tv News Al Jazeera November 19, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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if the public's perception is incomplete it is up to the ubers of the world to be more forthcoming with the press. those are my thoughts on it. that's our show for today. i'm ali velshi. thank you for joining us. >> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. reaction to palestinian attacks. ferguson's dilemma. the challenges facing a new commission. fed up. why the texas town where modern fracking was born ask now banning it. snow emergency, the historic and deadly storm in the northeast and more is on the way.for
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>> for months, president obama has promised to go it alone on immigration rornl. romp. in a prime time speech tomorrow night, millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. it is a step almost certain to set up a confrontation with republicans. mike viqueria has more. mike. >> reporter: good evening john. at this hour the president is inside the white house, hosing a dinner for congressional democrats, laying out a plan that is sure to ignite a political fire storm. after months of promises, president obama took to facebook to set the stage for action on immigration. >> what i'm going to be laying
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out is the things i can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better even as i continue to work with congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan comprehensive bill that can solve the entire problem. >> reporter: but with republicans in congress unwilling to move on reforming immigration mr. obama will effectively cut them out, going it alone through executive action with the goal of allowing a reported five of the reported 11 million undocumented immigrants in the united states to stay by simply instructing federal agencies to put off deportations. the president has come under fire from reform advocates who point to an increase in deportations each year of the president's first term before tapering off last year. in the face of the protests, mr. obama had repeatedly said his hands are tied. >> if in fact i could solve all these problems without passing laws in congress, then i would do so. but we're also a nation of laws.
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that's part of our tradition. >> but now the president appears poised to do what he did in 2012 for the so-called dreamers, young people brought to the united states through no fault of their own. he is considering halting deportation, and the reaction is fury and disdain. >> the message is, we give up. we're not going to do our job as legislators. we are going to allow the president with a stroke of a pen provide executive amnesty to millions of people and create an awful lot of harm in the process. >> reporter: because this is executive action and not law the next president could undo mr. obama's order and there would be no path to citizenship or legality. a much sought after feature for reform advocates. an nbc news wall street journal poll suggest that 40% oppose
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executive action while 38 support it. cutting off funding to implement the plan, that could lead to another government shutdown as early as next month. >> he should follow the democratic process as reflected in the recent election. a bedrock principle of our nation is the rule of law. >> reporter: and john, there is even talk on the right of the i word, impeachment against president obama. baiting conservatives into going to far and do something that is deeply unpopular with the american public just after their bid ambiguous term elections. and one other point here john, some latino groups here today have come out against what they think the president is going to announce. they say it doesn't go far enough. john. >> so mike the president is looking for support and there's a dinner at the white house tonight? >> that's right. he's having dinner with congressional democrats.
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first of all, republicans weren't invited, 19 democrats from the leadership and hispanic caucus were. second of all he's making amends with congress. many democrats were very sore about the way the president and the white house had treated them throughout the course of the election. that broke out into the open in the aftermath of the debacle, the wipe out the democrats suffered in the mid term elections. firing up troops in congress as they prepare to give away to republican majority in january. john. >> so much for a by partisan agenda. what is the significance of the president's trip? >> he's going to a school in las vegas where he gave a major immigration speech. there he will sign the executive order and give another speech and no mistake it is in nevada a state where latinos and hispanics are growing, they could be determinative in that state as well as others, the president pressing the point
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making it clear that he has what democrats believe is the political advantage going forward and courting the latino vote. >> mike viqueria, mike, thank you. the president's action could have a lot of impact on many in the united states. many children born in this country live with the fear that their mother or father could somehow be deported. jonathan betz has more. jonathan. >> some members are here legally others are not. it is another reason why activists say reform is such an urgent issue. after a year in which thousands of families have crossed the border together, president obama appears more focused on those who have been here for years. young people like marco malagon who arrived in the u.s. at the age of 17, a year the a old to become a so-called dreamer and take advantage of an obama policy that lets children
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brought to the u.s. in the age of 17 and younger. >> if the president decides to bump the age to 18 and below. >> more and more undocumented adults have been staying in the u.s. longer. 61% have now been here more than a decade. way up from 2003, when it was only 38%. people here longer, tend to have children born here. now, four and a half million children who are u.s. citizens have a parent who came to the u.s. without permission. that is nearly 6% of all american schoolchildren. creating the possibility of divided families. one reason why the president may also allow parents to stay at least temporarily. parents like maria, an undocumented potato picker in idaho but her daughter is born in the u.s. and is now a college
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student. everyone maria says has a right to a better life. millions like her could get work permits driver's licenses and have to pay taxes. they probably won't get food stamps or health coverage under obamacare. still it's a big step to ensure families stay together. critics are worried that this executive will only justify illegal activity and the secretary of homeland security admitted he is imirnd th concera spike of illegal immigration. >> cesar, is this too little too late in your opinion? >> right now, our families need the relief. many people have unfortunately already been deported. families have been separated. i think at this point we need the president to act and finally he's embracing that, his constitutional authority to bring the families together.
