tv News Al Jazeera November 19, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EST
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>> all these people shouldn't be dead. >> it's insane. >> the borderland thanksgiving day marathon starts november 27th, 9:00 eastern. on al jazeera america. > announcer: this is al jazeera. from al jazeera's headquarters in doha. this is the newshour. coming up in the next 60 minutes, israel begins demolishing homes belonging to palestinians that carried out attacks in jerusalem. more to come. new raids on a mosque in kenya. authorities try to crack down on al-shabab the battle against malnutrition. documents from around the world trying to find solution to a problem that affects 800 million
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people. plus, good buy apec. hello snog. we are in beijing, where pollution is back to extreme levels. >> let's start first with some breaking news coming out of iraq. five people have been killed by a suicide attack in erbil. that's the capital of iraq's autonomous kurdish region. let's go straight to imran khan. he's joining us from baghdad. what more details do you know at this point about that blast. >> well, the attack happened over an hour ago. a driver in a car bomb drove up to the gates of the erbil governor, tried to smash through the gates. killed two police men and two civilians, and also nearly blowing himself up in the process. so this is a key governor building, is one of the biggest
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civil servant buildings in erbil. it's not a busy marketplace. we normally see this in marketplaces. this was remote, high secure, it has to be said. the question is of the timing of this bomb. this comes 24 hours after the taking of beigy oil refinery. i.s.i.l. said erbil, the capital of the kurdish region is a factoring for them. it has to be said that we do have kurdish fighters who are fighting on the side of i.s.i.l. they are able to get in now that erbil region easily, and building a car bomb of this nature is easy to do. the questions are how did they get into this secure area to be able to mountain attack like this. this is a first attack we have seen insider bill since 2013 -- inside erbil since 2013. it has been spared much violence, but has always been under threat by i.s.i.l. >> imran khan there from baghdad
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to israel - roadblocks have been set up across jerusalem, following a deadly attack on a synagogue on tuesday. prime minister binyamin netanyahu is promising to speed up the demolition of homes belonging to people involved in the attacks the . the home of a man involved in a deadly train smash last month was demolished. on tuesday, two armed palestinian men attacked a congregation. five were killed. the mood is tense in the divided city, there were clashes in east jerusalem. this was the scene on tuesday night in the neighbourhood. the israeli prime minister is promising a harsh response. >> as a nation, we will settle the score with every terrorist, and have proven we will do some.
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some want to uproot us. they will not succeed. we are in a battle stephanie dekker joins us from occupied east jerusalem. where you are, you are already seeing signs of that harsh measures the prime minister has been talking b. >> that's right. we are standing in front of an apartment. you can see it on the fourth floor, the man that rammed his car killing a woman and 3-month-old baby. this is the home of relatives. that was demolished. explosions inside. very loud, heard in the area, and further afield the israeli army evacuated the families that live in that building. this is a message we heard from the israeli prime minister that he believes that this policy is a deterrent. it's a controversial policy. it was put on hold 10 years ago
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and was implemented and was a debate as to whether it was efficient or not. palestinians will tell you that it's inflammatory, it's collective punishment because the perpetrator of that attack was killed at the scene. they will question why they carry out an explosion on the house of the family. we know that the go ahead, the green light has been given to the home, the two attackers who carried out the synagogue. the situation on the ground, which one side is saying should be preventing things, and the other side is saying it's doing nothing, but heightening tensions. >> what happens to people once their houses are blown up? like you mention, the person involved in the attack on the synagogue has been killed or the person involved in the attack on that light rail station, rather, has been killed. assumedly there's a lot of family that needs housing. what happens in that situation?
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>> well, they are not provided with an alternative. they have to stay with friends and relatives, and people tell you sometimes when these things happen, they don't give the chance to take out belongings, and sometimes there's a warning sign, a period, a couple of days. they had time to remove any its they can. this is a home that was being destroyed, also in terms of the wider sense. there has been demolitions that do happen, and when the israeli government says there's no permit, a building permit. it's hard for palestinians to get building permits in east jerusalem. it's a devastating situation. it's one of living under occupation, having to be subject to these things. but this specific attack, demolition, again, the israeli government saying this should be a deterrence to palestinians carrying out attacks.
