tv News Al Jazeera November 26, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EST
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the fight for native families only on al jazeera america >> from al jazeera's headquarters in doha. this is the news hour. coming up, another night of protests across the u.s. over the decision not to charge a policeman for the killing of an unarmed black teenager. celebrations in the democratic of congo. helping thousands of victims. >> the political will to say
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that we understand this question. >> the key figure in the fight against isil in iraq is sentenced to death. plus we report from hong kong where the police have moved in to clear protesters from the streets. some say that's a good thing. >> there has been a second night of protests across the united states. over the decision not to charge a white policeman in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager. there have been protests across the country let's take you first to this scene. let's go to oakland, california, where demonstrators set off a blockade and then set fire to it. they looted stores and faced off with police. over to boston where 1500
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demonstrators block city streets in a peaceful show of force there. and in new york city hundreds gather in union square chanting "black lives matter." 04 peopl14 people were arrested overnight. >> for a while it seemed as if monday's mayhem would be repeated. the police car burned outside of city hall. there were reports of gunshots, and police used tear gas and pepper spray on protesters. missouri's governor called up thousands more members of the national guard, an outside ferguson's police department they helped police guard the building and confront a crowd that grew slowly throughout the evening. eventually they did. they were several arrests but no injuries. as the night went on people
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slipped away, driven home perhaps the cold air, the extra police presence. later in a news they spoke of a challenging night for them. >> rocks, bottles, it looks like broken tent poles that were hurled at the officers. those are all things that we're trying to protect the guardsmen and the police officers from as they try to do their job. >> darren wilson, the policeman who won't face criminal charges for killing michael brown last august gave his first tv interview. he expressed no remorse and said that he feared for his life during the altercation with michael brown. >> i used the door to push him back and yelled at him to get back. he pushed the door shot and stares at me.
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>> he threw the first punch? >> he threw the first one and hit me in the left side of my face. i reached out with my right hand to grab on his forearm because i was going to get out of the car, and i felt the immense power that he had. the way i describe it was like a five-year-old holding on to husk hogan. that's how big this man was. >> they would stop traffic over the failure to indict darren wilson. more protests are expected here and around the country. al jazeera, ferguson. >> we can hear now from michael brown's family. they can describe what the past 48 hours have been for them. >> very hard. heartbreaking, and unbelievable. >> for the ones that are protesting in a positive way,
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some people have their own agenda. i won't say that i'm mad at the people, what they're doing, but it's their own agenda. it's not what i asked for. it does have nothing to do with us. but yeah, the protests, we appreciate them and we love them for that. >> i don't feel that he stirred the crowd. it was already stirred. it's been stirring since augus august 9th. i want hold hii wouldn't hold him accountable for that. it comes from a higher power elected official and it's called the governor. >> you lose your child in this manner, and somebody put video camera, who knows what you would do if this was your child laying on the ground for four hours. you find out that the killer is not going to be brought to
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trial. who in your right mind would rush in on a charge on a police officer who has his gun. it sounds crazy. >> we have to fix this system. that's why you see everything going on in ferguson and around the country. >> we're just going to keep fighting. pray for a better outcome. >> let's cross over to kristen saloomey who is in ferguson. it still looks calm behind you. we were hearing comments from relatives who are not happy with how things have gone legally. what are their options that are left for them legally speaking? >> well, legally speaking they are still waiting for the results of a federal investigation, including one that is looking at the broader issues of policing here in st. louis county, and whether or
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not there is a pattern of discriminatory behavior on the parts of the police department here. they are waiting to see how that plays out, and they also have the option of a civil law enforcement, something that they could file in the future as well. but to get more on the subject why don't we bring in our political contributor here. jason, thank you so much for joining us. we've talked about the federal option before, and that really hasn't played out favorbly for many of these cases in the past. can you give us context about that? >> well, because it's extremely difficult, and it's very time-consuming. when you look at two years ago of trayvon martin being shot by george zimmerman, it's been two and a half years and they don't have an indictment. it's a similar situation here. given the fact that eric holder is soon going to be o leaving
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office and transitioning to loretta lynch, the idea that this could go to a higher power for indictment is highly unlikely. >> this is a concern for black america. we see many rally behind this cause. what hope, what direction could change this? what could be done to make a difference on this? >> well, i think we're seeing that on the ground now. realistically about 15% of the protesters who i've seen here and across the country, they're not black. i have seen white protesters, latino protesters, men, women, young and old. this is going to lead to a very serious conversation in white america. this is not a black problem. this is a situation where white americans recognize this as a problem have to confront white people who are bigots. that's the only way that real progress happens. as long as we stay focus on what the minorities can do to fix things, nothing really changes. >> thanthank you for joining us.