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>> he will act for some but won't some of this split families apart? have the potential to? >> absolutely. that's why we were actually imploring the administration to go as far as they can. he could go beyond what the media reports 5 million people, he could go at least protect the people under the senate bill that already passed. got the support from republicans and democrats to cover at least 9 million people so i think we need to recognize the president can do more to bring more families out of the shadows. >> talk about what's at stake for people like you. >> to me it's simply my mother. my mother's undocumented a 70-year-old lady undocumented and she has worked all her life. she has worked to collect cans and sell food. what she just wanted was a better life for myself, better dream for my whole family and now i was able to graduate college graduate law school for me to make her proud, that's the opportunity for my mom to be
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with her family. >> this is a battle but very personal to many. can you explain that feeling? >> we always have the debate in congress in washington, d.c, on the hill, republicans pointing fingers to democrats, democrats saying republicans, but when it comes, it is our families. it is really families, it is veterans that have been deported, veterans husbands, spouses who have been key ported. this is not -- who have been deported. not just a political talking point. sometimes we will see them literally being ripped out, the president must take action immediately. >> yet i saw a poll that suggests latinos even though they might favor it are not united on the president taking action. >> it is certainly controversial. >> why is it? >> it's less about the president's authority and more about the president's delay and the ambivalence of the administration to say we have the power but we don't have the
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power. but the reality ask, congress has failed -- reality is, congress has failed. when we do come together whether you are latino or any type of ethnicity, we need reform to a broken immigration system because the one we have now doesn't work. >> you have heard critics say it's going to take away american jobs and lower wages. what do you say to that? >> absolutely not. we pay taxes, my mom pays taxes my whole family paid taxes. undocumented immigrants paid taxes. when we are actually talking about numbers we're actually coming to our side, undocumented immigrants, they are never going to see that money back. >> is this likely to confuse immigrants, undocumented immigrants not knowing exactly where they stand? >> legally, there's going to be very gray lines. but you can never confuse a
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father who can now stay with his family. for me, i know my mother will be with me and i won't have to be concerned that she will be deported. >> we'll have live coverage of the president's address, tomorrow. and immigration action, 11:30 eastern, 8:30 pacific. don't miss it. palestinian man accused of a deadly attack, one day after five israelis dead, and officials vow to destroy the home of the men accused of the attack as well. nick schifrin has more. >> in east jerusalem israel handing out harsh punishment and another generation being drug into a decades old divide. in west jerusalem, prayerful prl
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solidarity. an attack in six years. in a congregation so brutally attacked, the next day they celebrate four worshipers died here as they prayed, including 43-year-old aria, who was born in new jersey. >> can you tell me about him? >> we loved him, he was a loving father, loving husband. truly cared about those around him. >> sit shiva, they buried him in the city they moved to 30 years ago. interi'm going to miss learning from him of how to be so special towards your family, kids.
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community. >> the attackers were not foreign to this neighborhood. residents tell me they worked in that supermarket right there which is just across the street from the rest of the community, only a few blocks from the synagogue. they were from all the way across town in east jerusalem. compared to the feeling in west jerusalem this is a tale of two cities. in the neighborhood where the attackers lived, israeli police cracked down. the government says increasing punishment increases security. and so one month after police say palestinian abdel rahman shaluti drove his car into a crowd, police destroyed his home. the debris destroyed a car parked next door. >> when we entered the house it didn't even seem like ours. we have nowhere to go.
