tv News Al Jazeera November 29, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EST
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production is huge... >> no noise, no clutter, just real reporting. the new al jazeera america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now >> o announcer: this is al jazeera. welcome to the newshour. live from our headquarters in doha. the top stories celebration in the courthouse as the deposed egyptian leader hosni mubarak is acquitted of all charges a poll seen as a test of taiwan's relations with china also this hour - hoping to
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strengthen the vatican's ties with islam. pope francis makes a key visit to istanbul. [ ♪ music ] and using ballet to honour venezuela elcomondante we begin in egypt where former president hosni mubarak has been cleared of all charges after his latest retrial. he'd been accused of conspiring to kill protesters during the 2011 resolution and was facing charges of corruption. this was the reaction inside the court, after the verdicts were handed down. hosni mubarak and his sons, former interior minister and six aides were cleared of charges. before delivering his ruling the
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judge warned anyone making trouble in the court would face a year in prison. let's take a look at the charges ruled on today. the court threw out charges for killing protesters, and cleared six of his aides on charges. corruption charges of hosni mubarak and his son were thrown out on a technicality. hosni mubarak was cleared of corruption charges over sending gas to israel with a co-used, an aide, to hosni mubarak. here is how the judge explained his ruling. >> translation: it is not suitable for a former president to be taken to a criminal court, according to the terms and conditions of the criminal law, or to determine the things he did wrong in his political responsibilities, even those mentioned in the activation
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list. >> hosni mubarak will not walk free. he was serving a 3-year sentence on other charges. he led egypt for three decades. omar al saleh looks back on his career. >> reporter: hosni mubarak was the president for 30 years and was defiant up until the final days of his rule, despite overwhelming public opposition. hosni mubarak was a military man who was never meant to be president. the height of his 30 year air force career was egypt's victory over israel in the sinai peninsula in 1973, helping to make him a national hero. the president made hosni mubarak his deputy, and he came to power after sadat was assassinated. regarding as an elder statesman, he was criticized for policies criticising the arab popularity.
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he encouraged good relations with the united states, resulting in billions in financial and military aid. for 20 years only his name was allowed to appear on presidential ballots. that changed in 2005. a ban on the country's biggest opposition, the muslim brotherhood stayed in pleas. it wasn't simply a shortage of political freedom that led to his downfall. simmering public anger over police brutality, corruption and deep economic problems boiled over into the revolution of 2011. after 18 days of protests and more than 800 killed at the hands of security, hosni mubarak was forced to step down on february 1st, 2011. the supreme council of armed forces stepped in, he'll be remembered as a polarizing figure, but hosni mubarak has been spared the black mark of a
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murder conviction our senior analyst is here in the studio. charges against hosni mubarak and his aides dropped. yet those that protested are in gaol. what does it say about the egyptian justice system? >> is this is the new reality. unfortunately the verdict does not bode well for the egyptian future. many people thing of it as a return to the dark era of the past. and many of it, including, for example, the april 6th movement that led the egyptian movement in 2011 call it the cc hosni mubarak regime, meaning this is the old forces and the new forces, the military and the security state. this is going to put pressure on the judiciary. making sure that it is
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independent to try such a security - you know, officials and the former president, and hence we have a judge saying this shouldn't have been here in the first place, but the president should have been put on trial, and, you know, in so many ways, diminishing the number of dead and injured. i was there back at the time. we reported - al jazeera was there heavily in egypt. every day there were hundreds of injured. to claim that there were 1,000 plus injured, that's a new reality in egypt. >> what is the message. there's no doubt it was a trial that was heavily politicized. what is the message from the egyptian government, and how will it go down with the egyptian people? >> basically trying to bury much of what was accomplished between january and february 2011. they were trying to bury and turn the page from the egyptian
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revolution. all the calls for freedom, justice and democracy basically are now buried with one verdict that says the error of the past was the right error. the crack down against peaceful protests was the right thing. we have a situation where you tell the people if you protest peacefully, if you join the democratic process, you end up in gaol. if you crack down, you oppress and are corrupt, you'll be a free man. >> you think it's unlikely people will take to the streets after the verdict. >> what is clear is the egyptian middle is scathing. many are being discouraged from joining the political process. everyone that had an idea that this could be an opening, that the regime is opening up to the forces of change - now this has been closed. the door is shut.