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we'll talk to you later. that's the situation on the ground in ferguson. a calm day after another rough night. people hoping that the worst of the violence is behind. police presence on the streets has increased. the anger is still very strong and promises a more non-violent action. at least coming ahead. >> i'm curious. you have a very interesting backdrop behind you. it looks like there are burnt out cars or something. >> absolutely. the devastation here happened on the first night after the announcements of the grand jury decision not to charge officer darren wilson for the shooting deaths of michael brown. there were 12 buildings, 12 businesses that were burnt to the ground and a number of other nice the neighborhood, and this is some of the damage that was caused by that event. we are seeing the wreckage all
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around the city as well. residents of ferguson are trying to clean up, trying to get their lives back in order, but there is still a feeling of being in a holding pattern. there is a lot of anger and groups gathering at night confronting police officers, so people aren't sure if the worse is over yet. they're hoping that the worst is over. another interesting thing that we've seen walking around the streets and talking to people in ferguson. they're really concerned about the image of their community, and how it's being portrayed locally, nationally, internationally. they say this is not what we're all about, and these violent protests are not what we're all about. there is a lot of sympathy among whites, blacks, all parts of the community for what the protests are trying to achieve. but there is no tolerance for the violent acts like the ones you've seen behind me. you know, this is a theme that
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we're hearing all over as we talk to people. >> thanks so much, kristen saloomey. a member of parliament in iraq is being sentenced to death for his part of the killing of soldiers. and it could have been impact in the fight against the islamic state in iraq and the levant. we have reports from baghdad. >> reporter: the death sentence give to this man could damage the baghdad government's relationship with the very people it's trying to convince to fight isil. a member of parliament and a prominent tribal leader. he's outspoken and critical of the government against the protests. al wani was eventually convicted of killing the two soldiers here
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pictured here in the iraqi army video. his death sentence has divided public opinion. >> the death sentence is inappropriate. you're supposed to be suspended until after the war against isil is over because it will weaken the sunni support needed to win against isil. >> al wani has made grave mistakes against the iraqi people. supporters said they were part of al-qaeda. it's acting unconstitutionally. >> reporter: the leader of the al wani tribe was furious over the news conference held. >> a tribe is considered the buffer zone of ramadi city. at this time we're fighting isil and shedding blood. we're shocked at the death sentence of a brother.
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>> reporter: they feel they're using the law against political enemies. that helped the new prime minister al al abadi get the top job. >> build. >> he needs the sunnies in order to win the battle against isil, particularly in anbar province. there are those who want justice for two dead shoulders and reaching a compromise would be tricky. >> in ramadi the fighting continues as the government thinks about his next move. the al wani's death sentence is being appealed, which should buy them more time. al jazeera, baghdad. >> now it's being reported that 15 iraqi soldiers and the council gunmen have been killed in ramadi. the city is the capsule of the western province of anbar, and they're believed to have died during battles against the isil
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group. isil launched a large-scale offensive against the city five days ago. now seizing the city would give them a stronger grip on the anbar province. let's take you now to cleveland, ohio, where a press conference is being held right now. officials are outlining the latest after the killing of an is it-year-ol is 12-year-old black youth. >> the family decided not to review it. they relied on feedback from their representative. once that was done the family then decided they wanted to see that video. we allowed them to view the video. the family did not want the video released, but after reviewing it and in consultation with their representatives they decided that they would express the wish to us to have it released.