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here people we have spoken to tell you that it's collective punishment, and it makes no sense to them. >> stephanie dekker, thanks for that more on israel's decision to revive the policy, the palestinian home, suspects carrying out attacks. israel's army blew up such attacks. the policy was abandoned in 2005. now it's been resurrected. the policy serves as a deterrent for anyone considering acts of violence against israelis. rights groups say it's a form of collective punishment and the violation of human rights. we speak to a professor from bethlehem university, joining me from the occupied west bank. the israeli line is they can't sit back and attack other
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innocent people without providing disin sentive. >> this is very disingenius on the part of the israelis. their policies lead to those kind of attacks. israel engaged suns the occupation of jerusalem. west jerusalem in 1914, eved jerusalem in 1967 they've been engaged in ethnic cleansing. what is called the ongoing netbar, this policy has been going on for people that vial i think no laws or israeli laws, or anyone else. israeli is trying to improve muslims and christians from their land, as part of an ongoing policy and used the violence as an excuse to accelerate the policy, but it's a policy that has been ongoing
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for many years, and making the situation more catastrophic, and more inflammatory and problematic. how effective is it in offering a disincentive for people to take part in attacks? >> well, psychologist would tell you it's not very effective because a person who committed the act of violence is already dead. the family numbers, 20 people, for example, living in a house that you demolish, who did not do anything, those people actually will have now new incentive to engage in resistance. so they will carry out more violence. clearly this is not why israel does it. it does not do it because of incentive issues, it does it because it's part and parcel. as i said, of a policy of ethnic cleansing and the destruction of palestinian lives to make jerusalem a jewish city, instead
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of being a multicultural city that has been for over 2,000 years. >> the israeli government abandoned the policy for a while. why do you think binyamin netanyahu is bringing it back? >> binyamin netanyahu is desperate, basically. he is seeing boycott, divestment, movement in the european capital for recognition of palestine as a state in the west bank and gaza, including jerusalem. so he doesn't know what to do, so he has accelerated his policy in jerusalem, because he knows jerusalem is a hot-button issue. it's holy to three main religions, and he knows by accelerating his actions in jerusalem, trespassing on the holy sites like al-aqsa, and the mosques and the church of the
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sibual ka and so forth, he would ignite a religious war, basically, and maybe he will succeed in igniting a religious war, i don't know. but general his path is destructive, and it will not be destructive just for the palestinians, it will end up being destructive for all of us, israelis and palestinians. >> thank you for your thoughts on that one. >> spain's parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of recognising palestine as a state. the resolution is non-binding and is seen as symbolic. it signals a growing change in attitude in europe against israeli occupation. >> reporter: the spanish parliament gathered in madrid with tuesday's deadly attack in jerusalem fresh in the mind of deputies. last-minute haggling over the text meant the final draft was uncertain until just before the vote. with broad cross-party support
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for the principal, the outcome was never in doubt. the instigator confident that palestinian statehood would help to achieve peace between it and israel. >> reporter: we have an optimistic attitude. we want to help both parties sit and talk and negotiate. this is not a resolution against any party, it's an instructive mood to find peace. >> the policy position of the spanish government is that palestinian statehood must be the result of a 2-state settlement involving israel, and not the result of a unilatter at negotiation. the elected members are frustrated by the deadlock in the middle east, and want the vote to be a powerful expression of that. >> the vote is nonbinding, being the government is not forced to adopt it as policy. but the palestinian prime minister that came hailed the outcome as vital.
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>> recognising the state of palestine saves the 2-state solution, which was approved by the international community. second, recognising the state of palestine which means there's a kind of balance between the two parties when they negotiate. we are willing to go back to negotiations as a state to state. state occupation with another state as an occupied power. >> for their part the israeli government insists recognising palestinian statehood will push peace backwards, not forward. lawmakers are not alone. internationally, 135 countries recognised a palestinian state. among the european nations, sweden, poland, slovakia and hungary. parliament in britain and ireland called for nonbinding votes. france will vote an palestinian recognition this month.
