tv The Stream Al Jazeera November 25, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm EST
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against him. so with that said, we will take a few questions after that agenda is completed and we will try to respect the family of michael brown, jr. in this most terrible, unforgiving hour that they are facing. attorney grey and attorney daryle parks and myself, we objected back in august to this prosecutor. we even wrote a letter to the governor requesting a special prosecutor to be appointed. we objected when he informed us the process that he was going to use that was different than anything else, different than any normal grand jury that you would have presented, and now
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after we watched him last night in his comments, we strenuously objected to this prosecutor and this process, but this morning after we -- like all of you, went through as much of the information, i think it was described as a data dump, we went through as much of it as we could, and saw how completely unfair this process was. we objective publicly and loudly as we can on behalf of michael brown jr's family that this process is broken. the process should be indicted. it should be indicted because of
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the continuous systematic results that is yielded by this process, and let's be very honest about this process. we have a process of a symbiotic process, and the local prosecutors who sit in judgment of the police when they brutalize or kill a member of our community. and normally that prosecutor has no relationship or regards for the young person of color. so as attorney graham or parks predicted at the beginning, we could foresee what the outcome was going to be. and that's exactly what occurred last night.
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it is awfully troubling when you hear about the police officer that shot and he testified for four hours and you had to scratch your head, hike we all did, to say when is the prosecutor going to cross-examine the killer of the unarmed person? a first year law student would have done a better job than the prosecutor did. where was -- where was his veracity ever challenged? where was his credibility ever challenged when you watched the four hours that he got to give a speech to this grand jury. he told the detective
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testified, he told me he got hit ten times. he told the grand jury he only got hit two times. put he said, and you all heard it, hulk hogan against a five-year-old. you are 6'4", you weigh 226 pounds, michael brown is 6'6", he weighs 292 pounds, you mean to tell me that he hit you with such force as you were describing, that it was going to knock you out? it was going to knock you unconscious? and no one held up the picture to say but that's not consistent with the physical evidence? we object to this process, because all across america, with this
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is new york, los angeles, cleveland, young people of color are being killed by police officers, and the local prosecutors, put together this fair and unbiased grand jury, and it continues to yield the same results. i have been told, mr. mario, that if you continue to do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result, then that is the definition of insanity. and we say to the prosecute ever we are not insane. we know that our children deserve equal justice. just as any american. and we want the prosecutors if they have a connect of interest, and for the sake, of the public trust, which is so
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critical. and many communities all over america, we pray that prosecutors will say we want people to believe in the system, and if that means appointing a special prosecutor that has no relationship with the accused officers is that you do so. the legacy of michael brown jr. should be one where we don't just make a lot of noise. mr. brown, that wouldn't be the proper legacy to your son. the legacy should be instead of just striving to make a lot of noise, we strive to make a difference. and that disks would be changing this system, where the police who are supposed to protect and serve us, continue to kill our members in our community. and we have this really address this issue, as
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one that a scenario can we offer, where they finally indict miffs for killing us? isn't that the real question? so as we make ready to hear from attorney gray, and then from reverend al, mr. brown will be present before you. we beg you all again, that we know it's frustrating. and we know that it is painful. it is painful to any parent, especially parents of young people of color. because we worry about our children every day. i mean every day when we hear they have an encount we the mis. i mean -- our heart just stops. and it shouldn't be like that. we should be able to
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expect our police to treat our children just like any other children in any other community. so to hopefully really address this issue we want the proposal for the michael brown haw, that is the proposal that every my and every american city, has a video body camera. a i can be transparent, and we won't have to may this game of witnesses, memories and secret grand jury proceedings it will just be transparent. we are all-american citizens, and we ask that everybody, not just the entire st. louis community.
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>> for the sake of our communities. and especial hi for michael brown jr., who is crying out from the grave with so many thousands of other people of color that have been killed by mis, and you have to change the system. attorney gray. >> i will be very proof. i just want to remind everybody from the very beginning that the decision of this grand jury is going to be the direct reflection of the presentation of evidence by the prosecutor's office. if they present evidence to indict, this would have been an indictment.
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if they don't present the evidence in a man tore secure an indictment, this won't be an indictment. so we feel is the direct reflection of the sentimentses of those that presented the evidence we appreciate the data. we appreciate the fact that we got a chance to read all of the testimony we a what was presented. but we didn't hear how it was presented. we didn't get a chance to hear the inflections in the voices. and the cynicism, and the sarcasm, in some of the questions that i read, just jumped off the pages at you. so it's all in the presentation of evidence, and i don't want anybody to be mislead, in any other way. i would also caution, all those in the media, that we still have an on going investigation. i am not going to comment on very much of the evidence add all. i am just going to ask that you have transcripts read them for yourself.