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as part of our investigative process and our review with our units county prosecutors office we take the wishes of the family in mind we're going to release that video along with some audio tapes. i just want people to bear in mind that again this is a 12-year-old boy. we want people to view this video with that in mind, and we would ask that the media, once you get a copy of this, that you consider the family because they're going to have to see this over and over again. with that said i'm going to bring up deputy chief who will give a couple of remarks, and we'll start reviewing some of that audio and video evidence. >> thanks, chief. this afternoon we're going to provide you with the 911 call. we're going to play that first. we're going to play the 911 call
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so you can hear exactly what came in to the dispatch center. we're going to play the call that the dispatcher gave to the officers that responded to the incident. then we're going to show you the video. we're going to show you the video twice. the first time we're going to let it play out in its entirety. the second time there is an narrative that i would like to provide with you, and this is out of respect and with all due compassion for the family, for the officers that were involved, for our community as a whole. it's a very, very difficult time for everybody, and out of respect for them we do want to provide this to the members of our community. so at this time i would like ask tom to start with the original 911 call from a caller.
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>> we're just waiting and watching this live press conference being held in cleveland, ohio, as they try to release some of the evidence related to the shooting of a 12-year-old tamir rice in ohio last weekend. they've announced that they will now be releasing the video and some of the audio recordings, which the family of the victim was opposed to it being released. they seem to have sorted things out in that regard. the police chief and city prosecutor addressing officials and the public. they are now in the process of
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releasing the first of these video and audio clips. we're told that will be the 911 call. >> i'm at west boulevard. >> where are you at, sir? >> i'm sitting at a park west boulevard by the west boulevard trac tack. >> so you're at the station? are you at the rapid station. >> i'm sitting across the street at the park. >> what is the name of the park?
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there is a kid with a gun. gray coat, black sleeves, pants. >> is he black or white. >> black. >> he's in a camel jacket and gray pants? >> no, he has a camouflage hat on. do you know what that is? >> yes. >> his jacket is gray, and it has black sleeves on it. he's sitting on a swing right now. but he's pulling in a stance and pointing it at people. hello? >> do you know the guy? >> no, i do not. i'm getting ready to leave, but
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he's right near the youth center, whatever. he's pulling it in and out of his pants. i don't know if it's real or not. >> we'll send a cop. thank you. >> thank you. >> that was the original call in to dispatch. the next will be the dispatcher dispatching the first district car. >> hey, we have a code one at goodell, everybody is tied up. a guy on the swings pointing a gun at people. we havit was two minutes ago. charlie 2-1, charlie 2-4.
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>> can you go to code one at goodell. >> yes. >> and charlie 2-4, are you able to break? all i have is charlie 2-1. >> we'll take it. the alarm checked okay. >> all right, thanks. 1910 west boulevard. 1910 west boulevard in the park by the youth center a black male sitting on the swings wearing a camouflage hat, gray jacket with black sleeves. he keeps pulling a gun out of his pants and pointing it at people. code one. >> how many calls have you had for that? >> just the one so far.
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male down. black male, maybe 20, black revolver. >> okay. that's the end of the dispatch tape, and our officer calling the incident in to our communication section. now we're going to show the video from the rec center, and just so everybody knows the video is come pressed for time, so it has been compressed. >> all right, we're looking there and listening some of the evidence being released by cleveland, ohio, police department relating to that shooting of a 12-year-old youth tamir rice last weekend. he was shot while carrying what turned out to be a toy gun. this is the actual video of the incident. let's listen in and watch the videos being released.