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spain's parliament is not the first on this and is unlikely to be the last kenyan police raided a mosque in the coastal city of mombassa, saying they found petrol bombs and grenades. two other mosques were raided over links to a somali group, al-shabab. >> these people attacked in mombassa. dozens have been arrested. police say there was an involvement in a power struggle. >> there are people with an eye on 2017 elections. they are not sitting in peace. >> reporter: the attacks come one day after police raids on local mosques. the mosques in the area were targeted for allegedly radicalizing youth and having links to al-shabab in neighbouring somalia. it can link worshippers to what
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they call terrorist gangs. >> this is a mixture of terror activities. we can say this because why would an al-shabab flag be found in a mosque. >> muslim leaders and human rights groups condemned the rounding of up of 200 people. the coastal community is targeted, unfairly. >> look for those committing crimes. mosques do not commit crimes. >> by the end of today, every person that has to be released... >> some of those arrested are teenage boys who deny wrongdoing. some are charged with grenades. these children, men and women, carrying babies were arrested in february. they were accused of taking part na recruitment drive for al-shabab, and as another security operation continues, community leaders say state crackdowns are contributing to
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..where there is no ceasefire. it's the first time a germ is captured by the insurgency. this causes an incident. we said the peace delegation is willing to contribute to a swift and sensible solution to the problem, and the talks should continue. >> but those talks, which have been going on for two years are suspended. both sides say the other is to blame. the f.a.r.c. out numbered, 8,000 fighters, say the fact that government rejected its ceasefire means it's a normal act of war to capture an enemy on the other side. they appear to want to use a high-profile capture to level a halt to combat. the president rejected that, and said only the unconditional release could reignite the peace process. where the high stakes chest match continues, regular
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columbians are divided. recent opinion found that 25% of columbians support the peace talks, the same amount are pessimistic about the outcome. those against the talks see the capture of the general as another sign that the f.a.r.c. can't be trusted and that the talks need to end. those that support the peace talks say now more than ever is when columbia needs peace. >> we continue to hope for peace, but it's taking a long time. i don't believe that we can reach a peace agreement any more, even though it's in the interests of all columbians. the f.a.r.c. continues to kidnap. i don't think there'll be peace in our country. divided opinions in columbia, reconciliation in the conflict seems so close. politicians from around the world are in rome for a united nations conference on
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malnutrition. the meeting is tackling malnutrition. and the u.n. says the number of people malnourished has dropped. the u.n. secretary-general says more needs to be done. >> i know from my own country's experience, the crippling effect that hunger and malnutrition can have. a great deal of progress has been made since i issued zero hunger challenge, calling on government, society, faith, communities, the private sector, and research institutions. and eliminate the worst forms of malnutrition. according to the u.n.'s food and agricultural organization, 161 million children have stunted growth because they do not have enough to eat. one in two child deaths are linked to malnutrition, and
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around the world more than 800 million people go hungry every day south sudan, children are the hardest hit from the unrest. nick clark has this report from juba. >> reporter: it's hard to see how a place like this can be a live line, but it is. here at the city rubbish dump, children help to pick over the waste of a capital of a nation at war with itself. sometimes they find scraps they can eat. sickness is never far away here. mostly the families collect plastic bottles. >> these are the people lacking a lot of things. they don't have electricity. and because the other thing is because of the internal - because of this here, it makes the most of them to hide
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themselves here. those that made the garbage dump their owner better off than many others. juba's children's hospital. a long way from the worst of the fighting. but here they are treating the malnourished. this six month old infant has a high fever. he has the distinctive poor colouring of malnutrition. the mother has brought him, knowing that speedy treatment can be a life saver. as one little boy goes out. another tiny patient comes in for his assessment. nearby a camp tore those displaced by the fighting. children are screened and given high supplement nourishment. the babies, on the whole, recover quickly. mother's relief is evident.
