, you know, getting oil and getting the people that back her in that state. people who have backed her in the past who came away from her and supported other candidates in the december -- i mean, the november 4th election to come back to her side and say, look, i am fighting for energy and whether or not we are -- we are not going to be in the majority. we are going to be in the minority but you need me on that energy and natural resources committee because we need to be able to represents louisiana's interests in the senate. so i don't see it as a directly electing her to the senate but it certainly shows he bona fides. >> there was a priceless moment in the senate this week when the soonton concentrate mitch mcconnellposed for pictures witness republicans who won who will join him in january. there we see they are hunched next to mitch mccogand all of a sudden he started talking about china because a reporter asked him a question about china and there was
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jonni earnest who set there smile with her teeth gritted as mitch mcconnell was speak being china. at what point to freshman senators learn the posing is over. now, you can give a little breathing room to somebody who is talking about something else? >> right. maybe she was daydreaming about cast rating hogs. i think that, you know, it's your first day of school and you just kind of go along. you are supposed to sit there and not say anything. >> at least was the old maxim for new senators. they called them back benchers because literally they sat at the back of the senate, on the back bench. >> has changed a little bit. newly elected senators are more vocal and more present. tedz cruz responsible and probably a good way for freshman. freshmen probably like ted cruz because he was able to say forget this freshmen stuff. barack obama became president a few years after being senator. so there is something to be said for speaking up. day one will give them a pass.
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>> al jazeera michael shure, thanks as always. louisiana where the senate race will have a run-off december 6th, marylandrew is running a new ad that lefrnlingz a bumbling speech by her republican challenger bill watch. >> on may 31st bill cassidy gave a speech that was nearly inco herents. >> senator landrieu may get -- >> his record is crystal keir voting to cut social security benefits, to pay for a tax break for millionaires like himself. >> that is rough. for his part, cats deis touting his own record on energy policies. >> in louisiana, we all know energy creates better jobs and better benefits. in congress, i fought to expand oil and gas exploration and the jobs it brings. i opposed barack obama's moratorium, his climate zar and his regulations. >> as it stands, when the new
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con congress convenes, they will have al majority of 53 ceased. if republicans win the run-off, the majority will rise to 54. republicans already have a large majority in the u.s. house and that chamber led by republican speaker john boehner is where president obama could face the biggest backlash on immigration reform if the president acts on his own, several conservative republicans including joe barton impeachment. >> impeachment is i am bibling in the house. >> that's a possibility. you have to make it to the senate. impeachment would be a consideration, yes, sir. >> congressional democrats say they are ready. >> the president, i think needs to prepare for bold actions, prepare for the challenge, and actions. >> it appears action is coming soon. here is the white house spokesman, josh everyonest. >> house republicans have blocked a common sense proposal
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passing bi-partisan through the senate that would be good for the economy, create jobs, expand economic growth. >> white house officials say an announcement could come as early as this week. in 2016, presidential dmoouz, aids to former florida governor george bush say an announcement could come in the next few weeks. in the meantime, his brother, former president george w. bush and. >> a vision and can articulate it. he is good, really good. and he also can give a speech, complete speech in spanish that, you can you know, my vocabulary was about 50 words. competition. >> in a general election, that competition could include lilary clinton the. over the years, her husband has become quite friendly with the bush family. 22 years ago, arkansas governor bill clinton defeated george hfrm w. bush and ross per oat for the
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1992 presidential. >> as this person said, what about another bush-clinton race? and my quip was first one didn't turn out too well. >> a growing number of republicans believe hillary clinton could be just as tough. wisconsin governor scott walker who was considering a g.o.p. presidential run says that defeating clinton will require a governor like him. >> i do think if we are going to beat hillary clinton this next election, we have to have a message that sizhillary clinton is all about washington. in many ways she was the big loser on tuesday because she embodies everything that's wrong with washington. we offer a fresh approach. >> on the democratic side, many progressives continue to pine for a clinton alternative, specifically massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. warren keeps fueling the fire and this week, she brought her populous message to nbc's late night to seth myers. >> government works. it works really well for those who can higher armies of lobbyists. it works rally well for those who have armies of lawyers.