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>> reporter: palestinians argue that home demolitions, police checkpoints, unprecedented arrests help fuel violence. >> translator: all of the destruction, this isn't a solution. not for us and not for them. there won't be a solution like this. >> reporter: outside the synagogue today they appealed for a solution of tolerance, local religion leaders denounced the violence. under no circumstances will we allow either side whomever they are he says, we will not let them harm and kill. but the request for restraint and search for solidarity is rare as a cycle of violence keeps jerusalem as divided as ever. after yesterday's attack amid vows of a crack down, prime minister benjamin netanyahu urged everyone not to take the law into their own hands.
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after three israeli teenagers were abducted and murdered, may god avenge their blood. just hours after that speech jewish extremists abducted and burned alive a palestinian teenager. right now it's different. netanyahu and palestinian leaders clearly hoping that the cycle of violence does not spiral even further out of control. but john tension in this city tonight is still running very high. >> nick thanks very much. and now to the war on i.s.i.l. and today's robust defense of the u.s. strategy by america's top military officer. general martin dempsey said america's first goal is to defeat i.s.i.l. inside iraq. military has had success against the group but in some areas like the northern iraqi city of kirkuk, i.s.i.l. is almost unopposed,sena khodr has the, ze
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story. >> in the town of kobani near the syrian turkish border, i.s.i.l. promised victory. across the border in iraq the group wasn't able to stop the army's advance into beji an oil producing town north of baghdad. >> i.s.i.l. may now be on the defensive but the military campaign is simply drawing borders, it is protecting the kurdish areas, kirkuk and strategic places like beji. sunni strong holds in iraq and syria. >> reporter: group uses fear and force to rule. a local human rights group said i.s.i.l. murdered 1500 people in its areas in the past five
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months. many were civilians and many were beheaded with their bodies displayed in public. these acts are seen as part of a strategy. >> they want to show their strength. i mean these beheadings are you know everything is done on purpose. showing that they are still here. on the ground. very powerful. they can strike anyone, any time. anywhere. >> it is hard to know how much support i.s.i.l. has among the people. it grew in strength by exploiting sunni grievances in iraq and syria. many believe that only by addressing those grievances will i.s.i.l. be defeated. >> translator: you can't beat it militarily. you have to get rid of the syrian regime and stop the government. >> reporter: the coalition alliance may have kept them from
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>> a deadly and historic snow storm has crippled parts of western new york. more than six feet has fallen in buffalo new york. our meteorologist kevin corriveau is here to talk about this amazing storm. >> the snow is not over yet. the snow has stranded residents and closed the highways and turned everything to a standstill. >> i've never seen like this. this is crazy. >> some towns were hit with an entire season's snow in just two
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days. it's due to what is called lake effect, actor ai arctic air movr lake erie. more than 100 miles of interstate 90 have been closed. >> the snow is so heavy, so packed, so plentiful, that you really can't plow it in a traditional way. >> more than 150 plows have been brought into south buffalo to help clear the roads. the national guard has been activated as well. the storms which began late monday have caused local governments to order travel bans. authorities are advising residents to be patient. >> please do not be fooled by the beautiful sunshine. there is still tremendous amounts of snow on the ground in south buffalo. the limited state of emergency in south buffalo is still in effect.
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>> members of the niagra women's basketball team were trapped. they got out by emergency crews. governor andrew quomo says it could get worse before it gets better. >> the weight of the though, all of this, in, ways it's going to get worse before it gets better. >> emergency crews and volunteers are doing whatever they can. many residents are stocking up on supplies, another band of intense lake effect snow due on thursday. >> let me put this into motion for you. 24 hours ago, buffalo was affected by this. time lapse coming in from buffalo showing the accumulation of the storm, buffalo was actually hit fairly light compared to other areas around the region. at the airport they only saw
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officially six inches of snow there. i want to show you how this whole thing sets up. let me show you over the lakes, we take lake waters to be in the 40s and they are right now no ice covering the lakes right now. what we're going to be seeing is of course that arctic air picking up their moisture and then on the down wind side of the lakes it could be the east, could be the south, that is where we see the major impact of the snow. tomorrow is going to be a very bad day. friday gets a little bit better but as we go towards sunday and monday john we are going to see those temperatures coming back up. >> kevin thank you. angry protest at university of california over a proposed tuition like. about 100 students blocking a u.c. board meeting in san francisco. they scuffled with police who tried to break a human chain outside the building. the committee is debating whether to raise the tuition by
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5% over the next four years. the board says the raise is necessary unless the state comes up with more money. the legal wrangling over fracking. the practice has transformed the city many say for the worst. on election night residents voted to ban fracking for good. we're going to have much more on this story later on tonight but still ahead, taking to the streets. airport workers in washington state fight for higher minimum wage. cystic fibrosis research, raising a big question about the role of nonprofits and the cost of drugs. drugs.