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most of the mothers and children fled intense and bloody fighting to the north in january. many lost their husbands that have been separated from their families, and they are too scared to go back. >> of course, in juba, it's easier to act and treat those in need, and good progress is being made in a different picture across the country. >> the malnutrition rate dubbed to 235,000 to those severely malnourished. a huge aid effort is continuing, but one thing is needed more than any other to give its children a chance. that is long-term peace. >> brian thompson is a senior nutritionist at the u.n.'s food and agricultural organization. good to have you with us. as i mentioned there, while the
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level of malnutrition progress has been made, there's a certain high level that is persisting. why is that? >> the - well, the situation in south sudan with civil unrest makes it such that people have difficulty in harvesting and in procuring their food. that is a particular disaster situation, which has chronic problems. i used to work in south sudan as it happens. i was listening to the report, and it's a factor that leads to the persistence and high levels of malnutrition around the world, even in countries that do not have severe civil unrest and sense that sudan has. you will be having still
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unacceptably high levels of malnutrition, and that is why we are holding the icn to today. >> there's also a problem with the availability and the quality of food. when some of the reports talk about vitae men dedeficiencies. >> that's correct. it's quality and quantity. we have, over the last 20 years, since the first icn lifted millions out of poverty and malnutrition. there are still too many, the figure around 2 billion suffering from micronutrient deficiencies. it highlights those children underweight and stunted. this is therefore needing urgent action both in ensuring the quantity and quality of food. by quality, let me add that we
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are talking about variety, the nuclear content and the safety of food, making everybody having an adequate and diverse safe food supply for the life. >> one wonders why you are coming up with a plan that can be fixed, does a broader than need to be put together involving not only government, but the food corporations. if we truly look at ending quantity and quality of food, they are looking at it being re-engineered, wouldn't it? >> well, food and nutrition is everybody's responsibility. all stakeholders, including government, civil society, united nations organizations, academia and food industry
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itself, and water sanitation, and employment. they have a role to play in improving people's nutrition. in terms of engineered, we look to innovation and new ways of providing a broader range of foods. accessible to all those people who improve the diets. thank you for the thoughts on that. >> well, the weather is important for food, and fun. let's take a look at the global weather situation. i hear the coldest november night on record across the u.s. - chilly. >> that's right. makes you feel cold looking at the map. you see the cold air all the way down across the united states. let's not forget canada. they are hardy souls, they are used to it. the reason for the cold air is the jet stream drawing that cold air. it meant that we have temperatures higher. parts of alaska as in the far
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south, a curious state of affairs. if you look at the satellite, there's areas of cloud moving in, weather fronts coming in. i'll come back to those in a moment. it's not a great satellite picture, because i can't really separate some of the cloud from some of the snow. it's worth pointing out at the end of last month we had snow cover. and we had, like, 50% snow cover. most are feeling it. the key thing has been this late effect snow. it's what happens when you have a contrast between air mass, warm water, and that provides the energy. up goes the clouds. what you really get is the long effects like an lake erie, a long thin lake. that's where you get the snow. these pictures are from buffalo, where we have seen as much as 1.5 meters of snow, and look like more snow to come in the following few days.
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jazeera newshour. five people have been killed by a suicide attack in erbil. the capital of the iraq autonomous kurdish region. it went off outside the governor's office. israeli police demolished the home of a palestinian involved in a deadly attack in a train station last month, a day after another attack on a jerusalem synagogue left five people dead worshippers returned to the synagogue in a show of solidarity. prime minister binyamin netanyahu says israel will take strict marpures to deal with a rising wave of -- measures to deal with a rising range of attacks. a cuban doctor n sent to sierra leone has himself contracted the disease. the cuban health minister says the doctor will be sent to geneva for treatment. the u.n. children's agency says ebola may be creating thousands
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of orphans. in sierra leone, the figure could be as high as 5,000. dominic kane reports. >> for every person ebola kills, it changes the lives of many more. people like this, they now have no parents. this boy survived the virus, his father and seven other relatives did not. >> it's really difficult because who was responsible for my education, fees and food in the house - he died. >> reporter: u.n.i.c.e.f. says ebola could create thousands of orphans. >> the minister has 1,000 in the database, and we are estimating between 1,000 and 5,000. >> sierra leone is the one country where the number of new cases is rising.
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the safe disposal of the bodies of victims is a continuing problem. those that conduct the burials are at great risk. in recent days they say their situation has improved. >> translation: people are cooperating compared to before. at each stage they are ready to allow us to take the dead. i was afraid to do the work. as i now know how to protect myself, i'm no longer frightened to do the work. >> in mali the fight against the virus is on the airwaves. on the radio station the message is clear... >> >> translation: around 70-80% of the country is illiterate or semi-illiterate. we need to explain better what is happening in the country. >> this radio campaign is part of an intensive government media policy to educate people about
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what precautions to take. let's get more on the top story. we'll take a closer look on what triggered the tensions between israelis and palestinians. they've been growing. al-aqsa contains holy sites for muslims and jews. there has been a push by israeli activists to change that. they want prayer rights. a politician from the likud party, binyamin netanyahu has been pushing back against right wing politicians who want restrictions lifted and he insists there'll be no change in the site's status quo. gail hoffmann is the chief political correspondent for the jerusalem post, joining me from jerusalem. thank you for coming, good to have you had us. how much are election politics playing into this.
