tv News Al Jazeera November 17, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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consider this on al jazeera america >> boko haram, and the nigerian government looks to extending the state of emergency in the north of the country. hello, i'm martine dennis. you're with al jazeera live from doha. also to come. bad memories amid prospects, a report from an iraqi town recaptured from isles forces. peace talks with farc rebels in colombia are suspended after the kidnapping of an army general. >> in toronto this country tries
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to get its controversial oil sand to market amid fierce that it could damage the environment. >> i nigerian government has asked to extend emergency rule for another six months. googood luck jonathan said that the military needed enhanced powers to fight boko haram. the government is accepting that it has not made head way in the battle of boko haram? >> well, the state of emergency was declared in may 2015 as you mentioned when the president addressed the president. at that time he made it clear that what boko haram was doing
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amounted to a declaration of war, and a deliberate attempt to undermine authority of the nigerian state. as an as a result, the military needed an idea of what that would mean. it means that these areas continue to be active areas of operation for the nigerian military. well, the military has the upper hand in wanting those areas above even the police and other states authority. the extra order measures have included the check points, conducting searches, and to lock down in those areas and impose curfew. as far as the government is concerned, this is the way to control the area. however, he said that over the past 18 months it has become clear that this state of emergency has failed to stop boko haram, and it has further
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alienating and the soldiers are not been quick enough to deal with this state of emergency further discrediting the military at this criminal time. >> as to this extension of the state of emergency, six months is granted that would mean that this part of nigeria would be under state of emergency during presidential elections, which are scheduled for member. >> indeed. now this announcement of the extension was made after meeting with the national defense counsel to date. the government has yet to table this request, to put it ahead of lawmakers at the national assembly. that extension is likely to be granted as we've seen twice already since may of last year. now, of course, the national election commission--the independent collection, rather, believes that elections will go ahead as scheduled in those police states, but many people are highly skeptical. they wonder how will the
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politicians be able to campaign in those areas, and whether they'll be able to set up polling stations in these areas. boko haram has expanded its strategy, from hit-and-run attacks and actual see sures of towns and villages. they're trying to control the towns and villages, po how will people be able to vote in the first place. the siege and ongoing violence are likely to be areas that will vote against the president and his ruling party. roughly 5 million people live in those areas. a big question mark, of course, whether how this will affect the neutrality and credibility of the vote. >> thank you very much. the united states' 31 coalition airstrikes since friday.
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most of the attacks were aimed at the besieged town of kobane. kurdish media said thousands of isil fighters and some commanders were killed on sunday. well, isil has been pushed out of a small town just south of the kirkuk in iraq. but the intense fighting has left the place devastated. we have an exclusive report. >> reporter: she has nowhere to go, and nowhere to stay. when isil fighters took the town in june, they sheffield united indiscriminately destroying her house. the men in her family tried to fight back, but without back up they were overrun. >> isil attacks us in the early hours of the morning. they swept the houses of the village and looked for those who were fighting them. when my husband and two sons ran out of ammunition, they stormed the house and were killed. i got out with my grandchildren
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only to see that our house was burned down and isil had taken our car and electricity generator. >> she becomes too upset to talk, but her cousin tells us what happened next. >> we have lost 22 men from our family. we have been displaced for more than three months. our family has been scattered. some to the north of iraq. others to the south. the rest just outside of kirkuk. after the village was liberated some came back to see devastation of the peaceful suburb. >> now she and her three grandchildren live in the bathroom of this bombed out shelter. more shelling and street battles scar the town further. with so much focus placed on winning the war against isil very little thought is given to