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>> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler. and coming up, israel retaliates, destroying a home of a palestinian attacker. more could be on the way. plus, veteran suicides, the bipartisan efforts are stopping. cashing in a nonprofit billion dollar payout in the fight against a light threatening disease.
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in israel, worshipers have returned to the synagogue where on tuesday, five men were killed by palestinian attackers. israel has promised to destroy the attackers' homes and today the government made good on a promise to destroy the home of another man accused of attacking israelis. mts tayeb reports. >> a home in ruins. earlier today the israelis destroyed this fourth floor apartment belonging to the el shaludis. who said abdel rahman el shaludi deliberately rammed his car into a station, killing.
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members gather inside to mourn the death of gassin and udeg abu jamal. fatima is his mother. she tells me she's worried. >> translator: we pray the israelis don't demolish our house but if they do what can we say? what can we do? >> reporter: the demolitions of palestinian homes has been an israeli government policy since 1967. it's intended to serve as a dealternate. kill israeli civilians and you will lose your house. but in 2005, the policy was scrapped after a review deemed it counterproductive. bments broughbenjamin netanyahut back earlier there year. >> netanyahu when he spoke last
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night he spoke about certain measures being taken in order to establish deterrence. >> reporter: illegal under international law, and although the israeli government didn't use it as a punishment for nearly nine years, homes were destroyed during that time. the official reason was palestinian owners did not have the appropriate form of ownership. little to calm tensions. israelis and palestinians are beginning to talk about a third palestinian uprising or intifada. the lack of political will aimed at stopping the increased violence, could lead to one.
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al jazeera, occupied east jerusalem. failed assault in kabul. the attack took place in the green village compound. a vehicle packed with explosives detonated at the compound gate. the others were killed in a shootout with police. it was the second attack on a foreign compound in the last three days. military combats i combat ia toll at home. and the numbers ever staggering. the veterans administration says 22 vettes commit suicide every single day. jamie mcintire has more from washington. >> if you can just bear with me, it's been only six weeks since my son ended his life. >> reporter: army private first class joshua's tour in afghanistan never left him. >> his last words on facebook is i see death in every thought. they taught me how to put this
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uniform on, i just can't get it off. our son's last text to his father was a link to this song. ♪ i just can't get it off >> while his mother valerie said he was traumatized while two soldiers were killed standing next ohim in afghanistan on facebook he sounded upbeat, talking about moving in with his beautiful girlfriend. and then ranting, no one wants you in a civilian world. another says why is it an hour long process to set up an appointment at the va? >> our son was pronounced dead of a self inflicted wound on september 23rd, 2014 at the age of 25. his death certificate should have stated the cause of death as st. patrick' sppped.
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sppptsd.not a self-inflicted gud wound. >> getting them a source of treatment. >> reached out to them, they're in your doors, and committing suicide at a higher rate. >> yes. we're trying to understand why is this? this is -- we are at a loss. >> corporal clay hunt was just 26 when he committed suicide. the is a senate bill aiming to improve suicide prevention is named after him. >> not one more parent should have to testify before a congressional committee to
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compel the va to fulfill its responsibilities to those who serve and sacrifice. >> so the bill is called the clay hunt prevention of suicide for american veterans act. it does a number of things. it provides more funds to pay off student loans to get more psychiatrists into the mental health service. it reclassifies the way soldiers are discharged when they are seen to have traumatic brain injury or spp sppped ptsd. >> just a few minutes ago we told you with the town of denton. the place where fracking began and where it's been voted to ban for good. heidi zhou-castro has more.