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pursuing harsher and harsher policies? >> none. binyamin netanyahu is in the middle of a lickued primary that in the chances of losing. and they've run against four times. he's never gotten 5% of the vote. in the knesset there's 120 members. the numbers that wanted to allow temple mount at this time is three. there's no pressure at all. it's nothing to do with politics. people of israel are united and having a continued status quo which is discriminatory. only muslims can pray. only muslims - if the jew was going to temple mount, he would be arrested. this policy, is discrimination about jews, has the overwhelming
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support of people of israel. >> jews are allowed to pray at the western wailing wall. why do you people it's discrimination. some of these groups, the temple institute, he removed the mosque. he demolished - and pray where the mosques were or build a third jewish temple. >> you know, there's a lot of people have views of what should happen when the messiah comes, the messiah hasn't come. when the messiah comes there'll be peace in the middle east, a lot of things will happen. it will be nice. it's not relevant now. >> these groups are not following the traditional jewish tradition of waiting for the messiah. there are groups that want to see this happen now. okay. and they are french and have no
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support. and when they wrote about a poll. it's how israelis belief the government should react. the number one action is restart peace talks. that's where the people of israel are, and i understand where al jazeera might want to give more of a voice to fringe groups and make them sound legitimate. let's talk about what ban ki-moon. i don't think he's on the fringe, the secretary-general of the united nations on october 12th. he said "we must demonstrate lose site of the root causes of recent hostilities, a restrictive occupation lasting almost half a century, the denial of palestinian human rights." do you see a link between the occupation and the cycle of violence which we are are witnessing. >> absolutely. and ban ki-moon's mouth is a little bit off. the occupation began in 1948 by
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jordan, when it illegally seized control of jerusalem, and prevented jews from emptying any holy site, any jew that would enter would be shot. since 1967, jews, christians and muslims could prey. ban ki-moon is a little off. it has nothing to do with that. i can tell you which causes the wave of violence. it discourages palestinians from resorting to the peace table. did the world condemn them for not making a deal with hamas, did the world abide by decisions made by the quartet, including the world not recognising unless the hamas and palestinian governments enouns terrorist attacks. they recognised it, acting as if it's a good thing, that the
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moderate leaders made a deal with hamas, where three israeli children were kidnapped. people like ban ki-moon are responsible. they need to do more to bring the palestinians back to the table and have peace negotiations and not steps that make things harder for everyone. the world is off on that one. thank you so much snog returned to china's capital beijing. the government managed to clear the skies, the economic summit by closing factories and reducing traffic. drown reports on the end of what locals are calling o.p.e.c. blue. >> beijing this time last week, clean air and clean skies. it gave local people a sarcastic phrase, apec blue. it was never going to last, and today the smoggy skies returned.
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during the summit china's president hoped there could be more apec blue days. days earlier the government temporarily shut down polluting factories, reducing the cars on roads in half. >> baring the consequence of the health impact, air pollution here for some. there is a clear signal, and those are from the policy making ceremony that this air quality will not occur any more. >> in beiji, the air quality was 292. the reading which most foreigners trust more reach 334. in ordinary words, extremely hazardous to health. >> for millions of budgeters, it meant a -- beijingers, it meant a return to stinging eyes and itchy throats. what can i say, what can i do. you have to leave visit.
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>> too many car emissions. too many factories. this is the reason we have such smog. >> people here are worried. the world bank says china's rapid industrialization causes 470,000 premature deaths each year. the sino u.s. pact agreed to the apec summit committing china to ensure carbon emissions peak by 2030. if trends continue, more than 7.5 million people could have died here because of the air they breathe police and protesters in hong kong fought after demonstrators tried to break into parliament. protesters used barricades to break class doors at the legislative council building. police pushed the crowds back with pepper spray and batons, demonstrations began in
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september for china's decision to screen candidates for elections in 2017. on monday a protest site in the city center was cleared, following a court order. >> on thursday, u.n.i.c.e.f. will recognise the international day of the rights of the child, a day marking 25 years since the u.n. adopted a treaty to protect children. around the world a child is killed by violence every five minutes. those at risk live in communities ravaged by conflict. the threat is everywhere - in canada, 14% of high school students are bullied online or through text. in the u.k., 17,000 were taken into custody last year, suffering from abuse or neglect. in australia, one in 10 parents questioned say it's okay to use canes, sticks and belts to punish a child. one-third of child murders happened at home.
