tv News Al Jazeera November 25, 2014 10:00am-11:01am EST
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in washington i am ray suarez. announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, welcome to the newshour, i'm martine dennis in doha. our top stories - suicide bombers kill at least 60 people. we'll go live to abuja. plus... ..protests turn to riots in ferguson, missouri, after a grand jury deeds not to put a white policeman on trial for shooting dead an unarmed black teenager
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pope francis warns the european parliament not to let the mediterranean become a vast graveyard. final results are in - tunisia's presidential election is going to a run-off late next month. >> i'm andrew simmonds on the tram line linking occupied east jerusalem with the west of the city. i'll assess the mood of fear amongst palestinians and israelis alike but first - two bomb explosions killed at least 60 people in a crowded marketplace in north-eastern nigeria. now, the blast targeted shoppers in the town of my doggery -- maiduguri. we'll go live to our correspondent. this particular attack seems to be a well issuingest rated a --
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issuingest rated attack with a report suggesting that teenage girls were involved. >> indeed. we understand the explosion took place at the heard of may duingery city in the market, a -- may duingery city, and when people rushed to the scene the second explosion took off, targetting the first responders. we indicate from earlier indications, the second attack, was perpetrated by a female suicide bomber. if you take a look at the location of these attacks, and the nature of these attacks. it is really indicative of just how boko haram, the primary suspect - so far there's no claim of responsibility, but they are the primary suspects - it's indicative of how, if they are responsible, they are able
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to strike at will, at the heart of may duingery. borneo state, maiduguri is the headquarters of the army's seconda secondary division, in charges of leading the fight against boko haram. the flooding of the troops, we are still seeing the attacks, seeing boko haram come so close. the military is responding with soldiers, but boko haram still able to strike at the heart of the city. >> thank you the u.s. city of ferguson in mississippi mississip mississippi -- missouri is waking up to the violence. it came after a decision not to
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charge a white policeman who shot dead an unarmed black teenager. >> reporter: violent protests erupt in parts of ferguson. angry crowds set fire to buildings and cars. police say there's heavy automatic gun fire. officers respond by firing tear gas and smoke cannisters. senior police officers told a late night news conference the violence was at a shocking lef. -- level. >> a lot of gunfire. i don't have any hesitation in telling you i don't see a lot of peaceful protests, i'm not saying there weren't folks out there for the right reason. i'm saying this spun out of control. and what i have seen tonight, and i have been up there all evening, in the middle of it, along with captain johnson, what i have seen tonight is probably worse an the worst night we had in august. >> the unrest follows a grand
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jury decision not to prosecute a police officer for killing michael brown, an unarmed black teenager. >> they determined no probable cause yists, and returned a -- yists, and returned a no true billion each of the five indictments. physical and scientific evidence examined, combined with witness statements supported and substantiated by the evidence it wills the accurate and tragic -- tells the accurate and tragic story. michael brown's parent reacted to the decision, calling for calm, saying. there were protests in other u.s. cities, against the grand jury's decision, including new york and the capital washington d.c. president obama called on those who want to protest to be peace. and had a message for the local
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police in ferguson. >> our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. they have a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law. as they do their jobs in the coming day, they need to work with the community, not against the community, to distinguish the handful of people who may use the grand jury's decision as an excuse for violence. >> not surprisingly darren wilson, the police officer who shot michael brown welcomed the grand jury's move and his statement said he followed his training and the law. many in ferguson don't agree and have been making their feelings known on the streets. >> a violent start to the evening ending in relative calm. the question moving forward is will the improvements expected
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against the decision of the grand jury, will they be as peaceful as organizers exist, or will the scenes of violence that we saw on monday night dominate the message that this community is trying to send to the rest of the united states. let's go live to daniel to get the latest. it's obviously a new day, daniel lak, and are residents of ferguson, missouri waking up and surveying the results of the protests. do they have the appetite for more? are they still angry? >> that's the big question. i assume they are angry. the verdict was 12 hours ago, a little more. do they have the appetite for more? we'll see as the day moves on. where we are is the heart of last night's violence. it's a different scene. everything is closed - shops, petrol stations and behind me a burnt out strip mall, one of the
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worst of the fire damaged buildings - all small businesses, a couple of beauty salons, chinese restaurants and laundry mats. to my right. west florissant avenue, where a lot of the battles and ar sons going on, some are smouldering and the fire crews in there after the last few hours when the violence let up to let them in. talking about the crime scenes and police not letting people near the good buildings. they learnt good lessons, they were mostly restrained, and will try to continue doing that, that worked better for them than in august. it was military-style tactics touching off more violence. >> protesters were in no mood to heed the words. family, who urged people to be