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what happens next. now the iraqi army tactic is to go into a town, clear it of isil fighters and hold that town. what that means for the residents, the few that remain, is that they live in squalor. those that come back take a look at what's left and wonder what will happen next. graffiti still covers the walls here. while the suburb was hardly well off before the war it was at least functional. for now children explore the wreckage while adults who come to assess the damage can only feel despair. they have no idea when they can rebuild, when they can return home or what help the government will give them. al jazeera, baghdad. >> israeli police have ruled there is no evidence of foul play after a palestinian bus driver was found hanged on sunday night. there has been tension in injury lem over his death because his family believes he was murdered. we have the very latest from the occupied west bank and our
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correspondent stephanie dekker. >> reporter: we're at the grave waiting for him. they're expecting his body shortly. the autopsy is now complete and they say there was no evidence of foul play. we heard a statement from the palestinian foreign ministry. they say they blame the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and officials in his government for inciting hatred against palestinians, and what they called an assassination. they don't believe there was no foul play involved. they believe it was murder. the people in his village, we spoke to his wife she said he was a well-loved man who didn't differentiate between justs or palestinians. he had no enemies, and he certainly worked hard to provide for his family. no one here believes really that no foul play was involved. we'll be keen to see the reaction on the ground. there have been skirmishes on the ground, but nothing big. we know that there has been a lot of tension here over the
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past few weeks, over the past few months with these kinds of incidents. it will be key to see what the reaction is on the street. at the moment no real backlash. we're not seeing major outbreaks here. they will be keen to try to keep things calm. >> a large scale search and rescue operation is underway in colombia for an army general who went missing on sunday. president santos has accused farc rebels of kidnapping him and now has suspended peace talks with the group. >> the war between the colombian government and the farc rebels is one of the longest congress flicks in the world. peace negotiations announced by colombian president santos in 2012 promised the chance of peace. but two years later there is no agreement, and now the kidnapping of an army general has led to the government
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suspending the talks all together. generathe general walked in farc territory wearing civilian clothing. >> unless they deliver the general the peace process will be suspended, so we need to look now. the response from fa rc. >> peace has alluded columbia since 1964 when some were inspired by marxism and created the largest guerrilla group or farc. previous negotiations a decade ago failed after an agreement to demilitarize large areas of the country allowed the farc to grow stronger and increased the drug trafficking that fuels its operations. in recent years many of the top rebel leaders had been captured and killed, and the farc's ranks have been depleted by half. the most recent negotiations between the government and the farc ban in oslo, norway, two years ago. from there they moved to cuba,
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where talks have focused on landownership, the rights and victims, drug trafficking and the rebel integration into society. but one of the main challenges has been the negotiations taking place while the conflicts continues. the kidnapping of the general gives fresh ammunition to those who have been staunchly opposed from the peace process from the very beginning arguing that you can't negotiate with terrorists. it also makes it difficult for president santos to make any kind of concessions to the rebels if and when these peace talks are able to get back on track. it is much too soon to gauge how much of a setback to peace this latest incident will mean. in a country that has already withstood war for too long. al jazeera, santiago. >> well, president santos was re-elected on a promise of driving the peace process forward, but many colombians are getting increasingly impatient
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with the slow pace of progress. 220,000 people have died in the 55 years of armed conflict. more than 5 million colombians have been i internally displaced. 150,000 flee their homes every year. u.s. and the colombians accuse farc of using a multi billion cocaine trade to fund its operations. journalists and author of the farc, the longest revolution, says that there has not been peace in two years. >> i traveled in the region where he was captured yesterday, and it's a remote zone that is heavily populated with guerrilla, and the interesting thing is that the fa rc during the two years of the peace process here, there have been several occasions asked for a cease-fire while talks have taken place.
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it's the colombian government that is actually refused to engage in a cease-fire and insisted on continuing the conflict. the colombian government has continued to target farc leaders and guerrillas and killed them and captured them. it's somewhat hypocritical that when farc turns around and captured a colombian military officer, that the colombian government says they're going to suspend peace talks when the colombian government is not willing to engage in a cease-fire with the farc. >> still to come, protest in kenya after a woman is attacked at a bus stop for wearing a mini skirt. and an arena for you will supporters, but not everyone is ready to endorse the indian prime minister in australia.