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>> reporter: the ban set to take effect december 2nd. twon 75 gas wells continue to operate in the town just north of dallas, you can find them behind a hospital next to a stadium, across from a park and just beyond edwin glen's backyard. >> this was our retirement home. >> reporter: when the couple bought the house five years ago, the field behind it was quiet. >> there was just tanks back there. and they said, they told us they were water tanks. >> reporter: but then a 100 foot tower went up and workers began pumping millions of gallons of chemical-laced water into the ground. fracking had arrived, day and night. >> you know i may be an old, silly lady but this is kind of scary going to bed knowing there's a gas rig on fire in my backyard. i guess i can only go to bed and know that if it explodes i'll
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never feel anything. >> reporter: in denton three wells exist for every square mile to land. the risk to human health is still under study. residents like gina selker, diagnosed with thyroid cancer two years ago. within months she said two neighbors developed breast cancer and a third had leukemia. they awld awl liv all live withf two wells. >> too many of us in our 30s, getting cancer, too many animals getting cancer right in the vicinity of these wells. >> there is too little to know but the perceived threat the nuisance and the fact that 98% of denton's mineral wealth belongs to out of towners turned into widespread support for the fracking ban. whether the ban will be in force though remains to be seen.
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both an industry group and the state of texas have sued denton arguing the state's privacy law trumps, and it should be invalidated. >> we have been using hydraulic fracturing to recover oil and gas for more than 60 years. there is no evidence of rising morbidity or higher mortality rates in here more than anywhere else. >> edwin glen says it leads him to think no matter what voters say at the polls, oil and gas will win. >> you can't stop them. you know? you cannot stop these people. they have more money and time and lawyers. you just don't amount to anything. >> heidi zhou-castro, al jazeera, denton, texas. >> new information from ferguson, missouri, they have been told by prosecutors that
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the protesters will get more information about when the decision is coming down. the investigation into brown's death is expected almost any day. "america tonight's" lori jane gliha is there. lori jane, what did the protesters tell you? >> that's funny john, the prosecutors didn't tell them much more than they are going to get a heads up. what we do know from the other day is the prosecutor said the schools would get a few hours' notice. at this point they're kind of waiting and having their planning sessions. they met again today to discuss how they would organize once that grand jury announcement is made. >> the commission was appointed yesterday. what else do we know about that commission? >> well, the commission has very specific things that they now have to do. they have a deadline and they have to come up with a report in which they make policy recommendations. and they have until september of 2015 to do that.
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they have very specific things they have to look at. for example the citizen-police relationship, the racial ethnic divide how the government and the courts are working, the disparities of education and health care and childcare. if they can make that decision ahead of that those will be considered. how that will be implemented still remains to be seen. now they have a deadline and very specific tasks they have to do. >> how about the citizens on the grand jury did they apply to be on the commission? >> the producer and i went over the 300 applications that came in online, we saw a very diverse group of people but one group we didn't see a whole lot of was the vocal protesters, one of the reasons forthat is many of them have said they're consistental of the governor they don't want to align themselves on a commission he's created and one of the protesters have told me the ferguson commission are the
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people that came out august 9th, those are the voices that the governor should be listening to. that's one key people we didn't see a whole lot of applicants applying for the ferguson commission. >> let me go back to the protesters and the advance warning they say they're going to get from the prosecutors. did they get any sense of why they're going to get that advance warning? do they have a close relationship, the prosecutors and the protesters? >> you know, that's a good question. i'm not sure how close the relationship is. i know that when i've progressively asked the prosecutor's office whether there's going to be any updates, i kind of get one word answers. so i'm not sure how much different their relationship actually is with them and i think they're also wondering if they could get a little bit more information about what kind of notice they might get. in general though i think it's a public -- wants to alert the public a little ahead of it so everyone can have a chance to react. there it is nsh that they're une