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now what we understand is that the first audio recording we listened to was the initial report coming from a member of the public saying he had seen a youngster carrying a gun. he wasn't sure if it was a real begun or a toy gun. that sparked the police interest in to this incident that led to the fatal shooting of the 12-year-old. i believe we have kristen saloomey, there we go. there's more video. let's watch that a little bit. >> well, let's bring in kristen
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saloomey, our correspondent standing b by for us live. she joins us at ferguson, which is the center of another incident involving the death of an african-american there. kristen, i'm going to ask you now about the events going on in cleveland, ohio. that's where, as we're talking right now, we're looking at this video that is continuing to be released on the right side of this screen. we understand that that is tamir rice walking around there on the right side of the screen. bring us to speed with the importance of releasing this sort of evidence relating to the case. >> well, it's a pretty shocking move to show the shooting death of this young 12-year-old. i think it speaks to the concern of the authorities to get their
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point of view out there. they are saying that the officer was threatened, that the young man pulled what appeared to be a gun. he had had toy that did not look like a toy. it was a very realistic rep mr. can in hireplica in his waistband. we heard the 911 caller who said he didn't know if it was real, but the youngster was waving it around in a threatening manner and scaring people. but he did say twice that he thought that the gun was probably not real. i think it speaks to the level of tension around the country that this evidence is being put out there for people to judge what is happening. i was just in cleveland before i came here to ferguson, and i can tell you that a lot of people that were talking there were talking about ferguson. they're saying, see, it's not
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just ferguson. we have a history of these problems here in our area as well. here in cleveland as well. this is a problem that we face, and we are viewed as a threat. we're viewed as scary people, but this was a 12-year-old boy. there should have been more caution. there should have been a better way of responding. it really speaks to the level of tension, as i say, that the police department is going to these steps to address the public. >> now, we've already seen the anger expressed on the streets related to what happened in ferguson, missouri, where you are right now where a grand jury decided they're not going to charge a police officer involved in that incident. bring us up to speed with the legal process regarding this incident in cleveland, ohio. where are we at request the investigation and charges?
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>> it is still a very early stage in cleveland. the shooting happened over the last week. the young man died on sunday. the shooting happened on saturday. it is in the preliminary stages. it is likely to follow a similar course of what will happen in ferguson. the officer there as well as has been put on administrative leave pending an investigation. he's off the streets. he will be a grand jury convened, most likely, to look at the evidence and whether or not there is enough evidence to go forward and charge the officer with a crime. but what we've seen here in ferguson and around the country is that the law in the united states is very sympathetic, if you will, to police officers. it gives police officers a lot of leeway when they feel their life is threatened. if they feel that their life is threatened or another life is
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threatened, to use lethal force. it becomes very difficult for a jury, a grand jury or a trial jury to find against a police officer, and often the argument is that these officers have to go to work every day. why would anybody want to do the job if they can't protect themselves as well as protect the community, and so on. but time and again we're seeing that overwhelmingly when lethal force is used, it is a person of color, 21 times more likely to be a person of color shot by a police officer than a white person. and so it's at difficult situation. obviously if there were legal solutions on the front we would not be here. but clearly the message of the demonstrators in ferguson and the sympathetic demonstrations around the country is that this system is not working for parts
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of the united states community. >> there does seem to be the one consistent message coming from the streets. for now thank you so much. kristen saloomey updating us on what we've been seeing and listening to coming out of officials in cleveland, ohio, looking at the video that's being released. you might be able to make out in the middle of the screen. that's tamir rice, the youth who ended up being shot by a police officer, the incident that sparked another wave of concern and anger in the country, a 12-year-old killed carrying a gun, but it turned out to be a toy gun. now we heard from the audio recordings, which have been released so far, the initial calls coming in to police where they can see a youngster pointing a gun at people. i think these are perhaps the usual moments where the youth is
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being approached. it does appear to be a police car. let's see how much we can make out from this video. we can see there what seems to be a couple of police officers exiting their vehicle. surrounding the area where tamir rice-- >> that's the video. once again, you know, out of respect for the family, and how we present this, it's compressed for time, as you can see. the subject is off camera. what we know is that that is a young man, by all means, and to
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the family, the community, and to the officers we know that we're dealing with human beings here and a loss of life, and very challenging time for everybody. so we're going to show that begin. i have a couple of narrations, and then afterwards we'll answer a couple of questions, if you like. >> what we're seeing is the police is going to rewind in clip. >> the gentleman sitting in the gazebo: that's the first caller that you heard.
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[ silence ] >> during this time the view that the caller has, that's what prompts the call. that's the description that he gives us. the call times and the video is consistent. they match up with each other. that's the blurred vision--the blurred vision that you see up there is someone that we have not identified yet, and we're not going to show that, but that is someone that we need to talk to that has not been identified.