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calm and channel their anger into more constructive channels. >> we can listen to what president obama and other community leaders said, which was a small number of people committing the violence, under the guise of peaceful protest. in the day time we'll see more protests, breaking out in clayton. people are moving into interceptions, stopping traffic and moving op. they'll put up with some of that as long as it's not long-lasting. we'll see as the day goes on. they just want to send out a message that this is an unacceptable situation. they don't want it marred by violence. night can bring a different picture. >> daniel, thank you very much. >> protests of the verdict spread across the country in new york, chicago. activists held demonstrations in
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solidarity with ferguson protesters. marchers shut down the 580 three way. they were carrying banners reading "arrest darren wilson." civil rights activist al sharpton condemned the grand jury decision. crowds gathered at the white house. and marched down u street carrying placards condemning the jury's verdict and support for the people of ferguson. the grand jury heard evidence for months weighing up whether to charm darren wilson. there was nine white people and three black drawn from the local community. they heard from 60 witnesses over a 3-month period. brown charged at officer wilson
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before the fatal shots were fired. others said brown was shot in the back. some were found not credible because they changed their account after forensic evidence revealed brown was not shot in the back during four hours of testimony to the grand jury, darren wilson said brown approached and punched him whilst he was sitting in the patrol dar. darren wilson said: colin wilson said he got out of his car, shot at brown, and brown charged at him. wilson fired again. these pictures were released after the decision not to indict. they showed bruising, but no
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serious injury, robert mcculloch spoke on monday about the challenges facing this case. >> the most significant challenge has been the 24 hour news cycle and its insatiable appetite for something, anything to talk about. following behind were the nonstop rumours on social media. i recognise the lack of detail surrounding the shooting frustrates the media and public and breeds suspicion among those already distrustful of the system. closely guarded details gives law enforcement a yardstick for measuring the truthfulness of witnesses. eyewitnesss must be challenged and compared against physical witness. >> we can speak to alex appeder grey -- alexander grey, an
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activist and author. thank you for talking to us. what do you make of a decision not to charge darren wilson, the white policeman? >> well, it's not surprising. it's marrhard to indict a polic officer. the idea is in america, every 28 hours a person of colour is killed by a police officer. the issue is shoot to kill, and the police have pour to shoot to kill. in some respects it looks like the decision was a set up. the prosecutor seemed to act like a defense attorney, and when he went on tv his tact was to attack the media and the credibility of the witnesses and portraying darren wilson as someone just about to save a baby hep he received a call about a robbery. >> do you suspect the 12 members of the grand jury, those
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randomly selected from the community - do you suspect they got it wrong? >> it's hard to indict a police officer, period. and then, of course, people chosen for grand jury's by a prosecutor are most likely to be posterior prosecution. so we have to go back and look at the voire dire process for how people got selected for the grand jury. it takes nine to indict. there were three blacks on the panel. there were some in agreement with officer darren wilson, seems his story was the on given credibility and the witnesses and community were discredited by the prosecutor, who, as i said early seemed to act as a prosecutor. they strung the evidence out so that people would be prepared for the officer being cleared of wrongdoing. >> you're in south carolina, and
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looked at the issue extensively, why is it that so many black african-americans - it's not just men - are killed in police incidents, a disproportionate number of african-americans are killed by police every year. why is that? >> look, there are statistics, racist police officers on the force who believe that black men in particular are something to fear, that black men are the image of mandingle going back to slavery, and the war on drugs that gives police the rite or what they think is the right to abuse people, cars, homes, and once you mention drugs, they mentioned the cigars, and darren wilson mentioned the demon, the
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evil, a big uncontrollable thug, image as a black man it takes away a sense of compassion of black people. but it's about racism and policing in this country. >> how do you count for the fact that few african-americans are involved in the law enforcement sector. why are there not more african-american police officers? obviously there's a problem in ferguson where the majority of the population is back and majority of police are right. >> it's a tough job. not many want to go on the other side of the blue line where they have to take a position against the community. being a police officer, it's - it's not the most glamorous job. you don't have to have a high education level to get the job. >> indeed, you have double the rate of unemployment amongst the
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african american community. you have doubt the rate of unemployment in comparison with the rest of the united states. >> the answer is not to go to work with the police department, but to create job opportunities, this is a bigger story than darren wilson killing michael brown. this is a story about economics, the new immigrants coming into minority communities, and they have a step up over the people living in the communities, it's the drug war, the prison industrial complex and the justice system in america that does not hold police accountable, that allows police officers to be judge, jury and executioner and extend the death penalty to the streets often for crimes that a person would receive the death penalty. >> you have an african-american in the white house, we have seen a civil rights campaign.