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going to give them advance warning. tell us what you're working on. >> i was talking about the people we didn't see apply for commission, the vocal protesters, one person that's been on the ground floor is also the youngest person that's going to be on the commission. so we sat down with him, we talked about his hesitation, he didn't almost apply for it. he has some ideas what he wants to do moving forward and he says he has other ways of influencing and making a change and he actually uses his art to help influence the community. so it's a really interesting story, unique way of looking at how two different people have the same goal but are coming at it in different ways. >> lori jane, thank you very much. you can see lori jane's story on "america tonight." an iowa man is in custody after secret service officers found him with a arrival ammunition and a knife in his car not far from the white
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house. joseph clancy testified about white house security failures. clancy appeared before the house judiciary committee. he says the agency has taken several steps to avert the incident that happened earlier in the summer. alaska airlines which is headquartered in seattle, is fighting attempts to increase salaries to at least $15 an hurry. it is a move that airport workers are protesting. allen schauffler has more on that, allen. >> john, it was just a year ago that people in the city of sea tac voted to approve a $15 minimum wage for airport workers and people in the industry surrounding the airport. but because of a successful legal challenge by alaska airlines and several other parties a lot of people who worked at the airport aren't getting that wage. that sparked anger in the organized labor movement and
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that's what produce this protest tonight. if we could look at the video, protesters gathering outside alaska airlines headquarters and blocking international boulevard a major street in this area just south of the airport. four people who were hand picked for the assignment were arrested including seattle city council womwoman, socialist salma sawan. put in cars and taken away that was their intention. alaska has been very vocal against this seatac initiative and that's why they were targeted tonight. >> we don't have billions of dollars in our hands. what we have is the power of organizing people in solidarity and asking them to get engaged and fight back. >> reporter: also, this is getting even more complicated. there has now been a federal lawsuit filed by an airline industry umbrella and lobbying group. that went into federal court
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last week in seattle and it has to do with whether the port of seattle can raise minimum wages which they've said they now want to do. alaska airlines and many other airlines a party to that suit bought they're members of that organization. but alaska is saying that this is a legal battle that's really about a lot more than just wages. >> it creates a precedent that could then lead to a fac patch k of local regulations across the cup. that would not be the best interest of the airline industry would undercut the regulatio moo regulate the airlines industry at a federal level. >> reporter: john at alaska airlines headquarters, peaceful demonstrations by 70 protesters, four arrested, all as planned. >> allen schauffler, thank you very much. some savvy investment led to a large profit at ononprofit.
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the cystic ph fibrosis organizan is $50 billion further. >> when i recognized i had cystic fibrosis i was on a playground and i started coughing. >> about 50,000 americans have cystic fibrosis, a lung disease with no cure. a new drug slows the progression of the disease. >> when i started this, within four days i stopped and took a deep breath in and i wasn't coughing and i could actually breathe. >> the foundation invested in the drug's development starting 15 years ago. >> colidoco is a prescription medication -- >> other foundations like the leukemia and lymphoma society have been involved in what's called venture philanthropy. but the cystic fibrosis
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association's payout is the most ever. some critics worry that the promise of big profits could lead foundations to focus more on money than on patients. >> i walked in i said i think i got cystic fibrosis. >> palm clinton is a cystic fibrosis researcher who has the disease. he's glad the foundation is profiting from the investment. >> i agree that 300 to $350,000 a year for a drug is an all of lot of the money and when that is the cost for the rest of your life it becomes unimaginable. >> the foundation ceo told al jazeera while the foundation has rights to these drugs it is not involved in setting the price of them. he added, the foundation's mission remains unchanged, in finding a cure for cystic fibrosis. the mission is we can advance our road to the cure faster than
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>> taking a look at the great lakes space. i wants to explain how lake effect works. that's what happens, as the wind comes across it is dry but it picks up that moisture. same thing up here towards lake superior as well, as we go here towards lake erie, we had a fetch of that moist air here and it can be very, very localized.
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snow totals for buch low buffalo international six inches of snow, but ten to 15 miles south of buffalo international, higher snow totals, 60 to 65, unofficial wly we have seen aboe average, very, very heavy tomorrow right to the south still of buffalo international, anywhere from another 24 to 30 inches of snow is expected. thousand as we go towards the end of the weekend and into the beginning of next week those temperatures are increasing and what we are going to be seeing is we are going to be seeing a break in the snow and then rain is going to start to begin on monday and that means we're going to be seeing a lot of that snow begin to melt. that's a look at your national weather, more news is coming up after this.