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to those that wanted positive change, the door is open to the old forces of the old state, and it does not bode well. >> thank you marr won al jazeera continues to demand the release of three journalists held in prison in egypt for 336 days. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed were gaoled on false charges of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood. they are appealing against their convictions. now to afghanistan - camp bastian army base is under attack. 26 taliban fighters and eight afghan soldiers have been killed. the taliban claimed possibility for the assault. british forces handed over the base to the afghan army in late october, coming two days after an attack on foreign targets in kabul killed two british embassy
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employees. the attack on camp bastian has been going on for some time. what are you hearing? >> we spoke to a helmand police spokesperson and, yes, that death toll 26 taliban fighters, 26 killed in a suicide explosions when they detonated their explosive devices. 20 killed in a firefight. we are hearing of 8 ana. 8 afghan army killed in that battle, and at least 18 wounded. we are hearing from a police spokesperson that the taliban fighters are hiding in bunkers close to camp bastian. the bunkers built by foreign forces when the camp was set up. this is a gigantic camp. it runs at about 7km long, 4km wide, set up in 2005, was handed
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over to the afghan national army last month. it's an indication of how brazen the taliban have become. this attack we first started hearing reports of it on thursday night, as you say, in the wake of that attack in kabul on a foreign-run guest house. there was an attack on the british embassy vehicle. we are having attacks in kabul almost every day and across the country. the taliban made the promise. they said that they would continue, escalate their attacks on foreign targets and the afghan national army in the wake of an agreement made by the afghan parliament. for foreign forces to remain in the country on training afghan forces after the end of this year. it seems as if the taliban are keeping their promise. >> charles stratford in kaboom, thank you for the update the arab league is meeting in cairo to discuss tensions in
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jerusalem over access to holy sites. mahmoud abbas, palestinian president held discussions ahead of the meeting. joining us from ramallah, naz reem, tell us what is being discussed at the meeting in cairo? >> well, in addition to the issues you mentioned, jerusalem, al-aqsa, and the wave of violence in jerusalem and the occupied west bank, they are expected to discuss the palestinian move to go to the united nations to get a security council resolution to end the israeli occupation within two years, based on the 1967 lines. so we know that they are going to talk about that. they are expecting to garner arab support for the initiative and the mood that the united nations. palestinian officials told us they expect support from the arab countries, and the cou
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countries to lobby. we do know that the palestinian president should have made the moffatt the u.n., within three weeks of making the announcement at the united nations general assembly, at a speech he gave in september, to say that he was trying to secure such resolution. there has been a delay according to a senior palestinian official. he is expected to make the move within days. >> why is there a delay going to the security council for a resolution to end israeli occupation? >> well, there are many reasons. palestinian officials told us, firstly that the palestinians wanted to secure nine out of 15 boats from members of the security council, they have not been able to do that. there's a lot of pressure on the palestinian authority and organization not to make the move. the palestinians fear that the
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u.s. would possibly veto a resolution of the security council, because in the past the u.s. has done so when it comes to resolution that condemns israel. and there are fears that they may cut off financial support and aid to the palestinian authority. they'll discuss that. this raises a question of whether arab countries would be able to support the authority financially. some observers and analysts said over many years arab countries pledged support for the palestinian authority to fund projects, but have not really fulfilled these obliges. so that will be discussed as well, and a lot of u.s. pressure. john kerry, the secretary of state told mahmoud abbas that he'd come back with suggestions, ideas, altrn tifs for going -- altrn tifs for going to the
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security council. until now we understand they have not been put forth and this is causing the delay. >> saturday is u.n. international solidarity day with the palestinian people. al jazeera launched on interactive website in four languages. the projects took 21 hours of documentary films from the network, allowing users to take bits and pieces to create their own cliff. it aims to be a resource for those wanting to know more about the israeli, palestinian conflict nigeria's president vowed that the perpetrators of friday's of course attack in kano will be brought to justice. more than 100 were killed as they prayed in the main mosque. we have this report much [ gun fire ] >> reporter: witnesses say the scene after the explosions was