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showing where the gun is visible, which i should emphasize to be a toy gun. his interaction with members of the public, and eventually it would lead up to the moment where the youth is approached by police officers, and the video ends with what we understand to be the fatal shooting of the 12-year-old. now according to the police account they challenged him. they asked him to put his hands up in the air, and he failed to comply. this is all, of course, the police counter to what happened. instead, went for the weapon, which was concealed in his clothing. i believe that we have once again kristen saloomey. i understand that this video, of course, is coming out, one tries to calm the public sentiment, and underscore police transparency. but there are a lot of questions which no doubt would continue to
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ask questions about police training and police handling of young people. >> absolutely. i had someone here that i would like to get his opinion on, jason johnson, our political contributor, and he happens to be a current resident in cleveland, are you surprised by this decision to release the video? i understand that you haven't been able to see it. >> no, no, this is actually--this is one of those things that we can say is a lesson from ferguson. police have recognized that transparency early on is a surefire way to make people feel better. i'm not surprised that the family is in agreement to release it. they're going to sue. they're going to seek an indictment and trial. it puts everything out to the community so the community can begin a real discussion as opposed to the cops holding things to the vest and anger
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percolating. >> does the video answer questions? we haven't seen it, but historically these kinds of things can be interpreted in different ways, right? >> well, yes. the video can be interpreted half a dozen different ways. that's what a defense attorney is going to do for the police officers. that's what the police will do for the officers. that's what th for the public. anyone who sees this video and says, look, obviously the police are wrong, they're going to feel justified in their anger. they're going to feel that something was not hidden from them. we can leave the lawyering to the courts. but as far as a public relations battle, this is a very smart move. >> why hasn't cleveland erupted in a way that ferguson has? does it have to do with the public relations aspect of things? >> well, yes, that's part of it. also because cleveland has a halfway competent mayor. frank jackson. he's not the flashiest, and no,
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sir necessarily the most successful mayor but he has been reflected severa reelected several times. he knows how to manage the community in cleveland. there have been riots in cleveland, zoo there is a bit more understanding of what needs to happen going forward when people are upset. i'm not surprised that cleveland is reacting slightly different than ferguson. >> we're seeing cases in new york. cases in california. it seems that they're popping up all over the place. but i guess you would argue that they have been happening for a long time. >> the idea of violence against people of color in this country is not new. it's like violence against women. there has always been violence against women. there has always been violence against people of color. but we're seeing a change in the number of white americans who think it's a problem. in the past they were viewed as a horrible tragedy. but now you have young people, millennials and baby boomers saying the lives of any person
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matters, and we have to do something about the lack of accountability on a police department. >> that is a more positive note to end on. there have been many negative images coming out of ferguson and frustration coming out of the community. but clearly an upon going and important discussion going on across the united states. >> kristen, we'll have to bump in here. let's listen in to the comments now in the evidence they've released. >> the fbi agent is a nationally registered paramedic. so tamir was given first aid in under four minutes and three minutes after that our emergency service medical unit ems showed up, and they provided medical service to the young man. i am going to provide the names of our officers for procedural
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purposes. both of our officers are on administrative leave as per our policy and our protocol with any use of deadly force. that evening for clarification purposes we had members of the use of deadly force investigative team. we have representatives from the office of professional standards. we have representatives from our community relations board. we have the city prosecutor who is out there. we have members of our integrity control section. also numerous members of the community were there, and they were briefed on what took place that evening by myself. the two officers involved officers number one was a passenger officer. officer timothy loman. packag.