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>> at the height of the cold war >> we're spies... intercepting messages from embassies, military bases... >> one of the america's closest allies... >> we were not targeting israelis... >> suddenly attacked >> bullet holes... ...just red with blood... >> 34 killed... we had no way to defend ourselves >> high level coverups... never before heard audio... a shocking investigation >> a conscience decision was made to sweep it under the rug... >> the day israel attacked america only on al jazeera america >> i'm ali velshi, the news has become this thing where you talk to experts about people,
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and al jazeera has really tried to talk to people, about their stories. we are not meant to be your first choice for entertainment. we are ment to be your first choice for the news. >> hello again. these are the top stories here at al jazeera. nigeria's government is speaking extend emergency rule in the northeast of the country for another six months. the president says the military needs enhanced powers to fight the armed group boko haram. israeli police have ruled there is no evidence of foul play after palestinian bus driver was found hanged on sunday night. there has been tension in jerusalem over the death of 42-year-old because the family believes he was murdered. talks to end war in colombia have been suspended after a tomorrow army commander has been kidnapped. searcsearch and rescue
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operations are under way for the general. militia loyal to the two government battle for control. inatasha explains. >> michael: the battle over the future of libya has left bengahzi war sieged. fighters loyal to the conservative militia control libya's second largest city, but forces affiliated with the elected government continue their mission to reclaim benn. the fighting has continued for a month and turned the city into a war zone. on sunday al hassi pleaded for international assistance to help people struggling to survive.
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>> we need them recovering dead bodies, medical crews, relief food supplies, and above all, to mediate between the two conflicts parties to put an answered to the ratioing war in and around the city. >> the militia had been looking for a way to find consensus among the rival factions but a supreme court ruling scuttled any progress. judges ruled that the elected parliament forced into exile in tibruk should be dissolved. >> with both sides well armed and no talk of negotiating it appears that the cycle of violence will not end any time soon. natasha ghoneim, al jazeera. >> shia houthi say they're in
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the marib province to keep al-qaeda away from oil facilities. but tribesmen say that is a smokescreen for houthi rebels to gain mortar tore. a diplomatic dispute in the gulf appears to be easing. saudi arabia, bahrain and unite the arab emiratesry moved their diplomats from doha in marseil marseilling that doha was interfering with their internal affairs. the governments decided to expand the sinai peninsula. authorities attempt to stop the muggling of armed fighter arm--the smugging of armed weapons to gaza. al jazeera is continuing to demand the release of our three journalists who have been jailed in egypt for 324 days. mohamed fahmy, bader mohammed, and peter greste are falsely accused of helping the outlawed
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muslim brotherhood. they're appealing against their convictions. fahmy and greste were each sentenced to seven years in prison. bader mohammed was given an additional three years for having a spent bullet in his possession that he picked up at a demonstration. the burkin burkina faso has named their interim president. >> as soon as the papers were printed people started buying them. this shows the man who will be the next interim president for the next year 37 michel kafando. it shows a little about his background and that he was chosen by the army. some are critical of the army wondering what the army's intentions are, but they're
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saying let's give this man a chance. let's see what this man will do. they're waiting to see how he performs. people have expectations. they want jobs. they want education to prove and the health system so improve. they say that they need a government soon and they need officials to focus on preventing ebola from coming in to the country, and if it does, manage it and contain it as quickly as possible. >> the former president of the ivory coast goes on trial for crimes against humanity on july 7th next year. the date for his trial has now been officially set by the international criminal court. the 69-year-old faces four counts of crime against humanity. in kenya the public stripping of a woman for wearing a mini skirt has started
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protests both in support of women's rights and against. we go to kenya's capitol of nairobi. >> they take their frustrations to the streets. they're demanding that their right to dress however they choose be respected. this is treated b started by the stripping of a woman by men who say she was dressed offensively. this comes after two others claim to be undressed by rowdy men. they march in front of the bus station, the one where the incident happened. the woman who was assaulted has not filed a report and without a formal complaint investigators don't have much to go with. >> right now she went through a lot of humiliation, now we are trying to bring her out by doing such thing we're supporting her.
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we have started "my dress, my choice." >> the debate of how an african woman can dress has taken center stage. men who repose the proposal have taken to the streets. they say that women must not dress provocatively. at some point the two groups meet and engage in a shouting match. each trying to get their different points across. >> there is a stand off now as women march, and on the other side there are women who want to dress however they want must be respected. the debate is intense. this blogger has started an online campaign called "nudity is not my choice" to counter the pro woman campaign. he said that freedom has limitations. >> until society matures enough, then the argument for infinite freedom is not there.