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panned moanium. bodies were strewn across the area as people ran in different directions, one witness said there was a stampede as people tried to escape the scope, and it caused more fatalities, particularly among children. angry young many took to the streets over frustration of the inability of the government to stop boko haram's violence. they burnt fears and attacked police cars. security forces ultimately contained them. anger has been building over the attacks in the last few months, particularly as they head towards on election next year. >> this will fuel that speculation that the nigerian government has its foot on the break, in terms of trying to actually take an aggressive response to boko haram. >> just last week the traditional ruler made unusual remarks urging nigerians to defend themselves against insecurity. a reference to boko haram, and a
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swipe at the government's handling of the radical group's action. the government and the military stay boko haram has been sustaining losses. a number of bombings targetting crowded areas in the north show how the group appears intent on sending a message. it's still able to strike at will and at the heart of some of the country's crowded areas. there's much more ahead on the al jazeera newshour, as anger continues in ferguson, missouri. the united nations committee against torture tells the u.s. to investigate police brutality also we'll tell you why residents in the kenyan border town of mann dara are living in fear. ahead in sports... >> we share in the deep pain that you are feeling. >> australia cricket captain michael clarke pays tribute to
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philip hughes who died on thursday, as the first test match against india is postponed. pope francis is in istanbul on the second leg of a 3-day visit to turkey. the pontiff was welcomed by bartholomew the 1st. tell us more about what is on the agenda, bernard smith, in istanbul. for the pope. >> the pope left in the last 5-10 minutes. it is open to tourists that have been waiting, to come and see the sites. hugely important for christianity, and a symbolic visit. this was the most important
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church. in the capital of the bisignificant tine empire. it was a church until otto mans took over. and at the founding of a modern turkish empire, it was converted. the pope spent half an hour to tur. before that he went to a mask, an apparent mask, and was shown around by istanbul's top leader. he paused and we saw the pope turn towards mecca. spent a long time, actually. a significant gesture by the pope, who is here to try to bring or bridge muslim and christian relations. he's left the area and gone to
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the vatican's mission in istanbul, and will be taking mass. >> thank you so much. bernard smith live in istanbul. >> this is the fourth visit by the head of a catholic church to turkey. paul vi was the first to visit in 1967. in 1980 pope john paul followed, making the first trip to anchora. his visit was controversial, coming after a coup. and benedict predecessor wept no 2006. following comment in which he blamed islam for some religious violence. let's talk to peter smith, a speaker with catholic voices, joining us from london. good to have you with us. >> thank you very much. >> an important trip for the pope here, trying to reach out to the muslim world. do you think he can succeed where others have not really
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succeeded. does he have greater credibility, if you will, in the muslim world. >> he has a lot of credibility with muslims he's been friends with muslim leaders for years when he was a priest and then a bishop. he's a jesuit. that order is all around the world. in terms of muslim leaders in turkey, i don't know if he has specific relations. he's an affable man, who will do a lot to build bridges with the muslim world. >> how does he build the bridges, as you say, with the muslim world. >> yesterday he addressed turkish leaders. as he mentioned, the common friendships in the common book between christians, jews and muslims. he visited the holy land and made good over tours. through his personal friendships, public speeches and
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through the work and the vatican diplomatic core. so he has all sorts of instruments at his disposal to build up the bridges. also bridging, reuniting two branches of catholicism. what is - tooted, what is the difference. the divisions between the two branches, as deep as they were. is there theo logical differences. can the pope succeed in righting these divisions of the church. >> the divisions between the east and western churns were historic. they were united for longer before that, or a substantial period before that. they are a mixture of theo logical differences and political differences too. putting that to one side, what can he do? he's good friends with the
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ecumenical patriarch. bartholomew came to his inauguration. he is open to francis, i think there's a personal friendship between the two. they write to each other, for instance. so what can they do. they can continue what the ecumenical councils have down to discuss the theo logical differences. i think francis accused it of being in the wider portfolio. he doesn't see christian suffering as being a question of catholic, protestant or orthodox. he sees it as a unity and blood. they were suffering in northern syria. i think he sees their plight as being a way in which the east and we were churches come closer
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together. >> peter smith from catholic voices joining us from london. >> the united nations committee against torture asked the united states to investigate and prosecute police brutality. it's the first review of mebbing's record on preventing torture, coming in the wake of protests in response to a grand jury's decision not to charge a white police officer who killed an unarmed black teenager in ferguson, missouri. >> we have reports of widespread extensive use of force by the police, and this gives rise to concern, of course, and also that some of - some vulnerable groups, including ethnic groups, backs, have been particularly targeted. >> 16 people were arrested in ferguson, missouri, the protesters were on the street