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>> he's not the president of black america. >> he's not the president of black america. >> he has made that clear. he has made that very clear repeatedly. he's the president, a chief law enforcement officer of this country. helle come down -- he'll come down on the side of law enforcement as the chief operating officer, would do. there's a lot of things that have to happen in the community, we have to rebuild community structure, demand that the officers wear body cameras so we know what they are doing, and we have to question the policy of shoot to kill. >> thank you very much, we are out of time. thank you. >> thank you well, the ferguson shooting is not the only one causing a furious reaction. later in this newshour... >> we are not accepting ex-dueses for this traj -- excuses for this tragedy
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police in cleveland demand though know why a 12-year-old boy was shot with a gun. >> protesters ordered to clear the protest site in hong kong. in sport, a top australian cricketer in a cricket -- critical conditionar being struck in the head by a ball during a match tunisia's landmark election is going to a second-round run-off in december. official results showed no candidate reached the 50% threshold. with 39.4%, the leader of the main secular party topped the poll, and 6 percentage points behind is interim president moncf marzouki. he's on 33.4%. >> al jazeera's omar al saleh has more from the capital.
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>> reporter: all candidates have three days to file appeals and the election commission will look into them. if the election commission did not receive any complaint, then they will have to decide between two dates to hold the second round. either 14 december, or 21st of december. in case they receive any complaints by any candidates regardless of how minor they are, then the second round will be held on the 28th of december. this was a close race between the top two, beji caid essebsi, and the current president moncf marzouki. and i think this indicates this society will head towards further polarization, the end of the second round now. tunis managed to avoid all of the chaos by approaching a national dialogue, and all
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political parties compromised. so the compromise of all political parties, and then at the end, elect a president at the end of the second round security will be a major concern for whoever becomes the new president. al qaeda and other armed groups killed a number of soldiers in the past year. activists are concerned that human rights are being sacrificed in the name of security amin is afraid. he does not want to be identified. his brother was arrested recently on tunisia's border with libya for planning to fight in syria. his family say he's innocent and accuse those holding him of torture. >> translation: they beat him to get what they wanted out of him. if they want you to say you're going to syria that's what you'll say.