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>> ukraine's prime minister is ruling out talks with pro-russian separatists in the eastern part of the country. instead he's calling them terrorists. without peace talks there could be all out war. harry fawcett has more. >> harsh commentary from kiev over the last days and weeks. it reflects anger over the minsk agreement, led to the ceasefire, has been just about holding. since then they say that the elections that the break away
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separatists, self declared luhansk people's republics held broke the accord and they are also angry at russia for having recognized those elections. there is equal anger on the other side, we talk to an potential in donetsk on tuesday who said the ukrainians cut off the accord by cutting off state payments to state services and also threat 96 to take away access to the central bank and banking services for their region. in the midst of all this the low level fighting goes on. especially around places like the airport in donetsk. and we've had video emerge over the last couple of days taken by a local television station, a drone being sent up over that airport. and the damage and devastation of months of fighting, this sort of attritional shelling that's been going on. as ukrainian positions are trying to hold onto that airport and donetsk people's republic
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forces trying force theam out. them out. the sheer devastation of the airport is clear from that. what is clear is that these isolated outbreaks of fighting will be replaced by a wider breakdown of the ceasefire. if that were to happen, the city we're in now, mar pol i mayor an a sever situation. smoggy skies returned. during the summit china's president xi jinping hoped there
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could be opeck blue skies. reducing the cars on the highways in half. >> we have been bearing the consequence of air pollution, the health impact of air pollution here for so long. i think there is a clear signal from the public, and also from the policy making circle that this kind of air quality is not acceptable anymore. >> reporter: in beijing today the government's official air quality index was 292. the reading for the u.s. embassy which most foreigners here trust more reached 334. in other words, extremely hazardous to health. for millions of beijingers, it meant a familiar return to stinging eyes and itching throats. >> translator: what can i say about this awful weather, what can i do, you have to leave it. >> too many car emissions, too many factories around beijing. this is the reason we have such
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smog. >> reporter: people here are worried. the world bank says china's rapid industrialization causes 470,000 premature deaths each year. the sino-u.s. pact commits china to ensure its carbon emissions peak by 2030. so by then if present trends continue more than 7.5 million people could have died here because of the air they breathe. 8th ran brown al jazeera, beijing. >> already we switch gears a little bit to something a little more uplifting. fitz and the tantrums. the pop band from southern california. one of the hardest working bands in the business. i had a chance to talk to michael fitzpatrick and wells skaggs. how do they know you have a hit? >> when you have the crowd singing along, you know.
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that's when money grabber, people knowing instantly. >> or watching it on the computer at home. >> you are hearing them, don't come back. money grabber. >> i'm already at your side ♪ ♪ money grabber ♪ >> that's how we developed you know the songs that we have on this record, we made them endemic based on what we had been receiving from the crowd. a key component. >> we have put so much time in the working our show to be a truly interactive experience. where we don't allow people to just stand there like a wall flower when they come to see us. >> clearly you guys have done this for a while before you got together with this band. what suggestions can you make young people who are interested in getting into the business to do just what you're doing? >> i think what we always advocate is, work ethic.
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work ethic, work ethic. believe in yourself and work for it. >> you really have to know that going into a career of music is going to be like any other career that you pursue. you know in the way that if you really want to accomplish something you have to take the footsteps in order to make it happen. you can't just go on the fact that you may be talented, you know, when you enter into a business yes you can be talented, you can have that little you know -- >> spark? >> that little spark, you know but you also have to work for it and you have to prove to other people that's what you are. we weren't handed anything. we got amazing opportunities and we took them but we knew what it was going to be. we had to work for it. we went -- we were poor. you know i couldn't pay my own rent. like that kind of thing. and we went for it. and now we're in this situation, it's like we're sitting in you know this. we didn't know that was going to happen but we worked really hard and even before this band worked
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really hard for what we've accomplished. >> you get emotional when you talk about it. >> yes. >> strong feeling. >> it comes with a lot of sacrificing. i don't think people understand what it's like to be a touring musician. it's a nomadic lif lifestyle. we are in a different city every 16 hours. we have no connection to anyplace really except for the six of us in the band or five crew members we're all living in this moving hallway, to the next city. and we're displaced from our friends or family or loved ones. some of us have kids. it all comes at a great sacrifice. but at the end of the day when we get on that stage and people are going crazy and singing along, every word to every song it's worth it you know? >> and don't miss the entire interview of fitz and the tantrums tonight 11 eastern time. now to our picture of the day. the buffalo bills have a game to play on sunday.
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>> on "america tonight": ferguson waits with the nation for the grand jury's answer. will anyone be prosecuted for the death of michael brown? and will a new commission help the community find a way to move forward? >> i represent the folks that are out there in ferguson. i am the folks that have been out there, i am mike brown so i don't want to make it seem like i'm aligning myself with the governor. >> and the echoes of ferguson from a crime from ano
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