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officer number two, the driver of the vehicle, officer frank garmac. badge 1582. he's a 46-year-old male. frank was appointed to the division in february 25, 2008. frank and tim were working that shift together. frank was a certified field training officer. he was also a crisis intervention-trained officer, and tim was new to the cleveland division of police. he started out. he did the tour of duty in the fourth district, and then was assigned to the first district. currently we have obtained statements from our officers, and they will be continued to be on administrative leave. this case will continue to be investigated. all of our findings are going to be turned over to the county
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prosecutor's office for review and for final determine imagination as to what the legal system will provide in this case. but as i said before this is not an effort to exonerate. it's not an effort to show the public that anybody did anything wrong. this is an obvious tragic event where a young member of our community lost their life. we've got two officers that were out there protecting the public that just had to do something that nobody wants to do. so at this time i will answer a couple of questions myself or the chief are available. jack? [inaudible] >> we're watching here a live
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conference being held in cleveland, ohio, where officials are making the case, you could say, for transparency, releasing the names of two police officers involved in the fateful shooting of a 12-year-old, unarmed black african-american youth, releasing audio recordings relating to the incident and realizing video of the incident. police officials there making the point that their efforts at this point is not to exonerate anyone, but to seek due process related to this incident. the incident, involving 12-year-old tamir rice, who was carrying a toy gun. that's something that the police learned only later. they received calls from members of the public complaining that he had been pointing what looked like to be a gun, not knowing if it was real or fake. other members of the public, the police approached him, and the situation ended with the fateful
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shooting of the 12-year-old. we'll bring you more details as i'm sure we'll get them on this case and the other case that is keeping the nation alive, especially on the streets. that is the fatal shooting of another african-american in ferguson, missouri. >> all right, let's shift gears and take to you international news. let's go to the democratic republic of congo. a doctor there has been honored for his work helping thousands of rape victims. he had received one of the prestigious awards. >> he has helped thousands of victims.
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he urged the e.u. to do more to stop it especially in relations with countries in the region which he said allows such crimes to carry on. >> for some here future aid to the region must come with conditions. or even punishment, unless the guilty are brought to justice. >> they should also look into the possibility of establishing smart sanctions, which means like pressuring the government to be outspoken, to denounce these crimes. >> earlier he was urged to talk more about his work. he started an hospital in eastern congo in 1999. he had no idea that he would be treating new victims 15 years
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later. >> the first year i treated 45 cases. and there i asked myself what is going on? i was in the region for 15 years, and i never seen a case like that. so i start to question myself what is going on. and since this time the numbers of victims has just increased each year. >> he's approach to rape of psychological and social repair to help rebuild shattered lives. >> they're in front of the children, in front of their neighbors.
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>> he openly criticized the congolese gunmen about the use of rape. while prizes help he wants the international community to punish the rapists and put pressure on the countries who turn a blind eye. al jazeera, straesberg. >> now th the u.n. mission in darfur was set up in 2007 to protect civilians there and secure aid. but ties between sudan and the mission worsened after the u.n. tried to investigate allegations sudanese soldiers raped 200 women and girls last month. no evidence of the attacks was found, but sudanese soldiers were accused of intimidating
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villages into withdrawing their testimonies. joining us by skype in darfur is the spokesperson. >> we were bound by the u.n. security council, and the africa union security counsel those are mandates at the ends of march, and we're still conducting our duties and charging our responsibilities in protecting civilians under chapter 7 as the other related activities including the mediation between government, and that's taking
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place. they're trying to mediate tribal conflict. >> i understand that you say during forgive me for interrupting, but you say you're going to continue your mandate until march. do you suspect--we understand that you've been asked by the authorities to start providing an exit strategy for the plan of getting out and ending the mission. do you suspect the reason for that was because you began in investigating allegations that sudanese soldiers engaged in rape? >> well, of course i can't relate on the government's intentions. what we know is that we received a formal letter from the government of sudan saying that we--there is a need for us to consider this.
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offehowever, this is not new. it has been going on for quite some time, and it is indicated in u.n. security council resolution 2173 that the mission that needs to take place. the mission wouldn't last forever. >> our time is getting short. briefly, can you confirm reports that you suspect witnesses they spoke to concerning the rape allegations were intimidated by the sudanese army. can you confirm briefly? >> well, i can't--what we have done is we have gone in, and we found no evidence of-- >> i understand that's what you found.