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they won't charge or apply the law. they leave people to rot in gaol ignoring the flight of families. >> this is a lawyer representing amin's brother, and others. some of her clients spent two years in gaol, awaiting trial. they are among thousands arrested under a 2003 anti-terrorism law. campaigners say it's unjust legislation that should have changed after the revolution. >> translation: one girl was arrested under the anti-terrorism law and stripped in front of her brothers, they were stripped in front of her, forcing her to confess. >> we didn't have this case. >> in august police shot dead two young women as they drove home from a wedding late at night. the minister for the interior says it was a mistake, and those responsible will not face prosecution. the minister of the interior turned down our request to talk
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to them about the human rights violation. in of the past it said the security threat is real and constant. last month five soldiers were killed when their military bus came under fire. tunisia's army and security is focussing their efforts in these mountains, in that region. >> translation: these try to reach phase two, targetting civilians. it will be difficult. they are in phase one, trying to gather support, polarize society and underminus, making the public doubt our abilities. there's no doubt that groups connected to al qaeda are threatening to destabilize libya. the fear is that security is being used to allow some people to justify human rights violations
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pope francis criticized europe for not doing enough to help migrants escaping war zone and persecution. he made the remarks while addressing parliament in strasbourg and said it was time to change values. >> reporter: it was a rare visit from a pope to app institution priding itself on how secular it is. the e.u. is in crisis. many admit it needs help to redefine its relevance. before a packed chamber of meps, the pope called no punches. >> translation: despite a larger and stronger union europe seems to get the impression of being somewhat elderly and haing ard, feeling less a protagonist, regarding it with aloofness, mistrust and suspicion. he said his was a message of hope, but he feels europe lost its way. it has forgotten its religious
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roots. it needs to do more to reconnect with people who no longer trust it. >> the time has come to work together building a europe which revolves not around the economy, but the sacredness of the human person, around inalienable values. >> reporter: this was a critical speech, the pope urged for more jobs to be created, a throw away culture in which the elderly were abandoned, and unborn children killed in the womb. he spoke of cogs in the economy, loneliness, of europe eens, and a vacuum of ideas. uncomfortable for some. >> the catholic church is preaching that women should not have control over their lives, but on the other hand say we want to fight poverty. the two cannot be reconciled. >> the pope spoke about
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migration, and the need for europe to do more to help those in desperate need. >> we cannot allow the mediterranean sea to become a fast cemetery. [ clapping ] >> translation: the boats landing daily on the shores of europe are filled with men and women who need acceptance and assistance. [ clapping ] >> reporter: the pope's identification with the poor and persecuted is well-known. his call for more and better jobs, sa greater focus on human needs, above the need of multinationals will appeal to many. as a way out his call for the e.u. to reverse his forgetfulness of god makes it more difficult for the world to accept. >> still to come - columbia's
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hello, these are the headlines at al jazeera - 60 died in a twin bomb attack at a market in north-eastern nigeria. these pictures just reached us at al jazeera. the market was packed with shoppers in the town of my duingery, the capital of borno state. a female suicide bomber attacked those that came to the rescue. >> pope francis called on europe to make urgent changes to economic and social values. speaking in his first speech to the european parliament in strasbourg in france, he said the e.u. must take better care of its migrants. the u.s. city of ferguson in
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missouri is waking to results of violence. riots broke out after a decision not to charge a white policeman who shot dead an unarmed black teenager earlier this year well another police shooting led to demonstrations. this time it's in the u.s. state of ohio. police in kiev lpd are trying to explain how a 12-year-old black boy with a toy gun was shot and killed by police. kristen saloomey has this report. >> we are not accepting any excuses... >> citizens of cleveland ohio gathered at the park under the gazebo of where 12-year-old tamir rice was shot and killed by police. >> it's a travesty, and a wake-up call showing that cleveland is no difference to ferguson. the difference in ferguson is that they are more proactive than we are. >> reporter: they are calling
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for a better trained and more diverse police department. mostly they want justice for tamir. >> it's nearly dark now, it was mid afternoon on saturday when police were called. they were 3 meters away from the bay when they told him to put his hands in the air. instead he reached for the waist ban and what looked like a gun. it was a toy replica that shoots plastic. the orange tip to distinguish it from a real gun was removed. the person that called police twice said he was not sure if the gun was real. it's not clear if the officers were given that message. the two officers involved have been put on leave pending an investigation. >> guns are not toys. we need to teach the kids that. our community needs to understand that. in fact, such a weapon in this incident is indistinguishable