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demanding equality before the law. police ordered people to disperse, before arresting those who remained. in san francisco, hundreds marched though the downtown area, packed with black friday shoppers, another group chained themselves to trains. more than 300 have been arrested in a week of protests a leading human rights activist in china pleaded not guilty to charges of disturbing publish order. he organised rallies for media freedom. the hearing lasted all night, ending at 2:50 on saturday morning when he nearly fainted from hunger. adrian brown has more from beijing. >> this is sensitive because court officials will not confirm that the hearing is taking pleas. all we have are reports carried by a number of reliable news organizations, if they are true,
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they paint a troubling picture. according to one report the trial began 9am, carried into the afternoon and evening. it was adjourned at 2:50am local time saturday morning when both the defendants appeared close to collapse because they had had little a.b.c. to food throughout the handwriting. one on those on trial is activist and writer yang maodong known by a pen name. he is charged with creating public disorder. he stood outside a newspaper office in january 2013, calling for an end to media censorship in china. the other dissident has been accused of the same crime. he had been calling on government officials to disclose financial assets. his plight is ironic, giving the crackdown on corruption ordered
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by president xi jinping this year. human rights groups say they are seeing a tightening of freedom of expression. pointing to the trial of a journalist, 70, accused of leaking state secrets. if she is convicted she'll spend the rest of her life in gaol. in the last few weeks, 76 people have been arrested in china for supporting the protests taking place in hong kong, calling for democratic reform. >> now for a check on the weather. news of a tropical storm little vietnam. >> that's right. heavy rain making its way out of the philippines. it's not process of running westward. it's on the verge of hitting vietnam. the outer areas have been lashing the region. it has peaked in intensity. we are looking at sustained
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winds, at 100 k/hr. gusts at 130. damaging winds. it will dissipate quickly as it makes its way inland. we really are becoming concerned about the rainfall that we could see over the next couple of days. there's plenty of rain across the central and southern parts of the vietnam. it will make its way west wards, and we see the wetter weather transferring across to the gulf of thailand. brighter skies coming back. plenty of showers, longer spells of rain filtering across a good part or the southern sections of bay of bengal. colombo had 92mls of rain. there was a delay in the cricket between sri lanka as a result of the wet weather. it's easing, but we have showers around for the southern parts of india and sri lanka, with the
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possibility of flooding later on thank you so much everton. still ahead on the newshour - a trickle of results from namibia's election an electronic voting system peens a peedier -- means a speedier outcome. we explore why birth rates in the gaza strip is high rory mcilroy has a rough day at the office. raul has the details later in the newshour. stay with us - back after this short
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welcome back, you are watching the al jazeera newshour. former egyptian president mubarak has been cleared of all charges after his latest trial. he'd been accused of conspiring to kill protesters, and was facing charges of corruption. >> pope francis is in istanbul on the second leg of his 3-day visit to turkey. the pontiff was welcomed by phyllome the 1st and he toured the mosque in istanbul nigeria's president vowed that the mosque will be brought to justice. more than 100 were killed as they prayed in the main mosque. let's get more on the verdicts in egypt. and the court is deciding to throw out charges against former president hosni mubarak.
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joining us the political analyst, an assistant professor of thought and culture at qatar university. thank you for being with us. first of all, your reaction after hearing that hosni mubarak had been cleared of all the charges? >> my first reaction is that a few months ago on al jazeera english, when i was inclited when the court had decided - and this is the scenarios that they are doing. the constep, and it will come out and let them be free. today is a clear sign that it is the day of the 25th january resolution. it was not hosni mubarak. it was the 25th revolution was on trial.
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all those people who put their life, the blood, and they were martyred during the resolution - they lost. for a simple reason. it is the same corruption, the same corrupted state that hosni mubarak - that they have been doing for the last 30 years. it's the same state. you wouldn't imagine or expect that they will do anything different. it was a commonsense that this would happen. >> the judge said something interesting - and i want to hear your thoughts - he said hosni mubarak, a former president, shouldn't have been tried. >> this is something crazy. if you compare an elected president coming after the resolution, he's taking to court... >> mohamed mursi you are saying.