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one person, he indicted himself. most of what he said doesn't line one the physical or the forensic evidence you read it for yourself. you have it. it's right this in front of your face. and you know there's an old adage that some people are saying if you want to hide something, you hide it in plain view. i am just going to encouraging the on doing investigators and we will hope out hope that subsequent investigations will produce a result that reflects the way that evidence was presented. i would only say to you, that over 50 witnesses and only four to five of them are relevant. what was the other 55 for. >> if you already know going into it, that a person didn't see the event, they already told you that, then why would you present them in front
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of the grand jury? what's the point? so it's things like that that just raises all kinds of red flags. nor us and this process. we ragone to hold out hope, that at sop point justice will be served and we will at least have a presentation of evidence that is fair, and impartial and then we will allow the chips to fall where they may. without any further ado, i bring to you, mr. al sharpton. three days after michael brown jr. was killed, we had a major rally in this very church. we said that night, with his parents present, that we had little to no faith
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in the grand jury by the local district attorney. we said that night that we wanted the federal government to come in. that sunday we had a unity rally where thousands came and joined us. we repeated it, and all the way think the funeral. hahs night, the appearance by the district attorney made it clear to everyone why we had little faith in the state prosecution. i have been involved in civil rights all my life. we have seen cases go ways that we felt were right, and ways that we felt was wrong. i have never seen a prosecutor, hold a prez conference to discredit the victim. >> where he went out of
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his way to go point by point, in discrediting michael brown jr., who could not defend himself. how do you in explaining why you are not indicting a man to kill, try and convict a young man for shoplifting, that can't explain the tape, try to convict him for interfering in the miscar when you don't hear his side of the story. have you ever heard a prosecutor go in a press conference to explain to the prez, why the one that did the killing, is not doing to trial? but the victim is guilty of several things that no one has established? thorn to go further than that, he takes his time to try and discredit the
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witnesses. witnesses that will still be needed going forward in the on going federal investigation and if this several proceedings. what is the purpose of mr. mccolor trying to undermine the credibility of the witnesses. undermine the credibility of the victim. still has not explained to us highway you have a man on the force, that feels like he is hulk hogan so what kind of training and policing do you do, and still has not explained the original altercation began over what in the first place, and why he in turn fires the fatal shots? let us not forget, the
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only one presenting in the brand jury is the prosecution. there is no cross-examine. so for him to talk about inch consistencies is unchallenged because this reese no one representing the other side to come and cross-examine what he put up. what may sound inconsistent is the only responding to what was asked. if there was two sides then maybe some of the gaps would have been filled. but when you have the attitude of the prosecutor, that feels it is his duty to go out of his way, to try to discredit a young teenager that can't speak for himself, then america saw why we said from day one, the federal government needs to step in to protect the rights of michael brown jr., and
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to protect the rights of the citizens. it also was very strange to us, that he lectured the media, a media that he and others had no problem when you -- or in the convenient store, immediately that you had no problem leaking all kind of favorable stuff for the prosecution. a media has no problem leaking thins for the officer, so it seems to me, that he has had the use of the media. then has a strange decision in a town that has been tense in a town that has been forecast to have all kinds of problems, his solution is let's announce it at night after dark.
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let's make sure that all the kids are home, that all of the students are back for thanksgiving break, and it's dark outside. and we are going to announce it and then i am going to get up in the dark, and castigate the character of michael brown jr. i think that it was irresponsible. i think that it was unnecessarily provocative. but i think it only clears why we said let's go to the federal government from the first place. he implied last night that the federal government and the state investigation ran hand in hand and ended last night, that is not the case the torn general has released a statement saying the federal government investigation continues in the killing and in the review and mr
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mr. mccollough's statement led others to believe differently. let me be very clear that we were not surprised at what the outcome was. certainly it is painful for the mother and father, certainly there will be emotional reactions i have never seen a case where there wasn't, you are dealing with their flesh and blood, but let the record be clear, you have broken our hearts but you have not broken our backs. we are going to continue to pursue justice and this is not a ferguson problem. this' a grand jury about a week or two away from deciding the case in new york there's a 12-year-old that was just killed by police in cleveland. this is a problem all over the country. right now 12 noon all over the country, people
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are marching and gathering in front of federal courthouses. nacp. national urban league all of our members are coming out, empowerment movement today, saturday we will be all over the country. we will continue to fight for a new level of accountability of policing in this country. michael brown will knot be remembered from the ashes of building burn in ferguson. he will be remembered the ever the upholding of law, and legislation that protects citizens in the country. let me also remind you, for over 100 days, young people, older people,
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people of all races marched and rallies in this city, and they did it peacefully, and nonviolently. yes, those that got violent last night, those that acted in a destructive manner, there's not represent the spirit of michael brown. it was those young people, those old people, that stood no matter what the weather for over 103 days, that kept going, those are the ones that have stood for michael brown. they are on brown's side. those that burn are on their own side if you are on michael brown's side, you walk with dignity. if you are on michael brown's side you stand up with pride. and call the uphold the law. if you do anything to harm others, you are on your own side, you are not on brown's side. we are on the side of michael brown to fight for what is right, don't lower those standards.