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it works wrael for those who can contributions. it's just not working for american families. >> a sign of the impact, warren is having on hillary clinton aids say if the former secretary of state runs, she will adapt warren's rhetoric and embrace some of warren's issues. hillae clinton and at an event in massachusetts with elizabeth mid-terms. >> and i am so pleased to be here with your senior senator, the passionate champion for working people and middle class families, elizabeth warren! >> finally, overseas in aust youtralia, members of parliament have been treated to a video produced by staffers that incorporates staffers from the television show "seinfeld". >> you say you can vote liberal or labor and you will get exactly the same amount funding
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for your school. >> you are pushing your luck little man. come back one year. amazing. politics". >> we regret very much the embarrassment that's been caused you and i would like to tell you what the story is from our end out here. >> private phone calls between former president ronald reagan and margaret thatcher have been made public. possible political kickbacks and a scandal involving the president of mexico's nearly $7 million home.
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this week a piece of presidential history was made public: audio from a telephone conversation between rond reagan and british prime minister margaret thatcher.
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reagan apologizes for not notifying her about the american invasion of grenada. >> hello, margaret thatcher here. >> if i were there, i would throw my head in the door before i came in. >> no need to do that. >> listen, we regret very much the embarrassment caused you and i would like to tell you what the story is from our end out here. when your word came, if your concerns at the time i got it, the zero hour had passed and our forces were on their way. >> yes. >> and of course the time difference made that it was later in the day when you learned of it and for us over here, it was only 5:30 in the morning when the -- they finally, landed and at last >> we could talk plainly. i want you to know it was no feeling on our part of a lack of confidence at your end. it's at our end. it's a good thing we did it because --
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>> sensitivity because of the falklands. >> that's why i had not speak for very long even on the secret telephone to you. broken. >> yes. >> i am very much aware of the sensitivity and they are on the their way now and we just hope it will be successful. >> we are sure it is. it is going beautifullyly. >> i home, ron, it will be very soon cleared up now abs hope it can get back to democracy. >> i tell you, those people on thaiz those other ire lands, they are pretty remarkable. >> there is a lot of work yet to do, ron. >> oh, yes. yeah. and -- >> it will be very quickly. >> we think that the military shortly. >> that will be very, >> yeah. >> and a return
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to democracy. >> i'm sorry for any embarrassment. please it was our fear of our own weakness over here with regard to secrecy. >> very kind of you to have range, ron. >> my pleasure? >> house nancy? >> just fine? >> good. give her my love. >> i shall. all right. >> thank you. i must return to this debate in the house. it's a bit trick. >> all right. go get 'em. eat 'em alive. >> bye. bye. >> joining us now from washington is author/, historian and professor matt dallic from george washington university. what did you make of that audio that was just released? >> well, i think it's fascinating. i've never actually heard a tape of reagan in the white house on a conversation before >> and to hear reagan operating like that, to hear, frankly a grasp of detail that was somewhat surprising and then to
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hear him joking with margaret thatcher and kind of bantering with her, reallys, there is a richness this there that archival documents won't give you. i think it's a fascinating and really laird conversation between them. >> you can almost hear in reagan's voice this is the u.s. military is backed with protecting your people, the brits in grenada and four years after the failed jimmie carter mission in 1979 in iran? right? >> yes. there is a really important context here which the tape does not capture. so reagan campaigned in part in 1980 on bringing america back. he campaigned on getting rid of the nation's vietnam syndrome, the so-called fear of using military power again and aga grenada, which after all, was a currents tree that -- how many americans had herds of grenada? probably very, very few. he could claim in grenada that
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there was this terrific american military triumph over communim, by the way can over cuban communists there and in a way, america was back, the military was back, and he was able to kind of dispel some of the really bad taste that a lot of people had from the failed hostage rescue in 1979. >> to hear reagan's personal charm at the end of the conversation when thatcher says i have to get back to a debate, and he says, "eat 'em alive," it's more remarkable than when you just read it? >> he starts off this conversation which was going to be a difficult conversation. he is apologizing but starts out basically with a joke saying, i would have to throw my hat in the door if i was there with you in london, and i would apologize as a kind of old gentleman would. so, i think that you see that there was a level of, frankly, of command that he had,
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but, also, i think you see the depth of their relationship and there was a intimacy there that is really striking. and she very quickly kind of warms up to him as soon as he is talking, as soon as he starts apologizing and he is able to make the sale to her in a sense that, look, as you said earlier, david, that we are protecting british citizens, american citizens, the military operation is almost wrapping up and she really comes aboard very quickly and so you see that, that element of the cold war alliance between them. >> the intimacy also -- >> in that conversation. >> the ivent massey comes through when he confesses to having been briefed about grenada in his paj a.m ? >> it's disarming. he is in the situation when this conversation is happening. at the end, she says, you know, asks about, i think, nancy, his wife and says, sends my love to her. so, i think it does show you that