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>> he was taken to court. banned from talking in court and put in a glass chamber. hosni mubarak, who had been in corruption for the last 30 years, killed many in indirect ways through corruption, and was given the chance to not only speak, but to make a - televise a message. and then, he was given the opportunity to stay in hospital. 5-star hospital and get treatment. he had his family members day in and day out in hospital, visiting him. for the last 30 years of corruption. this other guys, part of the revolution, was put in trial, was banned from people visiting and speaking and his members were arrested, killed. we'll find other judges sending
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his members to death. >> you said in your view this is a verdict against the revolution of 2011. what does it mean then for all the activists who are in gaol in egypt, for people like the former president. this is not good news for them, is it. >> it's definitely not good news, and the state, the deep state is exposing itself in its all clear face. we are back in power. >> the military. >> mubarak's people. >> mubarak's people. >> yes, they are coming there. you made the mistake you let us be here, you shouldn't have given up the chance, but you gay us the chance. that is what happened. not only old muslim brotherhood president, there's a lot of people in prison who are not muslim brotherhood. they are sentenced to years. we have girls that have been raped. people shot dead in the veet.
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yesterday five were killed in the street for protesting. it is hosni mubarak, state-backed in full power. >> thank you for sharing your views with us. egyptian political analyst in the studio. it will be interestingly to see how people react in egypt in the coming cause. thank you voting is underway in taiwan's elections. thousands of candidates are running for mayors and counsellors. the biggest test before the 2016 presidential election. the pro-china party could face defeat in the capital. >> let's speak to jacobs. a professor of asian languages and studies at the monash university. thank you for joining us on al jazeera. how closely do you think the chinese are watching the elections. how worried about the possibility are they, about the
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opposition returning to power? >> i think they are watching very closely, and the opposition did well, more than i think most of us could have hoped for, if you were supportive of the tdp. we had an overwhelming victory. it looks like the tmt held six seats, and of the big seats they held one. it's close to the call on that one. they lost everything else. there were places that they hoped to retain, they lost, and even a place in the north-west of taiwan, has been strongly kmt, looks like they lost that place as well. >> it's been an overwhelming democratic progressive party victory. >> do you think it will be an opposition victory. a lot of young people, it seems. liking hong kong in taiwan seem to be concerned about china's
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growing influence. do you think it's a generational issue, the young people in taiwan concerned about china's power and influence, or is it a genuine concern. >> if you look at taiwan's history, it's never been part of china. it's an independent place that the chinese claimed. they didn't claim taiwan as part of china until 1942. it's a recent thing they stated. the chinese have been unreasonable. the current government is perceived to have tried to work too closely with the chinese, and the chinese have not given them back what they were hoping for. the current government is trying to work with the chinese, set up economic agreements, but the perception here is that the economic agreements have not been well netted, and then, when the -- negotiated, and then when
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the government made statements. for example, supporting hong kong. i think the chinese have been upset about that, and the chinese have made statements saying taiwan belongs on a one country, two systems basis, and the president opposed that. there's international issues. food safety has been strong there has been a scandal where industrial oils were used instead of food oils. this sh the fault of the government. the government has not performed well, and it came back the power. it's the second transition of power, on the paces that the old d.p.p. government upped the president was not -- under the president was not operating wment. but the government -- well. but the government today is not operating well and the people of taiwan made it clear, and they are unhappy. we have a statement...