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70% of girls murdered are under the age of 10. 40% are killed by parents or relatives. guatemala has the second-highest homicide rate in the world, one group is confronting the problem through the arts. >> reporter: this man documents life in his neighbourhood. growing up in one of guatemalas red zones means danger is never far away. not long ago three children were shot dead while playing in a park down the road. the sense of fear and distrust is always there. >> translation: in a neighbourhood there are kidnappers and hit men. people dedicated to kidnapping. we shut the doors at night, because we are afraid they'll try to come into our house. >> in is one of dozens of local children learning to express themselves through photography.
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the fact that guatemala has the second-highest child homicide rate is reflected in photos. >> poverty, drugs, extortion and violence are part of every day life in neighbourhoods like this. with a murder rate higher, it's guatemala's children who suffer the most. >> nancy founded photo kids to offer children an escape from the violence. the former war photographer says her students trauma is similar to what she saw in conflict zones. >> when you walk on the way to school. you have to protect your shoes, you have to protect four notebooks, backpacks and meet the guys on the way to school. so this kids live in constant fear. >> evelyn mann sia grew up in the garbage dump and was one of photokid's first students. nous she's the administrative
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director and nose first hand the capacity of photography to transform lives. >> translation: sometimes people ask why we give a camera to a child, they don't realise that giving them gives them the power to see that they can do more. they change the storey, starting with themselves. >> reporter: this year's graduates prove that children can and do change their stories. determined to live a different kind of life. an inspiration looking for a way out stay with us here on al jazeera. sport is next. we'll tell you about the match up of two the n.b.a.'s most surprising teams this season.
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on wednesday, yemen's football team plays a crucial game against saudi arabia. if they win they qualify for the gulf cup semifinal. it's a unique opportunity to unite a nation divided along sectarian lines. we have more. >> reporter: this is the coach of one of yemen's most prestigious under 16 football teams. he earns less than $200 a month, and the players have to buy their own kit. he is proud of yemen's national team. everyone here is talking about their performance at the gulf
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cup football tournament. 13-year-old hatam is a rising star. his dream goes beyond representing yemen international competitions. >> reporter: my dream is to be a professional player, i want to play for the national team, and with barcelona. >> here in the old part of the cap fall sanaa, yemeni's are proud of their team, they say it's the best in generations. after worrying about months of political and sectarian conflict, they are pinning their hope on a victory against saudi arabia, that can bring the nation together. sport is like politics, if they are defeated the whole nation will be defeated. if yemen wins, we'll be more united. >> this man works for a tv channel owned by the shia
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houthis, and can't wait to see yemen's squad beat saudi arabia, and qualify for the semifinals. >> translation: we want our copying to win. it will mean a lot as a nation. we want a bigger say in regional sport competitions. >> reporter: back on the pitch, the young players say if yemen's national team loses, they will not be disappointed. they are determined to train and go to school, hoping that one day they might become stars themselves. >> football is a most popular port in yemen. with the success of a natural team, there's a glimmer of hope that it will lift the morale of a nation battered by conflict. >> all right. let's catch up with all the sports news. here is farah. >> thank you so much. well, the final line-up of teams
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for the african cup of nations will be decided on wednesday, with a series of crucial games held across the continent. 16 teams will compete in equatorial guinea who replaced qatar of hopes. 10 nations secured their place in january's tournament. they do not have to worry, including former winners al jazeera, tunisia, south africa, zambia and cameroon. six will be decided. nigeria is at home to south africa and need a win. if nigeria slip up, congo could qualify for their first cup of nations in 14 years. they are away to sudan. ivory coast have not secured their ticket. they need a draw against cameroon. if the elephants loose, the door is open for the democratic republic of congo to pounce.
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ghana are another team not certain of a place in equatorial guinea, and they need a good result. let's look at the key fixtures. guinea and uganda are in contention for a spot in the files. guinea play in this game in morocco due to the ebola outbreak in their nation. >> now, it's the oldest fixture in international football with a first match occurring back in 1872. on tuesday, england and scotland med for the first time in -- met for the first time in 15 years. the arsenal star headed in a cross from jack wilshire. england doubled their lead after the break. captain wayne rooney scored after the scots failed to clear a free kick. 7 minutes to go, scotland got back into the game. andrew robertson finishing off the mood he started. however, rooney and england have
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the last word as he made it 3-1. three goals short of englands all of time leading goal scorer. >> i thought some of the movement, the attacking movement in particular were very good, and defending was sharp and when we did lose the ball. we won it back quickly. we can't ask for more than that in a game where you are playing a good team away from home in a supportive atmosphere for the whole team, and we managed to quieten them and give our own fans something to cheer about. >> meanwhile in manchester, cristiano ronaldo's portugal took on lionel messi's argentina. cristiano ronaldo's former home, old trafford. it was the second time they met. both were taken off at half time as failing to contribute to the score trip. rafa ail guerrero scored the winner. portugal winning 1-0.