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>> his argument is popular with many men. it's not that women can dress how they want. it's what gets them raped, this man says. opinions of how a woman should dress may be divided, but many agree there is no justification to publicly undress anybody for what they have decided to wear. >> india's prime minister has been given a rock-star's welcome by supporters in australia. narendra modi critics also made their feelings known in sydney after his trip to the g-20 summit in brisbane. andrew thomas reports. >> reporter: for organizers of a much-hyped political rally, sunday, the night before, was a chance to celebrate what was to come. [ cheering ] >> reporter: this pre-event was held in harris park, sydney's little india. more than half the number of people living in the suburb in
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the west of the city were born in india, and these had tickets to the hottest show in town. the new indian prime minister narendra modi stadium appearance in australia. >> he's a hope for india. he is the hope for people who expect a non-corrupt, a new india. >> reporter: but not every indian in australia is enthusiastic about modi. mahnjit drives a taxi in sydney. he thinks that the narendra modi party excludes those who are not hundred di hindu. >> they need to treat everybody the same. >> reporter: on monday saini took part of a pro pest against modi's visit. they say he has big questions to answer over his role in the massacre of muslims in 2002, and he has shown little inclination
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to investigate the past killings of sikhs. the protesters were heavily outnumbered by the fans. 16,000 had tickets inside to see the first indian prime minister to visit australia in 28 years. >> this stadium is normally the venue for sports and music events. the posters of katy perry and ricky martin shows. the fact that he sold this place out is a sign of the political superstar he has become. >> he's good for india. we will show respect for him. >> people love him. people love him. i love him. >> inside the stadium modi received a welcome and gave an aspirational speech about a cleaner, fairer india. from australia, he said, he would take a lesson home. >> here in australia they talk to a doctor in the same way that they talk to a driver.
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>> reporter: modi will speak at australia's parliament on tuesday. he'll be welcomed there, too, but can't quite expect this. andrew thomas, al jazeera. sydney. >> the timalists in canada are warning of the dangers of a potentially catastrophic oil spill in a major city, and they're alarmed of the use of a pipeline that is decades old. >> reporter: under canada's biggest city crude oil from the west of the country will soon run through a pipeline built 38 years ago to carry lighter oils from overseas. it will flow near neighborhoods, parks, and this primary school. [ children singing ] >> reporter: earlier this year students and teachers made a youtube video called "look what's coming down the line" in
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the pipeline next to their playground. >> lots of children travel the pathway behind us every day on their way to and from school and probably never considered the sign that notes that there is a high-pressure pipeline here. >> reporter: line nine, as it's called, is a crucial link between canada's oil-producing regions and world markets. it will start to flow with crude very soon, but it's route is troubling to many. those who feel the changes in the line nine pipeline could bring a damaging spill, and they do have evidence for their fears. it happened in michigan in 2010. >> these are all pumping trucks pumping the crude out of the river into holding tanks. >> reporter: heather rocco said that she'll never forget that frightening day when heavy crude oozed in the kalamazoo river. >> i was fearful for myself. i was fearful for my animals, and we didn't have the answers.
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apparently the pipeline had leaked for several hours at that point. but we were not aware of it. >> reporter: it was the biggest inhand oil spill ever in the u.s. and the pipeline owner enbridge, which is also behind line nine, organized a massive clean up. it cost billions of dollars and took four years. the company said valuable lessons were learned. >> we wanted to make sure that when the project was complete and we were done that the river would be in as good of shape or better than it was before, and also we can assure people that we're taking again those steps and not allow this to happen again. >> countries so dependent on oil exports can ill afford to oppose all means of accessing world markets but canadians want to be assured that what flows beneath their communities will stay in the pipelines and not poison the waters. al jazeera, toronto. >> well, you can find out more about canadian environmentalist concerns on the al jazeera website, and you can find out
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about the rest of the day's developing news stories, in particular the stories out of the colombian peace talks now being put on hold as a consequence of a top general having been kidnapped in the north of the country. al >> the rwandan genocide began twenty years ago. in 100 days, almost one million people were killed. today, rwanda is thriving. as the president credited with stoping the slaughter and putting the country back together, paul kagame is also accused of brutally suppressing dissent. so is kagame a savior or a dictator? we sent journalist sorious samura to find out. >> for centuries the tribes of this country lived together without tribal atrocities, and nothing like the rwandan
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