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>> unfortunately - sorry to interrupt you, i apologise, we'll have to leave it there. thank you for your insight. thank you for joining us life from taipei voters in bahrain are returning to the poll. opposition parties boycotted the vote, the first since arab spring-inspired protests in the island nation. officials say half of registered voters participating last week. the leading opposition group rejects that figure. counting is under way in africa's first electronic vote, with 10 cop state unsies. the ruling party had 27% of the vote. the presidential and parliamentary elections were expected to deliver a comfortable win for the ruling party. and has been running the country since independence in south
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africa in 1990 now, to kenya where the gore are of mun dara warned that al-shabaab fighters infiltrated the boarder town, tensions are high a week after the group attacked a bus killing 28 people. many fears there could be uncrest. katherine sawyer reports. >> this woman's husband was killed in sent. he was a government official, a chief. unidentified me came to their home with guns and hand grenades. he was caught in the gunfire. this woman is recovering from shrapnel. >> translation: he told me that he escaped his attackers. i don't know if it was al-shabaab or not. >> the governor here is more certain about his attackers. there has been attempts on his
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life. last month a grenade was thrown at his convoy. >> judging from the i.e.d.less, which is about six different i.e.d.s that exploded, we believe that they have been infiltrated the town. there is clear and present danger in terms of the presence of this terror cells. >> mandera seems like a town under siege. it's at the porous border with somalia. elders say men suspected of being al-shabaab fighters, and their leaders have sympathizers who host them. >> translation: you can't tell who they are. they look like you and i. sometimes they dress as security forces. >> the biggest target is government employees, buildings and vehicles. >> the cars were destroyed when
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people threw petrol bombs into the police station last year. four police men were killed in the attack. later in the year the station was targeted a second time. here he launched a rocket propelled grenade. they were home to bomb attacks in the last two years. the government promised to beef up security. such assurances have been made in the past. and many who live in this isolated town do not trust the government any more. >> the french president promised to send aid to countries affected bit the ebola virus. francis hollande was the first western head of state to visit since the ebola outbreak in december last year. the french president is in the region to take part in a summit of french-speaking countries, taking place in the senegalese
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country. hoda abdel-hamid, what is on the agenda for francis hollande? >> well, the ofeecial theme initial theme of the conference was supposed to be the empower. of women and use. it's the ebola outbreak that will overshadow the conference. there'll be talk about the political situation in burundi and the central african republic. a lot to talk about between francis hollande and also all the other leaders who are here. 77 member state are attending this conference in this building behind me. there's a little delay in the start of the conference, but we should hear from the outgoing secretary-general of the organization very soon, and we'll hear from the president of d.r.c., and francis hollande will speak. obviously all eyes and ears will be on francis hollande, as his -
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he has come under criticism by members of - specially here in africa, his position during the burundi crisis has raised questions. after that some of his remarks made people wonder whether he would interfere in african affairs. some say he wants to play a bigger role in african affairs, to overshadow a bit of the political crisis at home. >> i was going to ask you how relevant he is. do people care about the summit and france's influence? >> the summit is happening in this beautiful setting, a building that has been constructed purply for this. away from here, 20 miles away from here in the capital dakar, we have been asking people what they think about this. it's irrelevant. a lot of the young people don't really care. someone was telling me that
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there's a stark difference between the reception president obama had here a year ago and how this conference is happening with all these leaders here, and nobody really cares. people say what they want is how this can change their daily lives and bring about economic development, opportunity for the youth, and they are not pinning their hopes for that on this conference. >> thank you, al jazeera's hoda abdel-hamid live in senegal for us. >> in venezuela, there are calls for an having into the death of 35 prisoners. prison officials say they died after drinking a poisonous mix of prescription drugs and alcohol to protest against inhumane treatment. some family members question that version of event. large families are traditional in gaza. mothers have an average of four children making fertility one of
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the highest. social practices influence the birth rates. many parents say it's their national duty to keep the palestinian operation growing. in the final part of our series ferguson has this report from gaza. >> reporter: children are everywhere in garza. in one of the most densely packed regions of world, half of all the people living here are younger than 18. 19 children are growing up in this family. haas an is their grandfather. he had sex sons of his on and said children are crucial to fighting israel. >> translation: a revolutionary nation that sacrifices a lot. some of our children are killed, some are gaoled by the israelis, we have to compensate such losses by making more. it's in our blood to have chin, so we can free palestine.
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>> reporter: two of his sons died fighting in armed groups in the gaza strip. their sons will grope you to take his place in the struggle. >> not all parents imagine them growing up to become fighters. the majority sees the large families as a way of increasing the population, winning a demographic struggle with israel. this clinic is packed. women come to ask for advice on growing their families. >> things that they are in - out of the political conflict in the area. we are occupied country, and we are trying - people have the belief that occupation will be driven out by part of the weapons that are being used, is this demotraffic factor.
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>> children here are often the casualties in wars with israelis. this summer's conflict killing over 500 of them. a ceasefire holds, and they play freely in the streets, swelling the ranks of the next generation of palestinians still ahead on the al jazeera nour, all the sport. including real madrid on the verge of yet another racket. all the details in just a moment.