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for all of the ideological and kind of military forces at work in diplomacy, there is also that intrapersonal relation and they had a very strong one and some level, they fit they were a bit in a bunker and a lot of others around the world, even supposedly allies were not necessarily as kind of hard-edged about the communist threat as they were and you see that friendship, alliance coming through in that conversation. >> matt dallek at george washington university, good of you to join us. thank you. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> in politics, we take you to mexico. america's second largest trading partner, the government and leadership of mexico city are imports to the united states on all kind of issues from trade to immigration to drug enter diction. at the moment, the president of mexico is a bit preoccupied because after growing scandal that involved questionable finances, his soap opera star neighborhood. >> a home in the hills, that's
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what mexico's president's family has now, ultra modern architecture, mood lights, of course, a swimming pool, too, a place to free your mind of all of the stress of running an up and coming if extremely violent and corrupt country. the problem: the $7 million house is at the centers of a scandal about possible political kickbacks. according to notisias, the house is built by and owned by a branch of a company that won contracts worth an estimated $600 million from the state of mexico when en rerique pinism e it was governor. >> company is part of a chinese-led consortium that won a $3.7 billion high-speed rail contract from mexico's government. it was the only bid. just before the article ran, the president cancelled the contract and opened the rail project up for new bids. >> he came in to office
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promising to be a new kind of president, one free from corruption. but the circumstances surrounding how he and his family came into possession of this house has called all of that so into question. >> explanation from the government. that the president's soap opera star wife who owns the house next to this property got a loan from the company. i believe it's important to point out that the president and first lady are married with separate assets and everyone knows she has a huge artistic career and with her own resources, she bought the house and that's the story. >> critics aren't convinced. >> translator: what would happen if tomorrow it's discovered that michelle obama bought a house from hall burton it would patrol unleash investigations across the whole system. in mexico so far there has only been a journist investigation and some reactions in social media. what is to be seen is if there will be some kind of institutional reaction. >> the scandal comes as he faces
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ongoing protests and criticism over his handling of the case of 43 students who went missing and are thought to have been killed and in7 rated by a drug gang. when he won office in 2011 den, he pledged a new kind of politics and a safer mexico recentents suggest he hasn't lived up to the promise. mexico city. >> just ahead, the political 3-year-old. >> joe biden? >> joe biden. >> turns out he knows more than college students at texas tech. >> who is our vice president? >> don't know. >> those stories and more, coming up
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♪ >> today in
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short ishthd politics from perspective. a 3-year-old who is infatuated with vice president joe biden? >> joe biden? >> joe biden. >> why? >> i just do. >> the little girl saw biden on television, asked her parents who he was and for several months had a series of pretend phone conversations with the vice president. her grandmother wrote the vice president about avery and out of the blue, avery's grandmother got a phone call. >> said, this is joe biden. and i said, who the... is this? and when he said, no, really, it's joe biden, and i said, i am so sorry. i am so sorry. i said that to you. >> the vice president said he saw the note and thought he would call. he and avery's grandmother spoke for about five minutes about family and biden told stories about his grandchildren and expect another phone call to the iowa family before the ioawa caucuses. we have definitive proof 3-year-old avery is better informed about our national
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politics than many at texas tech university. a student organization called polk tech interviewed stud incident asking them the most government. >> who is our vice president? >> don't know. >> i have no idea. >> right now? i don't know. >> what's his name? oh, my gosh. head. >> who is the vice president? >> uh-huh. question? >> no. >> okay. i don't know. i have no idea. >> i have no idea. >> i don't know. >> john? >> joe biden. >> yes. >> now, it's not like these students don't know anything watch. >> what show is suki on? >> jersey shore. >> what show is snooky on? >> the jeshlsz shore. >> jersey shore. >> jersey shore. >> jersey shore. >> and then, who is brad pitt
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married to? >> angelina jolie? >> angela jolie. >> they received huge criticism saying this video wasn't a criticism of the school's academics but for students to be more politically involved. getting involved can take several forms including participating in elections. we need the show with a final lesson on civic responsibility from yet another 3-year-old on election day in illinois, javier was upset wasn't allowed to vote and the topic caused him to melt down in their car. >> do you want to vote? >> yeah. yourself? >> yeah. >> do you want do you know there are people who are out there who can vote and don't? is that sad? >> aaaah! >> fact finder, do all of our viewers registering to vote? it's easy. contact your local election board. they will even help you if you president.
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>> is today's power politics. i am david shuster. thanks for watching. >> breaking news overnight - another american is reportedly beheaded by the islamic state as the white house works to confirm the authenticity of that video. >> there is a very simple solution to this perception that somehow i'm exercising too much executive authority. pass a bill i can sign on this issue


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