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from a real firearm. we need to drive home to our kids especially that guns are not toys. parents need to be aware of that. >> reporter: friends of tamir suspect he had the toy gun to deal with bullies, and can't understand why it comes to this. >> why would they do that? they did it for nothing. i want to thank everyone for supporting my little brother, and i don't know why they did that. he was only is it. he wanted to play basketball, n.b.a. >> reporter: tamir's sister has questions. it's expected to be months before the family has answers. >> give her a hand. now, in syria there are reports na air strikes killed at least 65 people, injuring dozens in the city of raqqa. air strikes were carried out by
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government forces. raqqa is in the north of syria, and controlled by the islamic state of iraq and levant. iran's supreme leader said western powers have not and will not bring iran to its knees in nuclear talks. ayatollah khamenei's comments were in relation to discussions continuing for 11 months. he said if the talks fail, iran will have to stand alone. >> translation: we approve of the effort the honourable administration and officials are making. it's an important task and experience, and a valuable course of action. they can do this, if they achieve results so much the better. if they do not. it means the country must stand on its own feet to solve its problems the former british
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ambassador to iran, sir richard dore son was in tehran for four years. he's an associate fellow at the royal institute of international affairs in london and is hopeful sa deal could be reached. >> i don't believe talks will collapse. there's a chance of a partial deal, but i believe there's a good chance of a comprehensive plan of action. in other words, a full agreement. meanwhile, the negotiators and the political leadership should follow the ves of the well-known british saying keep come and carry on. there's lessons in what has happened for both sides. iran must be willing to reduce in the short term enrichment to a large extent the other two. there are strong lessons for washington and negotiating partners, in the words of supreme leader ayatollah cammen
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eeny, namely that the united states must be able to offer further language and commitments than they have. >> negotiations have been going on for quite a while, ambassador, as you know. what makes you so sure. it sounds like you are saying both sides are committed to coming to agreements. how sure are you of that? >> i'm confident that there is no better course of action available to either side to achieving its bottom line. for the united states and its negotiating partners, that is transparency, and verified arrangements to ensure that iran does not misuse any aspects of its nuclear programme for military means. and on the iranian side, to restore progress towards national development that has been impaired so seriously over the last eight years.
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so being rational on both sides i am convinced that they will see this opportunity. >> residents across jerusalem remain on high alert a week after five israelis were killed in a synagogue by palestinian attackers. there has been weeks of attacks. jerusalem's tram is one of few places israeli and palestinians will be found in the same space. al jazeera's andrew simmonds went for a ride to guage the mood. >> in the ancient city of jerusalem, this is no ordinary tram hin, it runs on a route twine jews and arabs, along the green line separating the east jerz to the west. before -- jerusalem to the west before the 1967 war. stop by stop it follows a modern timeline of violence and tragedy. the tram line links occupied east jerusalem with the west of the city. in doing so it's a focal point
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for anger in this conflict. here, now, there's a sense of frustration, of fear. >> that is not surprising. most places you look there's a gun in sight. fewer people are getting on board now. the concrete bollard is to prevent attackers from crashing cars into crowds. two were killed here a fortnight ago. and two weeks earlier at the next stop a woman and a baby were killed. in both, the palestinian drivers were shot dead. >> there is fear when you get on the train. we have to reach a solution. we all live here, them and us. the train is ours and theirs. >> they have to understand this is our place. we understand that we are at home. they will never showus. >> since the start of the incident there are fewer arabs on the tram. we are setting out for work. we don't know what will happen
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on the way. anyone can harass us, we are nervous. >> translation: the feeling is not good, it's scary, you have to be careful of everybody. >> reporter: predictably at night the risks are higher. a few meters away a 15-year-old palestinian was snatched from outside his home by a gang and burnt to death. it followed the murder of three israeli, and the cycle of violence started. this damage to the station only the beginning of wide-spread rioting. a short distance away is the aftermath of confrontation. rarely a night goes by without trouble. when will it stop? could it get worse before it gets better? . >> translation: god willing the situation goes back to how it was before. once there's peace, we will feel safe. >> translation: we are
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neighbours that have to love together. >> reporter: is that wishful thinking. the tram heads west with no hope of the peaceful co-existence of jews and arabs the foreign ministers of the six gulf cooperation council are meeting in the qatari capital doha ahead of a summit next month. we have this report from the venue. >> so far the moting of the g.c.c. foreign ministers focussed on the situation in yemen, armed conflict, and divisions taking place there. essentially threatening to rip apart the country. yemen being a concern of saudi arabia, and a political concern to fellow g.c.c. members. also on the agenda, in preparation for the full summit in doha in december, are discussions surrounding issues of security and military aspects