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raul is here with the sport. we'll start with cricket and the australian team announced that their first test match against india, due to start next thursday has been postponed following the death of philip hughes. the funeral of the 25-year-old batsman who died on thursday after being struck by a ball will take place on wednesday in his home town of macksville in new south wales. the first test due to be played at the gabba has been delayed. earlier the australian captain michael clarke revealed his number 64 shirt worn during the one-day international matches will be retired. >> apart from when he was at home on the farm with his beloved cattle. he was at home playing with his mates. hughesy would say where where
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else would you rather be boys, than playing cricket. last night i asked if hughesy's one day international shirt number 64 could be retired. to which they agreed. >> that means so much. >> there was a minute's silence in colombo. once again the sri lankans bowled the tourists out for 185 in play, sri lanka 100/2 off 22 overs. meanwhile new zealand skipper hit 102 as his side dominated. kane williamson is nearing a double 100. they were 488/3. >> former baltimore ravens running back ray rice won the appeal of his indefinite
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suspension by the n.f.l. he was released from his team and suspended in september for violating the n.f.l.'s personal conduct policy after a video of him hitting his fiance was made public. rice has been re-instated and is eligible to sign with any team. >> following an impressive defeat. liverpool will turn things around when they host stoke. brendan robert's side are without a win. he hopes his players can use it. disappointing start to the season as a catalyst for the campaign survival. >> a few months ago i was the manager of the year. now i'm up for the sack. it's part of the football. short termism, thinking talks around it. all you can do is focus on the immediate job and what you can
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control. another thing looking to bounce back after a poor run of games, arsenal. season down in eighth pleas. manchester united are home to hull, looking for third consecutive win. championship leaders away at sunderland. going nine clear at the top. >> "real money" can make a club record on saturday, if they can extend their winning track to 16 games. wednesday saw carlos ancelotti's men progress. >> translation: form's game will be difficult because we will fight against a team that is having great success and a great seep. a team that is playing a better seep than pele greeny's team.
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it's a team playing well. before the defeat against atletico it won five consecutive maps. we have to be careful with the became because we need to do the best to win. >> it's a 3-way tie. the world number one rory mcilroy is not one of those after he shot a disappointing 5-over-par 76. unable to get out of the rough on the ninted hole, resulting and a trimle bogie. gordon spears and brett chalmers leading. >> raptors beaten on friday. the raptors came into the game on a 6-game winning track but could not deal with a mavs guard, monta ellis. 15 points came in the time quarter. despite the win, they are one
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place behind san antonioo spurs, who are third. australian stephanie gilmore won her sixth surfing title despite meaning knocked out. the deciding round between karissa moore and tyler wright. moore scored highest, it was gilmore with the most points for the i can't remember, winning the 20 -- for the year, winning the 2014 world title. that is all the sport for now thank you so much. now to venezuela, where ballet based on the life of former president hugo chavez began on saturday. it's the latest tribute to the late leader. >> reporter: the whip, the skinny one and elcommandante. he has called many thin, hugo chavez - the man in tight was
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not one of them. this is his latest portrayal in a ballet honouring the leader who died of cancer last year. >> the play has many socialist messages, maniesages from the people. it's not just a tribute to hugo chavez, it's a tribute to the people. he's part of this great community. >> this traces chavez's humble beginnings as a sweet seller. it's bade on anecdotes he shared in political speeches during his 14 years as president. critics called it government propaganda, a charge denied. >> for us it's important. it's part of the message, that this is a ballet, a political ballet. it's a work of art, not a brochure nearly two years after his
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death, chavez looms large in public life. across venezuela, his image adorns walls and buildings. some receive him with state-like status. 10,000 students have been attracted to the institute. >> translation: commander chavez's daughter is in a programme called "hello president", this is a continuation of those classes and his teachings. >> reporter: in academics and ard hugo chavez is a leading man in venezuela all right. stay with us on al jazeera. plenty more world news coming up. we'll have more rehabilitation to the verdict in egypt. hearing former president hosni mubarak of all charges, being cleared, including that of kling protesters during the 2011
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>> native families divided by foster care >> anytime they see a social worker, the immediate response is.... they're here to take my kids >> defending kids... >> they didn't protect my children, they traumatized them >> or destroying cultures >> this is about as adversarial as it gets... >> fault lines, al jazeera america's
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hard hitting... >> today they will be arrested... >> ground breaking... they're firing canisters of gas at us... emmy award winning investigative series... the fight for native families only on al jazeera america >> america stands on the brink of a new cold war with russia. i adjourned t i journeyed to the front lines, on deposits of oil and natural gas, i'll give you the firsthand look at how acialght arctic melting has fueled, new economy and an icon who hasn't ever taken his eye off russia. i'm ali velshi and this is "real money."
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