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in that light, we also question how you have grand juries now that are trial juries. the use of a gram jury is to find out if there is probable cause to go to trial. you do not have a grand jury to decide on the guilty or innocence of the accused. you only decide is there enough to go forward. you have a decision, the accusations, he tried it, it go to trial. the fact that last night the prosecutor was not announcing whether there was probable cause he was announcing the acquittal of the officer. because he tried him
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rather than investigate him. and that is a miscarriage and a misuse of the grand jury system. let's be real clear. what we saw. we also in the that light, national urban league who was present, cornell brook, dr. brook president naacp, black leadership, round table, women, family of the national bar association. and i have called an emergency civil rights leadership in washington, d.c. next week. in that meeting, in that meeting we will determine an on going strategy, that will include maz and regular marchs, legislation, and economic we will not turn around
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who want to know, we will have the leading civil rights activists that want room on the platform that have shown the ability to mobilize. this is not about all of us liking each other this is about owl of us being bonded with a common goal. and we h come out of that and lay out a plan that will constructively help to change this nation and bear on those on going cases. because we just had another case in new york over the weekend. in housing of a stairwell. michael brown had lit a new energy for police accountability. i reck when rodney king happened.
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our hearts were broken when we went to semivalley and watched a trial jury acquit those police. this was violence after that, but we kept on going. and the federal government came in and those misman were convicted. so before you think this is over, remember remember what happened in rodney king, we went from seemi valley to the federal government, this will not end in the valley here. we are going to keep on going. we have told this family we are with them until the end. and we have told them we are going to do it with dignity, and we told them we were going to do it to finish cause, that's why we are here today to let michael brown sr., and liz know, that we may have lost one round, but the fight is not over.
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and brother sha heed, any time you want a fight, sometime you can even get knocked down in the round. but i have seen champions get up off the mat and still win the fight, we took a blow last night. but that's all right we have gone to the corner and clears our heads. we have come out, for the next round. >> thank you rev rand sharpton. we took a blow, some people say was a fixed fight, it ain't over, and i am reminded again, and
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i sit with my co council, the prosecutor is supposed to prosecute. not be the defense attorney for a person that we are sitting in judgement of. and so that's trouble. we've got to deal with these real issues because this process was supposed to give clarity when they released this data. really didn't it create more questions than anything. so with that we will try to address some of your questions. >> okay, we will try to address some of your questions [inaudible question]. >> certainly. certainly.
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all right. all right. we're at church. thank you, thank you. >> the news conference ending in a rather unusual manner, that is the family of michael brown addressing the reporters in st. louis, saying that they believe that the entire process itself was flawed. benjamin trump the attorney for the family saying in his opinion the process is broken adding that the process itself should be indicted. he went on to say we
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could foresee what the jut come was going to be. briefly what happened tonight. >> that's the $64,000 question, we don't know you have to believe there will be some kind of protest. may will be protesting in the decision. the people carrying out the destruction and the violence, they don't know who they are. they say there is a large portion of people involved in that who lived in ferguson, and that may well be the case, but it certainly wasn't the case. those people you see protesting the situation here peacefully, were involved. so we have to wait and see. >> john for us, as always, thank you. and mike in washington as well, thank you. the attorneys going on to say that instead of striving to make a lot of
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noise, we strive to make a difference, they have regained control of the news conference, we wantttt to take you back to st. louis, to see with they wish to add -- >> this was a so called reporter blogger saying some stuff i came on and stirred things up that john responded to, so before y'all act like there was a disturbance among t t t the folk, theye concerned about him coming in as a blogger castigating me. we went, mike sr. and i to tell him let him say what he wants to say, i just want y'all, when you run the pictures, disruption at the conference. it was one of y'all bloggers that caused the disruption. and we weren't -- so our people were not overreacting i just want to give clarity what it is. and i have no problem with a guy not wanting to hear what i have to say, but then why would you come to where i am the
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