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>> translation: the first 25 minutes we did not play well. we improved in the next 20. in the second half there were no opportunities for either team. if a goal comes in the first or last it does not matter. >> swift police begin to investigate the awarding of hosting rites for the 2018 and 2022 f.i.f.a. world cups. football's governing body insists there's no danger that events will be taken away from russia and qatar. a criminal complaint by certain individuals have been lodged with the court. it follows the summary of the investigation into the bidding process. both host countries were cleared of wrongdoing. f.i.f.a. were criticized for refusing to make the report by u.s. investigator public. n.f.l. commissioner roger goodell says the earliest adrian peterson can return to the field is april 15th, and that's if he takes part in counselling and treatment programme. on tuesday the n.f.l. announced
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that the minnesota running back was suspended from the remainder of the season without pay, two weeks after pleading no contest to hitting his 4-year-old son with a tree branch. the decision will be appealed. wednesday we'll hear from the man at the center of a record-breaking deal in u.s. sports. the miami marlins baseball team are set to pay carlons stanton $325 million over 13 years. pundits are split on whether it's good value. andy gallagher has more from miami. >> reporter: however you look at it, $325 million is a lot of money. but john carlos stanton is one of major league baseball's promising players. marlin plans have not been particularly happy with the owner in the last couple of years, this could be a turning point. >> i'm grate for him and the
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team that they'll spend money to get a championship. i think this is something to build on. having something like him on the team will push us in the right direction. >> the team has not announce said unprecedented 13 year contract. pundits across the u.s. are reacting. some think it's a risky move. others say it could be the beginning of something great. he's a big boy, a power hitter, that brings fans and is a good citizen. basically we are betting the next decade on one player. that will take money and staying power. this deal is seen as a way for the miami marr lons to build credibility. and a number of players between the age of 25 and 30. when the next baseball season begins, all eyes will be an stanton and the miami marr lons. >> now, brian abbott son scored
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22 for the pelicans, outscoring the kings 21-15. anthony davis was the star for new orleans, with a game-high 28, leading to 106 to 100 pakistan's batsmen are making progress as they chase down new zealand's massive first innings total in the second test in dubai. they lost a wicket. eunice kahn made 72, and the hosts made it to 181 for three. chasing a total of 403 davis cup team-mates roger federer and stanislaw wawrinka a playing down bad feelings after the semifinal. they are part of a team. it is believed roger federer's wife was at the center, that she was making comments to stanislaw wawrinka during play. there were reports of a post-match locker room exchange. >> there's no hard feelings.
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we are having a good time. we are friends, not enemies. it may be for a heat of the moment situation, but i think did a nice job of making it big. i don't think from this point forward there's much to say about it any more. we talk about that straight after the match. we talk about many thinks. we know how to deal whenever - a small thing like that. >> there's more sport on the website. there's details on how to get in touch. we have blogs and video clips from the correspondents around the world. that's it from me for now. back to you thank you so much. stay with us here. this brings us to the end of the newshour, but we have another full bulletin of news coming up in a couple of minutes. don't go too far.
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>> at the height of the cold war >> we're spies... intercepting messages from embassies, military bases... >> one of the america's closest allies... >> we were not targeting israelis... >> suddenly attacked >> bullet holes... ...just red with blood... >> 34 killed... we had no way to defend ourselves
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>> high level coverups... never before heard audio... a shocking investigation >> a conscience decision was made to sweep it under the rug... >> the day israel attacked america only on al jazeera america >> russian president, vladimir putin, points a finger at the upstairs. blaming it for igniting a new cold war. tonight, part two of my series, examining the growing tensions between russia and nato. and the how the polish farmers are on the front lines of the economic war, and the keystone pipeline, it's not dead yet. i will talk to someone who says it deserves to live on, and another blow to the american dream. why owning a home keeps getting more and more out of reach for the middle class.
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