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between the g.c.c. countries. up until now it's been contentious between some g.c.c. countries, where they were not happy with the initial plan allowing any country to rest or detain any person in another country without providing evidence or reason to it. aside from that, the fact that this meeting has taken place, and is taking place in doha, is felt by people in the region, up until now there was significant division between qatar and neighbours in the g.c.c. because of differences because of foreign policy. it seems to have been settled now that countries like the united arab emirates and saudi has attended. it seems a launch pad for future cooperation jazz continues to demand theers -- al jazeera continues
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to demand the release of our journalists imprisoned. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed were jald op false charges of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood. they are appealing against their convictions two columbian soldiers are captured by the f.a.r.c. they have been releasedful a high-ranking general and two other officials are still held captive by the rebel group. we can go live to the cap fall and talk to our correspondent. does this auger well for the captured general? >> well, martine, let's say that this is the first piece of good news, we saw the release of two soldiers that went flawlessly, coordinators by the international red cross, to the help of two countries,
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guarantors for the peace talks. the two soldiers are safe in the military. they were freed over an hour ago. on the other hand we have not received any update on the situation for the release of general a-satay and other two officials captured with him last sunday. we are waiting to hear how things are evolving. the f.a.r.c. says they are still - too many military operations going on in the area for the release. what happened today was the first step in the right direction for the peace talks to restart. we hope that in coming days the same will happen with the general and the peace negotiators will go back to the table, and start working again. >> alessandra in bogota still to come on the programme - back in hospital.
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the area has seen some of the ugliest clashes. police from prepared, pulling up hundreds of officers. most protesters left, a hard core remained. outnumbered by media. >> police gave warnings that anyone on the road could be arrested for obstruction. the protest seems to have spilt from this area to neighbouring roads and junctions. we are seeing chaotic scenes on the roads the day had begun peacefully enough. bailiffs moving in to enforce a court order, dismantling the barricade that had been blocking the street. tempers frayed with shouting matches between protesters and local residents. police cleared the tent, but what to do with the protesters refusing to move? >> sooner or later, i think civil disobedience will emerge. >> reporter: by the end of the
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day scuffles continued on the streets. 50 meters of road that had been at the center of the latest violent episode was finally reopened. this was the easier section of the kowloon occupation site to clear. the main site comes next time for sport with sapper. >> thank you. top australian cricketer phil hughes is in an induced coma after being hit in the head by a ball during the match in sydney. president 25-year-old under went emergency brain surgery after collapsing on the pitch. andrew thomas has more. >> reporter: initially it didn't look too serious, a misjudged ball striking a batsman is not unusual. the batsman then collapsing unconscious is. philip hughes scored 63 runs in a state match for south australia when a rogue ball hit. fellow players new immediately
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that he'd been badly hurt. they joined medics to free his airway, get hip on a stretcher and off the field. an air ambulance ashed, but he was taken by road to the hospital. >> i under he was ventilated at the scene, and arrived at st. vincent's already ventilated. he under went scans and went to surgery. >> the match was abandoned. the contribute community in australia and beyond is stunned. >> we are all in shock and i guess from our perspective pleasingly there was medical attention that he was able to receive immediately at the ground, and then to be transported to hospital and now we hope that whatever the procedure is that he's going through, that he comes through in the right way 25-year-old hughes is a well-known figure.
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last month he played for his national team. he is likely to play for australia again against india. cricket is normally thought of as a relatively gentile sport, but the balls are hard bowled out over 100kph. accidents like this are rare. even with batsmen wearing full protective gear, they can and occasionally do happen earlier we spoke to our sports correspondent lee wellings, and he told us a serious injury like this is very rare. >> it happens regularly in contribute that a blow is taken on the helmet. the differs can be if the ball gets beyond the helmet and penetrates an area of the head. an incident not as serious in the summer was with english contributor stuart broad, and what happened then is the ball got through a gap in the helmet. he wanted the gap there for his vision, and the ball managed to
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lodge in there, break his nose, and the damage was largely superficial. it shows what can happen. it makes you shudder to think people were facing famous west indian pace attacks without helmets at all the president of asia's football confederation condemned an alleged israeli ministry search of the palestinian headquarters in the west bank. the palestinian players are 2 months away from the asian cup, the first time they qualified for a major tournament. three israeli military jeeps raided their headquarters on monday morning, searching and interrogating several employees. israeli officials say they are checking the report while the afc president released a statement saying:
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qualifiers continues on tuesday. manchester city is battling to stay alive and plays bayern munich at home. they are the bottom of group e and could be eliminated if they fail to beat the german giants. the side is unbeaten in 18 matches, they lost to manchester last year. they have nothing to play for, they have won the group. manchester city have players injured and on suspension. >> we consider an early or later goal.