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it's been reported that you reported that back to the united nations security council. is that correct? >> well, what was reported to the security council is the finding of the mission, which we have not found any evidence. >> we'll have to leave it there. i'm terribly sorry, but we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much. >> egypt's state news agencies reporting 78 people have been jailed up to five years for belonging to the banned muslim brotherhood. they have been found taking part of protests demanding the down fall of the government. they're also charged with obstructing traffic. al jazeera continues to demand the release of three journalists who have been held in prison in egypt for 333 days. mohamed fahmy, bader mohammed, and peter greste all jailed on charges of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood, which of course they deny, and they're appealing those convictions. journalists from around the
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world have united around the world in support of al jazeera staff jailed in egypt. they have called again for the reporters to be freed. the plea for their release was made during the international press freedom awards. the british government has introduced some of the most far-reaching anti-terrorist legislation the country has ever seen. the sweeping reforms will allow the government to follow students in universityings and online conversations. >> here it seems one of the new front lines in the british government campaign in what people in newspapers call homegrown terrorists. university campuses say the government should have not only stop extremists from the platform but in the future they'll have to prove it, too, and the government also hold them to their word. >> when the government and security agencies tell us that the threat we face is now more dangerous than at any time before or since 9/11, we should take notice. and offer careful analysis and
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thorough preparation where we can tighten our laws and toughen the capabilities around us, we should. >> many universities say they're already doing their duty, particularly if the alternative at issue are denied. a bubble debate. >> we don't have genuine, difficult debate underground because it's out in the open. it can be regulated, looked in to and people can feedback to members of staff and say that it was criminal. >> what gives you life is jihad. >> but the government thinks the time is right for all this. specifically, that's because a number of british men have gone out to fight with isil in iraq. the new rules won't allow them back home where it's feared they might take out their aggression on the streets. and in an temp attempt to stop another event where a british soldier was hacked to death by two islamic converts.
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some suggest that the attack might have been prevented if such powers had existed. >> they place the responsibility directly on the community. schools, hospitals, local authorities to answer directly to the government in its fight against terrorism. many people would see that as a good thing, a form of national service, but to others it's a direct assault on the civil liberties of british muslims. >> this government and the previous government are attempting to use the law, criminal law and other laws to manage their views, their ideas, their education. every aspect. if possible it's a crude way of possibly redefining the religion. >> with a very few exceptions people already well-known to the security services every muslim
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organization in the u.k. has condemned isil. yet the underlying suggestion in this new set of proposals is that the government remains unconvinced that britain's muslims can police themselves. al jazeera, london. >> now the world's first research center devoted to facial reconstruction has opened in london. it will collect data from around the world on treating conditions like cleft palates and facial traumatic injuries. we went along to take a look. >> annie is happy. not unusual for a 10-month-old playing with her brother. but if you look closely annie has a large blood vessel tumor that stopped her from smiling. >> we would be in a park and there would be people surrounding the buggy, and she would be smiling at them and going from face-to-face generating a smiling at her. they would not be smiling back because they would be staring at
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the tomber. >> the tumor was removed last month and the tomber is back. annie's surgeon is ian hutchinson, and the force behind the national research center. >> what is the psychological aspect of this woman with a scar here and what is the psychological aspect of people who see her. what are you going to think is why can't we make scars invisible. >> the new center is designed to answer those questions. it will collect data from around the world on treating conditions like cleft palates and traumatic facial injuries, and bring together surgeons, o oncologists. >> the mask is a good mask. if i take the glasses off, you can see just the extent of what's going on. >> skin from josh's left eye was
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used to enclose his eye. in the future doctors may not need to do additional operations to harvest skin. >> technology is helping reconstruction. models made by 3d printers allow surgeons to use it for risky operations. and making skin and other parts for facial reconstruction. >> the face is how we breathe, how we eat. it's the most social part of our body. how we look is important to our psychological well-being. so it's about time the world has a medical research center devoted to it. jessica baldwin, al jazeera, london. >> that brings us to the end of this al jazeera news hour. but you can, of course, stay up-to-date with all the news. if you head over to our website, you can see our front page there with our lead story, the situation there in the state of missouri. we'll be back at the top of the hour. don't go too far.
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>> a conflict that started 100 year ago, some say, never ended... revealing... untold stories of the valor... >> they opened fire on the english officers... >> sacrifice... >> i order you to die... >> and ultimate betrayal... drawing lines in the sand that would shape the middle east and frame the conflict today >> world war one: through arab eyes only on al jazeera america
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. >> speaking for the first time since learning that thei learning that the man who shot their son will not face charges. their struggle goes on. >> this is al jazeera live from london. also coming up. celebrations of a congolese doctor for his work on thousands of rape victims. the widow of one of the palestinian many who
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