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maybe with those points our situation will be different. we must be conscious that in the moment we are not sure. tomorrow we will try to be concentrated to not concede goals and try to play well and score. >> moscow to meet tsk, both hoping to deny city and each other and grab the second qualifying spot behind munich. roma beat moscow 5-1 earlier in the season. >> if you recollect after the first match i said moscow are strong. we have an uneasy opponent and tough group. they know how to win. cska is confirmation of my words. >> barcelona has qualified. it could guarantee a top spot if the group with a victory after ajax. roberto coming up against
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chelsea and schalke host the leaders. sporting meet mary bore. shakhtar donetsk take a huge step confirming their place if they win brazilian football legend pele has been admitted to hospital for the second time in 10 days. the 3-time world cup winner has a urinary infection. the 74-year-old is in stable condition. this month he was treated for kidney stones. >> south american football faces world cup quarter fines in the 2015 coca america after both sides were drawn toot in the group statement -- together in the group stage. they are with ecuador and other. the teams are split into three pools. 12 countries make up the stage, eight qualifying for the
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quarterfinals. the home nation has never been been champions. >> translation: we hope the fans are an advantage for us and do not become an extra pressure each time we play. we hope their support is unconditional. >> let's look at the draw. chill sea line-up in group a, mexico, ecuador and bolivia. chile the favourites, making the last 16 of in year's world cup, losing to brazil. group b world cup runners-up argentina, and holders of the copa america uruguay. paraguay and guest team jamaica make up the rest. brazil and columbia, group c, face peru and venezuela. the top two and third place qualifies for the quarterfinal. that's it from me thank you. a european union study found that the number of people diagnosed with depression is on
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the rise. the illness costs european countries billions. it's so alarming that there's an international conference taking place in london to work out how countries can deal with it. >> they lost hope. a lot don't know where they can turn or find a job. >> now an outreach worker for a charity, nat helps others who suffer from the growing problem of depression. as a teenager he suffered anxiety and depression when he found himself penniless when his father left. he became a carer for his mum. >> not a day goes by when i don't meet someone with a mental health disorder. everyone has it. a few years ago i was in the same position, i couldn't leave the house, was barely in
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education, i was like a timid shell of who i am now. >> nash is one of 350 million of known sufferers of depression around the world. some make it to a place like this, a psychiatry center to get help. for many countries there are not the resources to deal with the problem, meaning depression is the leading cause of disability around the world. this dr is a psychiatrist who has been treating patients with the condition for years and says we are only starting to get to grips with the extent of the world's mental health problems. >> doesn't matter where they come from, they tell me they are not enjoying life. getting up in the morning is horrendous, because that is the worst part of the day. that they don't have the energy to do the things they need to do. the main problem is the stigma needs to be taken out of the
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equation. >> suffering in silence is what force the jessica, a long-term depression sufferer to leave her job in big business. 15 hour days and an unsympathetic boss led to a break down. >> i was afraid of talking about it because of a fear i wouldn't be supported at work. we understood to address mental health for everybody who is potentially a sufferer. we need to educate teachers and schools about mental health so they can support children and we need to support adults. >> jessica has a new job with the support of employers and chairs on her block where other victims tell her that stigma is the biggest barrier to getting help. >> we have a lot more coming up at al jazeera. we have another full bulletin of news, lots of live interviews as well. don't go away.
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flash point ferguson, move, violence erupts after a grand jury decides not to indict darren wilson the white police officer who shot and killed michael brown in august. also chuck hagel resigns, and the white house reverses course on iran. hello, i'm antonio mora. welcome to "consider this." those stories and more straight ahead. >> no probab
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